Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ Old Paths Advocate - Church of Christ

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PAGE TEN Frank Cobbs, 4522 McCorkle Ave., South Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 19.-I have not been able to work since August 26, but I am feeling better now. The church here is getting along fine. We had a good meeting recently, with two baptized, one of whom was from the Methodists. Bro. Bar- ney Welch did the preaching at Stop 12. By re-‘ quest, he preached on divorce and remarriage. I hope ,the preachers get together on these-ques- tions, and all unite on the word of God. Let us fight sin and the Devil instead of fighting among ourselves. L. N. Byford, 410 Clay St., Waco, Texas, Dee. 13.2The church at So. 4th. St., here is getting along nicely, Bro. Lynwood Smith was with us for ten days the latter part of November. He did some of his best preaching, and two were bap- tized and one confessed faults. Brother James R. Stewart talked on Wednesday night and one more was baptized and one restored. We are looking forward to having Brother King for a series of meetings in March. All faithful brethren will find a hearty welcome with us, when passing this way. Pray for us and the cause. ‘William M. Russell, 307 W. 165th. St., Gardena, Calif., Dec. 14.-The little congregation at Wilm- ington continues to struggle, but if we lost another family who plan to move north, we may discon- tinue to meet there and meet with brethren else- where. Having recently learned through the OPA and others directly of the needs of brethren in CPS, we are sending $25.00 toward their support. Brother John Rose, serving in prison at Leaven- worth, Kansas, has been recommended by prison draft board for parole to do work of national im- portance, under Civilian Supervision. I solicit the prayers of all the faithful in his behalf. (In Jesus’ name, Who openeth the prisons to them who are bound, may we earnestly pray for this dear boy, H. L. K.) THE OLD PA’l’HS ADVOCATE . JANUARY, 1946 - ^. . Gayland Osburn, 1428 E. California Ave., Glen- Clarnece C. Kessinger, Gen. Del., Ada, wladale 6, Calif., Dec. 17.-I was with Bro. Paul Nich- homa, December 11.-I have preached several ols during his meeting at Greenfield, also at Pop- times in the past month at Ada, and the results lar. Dee. 2 I attended a part of both the singing of which, were two restored and one baptized. school and meeting at Ceres, conducted by Bro. The one baptized had been a Free Will Baptist Homer L. King. Being at home for a while, I for 45 years. I am now preaching four times per was privileged to attend the meeting some at week. On Thursday nights, I preach at Garr Cor- Glendora, conducted by Brethren Waters apd ner, Okla., where we have hopes ‘of establishing a Chester King. On Dec. 6,‘I preached at Lodi. 11 dongregation. We are pressing along nicely now am now at Stockton, attending a meeting con- “+ Ada, gaining in number and in unity. We ask ducted by Bro. King. all the faithful to pray for us that the work may continue unhampered. L. 0. Jones, Hill Top, Arkansas, Dee. 6.,Broth- . E. H. Miller, 1003 Truitt Ave. LaGrange, Ga., er Ray Nichols and wife, of Hollywood, Calif., en route to Missouri, stopped by over Lord’s day Nov. 19.-There was another soy1 baptized into with us. We believe that we were benefited by Christ here yesterday, and it was evident that others were almost persuaded. The church here Bro. Ray’s help on the lesson, it being the eleventh chapter of First Corinthians. In spite of .his youth, is doing fine. (Under date of Dee. 3, Bro. Miller writes again.-H. L. K.) We had another wonder- Bro. Nichols seems to have considerable knowledge ful day yesterday. Bro. Gillis Prince was with of the Bible and .the New Testament way of war- us for three services, and another soul was born ship. We were glad to meet him and wife and we pray he will preach the gospel with much sueinto the kingdom. Our collection was $333.00, cess. being a special collection to finish paying for my home. I am to be with the church in Wedowee, Ala., next Lord’s day. I was with the church at Lawrenceburg, Tenn., last Lord’s day, with one confession of faults. Bro. Lynwood Smith is to be with them for a meeting in ’46, and I in ’47. I pray that many souls will be added to the Lord the coming year. Lynwood Smith, Rte. 1, Box 150, Wesson, Miss., Dec. 13.-Recently, I held a meeting at Advance, Ark., near Mountain Home. ’ The meeting was well attended, and there was one confession of faults. This little church was restored last year, and Brethren Harvey Chapman and Edward Mead took over the leadership. They now have a faith- ful church. From here, I visited Lebanon, Mo.., for a few days, preaching once at Lees Summit and assisting Bro. Cook in the services at Com- petition. En route to Waco, Texas, for a meeting at Waco,.resulted in two being baptized and two restored, and the attendance was good. Preaching brethren, attending one or mcre services were: J. R. Stewart, Cyrus Holt, Tommy Holt, Jack Bledsoe, and John Staley. One Sunday afternoon, I visited Sro. Gay who was in a meeting at White Hall, which I enjoyed. Raymond Bray, 2217v2, AW 16th. St., Okla. City, Okla., Noy. 22.