Annotated list of references on Iceland spar and polarized light

Annotated list of references on Iceland spar and polarized light Annotated list of references on Iceland spar and polarized light
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• Wyckong>ofong>f R.W.G. (1922) The Analytical Expression ong>ofong> the Results ong>ofong> the Theory ong>ofong> Space-Groups. Carnegie Institution ong>ofong> Washington Publ. No. 318, 180 p. • Wyckong>ofong>f R.W.G. (1924) The Structure ong>ofong> Crystals. Chemical Catalog Co., New York, 462 p. • Wyckong>ofong>f R.W.G. (1926) X-Ray Diffraction Data from Crystals and Liquids. Carnegie Institution ong>ofong> Washington, Geophysical Laboratory Papers No. 603. • Yarwood J. (1963) Atomic Physics, 2 nd ed. University Tutorial Press, London, 656 p. • Young T. (1802) The Bakerian lecture. On the theory ong>ofong> light and colours. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. 92, 12-48. An account ong>ofong> some cases ong>ofong> the production ong>ofong> colours not hitherto described, 387-397. A third paper, Experiments and calculations relative to physical optics, appeared in 1804 (translated with comments in Ann. Phys. 9, 1811). • Young T. (1809, 1810), see Laplace (1809). • Young T. (1814) Anonymous review ong>ofong> recent publications by Malus, Biot, Seebeck and Brewster. Quarterly Review 11, 42-56. Here, Young explains the colors ong>ofong> thin crystalline films in parallel polarized light in terms ong>ofong> wave interference. • Young W.J. (1909) The hexosephosphate formed by yeast-juice from hexose and phosphate. Proc. Royal Soc. B81, 528-545. • Yvon G. and J. Duboscq (1880) Diabétomètre à pénombres. J. Pharm. 2, 98-100. • Zahn W.v. (1874, 1878) Über die photometrische Vergleichung verschiedenfarbiger Lichtquellen. Sitzungsber. Naturf. Ges. Leipzig 1, 25-29. Über ein Spectro-Photometer, 5, 1-4. • Zakrzewski C. and C. Kraft (1905) Sur les directions principales dans les liquides biréfringents par l’effet du mouvement. Bull. Int. Acad. Sci. Crac. 1905, 506-520. • Zeeman P. (1897a) The effect ong>ofong> magnetisation on the nature ong>ofong> light emitted by a substance. Nature 55, 347 (translated from Verh. Phys. Gesellsch. Berlin 1896). First description ong>ofong> the Zeeman effect: includes observations ong>ofong> polarization. See also Phil. Mag. 43, 226-239. • Zeeman P. (1897b) Doublets and triplets in the spectrum produced by external magnetic forces. Phil. Mag. 44, 55-60 and 255-259. Abstract in Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Fr. 124, 1444-1445. • Zeeman P. and T.L. de Bruin (1927) Magnetische Zerlegung der Spektrallinien. In: Handbuch der Physikalischen Optik II (ed. E. Gehrcke), 595-682. • Zehnder L. (1908a) Über ein neues Halbschattenpolarimeter. Ann. Phys. 26, 985- 997. • Zehnder L. (1908b) Über die Polarisation des Lichtes bei der Glasreflexion. Ann. Phys. 26, 998-1018. • Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Gesellsch. (1888) Notes on a meeting discussing Iceland spar shortage. 40, 189 (see also in Anhang, 191-193). Reproduced in Zeitschr. Instrumentenk. 8, 63-65. • Zemiatcenskij P. (1902) Die Kalkspatlagerstätte am Berge Celebi-jaurn-beli in der Umgegend des Baidar-Tores. Zeitschr. Kristallogr. 36, 598-605. See N. Jahrb. Mineral. 1903(2), 174-175 regarding this paper and another one: Der Calcit vom 110

