IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Various<br />

tifacogin TFP 561 V3X, J1X9 III<br />

oral phosphate binder SBR 759 V3G II<br />

TIFACOGIN (TFP 561) is a re com bi nant form of tis sue fac tor path way in hib i tor (TFPI), for the treat ment<br />

of com mu nity-ac quired pneu mo nia (CAP) and sep tic shock. Phase III tri als are un der way in CAP.<br />

Tifacogin was iso lated as part of a col lab o ra tion with Wash ing ton Uni ver sity Med i cal School, St Louis<br />

(USA). Pfizer iso lated tifacogin in de pend ently in 1994. Un der a col lab o ra tive agree ment, Pharmacia (now<br />

Pfizer) and Chiron (now Novartis) were to grant each other li censes to pat ents and col lab o rate as equal<br />

part ners in all as pects of re search and de vel op ment. Chiron (now Novartis) was to have re spon si bil ity for<br />

man u fac tur ing the prod uct, and Pfizer was to be re spon si ble for mar ket ing. Fol low ing the merger of<br />

Pharmacia and Pfizer, Chiron (now Novartis) has ac quired all of Pfizer’s in ter est in tifacogin in re turn for<br />

royalties paid to Pfizer on sales of the product.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2010 ($150 mil lion by 2013).<br />

SBR 759, an oral phos phate binder with po ten tial for the treat ment of hyperphosphatemia in late or<br />

end stage re nal dis ease pa tients, was in phase II tri als in Eu rope in 2008.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2005, Novartis ac quired rights to SBR 759 from SeBo (Ger many). Un der the terms of the<br />

deal, Novartis will de velop, man u fac ture and com mer cial ize SBR 759 for the treat ment of chronic kid ney<br />

dis ease pa tients or pa tients on di al y sis. These groups of pa tients have re duced phos phate ex cre tion,<br />

which leads to hyperphosphatemia. Novartis said it has had the po ten tial to of fer di al y sis pa tients a more<br />

po tent and con ve nient oral treat ment than cur rent ther a pies. It plans to file for approval in 2010.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2011 ($100 mil lion by 2013).<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 107

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