IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS • Year: 2000 Novartis Generics ac quired Labinca (Ar gen tina). Labinca spe cial izes in on col ogy, rheumatology, car dio - vas cu lar and gas tro in tes ti nal diseases. Novartis spun-off its Ag ri busi ness sec tor to its share hold ers as part of the trans ac tions nec es sary to form Syngenta AG. On the same day AstraZeneca (UK) spun-off its Crop Pro tec tion ac tiv i ties which then merged with Novartis’ Ag ri busi ness to form Syngenta AG. CIBA Vi sion com pleted its ac qui si tion of Wes ley Jessen VisionCare. Novartis Nu tri tion ac quired Heilpunkt Naturpharma (Ger many) from Lichtwer Pharma. Ac quired Grandis Biotech (Ger many). Hexal ac quired 100% of the US generics com pany Eon Labs Man u fac tur ing, based in New York. • Year: 1999 Geneva Pharmaceuticals ac quired the as sets of Invamed Inc (USA) for SFr149 mil lion. Novartis An i mal Health ac quired Vericore Hold ings Ltd (UK), a com pany fo cused on vac cines, para siti - cides and other prod ucts for farm an i mals, pharmaceuticals for com pan ion an i mals, and aquaculture. CIBA Vi sion an nounced that it had signed a deal to ac quire the intraocular lens busi ness of Men tor Corp (USA). Hexal ac quired Ilsan Iltas (Tur key) and es tab lished it as its sub sid iary in Tur key. Hexal also ac quired Milen, one of the lead ing ac tive phar ma ceu ti cal in gre di ent man u fac tur ers in Turkey. • Year: 1997 Novartis an nounced that a sec ond pro posal made to ac quire all out stand ing shares (28.8%) of SyStemix (USA) had been de clined. SyStemix’s in de pend ent di rec tors de clined an orig i nal of fer in 1996. • Year: 1996 The US FTC granted pro vi sional ap proval to the merger of Ciba and Sandoz to form Novartis. FTC ap - proval was needed be cause Ciba and Sandoz had busi ness ar eas which over lapped in North Amer ica: corn her bi cides, flea and tick con trol and gene ther apy. Sandoz’s corn her bi cide and an i mal health busi - ness and the flea and tick busi ness had to be sold. In the area of gene ther apy, Novartis agreed to pro vide ac cess to her pes sim plex vi rus thymidine kinase tech nol ogy, ex vivo gene ther apy, Fac tor VIII for he mo - philia gene ther apy, and cytokines for use in cell ex pan sion for ex-vivo gene ther apy. Through the agree - ment, the FTC aimed to es tab lish Rhone-Poulenc Rorer (now sanofi-aventis, France) as a vi a ble com pet i tor to Novartis in the gene ther apy field. Novartis also agreed to pro vide cross-li censes of cer tain Novartis gene therapy technologies to Chiron (USA). Sandoz ac quired Ger man generics com pany, Azupharma, from Gehe (Ger many). Sandoz ac quired Laboratoire Sodietal (France), an enteral clin i cal nu tri tion firm. Sandoz Nu tri tion in creased its stake in Gazzoni (It aly) to 67%. It had held a ma jor ity stake in Gazzoni since 1993. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 140

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS Sandoz an nounced it was to buy Imutran (UK), a biotech firm spe cial iz ing in xenotransplantation. • Year: 1995 Sandoz ac quired Ge netic Ther apy Inc (USA) for $295 mil lion. It al ready owned 6% of Ge netic Ther apy. • Year: 1994 Sandoz ac quired baby food com pany, Gerber (USA) for $3.7 bil lion. Sandoz agreed to pur chase Monal (France), a maker of plant-based drug prod ucts and herbal teas. Ciba in creased its 7.9% stake in Chiron to 49.9% for SFr2,806 mil lion. Ciba ac quired Rhone-Poulenc Rorer’s (now sanofi-aventis) North Amer i can OTC busi ness; J&J’s (USA) Iolab Corp’s ophthalmics busi ness; Lab o ra to ries Henri Faure (France), an ophthalmological pro ducer; and a $5 mil lion stake in CoCensys (USA) as part of a de vel op ment and mar ket ing deal. • Year: 1993 Sandoz bought the Reforma Group (Neth er lands), which spe cial izes in adult di etetic prod ucts. • Year: 1992 Ciba ac quired the ma jor ity of Un ion Med i cal (Ja pan), an eyecare prod uct dis trib u tor; Carreras SA (Spain), a dermatologicals man u fac turer; Tri ton Di ag nos tics Inc’s (USA) can cer di ag nos tics busi ness; Fisons’ (UK) North Amer i can OTC busi ness; and bought the re main ing shares in Ricky Contact Lenses (Japan). • Year: 1991 Sandoz’s Nu tri tion di vi sion pur chased the di etary prod ucts com pany Dietetique et Sante (France) from Rhone-Poulenc Rorer; and an 82% hold ing in Eden (Ger many), a Ger man healthfoods company. Ciba ac quired a mi nor ity stake in InSite Vi sion Inc (USA). The deal also cov ered R&D of oph thal mic pharmaceuticals and sub se quent li cens ing; Laboratoire Mar ti net Ophthalmologie (France); and a stake in Litpharm (CIS), a phar ma ceu ti cal pro duc tion and dis tri bu tion company. • Year: 1990 Ciba bought ICI’s (UK) OTC busi ness in the UK and Ire land; Bris tol-Myers Squibb’s (USA) an i mal health busi ness; Webber Inc (Can ada), an OTC prod ucts man u fac turer; and a mi nor ity stake in Tanox Biosystems (USA) as part of a re search deal with Tanox. • Year: 1980s 1989: Sandoz ac quired Virgo Op tics (USA). Ciba pur chased Corn ing Glass Works’ (USA) 50% stake in the Ciba-Geigy Corn ing Di ag nos tics jv set up in 1985. Ciba ac quired To ledo and Ohaus. 1987: Sandoz Nu tri tion ac quired Dietcentrum SA (Bel gium), a healthfood man u fac turer in creased its hold ing in the Ce real Group (France) to a ma jor ity stake. It also made three small ac qui si tions, in clud ing the Ideal brand, to add to the Wasa Group. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 141