Berge Foros und die ersten russischen Nicols, from 1901. Cf. however Sokolow 1898 on Russian Nicol prisms made a few years earlier. • Zenger Ch.-V. (1889) La spectroscopie de l’invisible. C.R. Assoc. Fr. 18, 339- 341. La spectrophotographie des parties invisibles du spectre solaire. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Fr. 109, 434-436. • Zernike F. (1916) The clustering tendency ong>ofong> the molecules in the critical state and the extinction ong>ofong> light caused thereby. Proc. Kon. Akad. Wet. Amst. 18, 1520- 1527. • Zhaochang S. (1994) Gigantic and supergigantic clusters ong>ofong> Iceland-spar calcite. Mechanism ong>ofong> formation. Carsologica Sinica 13, 383-394. (T. Krassmann, pers. comm.) • Zippe F.X.M. (1852) Uebersicht der Krystallgestalten des rhomboedrischen Kalkhaloides. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien 3, 109-190 and 7 plates. • Zirkel F. (1863) Mikroskopische Gesteinsstudien. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 47(1), 226-270. Extract in Ann. Phys. 119, 288-297, 644. • Zirkel F. (1866) Lehrbuch der Petrographie I-II. A. Marcus, Bonn, 607 + 635 p. • Zirkel F. (1873) Die Mikroskopische Beschaffenheit der Mineralien und Gesteine. W. Engelmann, Leipzig. • Zirkel F. (1876) Microscopical petrography. In C. King (ed.): Report ong>ofong> the Geological Exploration ong>ofong> the Fortieth Parallel, VI. Government Printing Office, Washington, 297 p. • Zirkl E. (1961) Übersicht der Entwicklung von Polarisatoren. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 7, 484-487. • Zocher H. (1925) Die optischen Methoden zur Untersuchung der Anisotropie in Kolloiden. Kolloid-Zeitschr. 37, 336-351. Includes flow birefringence. • Zöllner F. (1860) Photometrische Untersuchungen. Ann. Phys. 109, 244-275. • Zöllner F. (1861, 1865) His astrophotometer is first described in his book: Grundzüge einer Allgemeinen Photometrie des Himmels, published in Berlin. An improved version appears in his Photometrische Untersuchungen mit Besonderer Rücksicht auf die Physische Beschaffenheit der Himmelskörper. Engelmann, Leipzig, 322 p. • Zöllner F. (1866) Resultate photometrischer Beobachtungen an Himmelskörpern. Ann. Phys. 128, 260-269. Here and in an anonymous article: Zöllner´s Astrophotometer, in Carl’s Repertorium 1, 187-199, three photometers with Nicol prisms are described. • Zöllner F. (1868) Ueber Farbenbestimmung der Gestirne. Ann. Phys. 135, 59-74. Describes an artificial star device ong>ofong> variable color, using a quartz plate and Nicols. • Zschimmer E. and H. Schulz (1913) Die Doppelbrechung optischer Gläser in Abhängigkeit von ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung und Form. Ann. Phys. 42, 345-396. Relates to use ong>ofong> Nicol prisms to detect strains in optical glasses. • Zsigmondy R. (1901) Ueber die Absorption des Lichtes in Farbgläsern. Ann. Phys. 4, 60-71. See also Siedentopf and Zsigmondy 1903. • Zsigmondy R. (1925) Kolloidchemie, Teil I, 5 th ed. O. Spamer, Leipzig, 246 p. 111

Berge Foros und die ersten russischen Nicols, from 1901. Cf. however Sokolow<br />

1898 <strong>on</strong> Russian Nicol prisms made a few years earlier.<br />

• Zenger Ch.-V. (1889) La spectroscopie de l’invisible. C.R. Assoc. Fr. 18, 339-<br />

341. La spectrophotographie des parties invisibles du spectre solaire. Comptes<br />

Rendus Acad. Sci. Fr. 109, 434-436.<br />

• Zernike F. (1916) The clustering tendency <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the molecules in the critical state<br />

