Mini rule book - Dumnonni Chronicles

Mini rule book - Dumnonni Chronicles

Mini rule book - Dumnonni Chronicles


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<strong>Dumnonni</strong> Fest<br />


Welcome to the <strong>Dumnonni</strong> <strong>Chronicles</strong>.<br />

Here follows a quick start up guide.<br />

These are the abridged <strong>rule</strong> set often used at our larger ‘fest’ events, they<br />

contain all a new player will need to know to understand and enjoy a regular event too.<br />

What What are are are we we abo about? abo ut?<br />

We want a role-playing event not a <strong>rule</strong>-playing one.<br />

The <strong>rule</strong>s have been designed to get in the way of role-playing as little as<br />

possible. We want characters to be special by virtue of how they act not by the amount<br />

of ‘power’ it says they have on a piece of paper. With the exception of the Wyrd <strong>rule</strong>s it<br />

is an ‘If you can do it, you can do it’ system. With very few exceptions any character<br />

can use any weapons and armour suitable to ‘The Look’.<br />

The look and feel.<br />

<strong>Dumnonni</strong> strives to have a consistent look and feel for the costume, weapons,<br />

props and set dressings. This look is Dark ages with just a smidgen of fantasy. If you<br />

are a history buff, war gamer or re-enacter you will have no trouble understanding, but<br />

if you are used to other more cosmopolitan larp systems or fantasy tabletop you will<br />

need to think carefully to making sure what you wear fits in. A look at our web site will<br />

give you idea. See also our Right/Wrong sketches at the back of this <strong>book</strong>. In general, if<br />

you are not sure please ask advise and we will happily give it.<br />

Who can I play?<br />

You are going to be someone who fits either Celtic Myth or the<br />

dark ages. Here follows a short list of suggestions but if you have other<br />

ideas please put it by us.<br />

Some Celtic tribes.<br />

Briganti Hardy Warriors from the North, reknowned as<br />

good skirmish raiders.<br />

Catuvellani A spirited Celtic clan, famous for their reckless<br />

bravery and recognised by their large blue shields.<br />

Dalriada Celtic sea raiders and traders famed for their<br />

spear work, their rivalry with the Norse and their hatred of the<br />

Picts.<br />

<strong>Dumnonni</strong> A tenacious race, generous in peace and a<br />

torrent of spears in war. The<br />

Fort of Cul Haven is in their lands. In battle they wear a<br />

distinctive blue woading which quarters their faces.<br />

Fianna Retaining the values of their legendary leader<br />

Finn Mac Cumhaill, this<br />

proud clan strives, perhaps even more than most for honour and<br />

glory.<br />

They are also known for their smart appearance.<br />

Red Branch Descendants form the famous Warriors of<br />

Ulster, these reckless men carry their reputation into the Fey<br />

lands quick to battle and quick to laugh.<br />

White Bear Once a numerous tribe, this clan has been decimated by war with<br />

Queen Meave and the Fomorians. Unwilling to be consigned to history they are<br />

more willing than most to allow outsiders to join, as long as they are of good<br />

character.<br />


Some of the elder races.<br />

Changelings These Fae creatures are indigenous to these magical lands and as<br />

such are tuned to earth magic. Cunning and with a dark sense of humour they<br />

follow strange agrenda all their own.<br />

Tuatha de Dannan: Noble Sidhe recognised by the Blue woading across their<br />

eyes. Honour for them is more important than life itself and this often makes<br />

them appear arrogant and lofty.<br />

Craft Tuatha These Tuatha wear red woad and are the keepers of ancient<br />

knowledge, makers of great works and followers of mysterious dooms.<br />

‘Wild’ Tuatha These Sidhe have taken the land to their bosom and cast off<br />

many of the high cultured ways of their brothers. They wear green or brown<br />

woad. Because they are less cultured does not make them any less noble and<br />

honour bound however.<br />

Other peoples.<br />

Picti Northern, cunning and wild warriors. Fond of fast hit and run raids and<br />

