The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...

The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ... The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...


334 THE GENUINE HISTORY OP The author here difmlfles Bede for the feconcj time. And what he has advanced againfl: him3^ Ifidore, and Orofius, are reafonings merely pro- blematical, arguments that have forgot their direction, and proofs that evince nothing ; violent affertions without authority, flrong depofitions in the face of hiflory, and etymologies egregi- oufly fantaftical and trifling. This account, I hope, is not too fevere. I give it merely from my own feelings, fenfibly offended as they have been through the whole courfe of this feclion. And, while I wifh to be polite to Mr. Macpherfon^ I cannot but feverely condemn the negligence an4 haflinefs of the hiftorian. VI,

THE ERITONS ASSERTED, 335 Vl. I S M I S S I N G thefe femblances of rea- fons, Mr. Macpherfon now advances ta V/hat he denominates in the margin his " conclu- ^* five arguments," And, here at leaft, we (hall meet with reafonings that may be worthy of the author. P. 129. " As a concluding argument againft ?' the Hibernian extraction of the Scots, it may ^' not be improper to obferve, that the Caledo- ^* nians might be called Hibernians, their coun-r ^* try in general Hibernia, and the weftern *' diviiion of it lerna or Yverdhon, without de- *' riving their blood from the Irifh. The Saxons ^* of England, it is well known, had their Norfolk ** and Suffolk, and the appellation of Southerons " and Norlands are not hitherto totally extinf' guifhed among the Scots [the Scotch Low- ?' lajiders] : the antient Pifts, in like manner, ** yere divided into two great tribes, the Veftu- f* jriones and Deucaledone^jj-the^ihabitants of the " Nonhera


Vl.<br />

I S M I S S I N G <strong>the</strong>fe femblances <strong>of</strong> rea-<br />

fons, <strong>Mr</strong>. Macpherfon now advances ta<br />

V/hat he denominates in <strong>the</strong> margin his " conclu-<br />

^* five arguments," And, here at leaft, we (hall<br />

meet with reafonings that may be worthy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

author.<br />

P. 129. " As a concluding argument againft<br />

?' <strong>the</strong> Hibernian extraction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Scots, it may<br />

^' not be improper to obferve, that <strong>the</strong> Caledo-<br />

^* nians might be called Hibernians, <strong>the</strong>ir coun-r<br />

^* try in general Hibernia, and <strong>the</strong> weftern<br />

*' diviiion <strong>of</strong> it lerna or Yverdhon, without de-<br />

*' riving <strong>the</strong>ir blood from <strong>the</strong> Irifh. <strong>The</strong> Saxons<br />

^* <strong>of</strong> England, it is well known, had <strong>the</strong>ir Norfolk<br />

** and Suffolk, and <strong>the</strong> appellation <strong>of</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rons<br />

" and Norlands are not hi<strong>the</strong>rto totally extinf'<br />

guifhed among <strong>the</strong> Scots [<strong>the</strong> Scotch Low-<br />

?' lajiders] : <strong>the</strong> antient Pifts, in like manner,<br />

** yere divided into two great tribes, <strong>the</strong> Veftu-<br />

f* jriones and Deucaledone^jj-<strong>the</strong>^ihabitants <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

" Nonhera

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