Previous Years Thesis Titles

Previous Years Thesis Titles

Previous Years Thesis Titles


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Peters, Gregory. The Theory of Metagames. (Olinick)<br />

Pidgeon, Cindy. The Kakeya Problem. (B. Peterson)<br />

Ross, John. The Minimax Theorem. (Olinick)<br />

Ross, Peter. Models of Recidivism. (Olinick)<br />

Shively, Thomas. A Mathematical Model of Economic Equilibrium. (Olinick)<br />

Tinson, Richard. Towards a Computer Solution of the Rubik's Cube. (Martin)<br />

Tolman, Gregory. Proving the Impossible: Godel's Incompleteness Theorem. (Dorman)<br />

1980<br />

Alden, Stuart. Galois Theory. (Yuster)<br />

Dickson, Douglas. The Unusual in Geometry: Pick Your Theorem.<br />

Flannery, Elisabeth. Representation of Integers as Sums of Powers.<br />

Gourley, Peter. The Exponential Survival Distribution. (Emerson)<br />

Higgns, William. The Laplace Transform. (Bielli)<br />

Hoffman, Caren. Computer Algorithms To Solve Problems of Graph Theory. (Krupp)<br />

Kimbell, Andrew. The Bernouli Numbers. (Martin)<br />

Lennon, Richard. Simple Continued Fractions and Quadratic Irrationals. (Martin)<br />

Lyons, Daniel. Theorems and Algorithms For Networks. (Emerson)<br />

Mathes, Benjamin. The Wave Equation.<br />

Rohardt, Susanne. Markov Processes and Urban Expansion in Vermont. (Olinick)<br />

Taylor, Susan. Nonparametric Estimation of Patient Survival. (Emerson)<br />

Tharp, Michael. The Parallel Postulate. (Martin)<br />

Weaver, William. An Identification and Construction of the Regular Solids.

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