Despina Mouzaki

Despina Mouzaki Despina Mouzaki
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Gudny Hummelvoll Producer’s filmography Gudny Hummelvoll received her film degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Back in Norway she worked several years as the production manager of feature films and for the Norwegian Broadcast Corporation. In 2003 she produced Morten Tyldum_s Buddy which was one of the most successful films in Norway that year, and took home several awards. In 2004, she joined 4 1/2 as a producer and was Norway’ s representative for the Producers on the Move programme in Cannes. In 2005 she produced Hisham Zaman’s Bawke, a 15 minute short, which is a nominee for the European Academy Awards this year. ∏ Gudny Hummelvoll ÛappleÔ‡‰·Û ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ¿ÊÔ ÛÙÔ ·ÓÂappleÈÛÙ‹ÌÈÔ ÙÔ˘ ∆¤Í·˜ ÛÙÔ ŸÛÙÈÓ. ∂ÚÁ¿ÛÙËΠ·ÚÎÂÙ¿ ¯ÚfiÓÈ· ÛÙË ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁ›· ˆ˜ ‰È¢ı‡ÓÙÚÈ· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎÒÓ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ, ηıÒ˜ Î·È ÛÙÔ ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁÈÎfi ∫¤ÓÙÚÔ ƒ·‰ÈÔÙËÏÂfiÚ·Û˘. ∆Ô 2003 ¤Î·Ó ÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ Ù˘ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ Buddy ÙÔ˘ Morten Tyldum, appleÔ˘ ‹Ù·Ó Ì›· ·applefi ÙȘ appleÈÔ ÂappleÈÙ˘¯Ë̤Ó˜ Ù·Èӛ˜ ÛÙËÓ ¡ÔÚ- ‚ËÁ›· ÂΛÓË ÙË ¯ÚÔÓÈ¿ Î·È Î¤Ú‰ÈÛ ‰È¿ÊÔÚ· ‚Ú·‚›·. ∆Ô 2004 appleÚÔÛ¯ÒÚËÛ ÛÙËÓ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· 4 ó ˆ˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜ Î·È ÂÎappleÚÔ- ÛÒappleËÛ ÙË ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁ›· ÛÙÔ ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· «Producers on the move» ÙÔ˘ ÊÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙˆÓ ∫·ÓÓÒÓ. ∆Ô 2005 ¤Î·Ó ÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ Ù˘ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ ÌÈÎÚÔ‡ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜ ÙÔ˘ Hisham Zaman, Bawke (15’), appleÔ˘ Â›Ó·È ˘appleÔ„‹ÊÈÔ Ê¤ÙÔ˜ ÁÈ· Ù· ‚Ú·‚›· Ù˘ ∂˘Úˆapple·˚΋˜ ∞η- ‰ËÌ›·˜. Company profile / ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· 4 1/2 was established in 1998. There are 5 partners: Marius Holst, director; Pal Sletaune, director; Aagot Skjeldal producer; Turid Oversveen, producer; and Hakon Overas, producer. In addition to the partners, there are two more producers, Gudny Hummelvoll and Karin Julsrud, associated with the company. The partners all come from different production backgrounds, and got together to form a company for development and production of features as well as commercials. Part of our economical platform is based on the production of commercials. Since 2003, we have had a development deal with the Norwegian Film Fund, which with the contributions from our distributor Nordisk Film Distributor and from ourselves, allow us to fully develop a slate of feature film scripts each year. 4 1/2 has produced 4 feature films. We are currently in production - Reprise, directed by Joahim Trier – and in pre-production for two other films. We expect to produce two to three films per year. Some of the films we have produced are: You Really Got Me directed by Pal Sletaune 2001, Dragonflies directed by Marius Holst, 2002, United directed by Magnus Martens, 2003, Next Door directed by Pal Sletaune, 2005. ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· 4 ó ȉڇıËΠÙÔ 1998 Î·È ·appleÔÙÂÏÂ›Ù·È ·applefi 5 Û˘ÓÂÙ·›ÚÔ˘˜: Marius Holst, ÛÎËÓÔı¤Ù˘, Pal Sletaune, ÛÎËÓÔı¤Ù˘, Aagot Skjeldal apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜, Turid Oversveen, apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜ Î·È Hakon Overas, apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜. ∂ÎÙfi˜ ·˘ÙÒÓ, ¿ÏÏÔÈ ‰‡Ô apple·Ú·Áˆ- ÁÔ› Û˘ÓÂÚÁ¿˙ÔÓÙ·È Ì ÙËÓ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›·Ø Ë Gudny Hummelvoll Î·È Ë Karin Julsrud. ŸÏÔÈ ÔÈ Û˘Ó¤Ù·ÈÚÔÈ appleÚÔ¤Ú¯ÔÓÙ·È ·applefi ‰È·ÊÔÚÂ- ÙÈÎÔ‡˜ ¯ÒÚÔ˘˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ Î·È ÂÓÒıËÎ·Ó ÁÈ· Ó· ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁ‹ÛÔ˘Ó ÌÈ· ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· Ì ÛÎÔapplefi ÙËÓ ·Ó¿appleÙ˘ÍË Î·È apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÎÈÓË- Ì·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎÒÓ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ Î·È ‰È·ÊËÌÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ. ªÂÁ¿ÏÔ ÎÔÌÌ¿ÙÈ ÙˆÓ ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈÔÙ‹ÙˆÓ Ù˘ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›·˜ ·appleÔÙÂÏ› Ë apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ‰È·- ÊËÌÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ. ∞applefi ÙÔ 2003, ¤¯Ô˘Ì ÍÂÎÈÓ‹ÛÂÈ ÙË Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›· Ì·˜ Ì ÙÔ ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁÈÎfi ∫ÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎfi ∆·Ì›Ô, appleÔ˘ ÌÂ Û˘ÓÂÈ- ÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ·applefi ÙÔÓ ‰È·ÓÔ̤· Ì·˜, ÙËÓ Nordisk Film Distributors Î·È ·applefi ÙËÓ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· Ì·˜, Ì·˜ ÂappleÈÙÚ¤appleÂÈ Ó· ·Ó·appleÙ‡ÛÛÔ˘Ì appleÏ‹Úˆ˜ Ì›· ÛÂÈÚ¿ ÛÂÓ·Ú›ˆÓ οı ¯ÚfiÓÔ. ∏ 4 ó ¤¯ÂÈ ‹‰Ë apple·Ú¿ÁÂÈ 4 Ù·Èӛ˜. ∞˘Ù‹ ÙË ÛÙÈÁÌ‹ ›̷ÛÙ ÛÙË ‰È·‰Èηۛ· apple·Ú·- ÁˆÁ‹˜ Ù˘ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ Reprise, Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Joahim Trier, ÂÓÒ Û appleÚÔapple·Ú·Û΢·ÛÙÈÎfi ÛÙ¿‰ÈÔ ‚Ú›ÛÎÂÙ·È Î·È Ë apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ¿ÏÏˆÓ ‰‡Ô Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ. ∞ӷ̤ÓÔ˘Ì ηٿ ̤ÛÔ fiÚÔ ÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ 2-3 Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ ÙÔÓ ¯ÚfiÓÔ. ªÂÚÈΤ˜ ·applefi ÙȘ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ¤˜ Ì·˜ Â›Ó·È ÔÈ Ù·Èӛ˜: You Really Got Me Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Pal Sletaune , 2001, Dragonflies Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Marius Holst, 2002, United Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Magnus Martens , 2003, Next Door Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Pal Sletaune, 2005. ºÈÏÌÔÁÚ·Ê›· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÔ‡ Buddy, directed by / Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Morten Tyldum, 2003 Tempo, directed by / Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Eva Dahr, 2004 Bawke, directed by / Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Hisham Zaman, 2005 Bastard directed by / Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Marius Holst, 2005 Festival Prizes / µÚ·‚›· Buddy 2004, Amanda for Best Film, Norwegian International Film Festival, Haugesund 2003, Audience Award, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2003, Audience Award and Exhibitors Award, Norwegian International Film Festival, 2003, Audience Award, Warsaw International Film Festival Buddy, 2004, µÚ·‚Â›Ô Amanda ∫·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˘ ∆·ÈÓ›·˜ ÛÙÔ ¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï Ù˘ ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁ›·˜, Haugesund 2003, µÚ·‚Â›Ô ∫ÔÈÓÔ‡, ¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ∫·ÚÏfi‚È µ¿ÚÈ 2003, µÚ·‚Â›Ô ∫ÔÈÓÔ‡ Î·È ∞ÈıÔ˘Û·Ú¯ÒÓ, ¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï Ù˘ ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁ›·˜ 2003, µÚ·‚Â›Ô ∫ÔÈÓÔ‡, ¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï µ·ÚÛÔ‚›·˜ 39 4 ó

