Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

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Abe Young (colored), Rte. 2 Box 184, Halles- . ville, Texas, March 6.-Please, allow me space for a few words in the OPA. The church at Ash Spring has put on new spirit in 1946. There have been two restorations, and the attendance has almost doubled. We plan to do some mission work, spon- . sored by the church here. Brethren, is it right for Christians to belong to secret orders? Is it right for Christians to carry life insurance on themselves or others? I am opposed to either. Let me know if I am wrong. Paul 0. Nichols, 849 Wilcox .Ave., Hollywood, 38, Calif., March 14.-There were three con- fessions of faults and one baptism during the short meeting we held with the Marysville con- gregation from Feb. 18 to 24 inst. The Lord will- ing we begin a meeting at Thornton, a mission point, next Sunday night, March 17. Brethren, let’s push the work now. I am glad to note that brethren in other states are getting mission mind- ed. We need to establish congregations in other places. What are we doing about it? E. H. Miller, 1003 Truitt Ave., La Grange, Ga., March 18.-We are certainly enjoying good at- tendance, and. the interest is fine in the church here. Several new families are attending, and we are looking for a great meeting in June, when Bro. Ervin Waters comes to be with us. I have meetings booked in Ga., Ala., Tenn., Ky., Iowa, and Miss., but I could assist in a few more if needed, for my greatest joy is working for Jesus in His church. . G. A. Canfield .(colored), Rte. 1, Box 78, Marion, La., March 6.-I noticed recently in the OPA that Bro. Catterton, of Hammond, Ind., was still plan- ning for me to come to that place for some work among my race, and I shall be glad to go if the work can be financed. -I am anxious to get out among my people more and teach them the truth, wherever I can do any good. Should the brethren desire to send me out to preach to my race, I shall appreciate it very much. Write me as above. Ben Frentrup, 1028 Nolan St., San Antonio, 2, Texas, March 18.-I am now discharged from CPS, and I wish to thank‘all brethren who have contributed to brethren in camps, or who may still be contributing. Your deeds of charity were much-appreciated. As for the church in San ,An- tonio sending support direct to me, it was done be- cause of unusual financial need at the time. When my wife went home in December, I no longer need- ed this help, and it was given-to another brother in special need. The church here continues to send direct to brethren in CPS. S. E. Weldon, 1650 Brockman, Beaumont, Tex- as, March 20.-I am writing you, Brother King, to let you know that I have not forgotten -yoyin reference to the good work you are doing. in a- as they are off the press. Brother Joe Castleman is leading in the fight we qeaoing in this part, for which he deserves much credit.. He plans to have our new house ready for the worship by Sun- day. I am not able to do any of the work, as I was 79 years of age yesterday and afflicted with rheumatism. Remember us always in your prayers. Gayland L. Osburn, 1428 E. California Ave., Glendale 6, Calif., March 12.-Feb. 15-24, I was at Greenfield, Calif., during a meeting ther, 0 conducted by both Clovis Cook and Ervin Waters, and the next night after that meeting, I hearcl Ervin Waters preach at Armona. I visited the boys in the CPS camp near Three Rivers, Calif., Feb. 26-March 1, preaching one night to B fine audience. Lord’s Day, March 3, I gave a talk at Los Angeles, and we had singing that afternoon. I heard Homer King preach three nights during the meeting he conducted at Waco, Tex. Lynwood Smith and I spent March 9-10 at the Cheniere church, near Monroe, La., preaching a couple of times each. . T. R. Chappell, 48 East 19th St., San Angelo, Texas, March lZ.