Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ


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By Ray B. Nichols<br />

Prayer is the sincere desire <strong>of</strong> the heart to<br />

speak to God; the act whereby the creature talks<br />

to the Creator; man speaking to God. This cornmunication<br />

between man and God is as essential<br />

to the life <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Christ</strong>ian, as food is .for the<br />

physical body. It is one <strong>of</strong> the most essential acts<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Christ</strong>ian, for without it, one cannot exist.<br />

‘ Without prayer, the <strong>Christ</strong>ian is like the plant<br />

without water, both soon must die. (See Phil.<br />

4:6-8).<br />

God doex not hear the prayer <strong>of</strong> the sinner who<br />

is in rebellion against Him ( jno.<br />

g :31). One<br />

must meet certain conditions stipulated by the<br />

Lord, if he would have the Lord hear his prayer.<br />

We give some.<strong>of</strong> those conditions as follows:<br />

1. One must be born again into the family <strong>of</strong><br />

-.<br />

God, if he wishes to call upon God as his Fafher.<br />

“If any be a worshiper <strong>of</strong> God and doeth His will,<br />

. him He heareth” (Jno. 9:31). Hence, one must<br />

be a child <strong>of</strong> God.<br />

2. The prayer <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Christ</strong>ian must be “In the<br />

Name <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>” (Col. 3:17). No man can reach<br />

the Father, except by or through Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>, as<br />

Jesus said: “NO man cometh unto the Father, but<br />

by me” (Jno. 14:6). Prayers without the name<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> will never get higher than the ceiling.<br />

3. The <strong>Christ</strong>ian must “ask in faith” (Jas.<br />

1 :6) ;’ “Without faith it is impossible to please<br />

Him” (Heb. 11:6). To pray without faith is to<br />

be like a wave <strong>of</strong> the sea, driven with the wind<br />

and tossed. Therefore, we must ask in faith,<br />

believing we will receive.<br />

4. The prayer must be in harmony with the<br />

will <strong>of</strong> the Lord. “This is the confidence we have<br />

in Him, if we ask anything according to His will<br />

He heareth us” (1 Jno. 5:14). Therefore, to ask.<br />

“according to His will,” we must know what His<br />

will is, and that will is in the Bible. Hence we<br />

must study the Bible, that we may ask “accord-<br />

ing to His will.” Let us not be ignorant <strong>of</strong> God’s<br />

will, that we may really “ask in faith.”<br />

5. That we may be beard in prayer, we must<br />

have a forgiving spirit (Mk. 11:25). Tne Lord<br />

forgives us as we forgive others. and if we for-<br />

why we cannot have this power through prayer<br />

when we meet all <strong>of</strong> God’s requirements, undei<br />

like circumstances.<br />

Brethren, let us earnestly pray without ceasing<br />

(1 Thes. 5:17) for the cause <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>. Let us<br />

“seek first the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God and His righteous-<br />

ness” (Matt. 6 :33), instead <strong>of</strong> thinking always <strong>of</strong><br />

self. May our Prayers ever be in the spirit <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Master, Who said: “Not my will, but Thine be<br />

done.” May we continue steadfastly in prayer<br />

(Acts 2:42). May we enter into our closets daily<br />

and pour out our souls in thanksgiving, “suppli-<br />

cations, intercessions, and prayers, for all men,<br />

and that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life<br />

in all godliness and honesty, knowing this is good<br />

and acceptable in lthe sight Of God, our Savior”<br />

(l Tim- 2:1-3)-<br />


N.‘J. Catterton<br />

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall<br />

make you free” (Jno. 8:32). While Jesus was<br />

teaching in the temple He spoke these words to<br />

the Jews who believed on Him. Daily He taught<br />

them the truth, but most <strong>of</strong> them failed to un-<br />

derstand all <strong>of</strong> that truth; but to those who<br />

seemed to understand, He spoke the above words.<br />

Again, He called upon the Father to “sanctify<br />

them through Thy truth, Thy word is truth”<br />

(Jno. 17). Paul said:: “In whom also ye trusted<br />

after that ye heard the word <strong>of</strong> truth, the gospel<br />

<strong>of</strong> your salvation” (Eph. 1:13). Now, since the<br />

truth (gospel <strong>of</strong> salvation) makes us free, let<br />

us preach it today, that the souls <strong>of</strong> men may be<br />

free. No wonder Jesus com-m-anderl His apostles<br />

thus: “Go ye into all the world and preach the<br />

gospel to every creature; he that believeth and<br />

is baptized shall be saved” (Mk. 16:15, 16), and,<br />

“Go teach all nations” (Matt. 28%-20).<br />

From the above we find that God is no re-<br />

spector <strong>of</strong> persons (Acts 10:34). God has never<br />

discriminated against any individual, because <strong>of</strong><br />

race or color-black, brown, red, yellow, or white,<br />

but as Peter said, “But in every nation, he that<br />

feareth and worketh rightepusness is accepted<br />

with Him (Acts 10:34, 35).<br />

give not men their trespasses, neither will the Now, as we view the millions today, who are<br />

