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<strong>BULETINUL</strong><br />

<strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong><br />

<strong>POLITEHNIC</strong><br />

<strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />


Tomul LVI (LX)<br />

Fasc. 2<br />

Secţia<br />



<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />



Editorial Office: Bd. D. Mangeron 63, 700050, Iaşi, ROMANIA<br />

Tel. 40-232-278683; Fax: 40-232-237666; e-mail: polytech@mail.tuiasi.ro<br />

Editorial Board<br />

President: Prof. dr. eng. Ion Giurmă, Member of the Academy of Agricultural<br />

Sciences and Forest, Rector of the“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. dr. eng. Carmen Teodosiu, Vice-Rector of the<br />

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Honorary Editors of the Bulletin: Prof. dr. eng. Alfred Braier,<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Hugo Rosman,<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Mihail Voicu, Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy,<br />

President of the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Editors in Chief of the MACHINE CONSTRUCTION Section<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Radu Ibănescu, Assoc. Prof. dr. eng. Aristotel Popescu<br />

Honorary Editors: Prof. dr. eng. Gheorghe Nagîţ, Prof. dr. eng. Cezar Oprişan<br />

Associated Editor: Prof. dr. eng. Eugen Axinte<br />

Editorial Advisory Board<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Nicuşor Amariei, „Gheorghe Asachi” Prof. dr. eng. Nouraş-Barbu Lupulescu, University<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Transilvania of Braşov, Romania<br />

Assoc.Prof.dr.eng. Aristomenis Antoniadis, Technical Prof. dr. eng. Francisco Javier Santos Martin,<br />

University of Crete, Greece<br />

University of Valladolid, Spain<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Virgil Atanasiu, „Gheorghe Asachi”<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Prof. dr. eng.Fabio Miani, University of Udine, Italy<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Manuel San Juan Blanco, University of Prof. dr. eng.Mircea Mihailide, „Gheorghe Asachi”<br />

Valladolid, Spain<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Petru Berce, Technical University of Cluj Prof. dr. eng. Sevasti Mitsi, Aristotle University of<br />

Napoca, Romania<br />

Thessaloniki Salonic, Greece<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Ion Bostan, Technical University of Prof. dr. eng. Gheorghe Nagîţ, „Gheorghe Asachi”<br />

Chişinău, Repablic of Moldova<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Walter Calles, Hochschule für Technik und Prof. dr. eng.Vasile Neculăiasa, „Gheorghe Asachi”<br />

Wirtschaft des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Doru Călăraşu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Prof. dr. eng. Dumitru Olaru, „Gheorghe Asachi”<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Francisco Chinesta, Ecole Centrale de Prof. dr. eng. Cezar Oprişan, „Gheorghe Asachi”<br />

Nantes, France<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Assoc.Prof.dr.eng. Conçalves Coelho, University Nova of Prof. dr. eng. Juan Pablo Contreras Samper,<br />

Lisbon, Portugal<br />

University of Cadiz, Spain<br />

Assoc.Prof.dr.eng. Mircea Cozmîncă, „Gheorghe Asachi” Prof. dr. eng.Loredana Santo, University „Tor Vergata”,<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Rome, Italy<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Spiridon Creţu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Prof. dr. eng.Cristina Siligardi, University of Modena,<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Italy<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Gheorghe Dumitraşcu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Prof. dr. eng.Fernando José Neto da Silva, University<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

of Aveiro, Portugal<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Cătălin Fetecău, University „Dunărea de<br />

Jos” of Galaţi, Romania<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Filipe Silva, University of Minho, Portugal<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Mihai Gafitanu, „Gheorghe Asachi” Prof. dr. eng. Laurenţiu Slătineanu, Technical<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Prof. dr. eng. Radu Gaiginschi, „Gheorghe Asachi” Lecturer dr.eng. Birgit Kjærside Storm, Aalborg<br />

Technical University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Universitet Esbjerg, Denmark<br />

Prof.dr.ir.Dirk Lefeber, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium Prof. dr. eng. Ezio Spessa, Politecnico di Torino, Italy<br />

Prof. dr. eng.Dorel Leon, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical Prof. dr. eng. Alexei Toca, Technical University of<br />

University of Iaşi, Romania<br />

Chişinău, Repablic of Moldova<br />

Prof. dr. eng.James A. Liburdy, Oregon State University, Prof. dr. eng.Roberto Teti, University „Federico II”,<br />

Corvallis, Oregon, SUA<br />

Naples, Italy<br />

Prof. dr. eng. dr. H.C. Peter Lorenz, Hochschule für Prof. dr. eng.Hans-Bernhard Woyand, Bergische<br />

Technik und Wirtschaft, Saarbrücken, Germany<br />

University Wuppertal, Germany

Papers presented at<br />




Iaşi, May 14 th – 16 th , 2010<br />

organized by the<br />



Papers published with the support of<br />




Fascicle 2<br />

Conf.univ.dr.ing. Irina Cozmîncă<br />

Prof.univ.dr.ing. Radu Ibănescu<br />

Conf.univ.dr.ing. Vasile V. Merticaru

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />


Publicat de<br />

UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICĂ „GHEORGHE ASACHI” <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Tomul LVI(LX), Fasc. 2 2010<br />

Secţia<br />


S U M A R<br />


ANTÓNIO MOURÃO, Modelul matricei de proiectare în cazul<br />

soluțiilor redundante de proiectare (engl., rez. rom.)……........................<br />


evaluarea uzurii dinților frezelor de danturat pe baza determinării<br />

așchiilor 3D (engl., rez. rom.). ..................................................................<br />


prin simulare CAD a componentelor forței de așchiere la frezarea<br />

danturilor (engl., rez. rom.)........................................................................<br />


DUMITRU DUMITRU, Contribuţii privind controlul informatizat al<br />

cuţitelor roată (engl., rez. rom.).................................................................<br />


NICOLAE OANCEA, Contribuţii la elaborarea unei metode grafice<br />

pentru profilarea sculelor care generează prin înfăşurare. I. Algoritm.<br />

(engl., rez. rom.) .......................................................................................<br />

Pag.<br />

1<br />

9<br />

21<br />

31<br />



NICOLAE OANCEA, Contribuţii la elaborarea unei metode grafice<br />

pentru profilarea sculelor care generează prin înfăşurare. II. Aplicație<br />

pentru profilarea sculei-cremalieră (engl., rez. rom.)................................<br />


Simularea procesului de strunjire folosind analiza cu element finit<br />

(engl., rez. rom.)........................................................................................<br />


UNGUREANU, Cercetări experimentale pentru validarea unei noi<br />

metode de evaluare a forțelor de așchiere (engl., rez. rom.) .....................<br />

ANA-MARIA MATEI și MARIUS NICOLAE MILEA, Forțele de așchiere<br />

la frezarea frontală în funcție de forțele dezvoltate la nivelul unui dinte<br />

(engl., rez. rom.)........................................................................................<br />


MANOLE și ANDREI WEINGOLD, Aspecte comparative privind<br />

croirea la operaţia de decupare-perforare pe prese clasice și centre de<br />

presare prevăzute cu comandă numerică (engl., rez. rom.).......................<br />


LUPAȘCU, Considerații teoretice și experimentale privind<br />

determinarea efectului de divergență (engl., rez. rom.) ...........................<br />


Sistem de măsurare computerizat (engl., rez. rom.).................................<br />

BIRGIT KJÆRSIDE STORM, Lipirea cu adezivi a aluminiului tratat<br />

superficial (engl., rez. rom.)......................................................................<br />


Aplicaţii industriale ale muşchilor pneumatici (engl., rez. rom.) .............<br />

MIHĂIȚĂ HORO<strong>DIN</strong>CĂ, Noi resurse ale cercetării experimentale asistate<br />

de calculator a puterii electrice absorbite în sistemele de fabricație<br />

(engl., rez. rom.)........................................................................................<br />


Dezvoltarea integrată CAE a transmisiilor precesionale utilizând<br />

platforma Autodesk Inventor (engl., rez. rom.) .......................................<br />

ILEANA FULGA și EUGEN STRĂJESCU, Propuneri de optimizare a<br />

funcționării morilor fluidice cu jeturi în spirală (engl., rez. rom.)............<br />


CIOBANU, Analiza dinamică a mecanismului mecano-hidraulic de<br />

protecţie a turbinelor eoliene cu ax orizontal de mică putere prin<br />

basculare în plan vertical (engl., rez. rom.)...............................................<br />


Cercetări privind sistemele hidraulice pentru deplasarea maselor mari<br />

pe distante mici, cu frecvenţă redusă (engl., rez. rom.)............................<br />

49<br />

57<br />

65<br />

75<br />

83<br />

91<br />

97<br />

105<br />

117<br />

125<br />

135<br />

143<br />

153<br />



LILIANA DUMITRESCU, Sistem de măsurare pneumatică a masei de<br />

apă extrasă în procesele de uscare convectivă (engl., rez. rom.)...............<br />


folosite pentru monitorizarea defecţiunilor structurale apărute în<br />

funcţionarea grupurilor eoliene (engl., rez. rom.)......................................<br />


ADRIAN CONSTANTIN ALEXANDRESCU, Reabilitarea stației de<br />

pompare pentru alimentare cu apă (engl., rez. rom.).................................<br />



VICTOR BĂLĂȘOIU și MARIAN BĂRAN, Contribuţii în evaluarea<br />

durabilităţii arborilor hidroagregatelor axiale orizontale (engl., rez.<br />

rom.) .........................................................................................................<br />



Traseul optim al unei conducte de aducţiune utilizând algoritmul<br />

Bellman-Kalaba (engl., rez. rom.) ............................................................<br />

DĂNUŢ ZAHARIEA și MIHAELA TUDORACHE, Analiza structurală a<br />

cuplajelor fixe de tip manşon cu ştifturi cilindrice (engl., rez. rom.) .......<br />

DĂNUŢ ZAHARIEA și MARIUS STACHIE, Analiza structurală a arcurilor<br />

bimetalice lamelare (engl., rez. rom.) .......................................................<br />


VIETOR, Managementul cunoașterii în configurarea produselor<br />

complexe personalizate în fazele incipiente ale dezvoltării acestora<br />

(engl., rez. rom.)........................................................................................<br />

PETRU DUŞA și IULIANA LAURA TARANOVSCHI, Cercetări cu privire<br />

la activitatea de inovare din mediul tehnic (engl., rez.<br />

rom.)..........................................................................................................<br />


RÎPANU, Avantaje şi puncte slabe ale diferitelor tehnici de inginerie<br />

inversă (engl., rez. rom.) ...........................................................................<br />


OSCAR MARTÍN și FLORIN NEGOESCU, Termografie aplicată în<br />

frezarea osoasă (engl., rez. rom.)...............................................................<br />


oportunităţii unei noi fabrici de reciclare a sticlei, pentru o dezvoltare<br />

regională durabilă (engl., rez. rom.)..........................................................<br />



suprafețelor textile cu destinația optimizării curgerii fluidelor (engl.,<br />

rez. rom.)....................................................................................................<br />

167<br />

177<br />

189<br />

197<br />

205<br />

215<br />

221<br />

227<br />

237<br />

245<br />

251<br />

259<br />


<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />


Published by the<br />


Tomul LVI(LX), Fasc. 2 2010<br />

Section<br />


C O N T E N T S<br />


ANTÓNIO MOURÃO, On the Pattern of the Design Matrix in<br />

Redundant Design Solutions (English, Romanian summary). ….............<br />


Prediction Model Based on 3D Chips Determination (English,<br />

Romanian summary).................................................................................<br />


Based Calculation of Cutting Force Components in Gear Hobbing<br />

(English, Romanian summary)..................................................................<br />


and DUMITRU DUMITRU, Contributions Concerning The Computer<br />

Aided Control of the Fellows' Cutter (English, Romanian<br />

summary)...................................................................................................<br />


and NICOLAE OANCEA, Contributions to the Elaborations of a<br />

Graphical Method for Profiling of Tools which Generate by<br />

Enveloping. I. Algorithms (English, Romanian summary).......................<br />

Pag.<br />

1<br />

9<br />

21<br />

31<br />



and NICOLAE OANCEA, Contributions to the Elaborations of a<br />

Graphical Method for Profiling of Tools which Generate by<br />

Enveloping. II. Application for Rack-Gear Tool’s Profiling (English,<br />

Romanian summary).................................................................................<br />


MOCANU, The Numerical Simulation of Turning Process using Finite<br />

Element Modeling (English, Romanian summary)...................................<br />


UNGUREANU, Experimental Researches Regarding a New Method<br />

for Cutting Forces Evaluation (English, Romanian summary)................<br />


Forces Depending on the Forces Developed on a Single-Tooth (English,<br />

Romanian summary).................................................................................<br />


MANOLE and ANDREI WEINGOLD, Comparative Aspects<br />

Regarding the Nesting for Blanking-Punching Operation on Classical<br />

Presses and Numerical Commanded Pressing Centers (English,<br />

Romanian summary).................................................................................<br />


LUPAȘCU, Theoretical and Experimental Considerations on<br />

Determining the Effect of Divergence (English, Romanian<br />

summary)...................................................................................................<br />


Computerized Measurement System (English, Romanian summary).....<br />

BIRGIT KJÆRSIDE STORM, Adhesive Bonding of Surface Treated<br />

Aluminium (English, Romanian summary)..............................................<br />


NEAGOE, Industrial Applications of the Pneumatic Muscles (English,<br />

Romanian summary).................................................................................<br />

MIHĂIȚĂ HORO<strong>DIN</strong>CĂ, Some New Resources on Computer Assisted<br />

Experimental Research of the Absorbed Electric Power in<br />

Manufacturing Systems (English, Romanian summary)...........................<br />


Integrated CAE Development of Precessional Drives using Autodesk<br />

Inventor Platform (English, Romanian summary)....................................<br />

ILEANA FULGA and EUGEN STRĂJESCU, Proposals for the<br />

Improvement of the Fluidic Spiral Jetmills' Activity (English,<br />

Romanian summary).................................................................................<br />


CIOBANU, Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical-Hydraulic Protection<br />

Mechanisms of Low Power Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines through<br />

Vertical Tilting (English, Romanian summary)........................................<br />

49<br />

57<br />

65<br />

75<br />

83<br />

91<br />

97<br />

105<br />

117<br />

125<br />

135<br />

143<br />



Research on Hydraulically Systems which Move Heavy Masses on<br />

Small Distances with Lower Frequencies (English, Romanian<br />

summary)...................................................................................................<br />


LILIANA DUMITRESCU, Pneumatic Metering System for Amount of<br />

Water Extracted in Convective Drying Processes (English, Romanian<br />

summary)...................................................................................................<br />


for Monitoring Structural Damages Arising in the Functioning of Wind<br />

Turbines (English, Romanian summary)...................................................<br />



Exoneration for Water Supply (English, Romanian summary).................<br />



VICTOR BALASOIU and MARIAN BĂRAN, Contributions regarding<br />

Durability Evaluation of Horizontal Axial Hydraulic Turbines Shafts<br />

(English, Romanian summary)..................................................................<br />



Optimal Routes of Pipeline Supply using the Bellman-Kalaba<br />

Algorithm (English, Romanian summary)................................................<br />

DĂNUŢ ZAHARIEA and MIHAELA TUDORACHE, Structural Analysis<br />

of a Sleeve Rigid Coupling with Cylindrical Pins (English, Romanian<br />

summary)...................................................................................................<br />

DĂNUŢ ZAHARIEA and MARIUS STACHIE, Structural Analysis of a<br />

Bimetallic Strip Thermostat (English, Romanian summary)....................<br />


VIETOR, Knowledge Management for the Configuration in Early<br />

Phases of Complex Custom Products (English, Romanian summary)...<br />


Regarding to Innovative Activity in Technical Environment (English,<br />

Romanian summary).................................................................................<br />


RÎPANU, Advantages and Weak Points of Different Reverse<br />

Engineering (RE) Techniques (English, Romanian summary).................<br />


OSCAR MARTÍN and FLORIN NEGOESCU, Thermography Applied<br />

to Bone Drilling (English, Romanian summary).......................................<br />


Opportunity of a New Glass Recycling Factory for Regional<br />

Sustainable Development (English, Romanian summary)........................<br />

161<br />

167<br />

177<br />

189<br />

197<br />

205<br />

215<br />

221<br />

227<br />

237<br />

245<br />

251<br />



MEHMET SAHIN și LUMINIȚA CIOBANU, Modeling 3D Surface of<br />

Textile Structures for Fluid Flow Improvement (English, Romanian<br />

summary)...................................................................................................<br />


<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


and ANTÓNIO MOURÃO 1<br />

Abstract. Axiomatic Design was created with the aim of building a<br />

systematic model for engineering education and practice, taking into<br />

account the initial hypothesis that there are fundamental principles that<br />

govern good design practice. According to this design theory, the design<br />

solutions can be classified as uncoupled, decoupled or coupled, depending<br />

on the way their design matrices are populated. Uncoupled solutions are the<br />

best, decoupled solutions are acceptable, and coupled solutions are poor<br />

design and should be avoided. Redundant designs make up a specific class<br />

of design solutions, in which the number of functional requirements is<br />

lesser than the number of design parameters. This paper discusses how the<br />

design matrix could be populated, so that a redundant design could be either<br />

uncoupled or decoupled.<br />

Keywords: Axiomatic Design, Design Matrix, Redundant Design, Ideal<br />

Design.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Axiomatic Design (AD) was created in the late 1970’s by Nam P. Suh with<br />

the aim of building a systematic model for engineering education and practice<br />

under the initial hypothesis that there are fundamental principles that govern<br />

good design practice [1].<br />

According to AD, any “design object” — being it a product, a process or any<br />

other technical system — can be described by a vector in each one of four<br />

design domains (see Fig. 1). The design process starts at the customer domain<br />

with the definition of the customer needs (CNs). Mapping between the customer

2 Antonio M. Gonçalves-Coelho et al.<br />

and the functional domains allows finding the functional requirements (FRs).<br />

Once this is done, another mapping translates the FRs into design parameters<br />

(DPs), i.e. the set of properties that physically describe the design object.<br />

Finally, mapping from the physical to the process domain leads to the process<br />

variables (PVs), which outline how to make the design object [1].<br />

Fig. 1 – The Design Domains [1].<br />

The left-to-right mapping between any two contiguous domains can be<br />

represented by a “design equation” of the form:<br />

(1)<br />

{} Y = [] A {} X ; Aij =<br />

∂Yi ∂X j<br />

; i = 1, ..., m; j = 1,...,n ,<br />

where {Y} is a vector that represents the set of m requirements that should be<br />

accomplished, {X} is a vector representing the set of n parameters of the design<br />

object that is expected to fulfil the requirements, and [A] is the design matrix.<br />

Usually, any prospective design equation is bounded by constraints [1].<br />

Eq. (1) is not unique, and different {X} vectors would represent different<br />

design solutions that are characterized by distinct design matrices, which<br />

patterns would make the difference between “good” and “poor” design. The<br />

good or the poor quality of any design solution is ruled by the Independence<br />

Axiom, which states that, in good design, the selected parameters {X} should be<br />

such that the requirements {Y} are fulfilled independently. As a result, the ideal<br />

design solution should have the same number of requirements and parameters<br />

(m = n) and the design matrix should be diagonal, case of which the design<br />

solution is called “uncoupled” [1]. A triangular design matrix is acceptable as<br />

well and corresponds to a “decoupled” design [1]. Any other pattern of square<br />

design matrix corresponds to a “coupled” design, which should be recognized as<br />

poor and as such should be avoided [1].<br />

For any design solution where m > n, AD’s Theorem 1 states that either the<br />

design is coupled or some of its FRs can never be fulfilled [1]. An example of<br />

such a design can be found elsewhere [2]. In the case of m < n, AD’s Theorem 3<br />

states that the design is either redundant or coupled [1]. At last, the specific case<br />

of a design with a single requirement (m = 1) is worth to mention. In this case,<br />

the design would be either uncoupled (if n = 1), or redundant (if n > 1). In fact,

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 3<br />

the decoupled and the coupled conditions are impossible to attain in any singlerequirement<br />

design because there is no different FRs to couple.<br />

The present work contains an analysis of the pattern of the design matrix of<br />

redundant designs with more than one requirement (m > 1), a matter to which<br />

the researchers have not paid sufficient attention so far.<br />

2. The Key Characteristics of Redundant Designs<br />

Fig. 2 depicts the design of a simple clamping device with one only<br />

customer need: the clamping action, which can be attained by adjusting one<br />

only FR — the distance d.<br />

Fig. 2 – Example of a simple redundant design.<br />

The adjustment of d can be achieved by suitably setting the values of two<br />

design parameters: the position of the cam in the end of the hand lever (see Fig.<br />

1), which is denoted by angle α, and the angular position of the threaded rod,<br />

which is represented by angle β. Thus, the design equation for this redundant<br />

design with one requirement and two parameters is:<br />

(2) d<br />

⎡<br />

⎣<br />

{}= A 11 A 12<br />

⎧<br />

⎤<br />

⎪ α ⎫⎪<br />

⎦ ⎨ ⎬ .<br />

β<br />

⎩⎪ ⎭⎪<br />

A more general case is the Eq. (3) that represents a design with arbitrary<br />

numbers of requirements m and parameters n, with m < n. The equation relates<br />

to a redundant design, and its quality depends on the pattern of the design<br />

matrix, as per Theorem 3.<br />

To better understand how the pattern of the design matrix of Eq. (3) could<br />

characterize a good or a poor design, let us consider the three coexisting designs

4 Antonio M. Gonçalves-Coelho et al.<br />

represented by Eq. (4), Eq. (5) and Eq. (6), where Akj denotes the possible nonzero<br />

elements of the related design matrices.<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />

(5)<br />

⎧<br />

⎪<br />

⎨<br />

⎪<br />

⎩⎪<br />

⎧<br />

⎪<br />

⎨<br />

⎪<br />

⎩⎪<br />

FR 1<br />

FR 2<br />

FR 3<br />

FR 1<br />

FR 2<br />

FR 3<br />

⎧<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎫ ⎡<br />

⎪ ⎢<br />

⎬ = ⎢<br />

⎪ ⎢<br />

⎭⎪<br />

⎣⎢<br />

A11 A21 A31 A12 A22 A32 A13 A23 A33 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

⎤ ⎪<br />

⎥ ⎪<br />

⎥ ⎨<br />

⎥ ⎪<br />

⎦⎥<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎩<br />

⎧<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎫ ⎡<br />

⎪ ⎢<br />

⎬ = ⎢<br />

⎪ ⎢<br />

⎭⎪<br />

⎣⎢<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

A14 A24 A34 A15 A25 A35 A16 A26 A36 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

⎤ ⎪<br />

⎥ ⎪<br />

⎥ ⎨<br />

⎥ ⎪<br />

⎦⎥<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎩<br />

DP 1<br />

DP 2<br />

DP 3<br />

DP 4<br />

DP 5<br />

DP 6<br />

DP 7<br />

DP 8<br />

DP 1<br />

DP 2<br />

DP 3<br />

DP 4<br />

DP 5<br />

DP 6<br />

DP 7<br />

DP 8<br />

⎫<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎬ ,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎭<br />

⎫<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎬ ,<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

(6)<br />

⎧<br />

⎪<br />

⎨<br />

⎪<br />

⎩⎪<br />

FR 1<br />

FR 2<br />

FR 3<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 5<br />

⎧<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎫ ⎡<br />

⎪ ⎢<br />

⎬ = ⎢<br />

⎪ ⎢<br />

⎭⎪<br />

⎣⎢<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

A17 A27 A37 A18 A28 A38 ⎤ ⎪<br />

⎥ ⎪<br />

⎥ ⎨<br />

⎥ ⎪<br />

⎦⎥<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎩<br />

One can see that DP1, DP2 and DP3 are the only possible contributing<br />

parameters in Eq. (4). As for the design of Eq. (5), just DP4, DP5 and DP6 are<br />

significant. At last, in what concerns to Eq. (6), only DP7 and DP8 contribute. In<br />

other words, each one of the above-defined coexisting designs can fulfil all the<br />

FRs of Eq. (3) using entirely different subsets of the DPs included in the latter<br />

equation, in such a manner that all the DPs are taken into account.<br />

Now, one can figure out that the design of Eq. (3) could be achieved by<br />

merging the designs of Eq. (4), Eq. (5) and Eq. (6).<br />

The design matrices of Eq. (4) and Eq. (5) could be reduced to block<br />

matrices of size m x m by eliminating the zero elements of their design matrices.<br />

Therefore, the surrogate “condensed design equations” could be obtained<br />

from those equations by eliminating the non-relevant DPs, and by using the all<br />

the existing FRs and the non-zero block matrices. For example, Eq. (7) is the<br />

condensed equation that is obtained from Eq. (5).<br />

The same treatment could be done to Eq. (6), but in this case we would<br />

obtain a non-square block matrix of size (n mod m) x m.<br />

⎧ FR ⎫ ⎡<br />

1 A14 A15 A ⎤ ⎧<br />

16 DP ⎫<br />

4<br />

⎪ ⎪ ⎢<br />

⎥ ⎪ ⎪<br />

(7)<br />

⎨ FR2 ⎬ = ⎢ A24 A25 A26 ⎥ ⎨ DP5 ⎬ .<br />

⎪ FR ⎪ ⎢<br />

⎩⎪<br />

3 ⎭⎪<br />

A34 A35 A<br />

⎥ ⎪<br />

⎣⎢<br />

36 ⎦⎥<br />

DP ⎪<br />

⎩⎪<br />

6 ⎭⎪<br />

As a result, the redundant design of Eq. (3) could be considered “suitable<br />

design” if the condensed equations obtained from Eq. (4), Eq. (5) and Eq. (6)<br />

are not coupled. The coupled condition is excluded in Eq. (4) and Eq. (5) if the<br />

relevant DPs are chosen so that their non-zero block matrices are either<br />

triangular or diagonal.<br />

As for Eq. (6), the coupled condition is excluded if its non-zero block<br />

matrix is populated in such a manner that the condensed equations correspond<br />

to uncoupled or decoupled designs. If this is not the case, one can selectively<br />

“freeze” as many DPs as required, so that the condensed design become<br />

uncoupled or decoupled, as exemplified elsewhere [3].<br />

DP 1<br />

DP 2<br />

DP 3<br />

DP 4<br />

DP 5<br />

DP 6<br />

DP 7<br />

DP 8<br />

⎫<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

.<br />

⎬<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

6 Antonio M. Gonçalves-Coelho et al.<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

The key conclusion of this paper can be summarized as a new theorem: Let<br />

us suppose a design with m requirements and n parameters, with m < n. Its<br />

design matrix can be partitioned in (n div m) square block matrices of size<br />

m x m, and an extra non-square block matrix of size (n mod m) x m, in such a<br />

manner that the block matrices have not common elements. Such a design is<br />

acceptable if each block matrix describes either an uncoupled or a decoupled<br />

design. Otherwise, the design is of the coupled type.<br />

Received: January, 30, 2010 1 UNIDEMI, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,<br />

Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia<br />

Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial<br />

Monte de Caparica, Portugal<br />

e-mail: goncalves.coelho@fct.unl.pt<br />

ajfm@fct.unl.pt<br />

2 Ministerul Comunicaţiilor şi Societăţii Informaţionale,<br />

Bucureşti, România<br />

e-mail: gabriela.nestian@mcsi.ro<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. S u h N. P., The Principles of Design, Oxford Univ. Press, N. Y., 1990.<br />

2. G o n ç a l v e s – C o e l h o A. M., M o u r ã o A. J. F., Axiomatic Design: The<br />

Meaning of the First Axiom. In: A. Toca, O. Pruteanu (Eds.), Tehnologii<br />

Moderne, Calitate, Restructurare: Culegere de Lucrări Ştiinţifice, 3, pp. 341-344,<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică a Moldovei, Chişinău, 2003.<br />

3. F r a d i n h o J., G o n ç a l v e s – C o e l h o A. M., M o u r ã o A. J. F., An<br />

axiomatic design approach for the cost optimisation of industrial coupled<br />

designs: A case study. In: Gonçalves-Coelho A.M. (Ed.), Proc. 5 th International<br />

Conference on Axiomatic Design - ICAD 2009, pp. 201-207, Campus de<br />

Caparica, 2009.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Proiectarea axiomatică a apărut din necesitatea creării unui model sistematic de<br />

educare şi practică inginerească, pornind de la principiile fundamentale de bune practici<br />

ale proiectării. Conform acestei teorii, în funcţie de modul de populare al matricelor de<br />

proiectare, soluţiile de proiectare pot fi clasificate în soluţii necuplate, decuplate sau<br />

cuplate. Soluţiile de tip necuplat sunt cele mai bune, soluţiile de tip decuplat sunt

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 7<br />

acceptabile iar soluţiile cuplate nu sunt satisfăcătoare din punct de vedere tehnic şi ar<br />

trebui evitate. Matricele diagonale corespund soluţiilor necuplate, matricele<br />

triunghiulare corespund soluţiilor decuplate iar toate celelalte tipuri de matrice pătratice<br />

corespund soluţiilor cuplate. În cazul în care numărul cerinţelor funcţionale este mai<br />

mare decât numărul parametrilor de proiectare, unele cerinţe nu pot fi îndeplinite<br />

niciodată şi soluţiile sunt de tip cuplat. Proiectarea redundantă creează o clasă specifică<br />

de soluţii de proiectare în care numărul cerinţelor funcţionale este mai mic decât<br />

numărul de parametri de proiectare.<br />

Această lucrare prezintă modalităţi de populare ale matricei de proiectare, astfel<br />

încât un proiect de tip redundant să poată deveni de tip necuplat sau decuplat.<br />

In concluzie putem formula o nouă teoremă: Presupunând că avem un produs sau un<br />

proces a cărui matrice de proiectare are m cerinţe şi n parametri, unde m < n, atunci<br />

matricea de proiectare poate fi descompusă în (n div m) submatrici pătratice de ordinul<br />

m x m şi o submatrice nepătratică de ordinul (n mod m) x m, astfel încât submatricile să<br />

nu aibă elemente comune. O astfel de soluţie este acceptabilă dacă fiecare bloc descrie o<br />

soluţie necuplată sau decuplată, dacă nu, atunci soluţia este de tip cuplat.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Abstract. Gear hobbing is a machining process widely used in the industry<br />

for massive production of external gears. In this process the variant chip formation<br />

on each generating position causes uneven wear distribution on the hob teeth. This<br />

paper presents a new method for the determination of wear parameters based on<br />

3D chips. The 3D chip characteristics are fed to an existing wear model in order to<br />

calculate the hob wear distribution more precisely.<br />

Key words: gear hobbing, tool wear, simulation<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Gear hobbing is one of the most efficient generating processes for cutting<br />

external cylindrical gears. Although, hobbing cutters are still quite expensive<br />

due to their complex geometry. Thus their extensive exploitation is very<br />

important for industry. In gear hobbing the chip formation varies for each<br />

cutting tooth due to the fact that every tooth always cuts the same generating<br />

position. As a result, different wear laws are developed leading to uneven wear<br />

distribution on the hob teeth. Thus, the need to adopt an effective wear<br />

prediction model in gear hobbing arises.<br />

In this paper 3D chip determination is studied in order to feed more accurate<br />

data to an existing wear prediction model. Moreover total wear distribution on<br />

the hob teeth can be calculated. This information can be used to optimize<br />

tangential shifting conditions in order to maximize tool life and prolong the<br />

time interval before hob cutter resharpening.<br />

Figure 1 presents the basic nomenclature of the hob cutter that has been<br />

used in the wear simulation program developed in the present work. As it can be<br />

seen in the upper part of the figure, three distinct motions are required by this<br />

cutting method those being the workpiece revolution, the tool rotation, and the

10 Taxiarchis Belis and Aristomenis Antodiadis<br />

tool tangential displacement. Considering the above kinematic, two different<br />

hobbing types may be applied according to the direction of the axial feed, the<br />

climb and the up-cut hobbing respectively. In the present paper the tooth’s<br />

profile generation complies with <strong>DIN</strong> 3972 [1].<br />

Fig. 1 – Basic kinematics and essential parameters of gear hobbing.<br />

2. State of the Art<br />

As mentioned before, wear prediction in gear hobbing is a challenging task<br />

because of the large amount of wear influencing data and the complex<br />

kinematics of the process. Many studies have been published, introducing<br />

different methods for wear determination. These studies can fall under two<br />

categories. The first includes methods based on wear calculation in individual<br />

generating positions [2], [3].These methods are based on the simulated chip<br />

geometry and cutting conditions. Lately, FEM-based methods for wear<br />

determination have been introduced [4]. These methods take into account<br />

occurring stresses in the tool-chip contact areas. Nevertheless a FEM-based<br />

simulation needs a considerable amount of time before it can be realised.<br />

The wear model presented in [2] is used in the present paper,. The<br />

contribution of the proposed method is the precise 3D chips determination

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 11<br />

because the chip characteristics can be calculated with the accuracy provided by<br />

a CAD system.<br />

3. Hob Wear Simulation Process<br />

In order to achieve uniform wear distribution in the majority of the cutting<br />

teeth, a hob tangential shifting is required. In the left part of Figure 2, simulated<br />

chips and the corresponding gaps formed at the indicated generating positions,<br />

are illustrated. These chips are categorized into groups according to their shape<br />

and the cutting direction of the process. In the right part of Figure 2 the wear<br />

laws of several teeth after tangential shifts can be observed.<br />

Fig. 2 –Determination of the flank wear at individual hob teeth<br />

considering the shift data.

12 Taxiarchis Belis and Aristomenis Antodiadis<br />

In the first column the wear laws of teeth number 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the total<br />

wear distribution on the hob after a certain number of cuts are presented. The<br />

second column shows the wear laws after the first tangential displacement equal<br />

to the tool axial pitch ε. After this sifting the cutting tooth i is placed at the<br />

generating position of the tooth i+1. Thus the tooth number 1 that was cutting in<br />

the generating position number 1 quits, whereas the tooth number 5 cuts for the<br />

first time in the generating position 4.<br />

For example, tooth number 4 was cutting initially in the generating position<br />

4. After AS* number of cuts, tooth 4 reaches a certain flank wear depth. In the<br />

first tangential shift, tooth 4 cuts in the generating position 3, obeying the wear<br />

law that governs that generating position. In this position, flank wear increases<br />

with a different rate for another AS* number of cuts. Finally, in the last<br />

tangential shift, tooth 4 cuts in generating position number 2, obeying a<br />

different wear law.<br />

As a result, in the bottom side of figure 2, the normalized flank wear<br />

distribution on the hob after two tangential displacements is presented.<br />

Consequently the wear distribution becomes uniform and the tool exploitation is<br />

enhanced.<br />

Fig. 3 – The effect of chip geometry and shape on the tool wear development.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 13<br />

3.1. HOBWEAR Formulation<br />

Figure 3 presents wear laws for different chip groups. There are five chip<br />

groups concerning the chip flow obstruction intensity, introduced by [3]. The<br />

determination of the chip group involves prior knowledge of the cutting<br />

direction and the examined gear flank. As it can be easily noticed, the wear rate<br />

in group I is more intense. On the other hand, cutting with chip group 0 causes<br />

less flank tooth wear and the achieved number of cuts increases.<br />

This can be explained by the fact that in group I there is intense chip flow<br />

obstruction. In the region of the tooth head chip flow obstruction phenomena<br />

are the most intense due to collision of chip distinct sections. In the bottom side<br />

of the figure the included equivalent chip thickness and length are further<br />

explained.<br />

Figure 4 presents the general structure of the program developed. The left<br />

part of the figure shows the categorized data input. Data such as chip group,<br />

equivalent thickness and length are loaded into the program from an external<br />

source. The undeformed chip geometries are calculated in various generating<br />

and revolving positions with the aid of HOB3D [2], [3].<br />

Fig. 4 – HOBWEAR simulation algorithm.<br />

The wear behaviour on the hob teeth is primarily influenced by two sets of<br />

parameters. The first set refers to machining data and the geometry of hob and

14 Taxiarchis Belis and Aristomenis Antodiadis<br />

gear. The second set refers to the machine tool, the cutting and working material<br />

combination and the used cooling lubricant. Every possible combination of the<br />

above parameters results in different coefficients in the model. Wear<br />

coefficients are experimentally defined for a variety of materials and geometries<br />

widely used in gear industry.<br />

The middle column of the figure shows the flow chart for wear calculation<br />

and optimal tangential displacement determination. The program has the ability<br />

to calculate wear progress at all generating positions including transient areas.<br />

In order to shift the hob cutter, all the group gears have to be processed. At the<br />

bottom of the figure the outputs of the program are presented. The output<br />

includes wear progress graphs for all generating positions, and total wear<br />

distribution graphs for all tangential displacements. The developed program also<br />

calculates the maximum flank wear and the corresponding number of cuts.<br />

3.2. 3D Chips Determination<br />

As illustrated on figure 5, this paper introduces a novel way of calculating<br />

equivalent chip dimensions. The equivalent chip thickness calculation is more<br />

accurate due to the fact that is measured on the 3D chip’s cross-sections. Detail<br />

A in the upper right part of the figure, shows the chip cross-section in plane 1.<br />

The calculation of thickness in tooth’s head and in arc distance a f<br />

) is hereby<br />

determined. The equation predicting the wear progress in the individual<br />

generating positions and the equations of equivalent chip dimensions introduced<br />

in [2] are presented in the bottom side of the figure.<br />

Fig. 5 – Determination of equivalent chip dimensions.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 15<br />

The wear determination model includes two stages. The first stage involves<br />

the employment of hobbing data in order to calculate the chip thickness, length<br />

and group for every cutting position of all generating positions. Categorization<br />

of chips in groups is determined by the program FRSWEAR [3].<br />

Fig. 6 – Calculations of the equivalent chip thickness and length based on 3D chips.<br />

The measurement of the total length of the chip and the length compressed<br />

on the head’s corner are quite precise. As shown in the left bottom side of figure<br />

6, the first step for measuring the chip’s length compressed on the tooth’s<br />

head’s corner, is to cut the section of the chip from the left flank to the tool head<br />

center H, as the hob’s profile is revolving. In this cross-section we can easily

16 Taxiarchis Belis and Aristomenis Antodiadis<br />

and precisely measure the chip’s thickness and length in head hH and lH,TF in<br />

CAD environment. This data is fed to the equation illustrated in figure 5 in<br />

order to calculate the arc length a f<br />

) . Determination of a f<br />

) is very important due<br />

to the fact that maximum wear depth has been observed by researchers in this<br />

region [2], [3], [7]-[9]. The calculation method of chip thickness hf is similar to<br />

hH. After hs and lH are determined for every generating position, data can be fed<br />

to the wear prediction model. All the calculations above can be simplified by<br />

the use of parametric design in CAD environment. In the first step the arc a f<br />

) is<br />

set as parameter. In the next step the section of the chip from point K to F as the<br />

hob profile revolves is cut. In the chip produced hH and lH,TF can be easily<br />

measure and the arc a f<br />

) calculated precisely. The parameter is set at the<br />

calculated value and the chips regenerated automatically. Thus, chip thickness<br />

hf can be easily measured. The final step includes calculation of the equivalent<br />

thickness hs. The upper part of figure 6 presents the variation of the chip<br />

thickness for all the revolving planes in several generating positions. These<br />

diagrams have been generated from the sequence of the chip thickness results<br />

hH as mentioned above.<br />

3.3. Development of the Wear Prediction Program<br />

The gear flank wear determination program is implemented in MATLAB<br />

high-level matrix array language.<br />

Fig. 7 – The Graphical User Interface of the wear simulation program HOBWEAR.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 17<br />

The user has the ability to select gear and hob material from a variety of the<br />

most popular ones in industry. This selection changes the wear coefficients used<br />

to determine the flank wear. An automatic report generator has been<br />

incorporated for better organization of the program results.<br />

4. Simulation Results<br />

Wear graphs for each individual generating position is the first output of the<br />

program developed, as presented in figure 8. As it can be seen, teeth number 10,<br />

11 and 12 have almost reached the wear limit of 0,6 mm. For wear width below<br />

0,2 mm the relation between number of cuts and flank wear is linear.<br />

The normalization progress of total wear distribution on the hob cutter from<br />

tangential shifting number 5 to 8 is illustrated in Figure 9. Optimization of<br />

tangential shifting in gear hobbing has been studied by [10]. The credibility of<br />

the above wear prediction model has been verified with the aid of a wide variety<br />

of cutting experiments [2], [3].<br />

Figure 10 presents the wear distribution on the cutting teeth of a hob cutter<br />

for two cases. In both cases, 18 gears of the same width have been cut. In the<br />

first case, 3 tangential shifts took place with 1 ε displacement per shift. In the<br />

second case, 2 tangential shifts took place with 2 ε displacement per shift. It is<br />

evident that in the second case the maximum wear depth on the hob cutter is<br />

less than in the first one.<br />

Fig. 8 – Wear progress in individual generating positions.

18 Taxiarchis Belis and Aristomenis Antodiadis<br />

Fig. 9 – Total wear distribution on the hob cutter after shifting.<br />

As it can be seen in the second case, the wear distribution is more<br />

uniform due to the fact that more teeth are involved in the cut. Authors in [10]<br />

have studied the optimal selection of the shift displacement and number of<br />

shifts and introduced a nomogram for various shifting conditions.<br />

Fig. 10 – Cutting of 18 gears with different tangential displacement parameters.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 19<br />

5. Conclusion<br />

This paper suggests a model which simulates the wear progress on the<br />

hobbing cutter. The end-user has the ability to optimize tangential shifting<br />

conditions, owing to this model, in order to minimize the total gear<br />

manufacturing cost.<br />

Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank the Research Committee of the<br />

Technical University of Crete for their financial support (via basic research project<br />

2009).<br />

Received:March 10, 2010 Technical University of Crete,<br />

Department of Production Engineering & Management<br />

Chania, Crete, Greece<br />

e-mail: tbelis@isc.tuc.gr<br />

antoniadis@dpem.tuc.gr<br />

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ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124, 4, 792-798,<br />

(2002).<br />

10. B o u z a k i s K., A n t o n i a d i s A., Optimizing of Tangential Tool Shift in Gear<br />

Hobbing, Annals of the CIRP, 44, 1 (1995).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Frezarea danturii este un procedeu de prelucrare larg răspândit în industrie, în<br />

special pentru producția de serie a danturilor exterioare. În acest proces, modul diferit<br />

de formare a așchiei în fiecare poziție de generare a profilului duce la uzura neuniformă<br />

a dinților frezei. Lucrarea prezintă o nouă metodă de determinare a parametrilor uzurii,<br />

frezelor pe baza așchiilor 3D. Caracteristicile așchiilor 3D au fost stabilite pornind de la<br />

un model existent de uzură, în vederea determinării cu mai multă acuratețe a distribuției<br />

uzurii la nivelul dinților frezei.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Abstract. One of the most commonly used gear manufacturing process<br />

especially for external is gear hobbing. The optimisation of the process of gear<br />

hobbing is of great importance in the modern industry. This paper presents a novel<br />

simulation program called HOB3D that can simulate the cutting process in a<br />

commercial CAD environment, thus producing results with the optimal precision.<br />

The outputs of the program include the 3D chip and gap geometry as well as the<br />

developing cutting forces which were validated using experiments.<br />

Key words: gear hobbing, cutting forces, simulation.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

One of the key components of any torque transmission system is high<br />

precision involute gears. Gears can be constructed with a wide variety of<br />

methods; Gear hobbing is the one mainly used in the modern industry. Gear<br />

hobbing kinematics consists of three relative motions between the cutting tool<br />

and the workpiece. This makes it difficult to simulate with analytical models.<br />

HOB3D is a novel simulation program based on a commercial CAD<br />

environment which can simulate the cutting process and provide results<br />

including 3D solid chips and gaps as well as predicting the developing cutting<br />

forces.<br />

2. State of the Art<br />

The research conducted in the area of gear hobbing can be divided into two<br />

categories: gear hobbing process simulation and wear prediction. In the first<br />

field a series of simulation models have been developed using CAD [1],[2],<br />

FEA [3] or analytical [4]-[7] based models. Experiment based models [8], [9]

22 Nikolaos Tapoglou and Aristomenis Antoniadis<br />

are used in the field of wear prediction order to calculate the wear of the cutting<br />

tool and optimize the cutting so as to obtain uniform wear along the cutting tool.<br />

Cutting forces prediction is an area of great interest also. Research conducted in<br />

this area is based on Kienzle-Victor’s equations and depend on geometry of<br />

chips.<br />

3. Gear Hobbing and HOB3D Simulation Process<br />

Gear hobbing kinematics is based on three relative motions between the<br />

cutting tool and the workgear. These motions must be synchronised in order to<br />

produce high quality helical and spur gears. As presented in Fig. 1 the work<br />

gear rotates round its axis while at the same time the hob rotates round its own<br />

axis and moves parallel to the gear axis. The hob is positioned in an angle<br />

relative to the gear. The magnitude of this angle is relative to the hob helix<br />

angle and the helix angle to the gear produced correspondingly.<br />

Fig. 1 – Gear hobbing.<br />

Gear hobbing process is affected by a series of parameters which be divided<br />

in three categories: hob, gear and process parameters. The first include module<br />

(m), external diameter (dh), number of origins (z1) and number of columns (ni)<br />

of the hob. Gear parameters are number of teeth (z2), helix angle (ha) and gear<br />

width. Finally, process parameters include axial feed (fa) and cutting speed (v).<br />

A series of parameters can be calculated from those above mentioned, those<br />

being distance e, the helix angle of the hob (γ), gear diameter (dg) and depth of<br />

cut (t).<br />

In order to simulate the process of gear hobbing, new software has been<br />

developed. The proposed simulation model has been embedded in a commercial<br />

CAD program thus taking advantage of its accuracy resulting in more detailed<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 23<br />

The new simulation code called HOB3D uses three coordinate systems in<br />

order to calculate the results required. The first (1) is positioned on the<br />

examined cutting edge and has the x axis parallel to the hob’s axis, the y axis<br />

perpendicular to x axis and finally z axis perpendicular to the prior two.<br />

Coordinate systems (2) and (3) have axis z running through the workgear’s axis.<br />

In coordinate system (2), x axis is always rotating in order to point to the gap,<br />

while the axes of coordinate system (3) are fixed.<br />

Fig. 2 – HOB3D flowchart.

24 Nikolaos Tapoglou and Aristomenis Antoniadis<br />

Fig. 2 presents the flowchart of this simulation model. As it is illustrated,<br />

after all the input data, shown on the left side of the figure, has been defined, the<br />

initial workpiece is developed in the CAD environment and the number of the<br />

effective teeth is determined accordingly. The gear hobbing simulation process<br />

is executed for all these teeth. The first step in the simulation process is the<br />

positioning of the cutting edge on the 3D space.<br />

This positioning is repeated along the path that is covered by the cutting<br />

edge. The profiles that arise are combined in order to form a 3D surface. The<br />

next step is the creation of an assembly that includes the workgear and the 3D<br />

surface. Afterwards, Boolean operations are used in order to generate the 3D<br />

chip and the 3D gap. The above described process is repeated for all active teeth<br />

in every rotation of the cutting tool. Finally, after the end of the simulation<br />

process the cutting forces on every one of the active teeth of the hob are<br />

calculated. These forces are added up and the total cutting forces are calculated.<br />

4. HOB3D Formulation<br />

4.1. Simulation Formulation<br />

In HOB3D all the movements involved in the process are transferred to the<br />

hob cutting tooth motion. Furthermore, the simulation process is carried out on<br />

one gap of the gear thus reducing the simulation time. In order to identify the<br />

cutting teeth, those are numbered. The tooth which has the local axis Y1 parallel<br />

to local axis X2 when it passes through the center of the gap is named Tooth 0,<br />

the tooth that passes after that is named Tooth 1 and the tooth previous to that is<br />

named Tooth-1 and so on.<br />

The simulation process is illustrated on Fig. 3. As it is presented, the hob<br />

profile according to <strong>DIN</strong>3972 [10] must be designed first. This profile is<br />

presented on the top left frame of Fig. 3 and positioned on the 3D space, as<br />

illustrated on the next frame of fig. 3. The positioning is repeated for a series of<br />

times until the tooth is out of the cut.<br />

After this step, there is a series of profiles correctly positioned on the 3D<br />

space. Every profile represents a revolving position of the hob and its<br />

positioning includes hob rotation, workpiece rotation and feed rate. All these<br />

profiles are combined in order to form a 3D surface like the one seen in the last<br />

frame of the first line of fig. 3. Then, the 3D surface is assembled with the 3D<br />

gap produced from the previous tooth. The final stage of the simulation process<br />

is the extraction of the final gap geometry and the non-deformed chip geometry.<br />

This is achieved with the aid of Boolean operations, as supported by the used<br />

CAD environment.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 25<br />

Fig. 3 – HOB3D simulation process.<br />

4.2. Force Component Calculation Formulation<br />

After the simulation is completed, the cutting forces can be calculated. The<br />

force calculation code is performed in accordance with Kienzle-Victor’s<br />

equations. The calculation process is based on sections made on every one of<br />

the solid chips.<br />

A series of sections are made for every chip. Each section is made in the<br />

plane of the hob’s cutting edge. The planes are visible on the top left frame of<br />

Fig. 4. After the creation of the section on the 3D chip, the crossection is<br />

discritised along the cutting edge. This discritisation is presented on the top<br />

right frame of fig. 4.<br />

The three force components are calculated according to the elementary chip<br />

width and thickness for every elementary chip section. The three force<br />

components are rotated in order to match the local coordinate system (1) and<br />

then added up in order to produce the total cutting forces on every crossection.<br />

After all the sections are calculated the total forces on the tooth are obtained, as<br />

presented on the bottom of Fig. 4.

26 Nikolaos Tapoglou and Aristomenis Antoniadis<br />

Fig. 4 – Force calculation algorithm.<br />

4.3. Simulation Results<br />

HOB3D has been used in order to produce the 3D solid chips in the full cut<br />

phase of gear hobbing. These chips were analysed so that the cutting forces are<br />

calculated. The crossections made on the chip are presented on the right side of<br />

Fig. 5 whereas the chip thickness on six of the crossections is illustrated on the<br />

left side of the same figure.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 27<br />

Fig. 5 – Chip thickness of the solid chip.<br />

The cutting forces components for the above chip are presented in the next<br />

Fig. 6 which are calculated in accordance with the system 1.<br />

Fig. 6 – Cutting forces on one generating position.

28 Nikolaos Tapoglou and Aristomenis Antoniadis<br />

5. Verification<br />

The verification of the force calculation module was conducted in two<br />

phases. First, the cutting forces simulated on specific teeth were compared to<br />

the ones measured by B o u z a k i s [4] while other cutting forces calculated by<br />

HOB3D were compared to the ones measured by G u t m a n n [5]. Fig. 7<br />

illustrates the results of the first phase of the verification. As it can be seen, each<br />

column of the figure illustrates the measured and calculated cutting forces on<br />

one generating position measured on the coordinate system of the 3D gap (2). In<br />

most of the cases the simulation code predicts not only the form but also the<br />

magnitude of the cutting forces.<br />

Fig. 7 – Comparison between calculated and measured cutting forces.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 29<br />

The second step of the verification is the comparison between measured and<br />

calculated forces for all the cutting teeth simultaneously. Fig. 8 presents the<br />

comparison between the measured and the calculated cutting forces in all three<br />

directions of the coordinate system, as illustrated on the top left side of the<br />

figure.<br />

Fig. 8 – Comparison between calculated and measured cutting forces.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. A novel simulation model for gear hobbing, developed in a commercial<br />

CAD environment is presented in this paper. The model can simulate the<br />

manufacturing of helical as well as spur gears<br />

2. The developed model can predict the cutting forces components with<br />

great accuracy. The calculated forces have been verified with the aid of cutting<br />

experiments.<br />

Received: March 10, 2010 Technical University of Crete,<br />

Department of Production Engineering&Management,<br />

Chania, Crete, Greece,<br />

e-mail: ntapoglou@isc.tuc.gr

30 Nikolaos Tapoglou and Aristomenis Antoniadis<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. D i m i t r i o u V., V i d a k i s N., A n t o n i a d i s A., Advanced Computer Aided<br />

Design Simulation of Gear Hobbing by Means of 3-Dimensional Kinematics<br />

Modeling, ASME J. of Manuf. Science and Eng., 129, 911-918., (2007).<br />

2. D i m i t r i o u V., A n t o n i a d i s A., CAD-based Simulation of the Hobbing<br />

Process for the Manufacturing of Spur and Helical Gears, Int. J. of Advanced<br />

Manuf. Technology, 41, 3-4, 347-357 (2008).<br />

3. F r i d e r i k o s O., Simulation of Chip Formation and Flow in Gear Hobbing Using<br />

the Finite Element Method, Ph.D. Thesis, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki,<br />

Greece 2008.<br />

4. B o u z a k i s K. D., Konzept und technologishe Grundlagen zur automatisierten<br />

Erstellung optimaler Bearbeitungsdaten beim Waelzfraese, Habilitation, TH<br />

Aachen 1980.<br />

5. G u t m a n n P., Zerspankraftberechnung beim Waelzfraesen, Ph.d. thesis, TH<br />

Aachen, 1988.<br />

6. A n t o n i a d i s A., Determination of the Impact Tool Stresses During Gear<br />

Hobbing and Determination of Cutting Forces During Hobbing of Hardened<br />

Gears, Ph.d. thesis, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, 1989.<br />

7. A n t o n i a d i s A., V i d a k i s N., B i l a l i s N., Fatique Fracture Investigation of<br />

Cemented Carbide Tools in Gear Hobbing. Part 1: FEM Modeling of Fly<br />

Hobbing and Computational Interpretation of Experimental Results. ASME J. of<br />

Manuf. Science and Engineering, 124, 4, 784-791, 2002.<br />

8. A n t o n i a d i s A., V i d a k i s N., B i l a l i s N., Fatique Fracture Investigation of<br />

Cemented Carbide Tools in Gear Hobbing. Part 2: The Effect of Cutting<br />

Parameters on the Level of Tool Stresses – A Quantitative Parametric Analysis,<br />

ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124, 4, 792-798, 2002.<br />

9. B o u z a k i s K., K o m p o g i a n n i s S., A n t o n i a d i s A., V i d a k i s N., Gear<br />

Hobbing Cutting Process Simulation and Tool Wear Prediction Models. ASME<br />

J.of Manuf. Science and Engineering, 124, 1, 42-51 2002.<br />

10. D I N 3972, Bezugsprofile von Verzahnwerkzeugen fuer Evolventenverzahnungen<br />

Nach <strong>DIN</strong> 867“, 1981.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Unul dintre cele mai uzuale procedee de prelucrare a danturilor, în special a celor exterioare,<br />

este frezarea. Optimizarea acestui tip de proces de danturare prezintă la ora actuală o importanță<br />

deosebită în industrie. Lucrarea prezintă un nou program de simulare, numit HOB3D, care<br />

permite simularea procesului de așchiere într-un mediu CAD comercial, cu rezultate optime în<br />

ceea ce privește precizia de prelucrare. Elementele rezultante ale programului de simulare se<br />

referă atât la așchia 3D și la geometria golului dintre dinții frezei, cât și la nivelul forțelor de<br />

așchiere dezvoltate, elemente care au fost validate experimental.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Abstract. In the paper are presented the bases of a methodology for the<br />

determination of all the geometric and constructive elements of the cutting tools<br />

for the fellows cutter, tools having curve edges, starting from the getting of a solid<br />

model 3D of the measured tool. There are shown the possibilities to obtain a 3D<br />

model and the mathematical model of the geometric parameters control.<br />

Key words: fellows' cutter, control, cutting tools, 3D model, geometry,<br />

curved edges.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Preoccupations concerning the increase of the standard, standard type and<br />

special cutting tools’ production and preoccupations concerning new tools with<br />

superior constructive functional performances represent a major tendency in the<br />

manufacturing of machines. The software resources implicates the existence in<br />

the system of a collection of organized information in order to assure not only<br />

the complete design of the cutting tool but also the analysis, the syntheses,<br />

comparison, modeling, simulation optimization, visualization, the optional<br />

presentation of the partial results etc. So the modern design is made in order to<br />

obtain a solid 3D model that is later automatically detailed in sections and views<br />

2D. The existence of the solid model signify the spectacular increase of the<br />

information's’ number permitting practically the total knowledge of the<br />

positions of any point or surfaces from the element’s construction and of the<br />

angles between directions or planes. This demarche ameliorates the tackling of<br />

the cutting tools' design by means of the concurrent engineering.