-Although it has been some- time since I reported to the paper, yet we still enjoy reading the OPA each month. We liked the book, “Old Paths Pulpit,” too. The church here Is doing fine. Four have been restol’ed in the past few months at my monthly appointments. Re- cently, I was with the fine brethren at Abilene and am to be with them again the 5th Sunday, inst. I want to congratulate brethren for trying to settle the static over the marriage question, without debates. I believe the church would have been in .much better condition today, had that course been followed in the past. May God bless the-efforts for unity. Let-us heed Paul to Timo- thy (2 Tim. 4:2), being “longsuffering.” I am to begin my summer meetings, July 1. James R. Stewart, 1301 No. 13th St., Waco, Texas, March 18.-I have recently visited a num- ber of congregations, ‘among whom wed, Temple, Marlow, Sand Grove, and of course, the home church in Waco, which I enjoyed at each place. The church at So. 4th St., here, is.’growing and doing fine. We have just closed a successful meeting, with Bro. King doing the preaching. Three were baptized and three confessed faults, and one was baptized the day before Bro. King arrived. I was very glad to be at home and en- joy the opportunity of attending this meeting. We were glad to have all the visiting brethren with us, especially Brethren Lynwood Smith and Gayland Osburn, and we were glad to have all the preachers visit in our home. I plan to do some mission work, south of here in April. Pray.for me and the work. Tom E. Smith, Eox 893, Healdton.. Oklahoma, APRIL I, 1946 THE OLD PATHS ADVOCATE PAGE ELEVEN faith, and zeal. Bro. Bill Roden was with us at the Bit Shop, March 3, delivering a good sermon. In the afternoon we went to Ada to attend the meeting in the interest of mission work. We had a good meeting, and the next one will be held at Graham, the 4th Lord’s day in June, where Bro. Clarence Kessinger will be in a meeting at the time. I hope all will make a note of this. Fred Kirbo, Wilson, Oklahoma, March 14.-Brother Barney Welch and I recently went to Jerusalem, Ark., to hold a mission meeting. We were unable to secure a building in Jerusalem, so we began preaching in the Mt. Zion Methodist Church house, only a mile and a half away. Sister Freeman and her son, H. B., Barney, and I were all that Communed the first Lord’s day. But, whee the meeting terminated, 35 stood with us, and the Methodist Church house was turned over to us. Brother Barney and I returned last Lord‘s day, baptizing one and restoring one. 41 communed that day. While in Jerusalem we walked by Jacob’s well, and were told it was only 40 miles to Damascus. We passed through Macedonia, but failed - to get the “call.” Let us all pull together. L. N. Byford, 410 Clay St., Waco, Texas, March 18-We are rejoicing over the results of the meeting that has just come to a close. Brother King did the preachkg, and it was some of the best that we have ever heaheard. When we plan- ned the meeting this time, we had in mind to have a meeting to edify.tKe church, mainly. ThB meeting surpassed all our expectations. Four were baptized into Christ all grown people, and three confessed faults. There were good crowds at every service, even though there was illness in four of the families that have always attended most every service of the church. We are glad to have ,Bra Lynwood Smith and Gayland Osburn visit with us three services of the meeting before they started their work in the missioq fields. Brethren, let us work, watch, and pray while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work. some new congregations to be estsblished by him ir. the mission work here in Missouri this year. It still “pleases God by the foolishness of preach- ing to save‘them that believe” (1 Cor. 121). Clovis T. Cook, Lodi, Calif., March 15.