Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

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PAGE SIX THE ‘OLD PATHS ADVOCATE MARCH 1, 1946 to Gatlinburg, Tenn., tell us whether the camp there is a religious camp or operated‘by the gov- ernment, please. -Homer L, King, Rte. 2, ’ Lebanon, Missouri. BUILDING A CHRISTIAN HOME A place to call “home.” A house does not always mean a home, and yet there must be something, -some place that we think of as home. I realize that I may be “old fashioned,” but I believe that before a couple marry they should make some kind of arrangement for some place to live to themselves. Many a marriage has gone on the rocks all because the young folks did not consider God’s words to “Leave father and mother” and cleave to one another, and moved in on the old folks. Young folks will have to get adjusted and ac- quainted after they marry and they need to be off to themselves, and leave all of their parents out of it, and start from the beginning to build for themselves a Christian home. The flowers bloom in clusters and have their home; the beasts and birds have their nests to raise their young and for their home have often given their lives. With the human race, the mak- ing of one’s own home is the supreme earthly fascination tonwhich all you the looks forward and upon which old age looks back. Be it ever so humble there is no place like home. Mr. Guest says “it takes a lot of living in a house to make it home.” But when a house is thus lived in, and made a home it almost seems sacred, and when I see a worn out, discarded old home it makes me think of Joyce Kilmer’s poem : “But a house that has done what a house should do, a house that has sheltered life, That has put its loving wooden arms around a man and his wife, A house that has echoed a baby’s laugh, and held up its stumbling feet, Is the saddest sight, when left alone that ever your eyes could meet.” But tho a house alone does not make a home, it still remains that the most satisfying concep- tion of a human home involves some kind of a rather permanent place; a place with a family centered for its every day life, for its growth, its loving, its learning. One of the greatest sacrifices which the Son of God made for us seems to be summed up thus: “And they went every man to his own house: but Jesus went unto the mount of Olives” (Jno. 7 :53 to 8 :1). The Son of Man hath not where to lay his head. The home place should be used to the glory of God. Lydia’s home place enabled her to care for Paul and Silas while they preached the gospel in Philippi (Acts 16). Aquilla and Priscilla turned their home place into a meeting place for the Church. Marks house alive at midnight with praying disciples, was ready to receive Peter Yrom / his prison deliverance. On and on we could go with Bible records like these but these are enough to show us that God wants the Christian home to be ordered right. No wonder then that Paul said for the old women to teach the young women to “be keepers at home” (Titus 2:5). I do not understand that the Apostle means that the wife should just stay at home; but she is to be a home keeper. In 1 Tim. 5:14 he says, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” The woman is the home keeper according to Gods arrangment, and parents should train up their little girls to be such. Many a bird has been lost because of a faulty cage, and many a husband has been lost because of an unkept house. No amount of paint, powder . and perfume will atone for unwashen dishes, dirty floors and half cooked meals. I also understand that when God said to Adam: in the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread, that he meant to place the responsibility of making the living on the shoulders of the man, and no amount of ability to drive his fathers car, play pool or entertain will make up for an empty flour bin. The husband is the head of the family (Eph. 5), and as such he should take the responsibility and see that the wife and children are properly cared for to the extent of his ability. If it is the duty of the wife to keep the home, it is first the duty of the husband to see that she has a home to keep. Though this home may be just.a cabin or a tent, if the husband does his best to be the provider and the wife will do her part of the keeping and they both will trust in God and abide by his word, in their old days they will look back to this home place as the happiest home on earth. -Homer A. Gay. P. S. I hope to write several articles on this subject. If care to say anything either for or against what I say please write direct to me. H. A. G.) RIGHT LIVING’BRINGS PEACE ’ Many fear that we will have a third world war. Wrong doing is what forced us into this war; when we have compelled other nations to do right will we learn the value of right living? If all nations were righteous there would be no war. The very best thing we can do is to make sure we are right ourselves, and that applies to trou- bles in home, church or nation. Jesus was the Great Teacher. He gave a plan for leading others to do right, “That they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”; Matt. 5:16. The plan for leading others to do right is $0 do right ourselves. By that plan we do not use force, why not fall in with prophecy and prevent wars by righteous living? What is right? “Tor the ways of the Lord are right.” Hosea‘ 14:9. If. we would know what is right we shculd study the Word and rightly di- vide it. L$arn what He requires of us-not what MARCH 1, 1946 THE OED .PATHS :ADVOCATE: PAGE SEVEN He required of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Matt. 17th Chap. makes it plain that we are to hear Christ, not Moses or Elias. Old Testament teach- ing is good but we, being saved by the blood of Christ, should hear Him in all things. The Golden Rule is right. Roger Babson says, “Only the Golden Rule will save this country .