32 Eugen Străjescu et al.<br />

The modern means for the assisted design (Catia, Solid Works, Ideas, Solid<br />

Edge) are capable to make automatically sections in any point and after any<br />

direction, pointing automatically distances between points or angles’ values.<br />

In this way we can avoid the situations in which we are choosing for the<br />

cutting tool a value for an angle at a peak, but in other sections or points the real<br />

values are outside the domain of availability. Starting from these observations,<br />

we want to develop a new method for the control of the manufactured cutting<br />

tool, starting from the idea of the obtention of a solid model.<br />

This demarche is extremely utile in the admission of the concurrent<br />

engineering.<br />

2. Using the Solid Model for the Cutting Tools' Control<br />

2.1. Possibilities to obtain the 3D Models of the Real Pieces<br />

2.1.1. The getting of the 3D model of the cutting tool by photography. The<br />

software D Sculptor presents a relative new in the large landscape of the CAD<br />

software and the software for treatment of the images and corps 2D and 3D. It<br />

permits the creation on the computer photorealistic models for a large game of<br />

objects using habitual photos, easy and fast. We do not need special hardware<br />

elements, but only a normal<br />

computer and a photo camera.<br />

A digital camera is required,<br />

but it is possible to use<br />

scanned photos. The main<br />

screen of the program is<br />

presented in the fig. 1.<br />

The basic processes for<br />

the model’s construction are<br />

presented down:<br />

• it is positioned the object to<br />

acquire the model on the<br />

calibration plane;<br />

• it is photographed the object<br />

from many angles;<br />

Fig. 1 – The main screen of D Sculptor software.<br />

• the photos are imported in<br />

the software D Sculptor;<br />

• D Sculptor detects automa-ticaly the model;<br />

• D Sculptor is calculating the three-dimensional model.<br />

• The obtained three-dimensional model (3D) (fig. 2) can be used with software. In<br />

time D Sculptor 2.0 was improved at a technical level and from the point of<br />

view of the interface.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 33<br />

It is possible to create models faster than before, and the last version of D<br />

Sculptor 2.0 Professional has a superior accuracy.<br />

2.1.2. Generation of the 3D model by scanning. A 3D scanner is a modern<br />

device, intense developed during the last years, device that analyses a real<br />

object or an average in order to collect data concerning the form, the texture and<br />

the color of the object.<br />

The acquired data can be used to digitally construct 3D models, utile for a<br />

large game of applications. In the most situations, a single scanning do not<br />

produces a complete model of the subject. Multiple scanning, some time<br />

hundreds, from many directions are necessary usually to obtain information<br />

about all the sides of the object.<br />

These scans must be introduced in a common reference system, processes<br />

named usually alignment or recording. The scans will fusion in order to create a<br />

complete model.<br />

Now the scanners are of two types:<br />

scanners 3D with contact and without<br />

contact. The scanners non contact can be<br />

active or passive. It exists a large gamut<br />

of technologies for the two categories. In<br />

techniques are imposed the non contact<br />

scanners, with laser.<br />

The essential problem of the getting<br />

of a 3D model by scanning is represented<br />

by the great number of necessaries scans<br />

and by the possible necessity to complete<br />

Fig. 2. – The solid model resulted<br />

after the images’ treatment.<br />

form of the scanned tool is more complex.<br />

the acquired model using programs for<br />

assisted design (Catia, SolidWorks etc.).<br />

This last activity is more necessary if the<br />

For these reasons we can affirm that for the simple tools the proposed<br />

method is not efficient, because the completion of the model need too much<br />

time for routine measurements, but becomes very efficient for the complex<br />

cutting tools, measurable with difficulties, at which we obtain the geometric<br />

parameters baffling to measure (and in the main cases with a low accuracy).<br />

3. The Control of the Geometry Based on the 3D Model<br />

After the getting of the 3D model using the software D Sculptor 2.0 or by<br />

scanning, the model is exported in the Solid Works software, resulting the up<br />

presented (fig. 2).

34 Eugen Străjescu et al.<br />

On the obtained model are choose points on the main edge and on the<br />

secondary one and there are given command for the construction of the planes<br />

in which are measured the requested geometric elements.<br />

3.1. The Determination of the Fellows' Cutters' Geometry.<br />

The fellows' cutters are tools destined to the manufacturing by mortising the<br />

internal and external gear of the spur gears with right, inclined of "in V" teeth,<br />

representing from that reason a high degree of universality, as consequence of<br />

the cutting edges' access in areas inaccessible for other kind of tools (for<br />

example, side mills, hobbing cutters, etc.). Also, the fellows' cutters are the<br />

single cutting tools that can machine cylindrical gear wheels with interior<br />

denture, by rolling.<br />

3.1.1. Geometric parameters. The clearance angle at the tooth' peak presents<br />

a big importance, because from that value depends the bigness of the profile<br />

correction in time after successive sharpening.<br />

Also, by the value of this angle depends the size of the lateral clearance<br />

angle on the two flanks of the tooth that result much more little. So, it is<br />

considered the lateral clearance angle at the level of the divided circ,<br />

respectively if the tooth is cut after the division cylinder, the intersection curve<br />

between this cylinder and the involute clearance angle of the tooth will be a<br />

helix. Because the disposition on the involute flanks of the points in which the<br />

values of the angles α, γ, κ and λ are determined, it results that in any point we<br />

obtain different values that must very between convenient limits.<br />

The actual methods do not permit the determination of these angles, but<br />

3 0 31'<br />

Fig. 3 – The determination of the angles αv and γv at the peak.<br />

2 0

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 35<br />

only of the values from the peak of the tooth (Fig. 3). The minimal values (that<br />

must have a specified value) are determined on the base of mathematical<br />

relations,<br />

but the real angles' variations not controlled.<br />

If the intersection of the tooth with planes parallel with a medial plane of<br />

the tooth is realized (posterior planes, Fig. 4), we obtain different values for the<br />

angles αp and γp (the plane Pp<br />

- Pp) in the points of<br />

intersection between these<br />

planes and the cutting edge<br />

from the involute flank. The<br />

points in which the<br />

determination is made can be<br />

however dense (from example<br />

0.01 mm), but such frequency<br />

is not necessary, because the<br />

variation limits and the<br />

variation mode can be<br />

observed in only some points,<br />

and that fact simplify<br />

determination operations.<br />

the<br />

Fig. 4 – The intersection of the<br />

tooth<br />

with paralel planes.<br />

The Solid Works computer<br />

program, by the facilities<br />

that are offered, give directly<br />

under the form of a quote the<br />

values obtained for the angles<br />

determined in these planes.<br />

Using a program that permits<br />

the drawing of the mentioned<br />

planes at determined<br />

distances, with a pre<br />

established step, becomes<br />

Fig. 5 – Intersectio ns with orthogonal planes.<br />

possible to obtain the desired<br />

values in every point on the<br />

edge, and with these values it<br />

is possible<br />

to draw a chart<br />

(Fig. 6).<br />

Similarly, it is possible to<br />

construct normal planes at the<br />

cutting edge's tangent in the<br />

anterior determined points on<br />

that edge, or orthogonal planes (Fig. 5). Obviously, in these planes are<br />

determined the angles αn and γn, or the angles αO and γO.<br />

The determination<br />

conditions<br />

are similar with the before precise conditions.

36 Eugen Străjescu et al.<br />

3.5<br />

3<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

4.5<br />

4<br />

3.5<br />

3<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31<br />

2<br />

2.11<br />

M1 M2 M3 M4<br />

α p 2 2.11 3.31 4.27<br />

γ p 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31<br />

Fig. 6 – Variation chart of the angles αp and γp along the cutting edge<br />

on the involute flank of the fellows' cutter.<br />

3.31<br />

2<br />

2.91<br />

0.94<br />

Excepted the presented determinations, that are essential for a good service<br />

of the fellows' cutter, it is possible to determine another angles, e,g. in sections<br />

with quidam planes, as in Fig. 8, or with front planes (Pf - Pf) as in Fig. 10.<br />

In this case too, the angles are directly posted by the Solid Works computer<br />

program. The values for the angles for the determinations from<br />

the Fig. 8 and<br />

Fig. 10 are presented in the charts from the Fig. 9 and Fig. 11.<br />

2.52<br />

0.95<br />

4.27<br />

M1 M2 M3 M4<br />

α n 2 0.94 2.52 2.24<br />

γ n 3.31 2.91 0.95 0.97<br />

Fig. 7 – Variation chart of the angles αO, γO (noted in the figure with αn, γn).<br />

2.24<br />

0.97<br />

α p<br />

γ p<br />

α n<br />

γ n

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 37<br />

Fig. 8 – Sections with certain parallel planes with the intersections' presentation<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

3.36 3.38 3.31<br />

2.91<br />

2.02<br />

4.44<br />

M1 M2 M3 M4<br />

α 0 2.02 2.91 4.44 6.44<br />

γ 0 3.36 3.38 3.31 3.52<br />

We can observe the anomaly of the variation of the normal back rake angle<br />

γO. A lot of verification proves that the model is correct, so it is to research the<br />

real situation.<br />

Fig. 9 – The charts of the angles αO and γO<br />

A proposal for a complete control of cutting tools made on the basis on the<br />

getting of a 3D solid model is new and brings the first advantage that it is<br />

possible to obtain all the angles searched at any point of the cutting edges or<br />

active planes.<br />

6.44<br />

3.52<br />

α 0<br />

γ 0

38 Eugen Străjescu et al.<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

Fig. 10 – Intersections with frontal planes in different points.<br />

2.32<br />

0.48<br />

2.05 2.01<br />

0.56<br />

0.62<br />

M1 M2 M3 M4<br />

αf 2.32 2.05 2.01 1.93<br />

γ f 0.48 0.56 0.62 0.74<br />

Fig. 11 – Values for the angles αf şi γf in frontal plans Pf - Pf.<br />

1.93<br />

0.74<br />

αf<br />

γ f

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 39<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

The method is especially useful for complex tools, small, with the active<br />

surfaces and curved cutting edges, to which access control with current<br />

instruments is very slowness or impossible and where the definition of<br />

theoretical planes control angles is difficult to apply. The other method of<br />

obtaining the 3D model through photography has its limits. Further research<br />

will develop methodologies for control of complex tools for very large or very<br />

small, with curved surfaces, methodologies able to change the angles of the long<br />

edges or surfaces with steps as small.<br />

Received: March 25, 2010 1 "<strong>POLITEHNIC</strong>A" University from Bucharest ,<br />

Department of Machines and Production Systems<br />

e-mail: eugen_strajescu@yahoo.com<br />

2 S.C. MUNPLAST S.A.<br />

e-mail: ostefu@yahoo.com<br />

3 "VALAHIA" University from Targoviste<br />

e-mail: ddumitru@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

.<br />

1. Minciu C., Stră jescu E., ş.a., Scule aşchietoare, Îndrumar de proiectare.<br />

Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 1995.<br />

2. S t r ă jescu, E., Proiectarea sculelor aschietoare, Litografia I.P.Bucureşti, l984.<br />

3. E n a c h e , Ş t., Stră jescu, E., Minciu, C., Metode şi programe pentru<br />

proiectarea asistată a sculelor aşchietoare. Litografia I.P.Bucureşti, 1988.<br />

4. Strajescu E., Pavlov O., Metodologie de control asistat de calculator al<br />

sculelor aşchietoare pe baza unor metode neconvenionale de obţinere a<br />

modelelor 3D. Conferinţa ICEEMS, Braşov, 2005.<br />

5. S t r ă jescu E., Pavlov O., Dumitru, D., C ontributions Concerning the<br />

Informatic Control of the Cutting Tools, International Conference on<br />

Manufacturing Science and Education - MSE Sibiu, 2009.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare se prezintă bazele unei metodologii pentru controlul informatizat al tuturor<br />

elementelor geometrice şi constructive ale sculelor aşchietoare în general, şi al cuţitelor roată<br />

pentru mortezat roţi dinţate cilindricve în special. Metodologia are la bază obţinerea unui model<br />

solid, iar acest lucru se poate face fie prin fotografiere, folosindu-se programe potrivite, fie prin<br />

scanare 3D, fie în faza de proiectare. Metoda propusă permite controlul absolut al tuturor<br />

parametrilor geometrici şi constructivi, în orice punct şi în orice plan, precum şi trasarea<br />

graficelor de variaţie. Se poate imagina o metodă prin care un program de proiectare asistată de<br />

tipul Solid Concept, parametrizat, să modifice unghiurile sculei pornind de la valoarea admisibilă<br />

a unui anume unghi într-un anume plan.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />








Abstract. The generation of the ordered curls profile (surfaces) associated<br />

with the centrodes of the rack-gear tool represent an fundamental problem for the<br />

profiles reciprocally enveloping associated with a couple of rolling centrodes. The<br />

knowing, in principle, of the generating rack-gear allow the construction of the<br />

tool and, also, the determination of the axial profile of the worm mill for the<br />

ordered curl profile’s generation. They are known and used more solutions for the<br />

solving of this problem: analytical solutions, based on the fundamentals theorems<br />

of gearing; complementary theorems, obtained from the fundamentals theorem;<br />

graphical methods based on graphical environments capabilities. In this paper, is<br />

proposed an algorithm for the approach of issue of ordered curl profiles based on<br />

the CATIA design environment capabilities. It is proposed a general algorithm<br />

which allows making applications, ended with the numerical determination of the<br />

rack-gear reciprocally enveloping with ordered curl profiles. They are solved<br />

profiles known in discrete form, substituted by spline approximation. The method<br />

allows drawing the gearing lines as so as the interference trajectories. The<br />

obtained results are comparing with results obtained by analytical methods.<br />

Key words: enveloping surfaces, rack-gear tool, graphical design method.<br />

BY<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The profiling of tools which generated by enveloping by the rolling method<br />

— rack gear tool and gear shaped tool — may be make by some methods:

42 Silviu Berbinschi et al<br />

- analytical methods, based on fundamental methods of surfaces enwrapping<br />

– first Olivier theorem, Gohman theorem, normals method, W i l l i s [1], [2];<br />

- complementary analytical methods – “minimum distance” method, the<br />

“substitutive circles family” method, the “in-plane generating trajectories”<br />

method [3]-[5];<br />

- graphical-analytical methods [6];<br />

- graphical methods, using the capabilities of CAD software [7].<br />

We mention that the methods proposed and used for the study of<br />

reciprocally enveloping surfaces respect the enveloping fundamental theorem.<br />

The proposed solutions leads to comparable results, in most cases<br />

identically, for the crossing profile tool’s shape, which generated by rolling<br />

ordered curls profiles associated with a couple of rolling centrodes.<br />

Literature include multiples applications for various domains as methods of<br />

tool’s profiling, revolution surfaces, for generating helical surfaces [8]; the<br />

modelling of the cylindrical surfaces with disk tools [9]; generation of the<br />

helical compressors rotors [10].<br />

In this paper, is proposed a method for profiling of the rack-gear tools<br />

reciprocally enveloping with ordered curl profiles, based on the capabilities of<br />

the CATIA design environment.<br />

2. Generation Kinematics<br />

In principle, the tool’s profiling determination problem for rack-gear tool<br />

reciprocally enveloping with an ordered curls profile, associated with a circular<br />

centrode, assume to respect the kinematics of the generating process, see figure<br />

1.<br />

Fig. 1 – Couple of rolling centrodes.<br />

The two rolling centrodes, C1 —circle, associated with the profiles ordered<br />

curls and C2 —straight line, associated with the rack-gear tool, are in rolling<br />

movement, so, is respected the condition:

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 43<br />

λ = R ⋅ ϕ ,<br />

(1) rp 1<br />

where λ is the linear velocity in the translation of C2 centrode;<br />

R ⋅ ϕ — the value of velocity in point O1—the gearing pole, from C1<br />

rp<br />

1<br />

centrode, in the rotation movement around z axis;<br />

ϕ1 — variable angular parameter.<br />

In the rotation of C1 centrode the translation movements along the C2<br />

centrode and the rotation around Z axis are evenness.<br />

They are defined the reference systems:<br />

xyz is the global reference system, with z axis overlapped to the rotation axis<br />

of the C1 centrode;<br />

XYZ — mobile reference system, initially overlapped to the global reference<br />

system, joined with the ordered curls profile Σ;<br />

ξηζ — mobile reference system, joined with C2 centrode of rack-gear tool,<br />

with axis parallel and of the same sense with the global reference system xyz.<br />

The kinematics of the rolling process of the two centrodes, C1 and C2,<br />

tangents in point O1 — gearing pole— presume that the velocities of points<br />

belongs to the two centrodes, temporally situated in point O1, to be equals.<br />

In this way, the global motion of the ξηζ reference system, joined with<br />

centrode C2, is described by the transformation,<br />

(2) x = ξ + a ,<br />

where:<br />

(3)<br />

⎛ξ⎞ ⎛x⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟<br />

ξ =<br />

⎜<br />

η<br />

⎟<br />

; x =<br />

⎜<br />

y<br />

⎟<br />

⎜ζ⎟ ⎜z⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠<br />

represent the matrix of the current points in the space ξηζ, respectively xyz;<br />

(4)<br />

⎛ 0 ⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

a = ⎜ −λ⎟<br />

⎜ R ⎟<br />

⎝−rp ⎠<br />

is the matrix formed with the coordinates of point O1, in the global reference<br />

system, with λ instantaneous velocity in the translation movement of C1<br />

centrode and Rrp the value of circular centrode C1 (rolling radius).<br />

Also, the revolution movement of C1 centrode is described by transformation

44 Silviu Berbinschi et al<br />

⎛x⎞ ⎛X⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎜<br />

y<br />

⎟<br />

= 1 1 ⋅<br />

⎜<br />

Y<br />

⎟<br />

⎜z⎟ ⎜Z ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠<br />

T<br />

(5) ω ( ϕ )<br />

⎛X⎞ ⎜ ⎟<br />

where<br />

⎜<br />

Y<br />

⎟<br />

is the matrix of the current point in space XYZ, and<br />

⎜Z⎟ ⎝ ⎠<br />

⎛1 0 0 ⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

= ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

(6) ω1( ϕ1) 0 cos( ϕ1) sin(<br />

ϕ1)<br />

0 −sin(<br />

ϕ ) cos(<br />

ϕ )<br />

⎝ 1 1 ⎠<br />

is the rotation transformation matrix, around X axis, with angle ϕ1<br />

(counterclockwise rotation).<br />

The assembly of equations (3) and (6), with the respect of rolling condition<br />

(1), determine the relative motion,<br />

⎛ξ⎞ ⎛1 0 0 ⎞ ⎛X⎞ ⎛ 0 ⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

= ⎜ ⎟⋅<br />

⎜<br />

Y<br />

⎟<br />

−⎜ −λ<br />

⎟<br />

⎜ ⎟ ⎜0 −sin 1 cos ⎟ ⎜<br />

1 Z ⎟ ⎜−R⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ rp ⎠<br />

(7) η 0 cos( ϕ1) sin(<br />

ϕ1)<br />

ζ ( ϕ ) ( ϕ )<br />

while the Σ profile, belongs to the profile’s ordered curl, associated with the C1<br />

centrode, in form,<br />

⎛ 0 ⎞<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

Σ= ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

(8) Y( u)<br />

Z ( u)<br />

with u variable parameter, describe a profile’s family in the rack-gear space:<br />

(9) ( )<br />

( u,<br />

1 ) = 0;<br />

( , 1) ( ) cos( 1) ( ) sin(<br />

1)<br />

( , ) ( ) sin( ) ( ) cos(<br />

)<br />

ξ ϕ<br />

u ϕ1<br />

Y u Z u Rrp<br />

1<br />

u Y u Z u R<br />

;<br />

Σ η ϕ = ϕ − ϕ + ⋅ ϕ<br />

ζ ϕ = ϕ + ϕ − .<br />

1 1 1<br />

The enveloping of the profile family (9) represents the rack-gear tool’s<br />

profile.<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 45<br />

Often, the profile (8) may be replaced by the equations of one surface,<br />

cylindrical or cylindrical helical, of which belongs the profile (8), as crossing<br />

in-plane profile section of Σ surface (the section plane is a perpendicularly plane<br />

on X axis), surface which is described by equations on form:<br />

(10)<br />

( )<br />

( , ) ;<br />

( , ) ,<br />

X = X u, t ;<br />

Σ Y = Y u t<br />

Z = Z u t<br />

with u and t independent variable parameters.<br />

To the profile’s family (9) was associated the enveloping condition<br />

specifically for one of the enwrapping fundamental theorems (first Olivier<br />

theorem, Gohman theorem, “normals method” [1], [2]) or one of the<br />

complementary theorem (“minimum distance”, “substitutive circles family”,<br />

“in-plane generating trajectories”) in order to determine the envelope of profile<br />

family as generating rack-gear profile [3], [4].<br />

Also, are known graphical solutions for profiling tools which generate by<br />

enwrapping method, ordered curls profile associated with a rolling centrodes<br />

couple (the “regions” method [6], [7]).<br />

3. Kinematics Method in the CATIA Design Environment<br />

Is proposed a new solution for the profiling of rack-gear tool reciprocally<br />

enveloping with an ordered curl profiles associated with a couple of rolling<br />

centrodes, using the capabilities of CATIA software, by making an kinematics<br />

entity which will simulate the rolling movement of centrodes: C1 — rolling<br />

circle with radius Rrp, associated with the profiles curl; C2 — straight line,<br />

associated with the rack-gear.<br />

The proposed solution has the advantages that use the capabilities of a very<br />

versatile product, which may offer rigorous numerical results.<br />

Also, being a graphical method, the rough errors, due firstly to the passing<br />

curves, which may be erroneously considered as profile’s zone, are easy to<br />

identify and deleted from analysis.<br />

The proposed solve is based on the capabilities of Part environment where<br />

are synthesized the elements of a mechanism able to simulate the enveloping<br />

condition, in this case, the normal condition. These elements, created in the Part<br />

environment, are inserted in a file of Assembly environment, assuring the<br />

position of the mechanism elements in the start position, in following in the<br />

DMU Kinematics environment are defined the kinematics couples.<br />

The mechanism motion is made by the command Simulation, establishing<br />

the intermediate position number (Shots) and creating with the command Replay

46 Silviu Berbinschi et al<br />

a movie of the mechanism successive positions.<br />

With command Trace is draw the trajectory of any point which belongs to<br />

one element of the mechanism regarding any another element, including the<br />

global reference system, determining the gearing line between the profile to be<br />

generate and the profile of the rack-gear tool.<br />

These trajectories represent spline curves, constructed by successive points<br />

obtained by the mechanism rolling. The coordinates of these points may be<br />

exported as text file or any spreadsheet, see figure 2.<br />

Fig. 2 – Generating algorithms in CATIA environment.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The rolling process kinematics for two centrodes becomes possible to be<br />

described in the graphical design environment as CATIA.<br />

2. The precision for these profile description, in this graphical environment,<br />

the geometrical forms and the kinematics of these allow a rigorous analysis of<br />

the reciprocally enveloping surfaces.<br />

3. A software suit specifically for the graphical design environment was<br />

synthesised in the end of paper, for the tool’s profiling reciprocally of an<br />

ordered curl of surfaces (profiles). Specifically applications will allow<br />

establishing the proposed method quality.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 47<br />

Acknowledgements. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the<br />

Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation through grant<br />

PN_II_ID_791/2008.<br />

Received:January, 20, 2010 Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi,<br />

Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department<br />

Galaţi, Romania,<br />

e-mail: nicolae.oancea@ugal.ro<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. L i t v i n F.L., Theory of Gearing Reference Publication 1212, NASA. Scientific and<br />

Technical Information Division, Washington D.C., 1984.<br />

2. O a n c e a N., Generarea suprafeţelor prin înfăşurare, Vol. I, Teoreme<br />

fundamentale, Editura Fundaţiei Universitare “Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi, 2004,<br />

ISBN 973-627-106-4.<br />

3. O a n c e a N., Generarea suprafeţelor prin înfăşurare, Vol. II, Teoreme<br />

complementare, Editura Fundaţiei Universitare “Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi, 2004,<br />

ISBN 973-627-106-4;<br />

4. T e o d o r V., O a n c e a N., D i m a M., Profilarea sculelor prin metode analitice,<br />

Editura Fundaţiei Universitare “Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi, 2004, ISBN (10)<br />

973-627-333-4;<br />

5. M i n c i u C., C r o i t o r u S., I l i e S., Aspects regarding generation of non-involute<br />

gear profiles, Proceedings of the International Conference on Manufacturing<br />

Systems, ICMaS 2006, Ed. Academiei Române, Bucuresti, ISSN 1842-3183, pp.<br />

311-314;<br />

6. B a i c u I., O a n c e a N., Profilarea sculelor prin modelare solidă, Ed.<br />

Tehnica-Info, Chişinău, 2002, ISBN 9975-63-172-X;<br />

7. D i m a M., O a n c e a N., T e o d o r V., Modelarea schemelor de aşchiere la<br />

danturare, Ed. Cermi, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN 978-973-667-270-5;<br />

8. M o h a n, L. V., S h u n m u g a m, M. S., An orthogonal array based optimization<br />

algorithm for computer-aided measurement of worm surface, Int. J. Adv. Manuf.<br />

Technol. (2006) 30: 434–443;<br />

9. P o t t m a n n H., W i e n, T. R a n d r u p, O d e n s e, Rotational and Helical<br />

Surface Approximation for Reverse Engineering, Computing, 60, 307-322<br />

(1998);<br />

10. I v a n o v V., N a n k o v G., K i r o v V., CAD orientated mathematical model for<br />

determination of profile helical surfaces, International Journal of Machine Tools<br />

& Manufacture”, Elsevier Science, Pergamon, 38, 8, pp.1001-1015, UK, (1998).

48 Silviu Berbinschi et al<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

Generarea vârtejurilor ordonate de profiluri (suprafeţe), asociate unor centroide, cu<br />

scule de tip cremalieră, reprezintă o problemă fundamentală pentru profiluri reciproc<br />

înfăşurătoare asociate unui cuplu de centroide în rulare. Cunoaşterea principială a<br />

formei cremalierei generatoare permite construcţia sculei-pieptene şi, de asemenea,<br />

determinarea profilului sculei melc pentru generarea vârtejurilor ordonate de profiluri.<br />

Sunt cunoscute şi utilizate multiple soluţii pentru abordarea unei astfel de probleme:<br />

soluţiile analitice, bazate pe teoremele fundamentale ale angrenării; teoremele<br />

complementare, derivate din metodele fundamentale, metode grafice, bazate pe<br />

posibilităţile mediilor de proiectare grafică — CAD.<br />

În lucrare se propune un algoritm general pentru abordarea problematicii<br />

profilurilor (suprafeţe) bazat pe facilităţile mediului de proiectare CATIA. Se propune<br />

un algoritm general, în baza căruia se realizează aplicaţia, finalizată cu determinarea<br />

numerică (grafică) a formei cremalierei reciproc înfăşurătoare vârtejului ordonat de<br />

profiluri.<br />

Sunt tratate profiluri cunoscute analitic sau sub formă de coordonate discrete,<br />

substituite prin forme de aproximare spline.<br />

Metodica permite tratarea liniilor de angrenare precum şi traiectoriile de<br />

interferenţă a profilurilor. Se compară rezultatele obţinute prin această metodă cu<br />

rezultatele obţinute prin metode analitice.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />








Abstract. In this paper is presented an application of the general algorithm<br />

regarding the tool’s profiling which generate by enveloping, by rolling method,<br />

respectively the rack-gear tool generating an ordered curl of profiles. They are<br />

presented the successive steps of this process and, also, numerical examples<br />

regarding the crossing profile of the rack-gear tool. The method quality is proofed<br />

by comparing the obtained results with results obtained for the same problem,<br />

using one of the analytical methods, the Willis method, and software developed in<br />

Java.<br />

Key words: enveloping surfaces, rack-gear tool, graphical design method.<br />

BY<br />

1. Introduction<br />

It was present the general algorithm for profiling the tools generating by<br />

enveloping, by the rolling method, in the CATIA design environment.<br />

In following are presented an application of the proposed algorithm for<br />

rack-gear tool’s profiling generating ordered curl profiles, for a hexagonal shaft,<br />

as so as, the comparison for the profile determination of the rack-gear tool with<br />

results obtained by analytical methods, based on specialised software, realised<br />

in Java [6], [7].<br />

In the paper entitled “Contributions to the Elaborations of a Graphical Method for<br />

Profiling of Tools Which Generate by Enveloping. I. Algorithm” is proposed a new

50 Silviu Berbinschi et al<br />

solution for the profiling of rack-gear tool reciprocally enveloping with an<br />

ordered curl profiles associated with a couple of rolling centrodes, using the<br />

capabilities of CATIA software, by making an kinematics entity which will<br />

simulate the rolling movement of the two centrodes [8].<br />

2. Application for Rack-Gear Profiling<br />

In order to obtain the tool’s profile for various polygonal shafts, for various<br />

side lengths, is need to follow two stages. The first stage is to choose the side<br />

length and the diameter of the rolling circle as input data. This thing may be<br />

done introducing in an text or Excel file the value, in following, the CATIA<br />

software will automate modify the whole mechanism, with the new values. In<br />

the same stage is created the mechanism, the rolling of this and the tool’s profile<br />

determination. The coordinates of points belongs to profile will be exported in a<br />

text or Excel file.<br />

The second stage consist in the partial remake of the mechanism couples,<br />

the rolling of this for the new tool’s profile, for the previous modified values<br />

and the export of points in a new file.<br />

2.1. First stage<br />

2.1.1. Data input and mechanism elements construction. In this step are<br />

created a folder with all files needed for the mechanism.<br />

First of all for the input data is created a text of excel file with the names<br />

and the values of the input parameters, namely the piece shaft radius Ra, the<br />

polygonal side length L and the rolling circle radius of blank Rrp. These are the<br />

parameters which may be modified by user. This file will be linked with the<br />

parameters from the CATIA file.<br />

In the following example is considered a hexagonal shaft with L=50 mm<br />

and the including radius Ra=50 mm. In order to simplify the representation we<br />

consider the rolling radius Rrp=50 mm. The shaft sketch and the associated<br />

centrode are represented in figure 1. The mechanism elements are successive<br />

created, in the Part environment, are suggestive named and inserted in an<br />

assembly file, created in the Assembly environment, named GenCremaliera.<br />

The Part type files are: baza; piesa; cremaliera and tachet.<br />

The Baza file contains the standing part of the mechanism and represent<br />

more lines needed to mount others elements, see figure 2.<br />

From a point named OriginePiesa is construct a line named AxaArbore,<br />

representing the piece’s axis and next another line which will be as guide for the<br />

rolling line named GhidajDreaptaRulare. The segment having the rolling radius<br />

length and which contain the gearing pole is created in order to ease the

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 51<br />

mechanism assembling. The point PolulAngrenarii is situated on the rolling<br />

circle with radius Rrp.<br />

Fig. 1 – The shaft sketch.<br />

This file contain a parameters table (Design Table) named DateIntrare<br />

which link the line and point’s parameters from the Part file (from CATIA)<br />

with the input data from the file DateIntrare.txt.<br />

The file Piesa contain, firstly, the geometrical elements of the profile for<br />

which is determined the tool’s profile, see figure 2. Another sketch from this<br />

file is CercRulare which contain a circle with radius Rrp. The two values Ra and<br />

Rrp are linked with the text file DateIntrare.txt. The file Cremaliera contain the<br />

rolling straight line (DreaptaRulare) representing a circular pitch of the curl to<br />

be generated and having the length as function of the rolling radius Rrp,<br />

controlled by file DateIntrare.txt. The file Tachet have the straight lines which<br />

are tangent and respectively normal at the piece’s profile in the contact points.<br />

Fig. 2 – Assembly file with kinematics couples and tool’s profile.

52 Silviu Berbinschi et al<br />

2.1.2. Mechanism assembling and the creation of kinematics couples. In the<br />

assembly<br />

file GenCremaliera are inserted all the above described elements,<br />

with the command Insert Existing Component.<br />

These have geometrical and dimensional constraints in order to be<br />

positioned in accordance with the mechanism functionality. After inserting the<br />

constraints, the GenCremaliera contain the whole mechanism in the initial<br />

position. In the Assembly environment the mechanism elements were positioned<br />

but doesn’t exist yet any couple between them.<br />

The kinematics couples are created in the DMU Kinematics environment. It<br />

is created the mechanism named Generare.Scula.Cremaliera and is established<br />

the standing element, Baza.<br />

After the kinematics couples creation the mechanism function may be<br />

simulated and look as in figure 2.<br />

2.1.3. Mechanism rolling and determination of tool’s profile. In order to<br />

rolling<br />

this mechanism is created a simulation with command Simulation and<br />

are established the intermediate position number, Shot, number which will have<br />

influence to the tool’s profile precision. For this example we considered 500<br />

steps, so it will result 500 points. With this simulation is determined the tool’s<br />

profile, see Figure 3.<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

ζ<br />

η<br />

Fig. 3 – Tool’s profile in the rack-gear reference system.<br />

2.1.4. Points coordinates extraction. After the determination of the tool’s<br />

profile, these may be exported in a text file using the command Design Table,<br />

from the Part environment.<br />

This command will generate a text file PuncteProfil.txt, see Table 1.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 53<br />

Table 1<br />

Points coordinates on tool’s profile in CATIA program<br />

Nr. Crt. η [mm] ζ [mm] Nr. Crt. η [mm] ζ [mm] Nr. Crt. η [mm] ζ [mm]<br />

1 0 0 170 17.07 -5.96 340 36.18 -5.81<br />

17 1 .41 -0 .78 187 18.96 -6.24 357 38.04 -5.44<br />

34 2.98 -1.57 204 20.86 -6.45 374 39.88 -5<br />

51 4.59 -2.31 221 22.78 -6.6 391 41.69 - 4.51<br />

68 6.26 -3.01 238 24.71 -6.68 408 43.46 -3.96<br />

85 7.98 -3.64 255 26.63 -6.7 425 45.2 -3.35<br />

102 9.73 -4.23 272 28.56 -6.65 442 46.89 -2.69<br />

119 11.52 -4.75 289 30.48 -6.54 459 48.53 -1.97<br />

136 13.34 -5.21 306 32.39 -6.36 476 50.13 -1.21<br />

153 15.19 -5.62 323 34.29 -6.11 501 52.36 0<br />

2.2. Second stage<br />

In the second stage if the user modify the DateIntrare.txt<br />

file saving the<br />

modification of the input parameters, the CATIA software detect this and<br />

warning<br />

by an Update message.<br />

After this message the user have to update the assembly file and the<br />

kinematics file in order to remake<br />

the kinematics couples which may be<br />

modified.<br />

3. Method Quality Verification<br />

It is proposed in following the verification of this method<br />

by comparing the<br />

numerical results obtained with graphical method<br />

regarding the results obtained<br />

by one of the analytical methods: Gohman method; “normals” method;<br />

“minimum distance” method etc [3].<br />

For the polygonal shaft is defined the analytical form of the profile to be<br />

generated, see figure 4:<br />

(1)<br />

X = 0;<br />

Σ Y = u;<br />

Z =<br />


54 Silviu Berbinschi et al<br />

with u variable parameter, measured along the profile and a constant value<br />

depending the profile form.<br />

The Σ profile family is on form:<br />

(2) ( )<br />

Fig. 4 – Straight lined profile.<br />

ξ = 0;<br />

Σ η = ucosϕ − asinϕ + R ϕ;<br />

ϕ<br />

ζ = usinϕ + acos ϕ −R<br />

,<br />

with ϕ variable parameter.<br />

The<br />

specifically enveloping condition, in the “in-plane generation trajectory”<br />

methods is:<br />

(3)<br />

or<br />

(4)<br />

cosϕ<br />

−usinϕ<br />

− acosϕ<br />

+ Rrp<br />

= ,<br />

sinϕ ucosϕ − asinϕ<br />

u = R sinϕ<br />

.<br />

The equations<br />

assembly (2) and (4), for u variable between limits<br />

umin<br />

=−0.5⋅ Rrp ; umax = 0.5⋅Rrp , for a hexagonal shaft, represent the rack-gear<br />

tool’s profile reciprocally enwrapping with the shaft’s profile.<br />

In Table 2 are presented the tool’s profile coordinates determined by the<br />

analytical<br />

method [6], [7].<br />

In Figure 5 are presented the profiles form and the errors obtained at<br />

profiling, regarding the coordinates<br />

transformation:<br />

rp<br />

rp<br />


(5)<br />

Bul. Inst. P olit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010<br />

55<br />

ζ = −ξ<br />


η = η + 26.1799.<br />


Table 2<br />

Points coordinates on tool’s profile—normal method, in Java program<br />

Crt.<br />

no. ξ [mm] η [mm] Crt. no. ξ [mm] η [mm] Crt. no. ξ [mm] η [mm]<br />

1 1.40E-06 -26.1799 248 6.698025 -0.28286 496 0.199296 25.83104<br />

2 0.05004 -26.093 249 6.698477 -0.1695 497 0.149679 25.9186<br />

3 0.099941 -26.0059 250 6.698703 -0.05562 498 0.099923 26.00594<br />

4 0.149712 -25.9185 251 6.698701 0.057729 499 0.050028<br />

26.09306<br />

5 0.19934 -25.831 252 6.698471 0.171609 500 8.88E-07 26.17994<br />

M M M M M M M<br />

Fig. 5 – Errors obtained.<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

1. The proposed algorith m use the CATIA design environment capabilities.<br />

2. The Tachet mechanism used in the problem solving is universal,<br />

excepting the profiles with singular points.<br />

3. The profiling precision of rack-gear tool is comparable with results<br />

obt ained by analytical methods, based on which was created dedicated software,<br />

in present<br />

paper, in Java language.<br />

Acknowledgements. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the<br />

Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation through grant<br />

PN_II_ID_656/2007.<br />

Received:January,<br />

20, 2010 Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi,<br />

Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department<br />

Galaţi, Romania,<br />

e-mail: nicolae.oancea@ugal.ro<br />


56 Silviu Berbinschi et al<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. L i t v i n F. L., Theory of Gearing Reference Publication 1212, NASA. Scientific<br />

and Technical Information Division, Washington D.C., 1984;<br />

2. O a n c e a N., Generarea suprafeţelor prin înfăşurare, Vol. I, Teoreme<br />

fundamentale, Editura Fundaţiei Universitare “Dunărea<br />

de Jos”, Galaţi, 2004,<br />

ISBN 973-627-106-4;<br />

3. O a n c e a N., Generarea suprafeţelor prin înfăşurare, Vol. II, Teoreme<br />

complementare, Editura Fundaţiei Universitare “Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi, 2004,<br />

ISBN 973-627-106-4;<br />

4. T e o d o r V., O a n c e a N., D i m a M., Profilarea sculelor prin metode analitice,<br />

Editura Fundaţiei Universitare “Dunărea de Jos”, Galaţi, 2004, ISBN (10)<br />

973-627-333-4;<br />

5. D i m a M., O a n c e a N., T e o d o r V., Modelarea schemelor de aşchiere la<br />

danturare, Editura Cermi, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN 978-973-667-270-5;<br />

6. C u c u M., O a n c e a N., T e o d o r V., Discretly Known Reciprocally Enwrapping<br />

Surfaces Representation Model - Software’s Descriptions, Buletinul Institutului<br />

Politehnic din Iaşi, Publicat de <strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnica”Gh.Asachi” Iaşi, LII<br />

(LVI), Fasc.5A, Secţia Construcţii de Maşini (2006), pp. 229-232;<br />

7. C u c u M., O a n c e a N.,T e o d o r V., Metoda tangentelor – profilarea<br />

sculei-cremalieră pentru profiluri circulare, Tehnologii Moderne<br />

Calitate<br />

Restructurare (2007), <strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică a Moldovei, 2, Chişinău, pp. 86-89,<br />

ISBN 978-975-45-034-8, ISBN 978-9975-45-035-2.<br />

8. * * * CATIA Version 5.19. DS.- Documentation<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare este prezentată o aplicaţie a algoritmului general prezentat, privind<br />

profilarea sculelor care generează prin înfăşurare, prin metoda rulării, în speţă<br />

scula-cremalieră generatoare a unui vârtej ordonat de profiluri. Sunt prezentaţi<br />

paşii<br />

succesivi ai procesului de profilare a sculei cremalieră, de asemenea, un exemplu<br />

numeric privind forma profilului transversal al sculei<br />

cremalieră.<br />

Calitatea metodei propusă este dovedi tă prin comparaţia rezultatelor obţinute, în<br />

cadrul<br />

aceleiaşi probleme concrete de profilare, utilizând însă una dintre metodele<br />

analitice — metoda Willis, şi un produs soft dezvoltat în Java.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Abstract. In this paper we present a study on numerical simulation of turning<br />

process using finite element analysis program AdvantEdge TM for AISI 1060<br />

carbon steel material. The main objective is to determine the influence of different<br />

cutting parameters (depth of cut, feed rate and cutting speed) on cutting force, von<br />

Mises stress and temperature in the longitudinal turning process. The predict of<br />

cutting forces by numerical simulation is important for the optimization of the<br />

process. The simulations were conducted without coolant.<br />

Key words: turning, numerical simulation, cutting forces, temperature.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The turning process is probably the most important process of all cutting<br />

processes. It is therefore very important to analyze the process for to<br />

optimization it.<br />

Cutting force has a value and direction of action that depend on the quality<br />

of processed material, on the cutting regime elements, geometric parameters of<br />

cutting tools, cooling-lubricating liquids [4].<br />

The resultant cutting force is defined by the relation:<br />

(1) R = ( F + F + F ) ≈(1.1…1.18)·Fx,<br />

where:<br />

Fz=(0.2…0.3)·Fx,<br />

Fy=(0.25…0.4)·Fx.<br />

2<br />

x<br />

2<br />

y<br />

2<br />


58 Cătălin Fetecău et al.<br />

n<br />

piece<br />

Fz<br />

tool<br />

Fx<br />

Fy<br />

chip<br />

feed rate<br />

Fig. 1 – 3D cutting force components according AdvantEdge TM .<br />

2. Numerical Simulation of Cutting Process<br />

2.1. The Mathematical Model<br />

Computer simulation of cutting process was achieved with AdvantEdge TM<br />

program. Elasto-plastic behavior of material during the cutting process is<br />

characterized by a nonlinear relationship between stresses and strains. In the<br />

mathematical modeling of surface flow movement, in software, are<br />

implemented a series of mathematical models, where the most important being<br />

model Power Law and model Drucker Prager [5].<br />

Model Power Law defined by the relation<br />

(2) p<br />

p<br />

σ( ε ε&,<br />

T ) = g(<br />

ε ) ⋅ Γ(<br />

ε&<br />

) ⋅ Θ(<br />

T )<br />

p<br />

where: ( )<br />

, ,<br />

g ε is strain hardening, Γ ( ε& ) - strain rate sensitivity, ( T )<br />

softening.<br />

Model Drucker-Prager defined by the relation<br />

(3) p<br />

σ ( ε<br />

p<br />

J1<br />

, & ε,<br />

T ) = G(<br />

ε , J1)<br />

⋅Γ(<br />

& ε ) ⋅Θ(<br />

T )<br />

where: G( , J ) p<br />

sensitivity, ( T )<br />

, ,<br />

t<br />

Θ - thermal<br />

ε 1 is strain hardening plus hydrostatic pressure, Γ (ε& ) - strain rate<br />

p<br />

Θ - thermal softening, ε - the plastic strain.<br />

p<br />

The function g( ε ) for the Drucker-Prager model is defined as

p<br />

(4) g(<br />

)<br />

(5) p<br />

g(<br />

)<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 59<br />

1 n<br />

⎛ p ⎞<br />

⎜ ε<br />

p p<br />

ε = σ 0 1 + ⎟ , if ε < ε cut ;<br />

⎜ p ⎟<br />

⎝ ε 0 ⎠<br />

1 n<br />

⎛ p ⎞<br />

⎜ εcut<br />

0 1 ⎟<br />

p p<br />

ε = σ + , if ε ≥ ε ,<br />

⎜ p<br />

cut<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ ε0<br />

⎠<br />

p<br />

p<br />

where: σ 0 is the initial yield stress, ε - the plastic strain, ε 0 - the reference<br />

p<br />

plastic strain, ε cut - the cut-off strain, n - the strain hardening exponent.<br />

The rate sensitivity function Γ ( ε& ) for the Drucker-Prager model is defined<br />

as<br />

⎛ & ε ⎞<br />

⎜<br />

+<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ & ε 0 ⎠<br />

1<br />

(6) Γ(<br />

& ε ) = ⎜1<br />

⎟ , if & ε ≤ & εcut<br />

;<br />

(7)<br />

1<br />

1<br />

m<br />

⎛ 1 1 ⎞<br />

⎜ −<br />

⎟<br />

⎝ m1<br />

m2<br />

⎠<br />

⎛ & ε ⎞ m2<br />

⎛ & ε ⎞<br />

Γ(<br />

& ) =<br />

⎜ +<br />

⎟<br />

⎜ cut<br />

ε 1 1+<br />

⎟ , if & ε > & εcut<br />

.<br />

⎝ & ε0<br />

⎠ ⎝ & ε0<br />

⎠<br />

( )<br />

The thermal function Θ T for the Drucker-Prager model is defined as<br />

2 3 4 5<br />

(8) ( )<br />

Θ T = c + c T + c T + c T + c T + c T . if T < T ,<br />

(9) ( T ) = Θ(<br />

T )<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

T −Tcut<br />

Θ cut −<br />

if T ≥ Tcut<br />

,<br />

T −T<br />

where: c0 through c5<br />

are coefficients for the polynomial fit, T - the<br />

temperature,<br />

temperature.<br />

Tcut - the linear cut-off temperature, T melt - the melting<br />

melt<br />

4<br />

cut<br />

2.2. Finite Element Machining Model<br />

The turning simulations were carried out on cylindrical extruded bar with 50<br />

mm diameter and 80mm length for AISI 1060. Length of cut L=20mm. The<br />

cutting tests were conducted without coolant.<br />

Order to study the simulation results, we set a plan of experiments as Table<br />

1. We set the tool’s parameters (tool’s angle and material), process parameters<br />

(feed rate, f, cutting speed, v and depth of cut, t). The tool’s material is carbide<br />

plates which had the parameters according to the Table 1.<br />

5<br />


60 Cătălin Fetecău et al.<br />

Table 1<br />

The plan of the experiments<br />


TOOL<br />

feed, f, speed, v, depth, t,<br />


mm/rev rev/min mm<br />

Clearance angle, α, º 7 0.083<br />

Side rake angle, γ, º -5 0.208<br />

Lead angle, χ, º 45 0.416<br />

Nose radius, r, mm 0.4 0.5<br />

78.54<br />

157.08<br />

314.16<br />

The mechanical properties and chemical composition of work-piece<br />

material, AISI 1060, are show in Table 2.<br />

Table 2<br />

The chemical composition and mechanical properties of AISI 1060<br />

Chemical composition, % Yield Ultimate Tensile Hardness<br />

Material<br />

Cu Mn P S<br />

strenght,<br />

MPa<br />

Strenght<br />

MPa Bhn<br />

AISI<br />

1060<br />

0.605 0.75 0.04 0.05 370 625 179<br />

For meshing were used triangular elements with 3 nodes, both for piece and<br />

for the tool. AdvantEdge TM program automatically generates the finite element<br />

network after that specified a maximum length of finite element, mean that the<br />

smallest and most finite element of edge length [5].<br />

Fig. 4 – The finite element network for the whole piece-tool-chip.<br />

The Druker-Prager model was used to simulate the process of chip breaking.<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 61<br />

Fig. 5 – The finite element network for the whole piece-tool-chip with continuous chips<br />

of plastic strain for AISI 1060, f=0.208 mm/rev; v=157.08 m/min.<br />

Fig. 6 – Von Mises Stress f=0.208 mm/rev; v=157.08 m/min.<br />

3. The results of numerical simulations<br />

In according with the plan of experiments, it was made numerical<br />

simulation for each cutting regime. For different values of the feed rate and the<br />

cutting speed the average values of tangential force Fx in according with<br />

AdvantEdge TM are presented in Table 3.<br />

Table 3<br />

The average values of tangential force, Fx, N<br />

Feed, f, Cutting speed, v, m/min<br />

mm/rev 314,16 157,08 78,54<br />

0.083 306.177 308.298 315.186<br />

0.208 544.703 557.041 544.703<br />

0.416 880.12 950.191 1073.24<br />

0.5 1015.5 1135.32 1205.5

62 Cătălin Fetecău et al.<br />

The value of tangential force increases when feed rate increase as shows in Fig.<br />

no. 7.<br />

F [N]<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6<br />

v1<br />

v2<br />

v3<br />

f [mm/rev]<br />

Fig. 7 – The effect of feed rate on cutting force.<br />

For the simulation made, the average values of temperature of cutting<br />

tool are presented in Table 4.<br />

Table 4<br />

The values of the temperature T, ºC<br />

Feed, f,<br />

Cutting speed, v, m/min<br />

mm/rev 314,16 157,08 78,54<br />

0.083 571.408 480.065 427.476<br />

0.208 699.709 589.149 496.942<br />

0.416 714.676 611.191 699.709<br />

0.5 729.953 622.045 729.953<br />

Fig. 8 – The temperature distribution in the cutting zone.<br />

In the FEM software AdvantEdge TM , the Johnson-Cook constitutive model<br />

were used to predict the thermal behaviour in longitudinal turning process [1].<br />

This software allows the temperature distribution, cutting forces and von<br />

Misses stress to be predicted to appropriate measurements [2].

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 63<br />

With AdvantEdge TM is possible to determine optimum machining<br />

parameters with lower costs and in short time without experimental processes<br />

[3].<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

1. This paper presents a study on numerical simulation of turning process<br />

using finite element analysis for AISI 1060 material. Simulation was done using<br />

AdvantEdge TM program. Based on numerical simulations we determine the<br />

influence of cutting parameters (depth of cut, feed rate and cutting speed ) on<br />

cutting force, von Mises stress and temperature from cutting zone.<br />

2. Based on numerical simulations to determine the size variation of cutting<br />

force and temperature parameters based on cutting regime.<br />

3. It was also determined variation von Mises stress across-chip track-and to<br />

investigate the formation of the chips.<br />

4. Future work will be as based on results of the numerical simulation will<br />

to make the experiments and will compare the results with those of simulation.<br />

Acknowledgements. The work of Drd. Daniel-Viorel Vlad was supported by Project<br />

SOP HRD – EFICIENT 61445".<br />

Received: March 20, 2010 ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati,<br />

Department of Machine Manyfacturing<br />

Galati, Romania,<br />

e-mail: catalin.fetecau@ugal.ro<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. G r z e s i k W., N i e s l o n y P., FEM–based thermal modelling of the cutting<br />

process using power law temperature dependent concept. Archives of Materials<br />

Science and Engineering, 29, 2 (2008), pp. 105-108.<br />

2. Ő z e l T., Modeling of hard part machining: effect of insert edge preparation in<br />

CBN cutting tool. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 141, (2003) pp.<br />

284-293.<br />

3. D a v i m J. P., F a r i a P., M a r a n h ã o C., C a r l o s C. A., Finite element<br />

simulation of precision machining on AISI 1045, 2008, 5º Congresso Luso-<br />

Moçambicano de Engenharia, Maputo, Moçambique, pp.1-7(ref:25A003).<br />

4. D a v i m J. P., M a r a n h ã o C. A study of plastic strain and plastic strain rate in<br />

machining of steel AISI 1045 using FEM analysis, Material and Design., 30,<br />

2009, pp. 160-165.

