Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

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PAGE TWELVE THE OLD PATRS ADVOCATE JUNE 1, 1946 preaching of the gospel to the lost would‘be a farce, for they could not believe it. That is downright silly. The judgment of Jno. 5:24 has reference to the state into which he enters wfien he obeys the gospel. It is a state of life, not of judgment or condemnation, as it is rendered in the - A MESSAGE TO CHRISTIANS , Christ loved and prayed for ~i~ enemies. Do we? He rejoiced, though He,had nowhere to lay His head- King James translation. Do we? Box 307, Ralls, Texas. Christ rejoiced, though all forsook Him and fled. (Selected from Apostolic Times) Do we? He went among the poor and lowly to lead them - UPON THE FIRST DAY to God. - Do we? A.:-Acts 20 :7:-“And upon the first day of He denied Hihself comfort’and ease that others the week, when the disciples came together to might find peace to their troubled souls. break bread, Paul preached unto them” (Acts Do we? 20 :7). When Christ met a person or company of per- NOTE: The first day of the week is a new in- sons He talked to them of eternal things. ‘stitution, not a new “patch” on the old seventh- Do we? I _. day “garment.” It was not “changed” from any- He that said account must be given of “every thing, but was “made” for the Lord. To the Ad- idle word that men shall speak” never engaged in ventists’ challenge that we show by the Bible foolish talking or jesting. where the Sabbath was changed, we simply answer that noreal Bible student ever claimed that Do we? the Sabbath was changed to Sunday! The Sab-s Christ taught that “men ought always to pray, baths (every one of them, including the “seventh- and not to faint,” and ,He prayed much,-often day Sabbath”) were nailed to the cross of Christ whole nights. (Col. 2:14). There is no record in the gospel Do we? where any faithful apostle, Christian, evangelist, Christ was so earnest in prayer for a lost world or congregation ever kept the Sabbath as a New that He prayed “being in agony.” Testament institution. The disciples observed How about us? the first day of the week man centuries before Christ was “brought as a lamb to the slaugilt- Constantine’s “Sunday law” or any pope of Rome. er” and He opened not His mouth but patiently Thus neither Constantine nor the pope started the endured mocking and shame. practice! -G. M. Prosser. (Selected) Do we? \. ‘ Christ was “separate from sinners.” Are we? YOU CAN’T FOOL GOD Christ was holy, harmless, and undefiled. nLc wt;: Christ had such love for those who criicifi~d 1 . ’ But you can’t fool God. n’t fool God. . Have we such love? “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, is.” (Romans S 91 - ’ THELOVEOFGOD “Could we with ink the ocean. fill. : -,I 7 . YOU can lie, swear, drink, and gamble, , - To write the love of God ibove Selected by Adila Everett. 11 I! To continue “speaking the truth in love,” “enunity deavoring of the to spirit keep in the bond of peace”; “keeping the ordinances as deliv- “Thus saith the Lord, ‘Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the Old Paths, where i6 the good way. and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”(Jer. 6;16) “And they that be of Thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise UD the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called. The Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Paths to Dwell in.” (Isa. 58:12). 11 , ._ No. 7 iol. XIX . LEBANON, MISSOURI, JULY 1, 1946 (Editor’s,note:-We are sorry that two typo- graphical errors appeared in number 5 of this series of articles, page 1, June issue.