elaborate woading.<br />

Norse Vikings, who have settled along the northern coast. There are many<br />

different clans, ranging in size from a small boatload to great Jarldoms.<br />

Sea Wolves Saxon raiders, who have recently come through the mists and<br />

settled. Known derogatively as the Sias, but are more correctly from a number of<br />

different tribes including the Jutes and Angles. They often feud amongst<br />

themselves as well as everybody else and are seldom trusted.<br />


Ref Ref calls<br />

calls<br />

Rules ules proper<br />

First and foremost, ALL players must learn and react to the following:<br />

Time Freeze, All players must freeze on the spot and close their eyes.<br />

Time Out, The game has been halted temporarily by a referee, players may relax and talk.<br />

Time In, Players may continue the game and get back into character.<br />

Man Down! Someone has been hurt for real! All playing stops until the injury has been<br />

attended to. All players who are injured or see someone else injured should shout this and<br />

seek assistance from a first aider, don’t wait for someone else to call out.<br />

Combat<br />

Combat<br />

Combat should be grim and gritty. Both players and ‘monsters’ should register wounds by<br />

flinching, groaning, falling down etc. to create a realistic feel during combat.<br />

Damage In Combat<br />

All Weapons wielded one handed do one point of damage (including arrows and two<br />

handed spears) and this will take away one point from the location they have struck.<br />

Larger two handed weapons will do two points of damage. Arrow damage goes straight<br />

through armour (of a value less than five) to the appropriate body location, arrows do not<br />

damage armour, however, they will knock the target to the ground as will a large two<br />

handed weapon.<br />

Anyone hit by a two handed weapon or an arrow must stagger backwards or fall over from<br />

the impact regardless of the level of armour worn.<br />

All players have one life point on each limb and two on the body. If any location reaches<br />

zero life points it is wounded sufficiently to be deemed unable to function and thus out of<br />

use (if the body is reduced to zero then the victim is unconscious) If the body location is<br />

reduced to minus life points then the character is dead.<br />

If a wound is not treated within two minutes then it becomes worse ‘bleed’ -1 life points<br />

from that location, causing crippling to limbs and death if on the body. If a location reaches<br />

minus points from ‘bleed’ damage then it can be healed (its life points returned) but will<br />

only function very weakly, this is only be treatable by an advanced healer.<br />

Bandaging wound will stop bleed damage allowing time to seek a healer.<br />

Seven points of damage in total causes death due to blood loss, shock etc. and healing will<br />

not save you (time to eulogise your own death).<br />


Head Hits<br />

For safety, deliberate head hits are BANNED, except when ‘subduing’ by gently tapping the head<br />

with a latex weapon (blunt side!), which will stun a player for one minute (two ‘subdues’ in close<br />

succession cause one point of damage). If players are accidentally hit on the head in combat then<br />

they should play it as a glancing blow that does no serious damage but causes them to stagger<br />

back momentarily. The victim must be unaware until the last moment for subdue to work and not<br />

be wearing a hard helmet.<br />

To encourage good costume, including headgear, leather helmets will add one point of armour to<br />

the body. Metal helmets will add two points. As head wounds were common we feel that this is<br />

the best way to reflect the protection helms gave without endorsing unsafe blows to the head.<br />