64 Cătălin Fetecău et al.<br />

5. *** Third Wave Systems AdvantEdge TM FEM. User’s manual, Minneapolis, 2008.<br />

6. G r z e s i k W., B a r t o s z u k M., N i e s ł o n y P., Finite element modelling of<br />

temperature distribution in the cutting zone in turning processes with differently<br />

coated tools, 13 th International Scientific Conference on Achievements in<br />

Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 2005.<br />

7. H a g l u n d A. J., K i s h a w y H. A., R o g e r s R. J., , An exploration of friction<br />

models for the chip–tool interface using an Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian finite<br />

element model, Wear. 2008, 265, pp. 542-460.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

In această lucrare se prezintă un studiu privind simularea numerică a procesului de<br />

strunjire folosind programul de analiză cu elemente finite AdvantEdge TM în cazul,<br />

oţelului OL60 (AISI 1060). Obiectivul principal este de a determina înfluenţa<br />

parametrilor regimului de aşchiere (adâncime de aşchiere, avans şi vizeza de aşchiere)<br />

asupra componentei tangenţiale a forţei de aşchiere, Fx, a tensiunii von Mises şi a<br />

temperaturii din zona de aşchiere.<br />

Comportarea elasto-plastică a materialului în timpul procesului de aşchiere este<br />

caracterizată de o relaţie neliniară dintre tensiuni şi deformaţii.<br />

În vederea modelării matematice a deplasării suprafeţei de curgere, în programul<br />

AdvantEdge TM sunt implementate o serie de modele matematice, cele mai importante<br />

fiind: Model Power Low şi Druker Prager Model. Pentru simulările efectuate , am<br />

folosit modelul Druker Prager.<br />

Forma aşchiei reprezintă un indicator al condiţiilor de aşchiere, arătând gradul de<br />

deformare plastică suferit de stratul de material detaşat. Forma aşchiei depinde de natura<br />

materialului prelucrat, geometria sculei, regimul de aşchiere etc. Se deosebesc aşchii de<br />

rupere şi aşchii de deforrnare plastică.<br />

Rezultatele obţinute vor sta la baza realizării experimentelor fizice, astfel încât să<br />

putem confrunta rezultatele obţinute din simulare cu cele din experiment.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Abstract. The paper presents some preliminary experimental researches<br />

regarding the cutting forces level when cutting four types of steel. The aim of<br />

these tests is to finalize the calculus models for cutting force components Fz, Fx, Fy on a cutting tooth. The new models are considering the area of the chip’s<br />

theoretical cross section (txs), the compression yield point of the cut material and<br />

the chips contraction coefficient, as presented in our previous papers. The chips<br />

contraction coefficient includes all the working parameters’ influences and also<br />

the interdependencies between them. Beside those elements, the calculus models<br />

contain a theoretical component, depending on the constructive angles of the tool,<br />

γ, K and λ and the friction coefficient between chips and the cutting tool’s rake<br />

face.<br />

Key words: model, chips contraction, cutting force, experimental.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The previous papers [1]-[4] were presented the new calculus models for<br />

cutting force evaluation (Eqs. 1), that could replace the traditional equations for<br />

Fz, Fx, Fy components. The theoretical quantities Cz, Cx, Cy in Eqs. (1) result<br />

using the Eqs.(2) and (3), if the chips deviation angle η=0 [5], and with Eqs.(4)<br />

if η≠0.<br />

(1)<br />

F<br />

F<br />

F<br />

z<br />

x<br />

y<br />

= C<br />

= C<br />

z<br />

= C<br />

x<br />

y<br />

σ<br />

σ<br />

σ<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

t s<br />

t s<br />

t s<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

1+<br />

m<br />

d<br />

z<br />

1+<br />

m<br />

d<br />

x<br />

1+<br />

m<br />

d<br />

y<br />

,<br />

,<br />


66 Mircea Cozmîncă et al.<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

z<br />

x<br />

y<br />

= cosγ<br />

cos<br />

k<br />

k<br />

k<br />

k<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

z<br />

x<br />

y<br />

= k cosλ,<br />

1<br />

= k<br />

2<br />

= k cos K − k k .<br />

3<br />

= cosγ<br />

= cosγ<br />

sin K + k k<br />

N0<br />

N0<br />

= sin λ cos K,<br />

= sin λ sin K.<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

( 1+<br />

μ tgγ<br />

N ) ,<br />

0<br />

( μ − tgγ<br />

) ,<br />

N0<br />

( λ + η)[<br />

1+<br />

μtgγ<br />

] ,<br />

( λ + η)<br />

cos K[<br />

1+<br />

tgγ<br />

] + cosγ<br />

sin(<br />

K −η<br />

)[ μ − tgγ<br />

] ,<br />

= cosγ<br />

sin<br />

= cosγ<br />

cos(<br />

K −η<br />

)[ μ − tgγ<br />

] − cos K sin(<br />

λ + η)<br />

sin K[<br />

1+<br />

μtgγ<br />

].<br />

In Eqs.(3), the rake angle γ is measured in the plane normal to the active<br />

cutting edge and in Eqs.(4) this angle is measured in the plane including the<br />

chips’ real flow direction (η≠0). In the same equations, μ represents the friction<br />

coefficient between the chips and the tooth’s rake face, considering μ=0.5...0.6<br />

in designing activities [5].<br />

Using the models in Eqs.(1) ask for the quantities mx, mz, my, that are<br />

amplifying the cutting forces level through the chips contraction coefficient.<br />

Therefore, experimental tests are necessary for the forces Fz, Fx, Fy and also for<br />

the chips contraction coefficient Cd, when cutting with a single tooth.<br />

2. Experimental Tests to Validate the Models for Fz, Fx, Fy<br />

In order to validate the models in Eqs.(1) for the force components Fz, Fx, Fy<br />

on the cutting tooth, a Kistler dynamometer is used to measure the main force<br />

component Fz when cutting four different types of steel. In the same time, the Cd<br />

values are determining by measurement of the chips lengths. These chips are<br />

resulted from certain cutting lengths limited by four longitudinal and equidistant<br />

channels executed on the workpiece and refilled with brass wedges, in order to<br />

ensure the continuity of the cutting process [5].<br />

The experimental values for Cd result using the model in Eq.(5), where the<br />

cutting lenth L = 0.25πd–c and the chip’s length, La, result by measuring a<br />

number of n chips. The quantity c represents the channel width, measured on<br />

the workpiece circumference of diameter D.<br />


(5)<br />

Bul. Inst . Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010<br />

67<br />

C<br />

d<br />

L<br />

=<br />

L<br />

a<br />

,<br />

The experimental tests were conducted using five lathe tools (Co...C4)<br />

having different values of the main constructive angles, as presented in Table 1.<br />

This table includes also the calculated values for k1... k4 and Cz, Cx, Cy, based on<br />

Eqs.(2) and (3).<br />

Table 1<br />

Lathe tools’ constructive geometry<br />

Lathe<br />

tool<br />

Main constructive geometry<br />

γ λ K α r<br />

[°] [°] [°] [°] [mm]<br />

k1 Values calculated with Eqs. (2) and (3)<br />

k2 k3 k4 Cz Cx Cy Co 0 0 70 10 0 1 0.5 0 0 1 0.47 0.17<br />

C1 -10 0 70 10 0 0.898 0.67 0 0 0.898 0.63 0.23<br />

C2 0 -10 70 10 0 1 0.5 -0.06 -0.16 0.985 0.41 0.33<br />

C3 0 10 70 10 0 1 0.5 0.06 0.16 0.985 0.53 0.01<br />

C4 10 0 70 10 0 1.07 0.32 0 0 1.07 0.3 0.01<br />

The specific working conditions and the experimental results (Fz, Cd, mz)<br />

are presented in Tables 2 – 6. The values of mz were obtained using Eq.(6),<br />

where Cz is according to Table 1 and σo is a steel type characteristic.<br />

(6)<br />

F<br />

zexp<br />

z<br />

L<br />

a<br />

o<br />

=<br />

n<br />

∑<br />

i=<br />

1<br />

L<br />

= C σ t s C<br />

ai<br />

1+<br />

mz<br />

d<br />

Table 2<br />

OL44 – The influences of tool´s geometry and cutting feed<br />

Cut<br />

material/<br />

Tool´s type<br />

σo [daN/<br />

mm 2 ]<br />

t<br />

[mm]<br />

s<br />

[mm/<br />

rev]<br />

n<br />

[rev/<br />

min]<br />

L<br />

[mm]<br />

La<br />

[mm]<br />

D<br />

[mm]<br />

Cd<br />

Fz<br />

[daN]<br />

mz<br />

OL44/ Co 29 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

42.5<br />

42.5<br />

16.52<br />

17.38<br />

58.5<br />

58.5<br />

2.57<br />

2.44<br />

54.9<br />

113.5<br />

1.38<br />

1.30<br />

OL44/ C1 29 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

38.5<br />

38.5<br />

13.03<br />

14.18<br />

53.5<br />

53.5<br />

2.91<br />

2.72<br />

63.4<br />

125.8<br />

1.34<br />

1.27<br />

OL44/ C2 29 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

41.5<br />

41.5<br />

14.25<br />

15.11<br />

57.3<br />

57.3<br />

2.91<br />

2.75<br />

58.16<br />

123.6<br />

1.17<br />

1.14<br />

OL44/ C3 29 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

41.5<br />

41.5<br />

15.22<br />

16.18<br />

57.3<br />

57.3<br />

2.73<br />

2.57<br />

47.9<br />

118.0<br />

1.12<br />

1.24<br />

OL44/ C4 29 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

41.5<br />

41.5<br />

16.47<br />

17.33<br />

57.3<br />

57.3<br />

2.52<br />

2.39<br />

47.65<br />

118.0<br />

1.21<br />

1.32<br />

n.<br />


68 Mircea Cozmîncă et al.<br />

Table 3<br />

40C10 – The influences of tool´s geometry and cutting feed<br />

Cut<br />

material/<br />

Tool´s type<br />

σo [daN/<br />

mm 2 ]<br />

t<br />

[mm]<br />

s<br />

[mm/<br />

rev]<br />

n<br />

[rev/<br />

min]<br />

L<br />

[mm]<br />

La [mm]<br />

D<br />

[mm]<br />

Cd Fz [daN]<br />

mz<br />

40C10/ Co 78 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

36.56<br />

36.56<br />

19.86<br />

20.74<br />

51.0<br />

51.0<br />

1.84<br />

1.76<br />

52.5<br />

110.0<br />

0.98<br />

0.82<br />

40C10/ C1 78 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

37.03<br />

37.03<br />

17.49<br />

19.38<br />

51.6<br />

51.6<br />

2.12<br />

1.91<br />

59.0<br />

117.3<br />

0.91<br />

0.86<br />

40C10/ C2 78 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

36.56<br />

36.56<br />

20.32<br />

22.84<br />

51.0<br />

51.0<br />

1.80<br />

1.60<br />

55.0<br />

113.0<br />

1.16<br />

1.29<br />

40C10/ C3 78 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

36.56<br />

36.56<br />

23.8<br />

26.36<br />

51.0<br />

51.0<br />

1.54<br />

1.39<br />

54.7<br />

104.7<br />

1.95<br />

2.05<br />

40C10/ C4 78 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

630<br />

630<br />

36.56<br />

36.56<br />

21.14<br />

22.62<br />

51.0<br />

51.0<br />

1.73<br />

1.62<br />

40.4<br />

103.4<br />

0.60<br />

0.88<br />

Cut<br />

material/<br />

Tool´s type<br />

MoCM14/<br />

Co<br />

MoCM14/<br />

C1<br />

MoCM14/<br />

C 2<br />

MoCM14/<br />

C3<br />

MoCM14/<br />

C 4<br />

Table 4<br />

MoCM14 – The influences of tool´s geometry and cutting feed<br />

σo [daN/<br />

mm 2 ]<br />

t<br />

[mm]<br />

s<br />

[mm/<br />

rev]<br />

n<br />

[rev/<br />

min]<br />

L<br />

[mm]<br />

La [mm]<br />

D<br />

[mm]<br />

Cd<br />

Fz<br />

[daN]<br />

mz<br />

74 1<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

400<br />

400<br />

51.09<br />

51.09<br />

30.53<br />

32.16<br />

69.5<br />

69.5<br />

1.67<br />

1.59<br />

57.9<br />

116.4<br />

2.99<br />

2.96<br />

74 1<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

400<br />

400<br />

50.54<br />

50.54<br />

23.47<br />

25.12<br />

68.8<br />

68.8<br />

2.15<br />

2.01<br />

60.9<br />

134.3<br />

1.88<br />

1.98<br />

74 1<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

400<br />

400<br />

50.14<br />

50.14<br />

28.11<br />

29.96<br />

68.3<br />

68.3<br />

1.78<br />

1.67<br />

58.9<br />

119.5<br />

2.60<br />

2.64<br />

74 1<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

400<br />

400<br />

50.14<br />

50.14<br />

18.08<br />

20.14<br />

68.3<br />

68.3<br />

2.77<br />

2.49<br />

57.1<br />

118.0<br />

1.01<br />

1.04<br />

74 1<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

400<br />

400<br />

50.14<br />

50.14<br />

21.84<br />

24.13<br />

68.3<br />

68.3<br />

2.30<br />

2.10<br />

50.3<br />

102.6<br />

1.22<br />

1.24<br />

Table 5<br />

OSC10 – The influences of tool´s geometry and cutting feed<br />

Cut material/<br />

Tool´s type<br />

σo [daN/<br />

mm 2 ]<br />

t<br />

[mm]<br />

s<br />

[mm/<br />

rev]<br />

n<br />

[rev/<br />

min]<br />

L<br />

[mm]<br />

La [mm]<br />

D<br />

[mm]<br />

Cd<br />

Fz [daN]<br />

mz<br />

OSC10/ Co 52 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

500<br />

500<br />

57.9<br />

57.9<br />

25.6<br />

28.3<br />

78.2<br />

78.2<br />

2.26<br />

2.05<br />

59.4<br />

119.2<br />

1.13<br />

1.12<br />

OSC10/ C1 52 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

500<br />

500<br />

57.0<br />

57.0<br />

22.5<br />

24.3<br />

77.0<br />

77.0<br />

2.53<br />

2.35<br />

65.3<br />

137.2<br />

1.09<br />

1.07<br />

OSC10/ C2 52 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

500<br />

500<br />

57.0<br />

57.0<br />

23.9<br />

25.9<br />

77.0<br />

77.0<br />

2.38<br />

2.20<br />

61.2<br />

128.6<br />

1.05<br />

1.04<br />

OSC10/ C3 52 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

500<br />

500<br />

57.0<br />

57.0<br />

27.6<br />

29.9<br />

77.0<br />

77.0<br />

2.06<br />

1.90<br />

57.8<br />

113.9<br />

1.39<br />

1.32<br />

OSC10/ C4 52 2<br />

0.1<br />

0.25<br />

500<br />

500<br />

57.9<br />

57.9<br />

30.0<br />

32.8<br />

78.2<br />

78.2<br />

1.93<br />

1.76<br />

54.4<br />

106.4<br />

1.41<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 69<br />

Table 6<br />

The influence of main cutting speed<br />

Cut material/<br />

Tool´s type<br />

σo [daN/<br />

mm 2 ]<br />

t<br />

[mm]<br />

s<br />

[mm/<br />

rev]<br />

v<br />

[m/<br />

min]<br />

Cd Fz [daN]<br />

mz<br />

85 2.62 60 1.43<br />

OL44/ Co 29 2 0.1 115 2.57 55 1.38<br />

165 2.50 52 1.37<br />

80 2-35 68 1.19<br />

OSC10/ Co 52 2 0.1 122.5 2.26 63 1.21<br />

164 2.20 61 1.24<br />

87 1.67 30 1.72<br />

MoCM14/ Co 74 1 0.1 120 1.52 27 2.08<br />

160 1.48 25 2.09<br />

80 1.90 65 1.21<br />

40C10/ C3 78 2 0.1 102 1.86 63 1.24<br />

Constant parameters:<br />

150 1.80 58 1.22<br />

K=70°; α=10°; γ=0°; λ=0°; wear hα=0; cutting in air<br />

For the most ductile steel type (OL44) and the most resistant one (40C10),<br />

the experimental results regarding the influences of the constructive angles,<br />

cutting feed and main cutting speed are illustrated in the diagrams in Figs. 1-4.<br />

OL44<br />

λ=0°<br />

s=0.1 mm/rev<br />

Fig.1a – The influence of angle γ for OL44 steel.

70 Mircea Cozmîncă et al.<br />

OL44<br />

γ=0°<br />

s=0.1 mm/rev<br />

Fig.1b – The influence of angle λ for OL44 steel.<br />

40C10<br />

λ=0°<br />

s=0.1 mm/rev<br />

Fig.2a – The influence of angle γ for 40C10 steel.<br />

40C10<br />

γ=0°<br />

s=0.1 mm/rev<br />

Fig.2b – The influence of angle λ for 40C10 steel.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 71<br />

Fig.3a – The influence of feed values for OL44 steel.<br />

OL44<br />

γ=0°<br />

λ=0°<br />

OL44<br />

γ=0°; λ=0°<br />

s=0.1 mm/rev<br />

Fig.3b – The influence of speed values for OL44 steel.<br />

40C10<br />

γ=0°<br />

λ=0°<br />

Fig.4a – The influence of feed values for 40C10 steel.

72 Mircea Cozmîncă et al.<br />

40C10<br />

γ=0°; λ=0°<br />

s=0.1 mm/rev<br />

Fig.4b – The influence of speed values for 40C10 steel<br />

From the diagrams in Figs.1 – 4 result that Fz and Cd are decreasing when<br />

the angles γ, λ and cutting speed values are growing. When the cutting feed is<br />

increasing, the force Fz grows and the coefficient Cd decrease. For OL44 steel,<br />

the Fz values are smaller and the Cd are larger than those resulted for 40C10<br />

steel.<br />

For OL44 steel, the mz exponent is relatively constant in the 1.2 – 1.4 range.<br />

For 40C10 steel, the mz values are variable in a larger domain, 0.8 – 1.22. For<br />

λ=0° and γ=0° the mz exponent may achieve even the value of 1.95 (Fig.2b).<br />

This is the reason why mz it is necessary to be reached for every material type.<br />

The chemical composition, the nature and the structural micro constituents´<br />

distribution of the cut material determine the plastic deformation capability.<br />

Consequently, the cutting forces level, the values of Cd and the mz values<br />

through which Cd amplify the cutting forces values are indirectly influenced.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The experimental researches regarding the values of cutting force Fz and<br />

coefficient Cd for the four steel types were stressing the known dependencies<br />

from angles γ and λ, cutting feed and main cutting speed.<br />

2. The level of influence of the constructive angles γ and λ, of cutting feed<br />

and speed takes different values depending on the material being cut.<br />

3. Experimental tests are necessary for each material, to determine the<br />

values for mz, mx, my exponents in order to use the models in Eqs. (1)-(4) for<br />

the force components Fz, Fx, Fy on a cutting tooth.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 73<br />

Received: ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University,<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Iasi, Romania<br />

e-mail: cozminca@tcm.tuiasi.ro<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. C o z m î n c ă M., C o z m î n c ă I., P o e n a r u S., A new Model for Estimating<br />

the Force Components Fz, Fx, Fy when Cutting Metals with Single Tooth Tools,<br />

Buletinul Inst. Polit. Iași, editat de Univ. Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi”, LV(LIX),<br />

Construcții de mașini, 1, 2009, pp.1-7.<br />

2. C o z m î n c ă M., C o z m î n c ă I., P o e n a r u S., Variation of the Ratios<br />

between Forces Fz, Fx, Fy and the Plastic Strain Force in Single Tooth Cutting.<br />

Buletinul Inst. Polit. Iași, editat de Univ. Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi”, LV(LIX),<br />

Construcții de mașini, 1, 2009, pp.8-14.<br />

3. P o e n a r u S., C o z m î n c ă M., Model for the Deformation Force at Metals<br />

Cutting with Single Tooth Tools. Buletinul Inst. Polit. Iași, editat de Univ.<br />

Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi”, LV(LIX), Construcții de mașini, 2, 2009, pp.1-7.<br />

4. C o z m î n c ă M., C o n s t a n t i n e s c u C., Bazele așchierii. Ed “Gh. Asachi”,<br />

Iaşi, 1995.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare se prezintă modul de realizare a unor cercetări experimentale preliminare<br />

în vederea stabilirii mărimii forțelor de așchiere, la strunjirea a patru mărci de oțel, în<br />

scopul definitivării modelelelor de calcul pentru componentele Fz, Fx, Fy ale forței de<br />

așchiere la nivelul uni dinte așchietor. Noile modele de calcul au în vedere aria secțiunii<br />

transversale a așchiei nedeformate (txs), limita de curgere a materialului așchiat și<br />

coeficientul de deformare plastică a așchiilor. Coeficientul de deformare plastică a<br />

așchiilor include toate influențele parametrilor de lucru, precum și interdependențele<br />

dintre aceste influențe. Pe lîngă aceste elemente, modelele de calcul propuse cuprind și<br />

o componentă teoretică, în funcție de unghiurile constructive ale dintelui, γ, K, λ și<br />

coeficientul de frecare dintre așchii și suprafața de degajare a dintelui așchietor.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Abstract. This paper presents some theoretical models for the evaluation of<br />

cutting forces components in face milling, developed on a single−tooth level. The<br />

cutting forces at face milling depend on the every variant of face milling process<br />

(teeth number which simultaneously cut) and the relative position of cutting teeth<br />

and the material being cut (cut - down milling and cut - up milling). Regarding to<br />

this, the determination of cutting force components at face milling FZ, FX, FY is<br />

based on the forces for a single tooth, the cutting tooth position beside the XYZ<br />

coordinates system of the tool and the number of teeth that simultaneously cut.<br />

Key words: cutting, face milling, forces.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The cutting forces developed during the milling process are affected by a<br />

series of parameters, including cutting feed, the milling depth and width, tooth<br />

number, tooth geometry, the relative position of cutting teeth and the material<br />

being cut, and the hardness of the material being cut. Therefore, the most<br />

calculus models of face milling forces are including these parameters, and also<br />

some specific elements of the tools’ circular motion [1].<br />

This paper presents new theoretical models for the evaluation of cutting<br />

force components at face milling, considering besides the parameters described<br />

above, also the specific elements for each variant of face milling process:<br />

complete (full), symmetrical incomplete or unsymmetrical incomplete, and the<br />

relative position of cutting teeth and the material being cut: cut-down milling<br />

and cut-up milling.<br />

The face milling forces are also depending on the number of teeth that<br />

simultaneously cut (odd or even number of teeth) [2].

76 Ana-Maria Matei and Marius-Nicolae Milea<br />

2. Theoretical Models of Cutting Force Components in Face Milling<br />

depending on the Cutting Forces developed on a Single-Tooth<br />

The face milling forces components acting on the tool FZ , FX si FY are<br />

depending on the cutting forces components developed on a single tooth level<br />

Fz , Fx si Fy , which are influenced by the cutting tooth geometry (γ, k, λ), the<br />

standard compression yield point of the material being cut, the cross - sectional<br />

area of the chip, the chips’ friction coefficient μ, and the chips´ contraction<br />

coefficient Cd [3,4].<br />

Considering the specific elements of the symmetrical or unsymmetrical<br />

milling, there are several possibilities of modelling the cutting force<br />

components in face milling.<br />

2.1. Theoretical Models of Cutting Force Components<br />

in Symmetrical Face Milling<br />

Fig. 1 shows the geometrical models of complete and incomplete face<br />

milling. The values of specific elements for each milling variant result as<br />

follows: the contact angle Ψ = 180°, t = D, the number of teeth that<br />

simultaneously cut zs = z/2 at complete face milling and Ψ < 180°, t < D,<br />

z t<br />

= arcsin at incomplete face milling [2].<br />

z s<br />

π<br />

D<br />

The theoretical models for the evaluation of cutting force components in<br />

face milling are developed in the light of two simplifying assumptions, as<br />

follows:<br />

a) The cutting force components on a tooth, respectively Fz – the main cutting<br />

force (the tangential force), Fx – the radial force and Fy – the axial force, take<br />

values depending on the cross-sectional area of undeformed chip;<br />

b) The tooth z1 is the one to which the tooth coordinates system xyz<br />

corresponds to the mill coordinates system (FZ = Fz, FX = Fx, FY = Fy), and the<br />

other teeth that simultaneously cut are placed equidistant (φ = 2π/z).<br />

The values of cutting force components in symmetrical face milling depend<br />

on zs and Fz, Fx , Fy , as follows:<br />

a) For symmetrical milling with odd zs the Eq. (1) results.<br />

(1)<br />

F<br />

F<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

( zs<br />

/ 2)<br />

−1<br />

( zs<br />

/ 2)<br />

−1<br />

2π<br />

⎡ 2π<br />

⎤<br />

= Fz<br />

+ 2 ∑ Fz<br />

cos( zi<br />

) = Fz<br />

⎢1<br />

+ 2 ∑ Fz<br />

cos( zi<br />

) ⎥ ,<br />

1 z ⎣ 1 z ⎦<br />

( zs<br />

/ 2)<br />

−1<br />

( zs<br />

/ 2)<br />

−1<br />

2π<br />

⎡ 2π<br />

⎤<br />

= Fx<br />

+ 2 ∑ Fx<br />

cos( zi<br />

) = Fx<br />

⎢1<br />

+ 2 ∑ Fx<br />

cos( zi<br />

) ⎥ ,<br />

1 z ⎣ 1 z ⎦<br />

F = F ⋅ z .<br />

Y<br />

y<br />


(2)<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 77<br />

Fig.1 – Forces model in symmetrical face milling.<br />

b) For symmetrical milling with even zs the Eq. (2) results.<br />

F<br />

F<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

= 2<br />

= 2<br />

z / 2<br />

s<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

z / 2<br />

s<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

cos( zi<br />

) = 2Fz<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

cos( zi<br />

) = 2Fx<br />

z<br />

F = F ⋅ z .<br />

Y<br />

y<br />

s<br />

z / 2<br />

s<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

z / 2<br />

s<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

cos( zi<br />

) ,<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

cos( zi<br />

) ,<br />

z<br />

From Eqs. (1) and (2) result that in symmetrical face milling the forces FZ,<br />

FX and FY depend on the components Fz, Fx and Fy developed on a single-tooth<br />

level, the number of teeth that simultaneously cut (zs) and the cutting tooth<br />

position beside the XYZ coordinates system of the tool. The axial component FY<br />

doesn’t depend on the relative position of the cutting tooth.<br />

2.2. Theoretical Models of Cutting Force Components in<br />

Unsymmetrical Face Milling<br />

In this case, the values of cutting force components FZ, FX, FY are influenced<br />

by the relative position of the tool and the material being cut, resulting different<br />

equations for cut-up (conventional) milling and cut-down (climb) milling.<br />

Fig. 2 shows the geometrical models of unsymmetrical cut-up milling and its<br />

three possible variants:<br />

a) Unsymmetrical face milling with t' = D/2, Ψ = 90°, and z = z / 4 ;<br />

s<br />


78 Ana-Maria Matei and Marius-Nicolae Milea<br />

b) Unsymmetrical face milling with t" < D/2, Ψ < 90° and<br />

z 2t<br />

zs = arccos( 1−<br />

) ;<br />

2 2π<br />

D<br />

c) Unsymmetrical face milling with t > D/2 , where t = t' + t"' and t"' = t -D/2,<br />

z 2t<br />

Ψ > 90° and z s = z , where<br />

3 s + z 1 s z = arcsin( −1)<br />

4<br />

s<br />

.<br />

4 2π<br />

D<br />

Fig. 2 – Forces model in unsymmetrical cut-up face milling.<br />

According to the geometrical model of face milling process shown in Fig. 2,<br />

the cutting force components FZ, FX and FY result using the Eqs.(3).<br />

a) zs = z / 4<br />

(3)<br />

1<br />

F<br />

F<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

=<br />

=<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

z 2t<br />

b) zs = arccos( 1−<br />

)<br />

2 2π<br />

D<br />

(4)<br />

F<br />

F<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

=<br />

=<br />

z<br />

0<br />

s2<br />

∑<br />

z<br />

0<br />

s2<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

sin( zi)<br />

−<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

sin( zi)<br />

+<br />

z<br />

Y<br />

y<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

F = F ⋅ z .<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

sin( zi)<br />

−<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

sin( zi)<br />

+<br />

z<br />

z<br />

s<br />

1<br />

s2<br />

∑<br />

z<br />

0<br />

s2<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

F = F ⋅ z .<br />

Y<br />

y<br />

s<br />

2<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

cos( zi)<br />

,<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

cos( zi)<br />

,<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

cos( zi)<br />

,<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

cos( zi)<br />

,<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 79<br />

c) For the unsymmetrical milling with t > D/2, we suppose that for a<br />

number of teeth that simultaneously cut z = z + z , the values of cutting<br />

force components will be obtained as the sum of the values of cutting force<br />

components corresponding to a tooth z , Eqs. (3), and a tooth z , Eqs. (5).<br />

(5)<br />

F<br />

F<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

=<br />

=<br />

z<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

z<br />

1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

s1<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

cos( zi)<br />

+<br />

z<br />

−1<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

cos( zi)<br />

−<br />

z<br />

Y<br />

y<br />

s<br />

3<br />

z<br />

s<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

z<br />

1<br />

−1<br />

1<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

s<br />

1<br />

F = F ⋅ z .<br />

4<br />

s<br />

4<br />

s4<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

sin( zi<br />

) ,<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

sin( zi<br />

) ,<br />

z<br />

The values of cutting force components corresponding to the total number<br />

of teeth that simultaneously cut ( z ) result using the Eqs. (6).<br />

(6)<br />

F<br />

F<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

=<br />

=<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

sin( zi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

sin( zi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

s<br />

3<br />

z<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

z<br />

1<br />

+<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

cos( zi<br />

) −<br />

z<br />

z<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

x<br />

1<br />

z −1<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

sin( zi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

F cos( zi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

s4<br />

2π<br />

− ∑ Fz<br />

sin( zi<br />

)<br />

1 z<br />

F = F ⋅ z .<br />

Y<br />

y<br />

s<br />

3<br />

0<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

cos( zi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

,<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

cos( zi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

,<br />

It can be observed that in case of cut-up face milling with cu t' = D/2, and t''<br />

< D/2, the same relations for the cutting force components FZ, FX, FY are<br />

obtained, distinguishing only by the number of teeth that simultaneously cut.<br />

Fig. 3 is illustrating the geometrical models of unsymmetrical cut-down<br />

milling and the same three possible variants:

80 Ana-Maria Matei and Marius-Nicolae Milea<br />

Fig. 3 – Forces model in unsymmetrical cut-down face milling.<br />

For all variants of unsymmetrical cut-down face milling, the cutting force<br />

components FZ, FX, FY are given by the Eqs.(7) – (8).<br />

a) zs = z / 4<br />

1<br />

z / 4<br />

z / 4 2π<br />

2π<br />

FZ<br />

= ∑ Fz<br />

cos( zi<br />

) + ∑ Fx<br />

sin( zi)<br />

,<br />

z<br />

z<br />

(7)<br />

F<br />

X<br />

=<br />

1<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

z 2t<br />

b) zs = arccos( 1−<br />

)<br />

2 2π<br />

D<br />

F<br />

Z<br />

=<br />

z<br />

1<br />

s2<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

cos( zi)<br />

−<br />

z<br />

Y<br />

y<br />

1<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

s<br />

1<br />

F = F ⋅ z .<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

cos( zi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

z<br />

1<br />

s2<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

sin( zi)<br />

,<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

sin( zi<br />

) ,<br />

z<br />

z<br />

(8)<br />

s<br />

z<br />

2<br />

s2<br />

2π<br />

2π<br />

FX<br />

= ∑ Fx<br />

cos( zi)<br />

− ∑ Fz<br />

sin( zi)<br />

,<br />

0 z<br />

0 z<br />

FY = Fy<br />

⋅ zs<br />

.<br />

2<br />

c) Similarly to cut-up milling, for the unsymmetrical cut-down milling<br />

with t > D/2, we use the same method for determining the values of components<br />

FZ , FX , FY . First, will be determined the values of cutting force components<br />

corresponding to a number of teeth that simultaneously cut z , Eqs. (9).<br />


(9)<br />

F<br />

F<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 81<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

=<br />

=<br />

z<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

z<br />

0<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

sin( zi)<br />

−<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

sin( zi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

Y<br />

y<br />

z<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

z<br />

F = F ⋅ z<br />

0<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

s<br />

0<br />

4<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

cos( zi)<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

cos( zi)<br />

z<br />

The values of cutting force components corresponding to a total number of<br />

teeth that simultaneously cut ( z ) result using the Eqs.(10).<br />

(10)<br />

F<br />

F<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

=<br />

=<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

s3<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

cos( zi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

−<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

cos( zi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

z<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

z<br />

0<br />

z −1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

z<br />

0<br />

−1<br />

s4<br />

∑<br />

0<br />

z −1<br />

2π<br />

F sin( zi<br />

) +<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

cos( zi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

sin( zi<br />

) −<br />

z<br />

s4<br />

2π<br />

+ ∑ Fz<br />

cos( zi<br />

)<br />

0 z<br />

F = F ⋅ z .<br />

Y<br />

y<br />

s3<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

z / 4<br />

∑<br />

1<br />

2π<br />

Fx<br />

sin( zi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

,<br />

2π<br />

Fz<br />

sin( zi<br />

)<br />

z<br />

,<br />

Similarly to cut-up milling, it can be observed that in case of cut-down face<br />

milling with cu t' = D/2, and t'' < D/2, the same relations for the cutting force<br />

components FZ, FX , FY are obtained, distinguishing only by the number of teeth<br />

that simultaneously cut.<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

1. The theoretical models presented in the paper are concentrating the main<br />

elements that influence the level of cutting force at face milling. These specific<br />

elements refer to the tooth geometry (γ, K, λ), standard compression yield point<br />

of the material being cut, the cross-sectional area of the theoretical chip, the<br />

milling width, the contraction chips coefficient, the constructive geometry of the<br />

tooth (γ, K, λ), the number of teeth that simultaneously cut, the cutter diameter<br />

and teeth number.

82 Ana-Maria Matei and Marius-Nicolae Milea<br />

2. Using those models to evaluate the cutting force provides extra accuracy<br />

because we are considering the forces on a tooth, the number of teeth that<br />

simultaneously cut, and also the relative position of the tool and material being<br />

cut for all possible variants of the face milling process.<br />

Received: January 29, 2010 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

e-mail: anca_reea@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. C o z m î n c ă M., C o n s t a n t i n e s c u C, Bazele aşchierii, Ed. Gh. Asachi,<br />

Iaşi, 1995.<br />

2. C o z m î n c ă M. et al., About the cutting forces at face milling, Buletinul<br />

Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, 2, Construcţii de Maşini, (2009).<br />

3. C o z m î n c ă M. et al., A new model for estimating the force components Fz, Fx and<br />

Fy when cutting metals with single tooth tools, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic<br />

din Iaşi, 1, Construcţii de Maşini, (2009).<br />

4. C o z m î n c ă M. et al., Variation of the ratios between forces Fz, Fx and Fy and the<br />

plastic strain force in single tooth cutting , Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din<br />

Iaşi, 1, Construcţii de Maşini, (2009).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare sunt prezentate modele teoretice de evaluare a componentelor forţei<br />

de aşchiere la frezarea frontală în funcţie de forţele dezvoltate la nivelul unui dinte.<br />

Forţele la frezarea frontală depind atât de varianta de frezare, poziţia relativă a dinţilor<br />

aşchietori faţă de semifabricat. poziţia dintelui aşchietor în raport cu sistemul de<br />

coordonate XYZ al sculei cît şi numărul de dinţi care aşchiază simultan.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />






BY<br />



Abstract. The nesting operation represents an important chapter in the design<br />

of stamping technology of parts or blanks in the area of cold plastic forming<br />

processes, with a large applicability in industry. The type of nesting has a very<br />

important role in determining the material consumption, the number of blanks cut<br />

concomitant, in determining the type and the construction of the stamping device<br />

or of the punch. The goal of this paper is to elaborate a comparative study<br />

between nesting for the classical presses stamping and for the CNC pressing<br />

centres. In order to obtain this goal, in this paper a case study, along with the<br />

results obtained and the associated conclusions are presented.<br />

Key words: punching, blanking, stamping press, CNC, nesting.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The nesting of the blanks is a problem of special importance in the area of<br />

cold plastic forming processes. By nesting the blanks we understand the optimal<br />

cutting of metal sheets into individual blanks or strips. We understand as well<br />

the judiciously positioning or placing on metal sheets or strips the plan<br />

components as structured technological forms used to detach the pieces in order<br />

to get a minimum amount of waste scrap and an optimum coefficient of material<br />

utilization [1].

84 Marius Ionuţ Rîpanu et al.<br />

The objective of this paper is to elaborate a comparative study upon the<br />

nesting for the classical presses and nesting for the numerical commanded<br />

centres in order to emphasize the advantages and the disadvantages of both<br />

operations and, not the last, based on the effectuated researches, to obtain high<br />

quality and high precision parts at the smallest cost possible.<br />

2. Particularities of the Nesting Operation<br />

The cold plastic forming researches and especially the nesting for numerical<br />

controlled pressing centres researches made by J a c k s o n and M i t t a l [2] are<br />

based on blanking-punching using a very well planned algorithm, method that<br />

leads to the automatical generation of the CNC program. R a g g e n b a s s and R<br />

e i s s n e r [2] have researched the connection between pressing and laser, with<br />

applicability on the processing centres with CNC. In Twente University was<br />

studied and developed the processing of the metal sheets domain through<br />

planning and managing the factors that influence the machinability of metal<br />

sheets using NC [2], [3]. Some of the most important CAD/CAM programs that<br />

are used to perform this technological process are: RADAN, WICAM, Nesting<br />

Software, EditCNC, CNCezPRO TM , and some of the pressing centre with NC<br />

are TRUMPF, AMADA ARIES, Finn-Power, Mazak, Bystronic, etc.<br />

The nesting of the blanks for classical presses takes into account certain<br />

coefficients that depend on the nature of the material, the placing of the part<br />

and the nesting style of it (with waste, without waste, with little waste).<br />

During the nesting of the parts for the NC pressing centres it must be taken<br />

into consideration the type of the material of the metal sheet. The software used<br />

for modelling, simulating and generation of the numerical control scheme will<br />

consider all the factors and parameters that may influence the process<br />

productivity.<br />

3. Comparative Study<br />

For this study was chosen a pinchbeck part made of CuZn15, SR EN<br />

1653:2003, having the configuration from Fig. 1 and the thickness of 1 mm.<br />

The processing of this part was followed both for the classical presses and the<br />

CNC pressing centres. For the classical nesting, three variants of placing were<br />

considered, as in Figure 2. For those variants were calculated the coefficients<br />

with values of 53.77%, 54.16 % and 30.75%.<br />

In case of using the NC cutting centres, CAD/CAM software were used in<br />

order to realise and integrate the designing, modelling, simulating, planning and<br />

development functions of the CNC program for processing the metal sheet,<br />

choosing the optimum cutting variant with minimum waste.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 85<br />

Fig. 1 – The processed part.<br />

a) b)<br />

c)<br />

Fig. 2 – Nesting variants.<br />

In the present case, for cutting the 6.6 m 2 of the metal sheet, it was chosen<br />

the RADAN software of designing, modeling and simulating with the AMADA<br />

ARIES 245 pressing center. Following there are presented some sequences of<br />

the program that calculated and cut the part from Fig. 1.

86 Marius Ionuţ Rîpanu et al.<br />

Fig. 3 – The choice of the pressing centre for the processing.<br />

.<br />

Fig.4 – Standard sizes of metal sheets with their coefficients<br />

of utilization and the number of cut parts per sheet.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 87<br />

Fig.5 – Position of the parts on 850 x 300 mm sheet metal.<br />

Fig.6 – The cutting path of the parts.

88 Marius Ionuţ Rîpanu et al.<br />

There are presented a part of the steps of the processing program. The<br />

generated program processes a number of 98 pieces from a 3000 x 1500 mm<br />

sheet metal. At the end, as it is noticeable, the program shows exactly the<br />

number of program blocks, the number of tool changes, the programmed stops<br />

and the run time.<br />

Line43: B2<br />

Line44: N43X – 2.5Y119.5T12<br />

Line45: N44Y40.5<br />

Line46: N45X202.5<br />

Line47: N46Y119.5<br />

Line48: N47X407.5<br />

Line49: N48Y40.5<br />

Line50: N49X612.5<br />

Line51: N50Y119.5<br />

Line52: N51X817.5<br />

Line53 N52Y40.5<br />

Line54: N53G98X17.5Y59.98I205.J0.P3K0<br />

Line56: N55G98X201.5Y162.52T1 called from Line 61<br />

Line57: N56G72X – 2.Y40.02 called from Line 61<br />

Line58: N57G66I204.J0.P – 85.Q – 5. called from Line 61<br />

Line59: N58M00 called from Line 61<br />

Line64: N63G98X17.5Y100.I0.J0.P0.K0<br />

Line65: N64G50<br />

Amada Aries 245(RA1)<br />

Verification Analysis<br />

Total number of program blocks 65<br />

Total number of program characters 25 544<br />

Number of sub programs 0<br />

Number of tool changes 3<br />

Number of programmed stops 4<br />

Number of repositions 0<br />

Run time 1813 secs = 30.21 min.<br />

In the figures below are presented the steps that must be covered in order to<br />

cut the part. Therefore, in Fig. 3, there are presented the processing centres that<br />

use the RADAN software. From these ones, it was chosen for the part to be cut<br />

using the AMADA ARIES 245, using as well the specified material with 1 mm<br />

thickness.<br />

In figure 4, based on the part geometry and dimensions, are presented four<br />

types of standard metal sheets that may be processed by the machine. There are<br />

also presented the usage coefficients of the material and the exact number of

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 89<br />

parts that may result from the process and the number of metal sheets that are<br />

needed to cover the approximately 6.6 m 2 .<br />

It is noticeable that the coefficient of utilization of the material varies based<br />

on the dimensions of the sheet and the number of parts increases proportionally<br />

with the sheet dimensions. In Fig. 5 is presented the placing of the part on the<br />

metal sheet, the anchorage of the metal sheet on the pressing centre and the<br />

distances between the pieces that are about to be cut. In the last figure, Fig. 6 is<br />

presented the technological flow of cutting and the modality in which the tool<br />

approaches and clips step by step the part.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The CNC pressing centres are much more efficient than the classical<br />

pressing methods, the evidence of this fact being the calculation made for the<br />

two types of processing of blanks and the coefficient of utilization of the<br />

material.<br />

2. For the CNC pressing centres the coefficient of utilization varies<br />

depending on the dimensions of the metal sheets while, for the classical<br />

pressing, if it would have been used a longer metal strip the usage coefficient<br />

would have been the same. I this case it is more appropriate to use a CNC<br />

pressing centre.<br />

3. The number of parts obtained from CNC pressing centres is much<br />

higher than the number of parts obtained with the classical presses.<br />

4. The CNC pressing centres are characterised by the easiness of<br />

calculation at changing the setting of a parameter that has direct influence over<br />

the processing of the blanks, due to the presence of the CAD/CAM system<br />

presented.<br />

5. An important advantage of the CNC pressing centres, unlike the<br />

classical presses, at the processing of simple configuration parts (like the one<br />

presented above) is the geometry and the fabrication costs of the tools used in<br />

production.<br />

Received: March, 22, 2010 1 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University,<br />

Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology,<br />

e-mail: ripanumariusionut@yahoo.com<br />

2 S.C. BMTech S.R.L of Vladeni,<br />

Iasi – Romania,<br />

e-mail: andrei.weingold@bmtech.ro

90 Marius Ionuţ Rîpanu et al.<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. B r a h a V., N a g i t G h., N e g o e s c u F., Tehnologia Presarii la Rece, Editura<br />

Tehnica, Stiintifica si Didactica CERMI, Iasi, 2003, pp 138-163.<br />

2. P a n M., R a o Y., An integrated knowledge based system for sheet metal cutting–<br />

punching combination processing, Knowledge-Based Systems 22, 2009, 368–<br />

375.<br />

3. R a o Y., H u a n g G., P e i g e n L., S h a o X., D a o y u a n Y., An integrated<br />

manufacturing information system for mass sheet metal cutting, International<br />

Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology 33, 2007, 436 – 448.<br />

4. E n d o J., O h b a S.,A n z a i T., Virtual manufacturing for sheet metal processing,<br />

Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 60 (1996, 191–196.<br />

5. C h a t u r v e d i S., A l l a d a V., Integrated Manufacturing System for Precision<br />

Press Tooling, International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 15,<br />

(1999) 356–365.<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

Operaţia de croire reprezintă un capitol important în proiectarea tehnologiei de<br />

ştantare a pieselor sau semifabricatelor din domeniul deformării plastice la rece având o<br />

aplicabilitate foarte mare în industrie. Croirea joacă un rol important în determinarea<br />

consumului de material, numărului de semifabricate ştantate concomitent, în<br />

determinarea tipului şi construcţiei ştanţei sau matriţei. Scopul acestei lucrări este de a<br />

elabora un studiu comparativ între croirea pieselor pe presele clasice şi croirea acestora<br />

pe centrele de comandă prevăzute cu comandă numerică, de a scoate în evidenţa<br />

avantajele şi dezavantajele acestei operaţii şi nu în ultimul rând, pe baza cercetărilor<br />

făcute, să putem obţine piese de o calitate superiaoră şi precizie ridicată la un cost cat<br />

mai redus. In acest sens, in lucrare este prezentat un studiu de caz, impreuna cu<br />

rezultatele obtinute si concluziile aferente.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Abstract. This paper presents the experimental studies conducted on the basis<br />

of ultrasound examination of the parts with different geometries and structures.<br />

The main objective of this work is to eliminate disturbances in order to perform an<br />

examination and a correct interpretation in case of the A-scan representation. The<br />

experimental results and conclusions drawn follow the analysis of the factors<br />

involved in the process, which negatively influences the interpretation of signals<br />

from the investigation display device.<br />

Key words: transducer, device, back wall, divergence, discontinuity.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The Ultrasonic Testing Method of materials is practiced by more than 50<br />

years [1], [3].Since the first examination in detecting defects using ultrasonic<br />

oscillations of different materials, it became a classic test method based on<br />

measurements. That method takes in consideration all those factors that have a<br />

certain impact [4]. It is expected that in our days the ultrasonic testing to give<br />

results with minimum tolerance, if that method is sustained by a large variety of<br />

instruments and by one advance technical execution [4].<br />

The structure transformations of the material underlayers by manufacturing<br />

process lead to changes for the workpiece general properties [2]. After the type<br />

of defects are detecting, that will be compared with contractual standard. The<br />

contractual standard would decide if the detected defect could be accepted, not<br />

accepted, or remediable [2]. In many cases some of defects could be accepted if<br />

their values respect standard limits. Once detected the defects types, they must

92 Iustina Elena Rotman et al<br />

be confronted to the standards or to the contractual technical documentations to<br />

establish if they are admissible, inadmissible or remediable [2]. In many cases<br />

some influences can be neglected without to exceeding the measure limits<br />

prescribed in the technical documentation [2], [4]. This presume the exactly<br />

knowledge of the influence factors and of the results interpretation mode.<br />

2. Method of Investigation<br />

2.1. The Ultrasonic Testing Method<br />

Performing the non-destructive control with ultrasound effectuation consist<br />

principally in transmitting ultrasound signals (waves), produced by a waves<br />

generator, through the examined pieces [2], [3]. The ultrasounds signals are<br />

reflected by any surface and by any defect from the interior of the piece [1]-[5]<br />

that was exposed to testing, see fig.1.<br />

Fig. 1 – The ultrasonic testing method [5] Fig. 2 – The geometry examination [2]<br />

The ultrasonic equipment used in this research is presented in the table<br />

below:<br />

USM<br />

35X<br />

Table 1<br />

The necessary instruments of control US<br />

Device Transducer Piece Coupled<br />

USLT<br />

2000<br />

Reference<br />

model: B2S<br />

Aluminum bare<br />

Ø 90 x 318 mm<br />

Axle OL47<br />

Ø 900 x 1500mm<br />

2.1.1. The analysis of the investigation. Often in industrial practice there<br />

are problems of interpreting the image obtained on the screen investigation<br />

device. This paper presents an experimental study over the determination of the<br />

divergence marginal effect and the elimination of disturbances in order to obtain<br />

a correct examination and interpretation. Its objective is to highlight the journey<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 93<br />

of ultrasonic waves from transducer through the examined piece, the reflection<br />

modalities of the waves and the way displaying on the screen of the device.<br />

When the diameter of transducer is comparable to the width of the piece, due to<br />

the divergence and partial reflection of the beam from the lateral surfaces of the<br />

piece, along the back wall echo and additional signal is formed, more or less<br />

distinct, named divergence marginal echo [2]. The necessary condition for<br />

eliminated this effect is:<br />

(1)<br />

B−Dp ⎡ ⎛ λ ⎞⎤<br />

≥ tg ⎢arcsin ⎜1, 22 ⎟⎥,<br />

2l<br />

⎣ ⎝ Dp⎠⎦<br />

where: B – the diameter of the piece; Dp<br />

– the diameter of the transducer; l –<br />

the length of the piece; λ – the divergence beam of fascicle. Also the back wall<br />

echo can be confused with a fault echo. These confusions occur due to the piece<br />

geometry, to the transducer diameter which is comparable to the diameter of the<br />

piece and to the differences in length. To eliminate these interpretation errors of<br />

and disturbances we will present several different cases.<br />

3. Experimental Results<br />

The experimental studies were performed with the devices type<br />

Krautkramer (USM 35 X and USLT 2000) in order to check possible errors in<br />

measurement. The pieces subjected to ultrasonic testing are: an aluminum bar<br />

with dimensions Ø 90 x 318 mm and one axle in OL47, forged and heat treated.<br />

By conducting the experiments we achieved the following results.<br />

3.1. First case. In this case the back wall echo can be confused with an<br />

echo of a defect (See fig. 3). These echoes can be called divergent effects.<br />

Fig. 3 – Ultrasonic testing display. Fig. 4 – The divergent effect.

94 Iustina Elena Rotman et al<br />

This measurement error is due to amplification (61 dB) that distorts the back<br />

wall echo base and to the transducer which is positioned near the edge of the<br />

sample.<br />

3.2. Second case. It may be noted that in this case the effect of divergence<br />

and misinterpretation can be eliminated by positioning the transducer on the<br />

axial direction of the sample. In this manner, the repetition rate of the flaw<br />

(PRF) does not influence the accuracy of the signal and the interpretation is<br />

objective. Bottom echo is very clear. (See fig. 5).<br />

Fig. 5 – Ultrasonic testing display. Fig. 6 – The ultrasonic beam shape .<br />

3.3. Third case. Analyzing the measurements made on both samples we can<br />

conclude that the divergence effect can be eliminated by reducing the repetition<br />

rate of the flaw.<br />

a) b)<br />

Fig. 7 –Ultrasonic testing display:<br />

a) – The parasite echo; b) – The additional echo disappears<br />

As we can see in Fig. 7a), parasites echoes are present and at a PRF9 (See<br />

Fig.7b)) these additional effects disappear. In this kind of situations it is<br />

recommended to get more measurements at a minimum level of PRF.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 95<br />

These cases study presented show how to determine the marginal effect of<br />

divergence and to eliminate stray echoes in order to obtain effective results.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

Behind the effectuated researches one can evidence the following<br />

conclusions:<br />

1. Considering the applicability of this method and its expansion<br />

possibilities, it is necessary to analyze the factors that influence ultrasonic<br />

nondestructive testing.<br />

2. The position of transducer directly influences the results of testing. It is<br />

preferable that measurements are effectuated in different points of the<br />

investigated surface.<br />

3. When the transducer is near the edge of the piece, the back wall echo<br />

becomes smaller and it can be interpreted as a defect. This leads to<br />

misinterpretation.<br />

4. To eliminate stray echoes that appear on the display device is<br />

necessary for the repetition rate of the flaw (PRF) is minimized<br />

Acknowledgements. This paper was realised with the support of BRAIN “Doctoral<br />

scholarships as an investment in intelligence” project, financed by the European Social<br />

Found and Romanian Government.<br />

Received:March 3, 2010 “Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University,<br />

Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology<br />

Iasi, Romania<br />

e-mail: yustinikrotman@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. B e r k e M., Nondestructive Material Testing with Ultrasonics, Introduction to the<br />

Basic Principles, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing & Ultrasonics, 5,<br />

2000.<br />

2. V o i c u I. S a f t a, Defectoscopie nedistructiva industriala, Ed. Sudura, Timisoara,<br />

2001.<br />

3. K r a u t k r a m e r J. & H., Ultrasonic testing of materials, Springer Verlag Berlin<br />

Heidelberg New York, 1983.<br />

4. P e t c u l e s c u P., Ultrasounds Fundamental. Aplications, Ed. Univ. Ovidius,<br />

Constanta, 2002.

96 Iustina Elena Rotman et al<br />

5. * * * Ultrasound and Ultrasonic Testing. NDT Resource Center. Available from:<br />

http://www.ndt-ed.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Sound/ultrasound.htm,<br />

Accessed: 07/02/2010.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Aceasta lucrare prezinta un studiu experimental ce urmareste evidentierea<br />

parcursului ultrasunetelor de la traductor catre piesa de examinat, modul de reflexie al<br />

acestora si de afisare pe ecranul instrumentului de investigat cu scopul de a obtine<br />

rezultate eficiente. Obiectivul principal al acestei lucrari este determinarea efectului<br />

marginal de divergenta si eliminarea factorilor perturbatori ce pot influenta negativ<br />

rezultatele testarii cu ultrasunete. Studiile de caz prezentate si concluziile finale<br />

indeplinesc obiectivele propuse si pot contribui la dezvoltarea bazei de cunostinte.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />



BY<br />


and IRINA COZMÎNCĂ 1<br />

Abstract. All technological machining systems parts made real surfaces<br />

certain deviations from the theoretical and nominal areas. The role of quality<br />

control is to decide whether or not these deviations fall within the allowable<br />

accuracy classes that imposed parts. The paper presents a computerized system for<br />

determining and recording deviations in shape of the real parts<br />

Key words: measurements, inductive transducers, data acquisition.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Accuracy is the degree of form areas of agreement between actual shape of<br />

the areas resulting from the processing and documentation of performance<br />

prescribed form. The causes of form deviations are multiple of which can be<br />

mentioned:<br />

• elastic deformation of pieces during processing;<br />

• tighten the fixing the wrong parts in devices;<br />

• failure of machine tools guidance;<br />

• wear or deformation of system machine-tool - cutting tools elements.<br />

The effects of shape irregularities are of the least desired, with negative<br />

implications for economic and technical performance of pieces processed:<br />

• edit the sliding friction between the parts of joints,<br />

• reduce static and dynamic tightness of parts and joints,<br />

• edit character fits,<br />

• they increase wear and may lead to locking parts in contact<br />

• decrease the durability of parts in contact.

98 Cătălin Ungureanu et al.<br />

Deviations in shape are defined as deviations of actual surface shape of the<br />

surface adjacent to, or deviation from the actual profile shape as the adjacent<br />

profile. Profile is adjacent to the same profile as the profile geometry, the outer<br />

tangential to the actual profile, and placed so that the distance between it and<br />

the actual profile to be minimum. Maximum permissible deviation form as is<br />

tolerance.<br />

Traditional means of measuring the deviations in shape are instrumentality<br />

mechanical comparators, scale value of 0.01 mm or 0.005 mm. They have the<br />

advantages of simplicity and low cost, but recording and graphic representation<br />

of measurement data for a production series is difficult. These disadvantages are<br />

removed if for control is used a measuring system equipped with a displacement<br />

transducer, data acquisition card and computer [1], [2].<br />

2. Experimentals<br />

Experimental facility is shown in Figure 1.<br />

Fig.1 – Experimental facility.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 99<br />

Transducer was chosen and the whole system was built base on<br />

recommendations from the literature [3] – [5].<br />

Part of the measure is placed on two supports adjustable so that it can be<br />

defined by two points equal height verification. This determines a straight line,<br />

to which will determine the actual right - edge play. For measurement: using<br />

an inductive transducer type Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik WA T-10mm,<br />

supplied with 20 V DC voltage from a source Hameg HM 8040-2. Output is<br />

taken from a data acquisition card National Instruments USB 6009.<br />

Measurement chain is completed with a PC. No other mode of signal<br />

conditioning is required. Virtual instrument was developed programming<br />

environment LabVIEW 8.2 Student Edition.<br />

The block diagram of the application is presented in Fig. 2 [6] and involves<br />

the DAQ Assistant Express VI, the Waveform Chart for displaying the<br />

acquired signal and also the Build Table and the Write to Measurement File<br />

blocks for writing the acquired signal values in a table and in a file for further<br />

analysis.<br />

Fig. 2 – The block diagram of the application [6].<br />

The DAQ Assistant may be founded in the Express Functions palette of<br />

the block diagram and it is needed to create and configure a task that reads a<br />

voltage level in a specified range from a DAQ device. After the DAQ Assistant<br />

is placed on the block diagram, a dialog box window is launched in order to<br />

configure the data acquisition system. The dialog box displays a list of channels<br />

of the installed DAQ device and from this list the physical channel to which the<br />

instrument connects the signal must be selected. The others configurations are<br />

related to terminal configuration (differential or single ended), acquisition mode<br />

(continuous or not), signal input range and rate of acquisition. The Write to<br />

Measurement File Express VI is used for storing the information about the data

100 Cătălin Ungureanu et al.<br />

VI generates in a specific file (*.lvm) in the default LabVIEW Data folder<br />

installed by LabVIEW in the default file folder of the operating system.<br />

Experimental data were represented graphic with a Matlab application.<br />

Calibration curve was presented in [6]. Diagram thus obtained is shown in<br />

Fig.3.<br />

d [mm]<br />

0.02<br />

0.01<br />

0<br />

-0.01<br />

-0.02<br />

0 50 100 150<br />

l [mm]<br />

Fig. 3 – Experimental diagram.<br />

In these diagrams “l” represents the length of the measured piece in<br />

mm and “d” the form deviation also in mm.<br />

Trough numerous measurement data recorded it is possible that the<br />

chart should be influenced by measurement noise. To remove these<br />

noises, was made a filtration of data with a Matlab application using<br />

smooth function [7]. The default syntax of smooth function is<br />

yf = smooth (y,span),<br />

where y is a column vector containing the acquired data and yf is the<br />

result column vector after a moving average filter is applied. The smooth<br />

function implements a lowpass filter with filter coefficients equal to the<br />

reciprocal of the span. The span must be odd but the default span for the

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 101<br />

moving average is 5 and in this case the first few elements of yf are<br />

calculated as follows:<br />

yf(1) = y(1)<br />

yf(2) = (y(1) + y(2) + y(3))/3<br />

yf(3) = (y(1) + y(2) + y(3) + y(4) + y(5))/5<br />

yf(4) = (y(2) + y(3) + y(4) + y(5) + y(6))/5 and so on.<br />

The diagram of the whole acquired data filtered for a span equal with<br />

3 is shown in Fig. 4.<br />

d [mm]<br />

0.02<br />

0.01<br />

0<br />

-0.01<br />

-0.02<br />

0 50 100 150<br />

l [mm]<br />

Fig. 4 – The filtered values for a span equal with 3.<br />

It is noted that the chart is much more precise and accurate<br />

assessment can be made on the actual shape of the part to be measured.<br />

The filtration effect is observed more clearly if the graph is made for<br />

filtered and the unfiltered data only for first portion of the controlled<br />

piece. In Fig. 5 is represented by the dotted line unfiltered data and<br />

filtered data with continuous line for a span equal with 3 and in Fig.6 for<br />

a span equal with 5.

