Los Angeles County Countywide Integrated Waste Management

Los Angeles County Countywide Integrated Waste Management

Los Angeles County Countywide Integrated Waste Management


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Special <strong>Waste</strong><br />

Statitically Representative .<br />

Storage<br />

Subtitle C<br />

Subtitle D<br />


According to the CCR, Title 14, Section 18720, any<br />

hadous waste listed in Section 66740 of Title 22 of<br />

the CCR, or any waste which has been classified as a<br />

special waste pursuat to Section 66744 of Title 22 of<br />

the CCR, or which has been granted a varance for the<br />

purose of storage, trsporttion, treatment, or disposal<br />

by the Deparent of Health Services pursuat to<br />

Section 663 i 0 of Title 22 of the CCR. Special waste<br />

also includes any solid waste which, because of its<br />

source of generation, physical, chemical or biological<br />

characteristics or unique disposal practices, is<br />

specifically conditioned in some solid waste facilties<br />

permt for handling and/or disposal.<br />

Those representative and random samples of unts that<br />

are taen from a population sample, pursuat to the<br />

procedures given in Appendix 1 of Aricle 6.1 of CCR<br />

Title 14. For the puroses of this definition, a<br />

population sample includes, but is not limited to, a<br />

sample from a population of solid waste generation sites,<br />

solid waste facilties and recycling facilties, or a<br />

population of items of materials and solid wastes in a<br />

refuse vehicle load of solid waste.<br />

The holding of solid waste materials for a tempora<br />

period.<br />

A section of the Federal Resource Conservation and<br />

Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, as amended (40<br />

CFR240-271, 122-124, 260-267, 270, 271) which'<br />

establishes operating requirements for new MSW<br />

landflls, existing MSW landfills, and lateral expansions.<br />

A section of the Federal Resource Conservation and<br />

Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, as amended, (40 CFR<br />

258) which established minimum stadards for a solid<br />

waste landfill development, operation, closure, and postclosure<br />

maitenance.<br />


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