The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...

The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ... The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...


248 THE GENUINE HISTORY OF kenzie and Sir Robert Sibbald ^ But the opi^^ njon is a vpry wild one. Juvenal fays : Arma quid ultra Littora JuvernrE promovimus, et modo captas Orcauas, et minima contentos no6le Britannos J Claudian fays thus And, Movit, — Totam cum Scotus lernam Scotorum cumulos flevit glacialis lerne. And Mr. Macpherfon fuppofes the foldiers of Agricola and Theodofius to have carried the name of Juverna to the one, and of lerna to the other. But both he and his two originals have forgotten, that the former appellation is not firfl noticed by Juvenal, or the latter by Claudian. Mr. Macpherfon himfelf in p. 57 quotes Mela par- ticularly, as ufing the name of Juverna. And I have already fnewn lerna to have been ufed ages before the days of Claudian. Both were the ^ Sir George in p. "575, and Sir Robert in Gibfon's Cam- dsu, c. 1490— 1497. Edit. 172;:. common

THE BRITONS ASSERTED. 249 common appellations of Ireland, when the little didridl of Strathern was buried in the obfcurity of its own infignificance. And, Erin and its re- latives being merely denominations of Ireland derived from its wefterly fituation, any infular or peninfular diflrift in Britain might receive the fame appellation from the inhabitants to the Eall Thus we have Britons and Brigantes upon of it. the Continent and in Albion. Ireland was called Inis Alga, and a cherfonefus in Caledonia Elg-in. And we have the little ifland of Era or Erra near the ifle of Mull and to the Weft of it, and the ifland of Era or Erin near the Harris ' ; Erin for the whole body of the Hebrides ; lerna on the weftern fide of Loch Fyn in Argyle, and ler- nus on the weflern fide of Ireland ; and Elierna in the days of the Romans, and two Erns and two Siratherns at prefent, even upon the eailern fide of Caledonia -. ^ See Irwin's Hill. Scot. Nomenclatura Latino-Vernacula, J682. p. 71. * See the Roman ftatlon, ad Hiernam, in R.ichard, Iter g. And fee Buchanan, p. 39. vol. I. Ruddiman, for an Ern in Murray, and an lerna along it, and Ptolemy for the river Jernus in Ireland. These


common appellations <strong>of</strong> Ireland, when <strong>the</strong> little<br />

didridl <strong>of</strong> Stra<strong>the</strong>rn was buried in <strong>the</strong> obfcurity<br />

<strong>of</strong> its own infignificance. And, Erin and its re-<br />

latives being merely denominations <strong>of</strong> Ireland<br />

derived from its wefterly fituation, any infular or<br />

peninfular diflrift in Britain might receive <strong>the</strong><br />

fame appellation from <strong>the</strong> inhabitants to <strong>the</strong> Eall<br />

Thus we have <strong>Britons</strong> and Brigantes upon<br />

<strong>of</strong> it.<br />

<strong>the</strong> Continent and in Albion. Ireland was called<br />

Inis Alga, and a cherfonefus in Caledonia Elg-in.<br />

And we have <strong>the</strong> little ifland <strong>of</strong> Era or Erra<br />

near <strong>the</strong> ifle <strong>of</strong> Mull and to <strong>the</strong> Weft <strong>of</strong> it, and<br />

<strong>the</strong> ifland <strong>of</strong> Era or Erin near <strong>the</strong> Harris ' ; Erin<br />

for <strong>the</strong> whole body <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hebrides ; lerna on<br />

<strong>the</strong> weftern fide <strong>of</strong> Loch Fyn in Argyle, and ler-<br />

nus on <strong>the</strong> weflern fide <strong>of</strong> Ireland ; and Elierna<br />

in <strong>the</strong> days <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Romans, and two Erns and<br />

two Sira<strong>the</strong>rns at prefent, even upon <strong>the</strong> eailern<br />

fide <strong>of</strong> Caledonia -.<br />

^ See Irwin's Hill. Scot. Nomenclatura Latino-Vernacula,<br />

J682. p. 71.<br />

* See <strong>the</strong> Roman ftatlon, ad Hiernam, in R.ichard, Iter g.<br />

And fee Buchanan, p. 39. vol. I. Ruddiman, for an Ern in<br />

Murray, and an lerna along it, and Ptolemy for <strong>the</strong> river<br />

Jernus in Ireland.<br />


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