-H. L. K.) BUILDING A CHRISTIAN HOME No. 6 - better it will be both for the parents and the children. Little gihs can. be trained up in the art of cooking, sewing, keeping house, etc., just as easily as they can be trained up to try to mimic some ___- mnvie . __ star. Mothers -- need to take the time and I am deeply grateful to the many who continue go to the trouble to train their little girls to be to compliment these articles. Several have sug- home builders. Regardless of how much book gested that they be put into tract. learning a girl may have, she must have the prac- In this we wish to study Child Training. tical knowledge in order to be the kind of a home builder she should be. Shame on that mother who I think it is generally agreed upon by all that can spend two or three hours during the day read-. the parents are responsible f 01- their children. The ing a trashy novel and then doesn’t have time to Law of our country says so, and God has always teach her little girl I how to mix a cake or sew on a considered it so. In Deut. 4:lO. He sags “Gather hrrttnn I UUV””II. me the people together, and I will make them hear The same must‘ be said of fathers and the boys. my words, that they may learn to fear me all the Eph. 6:2 says for the fathers to bring their childays that they shall live upon the earth, and that dren up in the knowledge and admonition of the they may teach their children.” Notice that they, Lord. Fathers are duty bound to see to it that the parents, are to teach their children. Again we their children are nurtured in the teachings of the read:” And these words, which I command the& Lord. Furthermore, they must triin them up in this day, shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt the way that they should go. A boy can learn teael2 them diligently to thy children, and shalt to sing and pray, and do good work just as easily talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and as he can learn to smoke, swear, pack a toy piswhen thou walkest by the way, and when thou tol (later on a real one). Boys are going to learn liest down, and when thou risest up” (Deut. 6 :7). something, and learn how to do something. I may But Solomon says “Train up a child in the way be too old fashioned, but I would rather that my he should go: and when he is oldzhe will not de- boy would learn to ride a horse by riding me part from it” (Prov. 22:6). There is some dif- around the house when he is little than to learn ference in teaching and training. The teaching to shoot and kill his fellowman, by practicing with ~ is good and is commanded; but the training is a toy pistol, playing like he is shooting down his- the important thing : this determines the future playmates. of the child’s life here and hereafter. People dii- When fathers have several hours during the fer over what age in the child’s life to begin day and evening to spend “down in town,” but do training. I have heard parents- say of a child not have the ttTe to show the little boy how to three or four years old that they would “be glad tie a-knot in his rope, 01 how to fix his toys, he when so, and so, gets old enough to correct and is losing the confidence of that boy. Fathers and train.” I have noticed other children only a few mothers should do those,things that they will be months old that had already learned many good glad for the children to follow in their steps. They lessons. You need not try- to fool the baby; you should take special delight in showing the chiIdren Will fool yourself. That little child is being train- how to do anything that they do-they will soon ed from the beginning, and the parents are either’ learn to do it better than their parents. training the child up in the way he should go 01‘ Parents must see to it that they train their in the way he should not go. children to be honest, truthful, religious and I firmly believe what the Bible says about this, God-fearing by being just that themselves daily and if my own children go wrong, I will frankly before their children. Train them UP to do hop- admit that I, not the Lord, failed in the work- est and good work at whatever they do; train that I failed to train them as I should have done. them up in the fear of the Lord; teach them how That baby in the home is either being trained to pray, how to rFad and understand the Bible. to be kind, honest, truthful, good; or, it is being Teach them how to sing and then. train them by to be dishonest, hypocritical, cross, and singing with them. Teach and S ~ them W how to And the.sooner we discover this truth and go to every meeting of the church, and how to train the child in the way it should go the go in, sit down, and behave themselves. - (I