-The Greenfield meeting closed with good interest and -good crowds,. I plan to return for a singing school some time soon. I began a singing school March 4th, at Woodlake, which continued for ten days. We are now in a meeting at the same place, hav- ing closed the school one night and beginning our meeting the next one. Bro. Reynolds was with me through t‘ne school, helping as we had need of him. He and I will preach alternately through this meeting. Bro. Chester King and I have worked several days in the vicinity of Orange Cove, Calif ., contacting members and getting ready for a mission meeting, which we will con- duct soon. Bro. Chester got several of the bre- thren together and worshiped with them for the past two Lord’s days, consequently, another con- gregation has been established in this state. The plan and system employed in this state to do mis- sion work stands upon its own merits as one of the best I have ever seen. With other plans we dream o€ mission work, but never get anything done in reality. As for me I shall think twice before criticizing the set-up. . Homer L. King,- Route 2, Lebanon, Missouri, March 22.-I preached for the faithful brethren at Richland, Missouri, the fourth Lord‘s day in February, returning to Lebanon to preach Sunday night to a good audience. I attended .the all-day meeting in Lebanon, March 3, in the interest of mission work. A number of congregations were represented. I began a series of meetings with the Fourth Street church in -Waco, Texas, March 4, Bro. Cyrus Holt, who resides in Waco, having begun the series on the day before, baptizing one the first day. We continued for two weeks, baptizing three and restoring three. Crowds and interest were good throughout. We were certainly delighted to have Brethren Gayland Osburn and Lynwood Smith with us a few days in that meet- .Homer A. Gay, Lebanon, Mo., March 14.-We ing. Both are very fine boys and are loved by had a good meeting and a good visit at Fleming- all who know them. Too, it was good to be aston, Pa., closing there March 3. I was encouraged sociated with preaching brethren, James R. Steto find Bro, Floyd Ross, a young preacher, grow- wart, Cyrus Holt, and Wesley Ballard, again. The ing in the faith and in knowledge as he is. above church is the home of these preachers, and Through his efforts a goodly number of younger they are fortunate to have them. Brother A. B. members have been added to the congregation Pickle has recently moved into their ranks, and there since I was last with them, and it seems that the brethren tell me that he is a good teacher. We they, too, are growing in the faith. We reached were glad to have brethren in attendance from our home late Saturday, March 9th, and worship- Bellmead, Jones Hill, White Hall, Clay St., posped with the home congregation Lord’s day, and sibly other churches. We had a very good home I preached here that night to a nice crowd. It with the Byfords. I was supported well for my seems good to be back home, even though it is efforts, for which I am very thankful. I returned for on1y.a short stay. I am to be in a meeting at to my home, March 19, only to find my dear brothe Carter congregation, near Davidson, Okla., ther (in the flesh and Christ), Claude, in a very the first two weeks in April, in Mozier, Ill., ,the serious condition. He was rushed to the hospital first of May, and in McAlister, Okla., the last in Lebanon, but to no avail, and he peticefully expart of May and the first of June. It doesn’t pired at 4:15 a. m., today, March 22. Naturally, seem quite so lonesome wi old Buddy, HO- I have suffered a great loss, as well as all the mer L. King, back in the and I look for family and theschurch, but we trust our loss is

