Despina Mouzaki

Despina Mouzaki Despina Mouzaki
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Ada Solomon Producer’s filmography Ada Solomon has worked as a first assistant director, a production manager and a producer. She currently has the following projects in development: Stray Dog by Carl Haber. Cold Waves by Alexandru Solomon (Supported by Media II Programme and the Romanian CNC). Lamp with a Hat by Radu Jude (Supported by the Romanian CNC) ∏ Ada Solomon ¤¯ÂÈ ÂÚÁ·ÛÙ› ˆ˜ appleÚÒÙÔ˜ ‚ÔËıfi˜ ÛÎËÓÔı¤ÙË, ‰È¢ı‡ÓÙÚÈ· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ Î·È apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜. ∞˘Ù‹ ÙË ÛÙÈÁÌ‹ ·Û¯ÔÏÂ›Ù·È Ì ÙËÓ ·Ó¿appleÙ˘ÍË ÙˆÓ ·ÎfiÏÔ˘ıˆÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÒÓ: Stray Dog ÙÔ˘ Carl Haber. Cold Waves ÙÔ˘ Alexandru Solomon (ªÂ ÙËÓ ˘appleÔÛÙ‹ÚÈÍË ÙÔ˘ appleÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·ÙÔ˜ Media II Î·È ÙËÓ ˘appleÔÛÙ‹ÚÈÍË ÙÔ˘ °·ÏÏÈÎÔ‡ ∫¤ÓÙÚÔ˘ ∫ÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ¿ÊÔ˘). Lamp with a Hat ÙÔ˘ Radu Jude (ªÂ ÙËÓ ˘appleÔÛÙ‹ÚÈÍË ÙÔ˘ ƒÔ˘Ì¿ÓÈÎÔ˘ ∫¤ÓÙÚÔ˘ ∫ÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ¿ÊÔ˘) Company profile/ ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· Hi Film is a production company producing “made in Romania but designed for the world” projects. We are producing our own projects as well as doing from A to Z production services for foreign companies. ∏ Hi Film Â›Ó·È Ì›· ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ appleÔ˘ ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈÔappleÔÈÂ›Ù·È Û appleÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·Ù· «ÊÙÈ·Á̤ӷ ÛÙË ƒÔ˘Ì·Ó›·, ·ÏÏ¿ appleÚÔÔÚÈṲ̂ӷ ÁÈ· fiÏÔ ÙÔÓ ÎfiÛÌÔ». ∞Û¯ÔÏԇ̷ÛÙ ÙfiÛÔ Ì ‰ÈΤ˜ Ì·˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ¤˜ fiÛÔ Î·È Ì ÙËÓ apple·ÚÔ- ¯‹ ˘appleËÚÂÛÈÒÓ ·applefi ÙÔ ∞ ˆ˜ ÙÔ ø ÁÈ· ͤÓ˜ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›˜. ºÈÏÌÔÁÚ·Ê›· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÔ‡ Trolleyblues directed by Cristian Nemescu Black Sea directed by Andrew Reuland, 2004 La Route de la Peur directed by Judith Kele, 2004 Trolleyblues Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Cristian Nemescu Black Sea Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Andrew Reuland, 2004 La Route de la Peur Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Judith Kele (Á·ÏÏÈÎfi appleÂÈÚ·Ì·ÙÈÎfi ‰Ú·Ì·ÙÔappleÔÈË̤ÓÔ ÓÙÔÎÈÌ·ÓÙ¤Ú ÁÈ· ÙÔ ARTE), 2004 57 Hi Film

