Alumni Newsletter SPRING 2012 Kappa Alpha PI

Alumni Newsletter SPRING 2012 Kappa Alpha PI

Alumni Newsletter SPRING 2012 Kappa Alpha PI


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<strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong> <strong>PI</strong><br />


<strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>SPRING</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong> Pi<br />

Pre-Law Co-Ed Fraternity<br />

University of California, Los Angeles

<strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>SPRING</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong> Pi<br />

Pre-Law Co-Ed Fraternity<br />

University of California, Los Angeles<br />

<strong>Alumni</strong> & Friends|<br />

It is definitely a bittersweet transition<br />

as we proudly welcome the new Upsilon<br />

pledge class into our brotherhood but at the<br />

same time, are forced to say farewell to an<br />

exceptional group of graduating brothers. It<br />

is my hope that the Upsilon pledge class will<br />

continue to uphold the values and lessons<br />

that were instilled upon them throughout<br />

this quarter as they become the newest brothers<br />

of this fraternity and carry on the traditions<br />

and spirit that define <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong> Pi.<br />

Also seniors, congratulations on successfully<br />

completing your undergraduate experience. I<br />

know that no matter what path you all end<br />

up pursuing -- whether it be law, education,<br />

policy, etc. -- you all will do so exceptionally.<br />

Furthermore, no matter the distance that may<br />

eventually separate us all, forever remember<br />

that we will always be brothers through<br />

the bonds forged during our time together.<br />

I am honored to have been elected to<br />

produce this newsletter, and it is my hope that<br />

the articles not only bring back fond memories<br />

of all our experiences this quarter (retreat,<br />

a new pledge class, going to the shooting<br />

range, and volunteering at Skid Row -- just<br />

to name a few) but also remind you all of how<br />

much we have been able to achieve together<br />

in such a short amount of time. Lastly, thank<br />

you so much to those who contributed and<br />

helped make this newletter possible. Enjoy.<br />

Ken Huang | Sigma Pledge Class<br />

<strong>Alumni</strong> Relations Chair | Spring <strong>2012</strong><br />

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I. Introduction: <strong>Alumni</strong> & Friends<br />

Ken Huang | SIGMA Pledge Class<br />

II. Table of Contents<br />

1. Upsilons: Unlock Kapiness<br />

Areni Shahinian | <strong>PI</strong> Pledge Class<br />

3. A Sorority Girl in a Fraternity World<br />

Taylor Cross | UPSILON Pledge Class<br />

5. Brotherhood: Right to Bear Arms<br />

Juan Hernandez | RHO Pledge Class<br />

7. Quotable Quotes<br />

Michelle Nguyen | RHO Pledge Class<br />

9. Fraternity Girls<br />

Brooke Scott | RHO Pledge Class<br />

11. Skid Row<br />

Kenneth Carbajal | SIGMA Pledge Class<br />

13. Senior Send-Off<br />

Brian Springer | OMICRON Pledge Class & Megan Grossman | <strong>PI</strong> Pledge Class<br />