-The church here is more than holding its through the fall months, ,and has even gained a few pembers-one coming over from the cups brethren. The mission work is growing, and we had a good year, even though we did not have a man in the field full time. A congregation was established at Stroud, the meeting being conducted by Bro. Robertson. Another was established at Oak Grove, near Elmore City; the preaching being done by Brethren Tom and Lynwood Smith. Also, another church came over at Graham. Bro. Clarence Kessinger is to be in c the mission field in Okla. next year. I think he will be able to do much good. It seems the cause in Okla. is on the upward swing. We are trying to help the cause at Maud. Let us work on. J*4NUARY, c 1946 THE OLD PATHS ADVOCATE PAGE ELEVEN Leonard Hendrickson, Mancos, Colorado, Nov. 18.Last week-Fnd a number of us spent some time in Texas. In company with Bro. Travis Cogburn, I went to his home at De Leon, and we attended the worship on Lord’s day, meeting a number of Christian friends. On Sunday night we were in Wichita Falls, where we met a number of brethren. Bro. Clyde Middick, from Davidson; Okla., visited us in the camp from Oct. 24 to Nov. 2, helping US in the teaching and singing, which we appreciated very much. He is the first bro- ther to remain with us long enough to really get an insight into our problems, so as to understand what it really means to be drafted. We learned to love him and to trust him. Should anyone desire to knbw more about us, our problems, etc., we suggest that you get in touch with Bro. Clyde, or come and spend a week or more with us. If we can stay here all the time without compensa- tion, surely there are a number of brethren who can stay a week away from their “easy wages”. We believe they will feel well paid for their time, and we had rather they wduld do that as to give us the wages they would make in that same length of time. We hope to visit the little congregation at Delta, Colo., as we can. Many thanks to all for the financial help. Barney D. Welch, 1512 N. 7th St., Wichita Falls, Texas, Dec. 13.- After returning from meetings in W. Va., I was called to conduct the funeral service of Sister J. N. French at Chilli- cothe, Texas. She was a member of the Carter, Okla., Church and the mother of J. N., Jr., who is in the CPS camp in Calif. We extend our heart- felt sympathy to him and his young sister as they mourn the passing of their mother. Nov. 18, I preached at White Hall, Texas. We had a fine singing here at Wichita, Nov. 19. Nov. 20, I preached at Oklahoma City, to a nice crowd. I mas happy to have my family, mother-in-law, brother-in-law (Earl Hayes) and his family with me at these services. Nov. 21, we attended ser- Tkes here. Bro. Fred Kirbo, and family accom- panied me to Mancos, Colo., where Bro. Fred and nyself conducted a two Loid’s day meeting, Dec. 2-9. All the boys seemed to be in higher spirits as we departed. I certainly did enjoy the visit and the spiritual feast together. We do hope and pray that these boys may soon have their free- dom again. May the Lord bless them all for their strong faith, courage and sacrifice. We thank the brethren who assisted financially in this trip, a result of their sincere interest in the boys and their families. Paul 0. Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, 38, Calif., Dee. l7.-The meeting at Greenfield closed F. 18. The faithful few have a struggle in that Sodom.” I visited several sessions of the singing school being conducted by Bro. Homer Xing at Ceres, also> two or three services of the meeting that followed. Nov. 24-Nov. 50 I was at home, during which time I attended the meeting at GlendoTa being conducted by Ervin Waters and Chester King, where we have a new congregation. Breth- ren Abe and Jim Smith, brothers of our beloved Tom E. Smith of Healdton, Okla., are in charge there. Dec. 2, I worshipped at Poplar, where I preached at the morning service. Bro. Gayland Osburn was with me, who is a fine young preacher. Dee. 9, our highly esteemed Bro. H. E. Robertson, formerly of Lebanon, Mo., and I drove to Marys- ville for worship. We both spoke on the lesson. That night I preached at Lodi. Dec. 13, I visited the boys, Bill Harmon, Luke Robertson, and Jesse French, in the C.P.S. Camp at Three Rivers. Brethren, let us not forget the faithful boys in .the camps and elsewhere who are being persecuted for righteousness sake. Howard Nunnally of the Belden camp is spending his furlough in our home; he is expecting his release soon. Dec. 14.and 16, I assisted in the teaching at the home congrega- tion in Los Angeles. Brethren, what are we doing to advance the Fause for which Christ gave His life? Homer A. Gay, Lebanon, Mo., Dee. Il.-We closed the meeting at White Hall, near Temple, Tex., the 18th. of November, with two baptized and three restored to the fellowship, and .in all, it seemed that we had a good meeting. I got home the 20th., and was with Sonnyboy a week of his furlough. I worshipped and helped with the teach- ing service on Lord‘s day-the 25th. at Lees Sum- mit. Ray Nichols preached for us that night. Wife and I left home the 30th. of November for Harrodsburg, Indiana, where we are at this writ- ing in a meeting, which is to continue over the 16th. Sickness has caused the crowds to be small- er than common here, however, all seem to come that are able, and there seems to be a gocd in- terest. This is a good congregation, and there are lots of possibilities in this part. I would love to see some preacher kept busy in this part of the country for a year. Let us begin the new year with renewed energy and a stronger determination to withstand the Devil and to get the gospel befoye’ as many lost souls as we possibly can. -4wake! Arise! The day is far spent; the night is at hand! Then, let us work while’it is day: for the night soon cometh when no man can work. If every congregation of any size would help to establish another congregation in 1946, what a change it would make for good! D. C. Kelley, P. 0. Box 272, Woodlake, Calif., Dee. 10.-The church now worshipping at Wood- lake, extends an open door for all who stand for but one loaf and one cup on the Lord‘s table. We are sorry to have to report that one family has pulled away from us, because we would not use preachers who advocate and worship with a plural- ity of cups, which, of course, we could not do. We are glad, however, the separation was done in peace and love, which we hope will continue, even though we cannot work and worship to- gether. Bro. Reynolds worked hard to bring about a united and loyal congregation at this place, for which we are thankful. We are here to say as a congregation, and we ask the prayers and help of all the faithful brethren in Calif.