- not a rule of gold. A character standard is far more important than even a gold standard. The success of all economic systems is still dependent upon both righteous leaders and righteous peo- ple. In the last analysis, our national future de- pends upon our national character-that is, whe- ther it is spiritually or materially minded.” Isn’t that a big statement .when there is so much sin in our nation? Yet we believe it is true. Why? Be- cause it is in harmony with Christ’s teaching. The rich young man wanted to be absolutely right. Jesus said, “sell that thou hast and give to the poor.’’ That may seem to be strong teach- ing but there is where faith takes hold. We must believe that Jesus knows best. The man was a ruler and no*doubt could make a good living with- out his wealth. Jesus wanted him to learn that “it is more blessed to give than to receive”; a tryth which we often fail to understand. Would Jesus approve of one man holding a mil- lion acres of land and refusing to farm part of it because he could not make a profit? Lincoln warned against prejudice and the accumulation of wealth in the hanas of the few saying it threat- ened the safety. of our nation. We are looking for a better way and we must find it. Not commun- ism, but a way that will bring comfortable living for all. Righteous leaders can find a way with- out going to the extreme of communism. What a wonder statement Roger Babson made when he spoke of a spiritually minded na- tion. Pgul, who was spiritually minded, was will- ing to suffer the loss of all things to win Christ. All of us may not be able to reach the spiritual heights which Paul reached but we can get enough of it to make this a better world in which to live. Enough of the right spirit will lead us to accept the teaching of Christ and His inspired apostles without addition or subtraction. We will not quibble about baptism or any other command being non-essential. We will make every effort to be at the Lord’s table each first day of the week to “shew the Lord’s death till he come.” We will SO love the church that we will give it our support Instead of supporting some man-made organiza- tion. We will sing with the spirit and with the understanding forgetting about mechanical in- struments to entertain others. Yes, with the right spirit’we can build homes, churches and nations where fellowship and peace reign. Do we want such a wonderful world? We can have it by following this admonition; “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Je- sus.” Phil. 2:5. Are you willing to try that if the other fellow does? The way to get him to try is to do it yourself. To accept Christ as your personal Saviour means tc go a!: the way in obedience to Hfs com- mands. Let’s get away from this half-way busi- ness of serving the Lord and use every lawful means to spread the gospel which is God’s power unto salvation. Salvation for the’home, for the church and for the nation. That takes in everything and it means everything. -Arthur U. Johnson, 1414 Briggs Ave., ~ Parsons, Kansas. L. H. Skaggs, 818 So. 27th., Temple, Texas, Jan- uary 2.-We wish to let all know that we have not given up, but are still pressing on, facing the obstacle with courage, trusting that our labor will not be in vain. We hope to have a meeting next summer, the Lord willing. L. T. Cryer, Rte. 4, Box 758, San Angelo, Texas, Feb. 11.-The church here continues steadfastly in the Lord’s wxk. Brother J. E. Miller and fam- ily, of El Dorado met with us last Lord’s day. We are glad Bro. King is back in Missou-i. We are sending our renewal to the paper. F. K. Reeves, Marion, La., Feb. 10.-We are going onward with the church work here in the Scriptural way. We are planning some mission work for this year. I hope all faithful congre- gations and individuals will co-operate to keep the work going unto the end. F. R. Roberson (colored) Rte. 2, Box 58, Law- renceburg, Tenn., Feb. 2.-We are glad to say that the few faithful continue to meet for worship and we enjoy it with the Bible as our guide.-We are sending our renewal and another to the OPA. We enjoy it very .much. We often speak of you, Bro. King. L. A. Corbell, Arch Route, Baileyboro, Texas, January 19.-We are still meeting for worship at Old Bula. Some have moved away, and we are few in number. Were it not for the promise: “Let us not be weary in well doing, for we shall reap in due seasons if we faint not,” we might give up; but not so since the faithful have always been few in number. C. G. Fancher, .Route 3, Wichita Falls, Texas, Feb. 12.-We have arranged to have Bro. Lyn- wood Smith for our spring meeting, beginning April 14, continuing to the 21st. We plan to have Bro. Gay for our summer meeting, July 7 to the 14th. We are looking forward to a big meeting, July 4th., this year. We need to associate more wit.h each other that we may love and appyeciate each other more. We are glad to hear of the good spirit manifested in Calif. at the all-day meetings,. in Jan.