Armour<br />

Without some form of armour combat can be a rather dangerous affair. By donning armour extra<br />

armour points are put on the location covered. Every time that armour is struck by a weapon its<br />

value drops by one or two points (depending on the size of the weapon) when the armour’s points<br />

value drops to zero it is considered useless and subsequent blows on that area will do damage to<br />

the players location life points.<br />

For example; Lodin of the Bristling Spears is wearing a thick leather jerkin (worth three armour<br />

points). In combat it is hit twice with a sword, causing no damage to Lodin but wrecking his<br />

jerkin. The next blow landed on Lodin is thus unchecked by any armour and consequently causes<br />

one point of damage to Lodin – a nasty cut!<br />

Armour Values (any armour not given a value here<br />

can be given a value by a referee)<br />

Fur and Leather 1 armour point (reinforcing with<br />

rings, studs, plates etc. adds another point. Really<br />

thin leather gives no armour points)<br />

Thick (rigid) Leather 3 armour points.<br />

Ringmail 3 armour points.<br />

Scale and Chainmail 4 armour points.<br />

Armour can be stacked, e.g. chainmail over a<br />

leather jerkin will offer 5 armour points of<br />

protection (for head armour see “Head Hits”) – to<br />

a maximum of 7 points.<br />

Armour and Repairs<br />

Players may wish to leave ‘damaged’ armour etc.<br />

with relevant traders or craft workers for repair.<br />

After an agreed period of time (and price) the<br />

armour can be retrieved fully ‘restored’ to its full<br />

armour point value. If game funds or available<br />

time is insufficient, it is possible to just have one<br />

or two points of damage repaired. Both customer<br />

and ‘repairer’ are free to haggle a price and<br />

completion time… preferably loudly (and in game<br />

money of course!).<br />

As a rough guide leather armour repairs should<br />

cost about 25E per point and metal armour 100<br />

eye per point.<br />


‘Magic’ Use<br />

(All players should read this even if they are not playing a ‘magic user’).<br />

There are five main types of ‘Wyrd Weavers’ in <strong>Dumnonni</strong>.<br />

Ovate. Channel Wyrd energy to control and talk to the dead.<br />

Shaman. Focus Wyrd energy in order to create physical effects.<br />

Priest. Control the minds of the masses.<br />

Healer. Use the Wyrd to heal wounds.<br />

Wistman. Tease the fickle wyrdlore of the Fay<br />

Wyrd weavers can cast up to five wyrd points per day of spells, before they are drained<br />

and must regain their wyrd energy (see below).<br />

Wyrd users can use the same spell several times if they do not exceed their wyrd point<br />

total.<br />

‘Recharging’ Wyrd Energy<br />

The above classes (including Healers) may recharge wyrd energy that they have used in<br />

casting spells. Focal points for recharging could be standing stones, sacred groves, old<br />

wells etc. Referees can identify such sites.<br />

Meditation at a focal site for approximately fifteen minutes will restore enough wyrd energy<br />

to cast one spell.<br />

When casting spells, the player should point at their indented victim to avoid confusion.<br />

Also make gestures grand and verbose, it looks better and monsters/NPC’s will be<br />

briefed to react better to its effect (so ‘Big it up’)<br />

Note: magic can not be cast by any class if they are wearing large amounts of metal,<br />

especially iron (about two daggers worth including buckles etc) Wyrd energy is disrupted<br />

by concentrations of metal, preventing the flow of magic.<br />


Ovate vate Spells Spells<br />

Resist,<br />

Cost: 2<br />

Necessary elements:<br />

Effect: Allows caster to resist the effects of any spell cast at them and them alone. (No<br />

jumping in the way for friends is allowed)<br />

Turn cauldron born,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements: A commanding voice and a way with the dead.<br />

Effect: The ovate stands forth and raises their palm to the target calling upon a culturally<br />

suitably deity or dead ancestor, and telling the target to halt in their name (“In the<br />

name of Lugh of the long arm HALT” for example) The target will only be affected if they<br />

are a simple undead creation such as a the cauldron born (zombies) The target will have<br />

a compulsion to walk (shuffle, stumble, ooze) away in the opposite direction for ten seconds.<br />