Tango Notturno Producer Elena Hatzialexandrou ŒÏÂÓ· ÷Ù˙Ë·ÏÂÍ¿Ó‰ÚÔ˘ Contacts / ∂appleÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·: 3, D. Soutsou, Mavili Square, 11521 Athens, Greece ¢. Ô‡ÙÛÔ˘ 3, Ï·Ù›· ª·‚›ÏË, 11521, ∞ı‹Ó· T. +30 2106449923, T. +30 2106423129 Mobile: +30 6936017090 58 Greece / Ελλάδα The story of bigamy - by mistake - set in a small Greek country town during the War years and the period leading to the beginning of the Civil War. In 1940, Katerina marries Yannis just before Greece is drawn into World War II. In October that year, Yannis leaves for the Albanian front and does not come back. Her hopes for his return gradually fade. She eventually falls in love and in 1943, she marries Stratos. In 1944, Yanni suddenly returns and Katerina finds herself wedged between her two husbands and their families. ª›· ÈÛÙÔÚ›· ‰ÈÁ·Ì›·˜ –·applefi Ï¿ıÔ˜– Û ̛· ÌÈÎÚ‹ ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ Âapple·Ú¯È·Î‹ applefiÏË Î·Ù¿ ÙË ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ· ÙÔ˘ appleÔϤÌÔ˘ Î·È ÙËÓ appleÂÚ›Ô‰Ô appleÔ˘ Ô‰‹ÁËÛ ÛÙÔÓ ∂ÌʇÏÈÔ fiÏÂÌÔ. ∆Ô 1940, Ë ∫·ÙÂÚ›Ó· apple·ÓÙÚ‡ÂÙ·È ÙÔÓ °È¿ÓÓË Ï›ÁÔ appleÚÈÓ ÂÌappleϷΛ Ë ∂ÏÏ¿‰· ÛÙÔÓ µ’ ·ÁÎfiÛÌÈÔ fiÏÂÌÔ. ∆ÔÓ √ÎÙÒ‚ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ ›‰ÈÔ˘ ¯ÚfiÓÔ˘ Ô °È¿ÓÓ˘ ʇÁÂÈ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ·Ï‚·ÓÈÎfi ̤وappleÔ Î·È ‰ÂÓ ÂappleÈÛÙÚ¤ÊÂÈ. √È ÂÏapple›‰Â˜ Ù˘ ∫·ÙÂÚ›Ó·˜ Û‚‹ÓÔ˘Ó ÛÙ·- ‰È·Î¿. ∆ÂÏÈο, ÙÔ 1943, ÂÚˆÙ‡ÂÙ·È Î·È apple·ÓÙÚ‡ÂÙ·È ÙÔÓ ÙÚ¿ÙÔ. ∆Ô 1944 Ô °È¿ÓÓ˘ ÂappleÈÛÙÚ¤ÊÂÈ Í·ÊÓÈο Î·È Ë ∫·ÙÂÚ›Ó· ‚Ú›ÛÎÂÙ·È Í·ÊÓÈο ÛÙÚÈ̈Á̤ÓË ·Ó¿ÌÂÛ· Û ‰‡Ô Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘˜ Î·È ÙȘ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂȘ ÙÔ˘˜. Credits / ˘ÓÙÂÏÂÛÙ¤˜: Produced by / ·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹: Safe Company Directors-Writers / ÎËÓÔıÂÛ›·-ÂÓ¿ÚÈÔ: Michalis Reppas & Thanasis Papathanasiou / ªÈ¯¿Ï˘ ƒ¤appleapple·˜ & £·Ó¿Û˘ ·apple·ı·Ó·Û›Ô˘ Cinematography / ¢È‡ı˘ÓÛË ºˆÙÔÁÚ·Ê›·˜: Lefteris Pavlopoulos / §Â˘Ù¤Ú˘ ·˘ÏfiappleÔ˘ÏÔ˜ Budget / ÚÔ¸appleÔÏÔÁÈÛÌfi˜: €2,000,000 Secured financing / ∂Í·ÛÊ·ÏÈṲ̂ÓË ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰fiÙËÛË: Yes / ¡·È