to Gatlinburg, Tenn., tell us whether the camp<br />

there is a religious camp or operated‘by the gov-<br />

ernment, please. -Homer L, King, Rte. 2, ’<br />

Lebanon, Missouri.<br />


A place to call “home.” A house does not always<br />

mean a home, and yet there must be something,<br />

-some place that we think <strong>of</strong> as home. I realize<br />

that I may be “old fashioned,” but I believe that<br />

before a couple marry they should make some<br />

kind <strong>of</strong> arrangement for some place to live to<br />

themselves. Many a marriage has gone on the<br />

rocks all because the young folks did not consider<br />

God’s words to “Leave father and mother” and<br />

cleave to one another, and moved in on the old<br />

folks.<br />

Young folks will have to get adjusted and ac-<br />

quainted after they marry and they need to be<br />

<strong>of</strong>f to themselves, and leave all <strong>of</strong> their parents<br />

out <strong>of</strong> it, and start from the beginning to build<br />

for themselves a <strong>Christ</strong>ian home.<br />

The flowers bloom in clusters and have their<br />

home; the beasts and birds have their nests to<br />

raise their young and for their home have <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

given their lives. With the human race, the mak-<br />

ing <strong>of</strong> one’s own home is the supreme earthly<br />

fascination tonwhich all you the looks forward and<br />

upon which old age looks back. Be it ever so<br />

humble there is no place like home.<br />

Mr. Guest says “it takes a lot <strong>of</strong> living in a<br />

house to make it home.” But when a house is thus<br />

lived in, and made a home it almost seems sacred,<br />

and when I see a worn out, discarded old home it<br />

makes me think <strong>of</strong> Joyce Kilmer’s poem :<br />

“But a house that has done what a house should<br />

do, a house that has sheltered life,<br />

That has put its loving wooden arms around a<br />

man and his wife,<br />

A house that has echoed a baby’s laugh, and held<br />

up its stumbling feet,<br />

Is the saddest sight, when left alone that ever<br />

your eyes could meet.”<br />

But tho a house alone does not make a home,<br />

it still remains that the most satisfying concep-<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> a human home involves some kind <strong>of</strong> a<br />

rather permanent place; a place with a family<br />

centered for its every day life, for its growth, its<br />

loving, its learning.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the greatest sacrifices which the Son <strong>of</strong><br />

God made for us seems to be summed up thus:<br />

“And they went every man to his own house:<br />

but Jesus went unto the mount <strong>of</strong> Olives” (Jno.<br />

7 :53 to 8 :1). The Son <strong>of</strong> Man hath not where to<br />

lay his head.<br />

The home place should be used to the glory <strong>of</strong><br />

God. Lydia’s home place enabled her to care for<br />

Paul and Silas while they preached the gospel in<br />

Philippi (Acts 16). Aquilla and Priscilla turned<br />

their home place into a meeting place for the<br />

<strong>Church</strong>. Marks house alive at midnight with<br />

praying disciples, was ready to receive Peter Yrom<br />

/<br />

his prison deliverance. On and on we could go<br />

with Bible records like these but these are enough<br />

to show us that God wants the <strong>Christ</strong>ian home<br />

to be ordered right. No wonder then that Paul<br />

said for the old women to teach the young women<br />

to “be keepers at home” (Titus 2:5). I do not<br />

understand that the Apostle means that the wife<br />

should just stay at home; but she is to be a home<br />

keeper. In 1 Tim. 5:14 he says, “I will therefore<br />

that the younger women marry, bear children,<br />

guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary<br />

to speak reproachfully.” The woman is<br />

the home keeper according to Gods arrangment,<br />

and parents should train up their little girls to be<br />

such.<br />

Many a bird has been lost because <strong>of</strong> a faulty<br />

cage, and many a husband has been lost because<br />

<strong>of</strong> an unkept house. No amount <strong>of</strong> paint, powder .<br />