102 Cătălin Ungureanu et al.<br />

d [mm]<br />

d [mm]<br />

0.02<br />

0.01<br />

0<br />

-0.01<br />

-0.02<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50<br />

l [mm]<br />

0.02<br />

0.01<br />

-0.01<br />

Fig. 5 – The filtered and unfiltered values for a span equal with 3.<br />

0<br />

-0.02<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50<br />

l [mm]<br />

Fig. 6 – The filtered and unfiltered values for a span equal with 5.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 103<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The computerized system for measuring deviations of form<br />

enables the rapid and effective control of the geometric quality of parts in<br />

machine building.<br />

2. It can measure the absolute value of deviation and may draw a<br />

diagram of the actual shape of the part to control.<br />

3. However, because of noise measurement is required filtering<br />

acquired data. You can use low-pass filter easily facilitated by MatLab<br />

software package. It remains to be studied in future what is the best level<br />

of filtering.<br />

Received: February 20, 2010<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1 Technical University “Gh. Asachi,<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Iaşi, Romania,<br />

e-mail: cungurea@yahoo.com<br />

2 Department of Theoretical Mechanics<br />

e-mail: ribanesc@yahoo.com<br />

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Linear Position Measurement, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, publicat<br />

de <strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnica “Gh. Asachi” Iasi, LV(LIX), 4, 2009, pag.54-62.<br />

7. www.mathworks.com<br />


104 Cătălin Ungureanu et al.<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare este prezentat un sistem de măsurare a abaterilor de formă geometrică.<br />

Piesa de măsurat este amplasată pe două reazeme reglabile, astfel încât dreapta<br />

adiacentă să fie paralelă cu placa de control pe care se efecuează măsurarea. Pentru<br />

măsurare se utilizează un traductor inductiv, alimentat de la o sursă de curent continuu.<br />

Se utilizează o cartelă de achiziţie de date, un PC şi mediul de programare LabVIEW.<br />

Cu datele astfel obţinute se pot trasa diagrame ale formei reale a piesei. Datorită<br />

zgomotelor de măsurare, forma reală a piesei este mai greu de observat. Pentru a<br />

înlătura influenţa zgomotelor de măsurare se recomandă o filtrare de tip ”trece jos” a<br />

profilului obţinut. Aceasta se poate face cu ajutorul funcţiei smooth a programului<br />

Matlab, cu nivele diferite de filtrare.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />



BY<br />


Abstract. Adhesive Bonding of aluminium and aluminium alloys can be carried<br />

out so a strong bonding is the result. The perfect bonding between two aluminium<br />

parts will be a bonding, where the material will break in the aluminium part, because<br />

in that case the bonding is stronger than the aluminium. For making a strong bonding<br />

a structural adhesive shall be used. A structural adhesive can be made of epoxy,<br />

polyurethane, acrylate, cyanoacrylate and a few other types. In some cases an<br />

anaerobe adhesive can cure up with aluminium. There is interaction between the<br />

adhesive, the aluminium alloy and the surface treatment. Aluminium creates in<br />

atmospheric air immediately an oxide layer on the surface. Anodized aluminium<br />

reacts with contaminations and CO2, which gives a surface with a low surface tension,<br />

though aluminium will have a high surface tension. The low surface tension of the<br />

reacted surface cause a bad wetting of the surface with the adhesive, and an<br />

insufficient wetting causes bad adhesion between the aluminium and the adhesive. For<br />

making a good bonding a good wetting is necessary. The sufficient wetting can be<br />

made on the aluminium by making a surface treatment. The surface treatment can be<br />

an anodizing. For obtaining the best adhesion on anodized surface the adhesive shall<br />

be carried out before the sealing immediately after the anodizing. The fresh anodized<br />

aluminium has a bigger surface and open pores, which cause a mechanical bonding in<br />

addition to the adhesion. The non sealed aluminium has reactive groups, which in<br />

some cases can react with reactive groups in the adhesive and can cause a chemical<br />

bonding as well. The non-sealed anodized aluminium can be treated with a primer,<br />

which can react with the active groups and can run into the pores and fill out the<br />

porousity. Before the primer has cured up totally the adhesive shall be added to the<br />

system for making a chemical reaction between the primer and the adhesive. Using<br />

such a system can give a higher strength in the bonding.<br />

Key words: aluminium, anodizing, adhesive, adhesive bonding, surface<br />

treatment, wetting<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Adhesive Bonding of aluminium and aluminium alloys can be carried out so<br />

a strong bonding is the result. The perfect bonding between two aluminium

106 Birgit Kjærside Storm<br />

parts will be a bonding, where the material will break in the aluminium part,<br />

because in that case the bonding is stronger than the aluminium.<br />

Anodized aluminium can - as aluminium with other surface treatments - be<br />

bonded by an adhesive bonding. For obtaining a strong bonding, which means a<br />

bonding which has a least the same strength as the aluminium alloy, there need<br />

to be a good adhesion between the anodized aluminium surface and the<br />

adhesive. For adhesive bonding there are various theories. No single theory<br />

explains adhesion in general and in reality it is probably a combination between<br />

the different theoretical explanations.<br />

There are six theories of adhesion. They are physical adsorption theory,<br />

chemical bonding theory, diffusion theory, electrostatic theory, mechanical<br />

interlocking theory and weak boundary layer theory.<br />

For anodized aluminium the physical adsorption theory and mechanical<br />

interlocking are the main methods for making the bonding, but the chemical<br />

bonding theory can occur if the surface is treated in a special way.<br />

The physical adsorption need to be present, if a bonding shall be strong<br />

enough. For creating the physical adsorption it is necessary to have a sufficient<br />

wetting of the surface.<br />

The physical adsorption gives the adsorption forces in the interphase<br />

between the metal or the anodized layer and the adhesive. The larger interphase<br />

between the two interfaces the higher strength will be obtained in the adhesive<br />

bonding.<br />

The mechanical interlocking will always be possible and in many cases, it is<br />

the only connection between the metal/anodized layer and the adhesive. This is<br />

the case, if the adhesive is not able to wet the surface.<br />

The mechanical interlocking is good in many ways, because if the surface is<br />

larger the area over which the physical adsorption can occur is larger. If the<br />

surface is rough the forces created in the interphase will give forces in different<br />

directions, which also will give a better physical adhesion.<br />

The chemical bonding in the interphase is the absolute most attractive force<br />

to obtain, if it can be possible. In some cases it is possible to choose an<br />

adhesive, which can react chemical with the surface and especially this can be<br />

possible in a fresh made anodized aluminium surface, where reactive groups<br />

still are present.<br />

2. Wetting and HSP<br />

The surface shall be able to be wetted by the adhesive, if a strong bonding<br />

shall be created. If it is possible to obtain a good wetting, the possibility to<br />

increase the physical adsorption in the interphase is present. For obtaining a<br />

good wetting the metal/anodized metal surface must have a surface tension<br />

which is higher than the surface tension of the adhesive. In figure 1 the wetting

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 107<br />

of a surface and the determination of the surface tension by the droplet method<br />

is sketched. The surface tension of as well the metal/anodized metal and the<br />

adhesives depends on the secondary bonding forces in the material. For<br />

aluminium and anodized aluminium the surface will react with CO2. This<br />

reaction causes a low surface tension of the surface, which gives a bad wetting<br />

with the adhesive.<br />

The surface tension can be measured or it can be calculated from knowledge<br />

about the solubility parameters. The solubility parameters can be measured<br />

indirectly or they can be calculated.<br />

Fig. 1 – Surface tension and determination of surface tension [5].<br />

The solubility parameters can be a one-dimensional parameter or a three<br />

dimensional parameter. The solubility parameter is defined as<br />

(1) δtot 2 = ∆Evap/Vl,<br />

δtot is the total is the total solubility, ∆Evap the heat evaporation and Vl is the<br />

molar volume.<br />

The one dimensional solubility parameter gives not the total answer for the<br />

secondary bonding forces. Therefore Charles Hansen defined the Hansen<br />

Solubility Parameters, HSP, which are three dimensional solubility parameters.<br />

(2) δtot 2 = δd 2 + δp 2 + δh 2 ,<br />

δd is the contribution from the dispersion forces, δp is the contribution from the<br />

polar forces and δh is the contribution from the hydrogen forces.<br />

The three contributions will be put into a three dimensional coordinate<br />

system, where the dispersion forces will be printed with the double value of the<br />

two others. Each material, chemical or solvent will besides a three dimensional<br />

solubility parameter, which will be the centre in a sphere, also have an action<br />

radius, R0. The action radius is the area around the centre where the<br />

material/chemical is able to be dissolve or in other way to interact with other<br />

materials. The HSP can be set up in a three dimensional diagram and the<br />

wetting possibility can in that way directly be observed by studying if there are<br />

overlap by the spheres. In Fig. 2, two spheres are set up besides each other.

108 Birgit Kjærside Storm<br />

They are not able to cover each other and the materials behind them are not able<br />

to wet each other.<br />

Fig. 2 – Two spheres in a HSP diagram.<br />

The two spheres are not touching each other. The two materials behind are not compatible.<br />

If wetting of a material with another material shall be possible, the solubility<br />

spheres for the two materials shall at least touch each other. To calculate if<br />

wetting of a material with another material for example an adhesive is possible<br />

the RED – relative energy density – value can be calculated. The RED value is<br />

defined as:<br />

(3) RED = Ra/R0,<br />

Ra is the distance between the centre of the two spheres and R0 is the centre of<br />

the material, which shall be compared with the other sphere. If the RED number<br />

is 1, there is no compatibility/solubility between the two<br />

compared materials.<br />

As mentioned above the surface tension, γ, can be measured or be calculated<br />

from the HSP. Different researchers have found the correlation between the<br />

surface tension and the HSP. The most used is<br />

(4) γ = 0,0688V 1/3 [δD 2 + k (δP 2 + δH 2 )]<br />

γ is the surface tension and k is constant depending on the liquids involved.<br />

Other similar correlations are used.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 109<br />

3. The surface of Anodized Aluminium<br />

Aluminium alloys and anodized aluminium will theoretically have a high<br />

surface tension, so wetting of the surface with an adhesive would not be a<br />

problem, because the adhesives will have a surface tension much lower.<br />

Aluminium and anodized aluminium will react with CO2 and possible<br />

contaminations in the air and will there fore in practical have a surface tension,<br />

which is so low that wetting with the adhesives is not possible, because the<br />

actually surface tension is lower for aluminium surface than for the adhesive.<br />

If the surface is new created the surface tension will still be high and wetting<br />

will not be a problem. For solving the problem with not anodized aluminium the<br />

aluminium surface is often chromatized or phosphatized to obtain a good wetting.<br />

The surface of anodized aluminium itself is possible to wet with an adhesive<br />

especially if it is new treated and that will say that as soon after the anodizing the<br />

wetting will take place the better adhesion will be obtained. The bigger surface<br />

the better wetting is possible and that means also that if the anodized surface is<br />

used for bonding before sealing. The fresh anodized aluminium surface is the best<br />

surface for adhesive bonding, because the surface there has reactive groups,<br />

which will give possibility for chemical bonding in the interphase. The reactive<br />

groups give a bigger contribution to the surface tension because of more hydrogen<br />

bonds and the physical adsorption in the interphase will increase. The mechanical<br />

interlocking will also increase because of the porousity in the anodized surface.<br />

After sealing the surface is like un-anodized aluminium and the advantages<br />

obtained by the anodizing will disappear for the bonding.<br />

4. Surface Treatments<br />

Before bonding the surface need to be clean. The surface shall as mentioned<br />

above be with so many reactive groups as possible and the surface tension shall<br />

be as big as possible. The possibility for mechanical interlocking shall be<br />

present if possible.<br />

If the surface is contaminated with oil or grease from production or cutting<br />

process the surface tension will be the same as the surface tension of oil and<br />

grease, which will say very low, because those materials will almost have a<br />

contribution form the dispersion forces, very few if any from the polar forces<br />

and no from the hydrogen forces. Such a surface is impossible to bond on. The<br />

grease and oil shall be removed with an organic solvent as f.ex. isopropyl<br />

alcohol or CO2. The surface can if it is non anodized aluminium or is a sealed<br />

anodized aluminium be treated with a Scotch Brite for obtaining a bigger<br />

surface for mechanical interlocking. The treatment with Scotch Brite shall take<br />

place before the cleaning for removing dust from the surface.

110 Birgit Kjærside Storm<br />

A fresh anodized surface does not need any treatment if it has not been<br />

touch before bonding.<br />

5. Adhesive Bonding<br />

An adhesive bonding shall be constructed so the forces on the bonding is the<br />

best possible for the bonding. An adhesive bonding like a shear stress and<br />

dislike a direct tension. In Fig. 3 the two types of forces are sketched.<br />

Fig. 3 – The figure shows to the left, the shear force and to the right, the tension [3].<br />

The adhesive bonding dislikes a peeling, but in practice it is difficult to<br />

create a bonding, where peeling is not possible. The peeling is the weakest point<br />

for an adhesive bonding and is often the limitation for making the bonding. If it<br />

is possible the bonding shall be constructed so the forces are shear forces and<br />

peeling cannot occur.<br />

6. Structural Adhesives<br />

Adhesives used for aluminium will be a structural adhesive. With a<br />

structural adhesive means an adhesive with a high strength. The perfect bonding<br />

will be a bonding where the bonding will have a strength which is the same as<br />

the aluminium. The bonding shall not break in interphase between the<br />

aluminium and the adhesive but in the aluminium or in the adhesive layer. If the<br />

break will be in the interphase, the wetting has normally not been good enough,<br />

or the cleaning of the surface has not been sufficient, or the forces in the surface<br />

of either aluminium or the adhesive have not been sufficient.<br />

Structural adhesives can be many different polymers. All of them are<br />

polymers which will cure up under cross linking. All of them will have an<br />

opening time. The opening time – the time from the adhesive has been added to<br />

the product until it will start the cross linking - depends on the curing system<br />

and can be regulated to be short or long depending on the application of the<br />

product. There are of course limitations for how short and how long the opening<br />

time for the adhesive can be. The structural adhesives have no green strength,<br />

which means that for several applications it is necessary to use a tool to fix the<br />

products until the adhesive has obtained the strength. The structural adhesives<br />

are epoxy adhesives, polyurethane adhesives, acrylic adhesives or other<br />

adhesives which can cross link. In Fig. 4 the curing reaction of an epoxy

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 111<br />

adhesive is shown. There are many different types of curing reactions for epoxy<br />

and the shown is only an example. In Fig. 5 the reaction of a polyurethane<br />

adhesive is shown.<br />

Fig. 4 – Curing of epoxy with a primary amine [4].<br />

Fig. 5 – Formation of biuret from diisocyanat and urea [2].<br />

A structural adhesive can also be a cyanoacrylate, but for working with a<br />

quick curing adhesive can give problems in a production. On the market there<br />

are many different adhesives of all the mentioned types. They are different in<br />

opening time and in strength and flexibility. They can have different colours as<br />

well, and often the colours are used as an indicator for seeing if the adhesive is<br />

placed all over where it shall be.<br />

The properties of the adhesive depends on the polymer and the cross linking<br />

system in the adhesive. Aromatic groups in the adhesive give higher strength<br />

and aliphatic groups give higher flexibility. The more aromatic groups and the<br />

higher density of the aromatic groups the higher strength will be obtained. The<br />

more aliphatic groups there are in the polymer, the better flexibility there will be<br />

possible to obtain. The density of the reactive groups in the adhesive will also<br />

give possibility for strength and flexibility. The more reactive groups for cross<br />

linking there are, the higher rate of cross linking can be obtained and the higher

112 Birgit Kjærside Storm<br />

rate of crosslinking the higher strength will be obtained. Opposite will a low<br />

density of reactive groups for crosslinking gives a lower strength and a higher<br />

flexibility of the adhesive. Bonding with a high strength and stiffness is<br />

necessary under a shear stress and especially if a peeling is a risk. If the load<br />

will be a dynamical load the bonding need to have some flexibility as well as<br />

strength and the adhesive need certain flexibility.<br />

The epoxy adhesives can general obtain the highest strength, because I most<br />

epoxy adhesives the density of aromatic groups is high. Most of the epoxy<br />

resins are made on basis of bis-phenol A, which contains two aromatic groups.<br />

In Fig. 6 the formation of the epoxy resion bisphenol-A-diglycidylether<br />

(DGEBA) is shown. Aliphatic groups can be added and they will change the<br />

strength and the flexibility of the cured adhesive. Adding aliphatic groups can<br />

also be used for changing the opening time of the adhesive, because a longer<br />

aliphatic chain will decrease the density of reactive epoxide groups and there<br />

fore change the reaction time. Epoxy adhesives are normal two component<br />

systems. With mixing the two reactants the curing process will start. Increasing<br />

temperature will decrease the reaction time. With changing in reaction<br />

temperature the curing process – the cross linking process – can change and the<br />

properties of the adhesive can change.<br />

Fig. 6 – Formation of DGEBA from bisphenol A and epichlorhydrin [4].<br />

The polyurethane adhesives can as well obtain a good strength. Most of the<br />

polyurethane adhesives can obtain a good flexibility, especially if they are made<br />

on basis of an aliphatic isocyanate. The polyurethane adhesives can be one- or<br />

two component systems. Two component systems will start the reaction, when<br />

the isocyanate and the polyol – the two active components – are mixed with<br />

each other. Again increased temperature will decrease the reaction time and<br />

increased temperature can change the properties of the adhesives. One<br />

component polyurethane adhesives will start the reaction under influence of<br />

humidity in the atmosphere. The humidity will react with one of the<br />

components in the adhesive and make it active for reacting with the other<br />

component. If the humidity is low the reaction will not take place as expected.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 113<br />

The acrylic adhesives cure up with a radical reaction over a double bond. For<br />

initiating the reaction an initiator system shall be reacted. This can happen under<br />

influence of adding the initiator or under adding energy f.ex. with UV irradiation<br />

for starting the reaction. The acrylics can be one or two component adhesives.<br />

The rate of cross linking depends on the curing system. The rate of the cross<br />

linking depends also on the temperature and on the time in which the system will<br />

react.<br />

Fig. 7 – The HSP plot of DP460 from 3M. DP460 is an epoxy based adhesive.<br />

Fig. 8 – The HSP plot of Sikaflex-360HC. Sikaflex-360HC is a polyurethane based adhesive.

114 Birgit Kjærside Storm<br />

The HSP can be measured for the different adhesives. In Fig. 7 the HSP plot<br />

of the epoxy based adhesive DP 460 from 3M is shown and in Fig. 8 the HSP plot<br />

of the polyurethane adhesive Sikaflex from Sika Industries is shown.<br />

From comparing the HSP for an adhesive with the HSP for a surface –<br />

aluminium or anodized aluminium – it can be foreseen if it can be possible to<br />

wet the surface with the adhesive and if it can be possible to make a reaction<br />

between the adhesive and the surface. Fig. 9 shows the HSP plot for an unsealed<br />

anodized aluminium surface.<br />

Fig. 9 - The HSP plot of an unsealed anodized aluminium.<br />

The anodizing has been made in the laboratory<br />

For an unsealed anodized surface it can with some polyurethane adhesives<br />

and some epoxy adhesives be possible to make a chemical bonding in the<br />

interphase. Such an adhesive can be used as a primer if it can be possible to find<br />

another adhesive, which can give the strength of the bonding and can wet the<br />

primer.<br />

7. Results<br />

For several systems combined with anodized aluminium and a structural<br />

adhesive the strength and the flexibility has been measured. The adhesives used<br />

in the experiments have been commercial adhesives and the anodizing process<br />

has been carried out either in a laboratory or in a commercial system. For the<br />

laboratory made anodizing the process has been made with parameters and<br />

chemicals as near the commercial systems as possible.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 115<br />

The strength of the bonding depends of the adhesive and of the surfaces. In<br />

a group of experiments where the aluminium alloy 6063 with a tensile strength<br />

of 100 MPa was used the strength of the bonding on plate of 20 mm and the<br />

bonding area of 20 x 20 mm 2 have for anodized unsealed aluminium been<br />

measured to app. 7400 N with DP460 and to 3700 N for the flexible Sikaflex -<br />

360HC. The strength of bonding with DP460 (epoxy resin) can be up to 10000<br />

N on the area 20x20 mm 2 .<br />

8. Conclusions<br />

It is possible to bond aluminium with an adhesive and obtain a good<br />

strength and flexibility. The adhesive bonding is best for a shear stress and<br />

sensitive for especially a peeling. The adhesive used will always be a structural<br />

adhesive. Epoxy adhesives, polyurethane adhesives and acrylics adhesives are<br />

the most common used adhesives for aluminium.<br />

For obtaining a good bonding the surface of the aluminium needs to be<br />

wetted by the adhesive. If a surface shall be wetted by an adhesive the surface<br />

tension of the surface need to be higher than the surface tension of the adhesive.<br />

For estimating the possibility of wetting of the surface with an adhesive the<br />

HSP can be used as a tool.<br />

Adhesive bonding give a better strength for anodized aluminium if the<br />

bonding is made on unsealed anodized aluminium. The unsealed anodized<br />

aluminium is porous and will give a better mechanical interlocking together<br />

with a physical adsorption in the interphase between the anodized layer and the<br />

adhesive. Use of an adhesive as a primer can increase the strength in the<br />

interphase. If it is possible a primer or an adhesive, which can give a chemical<br />

reaction between the unsealed anodized aluminium, shall be used for obtaining<br />

the highest strength of the bonding.<br />

Received:January, 30,l 2010 Aalborg University,<br />

Esbjerg Institute of Technology<br />

Esbjerg, Denmark<br />

e-mail: bks@bio.aau.dk<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. H a n s e n Ch. M., Handbook of Solubility Parameters – A User´s Handbook, CRC<br />

Press, 1 st edition, 2000.<br />

2. O e r t e l G., Polyurethane Handbook, Hanser Publishers, 2 nd edition, 1994.<br />

3. P e t r i e E. D., Handbook of adhesives and sealants, McGraw-Hill, 2000.

116 Birgit Kjærside Storm<br />

4. P i z z i A. et al., Handbook of Adhesive technology, Marcel Dekker, Inc, 2 nd edition,<br />

2003.<br />

5. www.specialchem.adhesives.com<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Lipirea cu adezivi a aluminiului şi aliajelor de aluminium poate fi realizată astfel încât<br />

să se obţină îmbinări rezistente. O lipire perfectă a două piese din aluminiu va fi acea<br />

lipire la care ruperea îmbinării are loc în piesa de aluminiu, lipitura fiind mai rezistentă ca<br />

aluminiul. Pentru a obţine o lipitură de mare rezistenţă, se vor folosi adezivi structurali,<br />

care pot fi de tip epoxi, poliuretan, acrilat, cianoacrilat etc. În unele cazuri, un adeziv<br />

anaerob poate interacţiona cu aliajul de aluminiu şi cu tratamentul de suprafaţă.<br />

Aluminiul, în aer atmosferic, creează imediat un strat de oxid la suprafaţă. Aluminiul<br />

anodizat reacţionează cu contaminatorii şi cu CO2 rezultând o suprafaţă cu tensiuni<br />

superficiale reduse, deşi aluminiul are tensiuni superficiale ridicate. Asemenea tensiuni<br />

superficiale reduse vor determina o umectare slabă a suprafeţei cu adeziv, o umectare<br />

insuficientă determinând o adeziune necorespunzătoare între aluminiu şi adeziv. Pentru o<br />

lipire de calitate este necesară o bună umectare. O umectare suficientă poate fi obţinută<br />

prin aplicare de tratamente superficiale. Un asemenea tratament poate fi unul de<br />

anodizare. Pentru a obţine adeziune optimă pe suprafaţa anodizată, adezivul trebuie aplicat<br />

imediat după anodizare. Aluminiul proaspăt anodizat are suprafaţă de contact mai mare şi<br />

pori deschişi, rezultând o lipire mecanică suplimentară adeziunii. Aluminiul poate avea<br />

grupuri reactive care uneori pot reacţiona cu grupuri reactive din adeziv, rezultând şi o<br />

lipire chimică. Aluminiul anodizat poate fi tratat cu o amorsă, care poate reacţiona cu<br />

grupurile active şi poate intra în pori şi umple porozităţile. În asemenea cazuri, adezivul se<br />

aplică înainte de epuizarea amorsei, pentru a avea loc reacţie chimică între amorsă şi<br />

adeziv. Asemenea soluţii pot asigura rezistenţă sporită îmbinărilor cu adezivi.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


and LAVINIA NEAGOE 1<br />

Abstract. Pneumatic muscles were, lately, used in many applications<br />

especially in the field of industrial robots, because of the evolution of the<br />

technology. The characteristics of the pneumatic muscles make them being easy<br />

to use and with great performances. Pneumatic muscles have applications in<br />

robotics, biorobotics, biomechanics, artificial limb replacement and industry. In<br />

this paper I will present some industrial applications of the pneumatic muscles.<br />

The utilization of the pneumatic muscle is soon to become a good alternative for<br />

the present day electric or mechanically drives because of their characteristics and<br />

because of the evolution of the industrial development.<br />

Key words: pneumatic muscle, actuator, industrial application.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Although the pneumatic muscles have been conceived since 1930 by S.<br />

Garasiev, a Russian inventor, only for a few years, they have been used in<br />

different applications. Lately, pneumatic muscles became a better choice than<br />

present day electric or other drives. They are usually used in factory floor<br />

automation and nowadays, in industrial robotics as a main motion power source.<br />

The current paper will focus on the pneumatic muscle with it’s applicability<br />

in the industry. These actuators are usually cylindrical in shape and they are<br />

composed by an interior inflatable tube typically made by neoprene rubber<br />

wrapped in a multilayer tissue typically made by nylon. The tube, under the<br />

action of compressed air, increases its diameter and decreases its length; the<br />

stroke resulted is in direct relation with the pressure of the compressed air<br />

passed into the muscle.

118 Ioana Petre et al.<br />

The utilization of the pneumatics offers many advantages, the most important<br />

being the low weight and the inherent compliant behavior of its actuators.<br />

Compliance ensures a soft touch and safe interaction. In contrast with<br />

pneumatic muscle actuator, hydraulic and electric drives have a very rigid<br />

behavior and can only be made to act in a compliant manner through the use of<br />

relatively complex feedback control strategies. [1]<br />

2. Pneumatic Muscle<br />

2.1. History<br />

Pneumatic muscle is an actuator system based on an inflatable and flexible<br />

membrane operated by pressurized air (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1 – Pneumatic muscles and their function principle<br />

(source http://www.festo.com/hm2001/eng/1001.htm).<br />

Pneumatic muscles were first conceived in 1930 by G a r a s i e v, a Russian<br />

inventor [2]. According to B a l w in [3], J. L. McKibben introduced it to<br />

motorize pneumatic arm orthotics for helping control handicapped hands: due to<br />

the similarity in length-load curves between this artificial muscle and skeletal<br />

muscle, it seemed an ideal choice for this purpose [4], [5].<br />

The artificial muscle, which construction is simple, was made of a rubber<br />

inner tube covered with a shell braided according to helical weaving. The<br />

muscle was closed by two ends, one being the air input and the other the force<br />

attachment point. When the inner tube was pressurized, the muscle inflated and<br />

contracted [6].<br />

The Bridgestone rubber company (Japan) proposed a redesigned and more<br />

powerful version of the pneumatic muscle in the 1980s under the name of<br />

Rubbertuators and used them to power an industrial use robot arm, Soft Arm.<br />

At the present, McKibben-like muscles are being brought to the market by<br />

Festo Ag. & Co.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 119<br />

2.2. Generalities<br />

The pneumatic muscles have many characteristics that make them being<br />

easy to use and with great performances. Some of these characteristics are:<br />

shock - absorbing, adjustability, simulating capability, storage capable,<br />

safeness, lightweight, natural compliance and shock resistance.<br />

Favourable response to commands, known as compliance is in direct<br />

relation to air compressibility, and hence the pneumatic muscle can be<br />

influenced by controlling/adjusting the command pressure.<br />

The function principle consists in the fact that, under the action of<br />

compressed air, the pneumatic muscle, which is blocked at one end, shortens its<br />

lengths and expands its diameter. As the volume of the internal tube increases<br />

due to the increase in pressure, the actuator shortens with a certain stroke.<br />

Pneumatic muscle construction is based on an interior tube, made from<br />

neoprene rubber wrapped in braided sleeves made of nylon with strengthening<br />

and protecting role. The braided sleeves act to constrain the expansion for<br />

maintaining the cylindrical shape. As we can see in the figure 1, the angle of the<br />

enveloping tissue, denoted by α, is one in relaxed state and differs in contracted<br />

state. It has the value of 25.4º in the relaxed state of the muscle and of 54.7º at<br />

maximum contraction. [4]<br />

In Fig. 2 is presented the working principle of a pneumatic muscle.<br />

Fig. 2 – Working principle of a Fig. 3 – Dependence of the force on the<br />

pneumatic muscle envelope angle and on the working pressure [7]<br />

(1)<br />

The force F developed by pneumatic muscle is given by Eq. (1) [4].<br />

π<br />

= ⋅ ⋅<br />

4 d p F<br />

2<br />

⎡ 2<br />

3⋅<br />

cos α − 1⎤<br />

⋅ ⎢ 2 ⎥<br />

⎢⎣<br />

1 − cos α ⎥⎦<br />

,<br />

where p is the working pressure and d the interior diameter of the pneumatic<br />

muscle. Upon completion of the maximum stroke the developed force is equal<br />

to zero. Equation (1) allows plotting of the graph featuring the force developed

120 Ioana Petre et al.<br />

by a pneumatic muscle versus the enveloping angle and feed pressure (Fig. 3)<br />

[5].<br />

The advantages of the pneumatic muscles utilization are: power to weight<br />

ratios in excess of 1 kW/kg; a varying force-displacement relation at constant<br />

gas pressure, an adjustable compliance; the absence of friction and hysteresis;<br />

the ability to operate at a wide range of gas pressures, and thus to develop both<br />

very low and very high pulling forces; the possibility of direct connection to a<br />

robotic joint; cheaper to buy and install than other actuators and pneumatic<br />

cylinders; smooth and natural movement; fast -full contraction.<br />

Disadvantages are: the force which can be applied is only tensile in nature;<br />

its total displacement is only about 20% to 30% of its initial length; friction<br />

between the netting and the tube leads to a substantial hysteresis in the forcelength<br />

characteristics; rubber is often needed to avoid the tube from bursting;<br />

rubber deformation will lower the force output of this type of muscle up to 60%<br />

[8].<br />

3. Industrial Applications of Pneumatic Muscles<br />

Pneumatic muscles were, lately, used in many applications especially in the<br />

field of industrial robots, because of the evolution of the technology.<br />

The major application of pneumatic muscles is in the field of industrial<br />

robots, usually in those that mimic human actions. Because of their analogy<br />

with human skeletal muscles, they are able to perform many functions specific<br />

to human hand.<br />

As example in this area we can specify the stepping robot WAP-1 is the first<br />

biped robot designed in 1969 by Ichiro Kato from Waseda University of Tokyo.<br />

(Fig. 4a)<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 4 a – WAP-1(source www.androidworld.com) ; b - Humanoid robot manufactured<br />

by Shadow robotic company (source www.shadowrobot.com)

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 121<br />

The humanoid bipedal walking machine developed by Shadow Robot<br />

Company is a robot that can function in a human environment to do various<br />

repetitive things. (Fig. 4b)<br />

The humanoid muscle-robot developed by Festo AG & Co. in collaboration<br />

with the department of bionics and evolutionary technology of the Technical<br />

University of Berlin (Fig. 5). This robot is a feasible extension and place holder<br />

of men capable of operating in places either too dangerous or inaccessible for<br />

human beings. It can operate from terrestrial and deep sea operations to tasks<br />

carried out in outer space.<br />

Fig. 5 – Humanoid muscle-robot moving (source www.festo.com).<br />

Pneumatic muscles have been used in construction of artificial limbs.<br />

At the bio robotic lab of University of Washington the limb as shown figure<br />

6a was developed. The major requirements of their research team were:<br />

continuous operation, low weight, quieter operation, user satisfaction, no<br />

maintenance.<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 6a – Artificial limb developed at the bio robotics Lab, University of Washington.<br />

b – Shadow Leg (source www.shadowrobot.com)

122 Ioana Petre et al.<br />

Another application for the pneumatic muscle is the leg made for Shadow<br />

Robot Company by David Buckley from North Carolina A & T University.<br />

(Fig. 6b)<br />

The dexterous hand was developed by the Shadow robotic company. The<br />

hands operate just like human hands with five fingers. It contains an integrated<br />

bank of 40 Air Muscles which make it move. The figure 7 illustrates this fact.<br />

Fig. 7 – The Shadow Hand (source www.shadowrobot.com).<br />

Caldwell used 18 small McKibben Muscles to power a dexterous fourfingered<br />

manipulator. Hannaford built an anthropomorphic arm, having fifteen<br />

McKibben Muscles. The Soft Arm, developed by Bridgestone Co. has a<br />

shoulder, an upper arm, a lower arm and wrist, and a useful payload of<br />

maximum 3 kg. Yoshinada used hydraulically actuated McKibben Muscles to<br />

power an underwater manipulator [1].<br />

New Application Areas are: Simulator Technology, High Speed cutting<br />

processes, Aeronautical Technology, Wood-working, Metal-working, Medical/<br />

Biomedical, Mobile Applications, Building / Construction, Mining, Process/<br />

Water, Amusement/ Recreation, Medical / Surgical / Hospital<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Even though pneumatic muscles are not capable of offering an<br />

extremely wide range of operations, in the case of humanoid robots they offer a<br />

wide range of possibilities. Their low assembly weight and high power-toweight<br />

ratio make the pneumatic muscles to be considered for use in mobile<br />

robotics [1].

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 123<br />

2. The utilization of the pneumatic muscle is soon to become a good<br />

alternative for the present day electric or mechanically drives because of their<br />

characteristics and because of the evolution of the industrial development.<br />

Received: March 15, 2010 1 Transilvania University of Braşov,<br />

Technological Engineering Faculty,<br />

Economic Engineering and Production Systems Department,<br />

Braşov, România<br />

e-mail: ioana.petre@unitbv.ro<br />

2 Material Science and Engineering Faculty,<br />

Materials Engineering and Welding Department,<br />

e-mail: petredanbv@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. D a e r d e n F., L e f e b e r D., The concept and design of pleated pneumatic<br />

artificial muscles, International Journal of Fluid Power, 2, 3, pp. 41–50, 2001.<br />

2. M a r c i n č i n J., P a l k o A., Negative pressure artificial muscle—An<br />

unconventional drive of robotic and handling systems, Transactions of the<br />

University of Košice, pp. 350– 354, Riecansky Science Publishing Co, Slovak<br />

Republic, 1993.<br />

3. B a l d w i n H. A., Realizable models of muscle function, Proceedings of the First<br />

Rock Biomechanics Symposium, pp. 139–148, New York, 1969.<br />

4. S c h u l t e H. F., The characteristics of the McKibben Artificial Muscle, The<br />

Application of External Power in Prosthetics and Orthotics, pp. 94–115,<br />

National Academy of Sciences–National Research Council, Publication 874,<br />

Lake Arrowhead, 1961.<br />

5. D a v i s S.T., C a l d w e l l D.G., The biomimetic design of a robot primate using<br />

pneumatic muscle actuators, 4th International Conference on Climbing and<br />

Walking Robots CLAWAR, 2001.<br />

6. K e n n e t h, K u K.K., B r a d b e e r R., Static Model of the Shadow Muscle under<br />

Pneumatic Testing, 2006<br />

http://www.ee.cityu.edu.hk/~rtbrad/muscles%20riupeeec%202006.pdf<br />

7. D e a c o n e s c u A. , D e a c o n e s c u T., Contribution to the Behavioural Study<br />

of Pneumatically Actuated Artificial Muscles. 6 th International Conference of<br />

DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering, Tallinn, Estonia, Vol. 1, pag. 215-220,<br />

2008<br />

8. * * * Air Muscles 2008 [Online] Available at:<br />

http:// www.techalone.com 23/01/2010] – [Accessed 27.12.2009]<br />

http:// www.festo.com – [Accessed 27.12.2009]<br />

http://www.shadowrobot.com – [Accessed 27.12.2009]

124 Ioana Petre et al.<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Muşchiul pneumatic este un sistem bazat pe o membrană care se contractă, şi care,<br />

sub acţiunea aerului comprimat îşi măreşte diametrul şi îşi micşorează lungimea.<br />

Lungimea cursei depinde in mod direct de nivelul presiunii alimentate. Un muşchi<br />

pneumatic include un tub interior care este realizat dintr-un material elastic, de obicei<br />

neopren. Acest tub este acoperit de un ţesut cu mai multe straturi realizat din nylon,<br />

pentru a-i da rezistenţă şi pentru a-l proteja de influenţele din mediul de lucru.<br />

Caracteristici precum capacitatea de a absorbi şocurile, greutatea redusă, rezistenţa<br />

la şocuri, gabarit si masa redusa pe unitatea de putere (1KW/kg), elasticitate<br />

(comportare ca de arc) datorata pe de-o parte compresibilităţii aerului si pe de alta<br />

variaţiei forţei cu deplasarea, amortizarea şocurilor datorate impactului, posibilităţi de<br />

conectare uşoara, siguranţa (fără pericol de electrocutare sau incendiu) fac din muşchii<br />

pneumatici instrumente fezabile pentru utilizarea uşoară in domenii diverse şi cu<br />

performanţe deosebite. Domeniile de aplicare ale muşchilor pneumatici se referă la<br />

robotică, biorobotică, biomecanică, dispozitive de protezare si sustinere a scheletului<br />

osos şi industrie.<br />

În această lucrare se prezintă câteva aplicaţii industriale ale muşchilor pneumatici. Deşi<br />

prima apariţie a muşchilor pneumatici a fost în 1930 fiind inventaţi S. Garasiev, iar apoi<br />

în 1950 muşchii cu membrană împletită introduşi de J. L. McKibben aceştia au cunoscut<br />

o utilizare mai intensa abia in ultima perioadă.<br />

Câteva exemple in domeniul roboţilor industriali sunt: braţul acţionat pneumatic<br />

realizat de J.L.Mc Kibben, robotul WAP 1 realizat la <strong>Universitatea</strong> Waseda din Tokyo,<br />

robotul humanoid conceput de Festo in colaborare cu <strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică din Berlin,<br />

robotul humanoid realizat de Compania Shadow, proteza realizată de <strong>Universitatea</strong> din<br />

Washington, piciorul şi mâna realizate pentru Compania Shadow, care efectuează<br />

mişcări similare cu cele efectuate de corpul uman. Desigur că aplicaţii sunt multe si nu<br />

au fost toate menţionate in acest articol, însa trebuie reţinut că muşchii pneumatici,<br />

datorită caracteristicilor lor, sunt utilizaţi în special în domeniul roboţilor mobili.<br />

Aceştia înlocuiesc cu succes motoarele electrice sau hidraulice fiind mai uşor de folosit<br />

şi îndeplinind aceleaşi funcţii.<br />

Dezvoltarea continuă a tehnologiei a dus la apariţia unor noi arii de aplicaţie pentru<br />

muşchii pneumatici, cum ar fi: tehnologia simulării, procese de tăiere cu viteză mare,<br />

tehnologia aeronautică, lucrul cu lemnul, lucrul cu metalul, industria medicală,<br />

construcţii, industria minieră.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />

MIHĂIȚĂ HORO<strong>DIN</strong>CĂ<br />

Abstract. This paper presents some theoretical considerations and experimental<br />

results on computer aided research of manufacturing systems (e.g. machine-tools)<br />

using the evolution of the absorbed electric power (EP) of the driving motors. Based<br />

on an original computer aided data acquisition and processing method, the electric<br />

power evolution monitoring (and its components, especially the EP real part) should<br />

be now a very useful tool in experimental research (kinematic chains condition,<br />

working processes loading, and so on). In a new approach the numerical describing<br />

with high resolution of real EP evolution can be used also to evaluate the<br />

performances in dynamic conditions, especially using the evolution in frequency<br />

domain (by power spectral density analysis). Some phenomena in kinematic chains<br />

was observed with a certain scientific priority, using the real EP monitoring<br />

capabilities, such as the behaviour of driving belts and the behaviour of the elastic<br />

system of the rotor on the electric driving motor. The real EP monitoring can be<br />

used to supervise any other electric actuated equipment.<br />

Key words: manufacturing systems, experimental research, real electric power,<br />

computer aided monitoring, data processing.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The working processes (WP) on manufacturing systems (MS) or any other<br />

working equipment needs mechanical energy, usually delivered by an electric<br />

driving motor (EDM) and transported by a kinematic chain. By mechanical<br />

loading point of view the behaviour of MS is mirrored in the real part of electric<br />

power (EP) evolution (active electric power, AEP). The EDM seems to be a<br />

very appropriate sensor of mechanical loading, useful in MS and WP<br />

monitoring and diagnosis or even in WP active control. The state of the art [2],<br />

[3] indicates that generally for monitoring it is used just the electric current

126 Mihăiță Horodincă<br />

absorbed by the EDM, but for MS driven with alternating voltage EDM, the<br />

best characterization of loading is done using AEP evolution. In some papers<br />

[4], [5] the AEP it is taken into account, but the research resources are not<br />

completely exploited. This paper presents some experimental research results<br />

based on a new approach on computer aided AEP monitoring for MS powered<br />

by EDM.<br />

2. EP Monitoring Principle on EDM and Experimental Conditions<br />

Fig. 1 describes a computer assisted monitoring bench test developed for an<br />

asynchronous EDM supplied on a three phase 50 Hz frequency sinusoidal<br />

voltage, symmetrical network (3×380V). A single phase is used for computer<br />

data acquisition (instantaneous current i(t) IC and voltage u(t) IV in time<br />

Fig. 1 – Experimental features of the EP bench test.<br />

evolutions [6] provided by two transformers CT and VT) via a numerical<br />

oscilloscope (ADC 212/50, Pico Technology Limited, UK). The acquired data<br />

are processed in a personal computer. The instantaneous electric power p(t)<br />

evolution (IEP) is given by: p(t)=3·u(t)·i(t). The AEP (one value on each period<br />

T) is given by:<br />

(1)<br />

T<br />

1<br />

3<br />

P = ∫ p(<br />

t)<br />

⋅ dt = ⋅ ∫u(<br />

t)<br />

⋅i(<br />

t)<br />

⋅ dt = 3⋅U<br />

⋅ I ⋅cosϕ<br />

,<br />

T T<br />

0<br />

T<br />

0<br />

where: T=20 ms is the period (reciprocal of the frequency f), U - the effective<br />

(root mean square, RMS value) voltage, I - the effective current, φ - the angle of

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 127<br />

phase (AP) between current ant voltage. Using the numerical values u[tk] and<br />

i[tk] of the voltage and the current, the numerical evolution of the AEP can be<br />

described by calculus (based on Eq. (1), as average value on the period T) with:<br />

(2)<br />

n⋅(<br />

l+<br />

1)<br />

n⋅(<br />

l+<br />

1)<br />

3<br />

3<br />

P[ tl<br />

] ≈ ∑(<br />

u[<br />

tk<br />

] ⋅i[<br />

t k]<br />

⋅ Δ t)<br />

= ⋅ ∑(<br />

u[<br />

tk<br />

] ⋅i[<br />

t k])<br />

,<br />

T<br />

n<br />

k=<br />

n⋅l+<br />

1<br />

k=<br />

n⋅l+<br />

1<br />

where: P[tl] is the numerical value of the AEP (tl=l·T, l=1,2….m, m values for a<br />

registration of m·T total duration), n=T/Δt, Δt is the reciprocal of the sampling<br />

rate for u[tk] and i[tk], tk=k·Δt. If Δt→0 then in Eq (2) the symbol ≈ becomes =.<br />

The sampling rate of AEP is equal with frequency f value (50 s -1 ). Using the<br />

effective values U[tl] and I[tl] (the amplitudes of the voltage and current divided<br />

by square root of 2), the AP and REP (reactive electric power Q) are given by:<br />

(3)<br />

P[<br />

tl<br />

]<br />

ϕ [ tl<br />

] ≈ arccos<br />

and Q[ tl<br />

] ≈ 3⋅U<br />

[ tl<br />

] ⋅ I[<br />

tl<br />

] ⋅sin(<br />

ϕ[<br />

tl<br />

]) .<br />

3⋅U<br />

[ t ] ⋅ I[<br />

t ]<br />

l<br />

l<br />

The experimental research was done on a Romanian lathe SNA 360 (used as<br />

MS, see Fig. 1) with the kinematics of the main shaft gearbox described in Fig.<br />

Fig. 2 – Overview on the kinematics of the SNA 360 lathe main shaft<br />

gearbox used as MS in experimental research.<br />

2. An asynchronous EDM with 5.5 KW and 1440 rpm (speed in rotations per<br />

minute) is used to drive it. Two different configurations of the gearbox were<br />

used (see Kd1 and Kd2), each one is able to actuate the main spindle (shaft) Ms<br />

on 1000 rpm or 1600 rpm.

128 Mihăiță Horodincă<br />

3. Some Experimental Research Results on Monitoring<br />

Let be first a simple experiment. The belt drive transmission BT1 is<br />

switched-off (the belt was removed), no loading on EDM’s rotor anymore.<br />

Fig. 3 – The AEP evolution during EDM starting procedure<br />

(no loading on the EDM’s rotor).<br />

The evolution of AEP during the EDM starting procedure (star-triangle<br />

Fig. 4 – Gearbox start-stop clutching dynamics (on Kd1<br />

configuration) mirrored in AEP evolution.<br />

connection) is given in Fig. 3. A strong transitory regime (high power, short

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 129<br />

time, sees Bs area) is observed, because of the dynamics of accelerated rotor<br />

motion, it needs a big amount of AEP stored as kinetic energy. In D the star<br />

connection is changed automatically in triangle connection, also a transitory<br />

regime (marked as Bt) occurs.<br />

Fig. 5 – Numerical filtered (with p=10) evolutions for AEP<br />

(given in Fig. 4) and REP.<br />

There is an interesting behavior of the EDM mirrored in AEP evolution, see the<br />

regions I and II. There are two free responses on 5.2 and 10.8 Hz frequency, due<br />

to the elastic system associated to the rotor (mechanical inertia, magnetic field<br />

stiffness and air friction damping).<br />

A second experiment describes (Fig. 4) the mirroring of the clutching<br />

dynamics of the gearbox (on Kd1). In A the MC3 clutch is engaged, the gearbox<br />

start the motion and the AEP consumption increases during a transitory regime<br />

B (with a 4.16 W·h average electrical energy stored as kinetic energy). The<br />

peak B1 indicates that the BT1’s driving belt start the sliding (the dynamic<br />

torque is bigger than the friction torque between the belt and the pulleys). In B2<br />

the sliding disappears and immediately after (in C) starts the steady-state regime<br />

on 1000 rpm. Here the absorbed AEP is used to cover the waste of mechanical<br />

energy (dry and viscous friction).<br />

The AEP evolution seems to be noisily, but it will be proved later (Fig.7)<br />

that it is very useful for gearbox diagnosis. In D the clutch is disengaged (by<br />

switching-off the electrical supply) so the AEP suddenly decreases. The level of<br />

power in E is for a short time lower than in A, the difference (183 W) describes<br />

the viscous friction in MC3 clutch.

130 Mihăiță Horodincă<br />

For certain experimental purposes the AEP evolution can be numerical<br />

filtered using a sliding average low pass filter described with the equation:<br />

p xin[<br />

i]<br />

xout[<br />

j]<br />

= ∑ where: p is the filter parameter, xin[i] - the input signal, xout[j]<br />

i=<br />

1 p<br />

- the output signal, both in numerical format, j=i+p. Figure 5 shows the result<br />

of filtering for AEP evolution given in Fig.4 (with p=10).<br />

Also is presented the filtered evolution of REP in the same experimental<br />

conditions. As it is well known from the electrical network theory, the variation<br />

of REP (1,036 VAR peak to peak) is smaller than the AEP variation (4,805 W).<br />

The evolution of AEP during a third experiment is described in Fig. 6.<br />

There is a dynamic behaviour with negative absorbed AEP. Before A, the<br />

gearbox moves in steady-state idle running regime on 1600 rpm (using Kd2<br />

kinematic chain with MC2 clutch engaged). In A the clutch MC3 is engaged<br />

(and MC2 is automatically switched-off), so Kd2 becomes active and Kd1<br />

inactive. Here occurs a transitory regime B, with negative AEP (the angle φ ><br />

π/2, see Eq. (1)), for a short time the EDM works as a brake, it convert the<br />

Fig. 6 – Clutching dynamics with negative AEP.<br />

available kinetic energy from gearbox in electrical energy (with a total amount<br />

of 0.464 W·h) delivered on the electrical network. After that the AEP increases<br />

with an overshoot in C, the generator becomes again electric motor. In D the<br />

steady-state on 1000 rpm is installed. In E the MC3 clutch is switched-off, so<br />

just the shaft I is driven. The AEP consumption in steady-state idle regime is<br />

smaller than in Fig.4 because of the gearbox heating (the viscosity of the<br />

lubricant so the viscous friction decreases).

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 131<br />

4. Gearbox Diagnosis using the AEP Processing in Frequency Domain<br />

There is also a very important experimental research resource useful in<br />

gearbox diagnosis. The AEP or IEP evolution in steady-state it is a mixture of<br />

many variable components. Each variable signal’s component describes the<br />

behavior of a gearbox’s part (belts, spindles, gears, et cetera). The identification<br />

of these components can be done [1] by computer assisted AEP or IEP power<br />

spectral density (PSD) analysis using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The<br />

correlation between signal’s components and gearbox’s parts can be done using<br />

the frequency and the speed of rotation. Figure 7 presents a zoom on the PSD of<br />

the AEP evolution in steady state on 1000 rpm (already described before; see on<br />

Fig. 4 the encircled area).<br />

On Fig. 7 there are a lot of different peaks, each one described by the frequency<br />

and the amplitude (the higher peak’s amplitude are not clearly indicated because<br />

Fig. 7 – The evolution of power spectral density of the<br />

AEP signal absorbed on 1000 rpm (steady-state).<br />

of zoom). The PSD amplitude is proportional with the amplitude of signal<br />

component. Each peak has a number, for each one there is a short description<br />

about the frequency and the correspondence with the gearbox parts (see Fig. 2).<br />

The peak 5 is associated with the spindle II behaviour, the peak 7 with the<br />

spindles III and V, the peak 9 with the spindle I and the peak 10 with the<br />

EDM’s rotor (24.84 Hz frequency, for 1490.4 rpm the real speed of rotation).<br />

The peak 9 is generated by the driving belt pulley run-out error motion (65 μm).<br />

There are also some harmonics of these peaks. There is a very interesting<br />

research result, with certain scientific priority, here is very well mirrored the

132 Mihăiță Horodincă<br />

behaviour of the driving belt from BT1. The belt generates a very strong<br />

variable component of AEP, with the fundamental frequency on 5.4 Hz (first<br />

peak on Fig. 7) and 6 harmonics (see the peaks 4, 6, 9, 11, 14 and 18). It is<br />

generated by the belt’s stiffness variation (the belt is a little bit damaged, it has a<br />

small tear). The fundamental’s frequency fFB is given by:<br />

π ⋅ D1<br />

π ⋅125mm<br />

(4)<br />

fFB<br />

= f EDM ⋅ = 24.<br />

84Hz<br />

⋅ = 5.<br />

38Hz<br />

.<br />

L<br />

1812mm<br />

c<br />

Fig. 8 – The BT1’s belt behaviour mirroring in PSD<br />

analysis of the IEP signal evolution.<br />

where: fEDM is the rotation frequency of the EDM’s rotor, D1- the diameter of<br />

the belt pulley of the EDM’s rotor, Lc- the belts’ length. A new experiment was<br />

done, with PSD analysis on IEP evolution during the steady-state regime, with<br />

all the clutches disengaged, see Fig. 8. The BT1’s belt behaviour is better<br />

indicated with the harmonic F and the harmonics H1,H2…H6. Because the<br />

mechanical loading of the EDM is smaller, the speed of rotation is bigger so the<br />

frequency in Fig. 8 increases. The first harmonic is bigger than the fundamental<br />

because of the EDM’s rotor elastic system resonance.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

1. The paper proves that the computer-assisted monitoring of EP parameters<br />

on manufacturing systems (or any other electric actuated equipment) can be an<br />

available experimental research procedure.<br />

2. The computer assisted EP monitoring uses very simple procedures of data<br />

acquisition and processing. Using these research features, it is possible to detect<br />

and study a lot of new static and dynamic phenomena from kinematic chain.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 133<br />

Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank Prof. Costache D r u t u. For, he<br />

is the one who, long time ago, gave me the basic idea of some of my researches.<br />

Received: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University<br />

Department of Machine-Tools<br />

Iasi, Romania,<br />

e-mail: horodinca@tuiasi.ro<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. B i r a n A., B r e i n e r M., Matlab for Engineers, Addison-Wesley Pub. (SD), May<br />

1995, ISBN-13: 978-0201565249.<br />

2. D i m l a E., D i m l a., Sensor signals for tool-wear monitoring in metal cutting<br />

operations – a review of methods, Int. J.of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 40, 8,<br />

(2000), pp. 1073-1098, ISSN:0890-6955.<br />

3. D o n g-W o o, C., S a n g J. L., C h o n g N a m C., The state of machining process<br />

monitoring research in Korea, Int. J. of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 39, 11,<br />

November, 1999, pp. 1697-1715.<br />

4. H w a-Y o u n g K., J u n g-H w a n A., Chip disposal state monitoring in drilling<br />

using neural network based spindle motor power sensing, Int. J. of Machine<br />

Tools & Manufacture, 42, 10 (2002), pp 1113-1119.<br />

5. M i n g L., T e t Y., S a e e d R., Z h i x i n H., Fuzzy control of spindle power in<br />

end milling process, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 42,<br />

14 (2002), pp. 1487-1496, ISSN:0890-6955.<br />

6. H o r o d i n c ă M., Utilizarea parametrilor energetici în monitorizarea, diagnoza şi<br />

conducerea sistemelor de prelucrare, Ed. Performantica, Iaşi, 2004.<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

Lucrarea prezintă o serie de noi oportunităţi ale cercetării experimentale a<br />

sistemelor de fabricaţie (monitorizare şi diagnoză) pe baza analizei evoluţiei temporale<br />

şi în domeniul frecvenţă a parametrilor încărcării energetice (putere activă PA şi<br />

instantanee PI) ai electromotoarelor de acţionare. Se prezintă exemplificări legate de<br />

monitorizarea proceselor tranzitorii şi de utilizarea analizei spectrale a semnalelor PA şi<br />

PI, pentru cercetarea comportării lanţurilor cinematice ale mişcării principale.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Abstract: The paper presents the modelling and simulation of processional<br />

drives designed in two variants capable of high transmission ratio and torque for one<br />

stage compact construction. The constructions were designed in Inventor and also as<br />

multi body systems in MotionInventor. The simulations of the drives provide<br />

information concerning positions, velocities, accelerations, point trajectories, forces<br />

and moments, energies, as well as contact forces at the contact between gear teeth<br />

and satellite teeth and other data concerning the system. The bearings of the two<br />

drives were modelled as multi body systems in SolidDynamics for defining an<br />

approach for studying the noise emission during running through simulation with<br />

possibility of extension to the contact between teeth.<br />

Key words: precessional transmissions, Inventor, 3D multi body model<br />

SolidDynamics<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The engineering methods based on computer permitted to develop a new<br />

type of processional transmissions with multi-couple meshed teeth, which, from<br />

the technological point of view, can be manufactured by means of a new<br />

method of processing conical teeth with convex-concave profile.<br />

It appeared the necessity of elaboration of new profiles adequate to the<br />

spheroid-spatial motion of the gears, which would ensure high performances to<br />

the processional transmission.<br />

Considering the necessity of achieving the transfer function continuity and<br />

gear multiplicity some objectives were taken into account. One of them is the<br />

integrated method of design, modelling and simulation using powerful means of

136 Ion Bostan et al<br />

creation and management of parametrical models of the mechanical assemblies<br />

on the basis of CAD-CAE.<br />

2. General Information<br />

The ever-growing requirements, especially, concerning the bearing capacity,<br />

the kinematical accuracy and the kinematical possibilities, impose the necessity to<br />

develop a new type of planetary gearing with distinct performances. The gearing<br />

improving is one solution of the problem. Novicov - Wildhaber, Symarc and other<br />

gearings have increased considerably the bearing capacity of gear. Another<br />

direction of developing gears is the design of new types of mechanical gears.<br />

The creative search of designers has crowned with the elaboration of a new<br />

type of gearing – harmonic gear. W. Musser, an American engineer, patented the<br />

action principle of the harmonic gear in 1959. Starting that year W. Musser<br />

patented a big number of diverse constructive diagrams for harmonic gears (teeth,<br />

friction and tapped gears) and couplings, and demonstrated the possibilities of the<br />

new construction principle of mechanical gears. Thus, in 1961, the harmonic<br />

drive was produced at one of the American companies, for the first time at<br />

industrial scale. Harmonic drive are compact and possess increased bearing<br />

capacity; they provide high kinematical accuracy and possibility to transmit<br />

motion in sealed mediums, which is one of the basic advantages of harmonic<br />

drive. As their disadvantages we can mention reduced reliability of the flexible<br />

element (and, thus, of the gear, on the whole), reduced working order at high<br />

speeds, and also some technological difficulties.<br />

By the end of the 70s Prof. Ion Bostan designed a new type of gears, new in<br />

principle, - processional planetary gears with multiple gearing (B o s t a n, 1991).<br />

Over 20 years, research was carried out comprising the total range of problems<br />

from the idea to the implementation: fundamental theory of the precessional gearengineering<br />

calculation procedures-Know-How manufacturing technologiesapplications.<br />

The research results have been published in over 450 scientific<br />

papers, in about 150 patents, in 3 monographs and in one design guidebook.<br />

The absolute multiplicity of the processional gear (up to 100% of teeth pairs,<br />

geared simultaneously, compared to 5-7% in classical gears) provides increased<br />

bearing capacity and kinematical accuracy, small dimensions and mass. In<br />

addition to the above said, extended kinematical possibilities (±8÷3600 compared<br />

to 79÷300 in sinusoidal gears), reduced acoustic emission and solution of all<br />

technological problems, as advantages, open new perspectives for precessional<br />

planetary gears utilisation in various fields of mechanical engineering (B o s t a n,<br />

1991). On the whole, processional planetary gears can be divided in two basic<br />

groups:<br />

- power processional planetary gears;<br />

- kinematical processional planetary gears.

