The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...

The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ... The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...


,70 THE GENUINE HISTORY OF Hiflory of Marcellinus. They made one twenty yediTs before it, and in that portion of the hiflo- ry which has been unhappily deftroyed. Con- fulatu — Confrantii decies, terque Juhani, in Britanniis cum Scotorum Pi^lorumque, gentium ferarum, excurfus, rupta quiete condi^d^ loca limitibus vicina vaftarent, et implicaret formido 'PwvmciSiS pfisterifarum dadiiim congenefej/i's; Jhiemem agens apud Parifios, Csefar—vercbatur ire fiibftdio tranfmarimsy ut retuUmuf ante fectjfe Conjianiem \ Here we are informed^ that the Scots and Pifts had recently ravaged the country before 360, that Conllans had palTed over to repel them, and that Marcellinus had given an account of both thefe incidents. And he ap- pears to have taken occafion from that incur- fion into the province, to have expatiated in a long and laboured defcription of the country which was then invaded, and to have given a par- ticular account of the Scots and Pifts who in- vaded it. Quoniam, fays he himfelf, cum Con- ftantis Principis a£la componerem, motus adolef- centis & fenefcentis oceani, fitumque Britannine, pro captu virium explanavi, ad ea quce digcfla funt femel, revolvi fuperfluum duxi ^— ; iHud tamen fufficiet dici, quod eo tempore Vldi—itidemque Attacotti— , et Scotti, per diverfa va- gantes multa populabantur ' I.. XX. c. I, -. And therefore for * L, xxvii, c. 8. Mr.

THE BRITONS ASSERTED. 171 Mr. Macpherfon to affirm, that Marcellinus, who firft found the Scots in Britain, furni^es not one pbfcure hint of their derivation from a foreign country ; is to miilake the time when Marcellinus iirft finds them in the ifland, is to aflert what is ,certainly not true, and to adduce an argument in favour of the Caledonian extraftion of the Scots, which is equally frivolous in its nature and falfe in its atteftation. in. PAG. 105. " Bede is the firft writer who " pofitively affirms that the Scots of Britain *' derived their origin from thofe of Ireland. " Whether they originally ol^tained from the " Fi£is the principality of — Argyle by force or " treaty, was a point which all his hiflorical and " traditional knowledge did not enable the vene- " rable Anglo-Saxon to determine. The inca- *'* pacity of Bede, who lived fo near the pre- " tended


<strong>Mr</strong>. Macpherfon to affirm, that Marcellinus, who<br />

firft found <strong>the</strong> Scots in Britain, furni^es not one<br />

pbfcure hint <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir derivation from a foreign<br />

country ; is to miilake <strong>the</strong> time when Marcellinus<br />

iirft finds <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong> ifland, is to aflert what is<br />

,certainly not true, and to adduce an argument<br />

in favour <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Caledonian extraftion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Scots, which is equally frivolous in its nature<br />

and falfe in its atteftation.<br />

in.<br />

PAG. 105. " Bede is <strong>the</strong> firft writer who<br />

" p<strong>of</strong>itively affirms that <strong>the</strong> Scots <strong>of</strong> Britain<br />

*' derived <strong>the</strong>ir origin from th<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> Ireland.<br />

" Whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y originally ol^tained from <strong>the</strong><br />

" Fi£is <strong>the</strong> principality <strong>of</strong> — Argyle by force or<br />

" treaty, was a point which all his hiflorical and<br />

" traditional knowledge did not enable <strong>the</strong> vene-<br />

" rable Anglo-Saxon to determine. <strong>The</strong> inca-<br />

*'* pacity <strong>of</strong> Bede, who lived fo near <strong>the</strong> pre-<br />

" tended

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