Command cauldron born,<br />

Cost: 3<br />

Necessary elements: Someone else’s zombie to joy ride.<br />

Effect: The ovate calls upon a culturally suitable deity or dead ancestor, points at the<br />

target and concludes with the phrase “I am your master” and a three word command<br />

such as “ Go away now”, “Eat her hat” or maybe “Catch a fish”. The target will then proceed<br />

to carry out this command to the best of its ability. Bear in mind however that<br />

most low level undead like zombies don’t have anything but the most vestigial of minds<br />

and will struggle with anything but the simplest of commands.<br />

Recall spirit,<br />

Cost: 3+<br />

Necessary elements: Three sensible questions.<br />

Effect: This spell allows the spirit of the recently dead (no more than one hour) to be<br />

briefly recalled to the location they were killed and asked up to three questions. These<br />

questions need not be answered correctly but must be responded to, incentive may be<br />

offered in the form of wyrd points or whatever else the caster has to offer. This is a<br />

dangerous spell to cast as it involves opening the mind to the places of the recently<br />

dead where angry spirits and other predatory things dwell.<br />


Shaman Shaman Spells<br />

Spells<br />

Resist,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements:<br />

Effect: Allows caster to resist the effects of any spell cast at them and them alone. (No<br />

jumping in the way for friends is allowed)<br />

Chant trance,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements: Chanting and drumming.<br />

Effect: While the shaman is chanting, drumming and pointing at one victim who must be<br />

a wyrd weaver, that victim may not move speak or think, the enchantment will last as<br />

long as the chant is kept going and the shaman is in sight if the victim, the chant must<br />

be composed of at least four words. Point until the victim gets the idea then back<br />

yourself up with the drumming.. This spell may not be resisted<br />

Woad,<br />

Cost: One Point per location.<br />

Necessary elements: Blue woad (face paints work, and wash off when you want to go<br />

home and look normal again)<br />

Effect: Woaded locations, (arm, leg, body or head) can take one blow of any strength<br />

without taking damage, though strong blows will still cause knockdown. After the woad<br />

(a location) has been used to negate damage, it will need to be re-applied and will not<br />

work again until it has. Woad can only be applied to skin and will be erased by metal<br />

armour etc. being worn over it. For the best effects woad should be applied in long<br />

spiralling patterns sympathetic to body shape. Woad may be dispelled.<br />

Honey foot,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements: A small amount of mead (Phys rep with<br />

water)<br />

Effect: The Shaman, after calling on his spirits and doing whatever<br />

preparation he deems necessary, pours his mead (water) on the<br />

ground, points at a single target and says “Honey foot” after<br />

which the target must act as though their feet (or whatever is<br />

touching the ground) are sticking to the ground and can only be<br />

lifted with great effort. This will last for a duration 30 seconds.<br />

Bite,<br />

Cost: 3<br />

Necessary elements: Spirit mask, small bell (or rattle), invisible<br />

dog.<br />

Effect: The Shaman puts on his spirit mask, then after calling on<br />

his spirits and doing whatever preparation he deems necessary<br />

calls a spirit familiar to himself by ringing a small bell, points at a<br />

single target and says “bite”. After which the target must act as<br />

though they are being mauled in the leg by a dog or other large<br />

predator for one point of (through) damage over the course of<br />

three seconds, in this time the victim will be incapasitated and in<br />

some pain (opponents struck in this manner will bleed from an all<br />

too real physical wound)<br />


Priest Priest spells<br />

spells<br />

Resist,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements:<br />

Effect: Allows the caster to resist the effects of any spell cast at them and them alone.<br />

(No jumping in the way for friends is allowed)<br />

Command,<br />

Cost: 2<br />

Necessary elements: specific verbals, imagination and good taste.<br />

Effect: The Priest after calling on his gods and doing whatever preparation he deems<br />

necessary, points at a single target and utters the phrase “ I command you….” Followed<br />

by a THREE word command. I.E. Drop your sword, Catch a fish, Leave us now. The<br />

target may NOT be ordered to harm themselves. The spell effect lasts for ten seconds.<br />

Sleep,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements: dry sand.<br />