As the planetary processional<br />

transmission is the new transmission, in<br />

the beginning of effectuation the<br />

simulation and calculation with<br />

programs CAE it is necessary to<br />

calculate theoretically base parameters.<br />

On fig. 1 is shown kinematical scheme<br />

of planetary processional transmission,<br />

but on fig. 2 is shown the design of<br />

planetary processional transmission. The<br />

main elements of transmission make:<br />

crankshaft 1, block satellite 2, fixed<br />

wheel gear 3 and mobile wheel gear 4.<br />

The important point this that, having<br />

such design (single-stage) is possible to<br />

receive transfer rate up to 3600, using<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 137<br />

designs of double-stage it is possible to receive transfer rate up to 14 million.<br />

Obviously that, having such big transfer rate, there are big loadings on a tooth.<br />

This problem is solved by that, all teeth it is participate in the gearing, and<br />

loading is transferred by half from them. Meaning that, all teeth are in gearing at<br />

the big loadings, the kinematic error is small.<br />

Fig. 1 – Kinematical scheme of<br />

planetary processional transmission.<br />

Principle of functioning of the planetary processional transmission the<br />

following: crankshaft 1 with inclined section to specify a block satellite 2<br />

spatially spherical movement, block satellite by means of roller crown<br />

interaction with fixed wheel gear 3 and mobile wheel gear 4 (having a special<br />

structure generated by means of the equations), in turn a mobile wheel gear 4 it<br />

is rigidly connected with output shaft of a reducer, transfers the moment and<br />

speed of rotation. The direction of rotation of an input shaft and output shaft can<br />

be in one or in different directions. It is visible and in calculation of transfer rate<br />

if it has positive number we have an identical rotation. The transfer rate of a<br />

planetary processional transmission is defined by the relation (1).<br />

1 3 6 2 7 4 5<br />

Fig. 2 – Design of planetary processional transmission.<br />

(1)<br />

Zg Z<br />

1 a<br />

i =−<br />

,<br />

ZbZg − Zg Za<br />

2 1<br />

where: 1 , 2 are<br />

Z g Z g<br />

number of a roller the<br />

crown satellite g1<br />

and g2<br />

;<br />

Z a and Zb<br />

is represented<br />

number of a teethes the<br />

cog-wheels a and b .

138 Ion Bostan et al<br />

3. Calculation by CAE Simulation of Kinetostatics<br />

Parameters of Processional Transmission<br />

3.1. 3D Model elaboration of Planetary Processional Transmission<br />

Calculation of planetary processional transmission by a simulation is carried<br />

out using the simplified 3D model created in program Motion Inventor 2004+<br />

but (4) from which it is possible to determine and check up dynamic loadings in<br />

bearings which have been designed earlier.<br />

Dynamic processes in planetary processional transmission derive, to a great<br />

extent, from the interaction of conical rollers of the satellite crowns with<br />

generating surfaces of central wheel teeth. The bearing capacity defined by gear<br />

forces (static and dynamic), the noise emission and the transmission<br />

vibroactivity, depend on the gear dynamic processes on the whole. With<br />

account of these important factors in the elaboration of 3D model of the initial<br />

processional gearing, the linear contour of central wheel teeth profile (fig. 3, a)<br />

were designed applying parametric equations:<br />

(2)<br />

Where:<br />

X = k Z + d ;<br />

Y k Z d ;<br />

(k d<br />

=<br />

k d )<br />

−<br />

m m m m<br />

1E 2 1E 2<br />

m<br />

1E =<br />

m<br />

1<br />

m<br />

1E −<br />

m<br />

1<br />

m<br />

Z1E<br />

m m m m<br />

1 1 − 2 2<br />

m2 m2<br />

k1 + k2 + 1<br />

(k d − k d ) + (k + k + 1) ⋅(R −d−d )<br />

Z ,<br />

m m m m 2 m2 m2 2 m2 m2<br />

m<br />

1E =<br />

1 1 2 2 1 2<br />

m2 m2<br />

k1 + k2 + 1<br />

D 1 2<br />

⎛ ⎞<br />

• • •<br />

m m m m m m 2 m<br />

X1D⎜X1D X1D+ Y1DY1D⎟ + Z1D X1D<br />

+<br />

m m<br />

1 =<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

2 = −<br />

• •<br />

m<br />

m⎛ m m m m ⎞<br />

X1D<br />

Z1DX1DY1D−Y1D X1D<br />

k ; k<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

2 m m<br />

( Rcos D β + dY 1 1D)<br />

•<br />

2 m<br />

m Rcos D β X1D<br />

1 = • •<br />

⎛ m m m m⎞ X1DY1D− X1DY1D m<br />

2 =<br />

m<br />

X1D<br />

d ; d .<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

m m m ( kY 1 1D Z1D)<br />

The 3D model of the central wheel (fig. 3, b) was designed by using CAD<br />

Autodesk Inventor (5) (B o s t a n et al, 2007).<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 139<br />

a. b.<br />

Fig. 3 – 3D linear contour of the central wheel teeth (a),<br />

and the model 3D of the central wheel (b).<br />

The 3D model for calculation is shown on fig. 4, it includes a crankshaft 1,<br />

a fixed wheel gear 2, the block satellite 3, a mobile wheel gear 4 rigidly<br />

connected with output shaft 5.<br />

Fig. 4 – 3D Model of planetary processional transmission.<br />

The dynamic model has been created on the basis of rigid model. As the<br />

initial data has been specified speed on input shaft [deg/sec] and the moment of<br />

torsion on the output shaft [Nm].<br />

Kinematic joints fig. 5, have been enclosed according to movements in<br />

gearing. The crankshaft and the case of a reducer by means of cylindrical roller<br />

bearings are connected by a cylindrical joint to an opportunity of a selfcentering.<br />

A crankshaft and the block satellite by means of two tapered bearings<br />

with pair rotation in points of the appendix of loading on bearings (point-line),<br />

pair rotation (revolution) rollers on an axis of the block satellite and 3D contact<br />

of rollers to a mobile and fixed wheel gear.

140 Ion Bostan et al<br />

Fig. 5 – Kinematics joints in the planetary precessional transmission.<br />

3.2. Precessional Transmission Kinetostatic Simulation<br />

The simulation of model processional gearings has been created in some<br />

stage. At the first stage has been executed the kinematic analysis, from<br />

definition of the following parameters: transfer ratio, absolute angular speed of<br />

the block satellite, relative angular speed of the block satellite, angular speed on<br />

the output shaft. The received results are shown on Fig. 6.<br />

Fig. 6 – Kinematic calculation of planetary processional transmission.<br />

At the following stage has been executed the kinetostatics analysis with<br />

calculation and simulation of total loadings in gearings.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 141<br />

An important advantage of the processional planetary transmission consists<br />

in the insurance of absolute multiplicity (ε=100%) of the central wheel teeth<br />

and pinion simultaneous gearing. This advantage provides small dimensions<br />

and mass (reduced material consumption) and small cost of the final product.<br />

a. b.<br />

Fig. 7 – Normal forces among the teeth and<br />

their distribution among simultaneously geared teeth.<br />

The vertical line on the diagram (Fig. 7) shows the precession phase<br />

reported symbolically to the gearing time of the pinion tooth with the central<br />

wheel tooth (as reference the time was taken, because as CAE input parameters<br />

the angular ω velocity was introduced). On the diagrams one can see the<br />

distribution of load among the teeth which corresponds to the respective<br />

precession phase (blue colour – distribution of load on the active profile of<br />

central wheel tooth, red colour – per one precession cycle). It is possible to state<br />

from the diagrams that despite the precession phase, the load among teeth is<br />

uniform.<br />

Due to load transmission from the input shaft to the output shaft by a big<br />

number of teeth couples geared simultaneously ⎛ (Z −<br />

⎜ = 4 1)<br />

ε<br />

⎞<br />

⎝ 2 ⎟ the normal<br />

⎠<br />

forces at teeth contact are much smaller as in the classical transmissions with in<br />

volute transmission.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Taking into account the fact that in processional planetary gearings the<br />

(Z4 − 1)<br />

teeth couples transmit the load simultaneously we can conclude that<br />

2<br />

the bearing capacity of the processional gear is much bigger than that of the<br />

classical in volute gear (in which only 5...7 % of wheel teeth gear<br />


142 Ion Bostan et al<br />

2. The elaboration of the planetary processional transmission dynamic<br />

sample (CAE) based on developed 3D model allows verification of kineticstatic<br />

parameters previously defined.<br />

Received: January, 15, 2010 Technical University of Moldova<br />

Department of Theory of Mechanisms and Machine Parts<br />

e-mail: dulgheru@mail.utm.md<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. B o s t a n I. Precessionnye eredaci s Mnogoparnym Zacepleniem.(Ed.) Ştiinţa, 356p.<br />

1991. ISBN 5-376-01005-8, Chişinău.<br />

2. B o s t a n I., D u l g h e r u V., G r i g o r a ş Ş., Planetary, precessional and<br />

harmonic transmissions, Bucureşti - Chişinău, 1997, 198 p.<br />

3. B o s t a n I., I o n e s c u F l., D u l g h e r u V., A. S o c h i r e a n u., Kinetostatic<br />

Analysis of the Sphere - Spatial Mechanisms by using 3D-Models and -<br />

Simulations. Meridian Ingineresc, Revue of the Technical University of Moldova<br />

and Moldavian Society of Engineers, 2, ISSN 1683-853-X, (2004). pp. 59-61.<br />

4. http://www.solid-dynamics.com (Motion Inventor)<br />

5. www.autodesk.com (Autodesk Inventor).<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare se prezintă modelarea şi simularea transmisiilor planetare precesionale<br />

proiectate în două variante cu raport de transmitere mare şi capacitate portantă ridicată<br />

într-o singură treaptă. Construcţiile transmisiilor precesionale au fost proiectate în softul<br />

Inventor şi simulate ca sisteme multicorp în MotionInventor. Simulările transmisiilor au<br />

permis obţinerea informaţiilor privind poziţia, vitezele, acceleraţiile, traiectoriile<br />

punctelor, forţe şi momente, energii, de asemenea, forţele de contact la contactul dintre<br />

dinţii roţilor dinţate şi ai satelitului şi alte date privind sistemul. Angrenajele a două<br />

transmisii au fost modelate ca sisteme multicorp în SolidDynamics pentru studiul<br />

emisiei de zgomot în timpul lucrului prin simulare, cu posibilitatea extinderii la<br />

contactul dintre dinţi.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Abstract. In this paper is presented a documentary study about the particle<br />

size reduction. There are presented the authors' realizations concerning the<br />

optimization of the spiral jetmills produced in the APTM Enterprises, based on a<br />

new mathematical and experimental model of the flows, developed by the authors.<br />

There are presented conclusions about the research directions to be attacked in the<br />

future.<br />

Key words: micronization, spiral jetmills, fluidic mills, optimization.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The fluidic mills are the single equipments that permit the dry grinding and<br />

the get of an ultra fine granulometry (1-25 μm), indifferent by the product<br />

resistance and by the hardness of the product's crystals.<br />

The grinding is produced by the collision between the particles that are<br />

accelerated at very high speeds in flows and gas jets, or by their impact with<br />

solid surfaces (fixed or mobile) from the interior of the milling room.<br />

We consider important to signalize that the real or as a rough guide speeds of<br />

the entrainment and grinding particles' jets are considered secret and can not be<br />

found in the literature. At this moment exist in the world 7 fabricants that<br />

produce fluidic mills. In fact, there are many societies that commercialize<br />

fluidic mills, but they are procuring the equipments offered from one of the<br />

mentioned fabricants.<br />

All the fluidic mills fabricants consider strictly confidential any data<br />

concerning the sizing and the calculus of these equipments from the point of<br />

view of the fluidic mechanics, refusing to give any theoretical or experimental<br />

value concerning the geometry of the fluidic nozzle the jets' speeds and<br />

particles' speeds or values bound of the fluidic grinding process.

144 Ileana Fulga and Eugen Strajescu<br />

2. Clarifications about the Possibilities to improve the Spiral Jetmills'<br />

Activity, resulted from the Mathematical Model<br />

2.1. The Supersonic Jet's Protection<br />

The construction of the Venturi tubes by where the material is introduced<br />

and of the nozzles from where the compressed air is blowing off represents an<br />

important factor for a good activity of the fluidic spiral jetmill. The super sonic<br />

nozzle (the one by where is insufflated fluid under pressure, realizing important<br />

debits) must have a determined length. The prolongation of the active area of<br />

the nozzle behind the peripheral wall, or nozzles with inclined termination, and<br />

not perpendicular on the axis's direction of the nozzle could realize a<br />

compressibility effect manifested in an opposite sense, because the boost<br />

pressure decrease, the circulation is reduced and the jet is displaced in a<br />

direction more nigh to the tangent.<br />

Of course this kind of position must be considered as "off-set" beside the<br />

desired equilibrium position, considered as "ideal". It could be imposed in that<br />

case the "protection" of the protuberant peak of the nozzle by an aerodynamic<br />

modeling of the peripheral wall of the milling room, or by the practice of some<br />

clefts on the same wall.<br />

2.2. The Geometry of the Supersonic Jet<br />

It is proved that the employment of the convergent - divergent nozzles, at<br />

necessary and effective pressures do not present great advantages in the great<br />

majority of the practical applications.<br />

It is recommended for the reduction of the losing, the construction of jets as<br />

short as possible, with an alignment near the perfection, with the same radial<br />

angle. Because deviations from the alignment between different jets although<br />

minima, create important tourbillions, unequal, in the transversal flux,<br />

discontinuities in the peripheral circulation of the particles and tourbillions in<br />

the central classification vortex.<br />

3. Practical Applications<br />

3.1. The Optimization of the StarJet and CosmoJet Mills<br />

The APTM Enterprise realized a great number of researches in order to be<br />

able to optimize the activity of the produced spiral jetmills, presented in a great<br />

number of scientific papers [1] - [10] and in a doctoral dissertation.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 145<br />

Fig. 1 – The analyzis of the evolution of the APTM spiral jetmills,<br />

considering the application of the process' optimization.<br />

The results presented in this doctoral dissertation were transposed in

146 Ileana Fulga and Eugen Strajescu<br />

Fig. 2 – Example of the optimized technological flux for the fabrication of the<br />

cosmetic micronized powders (make-up, cheek powder).<br />

practice in the enterprise APTM, for a new jetmill family, named "StarJet-<br />

Millennium" (Fig. 1). An optimized technological process is shown in Fig. 3)

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 147<br />

The first three typo dimension of this family (4" - 8" and 12") applied an<br />

important number of the optimization algorithms of the milling process that<br />

form the research object of this research. It results implicitly the fact that these<br />

algorithms (fig. 2) where already verified in practice for moreover micronized<br />

powders categories (that are partly confidential).<br />

Fig. 3 – The example of the spiral jetmills' optimization algorithm applied for<br />

the definition of the parameters recomended in industry and for the qualitative<br />

differentiation of the cosmethic powders.

148 Ileana Fulga and Eugen Strajescu<br />

The effect of the micronization about the dispersed pigments can be<br />

observed the besting the case of the sample of Prussian Blue (fig. 4): being in a<br />

non micronized stadium this pigment presents agglomerates at 100-150 μm,<br />

whiles after the micronization it is to observe a granulometry contained<br />

between 20-25 μm.<br />

Fig. 4 – Pigment (Prusia blue) nonmicronizes = 150 μm (left) and<br />

micronized = 20 μm (right).<br />

Fig. 5 – Example of cosmethic powders micronized with optimization<br />

algorithms; visualization on microscope with phase contrast.<br />

Even without the microscope or another magnifier, from the photos'<br />

observation it is to note the intensification of the chromatic coverage of the<br />

pigment (fig. 2), because after the micronization, the specific surface of the<br />

product is majorized for 2000 - 3000 times, and particles are very uniform from<br />

the point of view of the granulometry.<br />

Another object of the optimization is the getting of a micronization with a<br />

plain classification room, in order to not charge to frequent the mill (fig. 6).

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 149<br />

Fig. 6 – Example for an optimized production for<br />

the filling up of the classificatory.<br />

We can observe the fact that after the micronization, all the materials<br />

are grinded at granulometry about 15-30 μm, with a remarkable<br />

uniformity. We make the assignation that in this paper where presented<br />

only the non confidential elements that show the optimization.<br />

We present (fig. 5) an example of a technological process for the getting of<br />

cosmetic powders micronized with optimization algorithms. In fig. 6 and 7 we<br />

present micronized powders realized with optimization algorithms<br />

(visualization on microscope with phase contrast). We can affirm that the

150 Ileana Fulga and Eugen Strajescu<br />

micronized powders are an especial good quality, representing a revolution in<br />

the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.<br />

Fig. 6 – Non micronized cosmethic pigments,<br />

with a granulometry of 120 - 350 μm.<br />

Fig. 7 – Micronized cosmethic pigments, with a granulometry of 15 - 30 μm.<br />

Mills from the family StarJet optimized with algorithms similar with the<br />

presented algorithms were delivered and perfectly work from the year 2002, in<br />

many enterprises for decorative cosmetic products of the societies Avon (USA),<br />

Natura (Brazilia), Belcorp (Columbia), EverBilena (Taiwan), Swan Cosmetics<br />

(Mexic), Cosmetica (Canada), GammaCroma (Italia), Hellenica (Grecia),<br />

GiPiccos (Italia), etc.<br />

The up presented algorithms, partially used in production, ask for verifications<br />

and ulterior confirmations, forming the object of some future studies.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The research from what doctoral dissertation introduced an original threedimensional<br />

model of the fluidic running in the spiral jetmills that describes<br />

very veridical the complex jet in this kind of mills.<br />

2. The results are obtained as suit of a very large gamut of theoretical and<br />

experimental researches for the determination of the jets' speed.<br />

3. The optimization algorithms were verified on models and in realty on 37<br />

mills having different typo dimensions, in many fields (cosmetic,<br />

pharmaceutics, and metallurgies) in above 20 countries.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 151<br />

4. From the experimental researches it was obtained important conclusions<br />

that permit to optimize the spiral jetmills in at least two directions.<br />

5. The first one is the micronization operation conditions and the best<br />

geometry of the mill.<br />

6. A second one is the optimization of the operation conditions in order to<br />

realize the filling of the classification part of the mill. In this case, the<br />

productivity of the mill increases with important values.<br />

7. The researches for the optimization in the case of the spiral jet mills must<br />

go on,, because we appreciate that it exists a lot of unexplored ways and<br />

possibilities.<br />

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank APTM Enterprises for the<br />

support and constructive comments and also to the staff of the Laboratory of APTM.<br />

Received: March 20, 2010 1 APTM Enterprises,<br />

Lugano, Swiss<br />

e-mail: i@fulga.com<br />

2 <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong>A University of Bucharest,<br />

Department of Machines and Production Systems<br />

Bucharest, Romania<br />

e-mail: eugen_strajescu@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. Fulga I., Huddleston K., Cosmetics cross an even finer line, Powder<br />

Reporter, vol. 1, UK, 1998.<br />

2. Fulga I., Stră jescu E., Sandu I. Gh., Experimental Model of the fluidic<br />

Mills with Spiral Jets, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Editura<br />

Politehnica, Timişoara, România, 53 - 57, ISSN 1583 – 7904 (2006).<br />

3. Fulga I., Stră jescu E., Theoretical and Experimental Contributions<br />

Concerning the Logistics of the Research Systems of the Fluidic Mills with Spiral<br />

Jets, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic, Iaşi, România, Construcţii de Maşini, LII<br />

(LVII) , 5, 313 - 320, ISSN 1011 - 2855 (2007).<br />

4. S t r ă jescu E., Fulga I., The Visualization of the Fluidic Fluxes in the Mills<br />

with Jets, Industrial Engineering Journal RECENT, 8, 3b (21b), 361 - 366, ISSN<br />

1582 - 0246. Braşov, România (2007).

152 Ileana Fulga and Eugen Strajescu<br />

5. F u l g a I . , S t r ă jescu E., Contributions to the Fluid Dynamics in Jetmills by a<br />

New Aerodinamic Model of Supersonic Flow, Buletinul Ştiinţific U.P.B., Serie<br />

D, 74, 1, ISSN 1454 - 2358, România (2008).<br />

6. Fulga I., Gadonna J. P., Remolue M., Froidevaux L., Ajana<br />

A., Chayvialle L., Improvements in MDI technology with total process<br />

containment, European Aerosol Conference, EAC, Belgium, 2005.<br />

7. F u l g a I . , S t r ă jescu E., Probleme actuale şi de perspectivå în construcţia<br />

utilajelor pentru măcinare şi în tehno-logia măcinării, A XI-a Conferinţă<br />

ştiinţifică cu participare internaţională TEHNOMUS XIII, <strong>Universitatea</strong> "Ştefan<br />

cel Mare" Suceava, România, Facultatea de Inginerie Mecanică, pg. 94-103,<br />

ISBN 973-666-154-7, 2005.<br />

8. F u l g a I . , S t r ă jescu E. - The Present Stage and the Perspectives of Researches<br />

in the Area of Fluid Grinding Operation Equipment with Spiral Jets,<br />

International Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Buletinul Institutului<br />

Politehnic Iaşi, România, secţia Construcţii de maşini, LI (LV), 5, ISSN 1582-<br />

6392 (2005).<br />

9. F u l g a I . , S t r ă jescu E. - Contributions Concerning the Perfecting of the<br />

Crushing Technologies of the Cosmetic Particles and of the Metallic Carbides in<br />

the Wheels with Fluid Jets, International Conference “Technologies and Quality<br />

for Sustained Developement”, pg. 357 - 360, ISBN 973-720-035-7, 2006.<br />

10. F u l g a I . , S t r ă jescu E. - Experimental Model of the fluidic Mills with Spiral<br />

Jets. (Long Abstract), The 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing<br />

Science and Education, MSE, Sibiu, România, pg. 79 - 80, ISSN 1843 - 2522,<br />

2007.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare se prezintă succint concluziile unui studiu anterior asupra realizării unui<br />

model matematic privind comportarea jeturilor supersonice ale morilor fluidice cu jeturi<br />

în spirală. Pe baza lor ,se enunţă unele posibilităţi de optimizare a funcţionării acestor<br />

tipuri de mori, precum şi rezultate comparative ale măcinării unor pulberi cosmetice.<br />

Rezultă din lucrare şi faptul că micronizarea produselor simplifică substanţial<br />

tehnologiile de măcinare, ceea ce micşorează costurile producerii pulberilor de orice fel.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />



Abstract. Generally, the control system a wind turbine is equipped with is<br />

designed to reduce dynamic load on its blades, to increase turbine reliability and<br />

operational safety. The paper present the dynamic analysis of a mechanicalhydraulic<br />

protection mechanism used for low power HAWT. The method consists<br />

of the vertical tilting of the wind turbine. The analysis of the system responses<br />

revealed a good dynamic performance when using the vertical tilting solution<br />

chosen to protect low power HAWT.<br />

Key words: HAWT, protection mechanism, vertical tilting.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The control system a wind turbine is equipped with is designed to reduce<br />

dynamic load on its blades, to increase turbine reliability and operational safety.<br />

This system is one of the most important developments meant to consistently<br />

improve low power horizontal axis wind turbines.<br />

Further to the analysis of control and protection system design models used<br />

for low power horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT), the best constructive<br />

solution was chosen, which consists of the vertical tilting of the wind turbine.<br />

The tilting begins when the wind speed exceeds the speed limit beyond which<br />

the turbine safety may be jeopardized. This solution meets the system<br />

requirements: it is reliable, it does not include electrical drive components, it<br />

has no built-in electronic devices and it does not require the existence of a<br />

hydraulic drive system.

154 Doru Calarasu et al.<br />

2. Constructive-Operational Description<br />

A wind power plant turns wind energy into mechanical power. The chosen<br />

solution refers to very low power (500 – 1000 W) wind turbines.<br />

When the wind speed does not exceed a certain speed limit, the rotor<br />

assembly does not tilt. The propeller rotates at an angular speed, which depends<br />

on the wind speed and on the mechanical output load.<br />

When the wind speed reaches or exceeds the speed limit, the rotor assembly<br />

tilts and the propeller changes its rotation plane.<br />

HAWT<br />

Damping<br />

device<br />

Protection<br />

mechanism<br />

Tilting<br />

device<br />

Fig. 1 – Constructive block diagram.<br />

Balancing<br />

device<br />

Thanks to its components (Fig. 1), this mechanical-hydraulic protection<br />

mechanism also ensures the operation of the wind turbine at wind speeds higher<br />

than the rating speed, having the following functions:<br />

a) the rotor assembly is directed towards the wind stream using the<br />

mechanism’s lower bearing, by means of which the assembly is placed on the<br />

support pillar;<br />

b) the tilting device becomes active when the wind speed exceeds the safety<br />

limit and it reduces the active turbine surface exposed to the wind;<br />

c) the balancing device ensures stable balance to the wind turbine rotor at wind<br />

speeds lower than the safety limit and unstable balance when the wind speed<br />

reaches the safety limit;<br />

d) the damping device protects the plant against wind gusts by delaying the<br />

propeller’s resuming its initial position.<br />

3. Digital Simulation Tests performed on the Conceptual Model of<br />

Mechanical-Hydraulic Protection Mechanisms<br />

The Matlab-Simulink programming environment was used for the<br />

performance of the digital simulations.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 155<br />

Fig. 2 shows the Simulink block diagram of the vertical tilting protection<br />

mechanism.<br />

Body1<br />

CS2 CS1<br />

Scope 2<br />

F<br />

Signal 1<br />

Signal 2<br />

Signal 3<br />

Signal Builder 1<br />

Revolute 1<br />

16<br />

lambda /\r<br />

B<br />

Body Actuator<br />

Joint Initial Condition<br />

Body<br />

CS1<br />

F<br />

Weld<br />

Product 3<br />

Product 4<br />

Product 5<br />

CS4<br />

CS1<br />

CS2<br />

B<br />

Link 2<br />

Revolute 3<br />

B<br />

F<br />

Ground 1<br />

Product 2<br />

Scope 1<br />

CS5<br />

CS3<br />

F<br />

Weld2<br />

Joint Spring & Damper Joint Sensor 2<br />

AxRo/2<br />

[1x3]<br />

B<br />

Env<br />

Machine<br />

Ground 2<br />

Environment<br />

[A]<br />

Goto<br />

Product 7<br />

Joint Actuator<br />

Body2<br />

CS1<br />

2<br />

Constant 1<br />

0.3<br />

Constant 4<br />

Integrator<br />

1<br />

s<br />

Product<br />

360<br />

Constant<br />

|u|<br />

Abs<br />

Constant 2<br />

0<br />

Body Actuator1<br />

sin<br />

Trigonometric<br />

Function 1<br />

-C-<br />

l<br />

-K-<br />

Gain<br />

[A]<br />

From<br />

Scope 4<br />

Scope 6<br />

Scope 5<br />

cos<br />

Trigonometric<br />

Function<br />

Scope<br />

Product 1<br />

-C-<br />

3r Constant 3<br />

65<br />

Scope 3<br />

1<br />

u<br />

Math<br />

Function<br />

Fig. 2 – The Simulink block diagram of the vertical tilting protection mechanism.<br />

Fig. 3 – The rotor’s surface exposed to wind depending<br />

on the turbine axis’ angle of inclination.<br />

Product 6

156 Doru Calarasu et al.<br />

The mechanical-hydraulic protection mechanism includes the tilting device,<br />

the balancing device of the wind turbine’s own weight and the two-way<br />

movement damping device. The initial position (meaning a normal vertical<br />

turbine operation) is triggered by a back stop. The model allows testing using a<br />

set of signals to simulate the wind speed evolution.<br />

Through vertical tilting, the rotor’s surface exposed to wind decreases as<br />

shown in Fig. 3.<br />

The arm of the component determining the tilting moment increases with<br />

the increase of the turbine axis’ tilting angle (Fig. 4). Fig. 5 shows the variation<br />

of the moment determined by the rotor’s tilting strength.<br />

Fig. 4 – Variation of the rotor tilting strength arm.<br />

Fig. 5 – Moment of the rotor tilting strength.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 157<br />

Fig. 6 shows the set of signals used to simulate wind speed variation.<br />

Fig. 6 – Signals for model testing.<br />

The second signal is employed to achieve static balance, where the wind<br />

speed is thought to have the same value as the maximum admissible rating<br />

speed.<br />

Using the ramp signal (signal 3), the system response is tested, that is the<br />

rotor tilting, when the wind speed exceeds the maximum admissible rating<br />

speed. Fig. 7 shows the axis inclination angle variation at the 3 rd signal.<br />

Fig. 7 – Axis inclination angle at wind Fig. 8 – Tilting strength at wind<br />

ramp speed. ramp speed.<br />

Figure 8 shows the tilting strength variation in the conditions described<br />


158 Doru Calarasu et al.<br />

Fig. 9 – Inclination angle of the turbine Fig. 10 – Rotor tilting strength.<br />

rotor axis.<br />

If the system constructive-operational parameters are changed (the damping<br />

coefficient and the return strength decrease), figure 9 shows the evolution of the<br />

inclination angle of the wind turbine rotor axis, while figure 10 depicts the<br />

evolution of the tilting strength.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The simulation diagram allows both constructive and operational system<br />

parameters and operation testing signals to be altered.<br />

2. Digital simulation may be used to optimize constructive parameters<br />

(balancing components weight, rotor axis section lengths, balancing weight,<br />

damping system characteristics).<br />

3. The analysis of the system responses revealed a good dynamic<br />

performance when using the vertical tilting solution chosen to protect low<br />

power horizontal axis wind turbines.<br />

Acknowledgements. This work has been supported by the Romanian National Fund<br />

for Science and Research through National Centre for Programme Management under<br />

contract No. 21-047/2007.<br />

Received: April 16, 2010 “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University,<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics<br />

Iasi, Romania<br />

e-mail: dorucalarasu@yahoo.com

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 159<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. B a n s a l R. C., B h a t t i T. S., K o t h a r i D. P., On some of the design aspects<br />

of wind energy conversion systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 43, 16,<br />

November 2002, pp. 2175-2187<br />

2. B i a n c h i F. D., D e B a t t i s t a H., M a n t z R. J., Wind Turbine Control<br />

Systems, Principles, Modelling and Gain Scheduling Design. Springer Verlag,<br />

Heidelberg, 2007.<br />

3. B i a n c h i F., M a n t z R., C h r i s t i a n s e n C., Power regulation in pitchcontrolled<br />

variable-speed WECS above rated wind speed. Renewable Energy<br />

29(11), 1911–1922, 2004.<br />

4. G r i m b l e M. J., J o h n s o n M. A., Advances in industrial control, Springer –<br />

Verlag London Limited<br />

5. M o l e n a a r D. P., Cost-effective design and operation of variable speed wind<br />

turbines, Delft University Press, 2003.<br />

6. N o v a c P., E k e l u n d T., J o v i k I., S c h m i d b a u e r B., Modeling and<br />

control of variable-speed wind-turbine drive-system dynamics. IEEE Control<br />

Systems, pp. 28 - 38, August, 1995.<br />

7. * * * 160 kW Wind turbine with Hydraulic Transmission at Schiedam Ref: 16013 or<br />

34127<br />

8. * * * Low-wind turbine with hydraulic blade control. Measuring program included<br />

Ref: 8700106<br />

9. * * * Wind turbine with hydraulic transmission, Patent number WO03098037.<br />

10. * * * Water current turbine, Patent number WO2005103484.<br />

11. * * * MATLAB Simulink http://www.mathworks.com/products/simulink/<br />

12. * * * Contract no. 21-047/2007 financed by National Centre for Programme<br />

Management from Romania.<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

Sistemul de control cu care este prevăzută o turbină eoliană are rolul de a diminua<br />

încărcările dinamice pe pale, de a creşte fiabilitatea turbinei şi siguranţa în exploatare.<br />

Acest sistem reprezintă una dintre direcţiile prioritare de acţiune în vederea<br />

rentabilizării turbinelor eoliene cu ax orizontal de mică putere.<br />

Lucrarea prezintă analiza dinamică a unui mecanism mecano-hidraulic de protecţie<br />

a turbinelor eoliene cu ax orizontal (TEAO) de mică putere prin bascularea turbinei<br />

eoliene în plan vertical. Bascularea începe atunci când viteza vântului depăşeşte viteza

160 Doru Calarasu et al.<br />

considerată limită pentru siguranţa turbinei. Această soluţie întruneşte caracteristicile<br />

solicitate sistemului: este fiabil, nu conţine elemente de acţionare electrică, nu conţine<br />

electronică înglobată, nu presupune existenţa unei transmisii hidraulice.<br />

Pentru viteze ale vântului mai mici de o limită maximă impusă, ansamblul rotor nu<br />

basculează. Elicea se roteşte cu o viteză unghiulară care depinde de viteza vântului şi de<br />

încărcarea mecanică la ieşire. Pentru viteze mai mari sau egale cu cea maximă impusă,<br />

ansamblul rotor basculează iar elicea îşi modifică planul de rotaţie.<br />

Testarea prin simulări numerice a modelului conceptual de mecanism mecanohidraulic<br />

protecţie a TEAO de mică putere prin basculare în plan vertical s-a efectuat<br />

utilizând mediul de programare Matlab-Simulink.<br />

Din analiza răspunsurilor sistemului rezultă performanţe dinamice bune pentru<br />

soluţia basculării în plan vertical utilizată în scopul protecţiei turbinelor eoliene cu ax<br />

orizontal de mică putere.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />


and DANIEL CALFA<br />

Abstract. In this paper the authors try to present the mathematical models,<br />

static and dynamic, useful for designing of hydraulically systems which move<br />

heavy masses on small distances with lover frequencies. In the last time<br />

mathematical modeling represents an obligatory step in the designing process of<br />

the new products. In this paper are presented the results of the theoretical<br />

simulation in concordance with the experimental results. The aim is to show the<br />

realistic part of the theoretical simulation of one system designed to move a heavy<br />

owen, 200 t, on a short distances, 50 mm, with low frequency, one complete cycle<br />

in 24 hours.<br />

Key words: research, modeling, simulation, data acquisition.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

To move heavy masses on small distances with lover frequencies the author<br />

recommends one of the following hydraulic charts, see Fig. 1.<br />

In both variants the working tool is the linear hydraulic engine CH, with the<br />

active surface S and volume Vo, which moves the mass M.<br />

For the first variant the step of the move is programmed at the level of the<br />

pump, through the volume/course V. We will admit that for a complete course<br />

the pump send to the hydraulic engine the oil volume V. The oil rich the pump<br />

through the orifices A and B.<br />

In the case of the second variant the flow regulator RD controlled the oil<br />

flow, independent to the working pressure for a specific time, when the<br />

distributing valve is on. The quantity of oil which enters in to the linear<br />

hydraulic engine is controlled in the time by the time stepping system C (t).

162 Constantin Chirita et al.<br />

a) b)<br />

Fig. 1 – Hydraulic charts for lower frequencies and small flow generators.<br />

The mathematical models presented in the following rows are equal satisfied<br />

for both variants.<br />

2. Mathematical Models for the Stationary Regime<br />

For the engine CH which works on the strength F, when a small quantity of<br />

oil V, ideal liquid, incompressible, theoretical we obtain a theoretical movement<br />

of the mass, xT, with the mathematical expression:<br />

(1)<br />

V<br />

xT = .<br />

S<br />

For a real liquid, with the elasticity module E, we obtain a real movement, in<br />

static regime, xP.<br />

⎛ p ⎞<br />

(2) xR = xT<br />

⋅⎜1<br />

− ⎟ .<br />

⎝ E ⎠<br />

(3)<br />

In the relation (2) p is the balance pressure.<br />

F<br />

p = .<br />

S<br />

For V = 8 cm 3 , S = 80 cm 2 , F= 32.000 N, E = 1,5e9 N/m 2 , the results are:<br />

xT= 1 mm, xR= 0,999 mm.

(4)<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 163<br />

3. Dynamic Mathematical Models<br />

For both systems from Fig. 1 we can use the following model:<br />

V0<br />

Q = S ⋅ v + a ⋅ p + ⋅<br />

E<br />

dp<br />

dt<br />

dv<br />

(5) M ⋅ + b ⋅ v + F = p ⋅ S .<br />

dt<br />

(6) V = ∫Q ⋅ dt .<br />

(7) ∫ ⋅ = dt v .<br />

x RD<br />

In the last relations we have the following supplementary parameters: v-<br />

instant speed of the CH engine, a- linear coefficient of the lost oil which are in<br />

direct ratio with pressure, t-time, xRD-real movement in dynamic regime.<br />

To find the real movement, in dynamic regime, we must simulate the<br />

equation on a computer program. We consider the same data like in the case of<br />

the static regime, in advance we know M = 200 kg and the values of a and b<br />

coefficients. When the V quantity of oil is inserted we presume that the system<br />

is in balance. The time which the system is in charge with the V oil quantity is<br />

established as well as we obtain a movement theoretical equal with that we have<br />

on the previous step (t = 2 s). The simulating chart in the simplified way is<br />

presented in Fig. 2.<br />

Fig. 2.a – The simulating chart.<br />


164 Constantin Chirita et al.<br />

The V part generates the oil flow which is introduced in the linear hydraulic<br />

oil CH. We can look on the evolution of the following parameters: pressure p,<br />

speed v, movement x.<br />

We can observe that the speed is stable around the value of 0,003 mm/ min<br />

and the final value of XRD is 0,995 mm.<br />

Fig. 3 – Data acquisition application in Lab View.<br />

The feedback time of the system is very short approximately 0,003 s, as we<br />

can see in Fig. 2. After the collecting data procedure from the experiment,<br />

where was used a LabVIEW interface with NI DAQ 6024, for the speed and<br />

movement we obtain the following characteristics, see Figs. 3, 4 and 5.<br />

Fig. 4 – Piston movement after a period of nr. of steps generated by the pump.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 165<br />

Fig. 5 – The real speed of the piston in mm/minutes.<br />

Regarding the system is permanent under the pressure his dynamics is very<br />

well. The system is a stabile one first order system.<br />

The dynamic simulation, are we expected, is the most precise one, regarding<br />

the fact that he take care of the specific oil gaps.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Regarding the system is permanent under the pressure his dynamics is<br />

very well. The system is a stabile one first order system.<br />

2. The aim is to show the realistic part of the theoretical simulation of one<br />

system designed to move a heavy owen, 200 t, on a short distances, 50 mm,<br />

with low frequency, one complete cycle in 24 hours for Mittal Steel - Galati.<br />

Received: February 25, 2010 ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University,<br />

DISAHP Department<br />

Iasi, Romania<br />

e-mail: disahp@gmail.com

166 Constantin Chirita et al.<br />

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5. * * * LabVIEW 7.2, 2006.<br />

6. * * * http://www.hydramold.com.<br />

7. * * * http://www.ni.com.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare autorii prezintă cercetările efectuate în cadrul DISAHP pentru proiectarea<br />

sistemelor hidraulice care deplasează mase grele pe distante mici, cu frecvenţă redusă.<br />

Sunt evidențiate rezultatele simulării în concordanţă cu rezultatele experimentale la<br />

deplasarea unei sarcini grele de 200 t, pe distanţe scurtă 50 mm, cu frecvenţă joasă, întrun<br />

un ciclu complet de 24 de ore, pentru beneficiarul Mittal Steel din Galați.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />



Abstract. Increased decentralization of drying processes for agricultural<br />

products require reliable and easy handling installation at low costs. The<br />

economic efficiency of these plants depends on the use of optimal management<br />

for processes that require measurement of the mass of water extracted, in the<br />

thermal conditions of drying chambers. We developed a new scheme for<br />

measuring on-line the weight of tray loaded with dry material using a pneumatic<br />

force transducer working under sampled measurement. The solution presented is<br />

remarkable due to very low energy consumption and low cost automation feature.<br />

The measurement system is coupled to PLC for automatic management of driers.<br />

Dynamic behaviour and energy consumption were determined by simulation<br />

experiments performed with a model and a numerical simulation program,<br />

developed in simulation environment MEDSIMFP10. Simulation experiments<br />

have confirmed low energy consumption air and good measurement accuracy.<br />

Keywords: pneumatic transducer, force, drying, energy consumption, lowcost<br />

1. General considerations<br />

Drying is an effective, economic and ecological method for preserving<br />

agricultural products, plants, fruits and vegetables. An optimal drying process<br />

led to products with high nutritional potential, obtained with reduced specific<br />

energy consumption.<br />

For dryers with a capacity smaller than 20 m 2 surface of tray, the price of<br />

automatic driving system can double the cost of installation and thus leads to<br />

reduced automatic management functions, with impact on the quality of final<br />

products. These dryers can be easily transported to the place where is performed

168 Erol Murad et al.<br />

harvest of products which require drying; for this reason it is necessary a high<br />

level of energy independence and high reliability. [ 5] - [7], [9], [10].<br />

For optimizing the drying process is still necessary to measure the mass of<br />

water extracted during the drying process. In order to reduce production costs of<br />

the dryer, the measurement is performed for a sample represented by one or<br />

more boxes of dry suspended on a force transducer.<br />

To simplify design, transducer should be arranged in the drying chamber at<br />

high temperatures and high humidity. In papers [5], [6], [9] have been examined<br />

these issues and therefore was developed a pneumatic force transducer,<br />

unconventional, which is adapted to operating conditions of convective dryers<br />

and requires only 63mW electrical power and 5mW power air power. [12] - [14]<br />

Optimal management of drying processes requires online measurement of<br />

the variation of water extracted from the dried bodies during a drying.<br />

Constructive solution for measuring the change in weight of a column of tray is<br />

technically complicated and expensive. Hence, it is used a weight measurement<br />

of the change in middle column boxes, specifying that the drying process has a<br />

similar evolution throughout the column height. It should be noted that the<br />

temperature in the drying is in the range 50...80°C, therefore, was decided to<br />

use pneumatic sensors for measuring forces, because measured size, pressure, is<br />

not influenced by changes of temperature. [4] - [6]<br />

Convective dryers consume more thermal power and about 8% electrical<br />

power, required for operating the fan and automation system. [8], [10]<br />

This paper presents and analyzes the operation and performance of a<br />

scheme for measuring on-line weight of boxes loaded with dried material using<br />

a pneumatic force transducer working under sampled. The solution presented is<br />

remarkable due to very low energy consumption and a reduced price. The<br />

measurement system is coupled to dedicated leadership PLC automatic dryers.<br />

They use basic concepts of low cost automation, minimize energy<br />

consumption and not least are extremely efficient economically.<br />

2. Pneumatic Force Transducer<br />

Applying concepts of minimizing energy consumption, energy<br />

independence and low cost automation system was designed an unconventional<br />

pneumatic transducer which does not require special source of compressed air<br />

consumption is very low, which simplifies construction, and hence the cost<br />

transducer, and the total energy consumed is very small.<br />

It was chosen a pneumatic system because of the pressure signal, that is<br />

proportional to the measured weight, which is not influenced by environment<br />

temperature of measurement, and accuracy is high.<br />

The main element of the force transducer is pneumatic load cell, which<br />

converts measured force Fmas in a force proportional pressure pmas.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 169<br />

Figure 1 shows a functional diagram for pneumatic load cell for the drying<br />

process, which can be used for proving that force change occurs slowly and<br />

processes take place in a single direction.<br />

Fig. 1 – Functional diagram of pneumatic force transducer.<br />

Force measuring Fmas(t) is applied on top of a rod (4) attached to the rigid<br />

center (3) of an embossed flexible membrane (2) with effective diameter Def<br />

and constant effective area Sef, mounted on a body (1). On the rod (4) is<br />

attached a nozzle (5), with the diameter dd, which is based on a ball (6) with<br />

diameter db, closing the chamber as air access to the outside through holes in the<br />

membrane, rigid centre and rod.<br />

The measurement chamber can be connected in parallel with an air capacity<br />

Vad. Pneumatic circuit supply is done by RP variable air resistance and DP<br />

distributor type 2x2. Pressure source must be pal ≥ 1,5 pmas max.<br />

Pressure measured pmas (t) is applied to a converter p / U, which gives the<br />

output voltage yF∈[1, 3] Vdc.<br />

The steady, the balance of forces, pressure pmas (t) in the enclosure is:<br />

(1)<br />

p<br />

F<br />

( t)<br />

+ G<br />

mas em<br />

mas ( t)<br />

=<br />

,<br />

S ef<br />

where: Gem is the weight of mobile equipment, which is constant.<br />

For measuring a force with some variation, included in the measurement,<br />

the supply with compressed gas is sampled with an u1 order form, short pulse,<br />

which provides increased pressure pmas to Fmas balance; then the rigid centre,<br />

membrane and nozzle amount of the ball with h(t) and excess flow gas Dev(t) is<br />

discharged outside.<br />

For measuring a force with a change in one respect, specific processes of<br />

drying, the weight of bodies during drying decreases continuously, it is<br />

necessary to supply compressed gas only at the beginning of drying burden.<br />

During drying Fmas decreases continuously, pmas decreases continuously, and<br />

additional gas is discharged outside through the space between the gasket and<br />

valve, to maintain balance as it shows the Eq. (1).

170 Erol Murad et al.<br />

This method of measurement consumes a very small amount of compressed<br />

gas, which means little air power.<br />

Pneumatic output signal of the enclosure pmas is converted into unified<br />

electric signal using a converter P / U.<br />

As the outdoor temperature is constant and the variation of force Fmas(t) is<br />

slow, can be considered, in terms of thermodynamics, the measurement is an<br />

isothermal process at constant volume. Variation of the air mass in the<br />

enclosure depends on pressure variation pmas(t) produced by the variation of<br />

force Fmas(t):<br />

(2)<br />

V<br />

m<br />

ma<br />

( t)<br />

RaTa<br />

+ Vad<br />

= .<br />

p ( t)<br />

The position of dynamic equilibrium of cell phone equipment load, if the air<br />

distributor DP is closed, the volume of gas is constant Vm. Therefore,<br />

thermodynamic equilibrium equation is:<br />

(3) p mas ( t)<br />

( Vm<br />

+ Vad<br />

) = ma<br />

( t)<br />

RaTa<br />

,<br />

hence the differential equation of the dynamic behaviour of load cell:<br />

dp ( t)<br />

=<br />

dt<br />

mas<br />

a<br />

(4) ( Vm<br />

+ Vad<br />

) RaTa<br />

,<br />

and<br />

(5)<br />

mas<br />

a ( t)<br />

⎛ V V ⎞<br />

⎜ m + ad dF<br />

= ⎟<br />

dt ⎜ Sef<br />

RaT<br />

⎟<br />

⎝<br />

a ⎠ dt<br />

dm mas<br />

dm ( t)<br />

dt<br />

When the force produced by the membrane exceeds the loading:<br />

(6) ( mas ( t)<br />

⋅ Sef<br />

− Fmas<br />

( t)<br />

− Gem<br />

) > 0<br />

p ,<br />

is entering a phase characterized by acceleration a(t) that makes lifting the<br />

nozzle from the ball to h(t):<br />

(7) a( t)<br />

( pmas<br />

( t)<br />

⋅ Sef<br />

− Fmas<br />

( t)<br />

− Gem<br />

) / M red ( t)<br />

= .<br />

Mred low mass value (t) at the transducer rod is:<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 171<br />

1<br />

(8) M red ( t)<br />

= ( Fmas<br />

( t)<br />

+ Gem<br />

) ) .<br />

g<br />

Dmev exhaust mass flow (t) depends on the distance nozzle-ball h(t), the<br />

pmas(t) and external pressure patm. Sev exhaust section (h, db, dd) is a truncated<br />

cone with the tip in the centre of the ball and the base on the nozzle [3], where<br />

Rh is hydraulic radius [3]:<br />

⎛ 2 2 2 2 ⎞<br />

(9) R<br />

h<br />

= 0 . 5 ⋅ ⎜ h + h d<br />

b<br />

− d<br />

d<br />

+ 0.<br />

25 ⋅ d<br />

b<br />

− 0.<br />

5d<br />

b ⎟<br />

⎝<br />

⎠<br />

The kev rate of contraction of the jet exhaust is calculated from a<br />

relationship F(Re, Rh, Ra, Ta, pmas, patm) [3].<br />

If Fmas(t) decreases continuously, so in drying processes, change dma(t)/dt<br />

will be negative; over time, the gas is discharged outside for reaching a value<br />

pmas(t) with which is balanced Fmas(t).<br />

Under these conditions, mass balance for air in the enclosure is:<br />

dma<br />

( t)<br />

(10) Dmi<br />

( t)<br />

− Dmev<br />

( t)<br />

dt<br />

= .<br />

It was made a model and a simulation program of this type of transducer<br />

operation in MEDSIMFP.10 simulation environment. Figure 2 presents<br />

transducer operation for a sampling period starting sequence and in Figs 3 and 4<br />

are shown different working arrangements, with a simulation of 300 s.<br />

3. Measurement Algorithm<br />

For reducing energy consumption and air power, it was designed an<br />

algorithm to drive transducer operation under sampled with a period Tes ∈ (10<br />

... 100) s.<br />

Reading the transducer voltage output yg is made in PLC with a frequency<br />

fy ≥ 100 Hz.<br />

At the beginning of the sample, it is given a prompt ui = 1 which opens the<br />

DP and the through RP entry pass flow Dmi (t), that results in increased air mass<br />

ma (t) and default and pmas (t), see Figure 2.<br />

At the beginning of the sample, it gives a command ui = 1 which opens the<br />

DP and through the RP entry pass flow Dmi(t), which results in increased air<br />

mass ma(t) and hence the pmas (t), see Figure 2.

172 Erol Murad et al.<br />

When the condition (6) is accomplished, the nozzle starts to rise and there is<br />

an exhaust flow Dmev (t)> 0, which reduces ma(t) and pmas (t) begins to decrease.<br />

Once it finds a stabilizing amount pmas (t), driving algorithm keeps ui = 1 still<br />

400 ms, then ui = 0 and stops the air supply Dmi (t) = 0. In this period Dmev(t)> 0<br />

until h(t) = 0.<br />

Fig. 2 – Measurement scheme starting sequence.<br />

Fig. 3 – Experiment simulation pneumatic transducer Fmas (t) = const.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 173<br />

Fig. 4 – Experiment simulation pneumatic transducer dFmas(t) / dt

174 Erol Murad et al.<br />

Figure 4 presents a simulated experiment where the measured force<br />

decreases continuously and slowly. Transducer works well with an air<br />

consumption similar to the previous experiment.<br />

If it is considered that the opening between two orders of distributor DP,<br />

pressure may decrease too much due leaks and wear, hourly air consumption<br />

would be maxim 135.42 Ncm 3 / h, which is a small volume. For example in<br />

continuous operation for 24 hours would consume 3.25 Ndm 3 air, which would<br />

require a reservoir of 2 dm 3 uploaded once a day to 3 bar.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

1. We designed a pneumatic force transducer for particular process<br />

consisting in a slow change of the measured force, typical for convective<br />

drying.<br />

2. Transducer operates with very low air energy consumption, is simple,<br />

affordable, sustainable, low-gauge and weight.<br />

3. They were applied mechatronics and automation principles at low cost<br />

for transferring as many functions to PLC management of the technological<br />

process.<br />

4. For exhaust valve nozzle-ball version has been used to ensure normal<br />

operation even in difficult assembly and operation, ensuring a good seal chosen<br />

option and a relatively large exhaust section to small movements.<br />

5. On the dynamic, by controlling the very low input flow , in a chamber<br />

measuring small volume, for reaching a maximum speed of less than 100 mm/s 2<br />

for the mobile part, and a maximum displacement of 0,3 mm. These values<br />

show that there are no shocks during the operation, and sustainability of nozzleball<br />

system is very high.<br />

6. Simulation experiments show that a transducer with head scale of 50 N<br />

can operate continuously 24 hours powered by a 2-liter tank loaded to 3 bar<br />

once a day.<br />

7. The results obtained in simulated experiments represent tests of the<br />

experimental model, which pursue to prove both design and functional<br />

optimized variants functional, through change values for pair ball diameter and<br />

nozzle diameter.<br />

Received: March 20, 2010<br />

1 <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong>A University of Bucharest,<br />

Faculty of Biotechnical Systems<br />

Bucharest, Romania<br />

e-mail: erolmurad@yahoo.com<br />

2 INOE 2000-IHP<br />

Bucharest, Romania<br />

e-mail: dumitrescu.ihp@fluidas.ro

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 175<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. A v r a m M., Acţionări hidraulice şi pneumatice, Ed. Universitară, Bucureşti,<br />

2005.<br />

2. F e i d t M. L., Termodinamica şi optimizarea energetică a sistemelor şi<br />

proceselor, Ed. BREN, Bucureşti, 2001.<br />

3. D i m i t r i e v V. N., G r a d e ţ k i i B.G., Osnovâ pnevmoavtomatiki,<br />

Maşinostroienie, Moskva, 1973.<br />

4. M u r a d E., MEDSIMFP10, Mediu software simulare sisteme, Free Pascal-V2.1.4,<br />

U.P.B., 2008.<br />

5. M u r a d E., Măsurarea parametrilor procesului de uscare a produselor ceramice<br />

cu traductoare pneumatice neconvenţionale, HERVEX 2007, Călimăneşti 14-16<br />

noiembrie 2007.<br />

6. M u r a d E., C h e r c h e ş T., Traductoare pneumatice neconvenţionale cu<br />

consum redus de energie pentru măsurarea forţelor din instalaţii agricole şi în<br />

industria alimentară, HERVEX 2008, Călimăneşti 15-17 noiembrie 2008.<br />

7. M u r a d E., H a r a g a G., B u l e a r c ă M., B ă d i l e a n u M., Convection<br />

dryers under cogeneration, Conferinţa Internaţională, ENERGIE - MEDIU<br />

CIEM 2009, UPB, Bucureşti 12-14 noiembrie 2009.<br />

8. M u r a d E., P r e d e s c u C., R i z o i u G., S i m a C., H a r a g a G., Instalaţii de<br />

uscare mobile şi ecologice destinate zonelor montane, HERVEX 2009,<br />

Călimăneşti 18-20 noiembrie 2009.<br />

9. M u r a d E., M a i c a n E., M a r i n A., Du m i t r e s c u C., Dinamica<br />

traductoarelor pneumatice cu consum redus de energie pentru măsurarea<br />

forţelor în procese lente, HERVEX 2008, Călimăneşti 18-20 noiembrie 2009.<br />

10. M u r a d E., C h e re c h e s T., Optimizarea consumului de energie a sistemului de<br />

conducere automată a proceselor de uscare convectivă, HERVEX 2008,<br />

Călimăneşti 18-20 noiembrie 2009.<br />

11. R a d c e n c o V., A l e x a n d r e s c u N., I o n e s c u E., Calculul şi proiectarea<br />

elementelor şi schemelor pneumatice, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti, 1985.<br />

12. * * * Catalog SMC, 2009.<br />

13. * * * Catalog FESTO, 2009.<br />

14. * * * Catalog Motorola 2008.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Păstrarea produselor agricole vegetale, fructe şi legume, se poate face în condiţii<br />

foarte bune prin uscarea lor; această soluţie, beneficiind de un condus optimal,<br />

realizează produse cu potenţial nutritiv ridicat, cu consumuri energetice specifice<br />

reduse. În actualul context economic, derularea acestor procese în locaţii

176 Erol Murad et al.<br />

descentralizate, de dimensiuni mici şi medii, necesită instalaţii uşor de deplasat, fiabile<br />

şi cu un preţ redus. Eficienţa economică a acestor instalaţii depinde de utilizarea<br />

conducerii optimale a proceselor de uscare care necesită măsurarea, în condiţiile termice<br />

din camerele de uscare, a masei de apă extrase.<br />

S-a dezvoltat o nouă schemă de măsurare on-line a greutăţii unei casete încărcată cu<br />

material de uscat care utilizează un traductor pneumatic de forţă care lucrează în regim<br />

de măsurare eşantionat. Soluţia prezentată se remarcă prin consumuri foarte mici de<br />

energie şi este caracteristică pentru automatizarea cu cost redus. Sistemul de măsurare<br />

este cuplat la PLC-ul destinat conducerii automate a instalaţiei de uscare.<br />

Comportarea dinamică şi consumurile energetice s-au determinat prin experimente<br />

de simulare realizate cu un model şi un program de simulare numerică, dezvoltat în<br />

mediul de simulare MEDSIMFP10. Experimentele de simulare au confirmat consumuri<br />

reduse de energie pneumatică (un rezervor de 2 l încărcat la 3 bar odată pe zi), precum<br />

şi o precizie bună de măsurare.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />


Abstract. The need for sustainable development requires the use of renewable<br />

energy, primarily to maintain the existing energy (fossil fuels) to a suitable level,<br />

but also for environmental conservation. Accordingly, renewable energy sources<br />

began to be intensively studied and developed, mainly in the last ten years. In<br />

Romania, the first wind groups were put into service in 2005 (Ploiesti Industrial<br />

Complex - a wind turbine Vestas V52 - 660 kW, relocated), now the installed power<br />

being around 14 MW. For the purposes of harnessing wind energy for electricity<br />

production, because at heights exceeding 100 m, the wind is not influenced by<br />

existing deficiencies ground (trees, buildings, hills, etc..) Wind groups have become<br />

increasingly high and access to review and repair is difficult. As a result of this it is<br />

necessary to monitor the time of damage that may occur during operation of a wind<br />

farm to reduce the time the wind group is stopped and production losses are as small<br />

as possible. To ensure proper function safely it is necessary to implement a<br />

monitoring system for structural resistance (MSR) of wind turbine. This system and<br />

some of the damage assessment methods will be presented in this paper. The MSR<br />

has two branches: a network of sensors that collect information and an algorithm /<br />

software to interpret data from the sensors. Some of the technologies that can be<br />

used, methods of ultrasonic, thermal scanning, x-rays, etc. will be presented in this<br />

paper. Likewise, the most frequent types of structural damage that can occur in a<br />

wind group will also be discussed in this paper.<br />

Key words: wind turbine, monitoring structure resistance, sensors and damage<br />

detection.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

In order to achieve sustainable development, which requires the use of<br />

renewable energy, primarily to maintain the existing energy (fossil fuels) to a<br />

suitable level, but also for environmental conservation, in the last 20 years has

178 Mihai Florin Mănescu and Valeriu Panaitescu<br />

emphasized the efficiency of plants used as feedstock in electricity generation,<br />

renewable sources. Unlike other renewable energy sources, wind energy is<br />

limited because of its technological maturity, good infrastructure and relative<br />

price competitiveness. To have an effective higher cost-benefit, wind generators<br />

groups have become increasingly high.<br />

Some of the problems arising from the operation of wind turbines are listed<br />

below:<br />

a) the areas where wind farms are developed wind regions and which are<br />

usually difficult to reach, such as high mountain areas or areas of Dobrogea, due<br />

to existing infrastructure;<br />

b) the height of pillars (about 100 m), which makes revisions and access<br />

for repairs difficult;<br />

c) there have been accidents that led to the collapse of the entire wind<br />

structure and consequently to enormous losses;<br />

d) the tendency to have a high cost-benefit led to large structures;<br />

e) in Romania there isn’t a mature experience in the production of<br />

electricity using wind power, the first wind turbine was put into service in 2005,<br />

with a pillar height of 54 m. The wind farms that are now developed are usually<br />

100 m high and, in case of damage, this fact can lead to serious accidents, since<br />

action plans may not be effective.<br />

Given the above, it becomes necessary to monitor the whole resistance<br />

structure of wind turbines using a network of sensors.<br />

The monitoring systems are safe and low-cost, and their implementation can<br />

prevent energy losses during revisions or damage. These systems can efficiently<br />

diagnose which parts of the wind turbine must be replaced and they can also<br />

work to reduce duration of a scheduled review. Furthermore, these systems can<br />

predict the life cycle of the plant whose working time averages10-30 years.<br />

According to F a r r a r and S o h n [1] a monitoring system is defined as a<br />

process that detects faults which occur in high buildings. A fault is defined here<br />

as a alteration of the materials and / or of the geometric properties of these<br />

systems, including alterations in bordering conditions and system connectivity,<br />

which adversely affect system performance. There can be many causes of<br />

structural damage such as moisture absorption, fatigue, wind gusts [2], thermal<br />

stress, corrosion, fire and even lightning [3].<br />

In general, the successful development of methods of MSR depends on two<br />

key factors: the technology employed for detection and signal analysis and the<br />

algorithm for interpretation [4]. MSR components consist of a data acquisition<br />

system, data filtering, pattern recognition and decision making. Each of these<br />

components is equally important in determining the safety status of a structure<br />

[5].<br />

The monitoring process involves well-timed observation, using data from a<br />

series of sensors and statistical analysis in determining the status of the<br />

structure. In the case of long-term process MSR, the sensors provide regularly

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 179<br />

updated information on the ability of the structure to perform its intended<br />

function, depending on the inevitable aging process and the degradation caused<br />

by the operation conditions. Ensuing extreme events such as earthquakes, MSR<br />

is used to obtain nearly real-time, reliable information on the integrity of the<br />

structure [1].<br />

The same as wind turbines, the MSR system can provide data on the state of<br />

integrity of the assembly. The damage caused by wind turbines which can be<br />

detected by MSR is listed below, depending on the functional characteristics of<br />

the system. Early warning, with the following advantages and benefits:<br />

a) Prevention of breakdown; better planning of the revisions; reducing the<br />

cost of repairs; minimization of the reparation time.<br />

Problem identification, with the following advantages and benefits:<br />

a) Servicing at the appropriate time; reduction of the number of replaced<br />

parts; solving problems while still in warranty; reduction of the costs; operation<br />

at normal parameters.<br />

Continuous monitoring, with the following advantages and benefits:<br />

a) Constant update on the working parameters; security, less stress.<br />

The benefits of having a detection system faults are: [6], [13].<br />

a) The prevention of premature breakdown: prevention of disasters, failure<br />

and secondary defects.<br />

b) Lower maintenance costs.<br />

c) Remote monitoring and remote diagnosis: turbines are usually built within<br />

a long distance from the premises of the beneficiary.<br />

d) Improvement of the capacity to warn against impending failure; the<br />

duration of the repairing process can be reduced in the windy season and<br />

consequently the production will not be affected.<br />

e) Support for the further development of a turbine: the data which has been<br />

gathered can be used to improve the models of the future turbine generation.<br />

With a reliable MSR, one can successfully plan an efficient maintenance<br />

and repair strategy of the wind turbines, especially offshore. Maintenance and<br />

repair can be performed on demand, when the weather conditions are<br />

favourable. Similarly, the mobilization to cover the costs of personnel, materials<br />

and equipment can be optimized [7].<br />

An ideal monitoring system consists of two main components: a network of<br />

sensors for data collection and an algorithm for data analysis, which is used to<br />

interpret the measurements and determine the physical condition of the<br />

structures.<br />

These methods, which are either already applicable or promise application<br />

to the wind turbine systems in the near future, are presented below.