<strong>SPRING</strong> BID DINNER<br />



BY: Areni Shahinian | <strong>PI</strong> Pledge Class<br />

U N O C K<br />

KAPi.VPR@gmail.com made it all<br />

real. I mean, I knew what I was getting into<br />

when I got elected to the position of Vice<br />

President of Recruitment, but there was no<br />

way for me to foresee my upcoming quarter.<br />

You have heard stories and seen people<br />

experience it, but it is a whole new ride<br />

when you do it yourself.<br />

I loved pledging, I loved the work,<br />

how busy we always were, and the bonding<br />

that was forced upon the pledge class<br />

through the needs of the process. I would<br />

always tell people I wanted to pledge<br />

again and again; VPR was the closest thing<br />

to pledging again. It was always something<br />

I had dreamed of doing and was so<br />

honored to have been elected for this position.<br />

Looking back at this past quarter, I<br />

can say it has been one of the best quarters<br />

of my life. Before I met any of the Upsilons,<br />

I was already saying how I was going<br />

to keep telling them “Oops” and “You<br />

messed up again” because I had the idea<br />

that they would be messing up at all hours<br />

of every day. They obviously proved me<br />

wrong. They have made me so proud! From<br />

their first meeting and retreat I already<br />

knew I had a good group in my hands. They<br />

have given me so much joy and made me<br />

a proud mom!<br />

The quarter is coming to a close. The<br />

gift is wrapped, and it is waiting its final<br />

bow. I cannot believe how quickly 6 weeks<br />

could pass. Last I remember from this quarter<br />

was rushing to Costco with Maura to<br />

get cookies, juice and lots of veggies for<br />

our nights of rush. Next thing I know we are<br />

at bid deliberation deciding a class size,<br />

I am directing the Oopsies into the bid<br />

ceremony, I am addressing them and the<br />

prized binder at their first meeting, we are<br />

at their social event, then their professional<br />

event…and now here?! Where has this<br />

quarter gone?<br />

They say time flies when you’re having<br />

fun. Now, I don’t know whom “they”<br />

Welcome UPSILONS! KA<strong>PI</strong>NESS<br />

are, but they are right! I have had a blast<br />

this quarter and really was not expecting<br />

to fall in love again. But now I think I have<br />

found something new to fall in love with.<br />

My new thing to tell everyone is how I want<br />

to be VPR over and over again.<br />

For my Upsilons, Good luck! This fraternity<br />

is being passed to you slowly. Treat<br />

it delicately, for it is one of my greatest<br />

treasures.<br />

Areni Shahinian<br />

Pi Pledge Class<br />

Upsilon Pledge Mom<br />

EUROPE!<br />


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BY: Taylor Cross | UPSILON Pledge Class<br />

Walking to Monday meeting, Shelby casually<br />

asked, “Oh yeah, did you want to go to that pre-law<br />

thing tomorrow night?”. I accepted the offer, imagining<br />

a presentation made<br />

by one or two people in a<br />

lecture hall.<br />

Star-<br />

OOPS<br />

ing at<br />

m y<br />

closet the next<br />

evening, I tried to<br />

picture a business<br />

casual outfit.<br />

Images of<br />

Carie Bradshaw<br />

came to mind:<br />

cute heals, a<br />

skirt, and some sort<br />

of blazer. Accordingly<br />

I put on my six-inch nude<br />

pumps, cream pencil skirt,<br />

burnt orange button-up, and<br />

grey blazer. Showing up to rush,<br />

I quickly realized that it was not going<br />

to be anything like I had imagined. Here I was<br />

thinking I would be able to sit anonymously in the<br />

back of a presentation. The realization that I would<br />

be standing in my shoes for three hours hurt my soul,<br />

as well as the soles of my feet. However, the speeddating<br />

style of rush entertained me so much that<br />

I did not even think about my feet. These people<br />

were so diverse and accomplished that they made<br />

me feel mundane and unprepared for life. They<br />

were who I wanted, and needed, to be. Freshman<br />

year was fun, but I needed to get my life aimed in<br />

the right direction: law school.<br />

My work and class schedule forced me to<br />

sign up for the very first interview slot, Thursday at<br />

9 am. Again channeling my inner Carie, I selected<br />

the same heals to wear to the interview. This<br />

time paired with high-waisted dress pants, a colorful<br />

striped blouse, and a navy blue cardigan. We were<br />

instructed to bring three copies of our resume, but<br />

being the overachiever that I am, I brought four. I<br />

was proud to slide one copy to each of my interviewers;<br />

my resume was sunflower-scented with my<br />

name and the headers printed in eye-catching coral<br />

ink. It gave it something extra, don’t you think?<br />

Needless to say, I have now realized the<br />

error(s) of my ways. Carie Bradshaw’s wardrobe is<br />

the farthest thing from professional. A resume like<br />

Elle Woods’ will not gain you admittance to a prestigious<br />

law school or give you credibility with employers.<br />

My most important accessories have become<br />

my pledge pin and binder. People who used<br />

to be fifteen strangers have become my brothers.<br />

This process has taught me so much about professionalism,<br />

brotherhood, and philanthropy; it has also<br />

taught me about myself.<br />

Retreat cemented <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong> Pi in my<br />

