Annotated list of references on Iceland spar and polarized light

Annotated list of references on Iceland spar and polarized light Annotated list of references on Iceland spar and polarized light
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• Stokes G.G. (1852b) On the change ong>ofong> refrangibility ong>ofong> light. Proc. Royal Soc. 6, 195-201, 333-335. Fluorescence. Much more in Phil. Trans. R.S. 142 and 143. • Stokes G.G. (1859) On the bearing ong>ofong> the phenomena ong>ofong> diffraction on the direction ong>ofong> the vibrations in polarized light. Phil. Mag. 18, 426-427. See also his On the dynamical theory ong>ofong> diffraction, in Trans. Cambr. Philos. Soc. 9, 1-62, 1856. • Stokes G.G. (1862) Report on double refraction. British Assoc. Report 32, 253- 282. • Stokes G.G. (1872) On the law ong>ofong> extraordinary refraction in Iceland spar. Proc. Royal Soc. 20, 443-445, and Phil. Mag. 44, 316. see also: Sur l´emploi du prisme dans la vérification de la loi de la double réfraction. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Fr. 77, 1150-1152, 1873. • Stoll W.C. and F.C. Armstrong (1958) Optical calcite deposits in Park and Sweet Grass Counties, Montana. Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey 1042-M, 431-477. • Strasser B. (1907) Der Fizeausche Versuch über die Änderung des Polarisationsazimuths eines gebrochenen Strahles durch die Bewegung der Erde. Ann. Phys. 24, 137-144. • Stromeyer F. (1813) Ueber den Arragonit, und worin er von dem rhomboidalen Kalkspath chemisch verschieden ist. Ann. Phys. 45, 217-225. Entdeckung der wahren Natur des Arragonits und seiner chemischen Verschiedenheit von dem Kalkspathe. Ann. Phys. 43, 229-235. F.S. claimed that the cause ong>ofong> aragonite crystallizing in a different class from calcite was due to chemical causes, e.g. strontium content ong>ofong> the former. • Stromeyer F. (1814) De la différence chimique entre l´arragonite et le spath calcaire rhomboidal. Ann. Chim. 92, 254-299, extract in Bull. Soc. Philom. 1815, 25-26. Cf. papers on aragonite etc. by L.N. Vauquelin in Ann. Chim. 92, 311-318, 1814 and by A. Laugier in J. Mines 36, 313-316, 1814. • H. Struers Chemiske Laboratorium (1925) Hovedprisong>listong>e over Instrumenter og Apparater. Catalog ong>ofong> laboratory equipment, including polarimeters. Copenhagen, 448 p. • Strutt J.W. (1871a; later Lord Rayleigh) On the light from the sky, its polarization and colour. Phil. Mag. 41, 107-120, 274-279. On the scattering ong>ofong> light by small particles. 447-454. Explanation ong>ofong> J. Tyndall´s observations on smoke etc. • Strutt J.W. (1871b) On double refraction. Phil. Mag. 41, 519-528. • Stuart H.A. (1931) Kerr-Effekt, Lichtzerstreuung und Molekülbau. Ergebn. Exakten Naturwissensch. 10, 159-206. Abstract in Zentralbl. Mathematik. • Stubbs C.M. and E.B.R. Prideaux (1912) A spectro-photometric comparison ong>ofong> the emissivity ong>ofong> solid and liquid gold at high temperatures with that ong>ofong> a full radiator. Proc. Royal Soc. A87, 451-465. • Stuchtey K. and A. Wegener (1911) Die Albedo der Wolken und der Erde. Nachr. Gesellsch. Wiss. Göttingen 1911, 209-235. • Sun S.F. (2004) Physical Chemistry ong>ofong> Macromolecules, 2 nd ed. Wiley, New York. • Sutherland J. (1841) On the polarisation ong>ofong> the chemical rays ong>ofong> light. Phil. Mag. 19, 52-58, extract in Ann. Phys. 54, 434-436. 96