Abe Young (colored), Rte. 2 Box 184, Halles-<br />

. ville, Texas, March 6.-Please, allow me space for<br />

a few words in the OPA. The church at Ash Spring<br />

has put on new spirit in 1946. There have been two<br />

restorations, and the attendance has almost<br />

doubled. We plan to do some mission work, spon-<br />

. sored by the church here. Brethren, is it right<br />

for <strong>Christ</strong>ians to belong to secret orders? Is it<br />

right for <strong>Christ</strong>ians to carry life insurance on<br />

themselves or others? I am opposed to either. Let<br />

me know if I am wrong.<br />

Paul 0. Nichols, 849 Wilcox .Ave., Hollywood,<br />

38, Calif., March 14.-There were three con-<br />

fessions <strong>of</strong> faults and one baptism during the<br />

short meeting we held with the Marysville con-<br />

gregation from Feb. 18 to 24 inst. The Lord will-<br />

ing we begin a meeting at Thornton, a mission<br />

point, next Sunday night, March 17. Brethren,<br />

let’s push the work now. I am glad to note that<br />

brethren in other states are getting mission mind-<br />

ed. We need to establish congregations in other<br />

places. What are we doing about it?<br />

E. H. Miller, 1003 Truitt Ave., La Grange, Ga.,<br />

March 18.-We are certainly enjoying good at-<br />

tendance, and. the interest is fine in the church<br />

here. Several new families are attending, and we<br />

are looking for a great meeting in June, when<br />

Bro. Ervin Waters comes to be with us. I have<br />

meetings booked in Ga., Ala., Tenn., Ky., Iowa,<br />

and Miss., but I could assist in a few more if<br />

needed, for my greatest joy is working for Jesus<br />

in His church. .<br />

G. A. Canfield .(colored), Rte. 1, Box 78, Marion,<br />

La., March 6.-I noticed recently in the OPA that<br />

Bro. Catterton, <strong>of</strong> Hammond, Ind., was still plan-<br />

ning for me to come to that place for some work<br />

among my race, and I shall be glad to go if the<br />

work can be financed. -I am anxious to get out<br />

among my people more and teach them the truth,<br />

wherever I can do any good. Should the brethren<br />

desire to send me out to preach to my race, I shall<br />

appreciate it very much. Write me as above.<br />

Ben Frentrup, 1028 Nolan St., San Antonio,<br />

2, Texas, March 18.-I am now discharged from<br />

CPS, and I wish to thank‘all brethren who have<br />

contributed to brethren in camps, or who may<br />

still be contributing. Your deeds <strong>of</strong> charity were<br />

much-appreciated. As for the church in San ,An-<br />

tonio sending support direct to me, it was done be-<br />

cause <strong>of</strong> unusual financial need at the time. When<br />

my wife went home in December, I no longer need-<br />

ed this help, and it was given-to another brother<br />

in special need. The church here continues to send<br />

direct to brethren in CPS.<br />

S. E. Weldon, 1650 Brockman, Beaumont, Tex-<br />

as, March 20.-I am writing you, Brother King,<br />

to let you know that I have not forgotten -yoyin<br />

reference to the good work you are doing. in a-<br />

as they are <strong>of</strong>f the press. Brother Joe Castleman<br />

is leading in the fight we qeaoing in this part,<br />

for which he deserves much credit.. He plans to<br />

have our new house ready for the worship by Sun-<br />

day. I am not able to do any <strong>of</strong> the work, as I was<br />

79 years <strong>of</strong> age yesterday and afflicted with<br />

rheumatism. Remember us always in your prayers.<br />

Gayland L. Osburn, 1428 E. California Ave.,<br />

Glendale 6, Calif., March 12.-Feb. 15-24, I was<br />

at Greenfield, Calif., during a meeting ther, 0 conducted<br />

by both Clovis Cook and Ervin Waters,<br />

and the next night after that meeting, I hearcl<br />

Ervin Waters preach at Armona. I visited the<br />

boys in the CPS camp near Three Rivers, Calif.,<br />

Feb. 26-March 1, preaching one night to B fine<br />

audience. Lord’s Day, March 3, I gave a talk at<br />

Los Angeles, and we had singing that afternoon.<br />

I heard Homer King preach three nights during<br />

the meeting he conducted at Waco, Tex. Lynwood<br />

Smith and I spent March 9-10 at the Cheniere<br />

church, near Monroe, La., preaching a couple<br />

<strong>of</strong> times each. .<br />

T. R. Chappell, 48 East 19th St., San Angelo,<br />

Texas, March lZ.-Although it has been some-<br />

time since I reported to the paper, yet we still<br />

enjoy reading the OPA each month. We liked the<br />

book, “<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Paths</strong> Pulpit,” too. The church here Is<br />

