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Smart Energy Management<br />

“From Innovation to Deployment”<br />

Dr. Thierry LESTABLE<br />

Technology & Innovation Manager – CTO Group<br />


GSC MSTF M2M Conference<br />

"M2M Standards as Growth Enablers”<br />

Atlanta, GA, September 20, 2011<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

About Sagemcom - History<br />

1924 1924 : : Birth Birth of of SAGEM<br />

1984 : Employee Buyout<br />

2005 2005 : : Safran SafranGroup Group<br />

Merge Merge Snecma + Sagem<br />

2008 2008 : : Gores Gores Group Group<br />

2011 2011 : : The The Carlyle Group<br />

Group<br />

Sagem Sécurité<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Sagem<br />

Sagem<br />

Sagem Défense Sécurité Sagem Mobiles<br />

Sagem Communications<br />

Sagem Sagem Communications<br />

Communications<br />

Sagemcom Sagemcom

Sagemcom's ambition is to become a leader in communications<br />

terminals with high added value<br />

Sagemcom operates in three markets :<br />

broadband, energy & telecoms, document management<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

Sagemcom group turnover distribution - 2010<br />

Sales turnover 2010 = € 1,406 million<br />

6,000 employees at 12/31/2010<br />

Sagemcom Energy & Telecom<br />

Energy<br />

& Telecom<br />

Sagemcom Documents<br />

Documents<br />

19% 19%<br />

20% 20%<br />

31% 31%<br />

30% 30%<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Sagemcom Broadband<br />

Broadband<br />

& Residential<br />

Terminals<br />

Digital<br />

Set-top Box

Sagemcom Energy & Telecom –<br />

Key figures of 2010<br />

Sagemcom Sales turnover 2010 = € 1,406 million<br />

Sagemcom Energy & Telecom = 19%<br />

Metering<br />

Metering<br />

System<br />

Energy<br />

Management<br />

Energy<br />

Network & System<br />

Infrastructure Network<br />

Deployment Equipments Integration<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

M2M Communications<br />

Modules<br />

&<br />

Vertical<br />

applications<br />

Femto<br />

GSM-R<br />


R&D organization<br />

CANADA: Montreal<br />

US: Texas<br />

US: California<br />

FRANCE: Rueil, Osny<br />

TUNISIA: Tunis<br />

GERMANY: Bocholt<br />

Hamburg<br />

AUSTRIA: Vienna<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

CHINA:<br />

Shenzhen,Tianjin, Beijing

Sagemcom Energy & Telecom BU –<br />

Markets approach<br />

Developing smart applications and terminals on growing markets<br />

Automation<br />

Security &<br />

Control<br />

Energy &<br />

Sustainable<br />

Development<br />

Transport<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Automotive<br />

& Telematics<br />

Homecare<br />

& Telehealth<br />


Energy Department – field application<br />


Data modem<br />

Energy<br />

Management<br />

Muc, Energy<br />

Gateway<br />


Energy<br />

Management<br />

Local Display<br />


Multi services<br />

Home<br />

Management<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

SMART Vehicule<br />

BMS<br />

Services applied<br />

to the building<br />

Smart car<br />

Charging point<br />


Smart City: providing Key enablers<br />

What we are looking for….ultimately…<br />

Whilst avoiding ‘Big Brother’ & maintaining ‘Privacy’…<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011


Revenue: 2.5 Billion EUR from HW only<br />

Microgeneration<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />


Smart Grid overview:<br />

some use cases of interest<br />

Real-Time :<br />

Customers profiling<br />

enabling good<br />

predictions in demand<br />

= no need to use an<br />

additional power plant<br />

Any disturbance due to a<br />

storm : action can be<br />

taken inmediately based<br />

on real-time information<br />

Long distance<br />

communication :<br />

access to isolated<br />

houses<br />

Smart building :<br />

significant cost<br />

reduction on energy bill<br />

through remote<br />

monitoring<br />

Demand-side<br />

management : boilers<br />

are activated during<br />

the night when<br />

electricity is available<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Smart car : charge of<br />

electrical vehicles while<br />

panels are producing<br />

Micro- production<br />

: better knowledge<br />

of energy produced<br />

to balance the<br />

network<br />

Security features<br />

Fire is detected :<br />

relay can be<br />

switched off rapidly<br />


Smart Grids revenues & ROI<br />

- Smart Grids Wireless Revenues expected to reach<br />

166Million EUR worldwide in 2015 (3 to 4% or Wireless M2M)<br />

Source: IDATE<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Return On Investment (ROI):<br />