• Sutton H. (1890) Le problème de télephanie. Lum. Électr. 38, 538-541 (from Telegr. J. 27). • Svirbely J.L. and A. Szent-Györgyi (1933) The chemical nature ong>ofong> Vitamin C. Bioch. J. 27, 279-285. • Swan W. (1849) Experiments on the ordinary refraction ong>ofong> Iceland spar. Trans. Royal Soc. Edinb. 16, 375-378. • Sylvester J.J. (1837) Analytical development ong>ofong> Fresnel´s optical theory ong>ofong> crystals. Phil. Mag. 11, 461-469, 537-541. Continued in 12, 73-83, 341-345, 1838. • Szivessy G. (1921) Neukonstruktion des Braceschen Halbschattenkompensators. Zeitschr. Phys. 6, 311-318. For theory, see C. Bergholm in Ann. Phys. 44, 1914. • Tait P.G. and W. Swan (1873-74) Notes on Mr. Sang´s communication ong>ofong> 7 th April 1873 on a singular property possessed by the fluid enclosed in crystal cavities in Iceland Spar. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb. 8, 247-254. • Talbot H. Fox (1834) Facts relating to optical science, no. II: On Mr. Nicol’s polarizing eye-piece. Phil. Mag. 4, 289-290. Experiments on light. 5, 321-334. More in 9, 288-291, 1836. Includes a description ong>ofong> a polarized-light microscope, see also D. Brewster: On an improvement in the polarizing microscope, British Assoc. Report 10, 10, 1840, and A. Bryson: Description ong>ofong> new optical instruments, Edinb. New Philos. J. 48, 19-20, 1850. • Talbot H. Fox (1872) On some optical experiments. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb. 7, 466-470. • Tanret C. (1890) Sur un nouveau principe immédiat de l’ergot de seigle. Ann. Chim. 20, 289-297. • Tanret C. (1895) Sur les modifications moléculaires du glucose. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Fr. 120, 1060-1062, with discussion by M. Berthelot on p. 1019-1023. • Tanret C. (1908) Sur l’ergostérine et la fongistérine. Ann. Chim. 15, 313-330. • Tardy L.H. (1928) Le remplacement de l´oeil par la cellule photoélectrique sur les spectrophotomètres visuels. Revue d´Optique 7, 189-195. • Tardy H.-L. (1929) Méthode pratique d´examen et de mesure de la biréfringence des verres d´optique. Revue d´Optique 8, 59-69. • Tauern O.D. (1910) Über das Auftreten des Kerrphänomens in Gläsern und über eine Bestimmung der Kerr-konstanten für Schwefelkohlenstong>ofong>f. Ann. Phys. 32, 1064-1084. • Thenard L.J. and J.B. Biot (1807) Mémoire sur l´analyse comparée de l´arragonite et du carbonate de chaux rhomboidal. Bull. Soc. Philom. 1, 32-35, extracted from Mém. Soc. Arcueil 2, 176-206, 1809. Translation in Ann. Phys. 31, 297-304, 1809. • Thiele H. and R. Richter (1900) Zur Titerstellung der Normalsäuren. Zeitschr. Angew. Chemie 13, 486-489. • Thierfelder H. (1890) Ueber die Identität des Gehirnzuckers mit Galactose. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chemie 14, 209-216. • Thompson S.P. (1886) Notes on some new polarizing prisms. Phil. Mag. 21, 476- 481, see also 12, 349-351, 1881 and on twin prisms in 24, 397-401, 1887. 97

• Sutt<strong>on</strong> H. (1890) Le problème de télephanie. Lum. Électr. 38, 538-541 (from<br />

Telegr. J. 27).<br />

• Svirbely J.L. <strong>and</strong> A. Szent-Györgyi (1933) The chemical nature <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Vitamin C.<br />

Bioch. J. 27, 279-285.<br />

• Swan W. (1849) Experiments <strong>on</strong> the ordinary refracti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>Icel<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>spar</strong>. Trans.<br />