Night Bus Producer Alessandro Silvestri Contacts / ∂appleÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·: 61, Madonna dei Monti St., 00184 Rome, Italy T. +39 06 474 4977 40 Italy / Ιταλία Franz is an intellectual who has given up on life. He works as a bus driver in Bologna. Leila is a small time hustler who has stolen a valuable document, without realizing that both government officers and the Mafiosi are on her tail. The two become involved in a dangerous and deadly chase, especially since $ 1,000,000 is also at stake. Which one will end up with the document and who will get the money? √ Franz Â›Ó·È ¤Ó·˜ ‰È·ÓÔÔ‡ÌÂÓÔ˜ appleÔ˘ ¤¯ÂÈ apple·Ú·ÈÙËı› ·applefi ÙË ˙ˆ‹ Î·È ‰Ô˘Ï‡- ÂÈ ˆ˜ Ô‰ËÁfi˜ ψÊÔÚ›Ԣ ÛÙËÓ ªappleÔÏfiÓÈ·. ∏ Leila Â›Ó·È Ì›· ÌÈÎÚÔ·apple·ÙÂÒÓÈÛÛ· appleÔ˘ ¤¯ÂÈ ÎϤ„ÂÈ ¤Ó· appleÔχÙÈÌÔ ¤ÁÁÚ·ÊÔ, ¯ˆÚ›˜ Ó· Û˘ÓÂȉËÙÔappleÔÈ‹ÛÂÈ fiÙÈ ÙfiÛÔ Ù· ΢‚ÂÚÓËÙÈο ÛÙÂϤ¯Ë fiÛÔ Î·È ÔÈ Ì·ÊÈfi˙ÔÈ ÙËÓ Î·Ù·‰ÈÒÎÔ˘Ó. √È ‰˘Ô ÙÔ˘˜ ÌappleϤÎÔÓÙ·È Û ¤Ó· ÂappleÈΛӉ˘ÓÔ Î·È ı·Ó·ÙËÊfiÚÔ Î˘ÓËÁËÙfi, fiappleÔ˘ ‰È·Î˘‚‡ÔÓÙ·È $ 1,000,000. ÔÈfi˜ ı· apple¿ÚÂÈ ÙÂÏÈο ÙÔ ¤ÁÁÚ·ÊÔ Î·È appleÔÈfi˜ Ù· ¯Ú‹Ì·Ù·_ Credits / ˘ÓÙÂÏÂÛÙ¤˜: Produced by / ·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹: EMME S.R.L/RAI CINEMA, Director / ÎËÓÔıÂÛ›·: Davide Marengo, Scriptwriter / ÂÓ¿ÚÈÔ: Fabio Bonifacci & Giampiero Rigosi, Cinematography / ¢È‡ı˘ÓÛË ºˆÙÔÁÚ·Ê›·˜: Arnaldo Catinari Budget / ÚÔ¸appleÔÏÔÁÈÛÌfi˜: €2,500,000 Secured financing / ∂Í·ÛÊ·ÏÈṲ̂ÓË ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰fiÙËÛË: Yes / ¡·È

Gudny Hummelvoll Producer’s filmography<br />

Gudny Hummelvoll received her film degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Back in Norway she worked several years<br />

as the production manager of feature films and for the Norwegian Broadcast Corporation. In 2003 she produced Morten<br />

Tyldum_s Buddy which was one of the most successful films in Norway that year, and took home several awards. In 2004,<br />

she joined 4 1/2 as a producer and was Norway’ s representative for the Producers on the Move programme in Cannes. In<br />

2005 she produced Hisham Zaman’s Bawke, a 15 minute short, which is a nominee for the European Academy Awards this<br />

year.<br />

∏ Gudny Hummelvoll ÛappleÔ‡‰·Û ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ¿ÊÔ ÛÙÔ ·ÓÂappleÈÛÙ‹ÌÈÔ ÙÔ˘ ∆¤Í·˜ ÛÙÔ ŸÛÙÈÓ. ∂ÚÁ¿ÛÙËΠ·ÚÎÂÙ¿ ¯ÚfiÓÈ· ÛÙË<br />

