2011 - Europe Direct Iasi

2011 - Europe Direct Iasi

2011 - Europe Direct Iasi


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EUROINVENT <strong>2011</strong><br />

(number of victims substantially exceeds medical personnel<br />

capabilities, the area should be immediately left due to imminent<br />

risks)<br />

The core of algorithm TRAMIN consists of rapid classification<br />

of victims, using simple tools to estimate they’re status based on<br />

4 criteria: ability to move independently, the state of awareness,<br />

breathing and circulation.<br />

4.34.<br />

Title Triage medical tag<br />

CIOBANU Gheorghe, MD, PÎSLA Mihail, MD,<br />

Authors<br />


National Scientific-Practical Center of Emergency<br />

Institution<br />

Medicine, Disaster Medicine Center<br />

Patent no. MD 12/2867 seria OS <strong>2011</strong>.01.05<br />

This innovation refers to medicine, especially for disaster<br />

medicine and emergency medical service. The medical triage<br />

sheet (further - medical sheet) is a primary document for medical<br />

log, used in cases of incidents with multiple victims or in cases<br />

of disaster. The medical sheet is provided for: registration of the<br />

victim, to document the triage process and triage decision<br />

making in the disaster area, during evacuation, in the health care<br />

institution, where victims has been evacuated.<br />

At the same time the medical sheet recorded some sings of vital<br />

functions that reflect the victim’s medical state (respiration,<br />

pulse, blood pressure) and the volume of medical care provided<br />

in disaster area (focus), during the evacuation.<br />

The triage decision is notified by colored stripes (the component<br />

Description of medical sheet). Depending on the urgency of needed medical<br />

assistance, each of them corresponds to some triage group,<br />

specifically:<br />

• Red stripe – absolute emergency<br />

• Yellow stripe – relatively emergency<br />

• Green stripe – minor emergency<br />

• Gray stripe – dying<br />

• Black stripe –died.<br />

The medical sheet allows to be done distinct triage in:<br />

• Prehospital settings<br />

• Hospital settings<br />

Each medical sheet has an ID number, printed on the<br />

sheet, on each colored stripe, on the sheet butt.<br />

For shortening the time spent to fill the sheets some<br />

items contain standards answers, which should be circled.<br />

Class 4<br />


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