and perfume will atone for unwashen dishes, dirty<br />

floors and half cooked meals.<br />

I also understand that when God said to Adam:<br />

in the sweat <strong>of</strong> thy face thou shalt eat bread, that<br />

he meant to place the responsibility <strong>of</strong> making the<br />

living on the shoulders <strong>of</strong> the man, and no amount<br />

<strong>of</strong> ability to drive his fathers car, play pool or<br />

entertain will make up for an empty flour bin.<br />

The husband is the head <strong>of</strong> the family (Eph. 5),<br />

and as such he should take the responsibility and<br />

see that the wife and children are properly cared<br />

for to the extent <strong>of</strong> his ability. If it is the duty<br />

<strong>of</strong> the wife to keep the home, it is first the duty<br />

<strong>of</strong> the husband to see that she has a home to keep.<br />

Though this home may be just.a cabin or a<br />

tent, if the husband does his best to be the provider<br />

and the wife will do her part <strong>of</strong> the keeping<br />

and they both will trust in God and abide by his<br />

word, in their old days they will look back to this<br />

home place as the happiest home on earth.<br />

-Homer A. Gay.<br />

P. S. I hope to write several articles on this<br />

subject. If care to say anything either for or<br />

against what I say please write direct to me.<br />

H. A. G.)<br />


’ Many fear that we will have a third world war.<br />

Wrong doing is what forced us into this war;<br />

when we have compelled other nations to do right<br />

will we learn the value <strong>of</strong> right living? If all<br />

nations were righteous there would be no war.<br />

The very best thing we can do is to make sure<br />

we are right ourselves, and that applies to trou-<br />

bles in home, church or nation.<br />

Jesus was the Great Teacher. He gave a plan<br />

for leading others to do right, “That they may<br />

see your good works, and glorify your Father<br />

which is in heaven”; Matt. 5:16. The plan for<br />

leading others to do right is $0 do right ourselves.<br />

By that plan we do not use force, why not fall<br />

in with prophecy and prevent wars by righteous<br />

living?<br />

What is right? “Tor the ways <strong>of</strong> the Lord are<br />

right.” Hosea‘ 14:9. If. we would know what is<br />

right we shculd study the Word and rightly di-<br />

vide it. L$arn what He requires <strong>of</strong> us-not what<br />


He required <strong>of</strong> Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Matt.<br />

17th Chap. makes it plain that we are to hear<br />

<strong>Christ</strong>, not Moses or Elias. <strong>Old</strong> Testament teach-<br />

ing is good but we, being saved by the blood <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Christ</strong>, should hear Him in all things.<br />

The Golden Rule is right. Roger Babson says,<br />

“Only the Golden Rule will save this country .-<br />

not a rule <strong>of</strong> gold. A character standard is far<br />

more important than even a gold standard. The<br />

success <strong>of</strong> all economic systems is still dependent<br />

upon both righteous leaders and righteous peo-<br />

ple. In the last analysis, our national future de-<br />

pends upon our national character-that is, whe-<br />

ther it is spiritually or materially minded.” Isn’t<br />

that a big statement .when there is so much sin in<br />

our nation? Yet we believe it is true. Why? Be-<br />

cause it is in harmony with <strong>Christ</strong>’s teaching.<br />

The rich young man wanted to be absolutely<br />

right. Jesus said, “sell that thou hast and give<br />

to the poor.’’ That may seem to be strong teach-<br />

ing but there is where faith takes hold. We must<br />

believe that Jesus knows best. The man was a<br />

ruler and no*doubt could make a good living with-<br />

out his wealth. Jesus wanted him to learn that<br />

“it is more blessed to give than to receive”; a<br />

tryth which we <strong>of</strong>ten fail to understand.<br />

Would Jesus approve <strong>of</strong> one man holding a mil-<br />

lion acres <strong>of</strong> land and refusing to farm part <strong>of</strong> it<br />

because he could not make a pr<strong>of</strong>it? Lincoln<br />

warned against prejudice and the accumulation<br />

<strong>of</strong> wealth in the hanas <strong>of</strong> the few saying it threat-<br />

ened the safety. <strong>of</strong> our nation. We are looking for<br />

a better way and we must find it. Not commun-<br />

ism, but a way that will bring comfortable living<br />

for all. Righteous leaders can find a way with-<br />

out going to the extreme <strong>of</strong> communism.<br />

What a wonder statement Roger Babson<br />

made when he spoke <strong>of</strong> a spiritually minded na-<br />

tion. Pgul, who was spiritually minded, was will-<br />

ing to suffer the loss <strong>of</strong> all things to win <strong>Christ</strong>.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> us may not be able to reach the spiritual<br />

