IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS SUBSIDIARY LISTING Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num - ber): 24 (2008) Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Elena Mitova Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 30-35 mil lion Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 55-60% Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 60-65% Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 90-95% Prin ci pal Prod ucts: GLIVEC (antineoplastic other) ZOMETA (bone cal cium reg u la tor) FEMARA (cytostatic hor mone an tag o nist) TRILEPTAL (antiepileptic) LEPONEX (antipsychotic) Ther a peu tic Range: antineoplastics 17% musculoskeletal drugs other 12% renin-an gio ten sin sys tem agents 12% antiepileptics 11% cytostatic hor mone ther apy 11% Lead ing Dose Forms: coated tab lets 30% tab lets 24% cap sules 22% in fu sions 12% liq uids 5% SANDOZ Full Name: Sandoz Pharmaceuticals d.d. Street Ad dress: Busi ness Park So fia, Build ing 8, floor 6, 1715 So fia Tel: +359 2 970 4747 Fax: +359 2 970 4757 De scrip tion: Rep re sen ta tive of fice. Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 22-24 mil lion Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 50-55% Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 70-75% Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 80-85% Prin ci pal Prod ucts: OSPAMOX (pen i cil lin broad spec trum) DICLAC (antirheumatic non-steroidal; antirheumatic top i cal) AMOKSIKLAV (pen i cil lin broad spec trum) OSPEXIN (cephalosporin) LOPEDIUM (mo til ity in hib i tor) Ther a peu tic Range: antibacterials sys temic 46% anti rheu ma tics sys temic 10% cough and cold prep a ra tions 7% an ti bi ot ics, sulphonamides and antivirals top i cal 6% antidiarrheals, elec tro lyte re plac ers, in tes ti nal anti-inflammatorie s 6% Lead ing Dose Forms: coated tab lets 31% tab lets 22% cap sules 11% liq uids 9% am poules 7% CANADA CIBA VI SION Full Name: CIBA Vi sion Can ada Inc. Street Ad dress: 2150 Torquay Mews, Mississauga, On tario, L5N 2M6 Tel: +1 905 821-4774 Fax: +1 905 821-8106 Home Page: Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Swit zer land (100%) NOVARTIS Full Name: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Can ada Inc Street Ad dress: 385 Bouchard Bou le vard, Dorval, Que bec, H9S 1A9 Tel: +1 514 631-6775 Fax: +1 514 631-1867 Home Page: De scrip tion: Re searcher, man u fac turer, packager/as sem bler, im porter, ex porter, dis trib - u tor, pro moter, sales/detailer. Prod uct ranges in - clude: phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts (branded, pre scrip tion), hos pi tal pharmaceuticals, bio tech - nol ogy prod ucts. Established 1997. Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Ian Clark; Com - mer cial Op er a tions: Fran cis Bouchard (Sales), John Dorsey (Mar ket ing); Man u fac ture: Dr Stan - ley Brame; Mar ket Re search: Dr Loic Maurel Par ent of: Novartis Con sumer Health, Can ada (100%); Novartis Ophthalmics, Can ada (di vi - sion). Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Swit zer land (100%) Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 620-640 mil lion Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 50-55% Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 60-65% Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 90-95% Prin ci pal Prod ucts: DIOVAN (an gio ten sin-II an tag o nist plain) GLEEVEC (antineoplastic other) © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 156

