IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

ALBUFERON (albinterferon alfa-2b) is a pro tein com pris ing in ter feron alfa-2b fused with al bu min, which<br />

is pro duced from the fused genes for these in di vid ual pro teins. It was orig i nated by Hu man Ge nome Sci -<br />

ences (USA) and is be ing de vel oped pri mar ily for the treat ment of chronic hep a ti tis C. It en tered phase III<br />

tri als with Novartis in 2006. The fu sion pro tein is ex pected to have pro longed ther a peu tic ac tiv ity and an<br />

im proved side ef fect pro file com pared with re com bi nant hu man in ter feron alfa. Other in di ca tions for<br />

which this fu sion pro tein has po ten tial in clude hep a ti tis B vi rus in fec tion, hairy cell leu ke mia, ma lig nant<br />

mel a noma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and chronic myelogenous leukemia.<br />

In terim re sults from phase II tri als, in which treat ment-na ive pa tients re ceived Albuferon in com bi na tion<br />

with ribavirin, showed it has the po ten tial for an im proved ef fi cacy and tolerability pro file with the need for<br />

fewer in jec tions com pared to pegylated in ter feron, the cur rent stan dard of care. A first reg u la tory sub -<br />

mis sion is planned for 2009.<br />

In Jan u ary 2009, Novartis ini ti ated a ran dom ized, open-la bel, multicenter, ac tive-con trolled, adap -<br />

tive-de sign, dose-rang ing phase IIb trial of albinterferon alfa-2b in treat ment-na ive pa tients with ge no -<br />

types 2 and 3 chronic hep a ti tis C vi rus (HCV) in fec tion. The trial is ex pected to re cruit ap prox i mately 375<br />

pa tients in four treat ment arms; three arms will re ceive albinterferon alfa-2b at doses of 900, 1200 or<br />

1500 mcg once ev ery four weeks for 24 weeks, and the ac tive con trol group will re ceive 180 mcg<br />

peginterferon alfa-2a once weekly for 24 weeks. All pa tients will also re ceive daily oral ribavirin (800 mg).<br />

Sus tained virologic re sponse at week 48 will be the pri mary efficacy endpoint of the trial.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2006, li cen sor and pat ent holder Hu man Ge nome Sci ences and Novartis agreed to<br />

co-mar ket Albuferon in the USA; Novartis will com mer cial ize Albuferon in ter ri to ries out side the USA.<br />

Clin i cal de vel op ment costs will be shared. HGS will re ceive an upfront pay ment of $45 mil lion, plus clin i cal<br />

de vel op ment, com mer cial mile stone and other pay ments of up to $507.5 million.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In De cem ber 2008, re sults of the phase III ACHIEVE 2/3 trial were re ported and Albuferon<br />

was found to have met its pri mary end point of non-in fe ri or ity to Pegasys. Both drugs were given in com -<br />

bi na tion with ribavirin in the trial of 933 treat ment-na ive pa tients with ge no type 2 and 3 HCV. In Jan u ary<br />

2008, HGS low ered the dose of Albuferon in this trial be cause of lung-re lated safety con cerns. Pa tients<br />

who were re ceiv ing the 1,200mcg dose ev ery two weeks, were changed to re ceive the 900mcg in jec tions<br />

ev ery two weeks af ter the stud ies’ data mon i tor ing com mit tees ob served higher rates of lung-re lated<br />

com pli ca tions. There was no safety concerns associated with the lower dose.<br />

Com pe ti tion: Ver tex Pharmaceuticals’ (USA) ri val new hep a ti tis C drug, telaprevir, is in phase III tri -<br />

als. It has been li censed-out to J&J and to Mitsubishi Tanabe.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2010 ($125 mil lion by 2013).<br />

MENB (vac cine, Neisseria meningitidis group B, Novartis) is a re com bi nant vac cine against in fec tion with<br />

Neisseria meningitidis group B. Novartis is con duct ing the de vel op ment of this prod uct in col lab o ra tion<br />

with Ox ford Uni ver sity (UK). This new vac cine is be ing de vel oped to pro tect against a ma jor ity of global<br />

strains for the men in gi tis B serogroup, for which no vac cine is cur rently avail able. The ge nome of N.<br />

meningitidis, the or gan ism re spon si ble for the dis ease, was se quenced and cell sur face an ti gens iden ti -<br />

fied; re verse vaccinology was used to iden tify a set of an ti gens that are con served across known B<br />

serotypes of N meningitidis, and a vac cine de vel oped from a limited set of the identified antigens.<br />

In 2006, Novartis ini ti ated a phase II trial of MenB in healthy in fants of two months of age. The open-la -<br />

bel, con trolled, ran dom ized, multicenter trial will eval u ate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of<br />

two for mu la tions of the vac cine in 150 sub jects in the UK. Re sults from pre vi ously con ducted phase I tri -<br />

als of MenB showed broad cov er age against most prev a lent strains of N meningitidis.<br />

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