Despina Mouzaki

Despina Mouzaki Despina Mouzaki
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Κώστας Κεφαλάς / Costas Kephalas Company filmography Born in Athens in 1968, he studied Physics in the Athens University, Cinematography in Hatzikou Cinema School, Theory of Cinema in the Stockholm University, his Masters’ thesis being on Heidegger’s phenomenology in the work of Rossellini and Tarkovskij. Production Manager in several awarded films, such as Hard Goodbyes: My Father by Penny Panagiotopoulou, Weaping Meadow by Theo Angelopoulos, The Brides by Pantelis Voulgaris. Line Producer for the film and video projections of the Athens 2004 opening and closing ceremonies. The past year he has been cooperating in the development of new projects for CL Productions. He is currently teaching Production in the Cinema Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. °ÂÓÓ‹ıËΠÛÙËÓ ∞ı‹Ó· ÙÔ 1968 Î·È ÛappleÔ‡‰·Û º˘ÛÈ΋ ÛÙÔ ·ÓÂappleÈÛÙ‹ÌÈÔ ∞ıËÓÒÓ, ¢È‡ı˘ÓÛË ºˆÙÔÁÚ·Ê›·˜ ÛÙËÓ ∫ÈÓËÌ·ÙÔ- ÁÚ·ÊÈ΋ ¯ÔÏ‹ ÷Ù˙›ÎÔ˘, £ÂˆÚ›· ∫ÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ¿ÊÔ˘ ÛÙÔ ·ÓÂappleÈÛÙ‹ÌÈÔ Ù˘ ÙÔίfiÏÌ˘, ÂÓÒ ÛÙË ‰Èappleψ̷ÙÈ΋ ÙÔ˘ ÂÚÁ·Û›· ·Û¯ÔÏ‹ıËΠ̠ÙË Ê·ÈÓÔÌÂÓÔÏÔÁ›· ÙÔ˘ Heidegger ÛÙÔ ¤ÚÁÔ ÙˆÓ Rossellini Î·È ∆·ÚÎfiÊÛÎÈ. ∂ÚÁ¿ÛÙËΠˆ˜ ¢È¢ı˘ÓÙ‹˜ ·Ú·- ÁˆÁ‹˜ Û ‰È¿ÊÔÚ˜ ‚Ú·‚Â˘Ì¤Ó˜ Ù·Èӛ˜, fiappleˆ˜: ¢‡ÛÎÔÏÔÈ ∞appleÔ¯·ÈÚÂÙÈÛÌÔ›: √ ªapple·Ìapple¿˜ ÌÔ˘ Ù˘ ¤ÓÓ˘˜ ·Ó·ÁȈÙÔappleÔ‡ÏÔ˘, ∆Ô §È‚¿‰È appleÔ˘ ¢·ÎÚ‡˙ÂÈ ÙÔ˘ £fi‰ˆÚÔ˘ ∞ÁÁÂÏfiappleÔ˘ÏÔ˘, Î·È √È ¡‡Ê˜ ÙÔ˘ ·ÓÙÂÏ‹ µÔ‡ÏÁ·ÚË. ŒÎ·Ó Âapple›Û˘ ÙËÓ ÔÚÁ¿ÓˆÛË apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ ÁÈ· ÙȘ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈΤ˜ Î·È ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈΤ˜ appleÚÔ‚ÔϤ˜ ÙˆÓ ÙÂÏÂÙÒÓ ¤Ó·Ú͢ Î·È Ï‹Í˘ ÙÔ˘ ∞ı‹Ó· 2004. ∆ÔÓ appleÂÚ·- Ṳ̂ÓÔ ¯ÚfiÓÔ Û˘ÓÂÚÁ¿ÛÙËΠÛÙËÓ ·Ó¿appleÙ˘ÍË ÙˆÓ Ó¤ˆÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÒÓ Ù˘ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›·˜ CL Productions. ¢È‰¿ÛÎÂÈ ·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÛÙÔ ∆Ì‹Ì· ∫ÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·Ê›·˜ ÙÔ˘ ∞ÚÈÛÙÔÙ¤ÏÂÈÔ˘ ·ÓÂappleÈÛÙËÌ›Ô˘ £ÂÛÛ·ÏÔӛ΢. Company profile / ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· CL PRODUCTIONS is a company that produces films, television programs and artistic events. It was founded in 1985 and since then has undertaken a large number of events and productions. It has produced and co-produced more than 90 feature films, including Sweet Memory by Kyriakos Katzourakis, Loafing and Camouflage, Sirens in the Aegean by Nikos Perakis, Brides by Pantelis Voulgaris, A Touch of Spice by Tassos Boulmetis, Peppermint by Costas Kapakas and Theo Angelopoulos’ films Ulysses’ Gaze, The Suspended Step of the Stork, Landscape in the Mist and The Weeping Meadow. The company has also undertaken television series