-Smart Meters: 5 Years<br />

-Smart Grids: add 10 Years

European Status on Smart Grids<br />

from Pilot projects: still early stage<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Over €5.5Billion invested in 300<br />

Smart Grids projects<br />

€ 300Million coming from EU<br />

budget<br />

10% EU Households have some<br />

sort of smart meters, BUT w/o<br />

providing full scale of services<br />

monitored energy<br />

consumption reduction by as<br />

much as 10%<br />

Smart Household appliances<br />

market<br />

2011: $3 Billion<br />

2015: $15 Billion<br />

Investments needed<br />

Smart Meters: 15%<br />

Smart Grids (rest of system): 85%

Electricity Meters: French status<br />

‘Blue’ Meter<br />

16.5 Million meters<br />

Multi-index<br />

electromechanical Meter<br />

Electronic Meter<br />

7.5 Million meters<br />

9 Million meters<br />

33 millions meters, ¾ electromechanical<br />

Only 7.5 millions meters of ERDF (French main DSO) are electronic.<br />

Little or no communicating:<br />

Each demand of cut, reactivation, tariff or power subscribed modification needs a<br />

DSO intervention,<br />

Only electronic meters have a “TIC” port transmitting metering info.<br />

At most two reading a year<br />

Biannual reading by an operator needs, in 50% cases, user to be at home.<br />

Suppliers offers limited by access tariff structure<br />

Suppliers can’t have their own peak, peak-off,…<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Linky<br />


Automated Meter Management (AMM)<br />

Smart Meter benefits<br />

Demand Demand Side Side<br />

Side<br />

Management Management Management and and<br />

and<br />

reduction reduction of of CO CO CO2<br />

:<br />

Reduction of peak load by<br />

consumers information<br />

Easier connection for<br />

distributed generation Soft<br />

shedding systems<br />

Better network observability<br />

Demand side management<br />

and better fraud detection<br />

in small isolated system will<br />

limit tariff compensation<br />

Automated Meter<br />

Management:<br />

Data Data storage<br />

Events Events storage<br />

Remotely Remotely managed<br />

Reduction Reduction of of operating<br />

operating<br />

system system costs: costs:<br />

costs:<br />

Reduction of reading and<br />

interventions costs<br />

Reduction of “non technical<br />

losses”<br />

Reduction of treatment of<br />

billing claim<br />

Easier quality of supply<br />

management<br />

No need of user presence to<br />

do simple operations<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Well Well-functioning<br />