doing fine. Four have been restol’ed in the past<br />

few months at my monthly appointments. Re-<br />

cently, I was with the fine brethren at Abilene<br />

and am to be with them again the 5th Sunday,<br />

inst. I want to congratulate brethren for trying<br />

to settle the static over the marriage question,<br />

without debates. I believe the church would have<br />

been in .much better condition today, had that<br />

course been followed in the past. May God bless<br />

the-efforts for unity. Let-us heed Paul to Timo-<br />

thy (2 Tim. 4:2), being “longsuffering.” I am<br />

to begin my summer meetings, July 1.<br />

James R. Stewart, 1301 No. 13th St., Waco,<br />

Texas, March 18.-I have recently visited a num-<br />

ber <strong>of</strong> congregations, ‘among whom wed, Temple,<br />

Marlow, Sand Grove, and <strong>of</strong> course, the home<br />

church in Waco, which I enjoyed at each place.<br />

The church at So. 4th St., here, is.’growing and<br />

doing fine. We have just closed a successful<br />

meeting, with Bro. King doing the preaching.<br />

Three were baptized and three confessed faults,<br />

and one was baptized the day before Bro. King<br />

arrived. I was very glad to be at home and en-<br />

joy the opportunity <strong>of</strong> attending this meeting.<br />

We were glad to have all the visiting brethren<br />

with us, especially Brethren Lynwood Smith and<br />

Gayland Osburn, and we were glad to have all<br />

the preachers visit in our home. I plan to do some<br />

mission work, south <strong>of</strong> here in April. Pray.for<br />

me and the work.<br />

Tom E. Smith, Eox 893, Healdton.. Oklahoma,<br />


faith, and zeal. Bro. Bill Roden was with us at<br />

the Bit Shop, March 3, delivering a good sermon.<br />

In the afternoon we went to Ada to attend the<br />

meeting in the interest <strong>of</strong> mission work. We had<br />

a good meeting, and the next one will be held at<br />

Graham, the 4th Lord’s day in June, where Bro.<br />

Clarence Kessinger will be in a meeting at the<br />

time. I hope all will make a note <strong>of</strong> this.<br />

Fred Kirbo, Wilson, Oklahoma, March 14.-Brother<br />

Barney Welch and I recently went to Jerusalem,<br />

Ark., to hold a mission meeting. We were<br />

unable to secure a building in Jerusalem, so we<br />

began preaching in the Mt. Zion Methodist <strong>Church</strong><br />

house, only a mile and a half away. Sister Freeman<br />

and her son, H. B., Barney, and I were all<br />

that Communed the first Lord’s day. But, whee<br />

the meeting terminated, 35 stood with us, and the<br />

Methodist <strong>Church</strong> house was turned over to us.<br />

Brother Barney and I returned last Lord‘s day,<br />

baptizing one and restoring one. 41 communed<br />

that day. While in Jerusalem we walked by Jacob’s<br />

well, and were told it was only 40 miles to<br />

Damascus. We passed through Macedonia, but<br />

failed - to get the “call.” Let us all pull together.<br />

L. N. Byford, 410 Clay St., Waco, Texas, March<br />

18-We are rejoicing over the results <strong>of</strong> the<br />

meeting that has just come to a close. Brother<br />

King did the preachkg, and it was some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

best that we have ever heaheard. When we plan-<br />

ned the meeting this time, we had in mind to<br />

have a meeting to edify.tKe church, mainly. ThB<br />

meeting surpassed all our expectations. Four<br />

were baptized into <strong>Christ</strong> all grown people, and<br />

three confessed faults. There were good crowds at<br />

every service, even though there was illness in<br />

four <strong>of</strong> the families that have always attended<br />

most every service <strong>of</strong> the church. We are glad to<br />

have ,Bra Lynwood Smith and Gayland Osburn<br />

visit with us three services <strong>of</strong> the meeting before<br />

they started their work in the missioq fields.<br />

Brethren, let us work, watch, and pray while it<br />

is day for the night cometh when no man can<br />

work.<br />

some new congregations to be estsblished by him<br />

ir. the mission work here in Missouri this year.<br />

It still “pleases God by the foolishness <strong>of</strong> preach-<br />

ing to save‘them that believe” (1 Cor. 121).<br />

Clovis T. Cook, Lodi, Calif., March 15.-The<br />

Greenfield meeting closed with good interest and<br />

-good crowds,. I plan to return for a singing school<br />

some time soon. I began a singing school March<br />

4th, at Woodlake, which continued for ten days.<br />

We are now in a meeting at the same place, hav-<br />

ing closed the school one night and beginning our<br />

meeting the next one. Bro. Reynolds was with<br />

me through t‘ne school, helping as we had need <strong>of</strong><br />

him. He and I will preach alternately through<br />

this meeting. Bro. Chester King and I have<br />

worked several days in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> Orange<br />