memory as an experience that can never be repeated,<br />

substituted, or forgotten. Though we did<br />

not know each other very well at the time, I believe<br />

that the Upsilons elected individuals to the positions<br />

which suit each person’s unique personality and skillset<br />

very well. I had the honor of being elected President<br />

of my pledge class, and it has truly been one of<br />

the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.<br />

The Upsilons have earned the reputation of<br />

being a pledge class which is prone to injury/illness.<br />

Simply beginning at retreat, we were all slightly infected<br />

with a cold. For the social event held that<br />

following Thursday, one of our Social Chairs broke<br />

her elbow the day before. Carie and<br />

Talea (our social chairs) were able<br />

to coordinate an amazingly fun ice<br />

cream social, complete with original<br />

games, despite the injury. Somehow<br />

we managed to make it to our next<br />

event, Professional Night, without another<br />

brother finding themselves in<br />

harm’s way. Kaite and Hector (our Professional<br />

Chairs) hosted a professional<br />

night which was expertly executed,<br />

coordinated down to the last cup of<br />

water. Our next big extravaganza as a<br />

pledge class was the Mock Trial.<br />

As I have never participated in anything<br />

remotely similar to a mock trial, it<br />

intimidated me beyond belief. Luckily,<br />

three of my Upsilon pledge brothers<br />

have been actively involved in mock<br />

trial since high school. Phil and Katie<br />

were both cast as attorneys for the defense,<br />

while Shezaf was cast as an at-<br />

torney for the prosecution (these<br />

three being those with previous<br />

mock trial experience). As Phil<br />

stated, “it [didn’t] matter that<br />

we’re on opposing sides we [had]<br />

to help each other out.” And we<br />

did just that; as a pledge class we<br />

dedicated countless collective<br />

hours preparing both sides of the<br />

case. In the end, the verdict was<br />

inconsequential. We all learned<br />

to value each other’s strengths<br />

and help our pledge brothers improve<br />

in their areas of weakness.<br />

Throughout the entire pledging<br />

process, we have had multiple<br />

brothers have to call in sick for<br />

individual events or workshops.<br />

But one single brother has proven<br />

her strength and dedication to the<br />




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process above all others. Ashley had to be rushed<br />