Father forgive us: Remember we must contin- without the truth and without the body <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong><br />

ually ask the Lord to forgive us for the wron-gs (the church), we are made to wonder if we are<br />

we do, and He makes it obligatory upon our part. not hoarding the truth, by sounding in the truth,<br />

to forgive those who do us wrong. If we will not instead <strong>of</strong> “sounding out the gospel,” as we are<br />

forgive a brother, how can we expect God to for- taught to do. No doubt many are behind prison<br />

give us? We must be careful here. bars today, because the church failed to take the<br />

When we comply with all <strong>of</strong> God’s requirements, “bread <strong>of</strong> life” to them. No doubt many will be<br />

pertaining to prayer, we can have the full assur- lost in a devil‘s hell, because the church failed in<br />

ance that our petitions to the Heavenly Father her mission to make known “the manifold wisdom<br />

will be granted. “The effectual fervent prayer <strong>of</strong> God” to the world. Remember, brethren, the<br />

<strong>of</strong> a righteous man availeth much. Elks was a church was ordained to be the “pillar and ground<br />

man subject to like passions as we are, and he <strong>of</strong> the truth.” IS it that, where you are a member,<br />

prayed earnestly that it might not rain; and it brother? .<br />

rained not on the earth by the space <strong>of</strong> three Jesus said: “Man shall not live by bread alone,<br />

years and six months. And he prayed again, and but by every word that proceedeth out <strong>of</strong> the<br />

-the heavens gave rain, and the earth brought mouth 0% Cod” (Matt. 4:4). Isiah said: “So shall<br />

forth her fruit” (Jas. 5:16-18). I see no reason my word be that goeth forth out <strong>of</strong> my mouth;<br />


it shall not return unto me void, but it shall ac-<br />

complish that which I please, and shall prosper<br />

in the thing, whereto I have sent it” (Isa. 55:10,<br />

11). Paul tells us that the ”gospel is the power<br />

<strong>of</strong> God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16). Do we be-<br />