Effect: After calling on his gods and doing whatever preparation he deems necessary<br />

the priest points at a single target casts sand on the floor (not at people) and says “<br />

Sleep “ This word may need to be said over a couple of times in progressively quieter<br />

tones until the wyrd is coaxed and the target falls gently to sleep wherever they are for<br />

one minute. Shaking etc will slowly wake the victim. (as will hitting with swords)<br />

Dispel,<br />

Cost: 2<br />

Necessary elements: Something that is be-spelled.<br />

Effect: The caster must touch a person or thing that has been effected by a spell and<br />

can then dispel it by saying “dispel” and then finish with a short verbal to ensure that<br />

the spell has been stopped. The caster cannot cast this spell on himself.<br />

Silence,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements: A noisy annoying person?<br />

Effect: The Priest after calling on his gods and doing<br />

whatever preparation he deems necessary points at a single<br />

target and says “Silence” after which the target may not<br />

utter another sound for one minute or as long as the preist<br />

holds one hand over his own mouth and keep silent himself.<br />

Inspire,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements: A rousing speech.<br />

Effect: The speech should have the word inspire worked into<br />

it prominently. Anyone on the side of the caster who hears<br />

the speech is immune to fear for as long as they continue to<br />

advance directly toward the enemy, as indeed they will feel<br />

the urge (not compulsion) to do.<br />


Wistman Wistman spells<br />

spells<br />

Dispel,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements: A spell.<br />

Effect: The caster must touch a person or thing that has been effected by a spell and<br />

can then dispel it by saying “dispel” and then finish with a short verbal to ensure that<br />

the spell has been stopped. The caster cannot cast this spell on himself. Cost: 2<br />

Necessary elements:<br />

Effect: Allows the caster to resist the effects of any spell cast at them and them alone.<br />

(No jumping in the way for friends is allowed)<br />

Writhe,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements: A victim.<br />

Effect: After imploring whatever fairy creatures the wistman believes to be his allies<br />

for aid and calling his power to him, he touches the target with his hand wand or staff<br />

and says “Writhe in pain” The target will be wracked with terrible pain all over and will<br />

be unable to do anything but roll about on the floor clutching at themselves and<br />

making unarticulate sounds for the next five seconds<br />

Goad,<br />

Cost: 1<br />

Necessary elements: A string of<br />

acerbic denunciations (bardic put<br />

downs!)<br />

Effect: Will cause an enemy to<br />

charge the Wistman in anger. It<br />

should be noted that “oi you poo<br />

face” or other such unimaginative<br />

remarks shouted across the battle<br />

field are just not good enough and<br />

should be ignored if heard, likewise<br />

it is important to remember to<br />

insult the character and not the<br />

player. If a little prompting is in<br />

order then after the first couple of<br />

good digs say something like “I<br />

GOAD you and yet you do not<br />

come, are you a warrior or a<br />

farmer, is that a cabbage hoe you<br />

hold, does the smell of stale….etc.”<br />

if your target is just not getting it<br />

carry on at someone else until you<br />

get a result.<br />


Healers ealers ealers<br />

Healers are skilled in using wyrd energy coupled with herblore and simple surgery.<br />

Healers may start an event with up to three herb-salved bandages. There is no limit to<br />

normal bindings and bandages. Starting Healers may begin with three doses of All Heal<br />

(it is rare and expensive)<br />

Herb lore,<br />

This allows the use of herbs for the curing of poison and disease if the correct ingredients<br />

are available. This also allows the healer to act as a general practitioner for achs<br />

pains and minor maladies.<br />

Healing bandages.<br />

To manufacture healing bandages fresh ingredients must be gathered from the wild and<br />

the process of mixing and blending should begin soon after, (within the hour) or the results<br />

may be lessened. Enough of the bandages may be made to cover five wounds and<br />

will remain effective for one day, for one use only each. Harvesting the ingredients will<br />