Tango Notturno<br />

Producer<br />

Elena Hatzialexandrou<br />

ŒÏÂÓ· ÷Ù˙Ë·ÏÂÍ¿Ó‰ÚÔ˘<br />

Contacts / ∂appleÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·:<br />

3, D. Soutsou, Mavili Square,<br />

11521 Athens, Greece<br />

¢. Ô‡ÙÛÔ˘ 3, Ï·Ù›· ª·‚›ÏË,<br />

11521, ∞ı‹Ó·<br />

T. +30 2106449923, T. +30 2106423129<br />

Mobile: +30 6936017090<br /><br /><br />

58<br />

Greece / Ελλάδα<br />

The story of bigamy - by mistake - set in a small Greek country town during the<br />

War years and the period leading to the beginning of the Civil War. In 1940,<br />

Katerina marries Yannis just before Greece is drawn into World War II. In October<br />

that year, Yannis leaves for the Albanian front and does not come back. Her<br />

hopes for his return gradually fade. She eventually falls in love and in 1943, she<br />

marries Stratos. In 1944, Yanni suddenly returns and Katerina finds herself<br />

wedged between her two husbands and their families.<br />

ª›· ÈÛÙÔÚ›· ‰ÈÁ·Ì›·˜ –·applefi Ï¿ıÔ˜– Û ̛· ÌÈÎÚ‹ ÂÏÏËÓÈ΋ Âapple·Ú¯È·Î‹ applefiÏË Î·Ù¿<br />

ÙË ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ· ÙÔ˘ appleÔϤÌÔ˘ Î·È ÙËÓ appleÂÚ›Ô‰Ô appleÔ˘ Ô‰‹ÁËÛ ÛÙÔÓ ∂ÌʇÏÈÔ fiÏÂÌÔ.<br />

∆Ô 1940, Ë ∫·ÙÂÚ›Ó· apple·ÓÙÚ‡ÂÙ·È ÙÔÓ °È¿ÓÓË Ï›ÁÔ appleÚÈÓ ÂÌappleϷΛ Ë ∂ÏÏ¿‰· ÛÙÔÓ<br />

µ’ ·ÁÎfiÛÌÈÔ fiÏÂÌÔ. ∆ÔÓ √ÎÙÒ‚ÚÈÔ ÙÔ˘ ›‰ÈÔ˘ ¯ÚfiÓÔ˘ Ô °È¿ÓÓ˘ ʇÁÂÈ ÁÈ· ÙÔ<br />

·Ï‚·ÓÈÎfi ̤وappleÔ Î·È ‰ÂÓ ÂappleÈÛÙÚ¤ÊÂÈ. √È ÂÏapple›‰Â˜ Ù˘ ∫·ÙÂÚ›Ó·˜ Û‚‹ÓÔ˘Ó ÛÙ·-<br />

‰È·Î¿. ∆ÂÏÈο, ÙÔ 1943, ÂÚˆÙ‡ÂÙ·È Î·È apple·ÓÙÚ‡ÂÙ·È ÙÔÓ ÙÚ¿ÙÔ. ∆Ô 1944 Ô<br />


·Ó¿ÌÂÛ· Û ‰‡Ô Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘˜ Î·È ÙȘ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂȘ ÙÔ˘˜.<br />

Credits / ˘ÓÙÂÏÂÛÙ¤˜:<br />

Produced by / ·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹: Safe Company<br />

Directors-Writers / ÎËÓÔıÂÛ›·-ÂÓ¿ÚÈÔ:<br />

Michalis Reppas & Thanasis Papathanasiou / ªÈ¯¿Ï˘ ƒ¤appleapple·˜ & £·Ó¿Û˘ ·apple·ı·Ó·Û›Ô˘<br />

Cinematography / ¢È‡ı˘ÓÛË ºˆÙÔÁÚ·Ê›·˜: Lefteris Pavlopoulos / §Â˘Ù¤Ú˘ ·˘ÏfiappleÔ˘ÏÔ˜<br />

Budget / ÚÔ¸appleÔÏÔÁÈÛÌfi˜: €2,000,000<br />

Secured financing / ∂Í·ÛÊ·ÏÈṲ̂ÓË ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰fiÙËÛË: Yes / ¡·È

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