get away close by - Tupperware Brands

get away close by - Tupperware Brands

get away close by - Tupperware Brands


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In aer liber ca acasa<br />

<strong>get</strong> <strong>away</strong> <strong>close</strong> <strong>by</strong><br />

Catalog 2011-2012<br />

Catalog 2011-2012

Bucurati-va de<br />

anotimpurile<br />

calduroase<br />

Sa ne bucuram impreuna de sfarsitul iernii,<br />

cand soarele incalzeste pamantul si toata natura<br />

se trezeste la viata. E momentul ideal pentru a<br />

face excursii, fara sa ne indepartam de casa.<br />

Privind in jur, veti descoperi noi locuri ideale<br />

pentru picnicuri, unde puteti sa va faceti noi<br />

prieteni.<br />

Dar inainte de a porni la drum, nu uitati sa<br />

puneti in valiza produsele <strong>Tupperware</strong>.Ideale<br />

pentru a face mai frumoase aceste anotimpuri<br />

si pentru a va ajuta sa pastrati timp indelungat<br />

alimentele si amintirile.<br />

Deci, unde mergem azi?<br />

Explore<br />

the season<br />

The sun is warming up the land, painting it with<br />

bright new colors. It’s time to shake off winter,<br />

head outdoors, and start exploring. This season<br />

<strong>get</strong> a million miles <strong>away</strong> without ever leaving<br />

home.<br />

You don’t need to go very far to have an<br />

adventure because the best of the season is as<br />

<strong>close</strong> as your own backyard. A little exploring<br />

will turn up new local markets overflowing with<br />

fresh treats from Nature, a hidden park just made<br />

for a picnic, and an undiscovered neighborhood<br />

to meet new friends.<br />

And when you head out the door, don’t for<strong>get</strong><br />

your <strong>Tupperware</strong>. It was made for making the<br />

most of warm weather. And for making the best<br />

of the season last a little bit longer.<br />

So, where do you want to go today?<br />

www.directsellingeurope.eu<br />

Introducere<br />

Intro<br />

In excursie<br />

On the go<br />

Allegra<br />

Allegra<br />

Linia Elegant<br />

Eleganzia<br />

Linia de masa<br />

Table Collection<br />

Nuovi Classici<br />

Expressions<br />

Servicaldo<br />

Insulated serving<br />

Ustensile bucatarie<br />

Kitchen Tools & Time Savers<br />

Cutite ergonomice<br />

Ergonomic knives<br />

Bucatarie<br />

Baking<br />

Forme silicon<br />

Silicone Baking Forms<br />

UltraPro<br />

UltraPro<br />

Microunde<br />

Microwave<br />

Incalzire in microunde<br />

Microwave Reheating<br />

Congelator<br />

Freezing<br />

Frigider<br />

Fridge<br />

Fridgesmart<br />

Fridgesmart<br />

Breadsmart/Cheesmart<br />

Breadsmart/Cheesmart<br />

Camara<br />

Shelf & Cupboard Storage<br />

Linia pentru copii<br />

Children<br />

Oportunitati<br />

Career<br />

Party on<br />

Party on<br />

4-5<br />

6-7<br />

8-9<br />

10-11<br />

12-15<br />

16-17<br />

18-19<br />

20-27<br />

28-29<br />

30-35<br />

36-37<br />

38-39<br />

40-41<br />

42-43<br />

44-45<br />

46-51<br />

52-53<br />

54-55<br />

56-61<br />

62-63<br />

64-65<br />

66-67<br />

Indice / Index

Garantia de calitate Vasele <strong>Tupperware</strong> sunt fabricate cu cea mai mare grija si precizie<br />

si sunt supuse celor mai severe controale de calitate inainte de a ajunge in casa D-voastra.<br />

Toate produsele au garantia controlului materiei prime si a prelucrarii.Numai cand se<br />

constata un defect de fabricatie, produsul va fi schimbat gratuit.<br />

Our Guarantee <strong>Tupperware</strong> Products are guaranteed for 10 years in the hands of<br />

the original owner of the product against any fault such as peeling, chipping, cracking,<br />

or breaking arising from a manufacturing defect under normal domestic use. Proof of<br />

purchase, e.g. a receipt is required.<br />

Premii de Design Produsele <strong>Tupperware</strong> sunt recunoscute in toata lumea<br />

pentru designul lor unic.Prezenta lor este constanta in cele mai prestigioase<br />

muzee, gratie numeroaselor premii obtinute.Iata cateva simboluri prezente<br />

alaturi de produsele care au obtinut premii internationale.<br />

Design awards <strong>Tupperware</strong> products are known world-wide for their<br />

innovative designs. <strong>Tupperware</strong> products may be found in various world-famous<br />

and prestigious museums thanks for the numerous awards won over many years.<br />

Look for the labels next to our products in our catalogue to learn which products<br />

have been awarded international awards.<br />

<strong>Tupperware</strong> – castigatorul Premiului Red Dot in 2009 “Echipa anului”<br />

<strong>Tupperware</strong> isi promoveaza cu succes produsele in peste 100 tari, indiferent<br />

de tendintele momentului, scopul sau fiind cercetarea constanta al designului<br />

clasic bazat de principiile esteticii. De decenii <strong>Tupperware</strong> realizeaza produse<br />

functionale pentru care isi alege materiale de calitate a caror valoare este<br />

recunoscuta pe plan mondial.<br />

2009 Red Dot Design Team of the Year <strong>Tupperware</strong> is a real success story<br />

found in over 100 countries, indiff erent to the present because its real aim is<br />

the continuous research in design based on what pleases the eye. For years,<br />

<strong>Tupperware</strong> has produced functional products made of the best quality and has<br />

been recognised world-wide.<br />

In catalog veti gasi urmatoarele simboluri care au fost create<br />

pentru a explica utilizarea corecta a produselor <strong>Tupperware</strong> /<br />

Throughout the catalogue you may find these symbols to explain<br />

the proper use and care of your <strong>Tupperware</strong> products<br />

Marca europeana de igiena / Safe for use in contact with<br />

food in accordance with EEC regulations.<br />

Se pot spala in masina de spalat vase /<br />

Safe for use in the dishwasher<br />

Utilizabile la temperaturi joase /<br />

Freezer Safe<br />

Utilizabile in cuptorul cu microunde /<br />

Safe in microwave oven<br />

Utilizabile in cuptorul cu gaz sau electric /<br />

For use in traditional ovens<br />

A nu se utiliza instrumente ascutite /<br />

Do not use sharp knives<br />

A nu se utiliza la pozitia “grill” /<br />

Not suitable for the grill<br />

Evitarea contactului direct cu suprafete calde /<br />

<strong>Tupperware</strong> products are not suitable for direct heat<br />

Descopera deliciile<br />

din gradina ta<br />

Discover the delights<br />

in your own backyard<br />

Introducere / Intro

6<br />

Bunatati peste tot<br />

Gustul aromelor proaspete si originale<br />

Goodness to go<br />

Enjoy fresh flavors right where they come from<br />

NOU<br />

NEw<br />

L11<br />

Set multifunctional<br />

Salad on the Go<br />

1,5 l<br />

L09<br />

Set scoici (3)<br />

Pentru o gustare rapida<br />

la scoala sau la birou,<br />

perfecte pentru ochelari,<br />

creme sau agrafe. Mare,<br />

medie, mica<br />

Oyster Trio Set<br />

For a quick meal at school<br />

or in the office, the perfect<br />

keeper for storing glasses,<br />

cream or hairpins.<br />

L13<br />

Pronto snack<br />

At Lunch Box<br />

22,4 x 15 cm - h 8 cm<br />

Practice in<br />

orice moment /<br />

Practical in<br />

every situation<br />

L12<br />

Port-merinde<br />

Tang Sandwich Keeper<br />

14,5 x 14 cm - h 5 cm<br />

7<br />

N E w C O L O U R In excursie / On the go

8<br />

Eleganta cautata<br />

Studiate in detaliu ca si meniul Dvs<br />

Sleek Sensibility<br />

As modern and inspired as your menu<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