¡ÔÚ‚ËÁ›· ˆ˜ ‰È¢ı‡ÓÙÚÈ· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎÒÓ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ, ηıÒ˜ Î·È ÛÙÔ ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁÈÎfi ∫¤ÓÙÚÔ ƒ·‰ÈÔÙËÏÂfiÚ·Û˘. ∆Ô<br />

2003 ¤Î·Ó ÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ Ù˘ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ Buddy ÙÔ˘ Morten Tyldum, appleÔ˘ ‹Ù·Ó Ì›· ·applefi ÙȘ appleÈÔ ÂappleÈÙ˘¯Ë̤Ó˜ Ù·Èӛ˜ ÛÙËÓ ¡ÔÚ-<br />

‚ËÁ›· ÂΛÓË ÙË ¯ÚÔÓÈ¿ Î·È Î¤Ú‰ÈÛ ‰È¿ÊÔÚ· ‚Ú·‚›·. ∆Ô 2004 appleÚÔÛ¯ÒÚËÛ ÛÙËÓ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· 4 ó ˆ˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜ Î·È ÂÎappleÚÔ-<br />

ÛÒappleËÛ ÙË ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁ›· ÛÙÔ ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· «Producers on the move» ÙÔ˘ ÊÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙˆÓ ∫·ÓÓÒÓ. ∆Ô 2005 ¤Î·Ó ÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹<br />

Ù˘ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ ÌÈÎÚÔ‡ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜ ÙÔ˘ Hisham Zaman, Bawke (15’), appleÔ˘ Â›Ó·È ˘appleÔ„‹ÊÈÔ Ê¤ÙÔ˜ ÁÈ· Ù· ‚Ú·‚›· Ù˘ ∂˘Úˆapple·˚΋˜ ∞η-<br />

‰ËÌ›·˜.<br />

Company profile / ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›·<br />

4 1/2 was established in 1998. There are 5 partners: Marius Holst, director; Pal Sletaune, director; Aagot Skjeldal producer;<br />

Turid Oversveen, producer; and Hakon Overas, producer. In addition to the partners, there are two more producers, Gudny<br />

Hummelvoll and Karin Julsrud, associated with the company. The partners all come from different production backgrounds,<br />

and got together to form a company for development and production of features as well as commercials. Part of our economical<br />

platform is based on the production of commercials. Since 2003, we have had a development deal with the<br />

Norwegian Film Fund, which with the contributions from our distributor Nordisk Film Distributor and from ourselves, allow<br />

us to fully develop a slate of feature film scripts each year. 4 1/2 has produced 4 feature films. We are currently in production<br />

- Reprise, directed by Joahim Trier – and in pre-production for two other films. We expect to produce two to three<br />

films per year. Some of the films we have produced are: You Really Got Me directed by Pal Sletaune 2001, Dragonflies directed<br />

by Marius Holst, 2002, United directed by Magnus Martens, 2003, Next Door directed by Pal Sletaune, 2005.<br />

∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· 4 ó ȉڇıËΠÙÔ 1998 Î·È ·appleÔÙÂÏÂ›Ù·È ·applefi 5 Û˘ÓÂÙ·›ÚÔ˘˜: Marius Holst, ÛÎËÓÔı¤Ù˘, Pal Sletaune, ÛÎËÓÔı¤Ù˘,<br />

Aagot Skjeldal apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜, Turid Oversveen, apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜ Î·È Hakon Overas, apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜. ∂ÎÙfi˜ ·˘ÙÒÓ, ¿ÏÏÔÈ ‰‡Ô apple·Ú·Áˆ-<br />

ÁÔ› Û˘ÓÂÚÁ¿˙ÔÓÙ·È Ì ÙËÓ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›·Ø Ë Gudny Hummelvoll Î·È Ë Karin Julsrud. ŸÏÔÈ ÔÈ Û˘Ó¤Ù·ÈÚÔÈ appleÚÔ¤Ú¯ÔÓÙ·È ·applefi ‰È·ÊÔÚÂ-<br />

ÙÈÎÔ‡˜ ¯ÒÚÔ˘˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ Î·È ÂÓÒıËÎ·Ó ÁÈ· Ó· ‰ËÌÈÔ˘ÚÁ‹ÛÔ˘Ó ÌÈ· ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· Ì ÛÎÔapplefi ÙËÓ ·Ó¿appleÙ˘ÍË Î·È apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÎÈÓË-<br />


ÊËÌÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ. ∞applefi ÙÔ 2003, ¤¯Ô˘Ì ÍÂÎÈÓ‹ÛÂÈ ÙË Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›· Ì·˜ Ì ÙÔ ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁÈÎfi ∫ÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎfi ∆·Ì›Ô, appleÔ˘ ÌÂ Û˘ÓÂÈ-<br />

ÛÊÔÚ¤˜ ·applefi ÙÔÓ ‰È·ÓÔ̤· Ì·˜, ÙËÓ Nordisk Film Distributors Î·È ·applefi ÙËÓ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· Ì·˜, Ì·˜ ÂappleÈÙÚ¤appleÂÈ Ó· ·Ó·appleÙ‡ÛÛÔ˘ÌÂ<br />

appleÏ‹Úˆ˜ Ì›· ÛÂÈÚ¿ ÛÂÓ·Ú›ˆÓ οı ¯ÚfiÓÔ. ∏ 4 ó ¤¯ÂÈ ‹‰Ë apple·Ú¿ÁÂÈ 4 Ù·Èӛ˜. ∞˘Ù‹ ÙË ÛÙÈÁÌ‹ ›̷ÛÙ ÛÙË ‰È·‰Èηۛ· apple·Ú·-<br />

ÁˆÁ‹˜ Ù˘ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ Reprise, Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Joahim Trier, ÂÓÒ Û appleÚÔapple·Ú·Û΢·ÛÙÈÎfi ÛÙ¿‰ÈÔ ‚Ú›ÛÎÂÙ·È Î·È Ë apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹<br />

¿ÏÏˆÓ ‰‡Ô Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ. ∞ӷ̤ÓÔ˘Ì ηٿ ̤ÛÔ fiÚÔ ÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ 2-3 Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ ÙÔÓ ¯ÚfiÓÔ. ªÂÚÈΤ˜ ·applefi ÙȘ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ¤˜ Ì·˜<br />

Â›Ó·È ÔÈ Ù·Èӛ˜: You Really Got Me Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Pal Sletaune , 2001, Dragonflies Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Marius Holst, 2002, United<br />

ÛÂ ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Magnus Martens , 2003, Next Door ÛÂ ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Pal Sletaune, 2005.<br />

ºÈÏÌÔÁÚ·Ê›· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÔ‡<br />

Buddy,<br />

directed by / ÛÂ ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Morten Tyldum, 2003<br />

Tempo,<br />

directed by / ÛÂ ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Eva Dahr, 2004<br />

Bawke,<br />

directed by / ÛÂ ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Hisham Zaman, 2005<br />

Bastard<br />

directed by / ÛÂ ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Marius Holst, 2005<br />

Festival Prizes / µÚ·‚›·<br />

Buddy<br />

2004, Amanda for Best Film,<br />

Norwegian International Film Festival, Haugesund<br />

2003, Audience Award,<br />

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival<br />

2003, Audience Award and Exhibitors Award,<br />

Norwegian International Film Festival,<br />

2003, Audience Award,<br />

Warsaw International Film Festival<br />

Buddy,<br />

2004, µÚ·‚Â›Ô Amanda ∫·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˘ ∆·ÈÓ›·˜ ÛÙÔ<br />

¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï Ù˘ ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁ›·˜, Haugesund<br />

2003, µÚ·‚Â›Ô ∫ÔÈÓÔ‡, ¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ∫·ÚÏfi‚È µ¿ÚÈ<br />

2003, µÚ·‚Â›Ô ∫ÔÈÓÔ‡ Î·È ∞ÈıÔ˘Û·Ú¯ÒÓ, ¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜<br />

ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï Ù˘ ¡ÔÚ‚ËÁ›·˜ 2003, µÚ·‚Â›Ô ∫ÔÈÓÔ‡,<br />

¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï µ·ÚÛÔ‚›·˜<br />

39<br />

4 ó

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