preaching <strong>of</strong> the gospel to the lost would‘be a<br />

farce, for they could not believe it. That is downright<br />

silly. The judgment <strong>of</strong> Jno. 5:24 has reference<br />

to the state into which he enters wfien he<br />

obeys the gospel. It is a state <strong>of</strong> life, not <strong>of</strong> judgment<br />

or condemnation, as it is rendered in the<br />

-<br />


<strong>Christ</strong> loved and prayed for ~i~ enemies.<br />

Do we?<br />

He rejoiced, though He,had nowhere to lay His<br />

head-<br />

King James translation. Do we?<br />

Box 307, Ralls, Texas. <strong>Christ</strong> rejoiced, though all forsook Him and fled.<br />

(Selected from Apostolic Times) Do we?<br />

He went among the poor and lowly to lead them<br />


to God.<br />

- Do we?<br />

A.:-Acts 20 :7:-“And upon the first day <strong>of</strong> He denied Hihself comfort’and ease that others<br />

the week, when the disciples came together to might find peace to their troubled souls.<br />

break bread, Paul preached unto them” (Acts Do we?<br />

20 :7).<br />

When <strong>Christ</strong> met a person or company <strong>of</strong> per-<br />

NOTE: The first day <strong>of</strong> the week is a new in- sons He talked to them <strong>of</strong> eternal things.<br />

‘stitution, not a new “patch” on the old seventh- Do we?<br />

I _.<br />

day “garment.” It was not “changed” from any- He that said account must be given <strong>of</strong> “every<br />

thing, but was “made” for the Lord. To the Ad- idle word that men shall speak” never engaged in<br />

ventists’ challenge that we show by the Bible foolish talking or jesting.<br />

where the Sabbath was changed, we simply answer<br />

that noreal Bible student ever claimed that<br />

Do we?<br />

the Sabbath was changed to Sunday! The Sab-s<br />

<strong>Christ</strong> taught that “men ought always to pray,<br />

baths (every one <strong>of</strong> them, including the “seventh- and not to faint,” and ,He prayed much,-<strong>of</strong>ten<br />

day Sabbath”) were nailed to the cross <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> whole nights.<br />

(Col. 2:14). There is no record in the gospel Do we?<br />

where any faithful apostle, <strong>Christ</strong>ian, evangelist, <strong>Christ</strong> was so earnest in prayer for a lost world<br />

or congregation ever kept the Sabbath as a New that He prayed “being in agony.”<br />

Testament institution. The disciples observed How about us?<br />

the first day <strong>of</strong> the week man centuries before <strong>Christ</strong> was “brought as a lamb to the slaugilt-<br />

Constantine’s “Sunday law” or any pope <strong>of</strong> Rome. er” and He opened not His mouth but patiently<br />

Thus neither Constantine nor the pope started the endured mocking and shame.<br />

practice! -G. M. Prosser.<br />

(Selected)<br />

Do we?<br />

\.<br />

‘<br />

<strong>Christ</strong> was “separate from sinners.”<br />

Are we?<br />


<strong>Christ</strong> was holy, harmless, and undefiled.<br />

nLc wt;:<br />

<strong>Christ</strong> had such love for those who criicifi~d<br />

1 . ’ But you can’t fool God.<br />

n’t fool God.<br />

. Have we such love?<br />

“Now if any man have not the Spirit <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>,<br />

is.” (Romans S 91 -<br />


“Could we with ink the ocean. fill.<br />

: -,I 7 .<br />

YOU can lie, swear, drink, and gamble, , - To write the love <strong>of</strong> God ibove<br />

Selected by Adila Everett.<br />

11<br />

I!<br />

To continue “speaking<br />

the truth in love,” “enunity<br />

deavoring <strong>of</strong> the to spirit keep in the<br />

bond <strong>of</strong> peace”; “keeping<br />

the ordinances as deliv-<br />

“Thus saith the Lord, ‘Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the <strong>Old</strong> <strong>Paths</strong>, where i6 the good way. and walk therein,<br />

and ye shall find rest for your souls.”(Jer. 6;16) “And they that be <strong>of</strong> Thee shall build the old waste places: thou<br />

shalt raise UD the foundations <strong>of</strong> many generations; and thou shalt be called. The Repairer <strong>of</strong> the Breach, The Restorer<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Paths</strong> to Dwell in.” (Isa. 58:12). 11<br />

, ._<br />

No. 7<br />

iol. XIX . LEBANON, MISSOURI, JULY 1, 1946<br />

(Editor’s,note:-We are sorry that two typo-<br />

graphical errors appeared in number 5 <strong>of</strong> this<br />

series <strong>of</strong> articles, page 1, June issue.-H. L. K.)<br />


No. 6<br />

-<br />

better it will be both for the parents and the children.<br />

Little gihs can. be trained up in the art <strong>of</strong><br />

cooking, sewing, keeping house, etc., just as easily<br />

as they can be trained up to try to mimic some<br />

___-<br />

mnvie . __ star. Mothers -- need to take the time and<br />

I am deeply grateful to the many who continue go to the trouble to train their little girls to be<br />

to compliment these articles. Several have sug- home builders. Regardless <strong>of</strong> how much book<br />

gested that they be put into tract.<br />

learning a girl may have, she must have the prac-<br />

In this we wish to study Child Training.<br />

tical knowledge in order to be the kind <strong>of</strong> a home<br />

builder she should be. Shame on that mother who<br />

I think it is generally agreed upon by all that can spend two or three hours during the day read-.<br />

the parents are responsible f 01- their children. The ing a trashy novel and then doesn’t have time to<br />

