The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...

The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ... The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...


74- THE GENUINE HISTORY OF poffefTions of others. Hence the appellation of Brigantes came to fignily, on the continent and in the ifland, a turbulent

THE BRITONS ASS EB. TED. 75 The names of Gael and Cimbri were not appropri.ired, as our author has appropriated them from the beginning. The former was not thedif- tinguifhing appellation of tnc Caledonians from the Cimbri and Belgie. And the latter was not the didinguifliing appellation of the Welfli and Brigantes from the Belga? and Gael. Mr. Mac- pherfon's Belgie were denominated Cimbri, and Mr. Macpherfon's Belga? and Cimbri were deno- minated Gael. I have previoufly fliewn the name of C}'mri to have been the great hereditary diflinftion of the Gauls upon the continent, and to have been car- ried with them into all their conquells. There I have (hewn it to have been retained, equally as the general tide of all their tribes, and the particular defignation of fome. And it was not retained in our own ifland, as Mr. Macpherfon fuppofes, merely by the natives of Wales and the Britons of Brigantia. It was equally the name of a nation in the South-Weil of Somerfet- (hire and the North-Eaft of Cornwall. In hoc brachio, quze [quodj interrailTione Uxellce amnis Heduorum region! protenditur, fita eft regio Cimbrorum '. And it appears plainly, not to have been continued as a particu'ar appellation from the beginning, but to have been taken up at different periods by different tribes, even in fuperfedence of their own previous appellations, * Richard, p. 20. and Hillor}- of Manchelter, p. 61. when


p<strong>of</strong>fefTions <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. Hence <strong>the</strong> appellation <strong>of</strong><br />

Brigantes came to fignily, on <strong>the</strong> continent and<br />

in <strong>the</strong> ifland, a turbulent

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