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS SUBSIDIARY LISTING DIOVAN HCT (an gio ten sin-II an tag o nist com bi na - tion) CLOZARIL (antipsychotic) SANDOSTATIN LAR (hor mone hy po tha lamic) Ther a peu tic Range: renin-an gio ten sin sys tem agents 26% antineoplastics 14% ophthalmologicals 10% psycholeptics 8% hor mones pi tu itary and hy po tha lamic 6% Lead ing Dose Forms: coated tab lets 46% tab lets 19% vi als 12% cap sules 11% liq uids 4% NOVARTIS CON SUMER HEALTH Full Name: Novartis Con sumer Health Can ada Inc Street Ad dress: 2233 Argentia Road, Floor 2, Suite 205, West Tower, Mississauga, On tario, L5N 2X7 Tel: +1 905 812-4100 Fax: +1 905 821-4936 Home Page: De scrip tion: De vel oper, man u fac turer, dis trib u - tor, pro moter, sales/detailer. Prod uct ranges in - clude: phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts (non-pre scrip tion), di ag nos tic prod ucts. Es tab - lished 1997. 70 phar ma ceu ti cal employees in 2007. Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num - ber): 0 (2007) Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Rick Lloyd; Com - mer cial Op er a tions: Craig Miles; Man u fac ture: Norma Pirie; Re search & De vel op ment: Don Beatty; Gen eral Con tact: Chris Dunsmuir Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Can ada (100%) Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 65-70 mil lion Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 30-35% Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 75-80% Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 85-90% Prin ci pal Prod ucts: OTRIVIN (na sal prep a ra tion top i cal) BUCKLEYS COUGH MIX (antitussive) HABITROL (antismoking prod uct) NEO CITRAN (cold prep a ra tion with out anti-in fec - tive; antitussive; an ti his ta mine sys temic) EX-LAX (lax a tive) Ther a peu tic Range: cough and cold prep a ra tions 37% ant ac ids/antiflatulents/antiulcerants 11% CNS drugs other 10% lax a tives 9% na sal prep a ra tions 9% Lead ing Dose Forms: liq uids 40% tab lets 17% pow ders/gran ules 17% spe cial solid forms 6% med i cal dress ings 6% NOVARTIS OPHTHALMICS Full Name: Novartis Ophthalmics,, A Di vi sion of Novartis Pharmaceuticals (Can ada) Inc Street Ad dress: 2233 Argentia Road, East Tower, Suite 200, Mississauga, On tario, L5N 2X7 Tel: +1 905 813-6550 De scrip tion: Dis trib u tor, sales/detailer. Prod uct ranges in clude: oph thal mic prod ucts. Es tab lished 1990. Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num - ber): 21-50 (2005) Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: John Snisarenko; Com mer cial Op er a tions: Deb bie King Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Can ada (di vi sion) SANDOZ Full Name: Sandoz Can ada Inc. Street Ad dress: 145 Jules-Leger, Boucherville, Que bec, J4B 7K8 Tel: +1 450 641-4903 Fax: +1 514 596-1460 Home Page: De scrip tion: De vel oper, man u fac turer, for mu la - tor, packager/as sem bler, im porter, ex porter, dis - trib u tor, pro moter, sales/detailer. Man u fac tures, dis trib utes, pro motes, sells/de tails for other com - pa nies. Prod uct ranges in clude: phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts (branded, unbranded, pre scrip tion, non-pre scrip tion), hos pi tal pharmaceuticals, oph - thal mic prod ucts. Es tab lished 1980. 570 pharmaceutical employees in 2007. Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num - ber): 21-50 (2007) Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Pi erre Frechette; Com mer cial Op er a tions: Jacques Bergeron; Man - u fac ture: Bruce Levins; Mar ket Re search: Terri Power; Re search & De vel op ment: Su zanne Levesque; Gen eral Con tact: Pierre Frechette Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Swit zer land (100%) Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 280-290 mil lion © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 157


