Despina Mouzaki

Despina Mouzaki Despina Mouzaki
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Momcilo “Moma” Mrdakovic Moma Mrdakovic graduated in Architecture from the University of Belgrade, however, he went to work in film production as Production Assistant. He worked his way up to Second Unit Director and Assistant Director positions, collaborating with directors like Emir Kusturica on Underground (winner of 1995 Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival). Also he worked on Jim Jarmusch’s Coffee and Cigarettes and Slobodan Pesic’s The Harms Case which was also shown at the Cannes Film Festival. Mrdakovic wrote the screenplay for feature film It’s Me the Hero. The script won the 2001 Hartley Merrill Screenwriting Competition. This award was given in a collaboration with the Screen Writers Guild of America in Los Angeles, California. Mrdakovic has worked in both Yugoslavia and the United States on many productions including feature films, short films, promotional films, television films, rock videos etc. Most notable was Project Millennium, a television special, produced by George Lucas, Lucasfilm. Moma Mrdakovic is proud that he did not go to regular film school but instead learned from the best people while working with them. √ Moma Mrdakovic ÛappleÔ‡‰·Û ∞Ú¯ÈÙÂÎÙÔÓÈ΋ ÛÙÔ ·ÓÂappleÈÛÙ‹ÌÈÔ ÙÔ˘ µÂÏÈÁÚ·‰›Ô˘, ÛÙË Û˘Ó¤¯ÂÈ· fï˜, ÂÚÁ¿ÛÙËΠˆ˜ ‚ÔËıfi˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ Û ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈΤ˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ¤˜. ∫·Ù¿ÊÂÚÂ, ¤ÙÛÈ Ó· ‰Ô˘Ï¤„ÂÈ ˆ˜ ÛÎËÓÔı¤Ù˘ ‚’ Û˘ÓÂÚÁ›Ԣ, ηıÒ˜ Î·È ˆ˜ ‚ÔËıfi˜ ÛÎËÓÔı¤ÙË Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·˙fiÌÂÓÔ˜ Ì ÛÎËÓÔı¤Ù˜, fiappleˆ˜ Ô Emir Kusturica ÛÙÔ Underground (ÓÈÎËÙ‹˜ ÙÔ˘ ÃÚ˘ÛÔ‡ ºÔ›ÓÈη ÙÔ 1995 ÛÙÔ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙˆÓ ∫·ÓÓÒÓ). Œ¯ÂÈ ‰Ô˘Ï¤„ÂÈ, Âapple›Û˘, ÛÙȘ Ù·Èӛ˜ Coffee and Cigarettes ÙÔ˘ Jim Jarmusch Î·È The Harms Case ÙÔ˘ Slobodan Pesic, ÙÔ ÔappleÔ›Ô appleÚÔ‚Ï‹ıËÎÂ Î·È ÛÙÔ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙˆÓ ∫·ÓÓÒÓ. √ Mrdakovic ¤¯ÂÈ ÁÚ¿„ÂÈ ÙÔ ÛÂÓ¿ÚÈÔ Ù˘ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ It’s Me the Hero, appleÔ˘ ΤډÈÛ ÙÔ 2001 ÙÔÓ ¢È·ÁˆÓÈÛÌfi ÂÓ·Ú›Ô˘ Hartley Merrill. ∆Ô ‚Ú·‚Â›Ô ·˘Ùfi ·appleÔÓÂÌ‹ıËΠÛÂ Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›· Ì ÙËÓ ŒÓˆÛË ∞ÌÂÚÈηÓÒÓ ÂÓ·ÚÈÔÁÚ¿ÊˆÓ ÛÙÔ §Ô˜ ÕÓÙ˙ÂϘ Ù˘ ∫·ÏÈÊfiÚÓÈ·˜. √ Mrdakovic ¤¯ÂÈ ÂÚÁ·- ÛÙ› ÛÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎÒÓ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ, Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ ÌÈÎÚÔ‡ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜, ‰È·ÊËÌÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ Î·È ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈÎÒÓ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ, ÚÔÎ ‚›ÓÙÂÔ ÎÏapple., ÙfiÛÔ ÛÙË °ÈÔ˘ÁÎÔÛÏ·‚›· fiÛÔ Î·È ÛÙȘ ∏..∞. ∞ÍÈÔÛËÌ›ˆÙË Â›Ó·È Ë Û˘ÌÌÂÙÔ¯‹ ÙÔ˘ ÛÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÙÔ˘ Project Millennium, ÂÓfi˜ ÂȉÈÎÔ‡ ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈÎÔ‡ appleÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·ÙÔ˜ Û apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÙÔ˘ George Lucas, ·applefi ÙËÓ Lucas Film. √ Moma Mrdakovic Â›Ó·È appleÂÚ‹Ê·ÓÔ˜ appleÔ˘ ÊÔ›ÙËÛ ÎÔÓÙ¿ Û ÛËÌ·ÓÙÈÎÔ‡˜ ·ÓıÚÒappleÔ˘˜ ÙÔ˘ ¯ÒÚÔ˘ ·ÓÙ› Û ̛· Û˘Ì‚·ÙÈ΋ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈ΋ Û¯ÔÏ‹. Company profile / ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· The film distribution company, Cinears, was founded in 2004. The first film distributed in Serbia and Montenegro was a romantic comedy Love Actually by Richard Curtis with Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson. It was soon followed by Spartan (David Mammet), Van Helsing (Stephen Sommeers), Fahrenheit 9/11 (Michael Moore), Cheese and Jam (Branko Djuric Djura). Cinears is especially proud of their two domestically produced films. The first one was When I Grow Up I’ll Be a Kangaroo by Rasa Andric and the second is the current blockbuster We Are Not Angels 2 by Srdjan Dragojevic which was seen by half a million viewers in less than a month. Beside the cinema distribution, Cinears also publishes and distributes videos and DVDs. At this year’s Belgrade International Film Festival, Cinears presented eight films: 9Songs (Michael Winterbottom), Vera Drake (Mike Leigh), Bad Education (Pedro Almodovar), House of Flying Daggers (Yimou Zhang), World (Zheng KeJia), Bombon El Perro (Carlos Sorin), Whisky (Juan Pablo Rebella, Pablo Stoll) and Looking for Fidel (Oliver Stone). ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· ‰È·ÓÔÌ‹˜ Cinears ȉڇıËΠÙÔ 2004 Î·È Ë appleÚÒÙË Ù·ÈÓ›· appleÔ˘ ‰È¤ÓÂÈÌ ÛÙË ÂÚ‚›· Î·È ª·˘ÚÔ‚Ô‡ÓÈÔ ‹Ù·Ó Ë ÚÔÌ·ÓÙÈ΋ Έ̈‰›· Love Actually ÙÔ˘ Richard Curtis Ì appleÚˆÙ·ÁˆÓÈÛÙ¤˜ ÙÔ˘˜ Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson. ‡ÓÙÔÌ· ·ÎÔÏÔ‡ıËÛ·Ó ÔÈ Ù·Èӛ˜: Spartan (David Mammet), Van Helsing (Stephen Sommeers), Fahrenheit 9/11 (Michael Moore), Cheese and Jam (Branko Djuric Djura). ∏ Cinears Â›Ó·È È‰È·›ÙÂÚ· appleÂÚ‹Ê·ÓË ÁÈ· ÙË ‰È·ÓÔÌ‹ ‰‡Ô ÂÁ¯ÒÚÈˆÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÒÓ. ÚfiÎÂÈÙ·È ÁÈ· ÙȘ Ù·È- ӛ˜ When I Grow Up I’ll Be a Kangaroo ÙÔ˘ Rasa Andric Î·È We Are Not Angels 2 ÙÔ˘ Srdjan Dragojevic, ÌÈ· ÂÈÛappleÚ·ÎÙÈ΋ ÂappleÈÙ˘¯›· appleÔ˘ apple·Ú·ÎÔÏÔ‡ıËÛ·Ó ÌÈÛfi ÂηÙÔÌ̇ÚÈÔ ı·- Ù¤˜ Û ÏÈÁfiÙÂÚÔ ·applefi ¤Ó·Ó Ì‹Ó·. ∂ÎÙfi˜ ·applefi ÙË ‰È·ÓÔÌ‹ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎÒÓ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ, Ë ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· ·Û¯ÔÏÂ›Ù·È Î·È Ì ÙËÓ Î˘ÎÏÔÊÔÚ›· Î·È ‰È·ÓÔÌ‹ ‚›ÓÙÂÔ Î·È DVD. ÙÔ ÊÂÙÈÓfi ¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙÔ˘ µÂÏÈÁÚ·‰›Ô˘, Ë ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· apple·ÚÔ˘Û›·Û ÔÎÙÒ Ù·Èӛ˜: 9 Songs (Michael Winterbottom), Vera Drake (Mike Leigh), Bad Education (Pedro Almodovar), House of Flying Daggers (Yimou Zhang), World (Zheng KeJia), Bombon El Perro (Carlos Sorin), Whisky (Juan Pablo Rebella, Pablo Stoll) and Looking for Fidel (Oliver Stone). 35 Cinears

McCarthy’s War Producer Paul Largan Contacts / ∂appleÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·: 62, Donegall Pass, BT7 1 BU, Belfast, N.Ireland T. +44 2890333360 Mobile: +44 7802407481 36 N. Ireland / Β.Ιρλανδία Bosnia, 1995. Brian McCarthy is an Irish soldier in the British army. He tries to smuggle a number of Bosnians, including his friend Rajic, out of the country. Not only are they stopped by troops led by Marko, a notorious war criminal, but the Bosnians are massacred. McCarthy returns to Sarajevo as a civilian, to revenge their deaths. Unbeknownst to him, he will become more involved in Marko’s life than he could possibly have imagined. µÔÛÓ›·, 1995. √ Brian McCarthy Â›Ó·È ¤Ó·˜ πÚÏ·Ó‰fi˜ ÛÙÚ·ÙÈÒÙ˘ ÛÙÔÓ ‚ÚÂÙ·ÓÈ- Îfi ÛÙÚ·Ùfi, appleÔ˘ appleÚÔÛapple·ı› Ó· ‚Á¿ÏÂÈ Ï·ıÚ·›· ·applefi ÙË ¯ÒÚ· οappleÔÈÔ˘˜ µfiÛÓÈ- Ô˘˜, ÌÂٷ͇ ÙˆÓ ÔappleÔ›ˆÓ Î·È Ô Ê›ÏÔ˜ ÙÔ˘ Rajic. ŸÌˆ˜, ÛÙÚ·ÙÈÒÙ˜ Ì ·Ú¯ËÁfi ÙÔÓ Marko, ¤Ó·Ó ‰È·‚Ô‹ÙÔ ÂÁÎÏËÌ·Ù›· appleÔϤÌÔ˘, ÙÔ˘˜ ÛÙ·Ì·ÙÔ‡Ó Î·È ÔÈ µfiÛÓÈ- ÔÈ ÛÊ·ÁÈ¿˙ÔÓÙ·È. √ McCarthy ÂappleÈÛÙÚ¤ÊÂÈ ÛÙÔ ÂÚ¿ÁÂ‚Ô ˆ˜ appleÔÏ›Ù˘ ÁÈ· Ó· ÂΉÈ- ÎËı›. Èڛ˜ Ó· ÙÔ ÁÓˆÚ›˙ÂÈ, ı· ÂÌappleϷΛ ÛÙË ˙ˆ‹ ÙÔ˘ Marko appleÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚÔ ·apple’fiÛÔ ı· ÌappleÔÚÔ‡Û appleÔÙ¤ Ó· Ê·ÓÙ·ÛÙ›. Credits / ˘ÓÙÂÏÂÛÙ¤˜: Produced by / ·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹: Bandigital Ltd, HEFT Productions, Director / ÎËÓÔıÂÛ›·: Brian Kirk, Scriptwriter / ÂÓ¿ÚÈÔ: Richard Crawford Budget / ÚÔ¸appleÔÏÔÁÈÛÌfi˜: €2,300,000 Secured financing / ∂Í·ÛÊ·ÏÈṲ̂ÓË ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰fiÙËÛË: No / Ÿ¯È

Momcilo “Moma” Mrdakovic<br />

Moma Mrdakovic graduated in Architecture from the University of Belgrade, however, he went to work in film production as Production Assistant. He worked his way up to<br />

Second Unit Director and Assistant Director positions, collaborating with directors like Emir Kusturica on Underground (winner of 1995 Golden Palm at the Cannes Film<br />

Festival). Also he worked on Jim Jarmusch’s Coffee and Cigarettes and Slobodan Pesic’s The Harms Case which was also shown at the Cannes Film Festival. Mrdakovic wrote<br />

the screenplay for feature film It’s Me the Hero. The script won the 2001 Hartley Merrill Screenwriting Competition. This award was given in a collaboration with the Screen<br />

Writers Guild of America in Los Angeles, California. Mrdakovic has worked in both Yugoslavia and the United States on many productions including feature films, short films,<br />

promotional films, television films, rock videos etc. Most notable was Project Millennium, a television special, produced by George Lucas, Lucasfilm. Moma Mrdakovic is proud<br />

that he did not go to regular film school but instead learned from the best people while working with them.<br />

√ Moma Mrdakovic ÛappleÔ‡‰·Û ∞Ú¯ÈÙÂÎÙÔÓÈ΋ ÛÙÔ ·ÓÂappleÈÛÙ‹ÌÈÔ ÙÔ˘ µÂÏÈÁÚ·‰›Ô˘, ÛÙË Û˘Ó¤¯ÂÈ· fï˜, ÂÚÁ¿ÛÙËΠˆ˜ ‚ÔËıfi˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ Û ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈΤ˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ¤˜.<br />

∫·Ù¿ÊÂÚÂ, ¤ÙÛÈ Ó· ‰Ô˘Ï¤„ÂÈ ˆ˜ ÛÎËÓÔı¤Ù˘ ‚’ Û˘ÓÂÚÁ›Ԣ, ηıÒ˜ Î·È ˆ˜ ‚ÔËıfi˜ ÛÎËÓÔı¤ÙË Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·˙fiÌÂÓÔ˜ Ì ÛÎËÓÔı¤Ù˜, fiappleˆ˜ Ô Emir Kusturica ÛÙÔ Underground<br />

(ÓÈÎËÙ‹˜ ÙÔ˘ ÃÚ˘ÛÔ‡ ºÔ›ÓÈη ÙÔ 1995 ÛÙÔ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙˆÓ ∫·ÓÓÒÓ). Œ¯ÂÈ ‰Ô˘Ï¤„ÂÈ, Âapple›Û˘, ÛÙȘ Ù·Èӛ˜ Coffee and Cigarettes ÙÔ˘ Jim Jarmusch Î·È The Harms Case ÙÔ˘<br />

Slobodan Pesic, ÙÔ ÔappleÔ›Ô appleÚÔ‚Ï‹ıËÎÂ Î·È ÛÙÔ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙˆÓ ∫·ÓÓÒÓ. √ Mrdakovic ¤¯ÂÈ ÁÚ¿„ÂÈ ÙÔ ÛÂÓ¿ÚÈÔ Ù˘ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ It’s Me the Hero, appleÔ˘ ΤډÈÛ ÙÔ 2001 ÙÔÓ ¢È·ÁˆÓÈÛÌfi<br />

ÂÓ·Ú›Ô˘ Hartley Merrill. ∆Ô ‚Ú·‚Â›Ô ·˘Ùfi ·appleÔÓÂÌ‹ıËΠÛÂ Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›· Ì ÙËÓ ŒÓˆÛË ∞ÌÂÚÈηÓÒÓ ÂÓ·ÚÈÔÁÚ¿ÊˆÓ ÛÙÔ §Ô˜ ÕÓÙ˙ÂϘ Ù˘ ∫·ÏÈÊfiÚÓÈ·˜. √ Mrdakovic ¤¯ÂÈ ÂÚÁ·-<br />


∞ÍÈÔÛËