Motoren, Controller & Automation - our products for ... - Maccon.de

Motoren, Controller & Automation - our products for ... - Maccon.de

Motoren, Controller & Automation - our products for ... - Maccon.de


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Ser vo mo tors and Dri ve s<br />

Tor que and Li ne ar Mo tors<br />

Step per and SR-Mo tors<br />

Di gi ta l Ser vo con trols<br />

Ak tua tors and Sen sors<br />

Mo tion Con trol Sy ste ms<br />



MAC CON<br />

The Me cha tro nics Com pa ny

Front page<br />

Some of the many ser vo pro ducts<br />

that MAC CON can of fer.<br />

MAC CON and Industry<br />

For 25 ye ars MAC CON has been<br />

a supp lier of high-per <strong>for</strong> man ce<br />

ser vo- and step per -mo tor<br />

sy sems to all are as of in du stry<br />

MAC CON and Ae ro spa ce<br />

We are equal ly acti ve in the field<br />

of Ae ro spa ce and De fen se<br />

(A&D).<br />

MAC CON and Automobiles<br />

MAC CON is also part ner of the<br />

au to mo bi le in du stry. We have<br />

ex ten si ve ex per ien ce in mo <strong>de</strong>rn<br />

"by-wire" tech no lo gies and the<br />

use of elec tic mo tors in ve hi cles.<br />

MAC CON and the Sciences<br />

Many uni ver si ties and<br />

<strong>de</strong> ve lop ment age ncies are<br />

among <strong>our</strong> cus to mers.<br />

2<br />

MAC CON - Tech no lo gies, Pro ducts & Ser vi ces<br />


MAC CON is y<strong>our</strong> expe rien ced part ner <strong>for</strong> the<br />

se lec ti on and ap pli ca ti on of ser vo mo tors,<br />

steppers and dri ves.<br />

We of fer <strong>our</strong> clients a wi<strong>de</strong>-ran ge of Mo ti on<br />

Con trol pro ducts:<br />

1. Mo tors<br />

• PM-BLDC ser vo mo tors of all geo me tries<br />

• Step per motors<br />

• Tor que mo tors<br />

• Li ne ar mo tors<br />

• SR motors<br />

2. Re du cers<br />

• Gear-bo xes<br />

• Li ne ar tra pe zoi dal and ball-screws<br />

• Elec tro me cha ni cal acu ta tors (EMAs),<br />

ro ta ry and linear<br />

3. Sen sors<br />

• Resolvers<br />

• En co <strong>de</strong>rs - op ti cal, mag ne tic, elec tri cal<br />

• Ro ta ry and linear<br />

4. Dri ves<br />

• PWM dri ves up to 100kW<br />

• Li ne ar dri ves up to 2kW<br />

• Step per, BL, SR, AC and DC ty pes<br />

5. Con trols<br />

• Po si tio ning con trols<br />

• Mul ti-axis sys tems<br />

• In du stri al field bus sys tems.<br />

MAC CON - The Sys tem In te gra tor<br />

• Di men sio ning and ap pli ca ti on<br />

• Ser vo si mu la ti on<br />

• Pro gram ming<br />

Ins te ad of main tai ning ex pen si ve <strong>de</strong> ve lop ment<br />

re s<strong>our</strong> ces <strong>our</strong> clients con tract us to per <strong>for</strong>m<br />

their Mo ti on Con trol pro ject work and supp ly<br />

the op ti mum so lu ti on <strong>for</strong> their ap pli ca ti ons.<br />

MAC CON - The "one-stop" Shop<br />

• Com pre hen si ve pro duct spectrum<br />

• Ac cess to all lea ding ma nu fac tu rers<br />

• Ma nu fac tu rer in <strong>de</strong> pen <strong>de</strong>nt<br />

MAC CON En gi nee ring- "Mo tio nee ring"<br />

• Turn-key pro jects<br />

• De ve lop ment and pro ject work<br />

• De sign, ma nu fac tu re and com mis sio ning<br />

• Trai ning and ser vi ce<br />

MAC CON Pro ducts<br />

• Custom Mo tors<br />

• High-per <strong>for</strong> man ce po wer elec tro nics<br />

• High-per <strong>for</strong> man ce po si tio ning controls<br />

MAC CON's Mo tor and Elec tro nic<br />

<strong>de</strong> ve lop ment ca pa bil ti ties are <strong>de</strong>s cri bed in a<br />