Royal Soc. Edinb. 16, 375-378.<br />

• Sylvester J.J. (1837) Analytical development <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Fresnel´s optical theory <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

crystals. Phil. Mag. 11, 461-469, 537-541. C<strong>on</strong>tinued in 12, 73-83, 341-345,<br />

1838.<br />

• Szivessy G. (1921) Neuk<strong>on</strong>strukti<strong>on</strong> des Braceschen Halbschattenkompensators.<br />

Zeitschr. Phys. 6, 311-318. For theory, see C. Bergholm in Ann. Phys. 44, 1914.<br />

• Tait P.G. <strong>and</strong> W. Swan (1873-74) Notes <strong>on</strong> Mr. Sang´s communicati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> 7 th<br />

April 1873 <strong>on</strong> a singular property possessed by the fluid enclosed in crystal<br />

cavities in <strong>Icel<strong>and</strong></strong> Spar. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb. 8, 247-254.<br />

• Talbot H. Fox (1834) Facts relating to optical science, no. II: On Mr. Nicol’s<br />

polarizing eye-piece. Phil. Mag. 4, 289-290. Experiments <strong>on</strong> <strong>light</strong>. 5, 321-334.<br />

More in 9, 288-291, 1836. Includes a descripti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> a <strong>polarized</strong>-<strong>light</strong> microscope,<br />

see also D. Brewster: On an improvement in the polarizing microscope, British<br />

Assoc. Report 10, 10, 1840, <strong>and</strong> A. Brys<strong>on</strong>: Descripti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> new optical<br />

instruments, Edinb. New Philos. J. 48, 19-20, 1850.<br />

• Talbot H. Fox (1872) On some optical experiments. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb. 7,<br />

466-470.<br />

• Tanret C. (1890) Sur un nouveau principe immédiat de l’ergot de seigle. Ann.<br />

Chim. 20, 289-297.<br />

• Tanret C. (1895) Sur les modificati<strong>on</strong>s moléculaires du glucose. Comptes Rendus<br />

Acad. Sci. Fr. 120, 1060-1062, with discussi<strong>on</strong> by M. Berthelot <strong>on</strong> p. 1019-1023.<br />

• Tanret C. (1908) Sur l’ergostérine et la f<strong>on</strong>gistérine. Ann. Chim. 15, 313-330.<br />

• Tardy L.H. (1928) Le remplacement de l´oeil par la cellule photoélectrique sur les<br />

spectrophotomètres visuels. Revue d´Optique 7, 189-195.<br />

• Tardy H.-L. (1929) Méthode pratique d´examen et de mesure de la biréfringence<br />

des verres d´optique. Revue d´Optique 8, 59-69.<br />

• Tauern O.D. (1910) Über das Auftreten des Kerrphänomens in Gläsern und über<br />

eine Bestimmung der Kerr-k<strong>on</strong>stanten für Schwefelkohlenst<str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g>f. Ann. Phys. 32,<br />

1064-1084.<br />

• Thenard L.J. <strong>and</strong> J.B. Biot (1807) Mémoire sur l´analyse comparée de l´arrag<strong>on</strong>ite<br />

et du carb<strong>on</strong>ate de chaux rhomboidal. Bull. Soc. Philom. 1, 32-35, extracted from<br />

Mém. Soc. Arcueil 2, 176-206, 1809. Translati<strong>on</strong> in Ann. Phys. 31, 297-304,<br />

1809.<br />

• Thiele H. <strong>and</strong> R. Richter (1900) Zur Titerstellung der Normalsäuren. Zeitschr.<br />

Angew. Chemie 13, 486-489.<br />

• Thierfelder H. (1890) Ueber die Identität des Gehirnzuckers mit Galactose.<br />

Zeitschr. Physiol. Chemie 14, 209-216.<br />

• Thomps<strong>on</strong> S.P. (1886) Notes <strong>on</strong> some new polarizing prisms. Phil. Mag. 21, 476-<br />

481, see also 12, 349-351, 1881 <strong>and</strong> <strong>on</strong> twin prisms in 24, 397-401, 1887.<br />


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