including Nikos Perakis’ Almost Never and Almost Never 2nd cycle by Katerina Bei, as well as Alone Due to Negligence, written by Katerina Bei and directed by Elisavet Chronopoulou. Its theatrical productions and the cultural events it has organized include the performances of the summer period for the Athens Festival at the Theater of Herod Atticus, at the ancient theater of Epidaurus and at the Little Theater of Ancient Epidaurus for the years 2001 to 2005, the Thessaloniki Song Festival in 2005, the opening and closing ceremonies of the Athens Olympic Games 2004 and the millennium celebrations Acropolis 2000. ∏ CL PRODUCTIONS Â›Ó·È ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎÒÓ, ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈÎÒÓ Î·È Î·ÏÏÈÙ¯ÓÈÎÒÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÒÓ. π‰Ú‡ıËΠÙÔ 1985 Î·È ·applefi ÙfiÙ ¤ˆ˜ Û‹ÌÂÚ· ¤¯ÂÈ ·Ó·Ï¿‚ÂÈ appleÏ‹ıÔ˜ ÂΉËÏÒÛÂˆÓ Î·È apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÒÓ. 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The Rest is Silence Producer Cristian Comeaga Contacts / ∂appleÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·: 59, Dr. Felix St., 011039 Bucharest 1, Romania ∆. +40 2131 76436 Mobile: +40 722200509 50 Romania / Ρουµανία At the beginning of the last century, the son of the popular actor in Romania, Grig, is 19 years old and about to undertake the ultimate folly. He wants to direct a moving picture! The country’s most flamboyant and eccentric landowner becomes Grig’s financier. Leon is a crazy patron of the arts. If that is not enough, Gaumont, a new French company which controls the Romanian market, knows its independent production is not going well at all. The true story of the men that made the first Romanian feature film. ÙȘ ·Ú¯¤˜ ÙÔ˘ appleÚÔËÁÔ‡ÌÂÓÔ˘ ·ÈÒÓ·, Ô ÁÈÔ˜ ÂÓfi˜ ‰ËÌÔÊÈÏÔ‡˜ ËıÔappleÔÈÔ‡ ÛÙË ƒÔ˘Ì·Ó›·, Ô Grig, Â›Ó·È 19 ÂÙÒÓ Î·È ¤ÙÔÈÌÔ˜ Ó· ‰È·appleÚ¿ÍÂÈ ÙËÓ ¤Û¯·ÙË ·appleÂÚÈ- Û΄›·. £¤ÏÂÈ Ó· ÛÎËÓÔıÂÙ‹ÛÂÈ Ì›· Ù·ÈÓ›·! √ appleÈÔ ÂappleȉÂÈÎÙÈÎfi˜ Î·È ÂÎÎÂÓÙÚÈÎfi˜ ÎÙËÌ·Ù›·˜ Ù˘ ¯ÒÚ·˜ ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰ÔÙ› ÙÔÓ Grig. √ Leon Â›Ó·È ¤Ó·˜ ¤ÓıÂÚÌÔ˜ ˘appleÔÛÙËÚÈÎÙ‹˜ ÙˆÓ Ù¯ÓÒÓ. ∂appleÈappleϤÔÓ, Ë Gaumont, Ì›· Ó¤· Á·ÏÏÈ΋ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›·, ÁÓˆÚ›˙ÂÈ fiÙÈ Ë ·ÓÂÍ¿ÚÙËÙË apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ Ù˘ ‰ÂÓ appleËÁ·›ÓÂÈ Î·ıfiÏÔ˘ ηϿ. ∏ ·ÏËıÈÓ‹ ÈÛÙÔÚ›· ÙÔ˘ ·ÓıÚÒappleÔ˘ appleÔ˘ ¤Î·Ó ÙËÓ appleÚÒÙË ÚÔ˘Ì·ÓÈ΋ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈ- ΋ Ù·ÈÓ›·. Credits / ˘ÓÙÂÏÂÛÙ¤˜: Produced by / ·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹: Domino Film, Director-Writer / ÎËÓÔıÂÛ›·-ÂÓ¿ÚÈÔ: Nae Caranfil Budget / ÚÔ¸appleÔÏÔÁÈÛÌfi˜: €3,000,000 Secured financing / ∂Í·ÛÊ·ÏÈṲ̂ÓË ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰fiÙËÛË: Yes / ¡·È

