The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...

The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ... The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...


6o THE GENUINE HISTORY OF before, mud necefTarily have carried the name of Cimbri with them acrofs the Rhine into Germany, and have brought it with them into Gaul again. And the name of Belgse appears not to have been given in Gaul, and feems to have been borne in Germany. Ccefar fays, plerofque Belgas e^e ortos a Germanis, llhenumqiie antiquitus tranfduflos— ibi confedifle, Gallofque — expuliffe : where we have not the lead intima- tion of any change in the name upon their paffing into Gaul, and where they feem to have borne the fame appellation on the German as on the Gallic fide of the Rhine. And, wherever it was given or afilimed, it was certainly no title of reproach, becaufe the Belg^ appear univerfally acknowledging it for their own on the continent, in Britain, and in Ireland. This therefore en- tirely fets afide the Indiftind and forced etymo- logy of Mr. Macpherfon, becaufe it carries a reproach in its meaning. And the name mud be derived from fome principle of diilindlion, that was admitted by the Belgsc as well as their neighbours, and will adapt itfelf to their con- dition either in Germany or Gaul. The Bel- gce pretty certainly lived, before their mi- gration into Gaul, immediately on the German fide of the Rhine. And as they and their neighbours were all equally Celtic ', the name * See herer.fter for the Belgce. was

THE BRITONS ASSERTED. 6i was derived from the Celtic language. They were a large aiibciation «:f tribes in Gaul, and mufl therefore have been the fame in Germany ^' They had feized no lefs than one third of all Gaul - : And they muft therefore have been very confiderable for their power in Germany. And the name of Belg feems to have been highly chara£teriftic of their greatnefs, as Bale in Irifh fignifies Strong or Mighty. This iEtymon at lead does not, like Mr. Macpherfon's, violate any proprieties of criticifm. It confronts no evidence of records. And it is not made either the buttrefs or bafis of any vifionary fyftem in hiftory. P, 32— 33. " The Celto-Germanic tribes, who ** had driven the old Gael from Belgium, fettling *' in that divifion of Gaul, rofe, in procefs of *^ time, into a variety of petty ftates. Each of *' thefe, fome lime before the arrival of Csefar, *' fent colonies into Britain. — It is difficult to '* afcertain the lera of this third migration from *' the continent." The Belgje are afferted by Mr. Macpherfon to have made two migrations into Britain, and to have fettled two colonies in the iiland, one ^ Caefar, p. 34. ' Cajfar, p. i. under


was derived from <strong>the</strong> Celtic language. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

were a large aiibciation «:f tribes in Gaul, and<br />

mufl <strong>the</strong>refore have been <strong>the</strong> fame in Germany<br />

^' <strong>The</strong>y had feized no lefs than one third<br />

<strong>of</strong> all Gaul - : And <strong>the</strong>y muft <strong>the</strong>refore have<br />

been very confiderable for <strong>the</strong>ir power in Germany.<br />

And <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Belg feems to have<br />

been highly chara£teriftic <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir greatnefs,<br />

as Bale in Irifh fignifies Strong or Mighty. This<br />

iEtymon at lead does not, like <strong>Mr</strong>. Macpherfon's,<br />

violate any proprieties <strong>of</strong> criticifm. It confronts<br />

no evidence <strong>of</strong> records. And it is not made<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> buttrefs or bafis <strong>of</strong> any vifionary<br />

fyftem in hiftory.<br />

P, 32— 33. " <strong>The</strong> Celto-Germanic tribes, who<br />

** had driven <strong>the</strong> old Gael from Belgium, fettling<br />

*' in that divifion <strong>of</strong> Gaul, r<strong>of</strong>e, in procefs <strong>of</strong><br />

*^ time, into a variety <strong>of</strong> petty ftates. Each <strong>of</strong><br />

*' <strong>the</strong>fe, fome lime before <strong>the</strong> arrival <strong>of</strong> Csefar,<br />

*' fent colonies into Britain. — It is difficult to<br />

'* afcertain <strong>the</strong> lera <strong>of</strong> this third migration from<br />

*' <strong>the</strong> continent."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Belgje are afferted by <strong>Mr</strong>. Macpherfon<br />

to have made two migrations into Britain, and<br />

to have fettled two colonies in <strong>the</strong> iiland, one<br />

^ Caefar, p. 34.<br />

' Cajfar, p. i.<br />


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