Alumni Newsletter SPRING 2012 Kappa Alpha PI

Alumni Newsletter SPRING 2012 Kappa Alpha PI

Alumni Newsletter SPRING 2012 Kappa Alpha PI


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Congratulations <strong>2012</strong><br />

BY: Brian Springer | OMICRON Pledge Class & Megan Grossman | <strong>PI</strong> Pledge Class<br />

Two years ago, we crossed into a fraternity full of<br />

graduating seniors. We watched in confusion as people<br />

bawled at banquet, saying goodbye. At the time, we didn’t<br />

understand the magnitude of the impact this fraternity<br />

would have on our undergraduate experience. But now, as<br />

we’re about to be in that same position, we understand exactly<br />

why everyone was so emotional and we can’t believe<br />

its coming to an end. Through all of the good times and all<br />

of the bad times, the frat has been important to us and it is<br />

really hard to be leaving it, once and for all.<br />

As we reflect on our times in the frat, we think<br />

about all of the things it has taught us. One philanthropy<br />

event stands out, where we made and delivered lunch to<br />

the homeless on Skid Row. Being able to so directly affect<br />

someone’s life in a positive way had a lasting impact on us.<br />

This year we have also witnessed a bunch of new events.<br />

One example was our Dinner with Professors event, where<br />

we interacted with a bunch of different professors and asked<br />

for advice on professional development. We also saw the return<br />

of the KAPi bonfire, where we got a chance for a large<br />

group of the members to get to know each other better,<br />

away from the pressure of school. We’ve seen this passion<br />

within the fraternity to throw new events that make a difference,<br />

whether in our own lives, or in the community. This<br />

fresh look at the pillars has allowed the fraternity to progress<br />

in a new direction and we<br />

are excited to continue<br />

to see it change<br />

even after we<br />

have graduated.<br />

Looking back<br />

at the last two<br />

years, we are<br />

realizing how<br />

much we are going<br />

to miss. In<br />

KAPi, we learned how to write a resume, how to interview<br />

professionally, and these skills helped us each get jobs at<br />

law firms. Throughout this whole process we gained lifelong<br />

friends who we hope to keep in contact with for the<br />

years to come. Even just in meetings, we have gotten the<br />

opportunity to interact with a diverse group of people, tied<br />

together by one common interest. We have been able to find<br />

our voice, even in difficult situations, without wavering<br />

in our brotherhood towards the people we<br />

may be having disagreements with. We<br />

will always treasure the random moments,<br />

hanging out with brothers<br />

that we do not normally hang<br />

out with, so we can get to<br />

know them on a personal<br />

level to really understand<br />

their story. This<br />

begins for everyone<br />

when you play five<br />

questions with<br />

your pledge class,<br />

connecting with<br />

people you have<br />

just barely<br />

met,<br />

form- ing a<br />

bond of brotherhood<br />

that lasts forever. We would not<br />

have made it these last two years without<br />

this family away from home.<br />

Now, we are moving across the country to University<br />

of Pennsylvania and University of Texas, to join<br />

some of our alumni in law school. We’re excited for<br />

the other graduating seniors, some going off to teach,<br />

some off to work, and others who are still planning to apply<br />

to law school in the future. We are confident that because<br />

of the things they have learned, they have the tools they will<br />

need to be successful. No matter where we go, <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong><br />

Pi will always be a part of us, and how we have gotten to<br />

where we are today. You guys are the ones who have really<br />

made UCLA special.<br />

SENIORS:<br />

Angela John<br />


Center Director, Mathnasium Math<br />

Learning Center of Westwood<br />

Brian Springer<br />


University of Pennsylvania Law<br />

School, Class of 2015<br />

Carlie Jones<br />


Obtaining TEFL license and teaching<br />

abroad<br />

Dianna Lindsey<br />

SIGMA<br />

Teach for America- Los Angeles,<br />

Loyola Marymount School of Urban<br />

Education, Class of 2014<br />

Elizabeth Black<br />

SIGMA<br />

National Teaching Fellowship for<br />

Citizen Schools: Boston<br />

Elliot Schwartz<br />

XI<br />

Working at Mark S. Temple, A<br />

Professional Law Corporation<br />

LSAT Studying (Part II), applying<br />

in the fall<br />

Ingrid Rodriguez<br />

TAU<br />

Attending the UCLA CAPPP<br />

program in fall & then taking the<br />

LSATs<br />

Jose Gonzalez<br />

SIGMA<br />

Pursuing a finance certificate<br />

through UCLA Extension and applying<br />

to business school<br />

Juan Hernandez<br />

RHO<br />

Pursuing CPA, MBA and potentially<br />

a JD. FBGM<br />

Katherine Do<br />

TAU<br />

Violin Teacher for the Huntington<br />

Beach Union High School District<br />

13 14<br />



Katie Sloss<br />

RHO<br />

Applying to graduate school in<br />

philosophy and working on my<br />

graphic design portfolio<br />

Mary Fersch<br />

RHO<br />

University of San Diego Law<br />

School, Class of 2015<br />

Maura Nuno<br />

XI<br />

Law Office of Jonathan I. Kelmanll<br />

Megan Grossman<br />

<strong>PI</strong><br />

University of Texas School of Law,<br />

Class of 2015<br />

Supreet Gill<br />


Writing for Vibe Magazine<br />

Tessa Roberts<br />

SIGMA<br />

Boesch Law Group, Assistant<br />

LSAT in October, applying in<br />

the fall

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