to the hospital before our last Mock Trial workshop<br />

and has not been physically capable of returning<br />

since. However, this has not halted or even slowed<br />

her participation in our pledge class. As one of the<br />

fundraising chairs, she and Shezaf have worked<br />

tirelessly to ensure that we not only meet our fundraising<br />

goal, but exceed it. I am proud to call such<br />

strong and dedicated individuals my brothers.<br />

Our Brotherhood Chair, Joey, said it best: “Our<br />

pledge class is like a machine. If you take out just<br />

one of the parts it won’t work right anymore.” We<br />

have persevered through illness and injury. We have<br />

hosted professional and social events. We have interviewed<br />

countless actives and aced the hardest<br />

of tests. We have sported mint-green t-shirts and<br />

modeled professional attire. We have even tried<br />

one of our own for murder. Through the pledging<br />

process we have formed a bond closer than friendship:<br />


Brotherhood<br />

Right to<br />

Bear Arms<br />

BY: Juan Hernandez | RHO Pledge Class<br />

Angelina Jolie, Alicia Keys, Michelle<br />

Rodriguez, Kate Beckinsale, and Mila Kunis;<br />

what do all these women have in common<br />

besides being beautiful actresses?<br />

They look even hotter when they are firing<br />

a gun! So if we use reason, guns are good<br />

for appearances, but also, they are good<br />

for brotherhood! On April 19th , we<br />

had a Brotherhood Event<br />

at some- what-nearby Los Angeles<br />

Gun Club, a shooting range, to which about<br />

15 brothers attended. Having shot many<br />

guns before (cue the ghetto/ gangster<br />

jokes), I felt right at home pretending I was<br />

Denzel Washington in Man On Fire minus the<br />

a suit.<br />

I got to pair up with Daniel Rios, a.k.a.<br />

Mr. Call of Duty, and we rented a Beretta Px4<br />

Storm – the .45 caliber version. Our neighbors,<br />

Megan and Kirsten rented the 9mm<br />

counterpart of our gun and we ended up<br />

trading guns a few times. Needless to say,<br />

the .45 sent vibrations up our forearms as the<br />

recoil left our pistol pointing skyward after<br />

every shot! But the adrenaline is addicting.<br />

“ Once you fired one bullet, you wanted to<br />

unload the whole magazine! I can honestly<br />

say I now understand why people don’t just<br />

shoot another person once but at least ten<br />

times! The 9mm gun was far more accurate,<br />

but felt like a toy in comparison to the potent<br />

.45. Nonetheless, it added that tactical<br />

feel to it. Holding the nine gun made<br />

me imagine myself as a SWAT agent, but the<br />

forty five made me feel like a Navy SEAL!<br />


The most important thing I learned, though,<br />

was how good guns make us look. As a result,<br />

I took about 100 pictures with my phone<br />

of all of my brothers going H.A.M. on the<br />

shooting targets! Of course, some of them<br />

tried their best but nonetheless missed the<br />

target completely, but it was a friendly competition<br />

after all! As the Director of Brother-<br />


“<br />

hood for the upcoming quarter, I have already<br />

determined that this will be one of<br />

the Brotherhood Events I will be proposing,<br />

so alumni, if you’re interested: join us!<br />

P.S. The tacos afterward were icing on the<br />

cake!<br />




“<br />

“<br />

COM<strong>PI</strong>LED BY: Michelle Nguyen | RHO Pledge Class<br />


<strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong> Pi is the only place at UCLA that I’ve<br />

met people who are willing to pick you up from the<br />

hospital at 3am, even though they have a final the<br />

next morning at 8am. Now that’s Brotherhood.<br />

<strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong> Pi is the only place on campus<br />

where pre-law students can come together<br />

and forge and grow friendships across gender,<br />

race, and background. It’s refreshing to be a<br />

part of a group where none of that matters and<br />

it’s all about the brotherhood. I’m glad I joined.<br />

“ “<br />

“<br />

“KAPi brought me my<br />

internship, my future<br />

roommate, and some<br />

of the most eccentric<br />

people I’ve ever<br />

met. It’s my home<br />

away from home.”<br />

“Come for the professionalism but stay for the brotherhood.” When I first heard this<br />

during rush, I thought: that’s just a slogan they are required to repeat. However, after<br />

having been in KAPi for a year, I truly believe brotherhood is what makes KAPi so special.<br />

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Fraternity Girls, albeit a<br />