<strong>and</strong> the extincti<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>light</strong> caused thereby. Proc. K<strong>on</strong>. Akad. Wet. Amst. 18, 1520-<br />

1527.<br />

• Zhaochang S. (1994) Gigantic <strong>and</strong> supergigantic clusters <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>Icel<strong>and</strong></strong>-<strong>spar</strong> calcite.<br />

Mechanism <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> formati<strong>on</strong>. Carsologica Sinica 13, 383-394. (T. Krassmann, pers.<br />

comm.)<br />

• Zippe F.X.M. (1852) Uebersicht der Krystallgestalten des rhomboedrischen Kalkhaloides.<br />

Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien 3, 109-190 <strong>and</strong> 7 plates.<br />

• Zirkel F. (1863) Mikroskopische Gesteinsstudien. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien<br />

47(1), 226-270. Extract in Ann. Phys. 119, 288-297, 644.<br />

• Zirkel F. (1866) Lehrbuch der Petrographie I-II. A. Marcus, B<strong>on</strong>n, 607 + 635 p.<br />

• Zirkel F. (1873) Die Mikroskopische Beschaffenheit der Mineralien und<br />

Gesteine. W. Engelmann, Leipzig.<br />

• Zirkel F. (1876) Microscopical petrography. In C. King (ed.): Report <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

Geological Explorati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Fortieth Parallel, VI. Government Printing Office,<br />

Washingt<strong>on</strong>, 297 p.<br />

• Zirkl E. (1961) Übersicht der Entwicklung v<strong>on</strong> Polarisatoren. Mineral. Petrogr.<br />

Mitt. 7, 484-487.<br />

• Zocher H. (1925) Die optischen Methoden zur Untersuchung der Anisotropie in<br />

Kolloiden. Kolloid-Zeitschr. 37, 336-351. Includes flow birefringence.<br />

• Zöllner F. (1860) Photometrische Untersuchungen. Ann. Phys. 109, 244-275.<br />

• Zöllner F. (1861, 1865) His astrophotometer is first described in his book:<br />

Grundzüge einer Allgemeinen Photometrie des Himmels, published in Berlin. An<br />

improved versi<strong>on</strong> appears in his Photometrische Untersuchungen mit Bes<strong>on</strong>derer<br />

Rücksicht auf die Physische Beschaffenheit der Himmelskörper. Engelmann,<br />

Leipzig, 322 p.<br />

• Zöllner F. (1866) Resultate photometrischer Beobachtungen an Himmelskörpern.<br />

Ann. Phys. 128, 260-269. Here <strong>and</strong> in an an<strong>on</strong>ymous article: Zöllner´s<br />

Astrophotometer, in Carl’s Repertorium 1, 187-199, three photometers with Nicol<br />

prisms are described.<br />

• Zöllner F. (1868) Ueber Farbenbestimmung der Gestirne. Ann. Phys. 135, 59-74.<br />

Describes an artificial star device <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> variable color, using a quartz plate <strong>and</strong><br />

Nicols.<br />

• Zschimmer E. <strong>and</strong> H. Schulz (1913) Die Doppelbrechung optischer Gläser in<br />

Abhängigkeit v<strong>on</strong> ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung und Form. Ann. Phys. 42,<br />

345-396. Relates to use <str<strong>on</strong>g>of</str<strong>on</strong>g> Nicol prisms to detect strains in optical glasses.<br />

• Zsigm<strong>on</strong>dy R. (1901) Ueber die Absorpti<strong>on</strong> des Lichtes in Farbgläsern. Ann.<br />

Phys. 4, 60-71. See also Siedentopf <strong>and</strong> Zsigm<strong>on</strong>dy 1903.<br />

• Zsigm<strong>on</strong>dy R. (1925) Kolloidchemie, Teil I, 5 th ed. O. Spamer, Leipzig, 246 p.<br />


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