lieve the above Scriptures? If we do, why do we<br />

not make a greater effort to preach that gospel to<br />

;I lost and dying world?<br />

We have many men who are very zealous for<br />

the Lord, and who are willing and able to preach<br />

the gospel, wherever they are needed, but they are<br />

given no encouragement by the church, for “how<br />

shall they preach, except they be sent?” asked<br />

the Apostle, Paul. Many young men have been<br />

discouraged because they received no help, and<br />

have turned to other pursuits for a livelihood.<br />

Should these things be so? Someone will have to<br />

give an account for such neglect <strong>of</strong> duty.<br />

Often, we hear an elder or leader <strong>of</strong> the church<br />

say, concerning a young man, who desires to<br />

preach the gospel: “He has more zeal than knowl-<br />

edge.” Well, where can they find a better place<br />

to obtain knowledge than in the church? Who is<br />

responsible for his lack <strong>of</strong> knowledge? Possibly,<br />

the church has failed to impart unto him and<br />

others such knowledge as he needs, or possibly the<br />

leaders in the church have failed to provide the<br />

opportunity for him to obtain knowledge. Of<br />

?ourse, no young man should expect nor wait<br />

€or someone to make it possible for him to ob-<br />

tain all the knowledge he will need, for nothing<br />

:an take the place <strong>of</strong> Paul’s admonition to Tim-<br />

)thy, “Study to show thyself approved unto<br />

sod, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,<br />

nightly dividing the word <strong>of</strong> truth.” Then, let<br />

iim, as James said: “If any man lack wisdom,<br />

et him ask <strong>of</strong> God, Who giveth to all men liberal-<br />

y and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him”<br />

:Jas. 1 :5). Therefore, let .the church help and en-<br />

:ourage all faithful young men, and let the young<br />

’aithfully and prayerfully study God’s word, provng<br />

that they are worthy <strong>of</strong> help and encouragenent,<br />

and let us all see that more faithful men<br />

.re sent out to preach the pure gospel to lost<br />

ouls, and surely God will bless in the endeavor.<br />

Is the church not hoarding the truth, when it<br />

efuses to’do anything to send out the gospel,<br />

rhile millions are perishing for the lack <strong>of</strong> it?<br />

Vhy are so many preachers idle, while many<br />

hurches continue to swell their bank account?<br />

they not hoarding both the gospel and God’s<br />

ioney ? Brethren, let us let the blessed gospel<br />

hine forth in the hearts <strong>of</strong> lost souls.<br />

-32‘ Douglas St., Hammond, Ind.<br />

.<br />

UNITY<br />

(Jno. 17)<br />

Our Savior, just before his crucifixion, prayed<br />

wonderful and most beautiful prayer. He pray-<br />

1 for the unity <strong>of</strong> His disciples, who afterward<br />

?came His apostles; and not only for those who<br />

ere associated with Him in His personal mintry,<br />

but for those who afterward should believe<br />

I..<br />

on Him’ through their preaching and teaching.<br />

Sometimes this is called the unanswered prayer<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Lord. However, this prayer was answered<br />

in part, for those apostles, after they had been en-<br />

dued with power from on high, as they went forth<br />

into the world and preache& the Gospel in its<br />

Purity and simplicity, and established the <strong>Church</strong><br />

as they were instructed by the Lord. In those<br />

primitive churches there was perfect unity in doc-<br />

trine and practice. The churches were known as<br />

the <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> or <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> God, etc. Fur?<br />

t‘nermore, the apostles wrote the New Testament<br />

which practice. is the only infallible rule <strong>of</strong> faith and<br />

The Apostle, Paul, in his second letter to the<br />

Thessalonians warned them that there would be<br />

falling away. The apostle John also knew that<br />

the apostacy was in the embryonic stage. In<br />

course <strong>of</strong> time false teachers, who were dissatisfied<br />

with the purity and the simplicity <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Gospel, began to “teach for doctrines the commandments<br />

<strong>of</strong> men,” thus the darkness <strong>of</strong> superstition<br />

and error settled down over the Roman<br />

Empire, resulting in the apostacy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Church</strong><br />

and the rise <strong>of</strong> the Roman Catholic church.<br />

For about twelve centuries Roman Catholicism<br />

had full sway in the Roman Empire. Then Martin<br />

Luther, a conscientious monk, became sick and<br />

disgusted with the corrupt practices <strong>of</strong> the priesthood.<br />

Martin Luther pulled away from the Catholic<br />

church and led a large following which afterward<br />

came to be known as the Lutheran<br />

<strong>Church</strong>. In time, this movement was followed by<br />

other reformers among whom were Wesley, Calvin<br />

and others. While rejecting the unscriptural<br />

and corrupt practices <strong>of</strong> the Catholic church,<br />

made an “image to the beast” by bringing with<br />

them many unscriptural things from the Catholic<br />

church, chief <strong>of</strong> which was the belief that religious<br />

bodies must have a “creed” in addition to<br />

the word <strong>of</strong> God to govern them.<br />

In the early years <strong>of</strong> the nineteenth century, a<br />

few great scholars like the Campbells, Franklin,<br />

Stone, and others came forth with a plea for unity,<br />

using the maxim, “Where the Bible speaks, we<br />

speak and where the Bible is silent we are silent.”<br />

The basis <strong>of</strong> their plea was that all human creeds<br />

be rejected and that all believers unite by taking<br />

the Word <strong>of</strong> God as their only rule <strong>of</strong> faith and<br />

practice.<br />

It is unfortunate and deplorable, that in the<br />

course <strong>of</strong> time, division has come into the body<br />

<strong>of</strong> disciples who hold to this plea. First it was<br />

instrumental music then other things such as<br />

missionary societies, Sunday school, “cups” and<br />

what have you. All <strong>of</strong> which are contrary to the<br />

prayer <strong>Christ</strong> prayed and the teaching <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong><br />

and the apostles.<br />

Unity can never be until all acknowledpe <strong>Christ</strong><br />

as the Head <strong>of</strong> the church and “observe au things”<br />

He has commanded. Anything that breaks the<br />

unity <strong>of</strong> the Spirit between congregations or in<br />

congregations is wrong.<br />

4. C: Waters.

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