The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...

The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ... The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...


"sir INDEX. 125— 126, 1:9, Tj;, 136, 139— 140, 14^, and 148; mifquo^ tation in it, iiz— 113; its miftakes in CELTIC, 120— 121, J2I— 124, 130 — 131, 136—137, 148—149. — Sixth general argument refuted, 155— 193; contradictions in it, 161, 162, 166— 167, 178— 179, 18^, 194— 19^, 24^, 247, 213— ^A^ ?^+7-'55? 256—257, 259, 266—267, 379,280— 281, 281 again; its miltakes in CELTIC, 209— 21 1, 230 233,236—238,263— 26^:, 270—271, and 278—280; mifquotarions in it, 230-— 231, 236— 237. —An exaft and minute charafter of the INTRODUCt TION, drawn from the whole, 295—304. MANCHESTER HISTORY. It has particularly endeavoured to clear up the original annals of CALEDONIA and IRELAND, and to refcue them both" from antient iiftions and modern pervcrfion, 7 ; its glForts vindicated, and its accounts confirmed, pajfim, —Two miftakes in it rectified, 136, and 197. — It contains, I apprehend, the firft authentic hiflory of IRELAND, as to the original population, &c., that has been hitherto publifhed in any language, i ^3 ; and the firft clear, certain, and confillent account of the origin of the SCOTS, and of their derivation into CALEDONIA, 291. MARCELLINUS. (Ammianus)— ^a pafTage in his hiftory vindlcate

I N D E jr. 3,^ —The SCOTCH are not fettled in North-Britain byBede before the commencement of the Chriftian aera, 212—213. —Which of the SCOTCH called ALBANICH, and why, 270—271, and 274; which of them called EIRINICH, IRISH- ERY, &c. and why, 274, and 292—293, ARGYLE, its original extent, 278—279; why fo palled, 287—288. —What gave rife to the name of SCOT, 284—286 whence it came into CALEDONIA, and how it covered the whole country, 286—288 ; the controverfy concerning that prigin being now finally adjullgd, after it has lafted near two penturies, 288?—291, R R A T a; P. 93. note, laft line, for ftffs read »}««. P. 149. 1. 7. for Hiver read Hiber. P. 163. 1. i^. for "the period" read " that period". P. 187. to note ' add this, " Harris, p. 178— 179." "See alfo Ware's Irelant!, p. 20^. note, 1. 9. the words ** for believing thofe of Ire- *' land to have come from the Scots in &c." fhould ftand thus, *' for believing the Scots of Ireland to have ^' come from thofe in &c." laft line but one, for Den read De«i ^. 237.

"sir<br />

INDEX.<br />

125— 126, 1:9, Tj;, 136, 139— 140, 14^, and 148; mifquo^<br />

tation in it, iiz— 113; its miftakes in CELTIC, 120— 121,<br />

J2I— 124, 130 — 131, 136—137, 148—149.<br />

— Sixth general argument refuted, 155— 193; contradictions<br />

in it, 161, 162, 166— 167, 178— 179, 18^, 194— 19^,<br />

24^, 247, 213— ^A^ ?^+7-'55? 256—257, 259, 266—267,<br />

379,280— 281, 281 again; its miltakes in CELTIC, 209— 21 1,<br />

230 233,236—238,263— 26^:, 270—271, and 278—280;<br />

mifquotarions in it, 230-— 231, 236— 237.<br />

—An exaft and minute charafter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> INTRODUCt<br />

TION, drawn from <strong>the</strong> whole, 295—304.<br />


It has particularly endeavoured to clear up <strong>the</strong> original annals<br />

<strong>of</strong> CALEDONIA and IRELAND, and to refcue <strong>the</strong>m both"<br />

from antient iiftions and modern pervcrfion, 7 ; its glForts vindicated,<br />

and its accounts confirmed, pajfim,<br />

—Two miftakes in it rectified, 136, and 197.<br />

— It contains, I apprehend, <strong>the</strong> firft au<strong>the</strong>ntic hiflory <strong>of</strong><br />

IRELAND, as to <strong>the</strong> original population, &c., that has been<br />

hi<strong>the</strong>rto publifhed in any language, i ^3 ; and <strong>the</strong> firft clear,<br />

certain, and confillent account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> origin <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> SCOTS,<br />

and <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir derivation into CALEDONIA, 291.<br />


(Ammianus)— ^a pafTage in his hiftory vindlcate

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