PAGE TEN<br />

Frank Cobbs, 4522 McCorkle Ave., South<br />

Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 19.-I have not been able<br />

to work since August 26, but I am feeling better<br />

now. The church here is getting along fine. We<br />

had a good meeting recently, with two baptized,<br />

one <strong>of</strong> whom was from the Methodists. Bro. Bar-<br />

ney Welch did the preaching at Stop 12. By re-‘<br />

quest, he preached on divorce and remarriage. I<br />

hope ,the preachers get together on these-ques-<br />

tions, and all unite on the word <strong>of</strong> God. Let us<br />

fight sin and the Devil instead <strong>of</strong> fighting among<br />

ourselves.<br />

L. N. Byford, 410 Clay St., Waco, Texas, Dee.<br />

13.2The church at So. 4th. St., here is getting<br />

along nicely, Bro. Lynwood Smith was with us<br />

for ten days the latter part <strong>of</strong> November. He<br />

did some <strong>of</strong> his best preaching, and two were bap-<br />

tized and one confessed faults. Brother James R.<br />

Stewart talked on Wednesday night and one more<br />

was baptized and one restored. We are looking<br />

forward to having Brother King for a series <strong>of</strong><br />

meetings in March. All faithful brethren will<br />

find a hearty welcome with us, when passing this<br />

way. Pray for us and the cause.<br />

‘William M. Russell, 307 W. 165th. St., Gardena,<br />

Calif., Dec. 14.-The little congregation at Wilm-<br />

ington continues to struggle, but if we lost another<br />

family who plan to move north, we may discon-<br />

tinue to meet there and meet with brethren else-<br />

where. Having recently learned through the OPA<br />

and others directly <strong>of</strong> the needs <strong>of</strong> brethren in<br />