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Sandoz an nounced it was to buy Imutran (UK), a biotech firm spe cial iz ing in xenotransplantation.<br />

• Year: 1995<br />

Sandoz ac quired Ge netic Ther apy Inc (USA) for $295 mil lion. It al ready owned 6% of Ge netic Ther apy.<br />

• Year: 1994<br />

Sandoz ac quired baby food com pany, Gerber (USA) for $3.7 bil lion.<br />

Sandoz agreed to pur chase Monal (France), a maker of plant-based drug prod ucts and herbal teas.<br />

Ciba in creased its 7.9% stake in Chiron to 49.9% for SFr2,806 mil lion.<br />

Ciba ac quired Rhone-Poulenc Rorer’s (now sanofi-aventis) North Amer i can OTC busi ness; J&J’s (USA)<br />

Iolab Corp’s ophthalmics busi ness; Lab o ra to ries Henri Faure (France), an ophthalmological pro ducer;<br />

and a $5 mil lion stake in CoCensys (USA) as part of a de vel op ment and mar ket ing deal.<br />

• Year: 1993<br />

Sandoz bought the Reforma Group (Neth er lands), which spe cial izes in adult di etetic prod ucts.<br />

• Year: 1992<br />

Ciba ac quired the ma jor ity of Un ion Med i cal (Ja pan), an eyecare prod uct dis trib u tor; Carreras SA (Spain),<br />

a dermatologicals man u fac turer; Tri ton Di ag nos tics Inc’s (USA) can cer di ag nos tics busi ness; Fisons’<br />

(UK) North Amer i can OTC busi ness; and bought the re main ing shares in Ricky Contact Lenses (Japan).<br />

• Year: 1991<br />

Sandoz’s Nu tri tion di vi sion pur chased the di etary prod ucts com pany Dietetique et Sante (France) from<br />

Rhone-Poulenc Rorer; and an 82% hold ing in Eden (Ger many), a Ger man healthfoods company.<br />

Ciba ac quired a mi nor ity stake in InSite Vi sion Inc (USA). The deal also cov ered R&D of oph thal mic<br />

pharmaceuticals and sub se quent li cens ing; Laboratoire Mar ti net Ophthalmologie (France); and a stake<br />

in Litpharm (CIS), a phar ma ceu ti cal pro duc tion and dis tri bu tion company.<br />

• Year: 1990<br />

Ciba bought ICI’s (UK) OTC busi ness in the UK and Ire land; Bris tol-Myers Squibb’s (USA) an i mal health<br />

busi ness; Webber Inc (Can ada), an OTC prod ucts man u fac turer; and a mi nor ity stake in Tanox<br />

Biosystems (USA) as part of a re search deal with Tanox.<br />

• Year: 1980s<br />

1989: Sandoz ac quired Virgo Op tics (USA). Ciba pur chased Corn ing Glass Works’ (USA) 50% stake in the<br />

Ciba-Geigy Corn ing Di ag nos tics jv set up in 1985. Ciba ac quired To ledo and Ohaus.<br />

1987: Sandoz Nu tri tion ac quired Dietcentrum SA (Bel gium), a healthfood man u fac turer in creased its<br />

hold ing in the Ce real Group (France) to a ma jor ity stake. It also made three small ac qui si tions, in clud ing<br />

the Ideal brand, to add to the Wasa Group.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 141

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