heights which Paul reached but we can get<br />

enough <strong>of</strong> it to make this a better world in which<br />

to live. Enough <strong>of</strong> the right spirit will lead us to<br />

accept the teaching <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> and His inspired<br />

apostles without addition or subtraction. We will<br />

not quibble about baptism or any other command<br />

being non-essential. We will make every effort<br />

to be at the Lord’s table each first day <strong>of</strong> the week<br />

to “shew the Lord’s death till he come.” We will<br />

SO love the church that we will give it our support<br />

Instead <strong>of</strong> supporting some man-made organiza-<br />

tion. We will sing with the spirit and with the<br />

understanding forgetting about mechanical in-<br />

struments to entertain others.<br />

Yes, with the right spirit’we can build homes,<br />

churches and nations where fellowship and peace<br />

reign. Do we want such a wonderful world? We<br />

can have it by following this admonition; “Let<br />

this mind be in you, which was also in <strong>Christ</strong> Je-<br />

sus.” Phil. 2:5. Are you willing to try that if<br />

the other fellow does? The way to get him to<br />

try is to do it yourself.<br />

To accept <strong>Christ</strong> as your personal Saviour<br />

means tc go a!: the way in obedience to Hfs com-<br />

mands. Let’s get away from this half-way busi-<br />

ness <strong>of</strong> serving the Lord and use every lawful<br />

means to spread the gospel which is God’s power<br />

unto salvation. Salvation for the’home, for the<br />

church and for the nation. That takes in everything<br />

and it means everything.<br />

-Arthur U. Johnson, 1414 Briggs Ave.,<br />

~<br />

Parsons, Kansas.<br />

L. H. Skaggs, 818 So. 27th., Temple, Texas, Jan-<br />

uary 2.-We wish to let all know that we have<br />

not given up, but are still pressing on, facing the<br />

obstacle with courage, trusting that our labor<br />

will not be in vain. We hope to have a meeting<br />

next summer, the Lord willing.<br />

L. T. Cryer, Rte. 4, Box 758, San Angelo, Texas,<br />

Feb. 11.-The church here continues steadfastly<br />

in the Lord’s wxk. Brother J. E. Miller and fam-<br />

ily, <strong>of</strong> El Dorado met with us last Lord’s day. We<br />

are glad Bro. King is back in Missou-i. We are<br />

sending our renewal to the paper.<br />

F. K. Reeves, Marion, La., Feb. 10.-We are<br />

going onward with the church work here in the<br />

Scriptural way. We are planning some mission<br />

work for this year. I hope all faithful congre-<br />

gations and individuals will co-operate to keep<br />

the work going unto the end.<br />

F. R. Roberson (colored) Rte. 2, Box 58, Law-<br />

renceburg, Tenn., Feb. 2.-We are glad to say<br />

that the few faithful continue to meet for worship<br />

and we enjoy it with the Bible as our guide.-We<br />

are sending our renewal and another to the OPA.<br />

We enjoy it very .much. We <strong>of</strong>ten speak <strong>of</strong> you,<br />

Bro. King.<br />

L. A. Corbell, Arch Route, Baileyboro, Texas,<br />

January 19.-We are still meeting for worship<br />

at <strong>Old</strong> Bula. Some have moved away, and we are<br />

few in number. Were it not for the promise: “Let<br />

us not be weary in well doing, for we shall reap<br />

in due seasons if we faint not,” we might give<br />

up; but not so since the faithful have always been<br />

few in number.<br />

C. G. Fancher, .Route 3, Wichita Falls, Texas,<br />

Feb. 12.-We have arranged to have Bro. Lyn-<br />

wood Smith for our spring meeting, beginning<br />

April 14, continuing to the 21st. We plan to have<br />

Bro. Gay for our summer meeting, July 7 to the<br />

14th. We are looking forward to a big meeting,<br />

July 4th., this year. We need to associate more<br />

wit.h each other that we may love and appyeciate<br />

each other more. We are glad to hear <strong>of</strong> the good<br />

spirit manifested in Calif. at the all-day meetings,.<br />

in Jan.

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