The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...

The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ... The genuine history of the Britons asserted against Mr. Macpherson ...


134 THE GENUINE HISTORY OF The former was the lafl: of four or five fucceflive Extracts. And this is as pregnant with miftakes as any of them. If the mixture of Mr. Macpherfon's Ottadini and Brigantes with his Gael betwixt the Wails, was, as he alledges, unavoidable, becaufe the country betwixt the Walls was the frontier of Caledonia ; the fame mixture mud have been equally unavoidable, on the frontiers of the Belg£e and Cimbri in Wales and Maxima, The region betwixt the Solway, the Tweed, and the Friths, is not more " expofed to in- ** vafion," than the land behind the Severne and the Dee, or the traft between the Humber, the Merfey, the Tweed, and the Eden. And fmce the country to the South of the Solway and Tweed mufl have been equally expofed to invafion, as that to the North of them, the barriers of both being exaftly the fame •, the fame unavoidable mixture mud have equally enfued in Northumberland as in the Lothians &c., and in Cumberland as in Anandale Sec. The reafoning, therefore, is not only in- accurate, but carries an edge with it, that, " like " an ill-iheathed knife, will cut its mailer ^" The fafts alfo and the etymons are both equally untrue.—I have previoufly fliewn the Ottadini not to have been Cimbric, even upon Mr, ]\Iac- ^ Shakefpear. pherfon's

THE BRITONS ASSERTED. 135 plierfons own argument. And the invafion of ihe Romans preffed no tribes towards the North. All appear to have poireffed exa


plierfons own argument. And <strong>the</strong> invafion <strong>of</strong><br />

ihe Romans preffed no tribes towards <strong>the</strong> North.<br />

All appear to have poireffed exa

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