Well functioning<br />

internal internal internal Market: Market:<br />

Market:<br />

Better consumers<br />

information<br />

Better frequency and<br />

quality of billing data<br />

Assist the participation of<br />

consumers in the electricity<br />

supply market<br />

Easier access to data (IS<br />

or TIC)<br />

Reduction of cost and<br />

delay of interventions

Linky: high level architecture & timeline<br />

interoperability<br />

Users<br />

new TIC<br />

Dry C.<br />

35M<br />

meters<br />

PLC<br />

open open<br />

protocol protocol<br />

GPRS<br />

Euridis port interoperability<br />

700k<br />

concentrators<br />

AMM<br />

limit<br />

DSO<br />

Suppliers<br />

July 2011:<br />

French Energy Regulation Commission (CRE)<br />

Validated Experimental phase of Linky (G1)<br />

Generalization (G1) proposed by CRE<br />

+ ultimate meter should be G3 CPL Linky<br />

Customer<br />

250 000 (G1) Linky<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

TSO/DSO<br />

Retailer/service provider

Linky G3 PLC (OFDM):<br />

Field proven solution (2009)<br />

G3<br />

•Transformer MV/LV traversal<br />

•Repeater capability<br />

PHY Details<br />

FEC: Reed-Solomon (RS) + CC<br />

(+Repetition code for robust mode)<br />

Modulation: DBPSK, DQPSK, (D8PSK)<br />

Link Adaptation<br />

CP-OFDM<br />

Nfft = 256<br />

~34Kbps<br />

30 kHz<br />

Co-existence<br />

G1 G3<br />

IETF 6LoWPAN / LOAD Routing<br />

MAC: IEEE 802.15.4<br />

PHY: G3 PLC (OFDM)<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

OFDM System on CENELEC band A<br />

Extension of initial G3 PLC is now available<br />

To cover higher CENELEC bands:<br />

B/C/BC/D/BCD/BD : [98.4 – 146.8] KHz<br />

Tone notching for<br />

S-FSK compatibility<br />

90 kHz

Prime PLC (OFDM):<br />

Field proven solution – Iberdrola 2011<br />

Efficiency of Sagemcom OFDM Prime implementation<br />

Castellón (Spain) Test results on a group of more than 200 Sagemcom<br />

Prime meters<br />

98% availability<br />

6 levels of switch<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />


Sagemcom Energy Department –<br />

customers approaches<br />

Data<br />

management<br />

C&I meter<br />

Smart grid<br />

Open the door for<br />

new services<br />

DNO<br />

Enable efficient<br />

business processes<br />

2-way<br />

communication<br />

Electricity<br />

smart meter<br />

AMM<br />

Smart Grid<br />

Meter operator<br />

Energy Box<br />


Provide real-time<br />

information<br />

2-way<br />

communication<br />

ENERGY<br />


GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Demand<br />

response<br />

In-house<br />

display<br />

Home<br />

automation<br />

Create consumption<br />

awareness<br />


Smart Digital Home:<br />

Towards Internet of Things (IoT)<br />

-Ubiquitous<br />

-Seamless Connectivity<br />

-User Centric<br />

-Ambient Intelligence<br />

-Social Network<br />

-Sustainable<br />

Microgeneration<br />

)))<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

Smart Metering - Energy Box:<br />

Deployment illustration<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

Smart Digital Home<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />


Energy Management – Real-time<br />

personal consumption<br />

Connected display to Energy Gateway to control energy<br />

consumption and services in real time<br />

Through any<br />

display devices<br />

What is my<br />

electricity, gas or<br />

water<br />

consumption<br />

since Monday ?<br />

Are my solar<br />

panels efficient ?<br />

How much did I<br />

produce ?<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

What is my<br />

carbon footprint<br />

?<br />

How much will<br />

be my electricity<br />

bill ?<br />


Energy Management - Energy Gateway concept<br />

Gateway dedicated to energy<br />

consumption and services<br />

Make it<br />


•Optimized usage of<br />

energy at the best price<br />

•Massive load shedding<br />

on a large number of<br />

customers<br />

Make it<br />


•Ability to deal with<br />

millions of devices<br />

•Extremely reliable<br />

communication<br />

•Configuration and<br />

software update of<br />

devices<br />

Make it<br />

FASTER<br />

•Real-time multi-energy<br />

index collection<br />

•Meter connection /<br />

disconnection<br />

•Customer profiling<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Make it<br />

EASIER<br />

•Large range of compatible<br />

peripherals<br />

•Lighting, personal energy<br />

management<br />

•Entertainment, security and<br />

healthcare<br />

Make it<br />


•Real-time measurement of<br />

local electricity production<br />

•Remote configuration and<br />

survey of installations<br />

•Local production<br />

optimization<br />


Microgeneration<br />

From Smart Home<br />


Local<br />

Display<br />

WAN: Wifi Ethernet 2G, 3G, 4G<br />

Load<br />

management<br />

AMR<br />

Front-end<br />

communication<br />

server<br />

Application<br />

server<br />

To Smart Building<br />

www<br />

Energy<br />

operator<br />


Real Time !<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

WAN: Wifi Ethernet 2G, 3G, 4G<br />

Energy<br />

boxes<br />

LAN<br />

Energy<br />

Collection<br />

Unit<br />


Demand/Response Use Case – « Une Bretagne d’avance »<br />

trial<br />

Managing part of the residential consumption during peak hours in<br />

order to optimize grid efficiency.<br />

Summer<br />

Winter<br />

Trial held by Edelia with<br />

Sagemcom technology.<br />

A peculiar energy situation in<br />

Brittany:<br />

•Grid architecture<br />

•Unable to warrant the whole<br />

need of electricity, growing by 3%<br />

every year.<br />

•Deploy in customer premises of Brittany a set of<br />

equipments to optimize electrical consumption<br />

related to the heating and the boiler systems.<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Benefits<br />