paradoxical statement, this<br />

is who we are. As brothers<br />

of <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong> Pi Pre-Law<br />

Fraternity we acknowledge<br />

and uphold the ideals of<br />

brotherhood.<br />

On first discovering<br />

that UCLA had a pre-law coed<br />

fraternity I was thoroughly<br />

intrigued and also a bit<br />

confused. The possibility<br />

of fusing my interest in the<br />

law with Greek life had<br />

been something I had not<br />

known was possible before<br />

pledging KAPi my freshmen<br />

Fall Quarter. I wasn’t really<br />

expecting there to be any<br />

major difference between a<br />

co-ed fraternity compared<br />

to a male-only fraternity,<br />

besides the obvious fact<br />

that the fraternity would also<br />

include females, and in that<br />

respect my expectations<br />

were met. However, what I<br />

could not have expected<br />

Fraternity Girls<br />

The female perspective on being a brother<br />

BY: Brooke Scott | RHO Pledge Class<br />


was the extent to which they<br />

upheld brotherhood as well<br />

as the understanding that<br />

we were to address each<br />

other as brothers and the<br />

deeper meaning behind the<br />

definition of a brother.<br />

In all honesty, on first<br />

joining this fraternity it was<br />

difficult to refer to myself<br />

as a brother or to address<br />

any of the other females<br />

in our fraternity in that<br />

way. At first glimpse it may<br />

seem as though referring to<br />

ourselves as a fraternity and<br />

as brothers is just another<br />

reminder of our patriarchal<br />

society, but in <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong><br />

Pi the word brotherhood<br />

encompasses a deeper<br />

meaning. What I ultimately<br />

came to find is that our<br />

brotherhood encapsulates<br />

a group of individuals who<br />

may have first come to unite<br />

over a common interest<br />

in the field of law, but this<br />

unification has come to<br />

grow into something more<br />


ME TO KA<strong>PI</strong> WAS THE FACT THAT IT WAS CO-ED”<br />

Delaram Kamapour<br />

profound. In this regard,<br />

a brother is not limited to<br />

gender but is more so a<br />

feeling of kinship amongst<br />

individuals who triumph<br />

through tribulations and take<br />

pleasure in the successes of<br />

one another.<br />

Upon asking some of<br />

the female active members<br />

in KAPi their opinion on what<br />

it is like to be in a co-ed<br />

KA<strong>PI</strong> GIRLS PLAYING 10 FINGERS<br />

fraternity, they came up with<br />

some insightful responses.<br />

Delaram Kamalpour, a 2nd<br />

year political science student<br />

and member of the Sigma<br />

class stated, “One of the<br />

things that initially attracted<br />

me to KAPi was the fact that<br />

it was co-ed. I think that<br />

there is something to be said<br />

about the productivity of a<br />

group in which both sexes<br />

are permitted to participate,<br />

especially considering the<br />

effort of women to gain<br />

equal recognition in the field<br />

of law.” In addition, Katy<br />

Ho, a 2nd year undeclared<br />

student and member of the<br />

Rho class believes, “It [the<br />

word brother] grows on you<br />

and brotherhood represents<br />

less of a gender related term<br />

and becomes something<br />

more significant and<br />

meaningful that represents<br />

the fraternity and all that we<br />

stand for.”<br />

The brothers of <strong>Kappa</strong><br />

<strong>Alpha</strong> Pi, guys and girls<br />

alike, are bound by the<br />

bonds of brotherhood. And<br />

though we may come from<br />

different places with different<br />

perspectives and even be of<br />

different gender, we are one.<br />

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SKID ROW<br />

BY: Kenneth Carbajal | SIGMA Pledge Class<br />

I remember listening to speakers during<br />

Spring Rush 2011, wondering why I should<br />

pledge and what differentiated <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong><br />

Pi from other pre-law organizations at UCLA.<br />

As soon as Philanthropy was described as one<br />

of the pillars upon which the fraternity was<br />

founded I immediately envisioned being able<br />

to express my passion for serving the less fortunate<br />

through the fraternity. In each of the<br />

two quarters since I was elected Director of<br />

Philanthropy, and during my pledge quarter,<br />

my proudest moment has been when members<br />

meet at my apartment, make bagged<br />

lunches and take them down to Skid Row. I<br />

began attending Skid Row trips my freshman<br />

year of high school, when I was 13. The ability<br />

to be able to continue with those trips, that<br />

have been so important to me throughout my<br />

life, is one of my favorite aspects of this fraternity.<br />

During each of our quarterly service<br />

trips an average of fifteen members have met<br />

at my apartment at nine in the morning. We<br />

make bagged lunches from bagged snacks,<br />

peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and water<br />

bottles. The satisfaction members felt after<br />

they pass out the bagged lunches has<br />

not been the only gratifying part of the trip.<br />

While preparing the lunches there is usually<br />

music playing, members are joking around<br />

and generally being good brothers to one<br />

another. This trip always unites brotherhood<br />

with philanthropy, we have fun while helping<br />

others.<br />

Oftentimes members who attend the<br />

Skid Row trip have not been to Skid Row before.<br />

It is difficult to describe the state that<br />

Skid Row is in, difficult to have someone imagine<br />

what its like not to have an adequate<br />

change of clothes or the comfort of knowing<br />

whether there will be anything to eat in a few<br />

hours. Members frequently comment to me<br />

that they enjoyed the trip and that they were<br />

surprised how quickly we ran out of food. I<br />

try explaining that regardless of how large<br />

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a budget we approve, we will never have<br />

enough food to pass out. It is both a rewarding<br />

and heartbreaking experience to help<br />

those who have nothing but the possessions<br />

they can carry with them. Some members are<br />

nervous about going down to Skid Row but it<br />



goes to show just how amazing our brothers<br />

are for not letting this fear get the better of<br />

them and actually going out with the intent<br />

of helping those who have less than us. It was<br />

my purpose when elected to this position to<br />

do as much as possible to help those in need.<br />

Although I do not feel I have completely accomplished<br />

this goal, I feel as a fraternity we<br />

have taken great steps towards sharing some<br />

of our wealth with the less fortunate.<br />

LA, CA 90013<br />



Congratulations <strong>2012</strong><br />

BY: Brian Springer | OMICRON Pledge Class & Megan Grossman | <strong>PI</strong> Pledge Class<br />