DIOVAN HCT (an gio ten sin-II an tag o nist com bi na -<br />

tion)<br />

CLOZARIL (antipsychotic)<br />

SANDOSTATIN LAR (hor mone hy po tha lamic)<br />

Ther a peu tic Range:<br />

renin-an gio ten sin sys tem agents 26%<br />

antineoplastics 14%<br />

ophthalmologicals 10%<br />

psycholeptics 8%<br />

hor mones pi tu itary and hy po tha lamic 6%<br />

Lead ing Dose Forms:<br />

coated tab lets 46%<br />

tab lets 19%<br />

vi als 12%<br />

cap sules 11%<br />

liq uids 4%<br />


Full Name: Novartis Con sumer Health Can ada<br />

Inc<br />

Street Ad dress: 2233 Argentia Road, Floor 2,<br />

Suite 205, West Tower, Mississauga, On tario, L5N<br />

2X7<br />

Tel: +1 905 812-4100<br />

Fax: +1 905 821-4936<br />

Home Page:<br />

De scrip tion: De vel oper, man u fac turer, dis trib u -<br />

tor, pro moter, sales/detailer. Prod uct ranges in -<br />

clude: phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts<br />

(non-pre scrip tion), di ag nos tic prod ucts. Es tab -<br />

lished 1997. 70 phar ma ceu ti cal employees in<br />

2007.<br />

Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num -<br />

ber): 0 (2007)<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Rick Lloyd; Com -<br />

mer cial Op er a tions: Craig Miles; Man u fac ture:<br />

Norma Pirie; Re search & De vel op ment: Don<br />

Beatty; Gen eral Con tact: Chris Dunsmuir<br />

Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Can ada (100%)<br />

Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 65-70 mil lion<br />

Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 30-35%<br />

Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing<br />

5): 75-80%<br />

Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5):<br />

85-90%<br />

Prin ci pal Prod ucts:<br />

OTRIVIN (na sal prep a ra tion top i cal)<br />

BUCKLEYS COUGH MIX (antitussive)<br />

HABITROL (antismoking prod uct)<br />

NEO CITRAN (cold prep a ra tion with out anti-in fec -<br />

tive; antitussive; an ti his ta mine sys temic)<br />

EX-LAX (lax a tive)<br />

Ther a peu tic Range:<br />

cough and cold prep a ra tions 37%<br />

ant ac ids/antiflatulents/antiulcerants 11%<br />

CNS drugs other 10%<br />

lax a tives 9%<br />

na sal prep a ra tions 9%<br />

Lead ing Dose Forms:<br />

liq uids 40%<br />

tab lets 17%<br />

pow ders/gran ules 17%<br />

spe cial solid forms 6%<br />

med i cal dress ings 6%<br />


Full Name: Novartis Ophthalmics,, A Di vi sion of<br />

Novartis Pharmaceuticals (Can ada) Inc<br />

Street Ad dress: 2233 Argentia Road, East<br />

Tower, Suite 200, Mississauga, On tario, L5N 2X7<br />

Tel: +1 905 813-6550<br />

De scrip tion: Dis trib u tor, sales/detailer. Prod uct<br />

ranges in clude: oph thal mic prod ucts. Es tab lished<br />

1990.<br />

Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num -<br />

ber): 21-50 (2005)<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: John<br />

Snisarenko; Com mer cial Op er a tions: Deb bie King<br />

Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Can ada (di vi sion)<br />

SANDOZ<br />

Full Name: Sandoz Can ada Inc.<br />

Street Ad dress: 145 Jules-Leger, Boucherville,<br />

Que bec, J4B 7K8<br />

Tel: +1 450 641-4903<br />

Fax: +1 514 596-1460<br />

Home Page:<br />

De scrip tion: De vel oper, man u fac turer, for mu la -<br />

tor, packager/as sem bler, im porter, ex porter, dis -<br />

trib u tor, pro moter, sales/detailer. Man u fac tures,<br />

dis trib utes, pro motes, sells/de tails for other com -<br />

pa nies. Prod uct ranges in clude: phar ma ceu ti cal<br />

prod ucts (branded, unbranded, pre scrip tion,<br />

non-pre scrip tion), hos pi tal pharmaceuticals, oph -<br />

thal mic prod ucts. Es tab lished 1980. 570<br />

pharmaceutical employees in 2007.<br />

Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num -<br />

ber): 21-50 (2007)<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Pi erre Frechette;<br />

Com mer cial Op er a tions: Jacques Bergeron; Man -<br />

u fac ture: Bruce Levins; Mar ket Re search: Terri<br />

Power; Re search & De vel op ment: Su zanne<br />

Levesque; Gen eral Con tact: Pierre Frechette<br />

Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Swit zer land (100%)<br />

Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 280-290 mil lion<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 157

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