•Avoid exploitation of CO2 producing sources<br />

•Postponing of grid investments<br />

•Control from remote without affecting customers’<br />

comfort<br />


Home Networking Convergence<br />

Video<br />

Security<br />

Femtocell<br />

Screen<br />

DLNA<br />

IP V4 / V6<br />

Set Top Box<br />

Ethernet, WiFi, Home Plug , USB, G.Hn<br />

DECT, FXS, 3G/4G<br />

HGW<br />

Meter<br />

Access<br />

Control<br />


QoS / Plug and Play / Easy install / Security<br />

UPnP IP V6<br />

6LoWPAN / ZigBee<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Environme<br />

nt Appliance<br />

Sensor<br />

Quadruple Play Energy Managt, Home Control, eHealth<br />

TR69<br />

Portable Applications<br />

OSGI<br />

TR69 / SNMP<br />

ZigBee, CPL, MBUS, X10<br />

eHealth<br />


Communication between<br />

charging point & electric vehicle: a key issue<br />

Contribution to the<br />

overall aim of<br />

reducing CO2<br />

emissions<br />

Electric vehicles<br />

Contribution to<br />

eliminating peak<br />

loads in the network<br />

(storage of energy)<br />

Need for a standardized technology<br />

allowing :<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Bidirectional flow<br />

vehicle / grid<br />

Payment for the energy charged<br />

by the car<br />

Compensation for the energy<br />

delivered by the car<br />

Communication for the energy<br />

metering<br />

Definition of the user readiness for<br />

charge<br />


Energy Management – Smart Vehicle<br />

ISO 15 118<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />


Sagemcom Energy Management Systems<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />


M2M Deployment Challenges<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Source: Yankee group, 2008<br />

Need for OPEN Standards, Open API & SDK, industry groups,<br />

Incentive Regulation and Governance

M2M Standards Landscape: Need for<br />

Coordination!!<br />

‘Do not Re-invent the Wheel!’<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

M2M Ecosystem’s Jungle: a small piece<br />

of the puzzle<br />

Source: Orange<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

Sagemcom Energy Dpt. – Partnerships<br />

Strong relationships to develop a smart environment together<br />

Technological<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Standard Institutions<br />


European Commission Mandates<br />

CEN, CENELEC and ETSI have set up a joint group<br />

to coordinate activities on the mandates in the field of<br />

Energy:<br />

M/441: Smart metering (ongoing)<br />

M/468: Electrical vehicles chargers (ongoing)<br />

M/490: Smart grid (Launched 1 st March 2011)<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

European Mandate 441<br />

WP1 - Use Cases<br />

WP2 – Assessment of<br />

existing technologies<br />

WP3 – Specifications<br />

and development<br />

WP4 –<br />

Conformance<br />

testing<br />

WP5 – Proposal of<br />

standards<br />

Pre-Normative<br />

Documents<br />

European<br />

Commission<br />

Enterprise and Industry<br />

Smart Metering Co-ordination Group (SM-CG)<br />

TC13<br />

WG2<br />

SR57 TC205<br />

SC205A<br />

TC<br />

294<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

Issue mandate M/441<br />

toward 3 ESO’s<br />

Create<br />

M2M<br />

PLT<br />

ATTM<br />

SCP<br />



ETSI TC M2M<br />

TR 102 692<br />

Smart<br />

Metering<br />


TR 1xx xxx<br />

Interworking<br />

with M2M Area<br />

Networks<br />

TR 102 935<br />

Smart Grid<br />

impacts on<br />

M2M<br />

TR 102 732<br />

eHealth<br />

Stage 1<br />

Stage 2<br />

Stage 3<br />

Use Cases<br />

TR 102 857<br />

Connected<br />

consumer<br />

TS 102 689<br />

M2M Service<br />

Requirements<br />

TS 102 690<br />

M2M Functional<br />

Architecture<br />

TS 102 921<br />

M2M Communications;<br />

mIa, dIa and mId interfaces<br />

TR 102 898<br />

Automotive<br />


TR 101 531<br />

Re-use of 3GPP<br />

nodes by M2MSC<br />

layer<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

TR 102 897<br />

City<br />

automation<br />

TR 102 725<br />

M2M<br />

Definitions<br />

TR 102 167<br />

Threat analysis and<br />

counter measures<br />

to M2M service<br />


European Commission:<br />

Privacy Protection Guidance<br />

Need for Governance Actions<br />

Privacy & protection of personnal Data<br />

Trust, Acceptance & Security<br />

Standardization<br />

Internet of Things<br />

Internet of Things for People<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

IoT: Privacy act (US)<br />

Notice<br />

Privacy<br />

Labeling Deactivation<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

Need for Trust, Privacy & Security<br />

Customer behaviour (privacy) can be easily Identified, classified,<br />

and exploited commercially<br />

Sounds intrusive.<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

?<br />

STRONG Need to Inform & educate!<br />

As always with M2M…<br />

We need to learn more from Experience!