Two years ago, we crossed into a fraternity full of<br />

graduating seniors. We watched in confusion as people<br />

bawled at banquet, saying goodbye. At the time, we didn’t<br />

understand the magnitude of the impact this fraternity<br />

would have on our undergraduate experience. But now, as<br />

we’re about to be in that same position, we understand exactly<br />

why everyone was so emotional and we can’t believe<br />

its coming to an end. Through all of the good times and all<br />

of the bad times, the frat has been important to us and it is<br />

really hard to be leaving it, once and for all.<br />

As we reflect on our times in the frat, we think<br />

about all of the things it has taught us. One philanthropy<br />

event stands out, where we made and delivered lunch to<br />

the homeless on Skid Row. Being able to so directly affect<br />

someone’s life in a positive way had a lasting impact on us.<br />

This year we have also witnessed a bunch of new events.<br />

One example was our Dinner with Professors event, where<br />

we interacted with a bunch of different professors and asked<br />

for advice on professional development. We also saw the return<br />

of the KAPi bonfire, where we got a chance for a large<br />

group of the members to get to know each other better,<br />

away from the pressure of school. We’ve seen this passion<br />

within the fraternity to throw new events that make a difference,<br />

whether in our own lives, or in the community. This<br />

fresh look at the pillars has allowed the fraternity to progress<br />

in a new direction and we<br />

are excited to continue<br />

to see it change<br />

even after we<br />

have graduated.<br />

Looking back<br />

at the last two<br />

years, we are<br />

realizing how<br />

much we are going<br />

to miss. In<br />

KAPi, we learned how to write a resume, how to interview<br />

professionally, and these skills helped us each get jobs at<br />

law firms. Throughout this whole process we gained lifelong<br />

friends who we hope to keep in contact with for the<br />

years to come. Even just in meetings, we have gotten the<br />

opportunity to interact with a diverse group of people, tied<br />

together by one common interest. We have been able to find<br />

our voice, even in difficult situations, without wavering<br />

in our brotherhood towards the people we<br />

may be having disagreements with. We<br />

will always treasure the random moments,<br />

hanging out with brothers<br />

that we do not normally hang<br />

out with, so we can get to<br />

know them on a personal<br />

level to really understand<br />

their story. This<br />

begins for everyone<br />

when you play five<br />

questions with<br />

your pledge class,<br />

connecting with<br />

people you have<br />

just barely<br />

met,<br />

form- ing a<br />

bond of brotherhood<br />

that lasts forever. We would not<br />

have made it these last two years without<br />

this family away from home.<br />

Now, we are moving across the country to University<br />

of Pennsylvania and University of Texas, to join<br />

some of our alumni in law school. We’re excited for<br />

the other graduating seniors, some going off to teach,<br />

some off to work, and others who are still planning to apply<br />

to law school in the future. We are confident that because<br />

of the things they have learned, they have the tools they will<br />

need to be successful. No matter where we go, <strong>Kappa</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong><br />

Pi will always be a part of us, and how we have gotten to<br />

where we are today. You guys are the ones who have really<br />

made UCLA special.<br />

SENIORS:<br />

Angela John<br />


Center Director, Mathnasium Math<br />

Learning Center of Westwood<br />

Brian Springer<br />


University of Pennsylvania Law<br />

School, Class of 2015<br />

Carlie Jones<br />


Obtaining TEFL license and teaching<br />

abroad<br />

Dianna Lindsey<br />

SIGMA<br />

Teach for America- Los Angeles,<br />

Loyola Marymount School of Urban<br />

Education, Class of 2014<br />

Elizabeth Black<br />

SIGMA<br />

National Teaching Fellowship for<br />

Citizen Schools: Boston<br />

Elliot Schwartz<br />

XI<br />

Working at Mark S. Temple, A<br />

Professional Law Corporation<br />

LSAT Studying (Part II), applying<br />

in the fall<br />

Ingrid Rodriguez<br />

TAU<br />

Attending the UCLA CAPPP<br />

program in fall & then taking the<br />

LSATs<br />

Jose Gonzalez<br />

SIGMA<br />

Pursuing a finance certificate<br />

through UCLA Extension and applying<br />

to business school<br />

Juan Hernandez<br />

RHO<br />

Pursuing CPA, MBA and potentially<br />

a JD. FBGM<br />

Katherine Do<br />

TAU<br />

Violin Teacher for the Huntington<br />

Beach Union High School District<br />

13 14<br />



Katie Sloss<br />

RHO<br />

Applying to graduate school in<br />

philosophy and working on my<br />

graphic design portfolio<br />

Mary Fersch<br />

RHO<br />

University of San Diego Law<br />

School, Class of 2015<br />

Maura Nuno<br />

XI<br />

Law Office of Jonathan I. Kelmanll<br />

Megan Grossman<br />

<strong>PI</strong><br />

University of Texas School of Law,<br />

Class of 2015<br />

Supreet Gill<br />


Writing for Vibe Magazine<br />

Tessa Roberts<br />

SIGMA<br />

Boesch Law Group, Assistant<br />

LSAT in October, applying in<br />

the fall

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