4<br />

6<br />

Forme simple si capacitati<br />

diverse caracterizeaza noua<br />

linie de boluri, elegante si<br />

satinate la exterior, lucioase<br />

in interior.<br />

Simple forms and different<br />

capacities for our new<br />

bowls – elegant and<br />

satinated on the outside,<br />

smooth and bright on the<br />

inside.<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

1/ G11<br />

Boluri Allegra (2 buc.)<br />

Allegra-dessert cups (2)<br />

275 ml<br />

2/ G09<br />

Bol Allegra 1,5 l<br />

Allegra Bowl 1.5 L<br />

Ø 24, 5 cm – h 5 cm<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

3/ G13<br />

Platou compartimentat<br />

Allegra<br />

Allegra 4 Peas Serving<br />

center<br />

41,4 x 14,4 cm – h 3,8 cm<br />

4/ G08<br />

Bol Allegra 740 ml<br />

Allegra Bowl 740 m<br />

Ø 18,8 cm – h 5,5 cm<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

5/ G12<br />

Linguri salata Allegra<br />

Allegra Salad Tongs<br />

Lungime /<br />

Length 30,4 cm<br />

6/ G10<br />

Bol Allegra 3,5 l<br />

Allegra Bowl 3.5 L<br />

Ø 30,5 cm – h 9 cm<br />

9<br />

Allegra / Allegra<br />


10<br />

Ospitalitate autentica<br />

Pentru ca fiecare zi este o noua ocazie de a sarbatori<br />

Gracious host<br />

Because every day is a new reason to celebrate<br />

E24<br />

Carafa Elegant 1,6 l<br />

Pitcher Eleganzia 1,6 l<br />

E23<br />

Pahare Elegant (2 buc.)<br />

Tumblers Eleganzia (2)<br />

Ø 9,5 cm - h 9 cm / 290 ml<br />

1/ E16<br />

Trifoi Elegant<br />

Eleganzia Breadbasket<br />

2/ E19<br />

Bol Elegant 3,2 l<br />

Eleganzia 3.2 L Bowl<br />

Ø 28 cm - h 10,5 cm<br />

3/ E20<br />

Linguri salata Elegant<br />

Eleganzia Serving Spoons<br />

2<br />

4/ E17<br />

Bol Elegant 1,5 l<br />

Eleganzia 1.5 L Bowl<br />

Ø 22,5 cm – h 8,7 cm<br />

5/ E18<br />

Bol Elegant 2,3 l<br />

Eleganzia 2.3 L Bowl<br />

Ø 22,5 cm – h 10,2 cm<br />

1<br />

3<br />

E21<br />

Bol Elegant 0,6 l<br />

Eleganzia 0,6 L Bowl<br />

Ø 15 cm - h 6,3 cm<br />

E22<br />

Platou Elegant 2,4 l<br />

Plate Eleganzia 2,4 L<br />

Ø 31,7 cm - h 6,7 cm<br />

5<br />

4<br />

11<br />

N E w C O L O U R Linia Elegant Eleganzia / Eleganzia

12<br />

Serveste sau pastreaza<br />

Un stil clasic si impecabil atat in bucatarie, cat si la iarba verde<br />

Save it or serve it<br />

Their classic style works outside the kitchen as much as inside<br />

E01<br />

Gardenia 1 l<br />

Serving bowl 1 l<br />

Ø 18 cm - h 8,6 cm<br />

E02<br />

Gardenia 2 l<br />

Serving bowl 2 l<br />

Ø 22 cm - h 10,4 cm<br />

E03<br />

Gardenia 3,5 l<br />

Serving bowl 3,5 l<br />

Ø 26,2 cm - h 12,2 cm<br />

E04<br />

Platou gardenie 1,3 l<br />

Serving Plate 1,3 l<br />

Ø 26,2 cm - h 5 cm<br />

E05<br />

Platou gardenie 2 l<br />

Serving Plate 2 l<br />

Ø 30,8 cm - h 5,5 cm<br />

13<br />

N E w C O L O U R Linia pentru masa / Table Collection

E11<br />

Picadilly Pentru a pastra in lichidul propriu masline, muraturi,<br />

branzeturi, pana in momentul servirii.<br />

Pick-a-Delly For keeping Olives in brine, ve<strong>get</strong>ables in vinegar,<br />

ve<strong>get</strong>ables in oil and cherry mozzarella.<br />

E12<br />

Tortiera VIP joasa<br />

T.C.-Low Cheese &<br />

Cake Taker<br />

Ø 30 cm - h 9 cm<br />

14<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

E14<br />

Legumiera 4 l<br />

Oval serv.dish 4 L<br />

E13<br />

Tortiera VIP inalta<br />

Tava se poate utiliza<br />

pe ambele parti.<br />

T.C.-High Cheese &<br />

Cake Server<br />

Tray can be used on<br />

both sides.<br />

Ø 30 cm - h 14 cm<br />

E06<br />

Carafa Preludio 1,7 l<br />

Jug Preludio 1,7 l<br />

h 24 cm<br />

E07<br />

Termos 1 Pastreaza lichidele calde sau reci pana la 12<br />

ore.Noul capac este mai functional si ergonomic.<br />

Jug thermos 1l Keeps hot or cold liquids up to 12<br />

hrs. The new cover makes it even more functional and<br />

ergonomic.<br />

E10<br />

Magic Milk Pentru prepararea si servirea in<br />

putine minute a unui cappuccino delicios.<br />

Magic Milk To prepare and serve in a few<br />

minutes your favourite capuccino<br />

500 ml<br />

E08<br />

Dozator zahar Pentru turnarea<br />

unei lingurite sau a unui jet<br />

continuu<br />

Sugar Dispensor To put one<br />

teaspoon of sugar or one<br />

continuous dose.<br />

E15<br />

Untiera<br />

Butterdish<br />

E09<br />

Miniibric<br />

Mini<br />

Creamer<br />

220 ml<br />

15<br />

Linia pentru masa / Table Collection

Culori delicioase<br />

Sa aratam soarelui ce inseamna stralucirea.<br />

Delicious color<br />

16<br />

Show the sun what it means to be bright.<br />

G06<br />

Carafa NC 2 l<br />

Pitcher Expression 2 L<br />

h 24 cm<br />

G05<br />

Pahare excursie (2 buc.)<br />

Straw Tumblers (2)<br />

330 ml<br />

G01<br />

Vase NC 550 ml<br />

(2 buc.)<br />

Expression<br />

Bowl 550 ml (2)<br />

G02<br />

Vas NC 1,3 l<br />

Expression<br />

Bowl 1,3 l<br />

G04<br />

Vas NC 4,3 l<br />

Expression Bowl 4,3 l<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

G14<br />

Strecuratoare NC<br />

Expression colander<br />

G07<br />

Cutia mic dejun<br />

Sweet Box<br />

30,5 x 22 cm – h 10 cm<br />

G03<br />

Vas NC 2,5 l<br />

Expression<br />

Bowl 2,5 l<br />

17<br />

Linia Nuovi Classici / Expressions

18<br />

In aer liber<br />

Calde si gustoase timp indelungat<br />

Escape the kitchen<br />

Oven warmth that lasts the whole meal<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