Law <strong>of</strong> our country says so, and God has always teach her little girl I how to mix a cake or sew on a<br />

considered it so. In Deut. 4:lO. He sags “Gather hrrttnn I<br />

UUV””II.<br />

me the people together, and I will make them hear The same must‘ be said <strong>of</strong> fathers and the boys.<br />

my words, that they may learn to fear me all the Eph. 6:2 says for the fathers to bring their childays<br />

that they shall live upon the earth, and that dren up in the knowledge and admonition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

they may teach their children.” Notice that they, Lord. Fathers are duty bound to see to it that<br />

the parents, are to teach their children. Again we their children are nurtured in the teachings <strong>of</strong> the<br />

read:” And these words, which I command the& Lord. Furthermore, they must triin them up in<br />

this day, shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt the way that they should go. A boy can learn<br />

teael2 them diligently to thy children, and shalt to sing and pray, and do good work just as easily<br />

talk <strong>of</strong> them when thou sittest in thine house, and as he can learn to smoke, swear, pack a toy piswhen<br />

thou walkest by the way, and when thou tol (later on a real one). Boys are going to learn<br />

liest down, and when thou risest up” (Deut. 6 :7). something, and learn how to do something. I may<br />

But Solomon says “Train up a child in the way be too old fashioned, but I would rather that my<br />

he should go: and when he is oldzhe will not de- boy would learn to ride a horse by riding me<br />

part from it” (Prov. 22:6). There is some dif- around the house when he is little than to learn<br />

ference in teaching and training. The teaching to shoot and kill his fellowman, by practicing with ~<br />

is good and is commanded; but the training is a toy pistol, playing like he is shooting down his-<br />

the important thing : this determines the future playmates.<br />

<strong>of</strong> the child’s life here and hereafter. People dii- When fathers have several hours during the<br />

fer over what age in the child’s life to begin day and evening to spend “down in town,” but do<br />

training. I have heard parents- say <strong>of</strong> a child not have the ttTe to show the little boy how to<br />

three or four years old that they would “be glad tie a-knot in his rope, 01 how to fix his toys, he<br />

when so, and so, gets old enough to correct and is losing the confidence <strong>of</strong> that boy. Fathers and<br />

train.” I have noticed other children only a few mothers should do those,things that they will be<br />

months old that had already learned many good glad for the children to follow in their steps. They<br />

lessons. You need not try- to fool the baby; you should take special delight in showing the chiIdren<br />

Will fool yourself. That little child is being train- how to do anything that they do-they will soon<br />

ed from the beginning, and the parents are either’ learn to do it better than their parents.<br />

training the child up in the way he should go 01‘ Parents must see to it that they train their<br />

in the way he should not go. children to be honest, truthful, religious and<br />

I firmly believe what the Bible says about this, God-fearing by being just that themselves daily<br />

and if my own children go wrong, I will frankly before their children. Train them UP to do hop-<br />

admit that I, not the Lord, failed in the work- est and good work at whatever they do; train<br />

that I failed to train them as I should have done. them up in the fear <strong>of</strong> the Lord; teach them how<br />

That baby in the home is either being trained to pray, how to rFad and understand the Bible.<br />

to be kind, honest, truthful, good; or, it is being Teach them how to sing and then. train them by<br />

to be dishonest, hypocritical, cross, and singing with them. Teach and S ~ them W how to<br />

And the.sooner we discover this truth and go to every meeting <strong>of</strong> the church, and how to<br />

train the child in the way it should go the go in, sit down, and behave themselves. -<br />


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