180 Mihai Florin Mănescu and Valeriu Panaitescu<br />

2. Damage Detection Technologies<br />

2.1. Non-destructive Technologies for Monitoring<br />

2.1.1. Thermal scanning technology. This technology is used to detect<br />

anomalies, based on the differences in the temperature of the inspected areas,<br />

such as the blades of the wind turbine, with the help of infrared sensors or heat<br />

detecting cameras [6]. The differences in temperature are correlated with the<br />

diffusion of heat and, as a result, they indicate abnormalities or damage.<br />

Specialized equipment, called thermovision or thermographic camera and<br />

similar in size and appearance to the very familiar video camera of everyday<br />

life, is used to obtain thermal images. In this way, objects are viewed in terms<br />

of the infrared radiation (IR) emitted by them and not in that of the visible<br />

radiation, which can be effortlessly detected with the naked eye.<br />

The thermographic method is extremely useful in practice because it<br />

permits the achievement of the so-called "predictive maintenance", a term<br />

which is applicable to all industries. The first sign of a defect or an operating<br />

problem is often given by the increased heat in that particular area, therefore an<br />

increase in the emission of infrared radiation. In other cases, the unjustified<br />

lower temperatures of some areas or of some parts of the device may be a sign<br />

of negative phenomena occurring at their level. After having been generated,<br />

the termograma is digitally processed in order to locate the points where heat<br />

stress is present and the defects. It should also be noted that the assessment of<br />

the termograme obtained by scanning the device, system or facility during<br />

proper functioning, can provide extremely valuable information on the normal<br />

thermal map, which will serve as reference for future evaluation and will also<br />

help with the remediation of any potential failure.<br />

Fig. 1 – Image of wind turbine produced by thermography.<br />

Additionally, the thermographic method is a non-invasive technique for<br />

measuring the infrared radiation emitted by the object under examination and<br />

generates, after a very short thermal analysis performed in real time, a thermal<br />

paper which may be sometimes of vital importance to the wind turbines. This<br />

method enables the precise measurement of surface temperature; the high<br />

resolution is a valuable advantage in detecting differences in the temperature of

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 181<br />

those areas which are prone to failure. It can be stated that the method enables<br />

the so-called "defect management", the monitoring of the infrared radiation<br />

emitted by a technical system during normal operation often being the only<br />

imaging method that enables the actual visualization of the notions of "fault"<br />

and "inclination to failure".<br />

Thermography is very often the only quick on-site investigation of a<br />

facility. The areas which are prone to failure can be observed through a mere<br />

scanning of the frontage of the device.<br />

2.1.2. Ultrasonic technology. Ultrasound is applied differently, depending<br />

on the nature, geometry and destination of the product, taking into accounts the<br />

technical performance of the Probes Flaw system. Steel products are the ones<br />

which are most commonly examined by means of the ultrasound technique.<br />

Ultrasonic control can be differentiated and customized according to the<br />

methods specific to steel products: metal, forgings, castings, welded structures<br />

and products made of austenitic steel.<br />

The ultrasound check reveals all the types of internal defects of welded<br />

joints. The ultrasonic method can be used to determine wall thickness and the<br />

number of deposited layers. This technology is applicable to all metals and<br />

nonmetallic materials. Having a great penetrating force, the ultrasound enables<br />

the verification of large sections. The application is only limited by the rough<br />

structures which are highly heterogeneous. The devices are lightweight,<br />

portable and autonomous, and the technology will ensure good results even in<br />

on-site working conditions. The verification techniques, particularly the<br />

immersion control, lend themselves to mechanization and automation.<br />

The result is safe and immediate and it can accurately predict the location,<br />

size and depth of the defects. From an economic standpoint, the ultrasound<br />

method is much cheaper and more productive than the radiation technique in<br />

those cases where the number of defects exceeds a certain limit [14].<br />

2.1.3. X-ray technology. X-rays can penetrate a large number of different<br />

materials, including composites. Usually, the images are obtained as shadow<br />

variations along the X-ray propagation. Under normal operation conditions, the<br />

X-rays are not able to reveal the cracks which have a parallel orientation with<br />

respect to the rays.<br />

The energy requirement is low and the safety prerequisites can be fulfilled<br />

from a remote position. The X-ray sources can be small, air-cooled and easily<br />

implemented for various applications. This method is able to detect the lack of<br />

binder between the metal, as well as cracks and holes in the metal. Some<br />

sources enable the detection of defects at less than 10 micrometres. This method<br />

can be used during real-time inspection for quality control or shortly after the<br />

blade of the wind turbine is set in motion. [13].

182 Mihai Florin Mănescu and Valeriu Panaitescu<br />

2.2. Discussion<br />

The advantage of the thermographic method is that this technology is able<br />

to produce an overall picture of the whole wind farm. A quick assessment can<br />

be made by a user with some experience. The main problem with this method is<br />

that the thermal images are limited to some electrical components that produce<br />

excessive heat during operation. This can also be applied to defective<br />

components if they move excessively, causing friction and heat.<br />

The ultrasonic methods will not detect single fibre breaks or composite<br />

materials. These methods do not work for complex structures (only the blades,<br />

the tower and the nacelle can be monitored).<br />

An advantage of the X-ray technology is that the images are obtained in<br />

parallel, not through scan as is the case with the thermographic approach and,<br />

therefore it is faster. However, problems can appear when the X-ray image is<br />

interpreted. It should be noted that the sources emitting the X-rays are small and<br />

air-cooled, thus fulfilling the safety prerequisites and they can also be controlled<br />

remotely.<br />

3. The Damage of the Structural Integrity of the Wind Power<br />

Impairment can occur in any component or part of the turbine and it can<br />

take any form, ranging from a crack in the concrete foundation to a split blade.<br />

Various cases of structural damage are reported from time to time in several<br />

countries such as Wales, Scotland, Spain, Germany, France, Denmark, Japan<br />

and New Zealand [8]. In Germany, in 2002, a blade broke away, and parts were<br />

found scattered throughout the area [9]. In another case, a blade flew to a<br />

distance of 8 km and entered the window of a house. A detailed documentary of<br />

this accident is available http://www.caithnesswindfarms.co.uk. According to a<br />

survey performed in Germany [10] the frequency of damage is almost equal for<br />

all the mechanical systems and structures. The failure varies from 4% for the<br />

structural parts and the gear to 7% for the rotor blades.<br />

Although structural damage may occur in any component, the most<br />

common type of damage is encountered in rotor blades and in the tower [11].<br />

Special attention is given to the blades, as they are the key elements of a wind<br />

power generation system and as their cost can average 15-20% of the total cost<br />

of the turbine. It was noted that the damage to the blades is the most expensive<br />

type of repair and also the one which lasts the longest [12].<br />

Additionally, even minor damage on the blades can lead to serious<br />

secondary damage to the entire wind turbine system when action to repair it is<br />

not taken immediately, leading to the collapse of the entire set [8].

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 183<br />

The main construction elements of a turbine blade are shown in Fig. 2. The<br />

blades are made of a mixture of fiberglass and composite materials. They are<br />

designed to capture wind energy and transfer it to the turbine rotor and their<br />

profile is the result of complex aerodynamic studies, on which turbine<br />

efficiency is dependant. The development in size of the blades also caused an<br />

increase in the size of the rotor.<br />

Damage to blades may occur in different ways. The most common types of<br />

damage is listed below [5] and a sketch of these is available in Fig. 3.<br />

Typical damage description:<br />

1. Damage formation and growth in the adhesive layer joining the skin and<br />

the main spar flanges (skin/adhesive debonding and/or main<br />

spar/adhesive layer debonding);<br />

2. Damage formation and growth in the adhesive layer joining the up and<br />

downwind skins along leading and/or trailing edges (adhesive joint<br />

failure between skins);<br />

3. Damage formation and growth at the interface between face and core in<br />

sandwich panels in skins and main spar web (sandwich panel face/core<br />

debonding);<br />

4. Internal damage formation and growth in laminates in skin and/or main<br />

spar flanges, under a tensile or compression load (delamination driven<br />

by a tensional or a buckling load);<br />

5. Splitting and fracture of separate fibres in laminates of the skin and main<br />

spar (fibre failure in tension; laminate failure in compression);<br />

6. Buckling of the skin due to damage formation and growth in the bond<br />

between skin and main spar under compressive load (skin/adhesive<br />

debonding induced by buckling, a specific type 1 case);<br />

7. Formation and growth of cracks in the gel-coat; debonding of the gel-coat<br />

from the skin (gel-coat cracking and gel-coat/skin debonding).<br />

Fig. 2 – Components blade.

184 Mihai Florin Mănescu and Valeriu Panaitescu<br />

There are numerous causes which can lead to damage in the wind power<br />

systems. Some of the reasons could be improper installation, operation under<br />

severe conditions or low quality components.<br />

Fig. 3 – A representations of some types damage in the blades.<br />

Lightning can cause severe structural damage and the destruction of several<br />

towers. Fire and strong wind can also damage a turbine. The most critical task is<br />

probably when the turbine is stopped due to high wind.<br />

The greatest danger occurs when, during a period of strong wind, the brake<br />

system fails, and the turbine cannot be controlled. The brake system of a turbine<br />

rotor is designed to halt if the wind is too strong.<br />

When the brakes do not work, the turbine gets out of hand. In Germany, on<br />

several occasions during 1999, 2000 and 2003, the wind turbine brakes failed to<br />

stop the rotor, and blades were loose, pieces of which are found more than<br />

500m away from the pillar.<br />

Fig. 4 – Examples of damaged turbines at 100%.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 185<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Since the addition of the MSR monitoring system to a group of wind<br />

turbine can negatively affect performance, the number and location of the<br />

sensors is an important problem, which was addressed to a significant extent in<br />

the current literature. The methods to be implemented for wind turbines should<br />

demonstrate that they can perform well despite the small number of<br />

measurement points and under the constraint that these points will be located in<br />

areas prone to damage.<br />

2. The technologies for monitoring and damage detection can be selected to<br />

obtain comprehensive information. Detection methods are based on a network<br />

of sensors adapted for early warning at the onset of damage. The methods can<br />

detect the types of damages of less than 1 micron and the location of the<br />

damage can be accurately determined.<br />

3. Some of the limitations are the number of sensors they call for, as well as<br />

the noise produced during the operation of the turbine. In addition, the<br />

maintenance of a wired and wireless network between rotating parts, blades and<br />

nacelle is still difficult. The most promising methods are the ultrasound and the<br />

thermographic techniques. The X-ray methods, which were discussed here, can<br />

also be applied for non-destructive testing, where in situ results must be fully<br />

verified.<br />

4. Finally, since the environmental benefits are constantly emphasized, the<br />

generation of electric power with the help of wind systems is a necessary<br />

innovation. Therefore, related industries require monitoring systems that can<br />

provide effective maintenance programs, which provide the earliest possible<br />

detection of defects.<br />

5. The most important component of a wind turbine which requires<br />

monitoring is the blade, so we must implement a reliable system of low-cost<br />

sensors. This system should be integrated into the turbine blades in the<br />

manufacturing phase, which will signal any potential failure in the turbine.<br />

Therefore, the wind turbine should be built intelligently.<br />

Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank HCI Environment SRL for the<br />

support and constructive comments.<br />

Received April 15, 2010 <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong>A University,<br />

Faculty of Energetics<br />

Bucuresti, Romania<br />

e-mail: mihai.manescu@expert-mediu.eu

186 Mihai Florin Mănescu and Valeriu Panaitescu<br />

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2. G h o s h a l A., S u n d a r e s a n M. J., S c h u l z M. J., P a i P F., Structural health<br />

monitoring techniques for wind turbine blades. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 85<br />

(2008) 309–24<br />

3. H a m e e d Z., H o n g Y. S., C h o Y. M., A h n S. H., S o n g C. K., Condition<br />

monitoring and fault detection of wind turbines and related algorithms: a review<br />

Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. , 2007.<br />

4. K i m H., M e l h e m H., Damage detection of structures by wavelet analysis. Eng.<br />

Struct. 26, 347–62, 2004.<br />

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M., J a c o b s e n T. K., H a l l i n g K. M., Improved design of large wind<br />

turbine blade of fibre composites based on studies of scale effects (Phase 1)<br />

Summary Report (Risø-R Report) Risø National Laboratory, Denmark, 2004.<br />

6. C a s el i t z P., G i e b h a r d t J., M e v e n k a m p M., On-line fault detection and<br />

prediction in wind energy converters Proc. EWEC, (Thessaloniki, Greece, 1994,<br />

pp 623–7<br />

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monitoring for offshore wind energy converters with respect to the IEC61400-25<br />

standard Germany Wind Energy Conf. DEWEK, Wilhelmshaven, Germany,<br />

2004.<br />

8. R o s e n b l o o m E., A Problem with Wind Power www.aweo.org, 2006.<br />

9. A s h l e y F., C i p r i a n o R. J., B r e c k e n r i d g e S., B r i g g s G. A., G r o s s<br />

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11. C a i t h n e s s W i n d f a r m Information Forum 2005 Wind Turbine Accident<br />

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12. F l e m m i n g M. L., T r o e l s S., New lightning qualification test procedure for<br />

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13. C h i a C h e n C i a n g, J u n g-R y u l L e e, H y u n g-J o o n B a ng Structural<br />

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14. L a d i n g L., M c G u g a n M., S e n d r u p P., R h e i n l a n d e r J., R u s b o r g<br />

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(Rezumat)<br />

Necesitatea dezvoltării durabile impune utilizarea resurselor regenerabile de energie, în<br />

principal pentru menţinerea celor existente (combustibili fosili) la un nivel convenabil,<br />

dar şi pentru conservarea mediului înconjurător. În aceste condiţii sursele de energie<br />

regenerabila au început să fie intens studiate şi dezvoltate cu precădere în ultimii zece<br />

ani. În România primele grupuri eoliene au fost puse în funcţiune în anul 2005<br />

(Complexul industrial Ploieşti – o centrala Vestas V52 – 660 kW, relocată), în prezent<br />

existând o putere instalata de circa 14 MW.<br />

În sensul valorificării energiei eoliene pentru producerea de energie electrică,<br />

datorită faptului că la înălţimi de peste 100 m, vântul nu mai este influenţat de<br />

neregularităţile existente la sol (arbori, clădiri, coline, etc.) grupurile eoliene au devenit<br />

tot mai înalte, iar accesul pentru revizii şi reparaţii este dificil. Ca urmare a acestui fapt<br />

este necesară o monitorizare din timp a avariilor ce pot să apară în timpul funcţionării<br />

unui parc eolian, pentru a reduce timpul în care grupul eolian este oprit, iar pierderile de<br />

producţie să fie cât mai mici. Pentru a se asigura o bună funcţionare în condiţii de<br />

siguranţă este necesar a se implementa un sistem de monitorizare a structurii de<br />

rezistenţă (MSR) a ansamblului eolian. Acest sistem şi cateva metode de evaluare a<br />

avariilor vor fi prezentate în acest articol. MSR are în componennţă două ramuri: o reţea<br />

de senzori ce colectează informaţiile şi un algoritm/software pentru interpretarea datelor<br />

provenite de la senzori. Cateva dintre tehnologiile ce pot fi folosite, metode cu<br />

ultrasunete, scanare termica, raze X, etc. vor fi prezentate în articol. Tot în acest articol<br />

vor fi prezentate cele mai frecvente avarii de structură ce pot apărea la un grup eolian.<br />

Spre deosebire de alte surse regenerabile de energie, energia eoliană are o limită<br />

datorită maturităţii sale tehnologice, infrastructură bună şi o competitivitate relativă de<br />

preţ. Pentru a avea o eficienţă cost-beneficiu mai ridicată, grupurile generatoare eoliene<br />

au devenit tot mai înalte.<br />

Monitorizarea structurii de rezistenţă (MSR) este esenţială în raport cu celălalte<br />

sisteme de monitorizare pe care le are în componenţă un grup eolian, deoarece<br />

prăbuşirea întregii structurii are urmări grave asupra siguranţei populaţiei, a mediului şi<br />

din punct de vedere financiar al investitorului.<br />

Sistemele de monitorizare sunt sigure, au un cost redus, iar prin implementarea lor<br />

se pot reduce pierderile de energie din timpul reviziilor sau avariilor. Prin aceste sisteme<br />

se pot diagnostica ce piese ale grupului generator trebuie înlocuite şi reducerea timpului<br />

din cadrul unei revizii programate. Totodată aceste sisteme pot face o predicţie asupra<br />

ciclului de viaţă al centralei al cărui timp de lucru proiectat este de 10-30 ani.

188 Mihai Florin Mănescu and Valeriu Panaitescu<br />

Conform Farrar şi Sohn [1] sistemul de monitorizare este definit ca un proces care<br />

detectează defecţiunile apărute în construcţiile înalte. Defecţiunile sunt definite aici ca<br />

modificări ale materialelor şi / sau proprietăţile geometrice ale acestor sisteme, inclusiv<br />

schimbări în condiţiile limită şi conectivitatea sistemului, care afectează în mod negativ<br />

performanţa sistemului. Exista mai multe cauze de avariere a structurii cum ar fi<br />

absorbţia de umiditate, oboseala, rafale de vânt [2], stres termic, coroziune, foc şi chiar<br />

trăsnet [3]. Palele turbinelor care nu au un sistem de protecţie contra fulgerelor sunt<br />

adesea lovite de acestea.<br />

În general, dezvoltarea cu succes ale metodelor de MSR depinde de doi factoricheie:<br />

tehnologia de detectare şi analiză a semnalului şi algoritmul de interpretare [4].<br />

Componentele MSR sunt formate din sistemul de achiziţie de date, filtrare de date,<br />

recunoaşterea de model şi luarea deciziilor. Fiecare dintre aceste componente este la fel<br />

de importantă în determinarea stării siguranţă a unei structuri [5].<br />

Tehnologiile de monitorizare sau de detectare a avariilor pot fi selectate pentru a<br />

obţine informaţii globale. Metodele de detectare au la bază o reţea de senzori adaptată<br />

pentru o avertizare timpurie de la debutul avariei. Metodele pot detecta tipuri de daune<br />

de sub 1 micron şi se pot localiza deteriorările sau impactul destul de precis.<br />

Limitarea dintre aceste tehnoligii este dată de numărul de senzori solicitaţi, precum<br />

şi de zgomotul produs în timpul funcţionării turbinei. Metodele cele mai promiţătoare<br />

sunt cele cu ultrasunete şi termografia. Metodele cu raze X, discutate, pot de asemenea,<br />

să fie aplicate pentru control nedistructiv, atunci când rezultatele în situ trebuie să fie<br />

complet verificate.<br />

În cele din urmă, după cât de mult este pus accentul pe mediu, beneficiile sistemelor<br />

eoliene în generarea de energie electrică, sunt mari, dar şi costisitoare cu construcţia şi<br />

întreţinerea. Prin urmare, industriile conexe necesită sisteme de monitorizare care să<br />

poată oferi eficienţă programelor de întreţinere, care să ofere detectarea defectelor cât<br />

mai devreme posibil.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />



BY<br />



Abstract. Profitability of water distribution activity depends largely on the<br />

relationships between operational capability and service costs, related to<br />

supplier’s performance, volume of distributed water and effective operating costs.<br />

The main variables that influence the total selling price are required investment<br />

value, specific consumption of electrical energy for pumping power, unit price of<br />

the electrical energy and total volume of monthly consumed water billed. The<br />

selection of rehabilitation and modernization measures must rely on market<br />

studies results that appropriately establish the quantities of water that may be<br />

distributed and billed. Present and future water requirements will be determined<br />

based on the analysis of actual operation data and on estimation of future trends in<br />

water consumption on national and international levels.<br />

Key words: adduction, conductivity, chlorine, pipe network, pumping station,<br />

tank.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Many systems for which a centrifugal pump is otherwise suitable may,<br />

however, have a variable demand in which case, a certain loss of efficiency may<br />

have to be accepted from part of the head or part of the capacity used for control<br />

purposes, using either discharge throttling or bypass control. Both methods will<br />

inevitably result in power loss, so if economic regulation is of primary<br />

importance, discharge regulation by speed control should be investigated first<br />

since this is less wasteful of power and there is usually a considerably smaller<br />

loss of pump efficiency. Speed control is now a particularly attractive<br />

proposition with the increasing availability of variable frequency power units,<br />

[1]. The measures for the improvement of the economic performances are<br />

established from the system’s dispatcher. The criterions used are the maximum

190 Aurora Alexandrescu et al.<br />

output of the pumping equipages and the optimum diameter of the piping. The<br />

replacement of the existent equipment, that is obsolete from physical and<br />

technological point of view, must be done with new equipments with<br />

performances that will meet the requirements of an optimum operation from<br />

both energetic and economic perspectives, [2].<br />

2. Methodology<br />

This analysis is more likely to be of academic rather than practical interest,<br />

however, since the main requirements with regulated flow are:<br />

a) To achieve the required variation in delivery to meet demand variations.<br />

b) To realise good pumping efficiency at all demand levels, [3].<br />

The connections analyze between the functional parameters of pumping<br />

station and the quality parameters of drinkable water are:<br />

a) The connections estimation between the pump’s load, debit and the water’s<br />

turbulence.<br />

b) The values analyze of chlorine and ammonium concentration depending on<br />

debit.<br />

c) The water conductivity analyzes depending on debit.<br />

The best power and economical performances will correspond to the<br />

pumping solution which ensures the covering of the request area (Q, H) with the<br />

best output. The pumping efficiency is established by studying technical<br />

implications of modernization measures of the power station. It is imperative to<br />

use the automatic systems for the water treatment. Energy efficiency and<br />

economic efficiency for the pumping supply system are tightly connected to the<br />

proper choice of pumping device and appropriate operation of the hydraulic<br />

system, [4].<br />

The evaluation of connections between the functional parameters of<br />

hydraulic systems and the quality indicators of water, depending on time is<br />

obtained with the help of an original automatic calculation program, elaborated<br />

by authors. Allowing for the actual situation of the adduction and the<br />

effectuation’s necessity of the repair workings capital or the pipe’s replacement<br />

in some sectors, respective of the pumping aggregates, for to assure a powereconomical<br />

evolution favorable of the system, one are determined: the optimum<br />

nominal diameter of the pipes and the maximum theoretical outturn of the<br />

pumps what must be used and the change’s convenience of the existing<br />

equipment, [3].<br />

Depending for the installation’s total outturn and for the water volume W<br />

circulated in the period of reference, the consumption of power for the water’s<br />

pumping Eso is independent at stop’s duration „at top”:

(1)<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 191<br />

Ntm. W KN. QH . t. W KN. QLJW . . .<br />

E so = = =<br />

3600 3600. η 3600. η<br />

p p<br />

In Eq (1) has used the following notations: Ntm (kW) - power average<br />

necessary for water’s transport:<br />

(2)<br />

KN. QH . t KN. QLJ . .<br />

Ntm( QDL , , ) = = .<br />

η η<br />

p p<br />

W (m 3 ) -volume of water brought in T (hours) period; J (-) - slope metric of the<br />

water transport; D (m) - nominal pipe’s diameter; Q (l/s) - debit of water; L (m)<br />

- pipe’s length; ηp (%) - pump’s outturn; KN , Kj - coefficients; Ht (m) - loss of<br />

charge:<br />

(3)<br />

Q<br />

Ht= L. J( Q, D)<br />

, J = K j.<br />

D<br />

γ<br />

β<br />

⎛ γ<br />

Q ⎞<br />

DQJ ( , ) = ⎜K j.<br />

,<br />

⎜<br />

⎟<br />

J ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠<br />

It is calculated annual medium costs associated to the power consumption<br />

and the annual average cost associated to the investments:<br />

(4) CAE = pE.(1 + krE<br />

). E A= AIc + AP= ac. Ic + a . I<br />

.<br />

1/ β<br />

, p p<br />

The investment in the pipes network and the investment in the pumping<br />

station are calculated with the fallowing equations:<br />

(5)<br />

(6)<br />

α/ β<br />

p<br />

⎛ γ<br />

Q ⎞<br />

⎛1,15. KN. QL . . J ⎞<br />

Ic( D, L) = La . . ⎜K j. ; Ip( Nti) = Ipo.<br />

.<br />

⎜<br />

⎟<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

J ⎟ ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠ ⎝<br />

η p ⎠<br />

It is calculated the annual medium total costs:<br />

( + )<br />

α/ β<br />

⎛ γ<br />

Q ⎞<br />

⎛1,15. KN. QL . . J ⎞<br />

CA = A+ CAI = ac. La . . ⎜K j. + ap. Ipo.<br />

⎜<br />

⎟<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

J ⎟ ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠ ⎝<br />

ηp<br />

⎠<br />

pE.1 krE . KN. QL . . JW .<br />

+<br />

.<br />

3600. η<br />

p<br />

.<br />

α<br />

α p<br />


192 Aurora Alexandrescu et al.<br />

(7)<br />

(8)<br />

The annual medium marginal cost is calculated with the fallowing equation:<br />

( + )<br />

α/ β<br />

p<br />

C .<br />

A La . ⎛ γ<br />

Q ⎞ Ipo ap⎛1,15. KN. QLJ . . ⎞<br />

CM = = . ⎜Kj. + .<br />

+<br />

W W ⎜<br />

⎟<br />

⎜ ⎟<br />

J ⎟ W ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ ⎠ ⎝<br />

ηp<br />

⎠<br />

αγ / β<br />

pE.1 krE . KN. QLJ . . Q<br />

αp αp<br />

+ = A*. + BQ . . J + CQJ . . ;<br />

3600. η<br />

α/ β<br />

J<br />

p<br />

( )<br />

p<br />

La . α/ β Ipo. ap⎛1,15.<br />

KN. L⎞<br />

pE.1 + krE . KN. L<br />

A* = . ( K j ) ; B= . ⎜ ⎟ ; C =<br />

.<br />

W W ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝<br />

ηp ⎠<br />

3600. ηp<br />

The minimum marginal cost has the following configuration:<br />

αγ<br />

∂CM α Q β<br />

αp αp−1 = 0 ⇒− A. . + B. α p.<br />

Q . J + C.<br />

Q = 0<br />

∂Jϕ α<br />

1+<br />

β<br />

J<br />

3. Results and Discussion<br />

The available data for choosing the proper pumping device require a careful<br />

analysis to determine the head characteristics of the pressurized supplies for<br />

each specific configuration and to evaluate the proper operational regimes of the<br />

pumping devices. The calculation method is applied in the exoneration case of<br />

pumping station CUG Iasi for drinkable water from Iasi city.<br />

Before of exoneration the pumping station CUG Iasi has been equipped<br />

with two 8 NDS pumps; after exoneration the pumping station CUG is equipped<br />

with two Wilo NPG 200-500-160/4/499 pumps.<br />

The measure and control system of drinkable water’s quality, of functional<br />

parameters of the pipes network from CUG pumping station has been complete<br />

automated in August – December 2008 with performance installations by<br />

Endress Hauser concern. All system has automated calculus program that<br />

permits of the dispatcher from S. C. APAVITAL S. A. Iasi industry to pursue<br />

the parameters’ network in 17 demurrages from the supply system with<br />

drinkable water of Iasi town, (Fig. 1). The registering is permanent, 24 hours.<br />

The water samples are analyzed automatic at each 2 ÷ 5 minutes. Drinkable<br />

water is treated with ammonium and chlorine in accordance with the properties<br />

of the analyzed water.<br />

α<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 193<br />

The all measurement system of drinkable water’s conductivity from pipes<br />

network supplied of CUG Iasi pumping station includes the following elements:<br />

temperature integrated sensors inductive and conductive sensors. The turbidity<br />

and the solid suspensions quantity Tb from drinkable water system are<br />

measured with the Liquisys M CUM 223/253 type system. The turbidity sensors<br />

are Turbimax W CUS 31 type.<br />

Fig. 1 – The emplacement points of 17 automatic pursuit systems automate of the<br />

supply network with drinkable water from Iasi city.<br />

The conductivity, chlorine and turbidity concentration variations are<br />

measured in same moments of 1.06.2009 day, (Fig. 2) in CUG pumping station.<br />

The automized regulation system of chlorine and chlorine dioxide quantity from<br />

CUG pumping station is Liquisys M CCM 223/253 type. The CSC 140/141<br />

type sensors are used to visualize the automized measurement and processing of<br />

the Cl2, HOCl, OCl - concentrations, depending on the drinkable water pH. The<br />

measurement system of ammonium quantity from drinkable water is Stamolys<br />

CA 71 AM type. The ammonium concentration variation in same time in<br />

1.06.2009 day is presented in the CUG pumping station E1, in Fig. 3. The<br />

digital transmission system of the pressure p and the debit Q from CUG<br />

pumping station at the S. C. APAVITAL S. A. Iasi dispatcher is Cerebar M<br />

HART, respectively Priline Promag 50 types.

194 Aurora Alexandrescu et al.<br />

Fig. 2 – Diagram for the functional parameters of the CUG Iaşi pumping station:<br />

conductivity, chlorine, pressure, flow and turbulence for the perioad 5.07.2009 –<br />

6.07.2009.<br />

AIc ( D )<br />

AP ( k , Q , D )<br />

A( k, Q , D )<br />

1000<br />

900<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8<br />

Fig. 3 – The variation of annual cost associated to the investment in pipes AIc, annual<br />

total cost AP for pumping and the annual average cost associated to the investments A,<br />

depending on diameter D for the CUG pumping station.<br />

The results of the data working relative at either sector of the system,<br />

effectuated with MathCAD program, adequate to the supply with power under<br />

average and low tension are systematized in Fig. 3. It is present the variation of<br />

the following parameters: AIc – annual cost associated to the investment in<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 195<br />

pipes, AP – annual total cost for pumping and A - the annual average cost<br />

associated to the investments in the usage’s conditions of the following<br />

parameters: ac = 0,075; a = 6000; α = 2; k – pipe’s equivalent absolute rugosity<br />

= 0,8 mm; Kj = 0,00145; γ = 2; β = 5,143+0,131.k; ηp = 72 %; T = 6200<br />

hours/year; αp = 0,46; Ipo = 65; Q = 0,15 m 3 /s; D = 0,3; 0,4; ...; 0,6 m.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. It comes out that chlorine and ammonium concentrations grow up in the<br />

maximum consumption period of network: Cl = (1,1 ÷ 2,89) [mg/l] and Am =<br />

(42,55 ÷ 43,31) [mg/l]. In the same time, pressure and debit grow up because to<br />

the increase of the active consumers number in the network: p = (3,01 ÷ 4,09)<br />

[bar] and Q = (0 ÷ 1650,74) [m 3 /h].<br />

2. The water turbidity grows up at (0,49 ÷ 0,59) FNU values on starting<br />

and stop period for each pumps. In short time from the starting and stop<br />

moment, the turbidity declines at (0,26 ÷ 0,30) FNU values. The water’s<br />

conductivity is constant (0,53 ÷ 0,54) [mS/cm].<br />

3. The flow and load variation from hydraulic system influence the water<br />

quality and the substances quantity imperative for the drinkable water treatment:<br />

in the analyse period 1.05.2009, 00:00 hour and 15.05.2009, 23:55 hour,<br />

maximum chlorine is Clmax = 3,94 [mg/l] in 7.05.2009 day, 3:45 hour; at same<br />

moment the hydraulics system has the following parameters: Tb = 0,42 FNU<br />

turbidity, Q = 0,121 [m 3 /s] flow, H = 69,34 [m] load, Cv = 0,51 [mS/cm]<br />

conductivity. The minimum chlorine is Clmin = 1,1 [mg/l] in 3,05.2009 day, 3:35<br />

hour; the parameters of the CUG pumping station at same moment are: 3:35<br />

turbidity, Q = 0 [m 3 /s] flow, H = 64,344 [m] load, Cv = 0,52 [mS/cm]<br />

conductivity.<br />

Acknowledgements. This work has been supported by the National Centre of<br />

Management Programmers, Romania, under financial contract No. 21-041/2007.<br />

Received: February 25, 2010 “Gh. Asachi”Technical University,<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics, Machines and Hydraulic Acting,<br />

Iasi, Romania,<br />

e-mail: auralexis@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. A l e x a n d r e s c u A., Statii de pompare, Ed. Politehnium, Iasi, 2008.<br />

2. A l e x a n d r e s c u A., Masini si echipamente hidraulice, Ed. Politehnium, Iasi,<br />


196 Aurora Alexandrescu et al.<br />

3. A l e x a n d r e s c u A., A l e x a n d r e s c u S. A., A l e x a n d r e s c u C. A.,<br />

Contributions concerning the power optimization of the pumping stations,<br />

ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Conference, ISI Thomson<br />

Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Advances in Numerical<br />

Modelling of Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics in Turbo machinery, August<br />

10-14, FEDSM2008-55007, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 2008.<br />

4. A l e x a n d r e s c u A., B e r t e a A., Economic efficiency of the investment for<br />

pumping stations exoneration, ISI Thomson Proceedings in The 6th International<br />

Conference Management of Technological Changes, Centre for Continuing<br />

Education and Training – CETEX, MTC, Alexandropoulos, Greece, Vol. I,<br />

2009, pp. 437-441.<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Sistemul de măsurare şi de control a calităţii apei potabile, a parametrilor<br />

funcţionali ai reţelelor de conducte trebuie complet automatizat în întregul municipiu<br />

Iaşi şi generalizat la nivelul întregii ţări. Deşi investiţia în sistemele moderne de<br />

automatizare, control şi măsurare din reţelele de alimentări cu apă potabilă din marile<br />

oraşe este mare, aceasta poate fi amortizată repede, prezentând multiple avantaje:<br />

- Posibilitatea optimizării funcţionarii ansamblului staţie de pompare<br />

- Obţinerea unei caţităţi foarte bune a apei potabile, dozarea fiind efectuată automat,<br />

în funcţie de calitatea apei ce curge prin reţelele de conducte.<br />

- Obţinerea unei concentraţii optime a bulelor de gaze conţinută în apa potabilă de<br />

(3 ÷ 10) % pentru evitarea fenomenului de vortex în instalaţii.<br />

Turbiditatea apei potabile creşte brusc la valori cuprinse între (0,49 ÷ 0,59) FNU pe<br />

toată perioada în care se pornesc şi se opresc fiecare din pompe. În scurt timp de la<br />

momentul închiderii, respectiv a deschiderii pompelor, turbiditatea scade la valori<br />

cuprinse între (0,26 ÷ 0,30) FNU. Conductivitatea apei rămâne aproximativ constantă,<br />

variind în intervalul (0,53 ÷ 0,54) [mS/cm]. Clorinarea variază în intervalul (1,1 ÷ 2,89)<br />

mg/l şi creşte odată cu creşterea turbidităţii apei potabile.<br />

Variatia debitului si a sarcinii din sistemul hidraulic studiat influenteaza puternic<br />

calitatea apei si implicit cantitatea de substante necesare tratarii apei pentru potabilizare:<br />

in perioada de analizată, cuprinsă în intervalul 1.05.2009, ora 00:00 şi 15.05.2009 ora<br />

23:55, clorinarea maximă Clmax = 3,94 [mg/l] s-a înregistrat în ziua de 7.05.2009, ora<br />

3:45; în acelaşi moment s-au înregistrat şi următorii parametri: turbiditatea Tb = 0,42<br />

FNU; debitul Q = 0,121 [m 3 /s]; sarcina H = 69,34 [m]; conductivitatea Cv = 0,51<br />

[mS/cm]. În aceeaşi perioadă, clorinarea minimă Clmin = 1,1 [mg/l] a fost înregistrată în<br />

ziua de 3,05.2009, ora 3:35. Ceilalţi parametri ai staţiei de pompare CUG în acelaşi<br />

moment au fost: Tb = 0,43 FNU; debitul Q = 0 [m 3 /s]; sarcina H = 64,344 [m];<br />

conductivitatea Cv = 0,52 [mS/cm].

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />




Abstract. Using previous researches regarding cracks initiation, the present<br />

paper analyzes the durability of horizontal bulb turbines shaft, especially in the<br />

joining zone between the shaft main body and the runner flange. For<br />

exemplifying, there were used the data of the turbines running in the Power Plants<br />

Iron Gates II and Gogosu. The obtained conclusions can be used to avoid serious<br />

failures of horizontal hydraulic turbines. The abstract of the paper is to be written<br />

here. It contains the main ideas and original contributions and conclusions of the<br />

authors’ research.<br />

Key words: axial hydraulic turbines, cracks, stress alternation cycles, fracture<br />

mechanics characteristics<br />

1. Introduction<br />

It is a well-known fact that during of the turbine running (rotational<br />

motion), under the effect of: hydraulic forces and moments developed on the<br />

blades, runner masses (with or without oil) and vibration, the turbine shaft is<br />

submitted to specific variable stresses (tension, bending and torsion). Taking<br />

into account the results obtained in [1], in the present work, the durability of the<br />

horizontal axial hydraulic turbines shaft was evaluated using the professional<br />

programs ANSYS and AFGROW. In order to obtain also numerical examples<br />

were used the bulb turbines in function at the Power Plants Iron Gates II and<br />

Gogosu, for which we know the necessary data. The obtained conclusions allow<br />

avoiding dangerous troubles during the turbine operation.

198 Ilare Bordeasu et al.<br />

Fig. 1 – The 3D shaft model, obtained with the INVENTOR program [initiation].<br />

2. Estimation of Fatigue Crack Propagation for Variable Stresses<br />

with Constant Amplitudes<br />

For the selected axial hydraulic turbine (Power plant Iron Gates II) the shaft<br />

presents the following characteristics [1]:<br />

a) the initial crack occurs in the joining zone between the shaft flange (for<br />

coupling with the hydraulic runner) and the shaft body, fig. 2;<br />

b) in order to obtain the needed data we choose the AISI 1020 steel [6] instead<br />

of the actual used 20ГC steel [7]; both steels have almost the same mechanical<br />

characteristics but for the AISI 1020 we found all the supplementary<br />

characteristics needed for fatigue tests;<br />

c) the shaft dimensions are: length 7572 mm, maximum diameter 2300 mm,<br />

the main shaft body, between flanges, has an external diameter of 1200 mm and<br />

an internal one of 600 mm;<br />

d) according with the ANSIS program (Fig. 3), till crack initiation, the<br />

minimum number of cycles was 3,0139 10 8 , corresponding to 80,370 running<br />

hours.<br />

a) Deep circumferential cracks b) Cracks network<br />

Fig.2 – Cracks in the joining zone between the runner flange and the main shaft body.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 199<br />

Fig. 3 – Number of cycles till crack initiation.<br />

Usually, together with the increase of stress level is enhanced also the<br />

fatigue crack propagation speed. As a result, the propagation of the crack speed<br />

can be correlated with the variation of the stress intensity factor<br />

da<br />

ΔK, = f ( ΔK)<br />

, Fig. 4.<br />

dN<br />

Fig. 4 – Variation of crack propagation speed as a function of stress intensity variation.

200 Ilare Bordeasu et al.<br />

In conformity with Fig. 4, after the crack initiation, the maximum danger is<br />

represented by the zone III, characterized by great propagation velocities<br />

leading to instable increases of the failure. In this zone, the velocity of crack<br />

propagation is correlated with the variation of the crack intensity factor, through<br />

the relation proposed by Forman [2]:<br />

(1)<br />

da<br />

dN<br />

n<br />

C(<br />

ΔK<br />

)<br />

( − R)<br />

K − ΔK<br />

= 1<br />

C<br />

= f (ΔK, R),<br />

where: C and n are constant values depending on the used material;<br />

ΔK = Kmax − Kmin<br />

- represents the variation of the stress intensity factor; KC<br />

- is the critical value of the stress intensity factor (breaking tenacity); R -<br />

represents the asymmetry ratio of the stress cycle.<br />

Expressed by Nr, the necessary number of cycles for the extension of the<br />

crack, the lifetime can be obtained by solving the equation for dN.<br />

Integrating both members it results:<br />

(2) ∫ dN = N − N = N = ∫<br />

N<br />

N<br />

f<br />

d<br />

f<br />

d<br />

r<br />

a<br />

a<br />

cr<br />

d<br />

da<br />

.<br />

f ( ΔK,<br />

R)<br />

With the equation (2) it is possible to calculate the number of cycles Nr<br />

necessary for the extension of the crack from the detectable length ad (for which<br />

corresponds the number of cycles Nd) till the critical length acr (which<br />

corresponds to the Nf number of cycles).<br />

For the lifetime computation (the final number of cycles Nr) it was used the<br />

specialized program AFGROW, developed by H a r t n e r at WRIGHT-<br />

PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE [3] in order to estimate the lifetime of some<br />

components for fighter planes. It was taken into consideration a ring section,<br />

having an elliptical crack as can be seen in Fig. 5. For such geometry, the<br />

intensity factor was proposed by Raju and Newman [4] as being:<br />

a<br />

= t b , i e ,<br />

Q<br />

(3) K ( σ + H σ ) π F(<br />

a c,<br />

D , D , φ)<br />

I<br />

where σt - represents the axial stress applied to the shaft, σb - represents the<br />

bending stress, H and F depends on the crack geometry (crack depths and<br />

length), the shaft thickness and the frontal position of the crack, a is the depth<br />

and c the half-length of the crack,

(4)<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 201<br />

1.<br />

65<br />

⎛ a ⎞ a<br />

Q = 1+ 1,<br />

464⎜<br />

⎟ for ≤ 1.<br />

⎝ c ⎠ c<br />

Fig. 5 – Computation model for crack propagation.<br />

As was previously mentioned, the mathematical simulation was done with<br />

the program AFGROW, version 4.12.15 from 10.07.2008. The entrance data<br />

were: the external diameter (Do): 1.20 m, the internal diameter (Di): 0.60 m, the<br />

crack depth (A): 0.001 m, crack half length (C): 0.002 m<br />

In conformity with the shaft disposition, for studying the crack propagation<br />

there were taken into consideration two load situations with constant amplitude:<br />

a) a bending loading with a symmetrical alternative cycle having σmax = - σmin<br />

= 42 MPa, with an asymmetry coefficient of R = -1.<br />

b) a composed load (bending plus elongation); considering that the static<br />

elongation stress is superposed over the bending stress it result an approximate<br />

pulsating cycle with σmax = 88,9 MPa, σmin = - 6,5 MPa , R = - 0,07 [1].<br />

In order to introduce the material constants, characterizing the crack<br />

propagation, the used steel was considered to be equivalent with the AISI 1020<br />

for which the characteristic data are included in the data base of the AFGROW<br />

program. So, the constants for the Walker law [5]:

202 Ilare Bordeasu et al.<br />

(5)<br />

[ ] 1 1 m n<br />

K ⋅ ( 1−<br />

R)<br />

da<br />

= C1<br />

⋅<br />

dN<br />

max<br />

−<br />

for R ≥ 0,<br />

[ ] 1 1<br />

da −m<br />

n<br />

= C1<br />

⋅ K max ⋅ ( 1−<br />

R)<br />

for R < 0<br />

dN<br />

are C1 = 1,447 x 10 -12 ; n1 = 3,6; m = 1; the values for the breaking tenacity<br />

corresponding to a plane state of stresses are KC = 110 MPa m 1/2 , respectively<br />

for a plane state of deformation KIC = 77 MPa m 1/2 , the yielding point σC = 262<br />

MPa, the elastic modulus E = 206843 MPa and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3, the limit<br />

value of the stress intensity factor under which the crack does not propagate ΔK<br />

= 1,5 MPa m 1/2 .<br />

In Fig. 6 is presented the crack evolution for some time intervals under a<br />

load having a symmetric alternative bending cycle.<br />

a) a = 1mm, c = 2mm b) a = 16 mm, c = 32 mm<br />

N = 80370 hours (initiation) N = 153243 hours (propagation)<br />

c) a=150 mm and 2c= 320 mm<br />

N = 159737 hours (fracture, breakdown)<br />

Fig. 6 – Propagation of circumferential crack in the hollow shaft.<br />

The simulation begun with the following initial value of the crack a = 1 mm<br />

and c = 2 mm, values which are reached after 80370 running hours. The number

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 203<br />

of hours, for the crack propagation is added to the initial time (80370). The<br />

obtained results show that after 15937 running hours the crack penetrates<br />

completely the annular wall of the shaft.<br />

3. Conclusions<br />

The studies of the fatigue crack propagation lead to the following results:<br />

1. In the joint zone between the flange and the shaft body, the crack occurs<br />

after approximately 80370 running hours.<br />

2. The propagation of the fatigue cracks were obtained using the Paris law<br />

with the completion of Walker, and show that the crack reach the dimensions a<br />

= 16 mm (depth) şi 2c = 64 mm (length) after 153243 running hours. After that<br />

the propagation speed increases to a high degree and after only 159737 running<br />

hours the breakdown occur (a=150 mm and 2c= 320 mm).<br />

3. The obtained results can be used by the supervising staff in order to<br />

prescribe the intervals of periodical inspections and to avoid major damages.<br />

Acknowledgements. The present work has been supported from the Contract No.<br />

RU 177/10.10.2008, BC 146/13.10.2008 (Analiză privind soluţia de fiabilizare a<br />

arborelui turbinelor aplicată cu ocazia retehnologizării hidroagregatelor din CHE Porţile<br />

de Fier II. Propuneri de metodologie de urmărire în timp a stării arborilor turbinelor din<br />

CHE Porţile de Fier II şi CHE Gogosu)<br />

Received:March 15, 2010 1 Politehnica” University of Timisoara,<br />

e-mail: ilarica59@gmail.com<br />

2 Hidroelectrica Iron Gates, Dr.Tr. Severin<br />

e-mail: dragos.novac@hidroelectrica.ro<br />

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1. B o r d e a ș u I., P o p o v i c i u M.O., N o v a c D., Fatigue Studies Upon<br />

Horizontal Hydraulic Turbines Shaft and Estimation of Crack Initiation Machine<br />

Design, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, 2009, pp 183-<br />

186.<br />

2. F o r m a n R.G., H e a r n e y V.E., E n g l e R.M., Numerical analysis of crack<br />

propagation in cyclic-loaded structures, Journal of Basic Engineering, Trans.<br />

ASME, Vol. 89, (1967).<br />

3. H a r t n e r J. A., AFGROW Users Guide and Technical Manual, Wright-Patterson<br />

Air Force BASE, Ohio, 2008.

