The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...

The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ... The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...


242 THE GENUINE HISTORY OF fa}^s thus of it : ho-i S= xccl ocKkai -rs-cp/ tjjv Bpsi^avr/jf/ v7,a-ot [jiiKpai' [xsPckX'/} S'/j Ispv/j 'Z5"p@)-» apTijcv 'zc-ocpccQ^Kyj- fMSVYjf 'uxpo^ypiYi^ [ju)i7\.Kov ^i ixrT^^ syjio-u ' . Mela, the firfi: who notices luverna, fays thus : Supra Bri- tanniam luverna eft, pene par fpario, fed utrinque a^quali tra£lu littorum oblonga ^ And Ccefar, the firft who mentions Hibernia, fays thus : alterum [latus Britannicc] vcrgit ad—occidcntem folem, qua ex parte eft Hibernia, dimidio minor, ut exifti- matur, quam Britannia ; fed pari fpatio tranfmiffus atque ex Gallia eft in Britanniam ; in hoc media curfu eft infula quce appellatur Mona ?. And thefe defcriptions will not agree at all with the weftern Highlands of Scotland. They are not above 4^ or to the Weft of, Britain, but arc ' Strabo, p. 307.— I quote not Orpheus, becaufe the work. attributed to him, or to Orpheus of Crotona (fee Ufher, p. 378), is alhtrcdly ipurious. And I even quote not Ariftotle's treatii'e Do Mundo, though it is quoted as his by Mr. Carte (p. 4. V. I.)» ;md as his, or Theophraftus's, or fome peribn's cotemporary with both, by Ufher (p. 378) ; for the lame reafon that I appealed not to it before, to prove the name of Briton prior to Mr. Macpherfbn's Cimbri ; be- caufe I confiJer it as the work of a later period. " L. ili. c. 0. ' P. 89. * So the weflern fide of Ptoman Britain was called Bri- tannia Superior or Higher Britain, and the eaftern Britannia Inferior or Lower Britain (H^iftory of Manchefter, p. 59), —And, as to Strabo's •w^oj A^^xlof, all the weftern fide of Bri- tain from Galloway to the Orkneys is filled the northern fide «f it by Ptolemy. a^ually

THE BRITONS ASSERTED. i4j a^ually a part of it. They are not about one half, or nearly the whole, of the compafs of Britain, but are a part, and a fiiiall one, of it* And they are not divided from Britain by a fea as broad as the Gallic, in the middle of which lies the ifle of Man •, they are not one of the many ifles that lie about Britain ; and they are not a great ifland whofe two oppofite fides are equal in length, and which is broader than it is long ; but they are a narrow traft of country within the ifland of Britain, lie along the ealiern border of that fea in which is the ifle of Manj and have only a (bore upon one fide. Thefe defcriptions of lerna, Hibernia, andluverlia, therefore, dcci- lively appropriate the appellations. It is abfo- lutely impofllble, that the wefl:ern Highlands of Scotland could be meant by them. And it is equally impoffible, that any but Ireland could be meant. Thus is the firfl part of this conclufive argu- ment very eafily overthrown. And the fecond will fall flill more eafily. It pretends to prove the wellern Highlands of Scotland, the lar or lar-in of the prefent Highlanders, to be the lerna of the antients, and the Scots of thefe Highlands to be native Caledonians, hecaufi the Scots are called lar-gael or weflern Gauls. And, even if we allow Mr. Macpherfon all his premifesj his conclufion is unjuft. Even if we allow lar- jael tQ be an original appellation for the Scots 3 Pv 2 evef\

242<br />


fa}^s thus <strong>of</strong> it : ho-i S= xccl ocKkai -rs-cp/ tjjv Bpsi^avr/jf/<br />

v7,a-ot [jiiKpai' [xsPckX'/} S'/j Ispv/j 'Z5"p@)-» apTijcv 'zc-ocpccQ^Kyj-<br />

fMSVYjf 'uxpo^ypiYi^ [ju)i7\.Kov ^i ixrT^^ syjio-u ' . Mela, <strong>the</strong><br />

firfi: who notices luverna, fays thus : Supra Bri-<br />

tanniam luverna eft, pene par fpario, fed utrinque<br />

a^quali tra£lu littorum oblonga ^ And Ccefar, <strong>the</strong><br />

firft who mentions Hibernia, fays thus : alterum<br />

[latus Britannicc] vcrgit ad—occidcntem folem,<br />

qua ex parte eft Hibernia, dimidio minor, ut exifti-<br />

matur, quam Britannia ; fed pari fpatio tranfmiffus<br />

atque ex Gallia eft in Britanniam ; in hoc media<br />

curfu eft infula quce appellatur Mona ?. And<br />

<strong>the</strong>fe defcriptions will not agree at all with <strong>the</strong><br />

weftern Highlands <strong>of</strong> Scotland. <strong>The</strong>y are not<br />

above 4^ or to <strong>the</strong> Weft <strong>of</strong>, Britain, but arc<br />

' Strabo, p. 307.— I quote not Orpheus, becaufe <strong>the</strong> work.<br />

attributed to him, or to Orpheus <strong>of</strong> Crotona (fee Ufher,<br />

p. 378), is alhtrcdly ipurious. And I even quote not Ariftotle's<br />

treatii'e Do Mundo, though it is quoted as his by <strong>Mr</strong>.<br />

Carte (p. 4. V. I.)» ;md as his, or <strong>The</strong>ophraftus's, or fome<br />

peribn's cotemporary with both, by Ufher (p. 378) ; for<br />

<strong>the</strong> lame reafon that I appealed not to it before, to prove<br />

<strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Briton prior to <strong>Mr</strong>. Macpherfbn's Cimbri ; be-<br />

caufe I confiJer it as <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> a later period.<br />

" L. ili. c. 0. ' P. 89.<br />

* So <strong>the</strong> weflern fide <strong>of</strong> Ptoman Britain was called Bri-<br />

tannia Superior or Higher Britain, and <strong>the</strong> eaftern Britannia<br />

Inferior or Lower Britain (H^iftory <strong>of</strong> Manchefter, p. 59),<br />

—And, as to Strabo's •w^oj A^^xl<strong>of</strong>, all <strong>the</strong> weftern fide <strong>of</strong> Bri-<br />

tain from Galloway to <strong>the</strong> Orkneys is filled <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn fide<br />

«f it by Ptolemy.<br />


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