take at least fifteen minutes wandering about searching, Mixing and blending will take<br />

at least another fifteen minutes uninterrupted role-play with pots and tools and anything<br />

else of use. Metal implements may not be used in the creation of this mixture and<br />

the close proximity (Three feet) of a large amount of metal like a mail shirt or sword at<br />

any time during the procedure will nullify the effects of the bandage which will fall to<br />

bits as the preparation eats away the cloth. A salve bandage will cure a wound (one<br />

point per bandage) in about ten minutes if applied by a healer.<br />

Note: Once bandages are made they can be used near metal but it is important to remember<br />

that only a healer (or skirmisher) may use one to full effect. To anyone else<br />

they are just usefully prepared bandages.<br />

Inherent Inherent Racial Racial Spells<br />

Spells<br />

Changelings have only one life point on the body and are allergic to Blood metal (iron),<br />

if struck by it they will be down for a couple of minutes shaking and sweating. They may<br />

use a Resist spell once a day. Allows the caster to resist the effects of any spell cast at<br />

them and them alone. (No jumping in the way for friends is allowed)<br />


Aethewulf<br />

the Athentic<br />

He has learnt well and wears<br />

all the comfy authentic gear in<br />



Axe in<br />

plain<br />

viking or<br />

Celtic<br />

style. See<br />

it isn’t a<br />

HUGE<br />

double<br />

header<br />

Wool cloak<br />

of simple<br />

rectangle<br />

or<br />

semicircle<br />

in natural<br />

colours<br />

Brown<br />

leather<br />

belt with<br />

plain or<br />

reproduction<br />

buckle<br />

LONG wool<br />

tunic in<br />

natural<br />

colour.<br />

Leather shoes or<br />

boots in a<br />

reproduction style.<br />

Or desert boots<br />

12<br />

Viking, Celtic or Saxon<br />

swords for the posh<br />

and lucky people only<br />

Cloak<br />

pin or<br />

brooch<br />

Soft spear tip<br />

for thrusting<br />

A spear,<br />

the first<br />

weapon<br />

of choice<br />

for all<br />

warriors<br />

Helm in<br />

plain Celtic<br />

style<br />

A drinking horn<br />

or earthenware<br />

Cup<br />

Helm in<br />

viking style<br />

Celtic<br />

shield<br />

Viking,<br />

Saxon or<br />

dalriada<br />


Damian the<br />

Destoyer<br />

He hasnot heeded our simple<br />

guidelines; and has got it all<br />

wrong, Very WRONG.<br />

Back scabbards;<br />

soo cool but<br />

WRONG<br />

Black<br />

leather<br />

modern<br />

waistcoat.<br />

Yes it is<br />

wrong wrong (see<br />

the modern<br />

pocket.<br />

Shiny black<br />

leather or<br />

Pvc with<br />

silver<br />

studs.<br />

Wrong<br />

Wrong<br />

Shiny black<br />

leather or<br />

Pvc Goth/<br />

biker<br />

trousers.<br />

Wrong<br />

Wrong<br />

13<br />

Katana.. It is<br />

so cool , but<br />

WRONG All wrong:<br />

Victorian<br />

vampire<br />

cape.<br />

Wrong<br />

Wrong<br />

Chaos<br />

symbols<br />

and skull<br />

motif.<br />

Wrong.<br />

Wrong.<br />

Goth boots or<br />

trainers.<br />

Wrong.<br />

Wrong.<br />

Cutlass<br />

High<br />

mediaeval<br />

sword<br />

+4 Chaos<br />

Axe<br />

Spiky helm<br />

copied from<br />

Conan. WRONG<br />

Pistol cross<br />

bow, WRONG<br />

Pistol<br />

Crossbow,<br />

Morning star,<br />

Flanged mace<br />

and Medieval<br />

Hetter Shield.<br />

Wrong Wrong,<br />

Wrong<br />

Wrong Wrong,<br />

Wrong<br />

Wrong Wrong and<br />

Wrong Wrong<br />

Wrong<br />

Pewter<br />

tankard.<br />

Wrong<br />

Wrong<br />

Tinny,<br />

Oh Oh so<br />

so<br />

Wrong<br />


Game Game Money<br />

Money<br />

<strong>Dumnonni</strong> Currency is mainly the ‘eye’ a glass bead of varying colour and value. Coins<br />