Cove, Calif ., contacting members and getting<br />

ready for a mission meeting, which we will con-<br />

duct soon. Bro. Chester got several <strong>of</strong> the bre-<br />

thren together and worshiped with them for the<br />

past two Lord’s days, consequently, another con-<br />

gregation has been established in this state. The<br />

plan and system employed in this state to do mis-<br />

sion work stands upon its own merits as one <strong>of</strong><br />

the best I have ever seen. With other plans we<br />

dream o€ mission work, but never get anything<br />

done in reality. As for me I shall think twice<br />

before criticizing the set-up. .<br />

Homer L. King,- Route 2, Lebanon, Missouri,<br />

March 22.-I preached for the faithful brethren<br />

at Richland, Missouri, the fourth Lord‘s day in<br />

February, returning to Lebanon to preach Sunday<br />

night to a good audience. I attended .the all-day<br />

meeting in Lebanon, March 3, in the interest <strong>of</strong><br />

mission work. A number <strong>of</strong> congregations were<br />

represented. I began a series <strong>of</strong> meetings with<br />

the Fourth Street church in -Waco, Texas, March<br />

4, Bro. Cyrus Holt, who resides in Waco, having<br />

begun the series on the day before, baptizing one<br />

the first day. We continued for two weeks, baptizing<br />

three and restoring three. Crowds and interest<br />

were good throughout. We were certainly<br />

delighted to have Brethren Gayland Osburn and<br />

Lynwood Smith with us a few days in that meet-<br />

.Homer A. Gay, Lebanon, Mo., March 14.-We ing. Both are very fine boys and are loved by<br />

had a good meeting and a good visit at Fleming- all who know them. Too, it was good to be aston,<br />

Pa., closing there March 3. I was encouraged sociated with preaching brethren, James R. Steto<br />

find Bro, Floyd Ross, a young preacher, grow- wart, Cyrus Holt, and Wesley Ballard, again. The<br />

ing in the faith and in knowledge as he is. above church is the home <strong>of</strong> these preachers, and<br />

Through his efforts a goodly number <strong>of</strong> younger they are fortunate to have them. Brother A. B.<br />

members have been added to the congregation Pickle has recently moved into their ranks, and<br />

there since I was last with them, and it seems that the brethren tell me that he is a good teacher. We<br />

they, too, are growing in the faith. We reached were glad to have brethren in attendance from<br />

our home late Saturday, March 9th, and worship- Bellmead, Jones Hill, White Hall, Clay St., posped<br />

with the home congregation Lord’s day, and sibly other churches. We had a very good home<br />

I preached here that night to a nice crowd. It with the Byfords. I was supported well for my<br />

seems good to be back home, even though it is efforts, for which I am very thankful. I returned<br />

for on1y.a short stay. I am to be in a meeting at to my home, March 19, only to find my dear brothe<br />

Carter congregation, near Davidson, Okla., ther (in the flesh and <strong>Christ</strong>), Claude, in a very<br />

the first two weeks in April, in Mozier, Ill., ,the serious condition. He was rushed to the hospital<br />

first <strong>of</strong> May, and in McAlister, Okla., the last in Lebanon, but to no avail, and he peticefully expart<br />

<strong>of</strong> May and the first <strong>of</strong> June. It doesn’t pired at 4:15 a. m., today, March 22. Naturally,<br />

seem quite so lonesome wi old Buddy, HO- I have suffered a great loss, as well as all the<br />

mer L. King, back in the and I look for family and theschurch, but we trust our loss is

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