Pastrati mancarea calda pana la 1 h30<br />

min datorita peretilor dubli ale celor 2<br />

vase suprapuse. Ideale pentru incalzirea in<br />

microunde. / Keeps food warm up to 1 ˝<br />

hours thanks to the double-shield provided<br />

when the two bowls are used jointly.<br />

Deschiderea laterala de pe capac permite<br />

introducerea Lingurii fara risipirea caldurii.<br />

Pentru a inchide in totalitate rotiti capacul<br />

cu 180 grade. / The lateral opening in the<br />

seal allows you to insert the spoon without<br />

losing the heat. To <strong>close</strong> totally simply give<br />

the cover half a turn.<br />

1/ E25<br />

Termotop<br />

Termo Top<br />

2/ E27<br />

Servicaldo 3,5 l<br />

Prevazut cu capac ermetic<br />

Insulated Server 3.5 L<br />

With hermetic seal<br />

3/ E26<br />

Servicaldo 2,5 l<br />

Prevazut cu capac ermetic<br />

Insulated Server 2.5 L<br />

With hermetic seal<br />

4/ E28<br />

Lingura Servicaldo<br />

Utensil for Insulated Line<br />

19<br />

N E w C O L O U R Servicaldo / Insulated Serving

20<br />

Rotiti cu folos<br />

Cu ustensilele inteligente<br />

economisiti timp si energie<br />

Unplug your prep<br />

Gad<strong>get</strong>s smart enough<br />

to save time and energy<br />

C53<br />

Speedy chef cu capac Cu capac ermetic,<br />

pentru a pastra frisca, sosuri sau creme in frigider.<br />

Speedy Chef with seal With hermetic seal for<br />

storing cream, sauces and creams in the fridge<br />

14,4 x 18,9 cm - h 26,2 cm<br />

C29<br />

Chef grati<br />

Macina ciocolata, alune, nuci<br />

Capacitate 400 ml<br />

Chef Grati’<br />

Can scrub everything, from<br />

bread to Parmesan.<br />

Capacity 400 ml.<br />

C34<br />

Supercentrifuga<br />

Salad Spinner<br />

Ø 25,5 cm - h 18,6 cm / 4 l<br />

21<br />

N E w C OUstensile L O U R bucatarie / Kitchen Tools & Time Savers

22<br />

Biscuiti de casa Homemade Crackers<br />

Ingrediente pentru 12 biscuiti:<br />

1 albus ou, 50 ml faina (± 25 g), 25 ml ulei, putina sare<br />

Preparare: 10 min<br />

Coacere: 13 min in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C<br />

In Turbochef amestecati toate ingredientele in ordinea<br />

indicata. Formati biscuiti pe Planseta silicon si bagati la<br />

cuptor. Puteti adauga 15 ml de susan sau 6 masline negre<br />

maruntite. Aceeasi reteta cu cantitate dubla se poate<br />

prepara in Quick Chef III !<br />

Ingredients for 12 crackers (base recipe):<br />

1 egg white, 50 ml of flour (± 25 g), 25 ml of oil, 2 ml of salt<br />

Preparation: 10 min<br />

Baking: 13 min in preheated oven to Th 6 or 180°C<br />

In the Herb Chopper (Turbo Chef) , combine all ingredients in the order listed and mix.<br />

On the Silicon Baking Sheet placed on the cold oven rack, place 12 evenly spaced small<br />

piles of the mixture. Press flat with the back of a spoon to desired cracker shape and<br />

bake. As a variant, you can sprinkle the tiles with 15 ml of sesame seeds before baking,<br />

or add 6 stoneless black olives in the basic recipe before mixing. The same recipe with<br />

double the amount of ingredients, can be prepared in the Quick Chef III !<br />

C54<br />

Quick chef III<br />

cu capac<br />

Quick Chef III<br />

with seal<br />

Quick Chef<br />

Marunteste rapid fructe si<br />

legume, si amesteca sosuri<br />

fara a necesita curent electric /<br />

A multi-function alternative<br />

to electric food processor: it<br />

chops ve<strong>get</strong>ables, fruits and<br />

mixes sauces<br />

Turbo Chef<br />

Indispensabil in bucatarie.<br />

3 lame si un mecanism cu<br />

coarda pentru a marunti rapid<br />

si fara efort.<br />

Indispensible in the kitchen.<br />

3 blades and a cord mechanism<br />

for quick and efortless<br />

chopping.<br />

NOU /NEw<br />

C55<br />

Turbo Chef<br />

Herb Chopper<br />

Ø 10,7 cm - h 5,5 cm<br />

300 ml<br />

23<br />

N E w C OUstensile L O U R bucatarie / Kitchen Tools & Time Savers

24<br />

C13<br />

Pensula silicon<br />

Silicone Brush<br />

Lucreaza impreuna<br />

Indispensabile in bucatarie, le veti aprecia<br />

imediat. / Essential in the kitchen, and<br />

from the first moment you learn to<br />

appreciate them.<br />

C15<br />

Zdrobitor legume-fructe<br />

Lungime 28 cm<br />

Potato Masher<br />

Length 28 cm<br />

C22<br />

Desfacator conserve<br />

Pentru a deschide cu usurinta<br />

conserve, fara riscul de a va taia.<br />

Can Opener<br />

It has never been so easy to<br />

open cans. This safety can opener<br />

leaves no sharp edges on the lid<br />

nor the can.<br />

C14<br />

Curatitor universal<br />

Cu lama dubla, neteda si<br />

zimtata.<br />

Lama 5 cm, Maner 11 cm<br />

Universal Peeler<br />

Our universal peeler has a<br />

two way blade, smooth for<br />

hard skins & serrated blade<br />

for soft skins.<br />

Blade 5 cm, Handle 11 cm<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

C12<br />

Presa usturoi<br />

Garlic wonder<br />

C23<br />

Spargator universal<br />

Pentru nuci, alune sau<br />

pentru a scoate samburii<br />

din cirese sau masline.<br />

Nut Cracker<br />

For nuts, almonds or<br />

hazelnuts and also to pitt<br />

olives and strawberries.<br />

C21<br />

Suport rola hartie Dintr-o singura miscare rupeti hartia<br />

Paper Towel Holder Just a quick pull to <strong>get</strong><br />

a paper towel.<br />

C19<br />

Tirbuson<br />

Flexibil, se adapteaza<br />

diverselor fome de<br />

sticle.<br />

Stappy<br />

Ergonomico<br />

Flexible, ideal for<br />

various-sized bottles.<br />

25<br />

Ustensile bucatarie / Kitchen Tools & Time Savers

C42<br />

Suport Tekna<br />

(ustensile vandute separat)<br />

Hold N Rest<br />

(Utensils sold separately)<br />

Ø 13 cm - h 15 cm / 1,25 l<br />

26<br />

1<br />

6/ C35<br />

Tel Tekna<br />

KP Tools whisk<br />

6,8 x 28,5 cm - h 2,4 cm<br />

2<br />

7/ C39<br />

Lingura perforata Tekna<br />

KP Tools Mixing Spoon<br />

6,8 x 30,9 cm - h 1,1 cm<br />

8/ C41<br />

Spatula Tekna<br />

KP Tools Spatula<br />

8,1 x 32,8 cm - h 7,9 cm<br />

9/ C37<br />

Spumiera Tekna<br />

KP Tools Skimmer<br />

9,7 x 28,8 cm - h 8,1 cm<br />

10/ C40<br />

Cleste Tekna<br />

KP Tools Tongs<br />

6,2 x 31,6 cm - h 3,3 cm<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

9<br />

7<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

1/ C56<br />

Spatula mare Tekna<br />

KP Tools Large Spatula<br />

14 x 28,8 cm - h 8,2 cm<br />

2/ C36<br />

Polonic Tekna<br />

KP Tools Ladle<br />

9,7 x 28,8 cm - h 8,2 cm<br />

3/ C43<br />

Spatula silicon Tekna<br />

KP Tools Silicone Spatula<br />

5,8 x 29,4 cm - h 1,2 cm<br />

4/ C38<br />

Lingura Tekna<br />

KP Tools Serving Spoon<br />

7,9 x 29,7 cm - h 2,5 cm<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

5/ C48<br />

Spatula silicon<br />

ingusta Tekna<br />

Thin Silicone Spatula<br />

2,6 x 28,2 cm - h 0,8 cm<br />

10<br />

6<br />

8<br />

27<br />

N E w C OUstensile L O U R bucatarie / Kitchen Tools & Time Savers

28<br />

Bucati perfecte<br />

Perfectly balanced<br />

Precis si usor de taiat, feliat si maruntit datorita designului exclusiv<br />

The unique design makes slicing, cutting and dicing smooth and effortless<br />

C27<br />

Cutit paine cu t.<br />

Bread Knife<br />

+ cover<br />

32 cm<br />

C28<br />

Cutit fripturi<br />

cu t.<br />

Chef Knife<br />

+ cover<br />

32,5 cm<br />

C25<br />

Cutit legume-fructe<br />

cu t.<br />

Tomato Knife<br />

+ cover<br />

24 cm<br />

C26<br />

Cutit bucatarie<br />

cu t.<br />

Utility Knife<br />

+ cover<br />

21,5 cm<br />

C24<br />

Cutit mic cu t.<br />

Paring Knife<br />

+ cover<br />

18 cm<br />

C30<br />

Foarfece<br />

Ideala pentru a marunti verdeata<br />

sau a fileta peste<br />

9 x 22 cm inchise<br />

Grab’n’Cut Scissors Q<br />

Handy for chopping herbs or<br />

trimming flower stems.<br />

9 X 22 cm (unopened)<br />

C32<br />

Ascutitor cutite<br />

Pentru a ascuti lamele<br />

netede ale oricarui tip<br />

de cutit<br />

Sharp Star<br />

Keeps all your knives<br />

sharp and efficient.<br />

C31<br />

Foarfece tip nou<br />

Poultry Shears<br />

29<br />

N E w C O L O U RCutite ergonomice / Ergonomic knives

30<br />

Mai usor de preparat<br />

De la preparatele zilnice la “capodoperele” pentru ocazii speciale, orice preparat devine usor cand se lucreaza “in echipa”.<br />

Baking made simple<br />

From everyday treats to complicated masterpieces, baking is easier when everything works to<strong>get</strong>her<br />

C44<br />

Bol Fantezie<br />

Bowl Fantasia<br />

650 ml<br />

C45<br />

Bol Fantezie 3,5 l<br />

Prevazut cu capac dublu.<br />

Bowl Fantasia 3,5 l<br />

With seal and separate<br />

splash guard.<br />

Pentru a facilita controlul lichidelor, ibricul este gradat<br />

atat in interior, cat si in exterior. / Measuring lines on<br />

the inside and on the outside for an easier control of<br />

the quantity in the measuring jug.<br />

C47<br />

Lama “julienne”<br />

pentru razatoare<br />

Insert-grater<br />

‘Julienne’<br />

C51<br />

Ibric gradat<br />

Fantezie 1 l<br />

Measuring Jug 1 L<br />

21,4 x 13 cm - h 13 cm<br />

C46<br />

Razatoare Fantezie<br />

Cu ajutorul ei se pot obtine felii<br />

groase, subtiri sau “julienne”.<br />

Prevazuta cu aparatoare<br />

pentru de<strong>get</strong>e.<br />

Slicer system<br />

Fantasia+finger protection<br />

This reversible blade is handy<br />

to cut in thick or thin slices or<br />

even ‘a Julienne’ Comes with<br />

finger protection.<br />

C49<br />

Set citrice<br />

Baza perforata este si o<br />

razatoare comoda pentru coaja<br />

de lamaie si portocala.<br />

Ø storcator /colander 13 cm<br />

– cap. bol 650 ml<br />

Set Citrus wonder<br />

At the same time is convenient<br />

for scrubbing the rind from the<br />

lemon and orange.<br />

31<br />

N E w C O L O U R Bucatarie / Baking

Pentru a decora, a umple gogosi,<br />

a realiza biscuiti si a scrie pe torturi. / Helps you decorate<br />

and stuff your cakes, write on them and make cookies.<br />

C20<br />

Sprit ornat minimax<br />

Squeeze It<br />

Ø 11,1 cm - h 11,7 cm<br />

32<br />

C07<br />

Pudrator gradat<br />

Measure & Pour<br />

Fantasia<br />

C04<br />

Ibric mixer 2 l<br />

Mix’n’Stor 2 L<br />

Ø 17,2 cm – h 13,5 cm<br />

C33<br />

Magic mixer mare<br />

Quick shake<br />

700 ml<br />

C50<br />

Ibric 1 l Fantezie<br />

Utilizabil in Bolul Fantezie 3,5 l, pentru a topi unt<br />

si ciocolata “stil <strong>Tupperware</strong>”.<br />

Measuring jug 1 l<br />

Use in Bowl Fantasia 3.5 l to melt butter or<br />

chocolate ‘bagnomaria’<br />

Ø 13 cm – h 13 cm<br />

C06<br />

Vasul rotund<br />

That’s a Bowl<br />

Ø 32,5 cm - h 15 cm / 7,5 l<br />

C05<br />

Magic Mixer<br />

Ideal pentru cocktailuri,<br />

frappe, sosuri, frisca etc...<br />

Quick Shake<br />

For cocktails, frappe,<br />

omelettes or even<br />

to prepare batter.<br />

Ø 9,6 x 12,1 cm -<br />

h 20,4 cm / 500 ml<br />

33<br />

Bucatarie / Baking

NOU / NEw<br />

C17<br />

Bol Saturn 3 l<br />

Pro Mixing 3 L<br />

32,7 x 30,2 cm - h 14,9 cm<br />

34<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

C52<br />

Bol Saturn 4 l<br />

Pro Mixing Bowl 4 L<br />

32,7 x 30,2 cm - h 14,9 cm<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

C16<br />

Bol Saturn 1,5 l<br />

Pro Mixing Bowl 1.5 L<br />

25,2 x 22,7 cm - h 13,7 cm<br />

C02<br />

Planseta Fantezie<br />

Suprafata neteda si<br />

anti-derapanta<br />

Pastry Sheet Fantasia<br />

Smooth surface &<br />

anti-slip.<br />

64 x 46 cm<br />

C08<br />

Croissant party<br />

Croissant party<br />

C03<br />

Supersucitor<br />

Se umple cu apa calda pentru aluat tare<br />

sau rece pentru aluat moale.<br />

Rolling Pin<br />

A smooth Rolling Pin with removable<br />

handles. A screw cap at one end allows you<br />

to fill with iced water to keep pastry cool.<br />

50 cm<br />

Doua fete pentru a rade si un recipient<br />

cu capac pentru pastrat. / Two sides for<br />

grating and a large base for storage.<br />

C01<br />

Razatoare<br />

Hand Grater<br />

500 ml<br />

35<br />

Bucatarie / Baking

Mai mult decat o forma draguta<br />

Usor de folosit, cu Formele silicon veti gati rapid preparate cu o forma impecabila<br />

Suporta temperaturi de la -25 °C la +220 °C.<br />

More than just a pretty shape<br />

Ultralight, unbreakable and non-stick, our silicone forms work magic on both baked and chilled foods.<br />

withstand temperatures from -25°C/-15°F to +220°C/+430°F.<br />

36<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

U06<br />

Forma silicon Muffin<br />

Muffin Silicone Form<br />

Ø 22 cm – h 4,5 cm<br />

U07<br />

Planseta silicon<br />

Silicone Baking Sheet<br />

31 x 35 cm<br />

U04<br />

Forma silicon rotunda<br />

Silicone form Princess<br />

round<br />

Ø 26 cm - h 6,2 cm<br />

U05<br />

Forma silicon dreptunghiulara<br />

Silicone form Kings cake rect.<br />

29 x 11,5 cm - h 9 cm<br />

37<br />

N EForme w C O Lsilicon O U R / Silicone Baking Forms

Sa gatim la nesfarsit<br />

Le puteti folosi peste tot: in frigider, in cuptorul traditional sau in cuptorul cu microunde.<br />

Suporta temperaturi de la -25 °C la +250 °C.<br />

Cook without limits<br />

One range that goes everywhere: freezer, oven and microwave.<br />

withstand temperatures from -25°C/-15°F to 230°C/+445°F.<br />

38<br />

Bazele UltraPro<br />

asamblate in mod<br />

diferit dau nastere unor<br />

caserole de marimi<br />

diverse. / Basic elements<br />

of our UltraPro line<br />

stackable in a different<br />

way, forming a dish of<br />

different sizes.<br />

U03<br />

UltraPro oval 800 ml<br />

UltraPro Oval 800 ml<br />

30 x 22,6 cm - h 3,9 cm / 800 ml<br />

U01<br />

UltraPro oval 2 l<br />

UltraPro oval 2 L<br />

30 x 22,6 cm - h 7,4 cm / 2 l<br />

U02<br />

UltraPro oval 3,5 l<br />

UltraPro oval 3.5 L<br />

30 x 22,6 cm - h 11,8 cm / 3,5 l<br />

39<br />

N E w C O L O U R UltraPro / UltraPro

Preparare intr-o clipa<br />

Pentru a pregati rapid paste sau orez este suficient sa apasati “start”<br />

One easy step<br />

Perfectly cooked rice and pasta is as easy as pressing “Start”<br />

40<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

F02<br />

Fierbator paste in<br />

microunde<br />

Microwave Pasta Cooker<br />

30 x 15,5 cm - h 12 cm<br />

F06<br />

Fierbator orez<br />

Microwave Rice Cooker<br />

26,6 x 20,8 cm - h 15,5 cm<br />

Preparate<br />

delicioase si<br />

rapide<br />

Gustul preparatelor rafinate,<br />

gata intr-un moment.<br />

Suporta temperaturi pana la 200 °C.<br />

Putere maxima 750 Watt.<br />

Real cooking,<br />

real fast<br />

Get slow-cooked flavor at the<br />

speed of your microwave.<br />

Withstands heat up to 200°C/390°F.<br />

<strong>Tupperware</strong> recommends a maximum<br />

of 750 watts.<br />

F03<br />

Microplus rotund 2,25 l<br />

Cu capac alb pentru pastrarea<br />

in frigider si congelator<br />

MicroPlus Casserole 2.25 L<br />

Comes with seal to store in fridge or freezer.<br />

Ø 24,5 cm - h 12 cm<br />

F01<br />

F01 Ibric microplus 1 l<br />

MicroPlus Pitcher 1 L<br />

Ø 16 cm - h 13 cm<br />

41<br />

Microunde / Microwave<br />

N E w C O L O U R

Intotdeauna la timp<br />

Capacele ermetice prevazute cu valve asigura un pranz delicios oriunde ati fi.<br />

Suporta temperaturi pana la 120 °C. Putere maxima 500 watt.<br />

Always on time<br />

Seals with valves guarantee a delicious lunch wherever you are.<br />

withstanding heath up to 120°C. <strong>Tupperware</strong> recommends a maximum of 500 watts.<br />

F07<br />

Set Crystalwave CC (3 buc.)<br />

Set Crystalwave CC (3 pc)<br />

Cap. 400 ml Ø 16 cm - h 5 cm<br />

Cap. 600 ml Ø 16 cm - h 6,2 cm<br />

Cap. 800 ml Ø 16 cm - h 7,5 cm<br />

42<br />

Aroma nealterata<br />

Incalzire fara a amesteca<br />

Suporta temperaturi pana la 160 °C. Putere maxima 600 watt.<br />

No-fuss flavor<br />

Perfectly reheat food with stopping to stir.<br />

withstands heat up to 160°C/320°F. <strong>Tupperware</strong> recommends a maximum of 600 watts.<br />

1<br />

1/ F05<br />

Extraplus rotund 1,5 l<br />

Ø 23,7 cm inclusiv<br />

manerele / including<br />

handle – h 11,5 cm<br />

Heat ‘N’ Serve<br />

Round 1.5 L<br />

2/ F04<br />

Extraplus rotund 0,7 l<br />

Ø 23,7 cm inclusiv<br />

manerele / including<br />

handle - h 8,4 cm<br />

Heat ‘N’ Serve<br />

Round 0,7 l<br />

2<br />

43<br />

NIncalzirea E w C O Lin O Umicrounde R / Microwave Re-heating

44<br />

B01<br />

Forma gheata<br />

Capacul special evita varsarea lichidului in timpul transportului.<br />

Baza flexibila permite desprinderea facila a cuburilor de gheata.<br />

Cool Cubes<br />

Uniquely designed with flexible molds – the ice cubes are easily popped<br />

out. You have the choice of making two sizes of ice cubes as well.<br />

29,1 x 11 cm - h 4,4 cm / 300 ml<br />

Pastreaza aroma<br />

Robust si rezistent la temperaturi joase, ideal pentru a pastra vitaminele si substantele nutritive din mancaruri.<br />

Frozen flavour<br />

Our freezer range is tough enough for the freezer and smart enough to preserve delicate<br />

vitamins and nutrients.<br />

B02<br />

Cutii congelator CC<br />

400 ml (4 buc.)<br />

Freezer Containers<br />

400 ml CC (4)<br />

12,8 x 11,6 cm -<br />

h 5,8 cm<br />

B07<br />

Set congelator CC<br />

(5 buc.)<br />

2 Cutii congelator 400 ml<br />

2 Cutii congelator 800 ml<br />

1 Cutie congelator 1,3 l<br />

Freezer Starter Set (5 pc.)<br />

Consists of 2 x 400 ml,<br />

2 x 800 ml, 1 x 1.3 L.<br />

B09<br />

Schimbetichete<br />

Stickers Tape<br />

B08<br />

Port-etichete<br />

Stickers Box<br />

B03<br />

Cutii congelator CC 800 ml<br />

(2 buc.)<br />

Freezer Containers CC<br />

800 ml (2)<br />

12,8 x 11,6 cm - h 9,2 cm<br />

B04<br />

Cutii congelator CC 600 ml<br />

(2 buc.)<br />

Ideale pentru hamburger<br />

sau biftec.<br />

Freezer Containers CC 600 ml<br />

(2 pc.)<br />

Perfect for burgers and steaks.<br />

22,9 x 14 cm - h 3,6 cm<br />

B05<br />

Cutii congelator CC 1,3 l<br />

(2 buc.)<br />

Freezer Containers CC 1,3 L<br />

(2 pc.)<br />

B06<br />

Cutie congelator CC 3 l<br />

Freezer Container CC 3 L<br />

27 x 23 cm - h 6,7 cm<br />

45<br />

N E w C O L O U R Congelator / Freezing

46<br />

Create special<br />

pentru Dvs<br />

Recipiente de marimi diverse, pentru toate exigentele<br />

Made for you<br />

Mix and match our modular system tailored to your needs<br />

NOU / NEw<br />

A12<br />

Capac mare<br />

Superfrig<br />

Frigosmart<br />

big seal<br />

A16<br />

Capac plat<br />

Superfrig<br />

Frigosmart<br />

seal<br />

A18<br />

Capac CC<br />

Superfrig<br />

Frigosmart seal<br />

CC.<br />

A13<br />

Pastila<br />

frigorifica<br />

Frigosmart cool<br />

insert<br />

A14<br />

Gratar mare<br />

Superfrig<br />

Frigosmart<br />

Grid Big<br />

A15<br />

Superfrig<br />

700 ml<br />

Frigosmart<br />

700 ml<br />

A17<br />

Superfrig 1,3 l<br />

Frigosmart 1,3 l<br />

47<br />

N E w C O L O U R Frigider / Fridge

48<br />

Alegandu-le cu grija, veti economisi<br />

Orice forma si dimensiune utila pentru a pastra prospetimea alimentelor.<br />

More choice, less waste<br />

All the sizes and shapes you need to save a few bites or an entire dish.<br />

A01<br />

Superrece<br />

Crisper Poacher<br />

37,5 x 18 cm - h 11,7 cm<br />

A03<br />

Vase multiple 600 ml (3 buc.)<br />

Mod Bowls 600 ml (3)<br />

Ermetice, usoare, se pot suprapune, facand<br />

economie de spatiu.Nu va puteti lipsi de ele!<br />

These bowls with liquid and air-tight seals<br />

are stackable and convenient to store<br />

left-overs, serve delicious treats and to keep<br />

cereals crispy and ready for breakfast the<br />

next day.<br />

A04<br />

Set vase multiple (3 buc.)<br />

Space Saver Bowls (3 pc.)<br />

Ø 19 cm - h 6 cm / 1 l<br />

Ø 19 cm - h 9 cm / 1,5 l<br />

Ø 19 cm - h 11,7 cm / 2 l<br />

A05<br />

Graziosi (3)<br />

Small<br />

bowls (3)<br />

Ø 10 cm -<br />

h 5 cm /<br />

250 ml<br />

A02<br />

Vase multiple<br />

300 ml (4 buc.)<br />

Mod Bowls<br />

300 ml (4 pc.)<br />

49<br />

N E w C O L O U R Frigider / Fridge

50<br />

De la mini<br />

la maxi<br />

Bolurile Minimax devin plate printr-o<br />

singura miscare.<br />

Full-sized<br />

to flat<br />

There when you need them,<br />

flattened when you don’t.<br />

A19<br />

Minimax 700 ml<br />

Mini-Max 700 ml<br />

Ø 17 cm - h 6,5 cm<br />

A20<br />

Minimax 950 ml<br />

Mini-Max 950 ml<br />

Ø 19,5 - h 7,5 cm<br />

A22<br />

Minimax dreptunghiular 2,3 l<br />

Mini Max 2,3 l<br />

33,8 x 21,3 cm - h 6,5 cm<br />

A21<br />

Strecuratoare Minimax<br />

Mini Max colander<br />

1,5 l<br />

Ø 25 cm - h 7,5 cm<br />

De la plat la marimea<br />

normala.Cand sunt pliate au<br />

doar 2 cm inaltime. / From<br />

completely flat to full-size<br />

bowl, and back again...<br />

instantly. Only 2 cm high<br />

when collapsed.<br />

C18<br />

Suport capace Pentru a avea capacele si<br />

bolurile Minimax tot timpul la indemana.<br />

Seal Organiser To keep all your seals handy<br />

51<br />

N E w C O L O U RFrigider – Minimax / Fridge - Mini Max

52<br />

Dubleaza<br />

prospetimea<br />

Fructele si legumele raman proaspete timp indelungat datorita<br />

valvelor speciale care garanteaza circulatia aerului.<br />

Double the<br />

freshness<br />

Fruits and veggies stay fresh longer with custom ventilation.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Stiati ca fructele si legumele au nevoie<br />

de o cantitate diferita de aer pentru a se<br />

mentine proaspete si crocante?Cutiile<br />

Fridgesmart dispun de striatii la baza<br />

pentru asezarea condensului si 2 valve<br />

care asigura cantitatea de aer necesara<br />

pastrarii continutului.<br />

Indicatiile de pe cutii va amintesc ce<br />

alimente necesita o circulatie mare<br />

de aer (2 valve deschise), o circulatie<br />

moderata (1 valva deschisa) sau o<br />

circulatie minima (2 valve inchise).<br />

Did you know that different fruits and<br />

ve<strong>get</strong>ables need different amounts<br />

of air to stay crisp and fresh? These<br />

storage containers were specially<br />

designed with ridged bases and<br />

“breathing” buttons to promote the<br />

right amount of air circulation to keep<br />

them fresh in the fridge longer.<br />

Each container has a built-in pictogram<br />

to show you which foods need more<br />

air (two buttons open), a little air (one<br />

button open), or much less air (both<br />

buttons <strong>close</strong>d).<br />

1/ A08<br />

Fridgesmart patrat 4,2 l<br />

FridgeSmart Square 4.2 L<br />

22,8 x 22,8 cm - h 12,7 cm<br />

2/ A06<br />

Fridgesmart 1,65 l<br />

FridgeSmart Rectangle 1.6 L<br />

15,2 x 22,8 cm - h 8,6 cm<br />

3/ A07<br />

Fridgesmart 3,6 l<br />

FridgeSmart Rectangle 3.6 L<br />

28,2 x 14,5 cm - h 12,8 cm<br />

53<br />


54<br />

Mai bine impreuna<br />

Ce este o felie de paine proaspata fara o branza gustoasa alaturi?<br />

Better to<strong>get</strong>her<br />

What’s a fresh slice of bread without tasty cheese?<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Folia CondensControl controleaza<br />

ambientul in interiorul cutiei,<br />

eliminand umiditatea in exces si<br />

garantand prospetimea alimentelor<br />

timp mai indelungat. / Excess<br />

moisture is released through the<br />

CondensControl filter on the<br />

BreadSmart cover to keep mould from<br />

growing while prolonging the flavour<br />

of your baked goods.<br />

1/ C09<br />

Breadsmart Pentru a pastra orice<br />

tip de paine.<br />

BreadSmart To keep any size<br />

of normal bread.<br />

27,2 x 39,5 cm - h 19,5 cm<br />

2/ C10<br />

Tocator breadsmart<br />

Ideal pentru felierea si servirea<br />

painii.<br />

Cutting Board<br />

Slides out for quick use and then<br />

slides right back in for storage.<br />

23 x 30,5 cm<br />

3/ C11<br />

Breadsmart dreptunghiular<br />

Ideal pentru franzela feliata<br />

si chifle. Separatorul poate fi<br />

introdus daca avem doua tipuri<br />

de patiserie, asigurand protectie<br />

impotriva aerului si a umiditatii.<br />

Toastsmart<br />

Great for sliced bread or panini.<br />

The insert protects the bread<br />

from air and humidity.<br />

31,8 x 15,7 cm - h 15,5 cm<br />

Folia CondensControl de pe capacul<br />

Cheesmartului asigura umiditatea<br />

optima in interiorul vasului si<br />

protejarea de mirosuri straine.In<br />

interiorul frigiderului nu veti avea<br />

nici urma de miros de branza. /<br />

The CondensControl filter on the<br />

CheeSmart cover releases moisture but<br />

keeps odours and flavours inside.<br />

4/ A10<br />

Cheesmart patrat<br />

CheeSmart Rectangle<br />

20,4 x 20,4 cm - h 9,5 cm<br />

5/ A11<br />

Cheesmart dreptunghiular<br />

CheeSmart Square<br />

30,4 x 20,4 cm - h 9,8 cm<br />

55<br />

N E w C O L O U R

Mai mult decat accesibile<br />

Este mai placut sa gatesti cand recipientele iti dau o mana de ajutor.<br />

Easy access<br />

Make tasty treats even more enjoyable with easy to work seals that open wide.<br />

56<br />

1/ D12<br />

Oval tip nou<br />

Space Maker<br />

350 ml<br />

18,7 cm<br />

2/ D13<br />

Oval tip nou<br />

Space Maker<br />

1 l<br />

9 cm 6,4 cm<br />

3/ D14<br />

Oval tip nou<br />

Space Maker<br />

1,6 l<br />

4/ D15<br />

Oval tip nou<br />

Space Maker<br />

2,2 l<br />

1 2<br />

3 4<br />

12,1 cm<br />

17,8 cm<br />

23,7 cm<br />

57<br />

N E w C O L O U R Camara / Shelf & Cupboard Storage

58<br />

Deschidere usoara!<br />

Capacul se deschide in<br />

ambele parti.<br />

Easy Access!<br />

Seals open on both sides for<br />

filling and pouring.<br />

1/ D04<br />

Oval 1 - 500 ml<br />

Oval 1 - 500 ML<br />

18 cm<br />

9 cm 6 cm<br />

4<br />

2/ D05<br />

Oval 2 - 1,1 l<br />

Oval 2 - 1,1 L<br />

3/ D06<br />

Oval 3 - 1,7 l<br />

Oval 3 - 1,7 L<br />

11,7 cm<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4/ D07<br />

Oval 4 - 2,3 l<br />

Oval 4 - 2,3 L<br />

17,2 cm<br />

5<br />

5/ D08<br />

Oval 5 - 2,9 l<br />

Oval 5 - 2,9 L<br />

23 cm<br />

28,5 cm<br />

6<br />

28,5 cm<br />

9 cm<br />

7, 8<br />

11,7 cm<br />

6<br />

7 8<br />

7/ D03<br />

Ulei-otet<br />

Setul este compus din 2 recipiente.<br />

Rotund 2 cu capac lichide.<br />

Oil & Vinegar (2)<br />

This set includes 2 Round<br />

containers with seals for liquids.<br />

6/ D02<br />

Spaghetiera<br />

Cu dozator pentru 1 sau 2 portii de spaghete.<br />

Round 5<br />

Choose the amount of spaghetti – 1 or 2 servings.<br />

D10<br />

Accesibilul<br />

Pentru mari cantitati de alimente<br />

Access Mates<br />

For the big bites in the cupboard.<br />

28,5 x 19 cm - h 17,5 cm / max 5,5 l<br />

8/ D01<br />

Rotund 2 - 440 ml<br />

Round 2 - 440 ml<br />

59<br />

N E w C O L O U R Camara / Shelf & Cupboard Storage

60<br />

Prospetime “sigilata”<br />

Pastrezi doar prospetimea si aroma, eliminand aerul si umiditatea.<br />

Lock in freshness<br />

Keep freshness and flavor in, air and moisture out.<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

Practice in camara, in dulapioare sau in sertare.<br />

Datorita capacului ermetic chiar si la lichide,<br />

Linia Tuttofresco este ideala in frigider sau in<br />

excursie. / Practical in a pantry, in cupboards<br />

or in drawers. Rectangular seal makes them<br />

perfect in the fridge and in excursion.<br />

Frigider<br />

Fridge<br />

1/ D17<br />

Tuttofresco 1,3 l<br />

Baseline<br />

Canister 1.3 L<br />

2/ D19<br />

Tuttofresco 1,1 l<br />

Baseline<br />

Canister 1.1 L<br />

16,5 cm<br />

Dulapior<br />

Drawers<br />

25,3 cm 5 cm<br />

12,5 cm 5 cm<br />

3/ D16<br />

Tuttofresco 500 ml<br />

Baseline<br />

Canister 500 ml<br />

4/ D18<br />

Tuttofresco 2 l<br />

Baseline<br />

Canister 2.1 L<br />

10,2 cm<br />

Camara<br />

Pantry<br />

15 cm<br />

61<br />

N E w C O L O U R Camara / Shelf & Cupboard Storage

Un inceput stralucitor<br />

Formele si culorile ii invata pe cei mici deprinderile corecte pentru a creste cu o alimentatie sanatoasa.<br />

A bright start<br />

Kid-friendly colors and designs teach your little ones habits that grow into a lifetime of healthy eating.<br />

62<br />

L01<br />

Biberon Tiwi<br />

Prevazut cu tetina<br />

silicon<br />

Bottle<br />

Silicone teat<br />

250 ml<br />

L06<br />

Dozator lapte<br />

Powdered<br />

Milk<br />

Dispenser<br />

L03<br />

Farfurioara cu suport tip ventuza<br />

Capacitate potrivita si stabilitate<br />

pentru copiii care incep sa manance<br />

singuri.<br />

Feeding Bowl<br />

The base will keep the bowl in place on<br />

the table, giving a child confidence as<br />

she/he learns to eat independently.<br />

Ø 20,6 cm - h 5,5 cm / 500 ml<br />

L08<br />

Masura pantofi copii<br />

Pentru copii intre 4 luni si 6 ani.<br />

Foot-measure for Kids<br />

For kids 4 months to 6 years<br />

L07<br />

Periuta copii<br />

Curata dintii si maseaza gingiile<br />

Ba<strong>by</strong> Toothbrush<br />

Cleans teeth and messages the gum<br />

L05<br />

Set Prima-papa (2)<br />

Feeding Cups 280 ml (2)<br />

Ø 10,7 cm - h 5,5 cm / 280 ml<br />

L09<br />

Tacamuri copii<br />

Soft Grip Cutlery<br />

L02<br />

Lingurita copii in<br />

cutie (2 buc)<br />

Feeding Spoon with<br />

Case (2 pc.)<br />

L04<br />

Paharel suzeta din silicon<br />

Nu irita gingiile si daca este<br />

rasturnat, continutul nu se varsa.<br />

Sip’n’Care Tumbler<br />

A two handed sipper-tumbler<br />

with non-drip silicone spout.<br />

200 ml<br />

63<br />

N E w C O L O U R Linia pentru copii / Children

O cariera care iti ofera timp<br />

pentru lucrurile importante<br />

O cariera care iti ofera timp pentru lucrurile importante<br />

Care sunt motivele pentru a deveni prezentatoare <strong>Tupperware</strong>? Daca ati<br />

rasfoit acest catalog, probabil le-ati gasit! Pasiunea pentru produsele care<br />

organizeaza si usureaza munca in bucatarie, iti ofera mai mult timp liber<br />

si o viata mai fericita si mai sanatoasa.<br />

Interesul de a imparti aceasta pasiune cu prietenii si rudele.<br />

In fine, posibilitatea de a-ti planifica succesul in functie de obiectivele<br />

tale, de timpul tau liber si de necesitatile tale.<br />

Daca aceste caracteristici iti apartin, de ce sa nu iei in considerare<br />

oportunitatile de cariera din <strong>Tupperware</strong>?<br />

Vom fi fericiti sa iti impartasim experiente si sfaturi care iti vor garanta un<br />

succes sigur! Ce alt mod mai bun de a castiga exista, decat ajutandu-i pe<br />

altii? Ia legatura cu prezentatoarea ta, pentru a descoperi cum poti sa-ti<br />

transformi interesele, pasiunile si dorintele intr-o activitate de succes.<br />

A career that makes time<br />

for the important things<br />

What are the qualifications for becoming a <strong>Tupperware</strong> consultant?<br />

Well, if you’re reading this, you likely have them.<br />

A passion for products that make your life happier, healthier and more<br />

organized. An interest in sharing that passion with friends and family.<br />

And the desire to create a career based on your terms, your time and<br />

your commitment.<br />

If that sounds like you, why not consider a career with <strong>Tupperware</strong>. We<br />

share our resources and information with you to ensure your business<br />

is a success. And what better way is there to earn you living than <strong>by</strong><br />

helping others improve their lives?<br />

Get in touch with us today to discover how you can put your passions,<br />

interests and desires to work.<br />

64<br />

Setul propus<br />

Initial Kit<br />

Setul propus, avand aceeasi valoare poate suferi modificari.<br />

Initial Kit, could be change during the time,<br />

but it always keep the same value.<br />

Bine ati venit in<br />

familia <strong>Tupperware</strong>!<br />

Welcome to the<br />

<strong>Tupperware</strong> family!<br />

65<br />

Oportunitati / Career<br />

N E w C O L O U R

66<br />

Party On<br />

De ce sa se incheie distractia<br />

odata cu terminarea reuniunii?<br />

La <strong>Tupperware</strong>, ne gandim ca nu<br />

ar trebui sa se intample asa. De<br />

aceea ne recompensam gazdele<br />

cu cadouri in produse si reduceri.<br />

Petreceti-va dupa-amiezele<br />

si serile alaturi de prieteni,<br />

impartasind idei despre cum<br />

sa traiesti sanatos, idei despre<br />

organizare si facand schimb de<br />

retete. Prezentatorii nostri au o<br />

gramada de idei inteligente in<br />

plus. Si cu ajutorul lor, va veti<br />

distra la fel de mult la reuniuni,<br />

alaturi de oaspetii dvs.<br />

Prietenii si familia vor pleca cu o<br />

multime de informatii.Veti ramane<br />

cu o multime de amintiri si<br />

experiente <strong>Tupperware</strong> de neuitat.<br />

Si asta ni se pare o adevarata<br />

distractie! Contactati astazi un<br />

reprezentant <strong>Tupperware</strong>, pentru<br />

a va planifica o reuniune.<br />

Pentru a putea vedea aceste<br />

cadouri, consultati pliantul<br />

“Planul stella”!<br />

Why stop having fun just because<br />

the party is over? At <strong>Tupperware</strong>,<br />

we think the fun shouldn’t end<br />

just because the party does. That’s<br />

why we reward our hostesses<br />

with great gifts of products and<br />

discounts.<br />

Spend an afternoon or evening<br />

with friends sharing healthy living<br />

tips, organizational ideas and tasty<br />

recipes. Our consultants have lots<br />

of clever ideas to add to your own.<br />

And with the help of a consultant,<br />

you’ll be able to have just as much<br />

fun at your party as your guests<br />

will. Friends and family will leave<br />

with a wealth of information.<br />

You’ll be left with even more<br />

fabulous <strong>Tupperware</strong> to add to<br />

your collection. And that sounds<br />

like a great time to us! Contact a<br />

consultant today to start planning<br />

your party.<br />

To find out about this gifts, you can<br />

see our separate leaflet “ Stars Plan”!<br />

67<br />

N E w C O L O U R Party On / Party On

www.tupperware.ro<br />

www.tupperware.com.mt<br />

Acest catalog este<br />

printat pe hartie ce<br />

provine din surse<br />

care promoveaza<br />

ecologia / This<br />

catalog is printed<br />

on paper from<br />

sources promoting<br />

sustainable<br />

forest management.<br />

Concesionari <strong>Tupperware</strong> / <strong>Tupperware</strong> Distributors:<br />

Romania:<br />

Baia Mare Fanberg / tel: 0262/220709, 0362/806525, 0744/608416,<br />

0745/641716 / e-mail: fanbergs@yahoo.com<br />

Malta:<br />

Mriehel REACH LTD / tel: 2144 4089 / e-mail: reachair@keyworld.net<br />





Copyright, drepturile de autor, imaginile si marcile folosite in acest<br />

catalog sunt proprietatea <strong>Tupperware</strong>. Este interzisa reproducerea<br />

lor sub orice forma sau mijloc electronic, mecanic sau de orice fel,<br />

inclusiv fotocopierea, inregistrarea sau orice alt sistem de arhivare si<br />

transmitere de informatii fara autorizatie scrisa.<br />

Copyright. Images and trademarks used in this catalogue are property<br />

of <strong>Tupperware</strong>. ANY REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM, ELECTRONICALLY,<br />




Cod : 508133 Catalog Rom-Mal

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