are also now being used alongside eyes by some.<br />

Green 1 eye<br />

Clear/T 3 eye<br />

Blue 5 eye<br />

Red 11 eye<br />

Small coin 25 eye<br />

Medium coin 50 eye<br />

Large coin 100 eye<br />

‘In game’ items /services<br />

must be paid for in Phys.Rep.<br />

(Eyes or Coin)<br />

Small torc style bangles that<br />

are given as gifts can also be<br />

used as currency.<br />

Silver—50 eye<br />

Gold—100 eye<br />

A Guide to <strong>Dumnonni</strong><br />

Prices<br />

As a rough guide, a large loaf<br />

would cost around 1 eye with<br />

a flagon of ale and<br />

somewhere warm to sleep. A<br />

spear would cost around 50<br />

eyes, a sword 1000 eyes, An<br />

axe around 100 eyes, A plain<br />

leather jerkin around 70<br />

eyes, A mail vest would be a<br />

costly 2000 eyes, a<br />

scramasax/knife 50-200<br />

(depending on size) Shields<br />

are 100, a metal helm 200.<br />

All prices in game goods are<br />

barter-able depending on<br />

size, condition, quality etc.<br />


Where can I get gear.<br />

For those of you searching out suppliers here is a list of people we have used in the past.:<br />

Tallows FX, Graham Hedley 07854 731402 Latex Weapons, shields, pewter jewellery,<br />

tunics and Leatherwork.<br />

Forge of Lein, Dave Oliver 01392 215441 Celtic and dark-ages Weapons. Shields<br />

and leatherwork.<br />

Kart Shed Crafts, Mark M 01364 644073 Weapons and props, including a range<br />

especially for <strong>Dumnonni</strong>.<br />

Svelt Costume (Jon F) 01392 430451 Tunics, Trews, Shirts, Hoods and Hats.<br />

Velvet Glove 07796 428235 Good Woollen Tunics and Rus trousers.<br />

Saxon Village Crafts 01424 772351 Jewellery, Cloak broaches, Leather items,<br />

Shoes, Bone Work, Woollen items and tents.<br />

Armchair Armoury 0737 248662 Chain mail, scale mail and DIY kits.<br />

Lamia Leather 01452 760928 Leather Armour, Helms, Belts, Pouches, etc.<br />

Peter Seymour 01366 384316 Costume, Leatherwork, Armour, Jewellery,<br />

Helms and props.<br />

Mercia Sveiter 0121 3234309 Jewellery, Belt Buckles, Fittings, Brooches, etc.<br />

Ben Loder 0773 9734048 Leather, armour, etc.<br />

Saxon Violence saxonviolence.co.uk Weapons, Shields and Armour.<br />

Keith Lyons 01604 717349 Leather<br />

This is by far for an exhaustive list and there are more<br />

links on our website.<br />


Contact details:<br />

For Crew.<br />

Dave Oliver<br />

54 Maple Road<br />

St Thomas<br />

Exeter<br />

EX4 1BP<br />

Tel: 01392 215441<br />

<strong>Dumnonni</strong>crew@hotmail.com<br />

For much more detail, an<br />

extensive gallery of Photos and<br />

lively discussion look at our<br />

website:<br />

WWW.<strong>Dumnonni</strong>.com<br />

16<br />

For Players.<br />

Alysa Freeman<br />

Flat 6<br />

Bourne Hall<br />

Bournmouth<br />

BH2 6BW<br />

Tel: 01202763792<br />


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