CPS, we are sending $25.00 toward their support.<br />

Brother John Rose, serving in prison at Leaven-<br />

worth, Kansas, has been recommended by prison<br />

draft board for parole to do work <strong>of</strong> national im-<br />

portance, under Civilian Supervision. I solicit the<br />

prayers <strong>of</strong> all the faithful in his behalf. (In Jesus’<br />

name, Who openeth the prisons to them who are<br />

bound, may we earnestly pray for this dear boy,<br />

H. L. K.)<br />


- ^. .<br />

Gayland Osburn, 1428 E. California Ave., Glen- Clarnece C. Kessinger, Gen. Del., Ada, wladale<br />

6, Calif., Dec. 17.-I was with Bro. Paul Nich- homa, December 11.-I have preached several<br />

ols during his meeting at Greenfield, also at Pop- times in the past month at Ada, and the results<br />

lar. Dee. 2 I attended a part <strong>of</strong> both the singing <strong>of</strong> which, were two restored and one baptized.<br />

school and meeting at Ceres, conducted by Bro. The one baptized had been a Free Will Baptist<br />

Homer L. King. Being at home for a while, I for 45 years. I am now preaching four times per<br />

was privileged to attend the meeting some at week. On Thursday nights, I preach at Garr Cor-<br />

Glendora, conducted by Brethren Waters apd ner, Okla., where we have hopes ‘<strong>of</strong> establishing a<br />

Chester King. On Dec. 6,‘I preached at Lodi. 11 dongregation. We are pressing along nicely now<br />

am now at Stockton, attending a meeting con- “+ Ada, gaining in number and in unity. We ask<br />

ducted by Bro. King.<br />

all the faithful to pray for us that the work may<br />

continue unhampered.<br />

L. 0. Jones, Hill Top, Arkansas, Dee. 6.,Broth- . E. H. Miller, 1003 Truitt Ave. LaGrange, Ga.,<br />

er Ray Nichols and wife, <strong>of</strong> Hollywood, Calif., en<br />

route to Missouri, stopped by over Lord’s day<br />

Nov. 19.-There was another soy1 baptized into<br />

with us. We believe that we were benefited by<br />

<strong>Christ</strong> here yesterday, and it was evident that<br />

others were almost persuaded. The church here<br />

Bro. Ray’s help on the lesson, it being the eleventh<br />

chapter <strong>of</strong> First Corinthians. In spite <strong>of</strong> .his youth,<br />

is doing fine. (Under date <strong>of</strong> Dee. 3, Bro. Miller<br />

writes again.-H. L. K.) We had another wonder-<br />

Bro. Nichols seems to have considerable knowledge ful day yesterday. Bro. Gillis Prince was with<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Bible and .the New Testament way <strong>of</strong> war- us for three services, and another soul was born<br />

ship. We were glad to meet him and wife and<br />

we pray he will preach the gospel with much sueinto<br />

the kingdom. Our collection was $333.00,<br />

cess.<br />

being a special collection to finish paying for my<br />

home. I am to be with the church in Wedowee,<br />

Ala., next Lord’s day. I was with the church at<br />

Lawrenceburg, Tenn., last Lord’s day, with one<br />

confession <strong>of</strong> faults. Bro. Lynwood Smith is to<br />

be with them for a meeting in ’46, and I in ’47.<br />

I pray that many souls will be added to the Lord<br />

the coming year.<br />

Lynwood Smith, Rte. 1, Box 150, Wesson, Miss.,<br />

Dec. 13.-Recently, I held a meeting at Advance,<br />

Ark., near Mountain Home. ’ The meeting was well<br />

attended, and there was one confession <strong>of</strong> faults.<br />

This little church was restored last year, and<br />

Brethren Harvey Chapman and Edward Mead<br />

took over the leadership. They now have a faith-<br />

ful church. From here, I visited Lebanon, Mo..,<br />

for a few days, preaching once at Lees Summit<br />

and assisting Bro. Cook in the services at Com-<br />

petition. En route to Waco, Texas, for a meeting<br />

at Waco,.resulted in two being baptized and two<br />

restored, and the attendance was good. Preaching<br />

brethren, attending one or mcre services were:<br />

J. R. Stewart, Cyrus Holt, Tommy Holt, Jack<br />

Bledsoe, and John Staley. One Sunday afternoon,<br />

I visited Sro. Gay who was in a meeting at White<br />

Hall, which I enjoyed.<br />

Raymond Bray, 2217v2, AW 16th. St., Okla.<br />

City, Okla., Noy. 22.-The church here is more<br />

than holding its through the fall months,<br />

,and has even gained a few pembers-one coming<br />

over from the cups brethren. The mission work<br />

is growing, and we had a good year, even though<br />

we did not have a man in the field full time. A<br />

congregation was established at Stroud, the meeting<br />

being conducted by Bro. Robertson. Another<br />

was established at Oak Grove, near Elmore City;<br />

the preaching being done by Brethren Tom and<br />

Lynwood Smith. Also, another church came over<br />

at Graham. Bro. Clarence Kessinger is to be in<br />

c the mission field in Okla. next year. I think he<br />

will be able to do much good. It seems the cause<br />

in Okla. is on the upward swing. We are trying<br />

to help the cause at Maud. Let us work on.<br />


Leonard Hendrickson, Mancos, Colorado, Nov.<br />

18.Last week-Fnd a number <strong>of</strong> us spent some<br />

time in Texas. In company with Bro. Travis<br />

Cogburn, I went to his home at De Leon, and we<br />

attended the worship on Lord’s day, meeting a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>ian friends. On Sunday night we<br />

were in Wichita Falls, where we met a number <strong>of</strong><br />

brethren. Bro. Clyde Middick, from Davidson;<br />

Okla., visited us in the camp from Oct. 24 to Nov.<br />

2, helping US in the teaching and singing, which<br />

we appreciated very much. He is the first bro-<br />

ther to remain with us long enough to really get<br />

an insight into our problems, so as to understand<br />

what it really means to be drafted. We learned<br />

to love him and to trust him. Should anyone<br />

desire to knbw more about us, our problems, etc.,<br />

we suggest that you get in touch with Bro. Clyde,<br />

or come and spend a week or more with us. If<br />

we can stay here all the time without compensa-<br />

tion, surely there are a number <strong>of</strong> brethren who<br />

can stay a week away from their “easy wages”.<br />

We believe they will feel well paid for their time,<br />

and we had rather they wduld do that as to give us<br />

the wages they would make in that same length <strong>of</strong><br />

time. We hope to visit the little congregation at<br />

Delta, Colo., as we can. Many thanks to all for<br />

the financial help.<br />

Barney D. Welch, 1512 N. 7th St., Wichita<br />

Falls, Texas, Dec. 13.- After returning from<br />

meetings in W. Va., I was called to conduct the<br />

funeral service <strong>of</strong> Sister J. N. French at Chilli-<br />

cothe, Texas. She was a member <strong>of</strong> the Carter,<br />

Okla., <strong>Church</strong> and the mother <strong>of</strong> J. N., Jr., who<br />

is in the CPS camp in Calif. We extend our heart-<br />

felt sympathy to him and his young sister as they<br />

mourn the passing <strong>of</strong> their mother. Nov. 18, I<br />

preached at White Hall, Texas. We had a fine<br />

singing here at Wichita, Nov. 19. Nov. 20, I<br />

preached at Oklahoma City, to a nice crowd. I<br />

mas happy to have my family, mother-in-law,<br />

brother-in-law (Earl Hayes) and his family with<br />

me at these services. Nov. 21, we attended ser-<br />

Tkes here. Bro. Fred Kirbo, and family accom-<br />

panied me to Mancos, Colo., where Bro. Fred and<br />

nyself conducted a two Loid’s day meeting, Dec.<br />

2-9. All the boys seemed to be in higher spirits<br />

as we departed. I certainly did enjoy the visit<br />

and the spiritual feast together. We do hope and<br />

pray that these boys may soon have their free-<br />

dom again. May the Lord bless them all for<br />

their strong faith, courage and sacrifice. We<br />

thank the brethren who assisted financially in this<br />

trip, a result <strong>of</strong> their sincere interest in the boys<br />

and their families.<br />

Paul 0. Nichols, 849 Wilcox Ave., Hollywood, 38,<br />

Calif., Dee. l7.-The meeting at Greenfield closed<br />

F. 18. The faithful few have a struggle in that<br />

Sodom.” I visited several sessions <strong>of</strong> the singing<br />

school being conducted by Bro. Homer Xing at<br />

Ceres, also> two or three services <strong>of</strong> the meeting<br />

that followed. Nov. 24-Nov. 50 I was at home,<br />

during which time I attended the meeting at GlendoTa<br />

being conducted by Ervin Waters and Chester<br />

King, where we have a new congregation. Breth-<br />

ren Abe and Jim Smith, brothers <strong>of</strong> our beloved<br />

Tom E. Smith <strong>of</strong> Healdton, Okla., are in charge<br />

there. Dec. 2, I worshipped at Poplar, where I<br />

preached at the morning service. Bro. Gayland<br />

Osburn was with me, who is a fine young preacher.<br />

Dee. 9, our highly esteemed Bro. H. E. Robertson,<br />

formerly <strong>of</strong> Lebanon, Mo., and I drove to Marys-<br />

ville for worship. We both spoke on the lesson.<br />

That night I preached at Lodi. Dec. 13, I visited<br />

the boys, Bill Harmon, Luke Robertson, and Jesse<br />

French, in the C.P.S. Camp at Three Rivers.<br />

Brethren, let us not forget the faithful boys in<br />

.the camps and elsewhere who are being persecuted<br />

for righteousness sake. Howard Nunnally <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Belden camp is spending his furlough in our home;<br />

he is expecting his release soon. Dec. 14.and 16,<br />

I assisted in the teaching at the home congrega-<br />

tion in Los Angeles. Brethren, what are we doing<br />

to advance the Fause for which <strong>Christ</strong> gave His<br />

life?<br />

Homer A. Gay, Lebanon, Mo., Dee. Il.-We<br />

closed the meeting at White Hall, near Temple,<br />

Tex., the 18th. <strong>of</strong> November, with two baptized<br />

and three restored to the fellowship, and .in all,<br />

it seemed that we had a good meeting. I got home<br />

the 20th., and was with Sonnyboy a week <strong>of</strong> his<br />

furlough. I worshipped and helped with the teach-<br />

ing service on Lord‘s day-the 25th. at Lees Sum-<br />

mit. Ray Nichols preached for us that night.<br />

Wife and I left home the 30th. <strong>of</strong> November for<br />

Harrodsburg, Indiana, where we are at this writ-<br />

ing in a meeting, which is to continue over the<br />

16th. Sickness has caused the crowds to be small-<br />

er than common here, however, all seem to come<br />

that are able, and there seems to be a gocd in-<br />

terest. This is a good congregation, and there<br />

are lots <strong>of</strong> possibilities in this part. I would love<br />

to see some preacher kept busy in this part <strong>of</strong><br />

the country for a year. Let us begin the new year<br />

with renewed energy and a stronger determination<br />

to withstand the Devil and to get the gospel befoye’<br />

as many lost souls as we possibly can. -4wake!<br />

Arise! The day is far spent; the night is at hand!<br />

Then, let us work while’it is day: for the night<br />

soon cometh when no man can work. If every<br />

congregation <strong>of</strong> any size would help to establish<br />

another congregation in 1946, what a change it<br />

would make for good!<br />

D. C. Kelley, P. 0. Box 272, Woodlake, Calif.,<br />

Dee. 10.-The church now worshipping at Wood-<br />

lake, extends an open door for all who stand for<br />

but one loaf and one cup on the Lord‘s table. We<br />

are sorry to have to report that one family has<br />

pulled away from us, because we would not use<br />

preachers who advocate and worship with a plural-<br />

ity <strong>of</strong> cups, which, <strong>of</strong> course, we could not do.<br />

We are glad, however, the separation was done<br />

in peace and love, which we hope will continue,<br />

even though we cannot work and worship to-<br />

gether. Bro. Reynolds worked hard to bring about<br />

a united and loyal congregation at this place, for<br />

which we are thankful. We are here to say as a<br />

congregation, and we ask the prayers and help <strong>of</strong><br />

all the faithful brethren in Calif.

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