Wireless M2M: 4 pillars<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

Vertical Markets in LTE<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

Investing in LTE: 237 Operators in 85 Countries<br />

26 Commercial LTE NW launched<br />

161 LTE User Devices<br />

(July 2011)<br />

174 Commercial LTE Commitments in 64 countries<br />

63 additional pre-commitment trials<br />

93 LTE Networks are anticipated to be in<br />

Commercial service by end of 2012!<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

LTE Ecosystem is maturing fast!<br />

+160 User Devices available….<br />

Smart Phones<br />

M-Tablets<br />

DSL-Routers<br />

+ USB Dongles + Netbooks, etc…<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

LTE, Energy & Utilities (1/3): VTel, US<br />

VTel reached agreement with CVPS/GMP (merging) to<br />

provide Smart Metering Communications services, thank to<br />

the LTE Wireless Open World (WOW) network (fully<br />

deployed by 2013), funded via Gvt Broadband rural plan.<br />

WOW<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

LTE, Energy & Utilities (2/3): TEN (US)<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

LTE, Energy & Utilities (3/3): EnergyAustralia<br />

- Currently rolling out WiMAX Network<br />

- 150 sites<br />

- 12000 Smart Monitoring devices<br />

- 3000 Mobile Field computers<br />

- 200 Substations<br />

- Already plan migration to FULL LTE Network<br />

- Trials in 2011: 15 sites<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

AWS<br />

Worldwide Mobile Broadband Spectrum:<br />

Problem #1<br />

metroPCS<br />

Verizon<br />

AT&T<br />

FDD: 2x70MHz<br />

TDD: 50MHz<br />

Refarming and Extensions are still to come…<br />

FDD: 2x35MHz<br />

Fragmentation & Harmonization of Spectrum<br />

is yet another critical problem!<br />

TeliaSonera<br />

Vodafone<br />

O2<br />

…<br />

Major TD-LTE Market<br />

(incl. India)<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

21<br />

1500<br />

FDD Hong-Kong<br />

7<br />

2600<br />

Digital Dividend<br />

3<br />

1800<br />

NTT DoCoMo<br />

China Mobile<br />

Genius Brand<br />

CSL Ltd<br />

LTE Royalty Level: Need for Patent<br />

Pool facilitation? Problem #2<br />

LTE/SAE Declarations to ETSI by PO<br />

© 2011 Sisvel (www.sisvel.com)<br />

14.8%<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

M2M Critical constraint<br />

is<br />


LTE & 4G patents<br />

$2.6 billion<br />

$340 Million<br />

6000+ patents<br />

$4.5 billion<br />

$770 Million<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011<br />

$12.5 billion<br />

WHO’s NEXT?…<br />

24000+ patents<br />

Risk to ‘Kill’ the Business…<br />

Especially in Vertical Markets!<br />


Verizon LTE Innovation Center<br />

LTE Connected Car<br />

Office in the Box Connected Home (incl. eHealth)<br />

Bicycle LiveEdge.TV<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

M2M European R&D Innovation:<br />


EXpAnding LTE for Devices<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

2 International Workshops on M2M<br />

2011<br />

- IEEE Globecom 2011,<br />

Houston, Texas, US<br />

2012<br />

- IEEE WCNC 2012,<br />

Paris, France<br />

http://www.ict-exalted.eu/<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

Conclusions:<br />

Accelerating Smart Grid Deployment<br />

European View ‘from Innovation to Deployment’<br />

Developing Technical Standards<br />

EC mandates to CEN, CENELEC, ETSI<br />

Ensuring Data protection for consumers<br />

Establishing relevant regulatory framework to provide<br />

incentives to Smart Grid deployment<br />

By 3rd Sept 2012: EACH state member<br />

implementation plan & timetable for roll-out of Smart Metering<br />

also regulatory incentive schemes for Smart Grids<br />

Guaranteeing open & competitive retail market in the interest<br />

of consumers<br />

Providing continuing support to innovation<br />

Over last decade: €300Million spent in R&D projects from EC<br />

European Electricity Grids Initiative (EEGI) established in June 2011<br />

Detailed implementation plan till 2018 + investments estimate: €2 Billion<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

Special thanks to:<br />

-Marc Le Gourrierec<br />

-Gilles Fouché<br />

-Frank Harnay<br />

-Thierry Vernet<br />

Thanks for your attention…<br />

GSC MSTF Meeting – Atlanta, GA , USA – Sept. 20-21, 2011

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