204 Ilare Bordeasu et al.<br />

4. R a j u I. S., N e w m a n J. C., Stress Intensity Factors Circumferential Surface<br />

Cracks in Pipes and Rods, Proc. of 17 th National Symposium on Fracture<br />

Mechanics, Albany, NY, 1984.<br />

5. W a l k e r K., The effect of stress ratio during crack propagation and fatigue for<br />

2024-T3 and 7075-T6, ASTM STP 462, ASTM, 1970.<br />

6. * * * Fatigue Design Handbook, Second Edition, SAE, Warrendale, 1988,<br />

7. * * * Analiză privind soluţia de fiabilizare a arborelui turbinelor aplicată cu ocazia<br />

retehnologizării hidroagregatelor din CHE Porţile de Fier II. Propuneri de<br />

metodologie de urmărire în timp a stării arborilor turbinelor din CHE Porţile de<br />

Fier II şi CHE Gogosu, Contract No. RU 177/10.10.2008, BC 146/13.10.2008<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În cadrul lucrării se evaluează durabilitatea arborilor turbinelor axiale, în zona de<br />

racord a flanşei ce-l cuplează cu rotorul turbinei, plecând de la rezultatele obţinute în<br />

lucrările anterioare privind iniţierea fisurii. Ca model este folosit arborele de turbină<br />

bulb, aflată în exploatare la CHE Porţile de Fier II şi CHE Gogoşu, pentru care<br />

dispunem de datele necesare. Concluziile rezultate permit evitarea unei eventuale avarii<br />


<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Abstract. In this paper are presented the application of graphs theory for<br />

determining the optimal route of a pipeline supply being at the great distance of<br />

the target consumer (pipeline network of a city). It applies when the distance from<br />

source to target, because the configuration of the land, there are several variants of<br />

the route passing through some mandatory points. In this way the route has n<br />

sections and on each section the total cost (investment plus operating for one year)<br />

has a certain value. If it can browse the route by more than two then the method<br />

becomes profitable. Implementation of the method is through a special program,<br />

using the Borland Pascal programming and Bellman-Kalaba algorithm.<br />

Mathematical resolving is by the matrix. Numbering the sections with 1 ... n, in<br />

order to obtain the final optimal browsing, it is the range of selected sections. In<br />

actual conditions when more and more sources of drinking water are becoming<br />

more polluted, the feeding is justified to be from remote mountain areas of the<br />

natural springs.<br />

Key words: graph theory, pipeline, optimal route, matrix, Bellman-Kalaba<br />

algorithm, and network.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Through scope of investment and energy consumption, adductions have a<br />

significant share in the systems of water supply, and their rational design<br />

behaves more optimization processes, among which an important place held<br />

optimize their route.<br />

In current practice of design, setting the optimal solution is, usually, by<br />

analytical study of two or three variants selected from many possible intuitive

206 Teodor Milos et al<br />

decisions, whose error is inversely proportional to the degree of experience of<br />

the designer.<br />

Modern mathematical disciplines, by operational calculation, put at<br />

specialist’s disposition a vast apparatus of scientific analysis in determining the<br />

optimal decisions for the design of water supply. In this context, describes a<br />

deterministic mathematical model optimization of the route of the water supply<br />

adduction, based on the theory of graphs.<br />

2. Calculation Algorithm<br />

Modeling this problem is achieved through representation related directed<br />

graph G=(X, U) consisting of the source as the origin, route as required arcs and<br />

points as vertices. For each arc u U is associated a number<br />

i j ∈ ( ) 0 ≥<br />

i<br />

λ u j , in<br />

conventional units, depending on the optimization criterion adopted. The route<br />

is the best way to graph, the minimum value which is determined by applying<br />

the algorithm Bellman-Kalaba.<br />

Graph G= (X, U) is attached to a matrix M whose elements mij<br />

are:<br />

(1)<br />

(2)<br />

( u )<br />

⎧ i<br />

λ j − the arc value<br />

from xi<br />

to x j<br />

⎪<br />

= ⎨∞<br />

− if vertices x and x are not adjacent .<br />

i<br />

⎪<br />

0 − for i = j<br />

⎩<br />

mij j<br />

The optimal route is the best way of graph μ , with the total value:<br />

λ<br />

( μ)<br />

λ(<br />

) → min<br />

= ∑<br />

u ∈μ<br />

i j<br />

i j<br />

u .<br />

If the notes with Vi<br />

the minimum value of the road μn , ( i = 0,<br />

n )<br />

existing from the tip of to the tip of x :<br />

xi n<br />

i<br />

(3) V λ(<br />

μ )<br />

hence:<br />

i<br />

= , ( i = 0,<br />

n ).<br />

(4) V = 0 ,<br />

n<br />

n<br />


then, under the principle of optimality:<br />

(5) V i ( V j + mij<br />

)<br />

=<br />

j≠i<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 207<br />

min , ( i = 0, n −1<br />

; j = 0,<br />

n ) and V = 0 .<br />

To solve system (5) shall be iterative, noting Vi the value of Vi<br />

obtained at<br />

iteration k, namely:<br />

(6) V i = min<br />

Calculate:<br />

0<br />

(7) V i ( V j + mij<br />

)<br />

and then:<br />

0<br />

1<br />

= min , ( = 0, n −1<br />

j≠<br />

i<br />

k<br />

k −1<br />

(8) V i = ( V j + mij<br />

)<br />

j≠<br />

i<br />

( i = 0, n −1<br />

); V 0 .<br />

k<br />

0<br />

n =<br />

i ; j = 0,<br />

n ) and V 0 .<br />

n<br />

1<br />

n =<br />

min , ( i = 0, n −1<br />

; j = 0,<br />

n ) and V = 0 .<br />

Ordinal iteration of k expressed by relations (8) gives values only for the<br />

finite length of roads at most k + 1 arriving at xn<br />

, choosing between them is the<br />

minimum.<br />

From iteration to the next:<br />

(9)<br />

k<br />

−1<br />

≤ k k<br />

i Vi<br />

V , ∀ j .<br />

Numbers Vi<br />

( i ≠ n ; k = 0,<br />

1,...<br />

) monotone decreasing pattern formed that<br />

reach to the minimum necessary, after a finite number of iterations which not<br />

exceeding n −1.<br />

So algorithm stops when it reaches an iteration k, such that<br />

+ 1<br />

= , (<br />

k k<br />

V V i = 0,<br />

n ), and the minimum between the peaks road and x is<br />

i i<br />

k k + 1<br />

0 = V0<br />

V<br />

. To identify which roads have minimum values founded, are<br />

derived from (8) that have them at the last iteration we have:<br />

k<br />

n<br />

x0 n

208 Teodor Milos et al<br />

(10)<br />

k<br />

i<br />

ij<br />

k −1<br />

j<br />

V = m + V = m + V<br />

Based on the algorithm described, computer program named BEL_KAL was<br />

designed in Borland PASCAL language.<br />

Were made following nomenclatures: N is the order of the graph, V ( I,<br />

J ) is<br />

the column vector built at each iteration k, X ( I ) is the sequence of minimum<br />

road; VAL - the minimum road graph, M ( I, J ) - matrix associated with graph,<br />

whose elements are:<br />

(11)<br />

⎧<br />

⎪<br />

⎨<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎩<br />

ij<br />

i<br />

λ(<br />

u j ) − if arc ( xi,x<br />

j )<br />

( u ) − if arc ( x ,x )<br />

n<br />

i<br />

mij = ∑ λ j<br />

i j<br />

i,j=<br />

1<br />

0 −<br />

for i<br />

= j<br />

k<br />

j<br />

exist<br />

.<br />

not exist<br />

Are introduced as data entry, graph order and its associated matrix, on lines,<br />

i<br />

whose elements are considered equal to λ ( u j ) , if there arc ( i j ) x x , , or equal to<br />

0, otherwise (MATR_EX1.dat file).<br />

As the data output sequence result road peaks of minimum values and value<br />

of the road.<br />

3. Case Study<br />

Apply dynamic programming method to solve the problem of site selection<br />

and capture of a main route to supply water through a sequential optimization<br />

where deterministic, discrete.<br />

It is considered a line of supply for locality L, departing from two locations<br />

of S1 and S2 capture (fig. 1). Possible routes through the required A, B, C, D, E,<br />

forming three sectors.<br />

Putting the problem of determining the route for which the total cost is<br />

minimum is determined for each track investments and prepare partial sequence<br />

graph in Figure 2, where each arc is associated a cost, in conventional units.<br />

They noted with x1 , 2 and the decision variables for each sector. These<br />

variables will not take numeric values, but will be vertices of graph that you are<br />

on the same alignment.<br />

x 3 x<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 209<br />

Fig. 1 – Variants of the adduction route.<br />

It exemplifies the application of Bellman-Kalaba algorithm to determine the<br />

optimal bus route for L locality from the source S1 (fig. 1).<br />

Fig.2 – Graph of adduction routes.<br />

Modeling problem is achieved through representation related directed graph<br />

G = (X, U) of order n = 7, consisting of the source point of origin, route as<br />

required arcs and points as vertices. For each arc u U is assigned a cost in<br />

i j ∈<br />

conventional units (fig. 2) and matrix M attached to graph G = (X, U) are the

210 Teodor Milos et al<br />

elements mi,j defined by relations (1), where λ(<br />

u )<br />

edge u U .<br />

i j ∈<br />

(12)<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

M =<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1<br />

0<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

2<br />

42<br />

0<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

3<br />

53<br />

∞<br />

0<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

4<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

92<br />

0<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

5<br />

∞<br />

73<br />

61<br />

∞<br />

0<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

6<br />

∞<br />

73<br />

82<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

0<br />

∞<br />

7<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

61<br />

92<br />

82<br />

0<br />

i j<br />

is the value attributed to<br />

V<br />

61<br />

92<br />

82<br />

0<br />

0<br />

i<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

∞<br />

V<br />

1<br />

i<br />

∞<br />

153<br />

153<br />

61<br />

92<br />

82<br />

0<br />

V<br />

2<br />

i<br />

197<br />

153<br />

153<br />

61<br />

92<br />

82<br />

0<br />

V<br />

3<br />

i<br />

197<br />

153<br />

153<br />

.<br />

61<br />

Route with minimum total cost is given by way of minimum value in this<br />

graph, which is determined using Bellman-Kalaba algorithm.<br />

For each V ( k = 0,<br />

1,...<br />

is added to previous matrix a column in which<br />

values are inserted properly. It follows successively:<br />

k<br />

i )<br />

0<br />

a) Calculate the values i mi7<br />

V = (i = 1, ..., 7), which pass into the column<br />

92<br />

82<br />

0<br />

0<br />

V i .<br />

b) Calculate values 1<br />

V i for i =1,...,7 (j =1,...,7), which is passing in that<br />

column:<br />

(13)<br />

⎧V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎨V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎩<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

6<br />

1<br />

7<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= 0<br />

j≠1<br />

j≠<br />

2<br />

j≠3<br />

j≠<br />

4<br />

j≠5<br />

j≠<br />

6<br />

0<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

( V j + m1<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V2<br />

+ m12,<br />

V3<br />

+ m13,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m17<br />

)<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

( V j + m2<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V1<br />

+ m21,<br />

V3<br />

+ m23,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m27<br />

)<br />

0<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

( V j + m3<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V1<br />

+ m31,<br />

V2<br />

+ m32,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m37<br />

)<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

( V j + m4<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V1<br />

+ m41,<br />

V2<br />

+ m41,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m47<br />

)<br />

0<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

( V j + m5<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V1<br />

+ m51,<br />

V2<br />

+ m51,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m57<br />

)<br />

0<br />

0 0<br />

0<br />

( V + m ) = min(<br />

V + m , V + m ,..., V + m )<br />

j<br />

6 j<br />

1<br />

61<br />

2<br />

61<br />

7<br />

67<br />

= ∞<br />

= 153<br />

= 153<br />

= 61 .<br />

= 92<br />

= 82

c) Calculate values<br />

(14)<br />

⎧V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎨V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎩<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

6<br />

2<br />

7<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= 0<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 211<br />

2<br />

V i for i = 1, ..., 7 (j = 1, ..., 7)<br />

j≠1<br />

j≠<br />

2<br />

j≠<br />

3<br />

j≠<br />

4<br />

j≠<br />

5<br />

j≠<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1 1<br />

1<br />

( V j + m1<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V2<br />

+ m12,<br />

V3<br />

+ m13,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m17<br />

)<br />

1<br />

1 1<br />

1<br />

( V j + m2<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V1<br />

+ m21,<br />

V3<br />

+ m23,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m27<br />

)<br />

1<br />

1 1<br />

1<br />

( V j + m3<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V1<br />

+ m31,<br />

V2<br />

+ m12,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m37<br />

)<br />

1<br />

1 1<br />

1<br />

( V j + m4<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V1<br />

+ m41,<br />

V2<br />

+ m42,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m47<br />

)<br />

1<br />

1 1<br />

1<br />

( V j + m5<br />

j ) = min(<br />

V1<br />

+ m51,<br />

V2<br />

+ m52,...,<br />

V7<br />

+ m57<br />

)<br />

1<br />

1 1<br />

1<br />

( V + m ) = min(<br />

V + m , V + m ,..., V + m )<br />

j<br />

6 j<br />

d) To calculate the values corresponding to column<br />

..., 7), an analogue, finally are obtained (15).<br />

2<br />

2<br />

i<br />

3<br />

i<br />

1<br />

61<br />

2<br />

62<br />

7<br />

67<br />

= 197<br />

= 153<br />

= 153<br />

= 61 .<br />

= 92<br />

= 82<br />

3<br />

V i for i = 1, ..., 7 (j = 1,<br />

Since V = V (i = 1, ..., 7), algorithm stops and the road is the minimum of<br />

3<br />

V1<br />

=V1<br />

= 197 . This value is reached on the way (1, 2, 6, 7), thus resulting in<br />

optimal route of adduction as: S1, A, C, and L. To resolve this problem the<br />

computer program BEL_KAL was used.<br />

(15)<br />

⎧V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎨V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎪<br />

⎪V<br />

⎩<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

5<br />

3<br />

6<br />

3<br />

7<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= min<br />

= 0<br />

j≠1<br />

j≠<br />

2<br />

j≠3<br />

j≠<br />

4<br />

j≠5<br />

j≠<br />

6<br />

2 ( V j + m1<br />

j )<br />

2 ( V j + m2<br />

j )<br />

2 ( V j + m3<br />

j )<br />

2 ( V j + m4<br />

j )<br />

2 ( V j + m5<br />

j )<br />

2 ( V + m )<br />

j<br />

6 j<br />

= 197<br />

= 153<br />

= 153<br />

= 61 .<br />

= 92<br />

= 82

212 Teodor Milos et al<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

1. This study put highlights how the economic fact of a technical problem<br />

can be optimized using mathematic-informatics structure type graph.<br />

2. Mathematical model is easily programmable in an evolved language,<br />

obtaining immediate results. The only problem is populating the matrix attached<br />

graph.<br />

3. Bellman-Kalaba algorithm was originally designed for the economy, but<br />

the adaptation was possible because the optimal path the economy is a virtual<br />

way and here is a real way.<br />

Acknowledgements. The present work has been supported by the Romanian<br />

Government – Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, The National Centre<br />

for Programs Management (CNMP) through, CNMP project no. 21-036/2007 and<br />

CNMP project no. 21-41/2007.<br />

Received:<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1” Politehnica” University of Timisoara,<br />

Department of Hydraulic Machinery<br />

Timisoara, Romania,<br />

e-mail: teodor.milos@gmail.com<br />

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for water feedings, 18 th International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics,<br />

Prague, Czech Rep., Sbornik, ISBN 80-02-01567-3, 2003, pp. 263-268.<br />

2. A n t o n L. E., B a y a A., M i l o s T., R e s i g a R., Experimental Fluid<br />

Mechanics, Vol. 1, Ed. Academic Horizons, Timisoara, Romania, ISBN 973-<br />

8391-72-5, 2002.<br />

3. B e l l m a n , R.; K a l a b a , R. Dynamic Programming and Modern Control<br />

Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965.<br />

4. Nayyar M.L. Piping Handbook, 7 th Edition, McGraw–Hill, ISBN: 978-0-07-<br />

047106-1, New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, Toronto, 2000.<br />

5. Sârbu, I. Energetically Optimization of Water Distribution Systems, Ed.<br />

Academiei, ISBN: 973-27-0575-2, Bucuresti, Romania, 1996.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 213<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Prin amploarea investiţiei şi a consumului de energie, aducţiunile au o pondere<br />

însemnată în cadrul sistemelor de alimentare cu apă, iar proiectarea raţională a acestora<br />

comportă mai multe procese de optimizare, în rândul cărora un loc important îl deţine<br />

optimizarea traseului acestora.<br />

În practica actuală de proiectare, stabilirea soluţiei optime se face, de obicei, prin<br />

studierea analitică a două sau trei variante selectate din mulţimea posibilă prin decizii<br />

intuite, a căror eroare este invers proporţională cu gradul de experienţă al proiectantului.<br />

Disciplinele matematice moderne prin calculul operaţional pun la îndemâna<br />

specialistului un vast aparat de analiză ştiinţifică în stabilirea deciziilor optime pentru<br />

problemele proiectării sistemelor de alimentare cu apă.<br />

În această lucrare se prezintă modalitatea de aplicare a teoriei grafurilor din<br />

informatică pentru stabilirea traseului optim a unei conducte de alimentare aflată la<br />

distanţă mare de obiectivul consumator (reţea de conducte a unei localităţi).<br />

În acest context, se descrie un model matematic determinist de optimizare a traseului<br />

unei magistrate de aducţiune a apei, bazat pe teoria grafurilor. Traseul optim este dat de<br />

drumul de valoare minimă în graf, care se determină aplicând algoritmul Bellman-<br />

Kalaba.<br />

Se aplică în cazul când, pe distanţa de la sursă la obiectiv, datorită configuraţiei<br />

terenului, există mai multe variante de traseu care trec obligatoriu prin nişte puncte<br />

cheie. În acest fel traseul are n tronsoane, iar pe fiecare tronson costul total (investiţie<br />

plus exploatare timp de un an) are o anumită valoare. Dacă posibilităţile de parcurgere<br />

ale traseului sunt mai mult de două atunci aplicarea metodei devine rentabilă.<br />

Implementarea metodei se face prin intermediul unui program special, utilizând<br />

mediul de programare Borland Pascal, şi algoritmul Bellman-Kalaba. Rezolvarea<br />

propriu-zisă este matriceală. Numerotând tronsoanele cu 1…n, în final se obţine ordinea<br />

optimă de parcurgere ca șir al tronsoanelor selectate.<br />

În condiţiile actuale, când tot mai multe surse locale de apă potabilă sunt poluate,<br />

devine tot mai justificată alimentarea din surse îndepărtate, din zone montane cu izvoare<br />


<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Abstract. In this paper the displacements, as well as the von Misses stresses<br />

of a sleeve rigid coupling with cylindrical pins will be analyzed using CATIA<br />

Generative Structural Analysis workbench. The structural analysis procedure will<br />

be presented. The visual representations of the numerical results will be analyzed<br />

at both the assembly level and the part level. The assembly level analysis allows<br />

identifying the most critical section of the entire assembly. The part level analysis<br />

allows observing the results for the driving shaft, the driving pin, the sleeve<br />

coupling, the driven pin and the driven shaft.<br />

Key words: sleeve rigid coupling, cylindrical pins, structural analysis,<br />

CATIA.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The transmission of the movement of rotation and torque between co-axial<br />

shafts can be achieved through couplings. From the category of permanent fixed<br />

couplings in this paper the sleeve rigid coupling with cylindrical pins will be<br />

analyzed. The geometric characteristics of the sleeve rigid coupling with<br />

cylindrical pins are shown in Fig.1. The cylindrical pins can be placed in the<br />

same plane (Fig. 1a), or more often in two different planes at 90 ° (Fig. 1b).<br />

The shafts diameter can be obtained by the preliminary calculation so as to<br />

ensure the transmission of a mechanical power P = 8 kW at the rotational speed<br />

of n = 200 rpm.<br />

With the calculated values for the angular rate ω = 2πn 60 = 20.944 rad/s;<br />

for the torque M t = P ω = 381.9719 Nm and for the safety torque<br />

M tc = kM<br />

M t = 800 Nm (the safety coefficient kM<br />

shall be adopted within

216 Dănuț Zahariea and Mihaela Tudorache<br />

1.5…3, the adopted value is 2.0944), the shafts diameter can be calculated using<br />

the relationship:<br />

(1)<br />

d<br />

3 16M<br />

tc = ,<br />

πτ at<br />

the value d ≅ 0.065m being thus obtained. The material used for all<br />

components is steel with yield strength σ = 2.5 N/m 2 8<br />

⋅10<br />

.<br />

a b<br />

Fig. 1 – Constructive types:<br />

a – with pins in the same plane; b – with pins in two different planes at 90 °.<br />

The geometric characteristics of the sleeve rigid coupling with cylindrical<br />

pins can be determined with the relationship: the outside diameter of the sleeve<br />

coupling D = kDd<br />

= 0.11 m (the coefficient kD<br />

shall be adopted within<br />

1.5…1.8, the adopted value is 1.6923); the length of the sleeve coupling<br />

L = kLd<br />

= 0.2 m (the coefficient kL<br />

shall be adopted within 2…4, the adopted<br />

value is 3.0769); the diameter of the pins ds = ksd<br />

= 0.028 m (the coefficient<br />

ks<br />

shall be adopted within 0.25…0.44, the adopted value is 0.4308) [1], [2].<br />

The sleeve coupling will be checked at the torsional strain with:<br />

(2) t =<br />

4 4<br />

π ( D − d )<br />

02<br />

16DM<br />

tc<br />

τ .<br />

The pins will be checked at the shearing strain with:

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 217<br />

4M<br />

τ = .<br />

tc<br />

(3) f 2<br />

πdds<br />

The obtained values are within the safety range of the torsional strength and<br />

the shearing strength of the material. Even if as a result of these calculations a<br />

good dimensioning of the coupling will be obtained, to answer a series of<br />

additional issues (the torque asymmetry on the coupling parts, the distribution<br />

of critical sections on each coupling part, etc.) should be further analyzed by<br />

advanced numerical methods.<br />

2. The Structural Analysis of the Sleeve Coupling<br />

with Pins in the same Plane<br />

The main steps of the procedure for structural analysis of sleeve couplings<br />

with cylindrical pins in the same plane using CATIA/Generative Structural<br />

Analysis environment are:<br />

1. Creating the 3D model. Shall be carried out separately the five elements<br />

of the coupling using the Part workbench. The appropriate materials are<br />

assigned to each element. The assembly of the five coupling elements is<br />

carried out using the Assembly workbench, Fig. 2a.<br />

2. Configuring the mesh. Shall be carried out separately for each element,<br />

by changing the characteristic parameters “Size” and “Sag”, Fig. 2b.<br />

3. Applying the restraints. On the free extremity of the driven shaft a<br />

clamp condition must be applied, Fig. 2c.<br />

4. Applying the loads. On the free extremity of the driving shaft an 800<br />

Nm torque around the shaft axis will be applied, Fig. 2d.<br />

5. Applying the conditions for the interaction between the five elements of<br />

the sleeve coupling. First, the interaction condition of General Analysis<br />

Connection type will be applied between the driving shaft and the first<br />

pin, between the first pin and the sleeve coupling, between the sleeve<br />

coupling and the second pin and finally, between the second pin and the<br />

driven shaft. Second, for all the active areas in terms of the torque<br />

transmission the shearing strain condition must be specified by setting<br />

the just property of interaction between the active coupling elements<br />

(Bolt Tightening Connection Property), Fig. 2e.<br />

6. Launching the solver, running the numerical analysis and results<br />

visualization. The von Misses stress will be presented for both the<br />

driving and the driven shafts in Fig. 2f (scale factor 500), for both the<br />

cylindrical pins in Fig. 2g (scale factor 700) and, finally for the sleeve<br />

coupling in Fig. 2h (scale factor 500).

218 Dănuț Zahariea and Mihaela Tudorache<br />

3. The Structural Analysis of the Sleeve Coupling<br />

with Pins in two different Planes at 90°<br />

For the sleeve coupling with pins in two different planes at 90 ° the analysis<br />

procedures takes the same steps: creating the 3D model (Fig. 3a), configuring<br />

the mesh (Fig. 3b), applying the restraints (Fig. 3c) and the loads (Fig. 3d),<br />

applying the interaction conditions (Fig. 3e), running the analysis and results<br />

visualization for both shafts (Fig. 3f – scale factor 500), for both pins (Fig. 3g –<br />

scale factor 700) and for the sleeve coupling (Fig. 3h – scale factor 500).<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

e f<br />

g h<br />

Fig. 2 – Analysis procedure steps for sleeve couplings<br />

with cylindrical pins in the same plane:<br />

a – creating the 3D model; b – configuring the mesh; c – applying the restraints; d –<br />

applying the loads; e – applying the interaction conditions; f – von Misses stress for<br />

shafts; g – von Misses stress for pins; h – von Misses stress for sleeve coupling.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 219<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

e f<br />

g h<br />

Fig. 3 – Analysis procedure steps for sleeve couplings with cylindrical pins<br />

in two different planes at 90 °:<br />

a – creating the 3D model; b – configuring the mesh; c – applying the restraints; d –<br />

applying the loads; e – applying the interaction conditions; f – von Misses stress for<br />

shafts; g – von Misses stress for pins; h – von Misses stress for sleeve coupling.

220 Dănuț Zahariea and Mihaela Tudorache<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. Both constructive solutions comply with the requirements of the<br />

resistance. Thus, the maximum equivalent stress is<br />

7<br />

2. 33⋅<br />

10 Pa for the<br />

coupling with pins in the same plane and 2. 97 ⋅ 10 Pa for the other case. Both<br />

the maximum stresses are in the shearing areas of the driving pin. For the two<br />

shafts, the maximum stress areas are placed near the holes. For the sleeve<br />

coupling the maximum stress areas are placed also near the holes, on the<br />

cylindrical inside surface of the sleeve.<br />

2. The two pins respond differently at the applied loads. Thus, the driving<br />

pin takes a larger effort having a bigger strain. Moreover, the strain profile<br />

along the pins longitudinal axis is different.<br />

3. The mesh configuration parameters have a great influence on both the<br />

hardware resource requirements and the numerical analysis errors.<br />

Received: March 20, 2010<br />

7<br />

“Gh. Asachi” Technical University<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Drives<br />

Iaşi, România<br />

email: dzahariea@yahoo.com<br />

email: mihaela_tudorache10@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. D e m i a n T., Elemente constructive de mecanică fină. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică,<br />

Bucureşti, 1980.<br />

2. D r ă g h i c i I., et al., Calculul şi construcţia cuplajelor. Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti,<br />

1978.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare se prezintă etapele analizei structurale şi rezultatele unui studiu cu privire<br />

la cuplajele fixe de tip manşon cu ştifturi cilindrice plasate în acelaşi plan, respectiv în<br />

plane decalate la 90°. Analiza efectuată în programul CATIA permite evidenţierea<br />

rapidă a unor aspecte particulare care ar putea fi puse în evidenţă cu dificultate printr-un<br />

calcul clasic de rezistenţa materialelor: asimetria distribuţiei momentului, asimetria<br />

stării de deformare, influenţa concentratorilor de tensiune, poziţia secţiunilor critice<br />

pentru fiecare element al cuplajului. Modificarea factorului de scală şi vizualizarea<br />

animată a tensiunilor echivalente şi a deformaţiilor permit interpretări interesante cu<br />

privire la evoluţia în timp a stării de solicitare şi a tendinţei reale de deformaţie a<br />

cuplajului fix de tip manşon cu ştifturi cilindrice.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Abstract. In this paper the structural analysis of a bimetallic strip will be<br />

analyzed using CATIA Generative Structural Analysis workbench. The structural<br />

analysis procedure will be presented. Six different bimetallic strips have been<br />

considered with titanium as active layer and zinc, aluminum, bronze, brass, copper<br />

and steel as passive layer. The numerical analysis has been performed under the<br />

same global conditions (geometrical characteristics, restraints and thermal load)<br />

using two variable parameters: the width and the length of the beams. For all these<br />

study cases only the thermal load generated by an imposed temperature field has<br />

been considered. Charts are presented for comparative analysis of the influence of<br />

the material, the width and the length of the beams on the von Misses stress and<br />

the maximum deflection.<br />

Key words: thermostat, bimetallic strip, structural analysis, CATIA.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The bimetallic springs used as sensitive elements of the thermostats are<br />

made by two beams of rectangular cross section bounded together. The two<br />

beams are made of materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion,<br />

α a > α p . Under a uniform temperature field Δ T the bimetallic strip will curve<br />

toward the passive material (the material with lower coefficient of thermal<br />

expansion). The sensitivity of the bimetallic strip will be better as long the<br />

difference α a − α p will be higher. In this paper, the materials used are: titanium<br />

as passive layer and zinc, aluminum, bronze, brass, copper and steel as passive<br />

layer. Characteristics of materials relevant for the analysis are shown in Table 1.<br />

The main geometric characteristics of the bimetallic strip are shown in Fig. 1.

222 Dănuț Zahariea and Marius Stachie<br />

Passive<br />

layer<br />

Table 1<br />

Material characteristics<br />

Active layer<br />

Titanium Zinc Aluminum Bronze Brass Copper Steel<br />

E 10 11 , [Pa] 1.14 0.97 0.7 1.1 1.31 1.1 2<br />

α 10 -6 , [°C -1 ] 9.5 31.2 23.6 17.8 16.7 16.5 11.7<br />

σ ,[MPa] 825 140 95 520 350 290 250<br />

02<br />

Fig. 1 – Geometric characteristics.<br />

In the paper two comparative analyses will be performed. First one is<br />

studying the influence of the beams width b = { 1,<br />

5,<br />

7.<br />

5}<br />

mm for the same beams<br />

length L = 50 mm. The second one is studying the influence of the beams<br />

length L = { 50,<br />

100 , 150}<br />

mm for the same beams width b = 5 mm. The beams<br />

thickness will be the same for all analyzed cases h = h = 1 mm.<br />

2. The Structural Analysis Procedure<br />

The main steps of the procedure for structural analysis of the bimetallic strip<br />

using CATIA/Generative Structural Analysis environment are:<br />

1. Creating the 3D model. Shall be carried out separately the two<br />

rectangular cross section beams using the Part workbench. The<br />

appropriate materials are assigned to each element. The assembly of the<br />

two beams is carried out using the Assembly workbench, Fig. 2a.<br />

2. Configuring the mesh. Shall be carried out separately for each beam, by<br />

changing the characteristic parameters “Size” and “Sag”, Fig. 2b.<br />

3. Applying the restraints. At one side of the bimetallic strip a clamp<br />

condition must be applied, Fig. 2c.<br />

4. Applying the loads. On the both beams a thermal load with ΔT = 30 °C<br />

will be applied, Fig. 2d.<br />

5. Applying the conditions for the interaction between the two beams of<br />

the bimetallic strip. First, the interaction condition of General Analysis<br />

Connection type will be applied between the active layer and the<br />

passive layer. Second, for the active area in terms of the stress/strain<br />

a<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 223<br />

transmission (the bounded surface) the stress/strain condition must be<br />

specified by setting the just property of interaction between the active<br />

and the passive layers (Fastened Connection), Fig. 2e<br />

6. Launching the solver, running the numerical analysis and results<br />

visualization. The maximum deflection will be presented for the<br />

bimetallic strip in Fig. 2f (scale factor 100). The von Misses stress will<br />

be shown in Fig. 2g (scale factor 100) for active layer and in Fig. 2h<br />

(scale factor 100) for passive layer.<br />

a b<br />

c d<br />

e f<br />

g h<br />

Fig. 2 – Steps of structural analysis procedure:<br />

a – creating the 3D model; b – configuring the mesh; c – applying the restraints; d –<br />

applying the loads; e – applying the interaction conditions; f – maximum deflection; g –<br />

von Misses stress for the active layer; h – von Misses stress for the passive layer.

224 Dănuț Zahariea and Marius Stachie<br />

3. Comparative Analysis<br />

After a preliminary analysis, the clamped end of the bimetallic strip has<br />

been identified as being critical in terms of stresses. In order to improve the<br />

computational process the local changing of the mesh parameters at the clamped<br />

end is required. Thus, for the critical area the “Size” mesh parameter will be<br />

0.25. The global mesh parameters are „Size”=1 and „Sag”=0.5.<br />

The first set of comparative analyses is determining how the width of the<br />

beams influences the behavior of the bimetallic strip. Thus, for every<br />

combination of materials changing the width of the beams and maintaining<br />

constant the other parameters were obtained the numerical values for maximum<br />

deflection (Fig. 3a) and for the von Misses stress on the active layer (Fig. 3b),<br />

as well as for the passive layer (Fig. 3c).<br />

a<br />

b c<br />

Fig. 3 – The influence of the width of the beams:<br />

a – maximum deflection; b – von Misses stress for active layer;<br />

c – von Misses stress for passive layer.<br />

The second set of comparative analyses is determining how the length of the<br />

beams influences the behavior of the bimetallic strip. Thus, for every<br />

combination of materials changing the length of the beams and maintaining<br />

constant the other parameters were obtained the numerical values for maximum

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 225<br />

deflection (Fig. 4a) and for the von Misses stress on the active layer (Fig. 4b),<br />

as well as for the passive layer (Fig. 4c)<br />

a<br />

b c<br />

Fig. 4 – The influence of the length of the beams:<br />

a – maximum deflection; b – von Misses stress for active layer;<br />

c – von Misses stress for passive layer.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The width of the beams has a negligible influence on the maximum<br />

deflection of the bimetallic strip. As far as the status of the stresses, it becomes<br />

apparent that with width increasing, the von Misses stresses grow as well in<br />

both the active and the passive layers. For the width of 7.5 mm, the von Misses<br />

stresses are very close to the admissible values, even overcoming for a small<br />

amount in the case of zinc material. Regardless of the value of the width of the<br />

beams, for all combination of materials, the stress in the active layer is greater<br />

than the passive layer.<br />

2. The length of the beams is definitely affects the values of the maximum<br />

deflection. The von Misses stresses are growing as well, but to a lesser extent<br />

than the growth of the maximum deflection. And in this case, the von Misses<br />

stress in the active layer is towards the passive layer.

226 Dănuț Zahariea and Marius Stachie<br />

3. The best combination of materials in terms of deflection is titan for<br />

passive layer and zinc for the active layer. Due to the smaller mechanical<br />

resistance of aluminum and zinc, increase the width of beams over a certain<br />

limit becomes dangerous, especially in the case of accidental temperature<br />

increases.<br />

4. For all cases analyzed the maximum von Misses stress shall be recorded<br />

in the clamped area. Another critical area is the interaction area between the two<br />

beams of the bimetallic strip.<br />

Received: March 15, 2010 “Gh. Asachi” Technical University<br />

Department of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines and Drives<br />

Iaşi, România<br />

email: dzahariea@yahoo.com<br />

email: marius_stachie@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. D e m i a n T., Elemente constructive de mecanică fină. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică,<br />

Bucureşti, 1980.<br />

2. Z a m a n i N.G., CATIA V5 FEA Tutorials. SDC Publications, 2005.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare se prezintă analiza structurală a unui arc bimetalic lamelar utilizând<br />

mediul de analiză CATIA Generative Structural Analysis. Sunt analizate şase arcuri<br />

bimetalice lamelare având ca material pasiv titanul, iar ca material activ zincul,<br />

aluminiul, bronzul, alama, cuprul şi oţelul. Analiza numerică a fost efectuată pentru<br />

aceleaşi caracteristici globale (dimensiuni geometrice, condiţii pe contur şi sarcini)<br />

folosind doi parametri de control: lăţimea şi grosimea arcurilor lamelare. Sunt<br />

prezentate diagrame comparative pentru analiza influenţei materialului, a lăţimii şi<br />

grosimii arcurilor lamelare asupra deformaţiei maxime şi a stării de solicitare a arcurilor<br />

bimetalice analizate. Principalele concluzii sunt: sensibilitatea maximă se înregistrează<br />

pentru combinaţia de materiale titan-zinc; zonele puternic solicitate sunt încastrarea şi<br />

interfaţa dintre cele două lamele; tensiunile echivalente mai mari se înregistrează în<br />

stratul activ; lăţimea lamelelor influenţează în principal starea de solicitare, în timp ce<br />

lungimea acestora influenţează cu precădere valorile săgeţii maxime a arcului bimetalic<br />


<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Abstract. Nowadays, large and saturated markets in developed countries enforce<br />

the production of a broad palette of customized products, which satisfy the customers’<br />

individual needs. In addition, interesting emerging markets together with the constraints<br />

of the current economic crisis lead to further differentiation in terms of product<br />

functionality and allowable costs. Furthermore, global markets also imply many different<br />

standards and norms, lately more strict due to the worldwide environmental concerns. In<br />

order to be effective in producing custom products, companies in the field of mechanical<br />

engineering integrate in their product lifecycle technologies the newest parametric<br />

CAD/CAM systems, as well as different software for the sales and design departments,<br />

such as configuration or calculation tools. However, producing high quality products with<br />

relatively short delivery times requires that a common knowledge base exists between the<br />

enterprise departments and clear processes and interfaces are defined, integrating all the<br />

used systems. This is commonly not the case and therefore unnecessary iterations are<br />

done in order to produce a technically correct offering based on the specific customer<br />

request. This paper discusses the need and some ideas for a better methodology to faster<br />

and better design complex custom products in the field of mechanical engineering. It<br />

explains the need for a structured knowledge base prior to the beginning of the new<br />

custom product design process. This knowledge base offers the necessary data for the<br />

early design phases and connects the sales and design departments by ensuring a correct<br />

and transparent information transfer between the customer requirements, the configuration<br />

software, the used parametric CAD tools and the generated customer specific offers. The<br />

result is a faster, optimized and technically correct basic configuration of custom products<br />

in early design phases.<br />

Key words: complex custom products, early design phases, product configuration,<br />

knowledge management.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The transfer from industrial to information and knowledge societies<br />

radically transformed the markets and increased customer expectations.

228 Irène Alexandrescu et al.<br />

Globalization and internationalization differentiated the spectrum of offered<br />

goods and increased the need for custom solutions. There are many different<br />

standards and norms coming from saturated markets or interesting emerging<br />

ones, which have to be satisfied with consideration to the massive constraints<br />

additionally imposed by the economic crisis and the environmental concerns.<br />

Product specific knowledge management nowadays is one of the main<br />

factors for the sustainable competitive advantage of a manufacturing company.<br />

It is an important differentiator for the unique core competences of the<br />

company, as well as the essence for developing successful, knowledge based,<br />

market oriented products and services.<br />

In order to achieve customer satisfaction, companies in the field of<br />

mechanical engineering producing custom solutions have to master their<br />

knowledge and generate fast, optimized and technically correct offers for their<br />

products. This paper describes how this can be achieved by using virtualization<br />

and automatization techniques on a methodically structured product knowledge<br />

base.<br />

2. Scattered Knowledge Base in Early Design Phases<br />

In order to deal with the increasing requirements and the competitive<br />

markets, companies use for the generation of the offering of complex custom<br />

products several software tools, such as: Computer Aided Design and<br />

Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Software, Product Data/Lifecycle Management<br />

(PDM/PLM) solutions, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems,<br />

configuration tools and calculation programs. Common applications are in the<br />

aircraft [1] or automotive industry [2].<br />

However, through the variety of software, the complexity of the internal<br />

processes is increased. A good overview to the state of the art is shown in the<br />

CIRP Proceedings [3].<br />

Unfortunately, in praxis, the product knowledge base is scattered through<br />

these systems and normally in each development phase the product knowledge<br />

is documented in separate specific systems. The existing PLM/PDM systems<br />

are often not properly used and there is seldom a platform available to<br />

interconnect or translate the different pieces of information, for a global review<br />

or decision taking.<br />

Fig. 1 shows a sequence diagram for the standard processes that take place<br />

in the early development phases for the generation of a customized offer; the<br />

involved departments and their individual software are also displayed.

Customer<br />

(online configurator)<br />

Sales<br />

(configurator, ERP,...)<br />

custom<br />

request<br />

Design<br />

(CAD, FEM, ERP, PDM, MBS,...)<br />

Part Design (e.g. Hydraulic)<br />

(CAD, FEM, calculation, PDM,...)<br />

Purchasing<br />

(ERP,...)<br />

Production<br />

(CAM, NX-Daten,...)<br />

record<br />

request<br />

Legend:<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 229<br />

request<br />

response<br />

analyze<br />

characteristic<br />

request<br />

curves<br />

request response<br />

design<br />

part<br />

consultation<br />

request response<br />

Department<br />

(used software)<br />

clarification<br />

timeline<br />

preliminary offering<br />

schedule<br />

delivery<br />

date<br />

document action<br />

Fig. 1 – Sequence diagram of the standard processes<br />

for the generation of a customized offer.<br />

offering<br />

order<br />

placed<br />

decide<br />

Currently the customer describes to the sales department the requirements<br />

for the desired product. The sales department interprets the customer<br />

requirements and communicates them further to the design department. There is<br />

normally no sufficient common platform for communication and therefore<br />

unnecessary iteration cycles are done. This can be improved through direct<br />

interfaces between the customer and the two departments, by using a common<br />

configuration tool, which generates department specific product information<br />

and documentation. This solution will be discussed further in the next section.<br />

Another common problem that occurs in the processes described in Fig. 1 is<br />

that generally the project information and awareness remain only in a small<br />

group of specialists. They are not reused for later following projects and are<br />

unavailable for new employees. The company specific knowledge base would<br />

help in solving this problem, by documenting existent intellectual property of<br />

the employees into the pre-structured product specific knowledge.<br />

A good example of a holistic knowledge framework to design and<br />

implement a knowledge based organization is presented by B i n n e r in [4]. This<br />

paper concentrates on the early design phases and can be seen as a methodology<br />

for the previous steps taken in knowledge frameworks systems.<br />

It is therefore not necessary to consider the entire company’s knowledge<br />

base, but rather only the product specific knowledge used in early design phases<br />

to generate a correct first offer. Such comprehensive and integrated knowledge<br />

management solutions are currently almost absent in practice.

230 Irène Alexandrescu et al.<br />

3. Suggested Product Configuration Chain<br />

As discussed in [5] by A le x a n d r e s c u and F r a n k e , the solution for a<br />

faster and better generation of offers is a complete and integrated system that<br />

sustains the whole configuration chain, from the client request analysis to the<br />

configured model of the product. The suggested product configuration chain is<br />

shown in Fig. 2.<br />

Fig. 2 – Methodology for faster and better design of high quality<br />

complex customized products.<br />

In order to shorten the offering generation time, both the client request<br />

clarification and the product design process have to be accelerated and the<br />

quality of the transferred information has to be improved. The solution is a<br />

software system that integrates the product data with existing virtual methods in<br />

order to partially automate the configuration. If a customized product is needed,<br />

a completely automated configuration system is impossible. The<br />

algorithmization of the design process is elaborately discussed by F r a n k e in<br />

[6]. However, it is possible to accelerate and optimize the configuration chain<br />

through better requirement definition, product parameter visualization and goal<br />

conflict analysis.<br />

Fig. 3 presents the implementation solution – the main software tool is the<br />

configuration module, which is used by both sales and engineering design<br />

departments in order to configure a custom solution. The output of both<br />

departments is the customized offer information (such as prices, conditions,<br />

related product pictures and site plans) and the customer specific technical<br />

information (such as exact technical description and parametric 3D-CADmodels<br />

as starting point for a complete and precise product configuration. The<br />

product specific knowledge base is the fundamental information source for the<br />

whole configuration process. Its requirements and structure are presented in the<br />

next section.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 231<br />

Fig. 3 – The knowledge based configuration module, as<br />

a main software component of the solution.<br />

4. Knowledge Base Structure<br />

Before defining the company specific knowledge base structure for the<br />

configuration in early phases of a customized product, the following three<br />

concepts need to be defined: data, information and knowledge. The common<br />

interpretation is:<br />

- Data is unprocessed facts and figures without any added interpretation<br />

or analysis.<br />

(e.g. "")<br />

- Information is data that has been interpreted so that it has meaning for<br />

the user.<br />

Information = data + semantic + context<br />

(e.g.: "The document A was updated.")<br />

- Knowledge is a combination of information, experience and insight that<br />

may benefit the individual or the organization.<br />

Knowledge = information + linking<br />

(e.g.: "B was updated after A, so B contains the latest information.")<br />

The above mentioned three different concepts are presented in Table 1,<br />

according to the description made by B o d e n d o r f in [7]: information is just<br />

a formal step to transforming the data into in the knowledge.<br />

Table 1<br />

The different concepts of data, information and knowledge according to [7]<br />

Data Information Knowledge<br />

structured ⇔ mixed<br />

isolated ⇔ connected<br />

context independent ⇔ context dependent<br />

symbols ⇔ cognitive pattern of action

232 Irène Alexandrescu et al.<br />

The context for the interpretation of the data has a strategic role in the<br />

knowledge output. The discussed company specific knowledge base for the<br />

product configuration should therefore consider both involved sales and design<br />

departments context and semantic. It is therefore important to recognize the<br />

different views, as shown in Table 2. Nevertheless, the common goal is to<br />

configure as fast as possible a high quality customized product, with minimum<br />

resources, minimum costs and minimum losses.<br />

Keeping this in mind, the following structure for a common knowledge base<br />

is proposed:<br />

Fig. 4 – Approach for the knowledge base.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 233<br />

Table 2<br />

Key aspects for the sales and design departments<br />

Departments: Sales Engineering design<br />

Specialization: Marketing Engineering<br />

Modules: Functional modules Product parts and assemblies<br />

Software: Configuration tool Virtualization and calculation tools<br />

Goals: Sell the product Design with minimum costs<br />

Degree of content: Sale probability Technical feasibility<br />

In the center of the knowledge base is the abstract representation of the<br />

product structure, from a neutral point of view. This representation is company<br />

and product specific and it represents the basis for all the department specific<br />

derived views. As exemplarily presented on the right side of the picture, the<br />

module Mi in the main structure will contain its technical (e.g. for the design<br />

department), as well as its functional (e.g. for the sales department) description.<br />

The module has additional parameters and logic, for other derived views, as for<br />

example for geometry calculation, validation of a module combination or<br />

visualization of dependencies systems.<br />

Further research is currently done to describe how at early stage goal<br />

conflicts can be recognized and solved based on this structure.<br />

5. Benefits of Using the Presented Knowledge Base<br />

The main benefits of the presented solution and its knowledge base are:<br />

- It reflects the company global view on its product structure definition;<br />

- The collection and preservation of knowledge can be carried out without<br />

strong efforts, as the configuration system is used on a daily basis;<br />

- The sales and design departments are interacting better;<br />

- The customized offers can be faster and technically more accurately<br />

generated;<br />

- There is a methodic, systematic and goal oriented approach towards a<br />

common context for the configuration.<br />

6. Conclusions<br />

1. The need for customized products has increased due to market<br />

globalization, internationalization and customer awareness. For staying<br />

competitive, companies have to provide custom solutions for low prices, high<br />

product quality and short lead times.<br />

2. The knowledge necessary for configuring customized products in early<br />

design phases is often scattered through numerous software tools and separated

234 Irène Alexandrescu et al.<br />

departments. Comprehensive and integrated knowledge base solutions rarely<br />

exist in praxis.<br />

3. A product configuration chain for an accelerated and technically correct<br />

generation of offers was presented. The main modules of the implementations<br />

are the configuration software and its knowledge base.<br />

4. The product specific knowledge base structure for the configuration in<br />

early phases was discussed.<br />

5. The benefits of the presented knowledge base usage were listed.<br />

Acknowledgements. The authors gratefully thank the German Federal Ministry of<br />

Education and Research (BMBF) for supporting the Project KOMSOLV - 'Fast Offer<br />

and Optimized Design for Complex Products with Conflicting Requirements'.<br />

Received: Technische Universität Braunschweig,<br />

Institute of Engineering Design<br />

Braunschweig, Germany<br />

e-mail: i.alexandrescu@tu-bs.de<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. S h e h a b E., B o u i n - P o r t e t M., H o l e R., F o w l e r C., Enhancement of<br />

Digital Design Data Availability in the Aerospace Industry. In Proceedings of<br />

the 19th CIRP Design Conference, p. 589-590, 2009.<br />

2. H i l m a n J., P a a s M., H a e n s c h k e A., V i e t o r T., Automatic Concept<br />

Model Generation for Optimization and Robust Design of Passenger cars.<br />

Advances in Engineering Software, 38: 795-801, 2007.<br />

3. K r a u s e F. -L., The Future of Product Development, Proceedings of the 17 th CIRP<br />

Design Conference, Springer, 2007.<br />

4. B i n n e r H. F., Ganzheitiches Wissenskonzept - Wissensframework zur Gestaltung<br />

und Implementierung einer wissensbasierten Organisation. In ZWF Zeitschrift<br />

für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, Carl-Hanser Verlag, München, 103 (2008),<br />

p. 540-543.<br />

5. A l e x a n d r e s c u I., F r a n k e H. -J., Fast Offer and Optimized Design for<br />

Complex Custom Products. 1st Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies of<br />

Design in Mechanical Engineering, p. 11-12, 2008.<br />

6. F r a n k e H. -J., Untersuchungen zur Algorithmisierbarkeit des Konstruktionsprozesses.<br />

VDI Verlag, 1976.<br />

7. B o d e n d o r f F., Daten- und Wissensmanagement. Springer, p. 2, 2003.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 235<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

În prezent, pieţele mari şi saturate ale ţărilor dezvoltate orientează fabricația spre o<br />

paletă largă de produse personalizate, în vederea satisfacerii nevoilor clienţilor<br />

individuali. Pieţele emergente interesate, confruntate cu constrângerile crizei economice<br />

actuale, conduc în plus la o diferenţiere a funcţionalității produselor şi a costurilor<br />

admisibile. Pieţele globale implică respectarea de standarde şi de norme diferite, însă<br />

acestea sunt din ce în ce mai stricte, datorită preocupărilor de mediu la nivel mondial.<br />

Pentru a fi eficiente în fabricația de produse personalizate, companiile din domeniul<br />

ingineriei mecanice integrează în tehnologiile ciclului de viaţă al produsului nou sisteme<br />

parametrice de tip CAD/CAM, precum şi multiple aplicații software pentru<br />

departamentele de vânzări şi de proiectare.<br />

Cu toate acestea, fabricația de produse de înaltă calitate cu termen de livrare relativ<br />

scurt impune existența unei baze de cunoştinţe comune tuturor departamentelor<br />

întreprinderii, proceduri clare şi interfeţe bine definite, care să integreze toate sistemele<br />

utilizate. Acest aspect nu se regăsește însă întotdeauna în practică, prin urmare apar<br />

iteraţii inutile ocazionate de elaborarea unei oferte corecte din punct de vedere tehnic, în<br />

baza unei cereri specifice a clientului.<br />

În lucrarea noastră abordăm problema unei noi metodologii, inovative și rapide, de<br />

design personalizat al produselor complexe din domeniul ingineriei mecanice.<br />

Abordarea noastră explică necesitatea structurării unei baze de cunoştinţe încă din<br />

fazele incipiente ale procesului de design al unui nou produs. Această bază de<br />

cunoştinţe oferă datele necesare pentru fazele incipiente de proiectare şi se conectează la<br />

departamentele de vânzări şi de proiectare prin asigurarea unui corect şi transparent<br />

transfer de informaţii între cerinţele clientului, software-ul de configurare, instrumentele<br />

parametrice utilizate în CAD şi oferta specifică generată de client. Rezultatul cercetării<br />

constă în creșterea rapidității, corectarea tehnică și optimizarea configuraţiei de bază a<br />

produselor personalizate încă din fazele incipiente ale dezvoltării acestora.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />


Abstract. The innovation concept can be concerned in terms of five basic<br />

elements: process, product, human factors, domain and socio-organizational<br />

environment. The study is conceived to stimulate the innovative potential and<br />

combine Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy with the creative model of self-managed<br />

team, following an anallogy with Contradictions Matrix for solving the innovative<br />

problems developed by Altschuller. The new model to stimulate the innovative<br />

potential it is described by the Innovative Acting Matrix and by the Innovative<br />

Support Matrix.<br />

Key words: innovation, creative self-managed team model, Bloom’s<br />

taxonomy, Contradictions Matrix, Innovative Acting Matrix, Innovative Support<br />

Matrix.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

In the literature, the word innovation is more favored than the concept of<br />

creativity [1], [6]. Many definitions show the value, the importance and the<br />

time intensity of innovation [8], [12].<br />

Innovation is often described as the value-adding stage of the creativity<br />

process, suggesting a higher sense of value for innovation. Creativity is a precondition<br />

from which innovation develops, is a new realization in practice<br />

supported by creative thinking [8].<br />

From the analysis of the information from literature, the innovation concept<br />

can be concerned in terms of five basic elements: process, product, human<br />

factors, domain and socio-organizational framework. If it could be demystified,<br />

described and modeled the creative process, it would be able to enhance<br />

individual innovative potential and facilitate the innovative process. When the

238 Petru Duşa and Iuliana Laura Taranovschi<br />

innovative process is facilitated, the innovative products are developed. These<br />

are, often, considered to be the result of collaborative teamwork. Increasing the<br />

organizational effectiveness in a specific domain is a primary goal for selfmanaged<br />

work teams. Self-managed teams are so intensively focused on high<br />

performance that often individual needs of the team members can be<br />

overlooked. As a result of the integration of viewpoints, self-managed teams<br />

offer multifunctional definitions and solutions to problems that generate<br />

innovative products or services.<br />

In this paper are explored the cognitive factors which influence the creative<br />

thinking of individuals who work in an organizational team and in an<br />

organization with high creative potential.<br />

1. Conceptual Determination<br />

In order to understand the manner in which the factors involved in the<br />

innovative process operate, it is used as starting point Bloom’s Taxonomy for<br />

educational objectives.<br />

In 1956, Benjamin Bloom, an<br />

educational psychologist, developed<br />

taxonomy for Educational Objectives.<br />

This taxonomy became a key tool in<br />

structuring and understanding the<br />

learning process. The taxonomy,<br />

examines the cognitive domain,<br />

which categorizes and orders thinking<br />

skills and objectives. It is a<br />

continuum of six domains:<br />

knowledge, comprehension,<br />

application, analysis, synthesis,<br />

evaluation. The domains are arranged<br />

Fig. 1 – Bloom’s Taxonomy [3].<br />

in ascending order, each level is<br />

assimilated in the others’ presence,<br />

starting from the basic level -<br />

knowledge thought the higher one – evaluation, as it is represented in the Fig. 1.<br />

These depend one from another can not achieve one domain without other and<br />

are arranged at three levels: cognitive domain, corresponding verbs and<br />

cognitive activity support. Each cognitive domain, that is found in the center of<br />

the model presented in the Fig. 2, are in correspondence with a set of verbs<br />

located in the middle of the model and with a set of nouns situated at their<br />

external level in this model. The set of verbs express how can be acted in order<br />

to attain the corresponding domain. Nouns express the support that it is offered<br />

to perform the activities for each domain.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 239<br />

Fig. 2 – Bloom’s Taxonomy [4].<br />

This paper aims to structure a model in which cognitive elements of<br />

Bloom’s taxonomy can be integrated with another model which is specific for<br />

activities of a team with high innovative potential.<br />

2. Case Analysis<br />

From previous studies in the area of the self-managed team concept, situated<br />

in a research environment from industrial engineering domain, resulted a model<br />

of creative self-managed team. To define this model, we used the following<br />

tools: General Innovation Skills Aptitude Test - GISAT [5], Belbin test to<br />

determine the role in a team [2] and Building Blocks focused on variables of<br />

effectiveness teams [13]. The model was developed on the most significant<br />

correlations between subjects’ scores to the three dimensions: innovative<br />

profile, team roles and team variables.<br />

The scores obtained for subject (S3) identified as Monitor-Evaluator and<br />

subject (S15) identified as Plant from the perspective of the roles assumption<br />

correlate with the scores obtained for first pillar - Generating and Assessing<br />

Ideas from the innovative profile and with the team variables: Openness and<br />

Confrontation, Support and Trust, Cooperation and Conflict (see on Fig. 3, the<br />

quadrant for S15, S3). The scores obtained for subject (S11) identified as<br />

Implementer and subject (S16) identified as Shaper from the perspective of the<br />

roles assumption correlate with the scores obtained for second pillar - Risk-<br />

Taking from the innovative profile and with the team variables: Judicious<br />

Procedures, Appropriate Leadership and Regular Review (see on Fig. 3, the

240 Petru Duşa and Iuliana Laura Taranovschi<br />

quadrant for S11, S16).<br />

The scores obtained for subject (S7) identified as Resource Investigator and<br />

subject (S10) identified as Coordinator from the perspective of the roles<br />

assumption correlate with the scores obtained for third pillar - Relationship<br />

Building from the innovative profile and with the team variables: Individual<br />

Development, Sound Inter-groups Relations and Good Communication (see on<br />

Fig. 3, the quadrant for S7, S10). The scores obtained for subject (S4) identified<br />

as Finisher and subject (S12) identified as Team Worker from the perspective of<br />

the roles assumption correlate with the scores obtained for forth pillar –<br />

Implementing and Turning Ideas into Products, Processes and Services from the<br />

innovative profile and with the team variables: Balanced Function, Clear<br />

Objectives, Organizational Support (see on Fig. 3, the quadrant for S4, S12).<br />

Fig. 3 – The model of self-managed team [9].<br />

In the literature, can be identified a method to stimulate the creativity –<br />

TRIZ “The Theory of Inventing Problem Solving”, comes from Russian<br />

Language “Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch”, developed by<br />

Genrich Altshuller, Russian author. The method was developed after analysis of<br />

almost two million of the world’s most successful patents. TRIZ is a method<br />

which provides resources to access the best solutions to solve the innovative<br />

problems. In this method can be identified four pillars that differentiate this<br />

strategy from other innovative strategies for solving problems [7]:<br />

• Pillar 1: Contradictions – many problem solvers try going directly<br />

from problem to solution through trial and error. Looking at an analogous<br />

standard problem and its associated standard solution is a more efficient

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 241<br />

approach. It was determined that the most efficient innovative solutions grow up<br />

from contradictions. TRIZ Matrix operates with the contradictions principles.<br />

This is designed on the basis of 39 factors organized on rows and columns,<br />

represented in the Fig. 4, and at intersection between rows and columns can be<br />

identified the contradictions. For each contradiction it is presented a set of<br />

principles, from a total of 40, in order to solve it. If the problem is structured on<br />

the contradictions principle, the TRIZ matrix offers sets of innovative<br />

principles. The essential contribution of the user’s matrix is to match the<br />

standard principles to that innovative problem [10].<br />

Fig. 4 – Extract from Contradiction Matrix [7].<br />

• Pillar 2: Ideality – when TRIZ founder studied the patents database, he<br />

discovered that the systems always tend to evolve towards increasing “ideality”.<br />

The ideality part of TRIZ encourages problem solvers to break out of the<br />

traditional “start from the current situation” type of thinking, and start instead<br />

from what is described as the Ideal Final Result (IFR). The simple definition of<br />

IFR is that the solution contains all of the benefits and none of the costs or<br />

“harms” (environmental impact, adverse side-effects, etc) [7].<br />

• Pillar 3: Functionality – this concept is developed by TRIZ through the<br />

fact that it integrates knowledge from physics, chemistry, mathematics,<br />

engineering, management and political science. It is successful largely because<br />

that knowledge is in a form accessible to all users. In this way, the functionality<br />

becomes the connection that makes possible sheering of knowledge between<br />

widely differing industries [11].<br />

• Pillar 4: Use of resources – in TRIZ terms relates to the unprecedented<br />

emphasis placed on the maximization of use everything contained within a

242 Petru Duşa and Iuliana Laura Taranovschi<br />

system. Thereby a resource is anything in the system which is not being used to<br />

its maximum potential. Discovery of such resources then reveals opportunities<br />

through which the design of a system may be improved [7].<br />

3. Case Analysis Results<br />

From the TRIZ analogy exploration, it can be combined the Bloom’s model<br />

presented in Fig. 2 with the self-managed presented in Fig. 3. The role of this<br />

analogical approach is to define a model to stimulate the innovative potential.<br />

In a first stage it is built a matrix structure having as columns the pillars<br />

from the model of self-managed team and as rows the cognitive domains from<br />

Bloom’s Taxonomy. In the cells resulted at the intersection of rows and<br />

columns, are inserted the Bloom’s domain verbs from the relative line. So, it is<br />

obtained a matrix that offers the necessary stimulants for innovative activity.<br />

The matrix is presented in Figure 5 as the Innovative Acting Matrix. The<br />

importance of this matrix is that, those who access it, being in situations marked<br />

by one of the innovative pillars, have the opportunity to explore the innovative<br />

problem in an acting style. The exploration in an acting manner of the<br />

innovative problem is achieved gradually from the base level - knowledge to a<br />

superior level - evaluation.<br />

Fig. 5 – Innovative Acting Matrix.<br />

In the second stage, on the same matrix structure described above, in the<br />

cells from the intersection of rows and columns, are inserted the nouns of the<br />

Bloom’s domain from the relative line. It is obtain a matrix that provides the<br />

necessary support for innovative activity. The matrix is presented in Figure 6 as<br />

the Innovative Support Matrix. The importance of this matrix is that, those who<br />

access it, being in situations marked by one of the innovative pillars, have the<br />

opportunity to receive the necessary resources to explore the innovative<br />


Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 243<br />

Fig. 6 – Innovative Support Matrix .<br />

The exploration of innovative problem is realized, by this time, using the<br />

tools provided as support for each acting-innovative stage.<br />

5 Conclusions<br />

1. As a result of this scientific approach, it was designed a model to<br />

stimulate the innovative potential with the support of two innovative matrices:<br />

Innovative Acting Matrix; Innovative Support Matrix.<br />

2. Innovative Acting Matrix represents a matrix that offers the necessary<br />

stimulants for innovative acting (the verbs).<br />

3. Innovative Support Matrix represents a matrix that offers the necessary<br />

support for innovative results (the nouns).<br />

4. Next research will focus on the applicability of these matrices in<br />

situations that require the innovative potential.<br />

Received: February 25, 2010 “Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University,<br />

Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology<br />

Iasi, Romania,<br />

e-mail: itaranovschi@tcm.tuiasi.ro<br />

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2. B e l b i n R. M., Management Teams. Butterworth Heinemann Publisher, London-<br />

UK, 1981.

