t-39 - Chief of Naval Air Training

t-39 - Chief of Naval Air Training

t-39 - Chief of Naval Air Training


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NOTE: Class C participation is mandatory for all aircraft proceeding VFR. All arrivals<br />

contact Pensacola Approach Control prior to 20 NM for radar service and sequencing over the<br />

appropriate VFR entry points (IAF).<br />

1. Arrivals<br />

NOTE: Maintain 1300 feet until established on the downwind leg; pattern altitude is 800 feet<br />

Rwy 7: IAF - Point X-RAY (NPA 231/6) - Right traffic, depart IAF hdg 050°, maintain<br />

2000 feet until 3 DME, descend to 1300 feet, level break.<br />

Rwy 19: IAF - Bronson (NPA 288/5) - Left traffic, depart IAF direct to Ferguson, remain<br />

south <strong>of</strong> HWY 98, maintain 2000 feet until crossing Blue Angel Parkway, descend to 1300 feet,<br />

level break.<br />

Rwy 25: IAF - Pickens Gate (NPA 104/7) - Left traffic, depart IAF hdg 330°, maintain<br />

2000 feet until 3 DME, descend to 1300’, level break.<br />

Rwy 1: IAF - Point Long (NPA 180/6) - Right traffic, depart IAF hdg 360°, maintain<br />

2000 feet until 3 DME, descend to 1300 feet, level break.<br />

NOTE: When NPA weather is below 2500 feet ceiling or 3 miles visibility, recovery will be via<br />

straight-in, i.e., TACAN, GCA, or visual straight-in.<br />

2. Break Points<br />

Rwy 07/25 - over south parallel taxiway<br />

Rwy 01/19 - over east parallel taxiway<br />

IMPORTANT NOTE: When continued VMC flight is assured to the VFR entry point and<br />

within Pensacola’ airspace, tell Pensacola Approach you want to cancel IFR (“Rocket 505 –<br />

cancel IFR”). Even though you have technically cancelled IFR, you must still comply with<br />

assigned altitudes and vector headings given by approach. Also, stay on your previously<br />

assigned squawk code. DO NOT switch to 1200 unless told to. Usually they will tell you to<br />

proceed direct to the entry point (X-ray, Bronson, etc.), but listen up to what they clear you for.<br />


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