se pa ra te lea flet - Plea se re quest y<strong>our</strong> copy

Servomotors<br />

• MACCON<br />

• Da na her<br />

• Al lied - Emo teq<br />

• Cal lan Tech.<br />

• SEM<br />

Step per Motors<br />

• GeePlus<br />

• Com pu mo tor<br />

• Nip pon Pulse<br />

SR Motors<br />

• MACCON<br />

Ge ar bo xes<br />

& Re du cers<br />

• Neugart<br />

• Har mo nic Drive<br />

• Gysin<br />

• NARR<br />

Torquemotors<br />

• MAC CON<br />

• Al lied - Emo teq<br />

• Alxion<br />

• In land - Koll mor gen<br />

• Da na her<br />

• ETEL<br />

Li ne ar mo tors & Voi ce Coils<br />

• MAC CON<br />

• ANO RAD<br />

• Copley<br />

• Danaher<br />

• Gee Plus<br />

So le noids & Couplings<br />

• Gee Plus<br />

• Shin <strong>de</strong>n gen<br />

• Reell<br />

4<br />

MAC CON - Pro ducts & Ser vi ces<br />


MAC CON - Pro ducts & Ser vi ces<br />



Dri ves<br />

• MACCON (MIL)<br />

• Da na her<br />

• Co pley<br />

• LUST<br />

• ELMO<br />

<strong>Controller</strong>s<br />

• Del ta-Tau<br />

Sen sors - Resolvers<br />

• In duc to syn<br />

• LTN<br />

• Ar tus<br />

• Harowe<br />

• Tamagawa<br />

Sen sors - En co <strong>de</strong>rs<br />

• Net zer Pre ci si on<br />

• SICK -<br />

Ste gmann<br />

• Hei <strong>de</strong>n hain<br />

• Re nis haw<br />

• AMO<br />

• Huebner<br />

Sliprings<br />

• LTN<br />

• Pan<strong>de</strong>ct<br />

Soft wa re<br />

• SPEED<br />

• FLUX<br />

• MotorCAD<br />

• Por tu nas<br />


MAC CON - Pro ducts & Ser vi ces<br />


Li tho trip ter pa tient tab le<br />

(kid ney/gall-sto ne treatmenr)<br />

MASS plat<strong>for</strong>m<br />

<strong>for</strong> ship <strong>de</strong>fense<br />

Ro bot<br />

<strong>for</strong> mi cro-assembly<br />

Sor ting ma chi ne<br />

<strong>for</strong> banknotes<br />

AS RAD-R wea pon<br />

and ra <strong>de</strong>r plat <strong>for</strong>m<br />

Mea su ring ma chi nes<br />

<strong>for</strong> ge ars<br />

Brail le<br />

prin ting-head<br />

Pro jec tors<br />

<strong>for</strong> a plane ta ri um<br />

Ap pli ca ti on Ex am ples<br />

are shown on this page of a few<br />

of the many in du stri al and ot her<br />

ap pli ca tions which be ne fit from<br />

<strong>our</strong> mo tors and dri ve tech no lo gy.<br />

Mo bi le 3D sca ner<br />

support with dual-axis head<br />


Ser vo mo tors and Dri ves<br />

Tor que and Li ne ar Mo tors<br />

Step per and SR-Motors<br />

Di gi tal Ser vo con trols<br />

Actua tors and Sen so rs<br />

Mo tion Con trol Sy ste ms<br />

Part ners<br />

In ad di ti on to <strong>our</strong> own pro ducts and ser vi ces we sell and<br />

support pro ducts of ot her lea ding Mo ti on Con trol<br />

manufacturers. Some of the na mes that we re pre sent and<br />

dis tri bu te are shown in this fly er. Our clo sest part ners are:<br />

• In land Mo tor, Koll mor gen, now Da na her Mo ti on<br />

• Com pu mo tor, Di gi plan, now Par ker EME<br />

• Ano rad, now Roc kwell <strong>Automation</strong><br />

• Co pley Con trols<br />

• DACO Scientific<br />

• Del ta Tau<br />

• Gee Plus, ex Den si tron<br />

• In duc to syn<br />

• Net zer Precision<br />

Re fer eren ces<br />

For 20 ye ars MAC CON has ser ved many clients with hi-tech<br />

Mo ti on Con trol so lu tions - a small ex cerpt of <strong>our</strong> Ger man<br />

clients:<br />

• BMW - Munich<br />

• Carl Zeiss - Ober ko chen, Jena<br />

• Daim ler - Stutt gart, Ber lin, Frank furt, Ulm<br />

• DBD - Ue ber lin gen<br />

• DLR - Mu nich, Co log ne, Braun schweig<br />

• EADS Astri um - Fried richs ha fen, Bre men<br />

• EADS LFK - Mu nich, Schro ben hau sen<br />

• ESO - Garching<br />

• Fraun ho fer In sti tu tes - Stutt gart, Aa chen etc.<br />

• Krauss-Maf fei-Weg mann - Kassel<br />

• Lei ca Mi cro sys tems - Wetz lar, Jena<br />

• Ley bold - Ha nau<br />

• MT Ae ro spa ce - Augs burg, Bre men, Mainz<br />

• Rhein me tall - Augs burg, Bre men, Un ter lu ess<br />

• Sie mens - Mu nich etc.<br />

• TRW - Ko blenz, Dusseldorf<br />

• VW - Braun schweig, Wolfs burg<br />

Por trait<br />

MAC CON GmbH<br />

Aschau er Str. 21, D-81549 Mu nich<br />

Tel. +49 89/651220-0<br />

Fax. +49 89/655217<br />

E-mail: sa les@mac con.<strong>de</strong><br />

http://www.mac con.<strong>de</strong><br />

Our com pa ny was <strong>for</strong> med in 1982. We are ac ti ve in the field<br />

of elec tro ni cal ly con trol led mo ti on. The co mpa ny name is<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> up of the first let ters of the words<br />


MAC CON has ma<strong>de</strong> a name in the tech ni cal com mu ni ty<br />

through its par ti ci pa ti on in ad van ced Mo ti on Con trol pro jects<br />

as well as through its many pub li ca tions and tech ni cal<br />

se mi nars. Our part ners are world-re nown com pa nies, who se<br />

pro ducts syn er gi se with <strong>our</strong> own <strong>de</strong> ve lop ments.<br />

Mis si on Sta te ment : Our mis si on is to ser ve users in sol ving<br />

their real-time mo ti on con trol pro blems in ma chi nes,<br />

pro ces ses and ex per iments.<br />

Our ex per ti se lies in:<br />


• an ex ten si ve ran ge of qua li fied ac tor und sen sor<br />

pro ducts<br />

• achie ving pre ci se, dy na mic and smooth<br />

coor di na ti on of mo ti on in mul ti-axis sys tems<br />

• mat ching <strong>our</strong> pro ducts to the host con trol<br />

• adap ting <strong>our</strong> pro ducts to spe ci al in ter fa ces<br />

and en vi ron ments<br />

• <strong>our</strong> com pre hen si ve en gi nee ring knowled ge in<br />

the field of Me cha tro nics<br />

We achie ve <strong>our</strong> aims by coo per ating clo se ly with<br />

Uni ver si ties and ot her lea ding en gi nee ring com pa nies.<br />

Our pro ducts are pri ma ri ly elec tri cal mo tors, ac tua tors, dri ve<br />

and con trol elec tro nics and po si ti on sen sors.<br />

We are com mit ted to pro vi ding <strong>our</strong> cus to mers with ex pert<br />

tech ni cal sup port and top pro duct qua li ty at com pe ti ti ve<br />

pri ces. We stri ve to be the tech ni cal lea <strong>de</strong>r in mo ti on con trol<br />

sys tems.<br />


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