244 Petru Duşa and Iuliana Laura Taranovschi<br />

3. Bloom’s Taxonomy, Consulted on 11.12.2009 at:<br />

http://blogs.wsd1.org/etr/files/blooms_taxonomy.jpg.<br />

4. Bloom’s Taxonomy, Consulted on 15.12.2009 at:<br />

http://mysciencelessons.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/bloomwheel3.gif.<br />

5. C a m p b e l l A., W a t t D., Building innovation capacity one skill at a time. Proc.<br />

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6. C a v a l l u c c i D., TRIZ, the Altshullerian approach to solving innovation<br />

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7. CREAX Innovation Suite, Consulted on 03.12.2009 at :<br />

http://www.creax.com/triztab/creaxsuite31/english/TRIZ/TRIZ.html.<br />

8. L a n d r y C., The creative city: A toolkit for urban innovators, Earthscan<br />

Publications, London, 2001.<br />

9. T a r a n o v s c h i I. L., D u ş a P., N a g î ţ Gh., Exploring creativity in a research<br />

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România, 2010.<br />

10. T e r n i n k o J., Z u s m a n A., Z l o t i n B., Systematic Innovation, An<br />

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11. V i n c e n t J., M a n n D., Systematic technology transfer from biology to<br />

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12. W e s t A. M., F a r r J. L., Innovation at work. In Innovation and creativity at<br />

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13. W o o d c o c k M., Team Development Manual. Gower Publisher, Aldershot, UK,<br />

1989.<br />


INOVARE <strong>DIN</strong> MEDIUL TEHNIC<br />

(Rezumat)<br />

Din cercetările anterioare asupra elementului inovativ, am ajuns la concluzia că<br />

structura care facilitează dezvoltarea acestuia o regăsim la nivelul echipei autoconduse.<br />

Modelul de echipă autocondusă propus pentru stimularea potentialului inovativ este<br />

susţinut de patru piloni: Generare de Idei, Asumarea Riscului, Construire de Relaţii şi<br />

Implementare. În momentul în care am privit aceste elemente din perspectiva<br />

obiectivelor inovative şi am considerat că inovarea se dezvoltă cu ajutorul gandirii<br />

creative, am utilizat taxonomia definită de Bloom pentru a elabora un model cognitiv<br />

privind stimularea potenţialului inovativ. Elementul strategic care a stat la baza definirii<br />

acestui model este este reprezentat de Matricea Contradicţiilor TRIZ elaborată de<br />

Genrich Altshuller. În urma acestui demers au rezultat două matrici: Matricea Acţiunii<br />

Inovative şi Matricea Suportului Inovativ. Rolul acestora constă în faptul că potentialul<br />

inovativ poate fi stimulat daca sunt asimilate succesiv elementele taxonomice cognitive.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Abstract. The concept design, as part of the engineering process and as<br />

support for CAD/CAE techniques, allows optimizing the product concept before<br />

manufacturing, with CAM assistance. For some product development processes,<br />

RE allows us to generate surface models by three-dimensional (3D) – scanning<br />

techniques, and as follows, this method allows different parts to be manufactured<br />

in relatively short development period of time. The aim of this paper is to look<br />

over RE techniques and to find possible advantages or weak points of different<br />

scanning systems.<br />

Keywords: Scanning (digitizing), reverse engineering, product design, rapid<br />

prototyping, CAD/CAE/CAM.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

One of the main domains of interest in rapid product development is<br />

represented by machine manufacturing, where each machine contains thousands<br />

of parts which have to be made as quick and cheap as possible, in order to<br />

achieve the prescribed quality [1].<br />

But, by economical means and, of course, due to progress and innovation,<br />

the products do improve, and this leads to major or minor modifications brought<br />

to the machine, thus, many other internal parts have to be changed. The<br />

available time for this changes, has become increasable shorter due to

246 Andrei Mihalache et al.<br />

competiveness, and the requirements push everyone in rapid development. In<br />

such case, Reverse Engineering (RE) techniques are useful. The most important<br />

instruments found in the process, are different scanning systems, which<br />

provides, in a short amount of time, dimensional description in digital concept.<br />

RE has now been accepted as part of contemporary product design and<br />

manufacturing processes. The RE technique is easy defined as the process<br />

which results in creation of a mathematical model from a physical one.<br />

Different cases have different RE requirements, from recovering the<br />

mechanical design information to design based modifications. In case of<br />

extracting the mechanical design information, we will be interested in tolerance,<br />

as opposed to the case of design based extraction where the precedent will be<br />

that of extracting the design intent.<br />

So, the RE methods and techniques are essential because they allow to<br />

capture and digitize an object surface geometry for later use with<br />

CAD/CAE/CAM [1].<br />

2. Product Development Approaches<br />

Nowadays the management of product design can be achieved based on two<br />

methods shown in (Fig. 1), a “conventional approach” and an “unconventional<br />

approach” [1].<br />

The conventional approach in product development using CAD/CAE/CAM<br />

systems, normally starts with geometrical modeling using a CAD system. The<br />

geometric model can be represented by wire frame or as surface or as solid<br />

structure. Generated CAD data, can be exported to a standard format (IGES<br />

points/STL binary, ASCII data, DXF poly line, VDA points or IGES/STL<br />

surfaces) and then imported in the same data format to CAE systems (allowing<br />

numerical model simulation) and/or CAM systems (allowing tools trajectory to<br />

be generated). In a system with a unique database, the design information can<br />

be divided to each application automatically, without manual transfer of data,<br />

each time [3].<br />

In the unconventional approach, we can see that the product development by<br />

the conventional approach is not always applicable when we aim to re-engineer,<br />

simulate or optimize parts/moulds/tools already existing, but without the CAD<br />

data format. So, it will be necessary to apply one technique that allows to<br />

capture part/mould/tool (or prototype) geometry and to generate a numerical<br />

model to be used in CAE and CAM systems. This is called reverse engineering.

Conventional<br />

approach<br />

Client specifications<br />

No<br />

3D – CAD<br />

system<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010<br />

Triangular model<br />

(file format *.stl)<br />

Conceptual model<br />

CAE system<br />

Design<br />

requirements<br />

satisfied?<br />

Yes<br />

CAM system<br />

Final product<br />

(part or tool)<br />

Physical model<br />

(sample or prototype)<br />

Digitizing system<br />

3D geometry<br />

Points cloud<br />

3D coordinates<br />

Reconstruction software for<br />

the model<br />

Unconventional<br />

approach<br />

Surface model 3D<br />

reconstruction<br />

Fig. 1 – Sequences in manufacturing engineered products<br />

(parts/moulds/tools)-adapted [1].<br />

No<br />


248 Andrei Mihalache et al.<br />

CMM<br />

with laser<br />

system<br />

CMM<br />

with<br />

touching<br />

probe<br />

Physical model<br />

(sample or prototype)<br />

CNC – milling<br />

machine with<br />

touching probe<br />

Digitizing<br />

software<br />

Points cloud<br />

(3D coordinates)<br />

CNC –<br />

milling<br />

machine with<br />

laser system CT<br />

Computer<br />

tomography<br />

Fig. 2 – Digitizing techniques for 3D-geometries and generated data.<br />

3. Differences between Digitizing and Scanning Processes<br />

3D scanning (digitizing) is the process of gathering data from undefined<br />

three-dimensional surface. During the scanning process, an analogue scanning<br />

probe is commended to move back and forth (contact or non-contact) across the<br />

unknown surface. During the process, the system records information about the<br />

surface in form of numerical data’s – and generates a points cloud matrix (3D<br />

coordinates). The terms of digitizing and scanning are often used to describe the<br />

same process. Traditionally, digitizing refers to the process of taking discrete<br />

points using a touch-sensible probe. However, with the introduction of new<br />

technologies in data capture, such as laser or camera, digitizing term is now<br />

used as general description for the process of data acquisition from undefined<br />

surfaces [2] – [4]. The digital points cloud can be captured using different<br />

digitizing techniques (Fig. 2), classified into two major groups:<br />

‐ Mechanical techniques (by physical contact sensors);<br />

‐ Optical techniques (by non-contact with the object).<br />

Related to the first group, usually they use a coordinate measuring machine<br />

– CMM, or a CNC-milling machine equipped with physical touching probe<br />

sensors (ex. Retroscan or Renscan – Renishaw, UK). Related to the second

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 249<br />

group, we can also use CMM’s or CNC-milling machines but equipped with<br />

laser beam probes (ex. Renishaw, Metris LC Mitutoyo), or associated optical<br />

sensors (ex. CCD cameras) [2].<br />

3. Advantages and Weak Points of Different Scanning Equipments<br />

Scanning<br />

equipments<br />

Advantages Week points<br />

Laser Precise and fast scanning on Z-axis (0.001 mm) Equipment high price<br />

Non-contact method It is not possible to scan reflective<br />

materials<br />

It is possible to scan soft materials (or liquids) Scanning in X- and Y-axis is<br />

inaccurate<br />

(0.035 – 0.060 mm)<br />

It is not possible to scan notches<br />

areas or steep surfaces due to<br />

additional reflections.<br />

Sensibility to air dust<br />

CCD Fast<br />

High price of equipments<br />

cameras It is possible to use two or three cameras Accuracy decreases linear with<br />

simultaneously<br />

camera distance<br />

Insensible to part color<br />

Scanning angle is equal regardless<br />

the shape of part’s surface; in case<br />

of steep angles the measurement in<br />

inaccurate<br />

Non-contact method, it is possible to scan soft By camera scanning, a very sharp<br />

materials<br />

picture is required; simultaneous<br />

scanning of far and closer surfaces<br />

demonstrates linear deviation of<br />

results depending on focal distances<br />

In case of special coaxial lightning it is possible to In case of oily or wet parts the<br />

scan small diameters and high depths on Z-axis measurement in inaccurate<br />

It is possible to scan very small areas: 1 mm 2 (one<br />

scan only needed) – accuracy is above few<br />

micrometers<br />

Scanning on flat surfaces is very fast<br />

Dust causes bad scanning<br />

Contact Very precise on all axis (depends on scanning It’s inadequate for soft materials.<br />

(classic) equipment)<br />

Fast scanning of known geometrical parts Scanning unknown surfaces is either<br />

impossible<br />

inaccurate<br />

or very slow and<br />

Contact<br />

Precise scanning of coins or similar geometries<br />

Manual or automatic scanning possibility<br />

Hand-held scanning equipment is useful for<br />

scanning big products (airplanes, ships, big<br />

machines or devices)<br />

Precise on all axis (0.001 mm) Minimum diameter of stylus is 0.3<br />

digitizers<br />

mm, scanning surface roughness is<br />

(Renishaw)<br />

not possible<br />

Relatively low price It not possible to scan soft materials<br />

It is possible to use different styluses for different Though material of stylus is wear<br />

surfaces<br />

resistant, it’s surface wears in time<br />

Oil, liquid or dust do not interfere with the Scanning speed is lower (compared<br />

scanning process<br />

It is possible to scan unknown steep surfaces<br />

to non-contact systems)

250 Andrei Mihalache et al.<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

1. Product development (parts/moulds/tools) via integrated reverse<br />

engineering represents a fairly new method that is in research and development<br />

phase.<br />

2. This paper aims to reveal some of the highlights and weak points of<br />

existing scanning equipments. We see that as far as accuracy goes, the best<br />

results are obtained by means of contact sensors. Nevertheless, in case of fragile<br />

or soft materials, laser or optical systems, without contact, provide better<br />

results. The ideal scanning device should be the combination of a camera, laser<br />

and contact probe, all, supported by appropriate controller.<br />

Received: March, 12, 2010 “Gh. Asachi”Technical University,<br />

Department of Machine Manufacturing<br />

Iasi, Romania<br />

e-mail: andrei.mihalache@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. H e r b e r t s o n T., Reverse engineering, in: Fourth International Conference on<br />

Industrial Tools ICIT 2003, April 8th–12th, Bled, Slovenia, pp. 419–422.<br />

2. N. N., Scanning Systems for Reverse Engineering, Renishaw Apply Innovation, H-<br />

2000-3120-04-B, Renishaw plc, UK, consulted at 18 November 2009,<br />

http://www.renishaw.com/en/cmm-probes-software-and-retrofits--6329<br />

3. H o n g w e i L., Adaptive patch-based mesh fitting for reverse engineering, State<br />

Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China, Received<br />

13 May 2007; accepted 1 October 2007, pp. 3-10.<br />

4. Z e x i a o X., Complete 3D measurement in reverse engineering using a multi-probe<br />

system, Engineering college, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266071,<br />

People’s Republic of China, Received 7 October 2004; accepted 20 January<br />

2005, Available online 7 March 2005, pp. 1135-1139.<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Dezvoltarea de produse (piese/ matrite/ scule) împreună cu ingineria inversă<br />

integrată, este o metodă recentă, aflată în faza de cercetare şi dezvoltare.<br />

Aceasta lucrare prezinta unele posibilitati de utilizare si beneficii ale metodei în<br />

procesul de productie, dar evidenţiază şi avantajele şi punctele slabe ale diferitelor<br />

echipamente de scanare utilizate în prezent.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />



BY<br />



Abstract. Infrared radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. All matter<br />

above absolute zero (0 K, -273ºC) emits infrared energy. Thermographic cameras<br />

can be used for measure temperatures in a lot of applications. With this new tool<br />

we will be able to determine the local heating experienced by the bone during the<br />

process of cutting (drilling) for dental implants. The applicability of the temporal<br />

sequence of thermograms for dynamic study of the temperature in drilling<br />

operations to implant dentistry, is shown to be very high. While there are several<br />

aspects to consider when conducting research of this type.<br />

Key words: thermography, bone, drilling.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

There are many studies directed to determine the influence of the cutting<br />

parameters in bone drilling and the production of heat and the increase in the<br />

bone temperature due to this heat. In those studies the temperature was<br />

measured with thermocouples, the most usual way, or through other variables.<br />

There are less studies in the same area that use a more advanced method for the<br />

register of the temperature in bone cutting, the thermology. But there are even<br />

less studies that use a more dynamic method to obtain the temperature and be<br />

able to relate it directly to other variables such as pressure, speed of cutting, etc.<br />

Hereby our study tries to make a contribution in the use of the infrared<br />

thermology. Infrared radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation like: radio<br />

waves, microwaves, ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, visible light, etc. All of them<br />

emit energy in the form of electromagnetic waves and they travel at the speed of<br />

light. All matter above absolute zero (0 K, -273ºC) emits infrared energy.<br />

Thermographic cameras detect invisible infrared radiation emitted by objects<br />

and they transform it in an image inside the visible spectrum in which the color

252 Roberto Lopez et al.<br />

scale (or greys) shows the different intensities. The intensity of the infrared<br />

radiation depends on the temperature and on the surface characteristics of the<br />

object, the color and the kind of material. Thermographic cameras give a value<br />

of the temperature for every single point, without taking into account that, for<br />

the same temperature, two different materials can emit infrared energy with<br />

very different intensities.<br />

With this new tool we will be able to determine the local heating<br />

experienced by the bone during the process of cutting (drilling) for dental<br />

implants. This way, we can see, frame by frame, the evolution of the<br />

temperature in every single point in the area of study, so every frame<br />

corresponds to a thermography with the data of the temperatures of every single<br />

point of the image. With this data we can study data from heating and cooling<br />

patterns, zone and/or specific peaks and lows.<br />

2. State of the Art<br />

Due to the drilling process, the bone tissue heats up and if the temperature<br />

around the drilling area exceeds the critical limit of 50 ºC, could result in<br />

thermal necrosis, which is the death of the tissue exposed to that high<br />

temperatures. Therefore, the importance of temperature control in this type of<br />

operations results obvious.<br />

Most researchers use conventional temperature measure methods, such as<br />

the placing of thermo couples (A b o u z g i a & J a m e s, 1995), (B a c h u s et al.,<br />

2001), (M a t t e w s et al., 1984). In this way, the temperature record can be<br />

continuous; not on the contact area between the tool and the bone, but in the<br />

gaps set for the thermo couples away from the drilling area.<br />

The measurement of temperature (for example for fever) is very well known<br />

in old and modern medicine. The infrared thermology is a contactless method<br />

for measuring temperature and seems to be very useful in research and everyday<br />

medicine. Everyday there are more and more studies that use thermography for<br />

the measurement of temperature in different process. This way, (W i l d et al.,<br />

2003), determined the temperature in bone drilling for facial human bones for<br />

inplants. They obtain results for temperature peaks although they don´t specify<br />

how they record the thermography at the highest temperature.<br />

Other researchers, like (U d i l j a c k et al., 2007) also use the thermographic<br />

camera to measure the temperature of drilling while using different drill bits.<br />

But neither in this case, nor in other cases like (W i l d et al., 2003), there is a<br />

continuous record of the temperature to be processed. So it is understood that<br />

the evaluation of the highest temperature is done objectively.<br />

The advantages of the infrared thermography in continuous record to<br />

measure the temperature are obvious:

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 253<br />

• There is no delay between the generation of heat and the perception of<br />

the local heat.<br />

• It is possible to measure the temperature over a whole area.<br />

• Dynamic changes in temperature can be seen during the process.<br />

The dynamic register of thermographies allows making a complete study of<br />

the evolution of the temperature during the process.<br />

3. Experimental Set-Up<br />

In this study we have used infrared thermology to determine the cutting<br />

temperature in bone drilling for dental implants. Figure 1 shows the<br />

experimental set-up.<br />

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up<br />

Tools used during the tests are:<br />

• Thermographic camera<br />

A camera Infratec of high-speed thermography was used (ImageIR 5300,<br />

range from 700 to 1 µm; with a high frame rates of up to 250 Hz). A lens with a<br />

focal length of 100 mm was used with a macro lens of 500 mm. The infrared<br />

camera thermography enabled the estimation of temperature increase and<br />

temperature fields at bone drilling. The camera was set at an angle of 30º in<br />

relation to the hole axis (drilling direction), and the temperatures were<br />

determined (Fig. 1).<br />

The results of the thermographic camera are images where each temperature<br />

isotherm is denoted with a different colour, see Fig. 4.<br />

• Surgical motor<br />

Surgic XT Motor System (with a built-in irrigation system). Technical<br />

data: Power 210 W; motor speed: 200 – 40.000 rpm; torque: 50 Ncm. We used

254 Roberto Lopez et al.<br />

a handpiece for the drilling tests to keep it as centred as possible from the load<br />

transducer from which it will hang.<br />

To hold the handpiece we built a device, made from aluminum, which could<br />

both, hold the handpiece and also attach it to the machine that generates the<br />

force, as seen in figure 2.<br />

Fig. 2 – Surgical motor attached to the force generating machine.<br />

• Testing Machine<br />

For the movement generating we used a Shimadzu Precision Universal<br />

Tester machine, model AG-100KNIS-MO. It is a floor model with two<br />

columns, able to work with speed tests of 0.5 µm at 1000 mm/min, according to<br />

the manufacturer. The setting up can be seen in Figure 1.<br />

• Drills<br />

Tool used for drilling the bone is a cobalt drill bit for metals. Such a drill bit<br />

is not very different in shape from the ones used in dental surgery and dental<br />

implants. Also the material it is made of is very similar to the materials used for<br />

the dental drill bits. The difference in temperatures between the drill bits we<br />

used and the dental drill bits should not be very different. The point of this test<br />

is to measure the temperature of bone drilling using thermology, so for that<br />

matter, the drill bits used for the tests should be as good as others. The drill bit<br />

used in the tests is 2.22 mm in diameter. It is cylindrical straight and has two<br />

lips. Drills can be seen in figure 3.<br />

Fig. 3 – Drill used in test.<br />

• Bone<br />

For the tests we have used cow bone, specifically the femur. It is a fresh<br />

bone bought the previous day in a local market. The cow bone characteristics

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 255<br />

are very similar to the ones of the human bone, for that reason cow bones have<br />

been used for the scientific community in multiple tests of this type.<br />

Fig. 4 – Drilling of bone and thermography.<br />

4. Methodology<br />

For the test we used a 2.22 mm in diameter drill bit turning at a speed of<br />

2,000 rpm attached to a handpiece from the surgical motor. For the set up of the<br />

surgical motor we choose the maximum power to avoid a fall in the turning<br />

speed. The handpiece was attached to the tester that made it move down at a<br />

speed of 1.25 mm/second. The drill was made in a single movement until we<br />

reached a depth of 8 mm. This is not the usual way for implantology, which<br />

uses a discontinuous drilling of one or two seconds. This way we could get a<br />

higher temperature in the drill bit and check the efficiency of thermology in<br />

bone drilling.<br />

The thermographic camera was placed in front of the force generating<br />

machine, as seen in figure 1, which gave us a general view of the cutting area.<br />

Over the thermographic camera was placed a macro lens in order to increase the<br />

resolution of the camera in the area of contact between the drill bit and the bone<br />

sample. This setting allowed us to register the temperature in the drilling zone,<br />

which included the temperature of the drill bit and the superficial temperature of<br />

the bone in the critical area, beside the tool. We made several tests where we

256 Roberto Lopez et al.<br />

register the temperatures from the beginning of the drilling till the exit of the<br />

drill bit once reached the 8 mm depth.<br />

Fig. 5. Thermography sequence.<br />

6. Conclusions<br />

These are some of the most relevant results of the thermographies during the<br />

measurement of temperature in bone drilling. These results could be applicable<br />

to the analysis of temperature using a thermographic camera in other tests, for<br />

example, in the drilling of other materials (wood, metals, resins, alloys, new<br />

materials). During the tests it is important to keep the bone at body temperature<br />

(37 ºC) or adjusted to the temperature of the tool to isolate the increase of<br />

temperature during the drilling process. With the use of the thermographic<br />

camera, we can isolate the average temperature of the elements in the test, as<br />

well as the peaks and lows, the highest and lowest puntual temperature, the<br />

highest and lowest temperature of the area around the tool before the drilling, of<br />

the area of the material, etc.<br />

The continuous register of temperature allowed us study the cooling of the<br />

surface following the heating of the surface due to the drilling. We did a linear<br />

regression of the data according to the time getting this adjustment:<br />

(1) Tª = 14.1566 – 0.112166*Time,<br />

with a cooling rate of 0.11º/s. The cooling is due to the deepest layers in the<br />

bone which cool the outer layers heated during previous drillings.<br />

The P-value of the analysis of variance (p

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 257<br />

Since the first contact between tool and bone, the recorded temperature starts to<br />

increase, and in a following study of data, a few points can be made.<br />

Fig. 6 – The fall of temperature.<br />

The starting temperature in the drilling point of the bone is 14.415 ºC. The<br />

temporal sequence of the temperature in the drilling point is shown in this chart:<br />

Table 1<br />

Temperature in the drilling point<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

14.42 16.96 18.40 21.81 27.61 26.49 32.11 46.18 51.25<br />

The drilling lasted 8.5 seconds. This is the chart for the increase of<br />

temperature according to the time.<br />

Fig. 7 – The increase of temperature.<br />

There is a tendency in the increase of temperature as the drill bit drills the<br />

bone. Some adjustments were made for the analysis of data, and the closest one<br />

was:<br />

(2) Tª = 16.5913 + 0.5518*Time^2.<br />

Against a linear regression, the quadratic function explained up to 95.87% of<br />

the total variability of data (5% more than the linear), making the adjustment

258 Roberto Lopez et al.<br />

more precise. Finally, we can concluse that the applicability of the temporal<br />

sequence of thermograms for dynamic study of the temperature in drilling<br />

operations to implant dentistry, is shown to be very high. While there are<br />

several aspects to consider when conducting research like this.<br />

Received:23.02.2010 1 University of Valladolid-Spain,<br />

Department of Materials Science and<br />

Metallurgical Engineering-Mechanical Engineering<br />

Valladolid-Spain<br />

e-mail: roblop@eis.uva.es<br />

2 “Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University,<br />

Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology<br />

Iaşi, Romania<br />

e-mail: negoescu@tcm.tuiasi.ro<br />

Acknowledgments. This work has been developed thanks to DPI2006-15502-C02-02<br />

Project from the National Program of Design and Industrial Production supported by<br />

MEC (Spain) and FEDER.<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. A b o u z i a M. B., J a m e s D. F., Measurements of shaft speed while drilling<br />

through bone. J. Oral Maxillofac Surg, 53 (1995) 1308-1315.<br />

2. B a c h u s K. N.; R o n d i n a M. T., H u t c h i n s o n D.T., The effects of drilling<br />

force on cortical temperatures and their duration: and in vitro study. Medical<br />

Engineering & Physics, 22 (2000) 685-691.<br />

3. M a t t e w s L. S.; G r e e n C. A, G o l d s t e i n S. A., The thermal effects of skeletal<br />

fixation-pin insertion in bone. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, 66A, 7 (1984)<br />

1077-1083.<br />

4. U d i l l j a k T.; C i g l a r D. & S k o r i c S., Investigation into bone drilling and<br />

thermal bone necrosis. Advances in Production Engineering& Management, 2<br />

(2007) 103-112.<br />

5. W I l d W.; S c h ü t t e S. R.; P a u H. W.; K r a m p B., J u s t T., Infrared<br />

thermography as a non invasive application for medical diagnostic. Proceedings<br />

of XVII IMEKO World Congress, pp. 1744-1748, June 22–27, 2003, Dubrovnik,<br />

Croatia.<br />


(Rezumat)<br />

Radiaţiile în infraroşu sunt o formă a radiaţiei electromagnetice. Camere<br />

termografice pot fi utilizate pentru măsurarea temperaturii într-o mulţime de aplicaţii.<br />

Cu acest instrument, este posibil să se determine zonele locale de încălzire în timpul<br />

procesului de taiere pentru implanturi dentare. Aplicabilitatea termografiei pentru<br />

studiul dinamic al temperaturii în operaţiunile de tăiere a implanturilor stomatologice, se<br />

dovedeşte a fi foarte mare.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />





BY<br />


Abstract. The paper presents a theoretical study and business justification<br />

concerning the opportunity for the establishment of a new factory for glass<br />

recycling, respectively for turning waste glass into raw material for manufacturing<br />

new usable glass products. The presented study is part of a research approach<br />

developed in the direction of establishing the economical and technical conditions<br />

for establishing the discussed glass recycling factory in the province of<br />

Valladolid, autonomous community of Castilla y León from Spain, as possibility<br />

to enlarge the number of similar enterprises, for regional sustainable development.<br />

The state of development for the glass recycling industrial sector in Spain is<br />

discussed and the adequacy of the location is analyzed in the paper, together with<br />

the presentation of related conclusions.<br />

Key words: glass recycling, sustainable development, business justification.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Sustainable Development permanently represents the crucial goal of<br />

mankind and under this imperative, all the human activities, both social and<br />

economical and of course the productive ones must able to assure the harmony<br />

between profit, people and Earth. It is widely accepted that from engineering<br />

point of view, industrial society in general will reach Sustainable Development<br />

only via Sustainable Manufacturing and via Sustainable Design. In this sense,<br />

industrial development activities starting from plant engineering and design<br />

must be compulsory considered in relation to advanced concepts such as Life<br />

Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). The

260 Olga Marina Montes and Vasile V. Merticaru<br />

concepts of Reducing, Reusing, Recycling and Recovery of material resources<br />

are also very important in providing Sustainable Industrial Development.<br />

Of course, the “cradle-to-cradle” way in LCA is nowadays generally<br />

accepted as the only viable solution for providing environmental protection and<br />

avoiding the depletion of natural resources, as long as materials can be reused,<br />

no waste gets produced or otherwise it can be recycled so that no damaging<br />

impacts on the environment are generated within the closed loop of the product<br />

lifecycle, [3], [5], as is shown in Fig. 1.<br />

Off-site recycle<br />

Product<br />

Reuse<br />

or Recycle<br />

Product<br />

use<br />

On-site recycle<br />

“Cradle to cradle”<br />

LCA<br />

Product<br />

marketing<br />

Raw material<br />

extraction<br />

Product<br />

transportation<br />

and storage<br />

Raw material<br />

processing<br />

Product<br />

Packaging<br />

Fig. 1 – LCA based on “cradle-to-cradle” concept.<br />

Product<br />

manufacturing<br />

On the other hand, as a policy measure which comes to outstand the<br />

industrial producer’s crucial role in reducing the environmental impacts of their<br />

products throughout their entire lifecycle, Extended Producer Responsibility<br />

(EPR), encourages the reuse of products and packaging and, not less important,<br />

the Design for Environment practices [5].<br />

In relation to the above mentioned considerations, the paper presents a<br />

theoretical study and business justification concerning the opportunity for the<br />

establishment of a new factory for glass recycling, respectively for turning<br />

waste glass into raw material for manufacturing new usable glass products. The<br />

presented study is part of a research approach developed in the direction of<br />

establishing the economical and technical conditions for establishing the<br />

discussed glass recycling factory in the province of Valladolid, autonomous<br />

community of Castilla y León from Spain, as possibility to enlarge the number<br />

of similar enterprises, for regional sustainable development.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 261<br />

Glass recycling, as industrial activity which comes to replace important<br />

quantities of traditional raw material in new glass products industry with<br />

processed waste glass, can be included under the umbrella of the Cleaner<br />

Production techniques, [4], [5], covering the areas of off-site recycling and<br />

process change, as it is shown in Fig. 2.<br />

Waste<br />

Reduction<br />

Better<br />

housekeeping<br />

Cleaner Production Techniques<br />


Product<br />

Modification<br />

Process Change<br />

Process<br />

control<br />

OFF-SITE<br />

Recycling<br />

GLASS<br />


Technology<br />

change<br />


Raw material<br />

change<br />

On-site<br />

Recycling<br />

Fig. 2 – Area covered by glass recycling within “Green Production”.<br />

In a plant engineering approach, it is important to analyze the industrial<br />

sector in which the project will belong and to see if it makes sense to think<br />

about the fact of beginning the studies to start it. In order to this, the state of<br />

development for the glass recycling industrial sector in Spain is discussed and<br />

the adequacy of the location is analyzed in the paper, together with the<br />

presentation of related conclusions.<br />

2. The Glass Recycling Sector in Spain<br />

Since the end of the Second World War and particularly during the last<br />

decade, there has been registered an increasing ‘throw away’ tendency.<br />

Statistics show that in the European countries the amount of household waste<br />

has increased to more than 1 kg per person and per day, on average. The<br />

composition of domestic waste varies from country to country, but the tendency<br />

is the same everywhere: more paper, more plastic, more valuable metal and<br />

glass, and less ash. Because of that phenomenon, the number of recycling plants<br />

is also increasing, as response to balance the residuals proliferation.

262 Olga Marina Montes and Vasile V. Merticaru<br />

According to the Spanish Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine<br />

Environment, each year in Spain approximately 592 kilograms of waste per<br />

inhabitant and per year, [2], is produced. Much of this waste ends up in<br />

landfills, occupying large areas of land and necessary addition to avoid soil<br />

contaminating.<br />

At the present time, in Spain there are a total of 15 plants dedicated to the<br />

glass recycling and in the region of “Castilla y León” there exist only one other<br />

glass recycling plant.<br />

Since the entry into force of the Packaging Act in 1998, all containers are<br />

required to fund and implement a collection system being outlook openrecycling<br />

of packaging they put on the market. This legal obligation can be met<br />

in two ways:<br />

• Individually, by a deposit-refund.<br />

• Collectively, through an integrated management system.<br />

In this context and in order to provide an effective and economical solution<br />

to all employers who package their products mostly in glass, Ecovidrio, [2],<br />

arose as a nonprofit association whose main objective is to ensure the<br />

traceability of glass packaging. In this way, every packaging that enters in the<br />

recycling chain follows the appropriate process to become a completely new<br />

one. Being the only integrated management system that specializes in glass, is<br />

able to reduce costs and provide better service to all companies, large or small.<br />

The 2008 financial year ended with 2455 companies adhered to Ecovidrio, with<br />

107 more than in 2007, to contribute to sustainable development and<br />

environmental care.<br />

In Fig.3 and Fig. 4 there are summarized the most important data on glass<br />

recycling in Spain from 2001 until 2008 [2].<br />

Fig. 3 – Statistic data on glass recycling in Spain from 2001 until 2008 [2].

Rate of recycling, [%]<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 263<br />

Fig. 4 – Evolution of glass recycling rate in Spain from 2001 until 2008.<br />

3. Location Analysis and Justification<br />

For making the decision to locate an industry, we need to know a number of<br />

parameters that help defining the characteristics of possible locations and see<br />

which one bestly fits the needs of industry to be implemented. The location is<br />

an individual choice in which each industry values and ponders the most<br />

appropriate option for its, [1].<br />

The location parameters can be grouped into the following points:<br />

• Parameters concerning the nature of the industry and its classification;<br />

• Parameters concerning the analysis of the geographical;<br />

• Parameters analyzing the urban conditions;<br />

• Parameters relating to the study of environment;<br />

• Parameters relating to human capital and intellectual capital.<br />

From the analysis of the above mentioned points there has been determined<br />

to locate industrial facilities of the plant object of labor in the industrial area of<br />

San Miguel del Arroyo, in the province of Valladolid, autonomous<br />

community of Castilla y León from Spain.<br />

The following considerations, related with each of the above named<br />

sections, provide a synthesis of the selected location.<br />

3.1. Nature of the Industry and its Classification<br />

The council enacted in 1982 the European Community Directive 82/501 on<br />

the prevention of major accidents arising from certain industrial activities. This<br />

standard classifies the considered facility as industrial activity and performing<br />

dangerous quantities manufactured, processed or stored. Moreover, legalization<br />

itself exists in each country and / or region and there may be legislation also<br />

own by municipality. First, is taken into account that the legislation in force in<br />

San Miguel del Arroyo allows the implementation of this industry to be built.

264 Olga Marina Montes and Vasile V. Merticaru<br />

3.2. Analysis of geographical conditions<br />

In this section it has been checked that the chosen area has all the natural<br />

security conditions necessary for any deployment. There have been key issues<br />

such as security of land, about flooding (unlikely), forest fires, erosion and<br />

deforestation. With respect to climate and the presence or absence of surface<br />

water, to implement the factory has no special requirements. With regard to the<br />

existence of communications, industrial estate where the plant will be located<br />

has good links. This is a site near Valladolid, capital of the Community of<br />

Castilla y Leon and also is close to Madrid, capital of Spain, and near the<br />

national road Nº1, the road which connects the center of the country to the<br />

north. Communications are important both for the supply of waste glass and to<br />

deliver the finished products.<br />

In the community Castilla y León there are important industries like<br />

Renault, Michelin, Iveco, Pascual, Firestone, and the glass waste from these<br />

industries should be the materials the plant will recycle. Also, Madrid is near of<br />

the location, and the plant can recycle the waste from the industries of these<br />

regions or from other regions of the country.<br />

3.3. Analysis of urban conditions<br />

Each plot of the considered area has planning conditions that define the<br />

amount and location of the intended buildings. The following data provide some<br />

of the characteristics of the industrial area of the town of San Miguel del<br />

Arroyo.<br />

General Information - Surfaces:<br />

• Total area: 86,810.27 m²;<br />

• Endowment Surface: 5201.32 m²;<br />

• Public open space (green areas): 40,672.98 m²;<br />

• Maximum Plot: 2868.74 m²; Minimum Plot: 177.18 m²;<br />

• Minimum strippable: 175 m².<br />

Other Data:<br />

• Number of plots: 44; Free Plots: 11;<br />

• Access roads: Yes, in concrete pavement;<br />

• Supplies: Yes, municipal network;<br />

• Sanitation: Yes, primary treatment;<br />

• Lighting: Yes; Electricity: Yes; Gas: Yes;<br />

• Telecommunications: Yes.<br />

• Rules planning: Municipal Town Planning Regulations;<br />

• Maximum building height: 7 m and 10 m ridge cornice;<br />

• Setback: 5.00 m and 3.00 m front edge - rear edge.<br />

The previous planning conditions have been of paramount importance when<br />

deciding the final location of the plant.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 265<br />

3.4. Environmental Study<br />

Within this point, there have been considered the political and social<br />

stability of the country or region where the possible location is. In addition, the<br />

security of people working in and for industry should be maximal. With respect,<br />

it must be said that Spain is a safe country without major political conflicts,<br />

social, ethnic or religious, belonging to the European Community, which would<br />

also facilitates free trade and unimpeded across Europe.<br />

The industrial estates in the town of San Miguel del Arroyo is promoted by<br />

an industrial Sodeva (Provincial Development Society of Valladolid), which<br />

brings many advantages and subventions.<br />

It should be noted that the town of San Miguel del Arroyo is close to the<br />

University of Valladolid, which can determine a dynamic and availability of<br />

their students as interns in research and development processes as well as in<br />

other departments.<br />

3.5. Human and Intellectual Capital<br />

There has been taken into account that the area of localization has enough<br />

human capital to meet the staffing needs of the company to implement. The<br />

designed industrial plant requires very few employees, and most workers do not<br />

require a very thorough qualification. Staff will be working in industry and must<br />

have an adequate quality of life for their needs. They have the possibility of<br />

living in a city, Valladolid, with all necessary services available to them, or live<br />

in the town of San Miguel del Arroyo, where housing prices are lower, besides<br />

having all the primary needs; schools, leisure areas, sports areas, shops. These<br />

basic parameters can be framed within what would be called family welfare.<br />

Besides human capital, there must be taken into account the intellectual<br />

capital, i.e. preparation. As already mentioned above, the University of<br />

Valladolid is relatively close to the point of location and can have enough well<br />

prepared people.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. The presented study and the obtained synthesis results have proved the<br />

adequacy of implementing a new glass recycling factory in the selected location<br />

and they are useful for efficient establishment that plant for glass recycling.<br />

2. A manufacturing process design, together with a study of the technical,<br />

human and economic necessary for the plant will complete the best design of<br />

the plan to get a finished product with the required quality and the lowest<br />

possible cost.

266 Olga Marina Montes and Vasile V. Merticaru<br />

Received: February, 20, 2010 1 Universidad de Valladolid,<br />

Valladolid, Spain<br />

e-mail: olga.marina.montes@gmail.com<br />

2 ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University,<br />

Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology<br />

Iasi, Romania<br />

e-mail: merticaru@tcm.tuiasi.ro<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

1. C a s a l s-C a s a n o v a, M., Complejos Industriales. Editions UPC, Cataluña<br />

Polytechnic University, 2005.<br />

2. Ecovidrio - Informe anual 2008, Available from: - http://www.ecovidrio.es/app/<br />

GeneraPaginas.asp?seccion=../app/WebEcovidrioNet/wEstadisiticasRecicladoTo<br />

talNacional.aspx, Accessed: 02/02/2010.<br />

3. E l-H a g g a r, S. M., Sustainable Industrial Design and Waste Management: Cradleto-cradle<br />

for Sustainable Development. ISBN-10: 0123736234, ISBN-13:<br />

9780123736239, 406 p, Publisher: Academic Press, 2007. Available from:<br />

http://www.engineeringvillage.com. Accessed: 2008-02-02.<br />

4. G a l i s M. et al., Digital product development for the entire product life cycle.<br />

Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, 6, 3 (2008), Timisoara,<br />

Romania, p.55-60<br />

5. M e r t i c a r u V.jr., M u s c a G., A x i n t e E., PLM in Relation to SCM and CRM,<br />

for Integrating Manufacturing with Sustainable Industrial Design, Proceedings<br />

of ICOVACS 2008: International Conference On Value Chain Sustainability,<br />

Izmir, Turkey, November 12-14, 2008, Izmir University of Economics<br />

Publication No: IEU-026, ISBN 978-975-8789-25-2, pp.109-118.<br />




(Rezumat)<br />

În lucrare este prezentat un studiu teoretic şi justificarea din punct de vedere<br />

antreprenorial privind oportunitatea înfiinţării unei fabrici noi de reciclare a sticlei, respectiv<br />

pentru transformarea deşeurilor de sticlă în materie primă pentru fabricaţia de produse noi<br />

din sticlă. Studiul prezentat este parte a unui demers de cercetare dezvoltat în direcţia<br />

stabilirii condiţiilor tehnice şi economice pentru înfiinţarea fabricii de reciclare a sticlei în<br />

discuţie, în provincia Valladolid din comunitatea autonomă Castilla şi Leon din Spania, ca<br />

posibilitate de creştere a numărului de astfel de întreprinderi similare, pentru o dezvoltare<br />

regională durabilă. În lucrare, se discută stadiul de dezvoltare a sectorului industrial de<br />

reciclare a sticlei în Spania, se analizează adecvanţa localizării investiţiei şi sunt prezentate,<br />

de asemenea, concluziile aferente.

<strong>BULETINUL</strong> <strong>INSTITUTULUI</strong> <strong>POLITEHNIC</strong> <strong>DIN</strong> <strong>IAŞI</strong><br />

Publicat de<br />

<strong>Universitatea</strong> Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi<br />

Tomul LVI (LX), Fasc. 2, 2010<br />

Secţia<br />




BY<br />



Abstract. The efficiency of thermal insulation in a windy environment can be<br />

increased by using adequate protective equipment. Following a FEA analysis<br />

regarding the flow of fluids (air) at body surface, the presence of critical zones<br />

with turbulences was detected. The critical zones are the ones with a change in<br />

geometry, such as the shoulders, hips or hands. This generates the idea that<br />

something has to be done to improve the fluid flow at surface level of the exterior<br />

garment layer. The main problem is to ensure a certain path for the fluid<br />

movement, so that the flow will become laminar. A simple and feasible solution is<br />

creating a textile structure with an architecture that includes these paths. Different<br />

variants of 3D geometries are proposed. Their dynamic behaviour is studied in<br />

order to rank the proposed fabricse abstract of the paper is to be written here. It<br />

contains the main ideas and original contributions and conclusions of the authors’<br />

research.<br />

Key words: laminar air flow, weft knitted fabrics with relief effects, sandwich<br />

fabrics, FEA, meshed models, fluid flow.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The problem of thermal protection in hostile environments is certainly not<br />

new, but it does not loose its interest due to the fact that there are large range of<br />

activities requiring such protective equipment, from winter and extreme sports,<br />

cycling, motorcycling to working in harsh winter conditions. There are a lot of<br />

studies regarding developments of textile fabrics and materials to improve<br />

thermal insulation. Still, the fluid flow around the garments in dynamic<br />

conditions is less investigated and the problem of designing textile structures<br />

with improved behaviour in relation to air flow remains open to debate.

268 Cătălin Dumitraș et al.<br />

In order to formulate solutions for the fabric structure one must understand<br />

the nature of the problem. The conditions characterising a hostile environment<br />

include among others strong winds. The flow of these air currents is different,<br />

according to the type of surface they encounter. Larger surfaces, with a planar<br />

distribution present a laminar flow of the air currents, while complex 3D<br />

surfaces are characterised by the formation of pressure fields and turbulences<br />

that affect the thermal behaviour of the exterior layer in the garment by<br />

reducing its insulation. Areas like the arms, hips or shoulders, with smaller 3D<br />

surface present problems in relation to the laminar air flow. Previous studies<br />

regarding the air flow around a human body show that these are the critical<br />

zones in a protective garment. Due to its specific nature, the shape of these areas<br />

in a protective garment cannot be modified. Therefore, the improvement of air<br />

flow must be based on modifying the fabric surface in the critical areas so that<br />

the pressure fields are diminished. The fabric surface has to be designed so that<br />

the air currents are channeled toward the exterior, avoiding turbulences. From<br />

this point of view, the 3D knitted fabrics represent the best solution. Apart from<br />

the shape of their cross section, it is important to define the optimum paths for<br />

these channels and their position in the protective garment.<br />

2. Definition of Air Flow at Garment Level<br />

An initial analysis was carried out in order to identify the air flow critical<br />

areas on the human body. Its purpose was to determine the air pressure and<br />

velocity distribution within the fluid. The model represented therefore a fluid<br />

mesh and not one of the solid body. It was created with the ALGOR v12 FEA<br />

software package, using a number of 491 2D elements (558 nodes), defined in<br />

Fig. 1. The FEA model is presented in Fig. 2. The body is considered an<br />

obstacle, while the environment is meshed using bidimensional finite elements.<br />

Fig. 1 – The type of FEA element used. Fig. 2 – Finite element based model.<br />

It was presumed that a pressure field caused by winds up to 100 km/h is<br />

applied to the model, corresponding to all human body. The selected properties<br />

of the environment are illustrated in Fig. 3.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 269<br />

Fig. 3 – Physical properties of the environment.<br />

The analysis results are presented as pressure fields, velocity and<br />

turbulences. The output variables were calculated for different values of the<br />

input parameters. The wind was considered to blow with 90 km/h velocity for a<br />

period of 90 seconds. The results are presented in Figs. 4 to 6.<br />

t = 15 s t = 80 s t = 3 s t =80 s<br />

Fig. 4 – Pressure fields<br />

distribution<br />

t = 3 s t = 70 s<br />

Fig. 6 – Turbulences distribution<br />

Fig. 5 – Velocity fields distribution<br />

The images presented show that the turbulences in the air flow, as well as<br />

higher velocities are characteristic to some parts of human body – the shoulders,

270 Cătălin Dumitraș et al.<br />

the hips and the chest. Such critical areas are susceptible to generate discomfort<br />

in windy conditions.<br />

A solution must be found to diminish these turbulences and the pressure<br />

fields encountered. From the fabric point of view, the air flow at surface level<br />

can be controlled through: the type of raw material, fabric structure and<br />

structural parameters. The most important factor is the fabric structure, mainly<br />

the surface geometry. Weft knitted fabrics offer a large range of structural<br />

possibilities and are characterised by good elasticity and high formability. In<br />

comparison with other types of fabrics, especially woven, the weft knitted<br />

fabrics can be produced with complex 3D architectures that are specific only to<br />

them and do not require costly technological changes on the machines.<br />

3. Models For The Air Flow At Shoulder Level<br />

3.1. Definition of the Models<br />

Two models were created using AutoCAD 2007, considering the human<br />

shoulder. The first model represented the shoulder without a modified surface<br />

and is illustrated in Fig. 7. This model continues the 2D analysis presented<br />

above. The other model considers the surface modified by the presence of the<br />

fabric. The fabrics considered had a rectangular shaped cross section as<br />

discussed above and the resulting model is presented in Fig. 8.<br />

The section height is 10 mm. Lower height values proved to be inefficient.<br />

The rectangular channels are spaced also at 10 mm. The modelled shoulder was<br />

included in a space volume in order to simulate accurately the air flow.<br />

Fig.7 – Model without 3D surface effect<br />

Fig.8 – Model with channels with<br />

rectangular cross section<br />

The models were transferred to the ALGOR v20 FEA software package to<br />

be analyzed. The model was meshed automatically resulting a number of 96,584<br />

3D elements (bricks) and a number of 108,512 nodes. The fluid considered is<br />

the air, its flow velocity chosen to be 50 km/h. This simulates an extremely<br />

hostile environment.

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 271<br />

The fluid properties were selected from the Material Library Manager and<br />

are presented in Fig. 9. The meshed model for the shoulder is illustrated in<br />

Fig.10, while the meshed model for the shoulder and 3D fabric is presented in<br />

Figure 11.<br />

Fig. 9 – Selected air properties Fig. 10 – Meshed model<br />

Fig. 11 – Meshed model for shoulder and fabric<br />

The models were analyzed using finite elements, based on steady fluid flow<br />

processor. The parameters considered are illustrated in Figs. 12 and 13.<br />

Fig. 12 – Parameters for steady fluid flow Fig. 13 – Considered load curve

272 Cătălin Dumitraș et al.<br />

3.2. Results and Discussion<br />

The following results were obtained based on the analysis presented above.<br />

The pressure fields at shoulder level were identified for the shoulder without<br />

fabric, as presented in Fig. 14. This constitutes a reference base for all models<br />

containing the 3D fabrics. From Fig. 14 it results that there is higher pressure<br />

field at the back of the shoulder, possibly caused by a suction effect.<br />

Fig. 14 – Distribution of pressure fields at shoulder level.<br />

The distribution of air velocity at shoulder level is presented in Fig. 15 and<br />

16. High velocity values are identified at the entire shoulder level, rest of the<br />

human body these values are lower. That indicates that the turbulences are<br />

higher in the shoulder area.<br />

Fig. 13 – Air velocity distribution,<br />

general view<br />

Fig. 14 – Air velocity distribution<br />

The use of a 3D fabric with rectangular channels changes the air flow. The<br />

velocity distribution is different in comparison to the situation described for the<br />

shoulder without fabric. The areas characterized by high air velocity are<br />

distanced from the shoulder areas suggested by Figs. 15, 16 and 17.

Fig. 15 – Air velocity distribution for<br />

shoulder and 3D fabric – general view<br />

Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 273<br />

Fig. 16 – Air velocity distribution for shoulder<br />

and 3D fabric – bottom view<br />

Fig. 17 – Air velocity distribution for shoulder and 3D fabric – top partial view<br />

From Figs. 15-17 it results that the air flow is improved, diminishing the air<br />

velocity at shoulder level and implicitly the air turbulences.<br />

4. Conclusions<br />

1. FEA studies concerning protective equipment for cold environments have<br />

shown that the air flow at body level presents critical areas where the flow is<br />

characterized by pressure fields and turbulences, causing heat loss and<br />

discomfort. It is the case of hips, chest and shoulders.<br />

2. One solution for the improvement of the air flow is using fabrics with 3D<br />

structure or 3D surface effects. These knitted fabrics are produced on flat<br />

knitting machines without any adaptation required. The paper presents two<br />

structural variants with 3D effects and 3D architecture – rib fabric with relief<br />

effects and sandwich fabrics with complex shapes. The fabrics are characterized<br />

and their 3D structure is discussed, emphasizing their advantages in obtaining<br />

surface effects that have the potential to control the air flow.

274 Cătălin Dumitraș et al.<br />

3. Two FEA studies were carried out, one at 2D level, in order to identify<br />

the air flow critical areas. The 2D analysis does not ensure complete data<br />

regarding the in depth air flow so a further 3D finite element analysis was<br />

required. This analysis indicated the flow phenomenon dimensions at shoulder<br />

level and allowed a comparison between air flow at shoulder level and the air<br />

flow when a fabric is added.<br />

4. The study took into consideration two models of the shoulder: without<br />

and with fabric. The fabric selected was the sandwich fabric with rectangular<br />

channels with an uniform distribution.<br />

5. The study shown that the use of this fabric brought an improvement in air<br />

flow when used at shoulder level. The study requires additional work taking<br />

into account the followings: fabrics with other 3D effects (differently shaped<br />

channels – circular) and non-uniform distribution of these channels (patterned<br />

distribution of the 3D effect). One important target is to determine the shape of<br />

the channel path. These studies will lead to the optimization of garments used<br />

for protection against cold.<br />

Received: March 20, 2010 1 Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi”,<br />

Department of Machine Tools<br />

Iasi, Romania,<br />

e-mail: dumitrascatae@yahoo.com<br />

2 Selcuk University,<br />

Department of Mechanics<br />

Konya, Turkeyt<br />

e-mail: syaldiz@yahoo.com<br />

R E F E R E N C E S<br />

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Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi, t. LVI (LX), f. 2, 2010 275<br />



(Rezumat)<br />

Eficienţa protecţiei termice într-un mediu cu curenţi puternici de aer (vânt) poate fi<br />

îmbunătăţită printr-un echipament de protecţie adecvat. Ca urmare a unei analize cu<br />

elemente finite a curgerii fluidelor (aerului) pe suprafaţa corpului detectarea yonelor<br />

critice turbionare poate fi realizată. Aceste zone au fost detectate în locurile în care se<br />

modifică geometria corpului cum ar fi umeri, brate, etc. Concluziile acestei analize au<br />

condus la ideea că se poate obţine o îmbunătăţire a coeficientului de frecare a aerului<br />

prin modificarea geometriei echipamentului textil. Se pune problema determinării unei<br />

geometrii convenabile a acestui echipament astfel încât săse micşoreye sau să dispară<br />

zonele de curgere turbionară. Se propun mai multe variante de structuri textile cu<br />

geometrie 3D. Se realizează apoi un studiu destinat determinării profilului optim al<br />

structurii textile.

A<br />

Alexandrescu Adina 189<br />

Alexandrescu Adrian 189<br />

Alexandrescu Irène 227<br />

Alexandrescu Aurora 189<br />

Antoniadis Aristomenis 9,21<br />

B<br />

Baciu Lupașcu Radu 91<br />

Bălășoiu Victor 197<br />

Băran Marian 197<br />

Bărglăzan Mircea 205<br />

Bădărău Rodica 205<br />

Belis Taxiarchis 9<br />

Berbinschi Silviu 41,49<br />

Bordeașu Ilare 197<br />

Bostan Ion 135<br />

C<br />

Calfa Daniel 161<br />

Ciobanu Luminița 267<br />

Călărașu Doru 153<br />

Chiriță Constantin 161<br />

Ciobanu Bogdan 153<br />

Cozmîncă Irina 97<br />

Cozmîncă Mircea 65<br />

Croitoru Cristian 65<br />

D<br />

Dobîndă Eugen 205<br />

Dogaru Constantin 31<br />

Dulgheru Valeriu 135<br />

Dumitraș Cătălin 267<br />

Dumitrașcu Nicolae 41,49<br />

Dumitrescu Cătălin 167<br />

Dumitrescu Liliana 167<br />

Dumitru Dumitru 31<br />

Dușa Petru 91,237<br />

F<br />

Fetecău Cătălin 57<br />

Filip Cristina 117<br />

Franke Hans Joachim 227<br />

Fulga Ileana 143<br />

G<br />

Gonçalves Coelho Antonio 1<br />

H<br />

Hanganu Adrian 161<br />

Haraga Georgeta 167<br />

Horodincă Mihăiță 125<br />

Index autori<br />

I<br />

Ibănescu Radu 97<br />

L<br />

Loghin Carmen 267<br />

Lopez Roberto 251<br />

M<br />

Manole Iolanda 83<br />

Murad Erol 167<br />

Mănescu Mihai 177<br />

Marsavina Liviu 197<br />

Miloș Teodor 205<br />

Manea Adriana 205<br />

Mihalache Andrei 245<br />

Martín Oscar 251<br />

Montes Marina Olga 259<br />

Merticaru V. Vasile 259<br />

Matei Ana Maria 75<br />

Milea Marius Nicolae 75<br />

Mocanu Costel 57<br />

Mourao Antonio 1<br />

N<br />

Nagîț Gheorghe 83,245<br />

Neagoe Lavinia 117<br />

Novac Dragoș 197<br />

Negru Radu 197<br />

Negoescu Florin 251<br />

Neștian Gabriela 1<br />

O<br />

Oancea Nicolae 41,49<br />

P<br />

Panaitescu Valeriu 167<br />

Pavlov Olimpia 31<br />

Petre Dan 117<br />

Petre Ioana 117<br />

Popoviciu Mircea 197<br />

R<br />

Rîpanu Marius Ionuț 83,245<br />

Rotman Iustina 91<br />

S<br />

Sahin Mehmet 267<br />

San Juan Manuel 251<br />

Santos Francisco 251<br />

Scurtu Dan 153<br />

Sochireanu Anatol 135

Stachie Marius 221<br />

Storm Kjærside Birgit 105<br />

Străjescu Eugen 31,143<br />

Stroiță Daniel 205<br />

T<br />

Tapoglou Nikolaos 21<br />

Teodor Virgil 41,49<br />

Tița Irina 153<br />

Tudorache Mihaela 215<br />

Taranovschi Iuliana 237<br />

U<br />

Ungureanu Cătălin 65,97<br />

V<br />

Vietor Thomas 227<br />

Vlad Daniel Viorel 57<br />

Vodă Mircea 197<br />

W<br />

Weingold Andrei 83<br />

Y<br />

Yaldîz Suleyman 267<br />

Z<br />

Zahariea Dănuț 215, 221

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