The Rest is Silence<br />

Producer<br />

Cristian Comeaga<br />

Contacts / ∂appleÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·:<br />

59, Dr. Felix St., 011039<br />

Bucharest 1, Romania<br />

∆. +40 2131 76436<br />

Mobile: +40 722200509<br /><br /><br />

50<br />

Romania / Ρουµανία<br />

At the beginning of the last century, the son of the popular actor in Romania,<br />

Grig, is 19 years old and about to undertake the ultimate folly. He wants to<br />

direct a moving picture! The country’s most flamboyant and eccentric<br />

landowner becomes Grig’s financier. Leon is a crazy patron of the arts. If that<br />

is not enough, Gaumont, a new French company which controls the Romanian<br />

market, knows its independent production is not going well at all. The true<br />

story of the men that made the first Romanian feature film.<br />

ÙȘ ·Ú¯¤˜ ÙÔ˘ appleÚÔËÁÔ‡ÌÂÓÔ˘ ·ÈÒÓ·, Ô ÁÈÔ˜ ÂÓfi˜ ‰ËÌÔÊÈÏÔ‡˜ ËıÔappleÔÈÔ‡ ÛÙË<br />

ƒÔ˘Ì·Ó›·, Ô Grig, Â›Ó·È 19 ÂÙÒÓ Î·È ¤ÙÔÈÌÔ˜ Ó· ‰È·appleÚ¿ÍÂÈ ÙËÓ ¤Û¯·ÙË ·appleÂÚÈ-<br />

Û΄›·. £¤ÏÂÈ Ó· ÛÎËÓÔıÂÙ‹ÛÂÈ Ì›· Ù·ÈÓ›·! √ appleÈÔ ÂappleȉÂÈÎÙÈÎfi˜ Î·È ÂÎÎÂÓÙÚÈÎfi˜<br />

ÎÙËÌ·Ù›·˜ Ù˘ ¯ÒÚ·˜ ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰ÔÙ› ÙÔÓ Grig. √ Leon Â›Ó·È ¤Ó·˜ ¤ÓıÂÚÌÔ˜<br />

˘appleÔÛÙËÚÈÎÙ‹˜ ÙˆÓ Ù¯ÓÒÓ. ∂appleÈappleϤÔÓ, Ë Gaumont, Ì›· Ó¤· Á·ÏÏÈ΋ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›·,<br />

ÁÓˆÚ›˙ÂÈ fiÙÈ Ë ·ÓÂÍ¿ÚÙËÙË apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ Ù˘ ‰ÂÓ appleËÁ·›ÓÂÈ Î·ıfiÏÔ˘ ηϿ. ∏ ·ÏËıÈÓ‹<br />

ÈÛÙÔÚ›· ÙÔ˘ ·ÓıÚÒappleÔ˘ appleÔ˘ ¤Î·Ó ÙËÓ appleÚÒÙË ÚÔ˘Ì·ÓÈ΋ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈ-<br />

΋ Ù·ÈÓ›·.<br />

Credits / ˘ÓÙÂÏÂÛÙ¤˜:<br />

Produced by / ·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹: Domino Film,<br />

Director-Writer / ÎËÓÔıÂÛ›·-ÂÓ¿ÚÈÔ: Nae Caranfil<br />

Budget / ÚÔ¸appleÔÏÔÁÈÛÌfi˜: €3,000,000<br />

Secured financing / ∂Í·ÛÊ·ÏÈṲ̂ÓË ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰fiÙËÛË: Yes / ¡·È

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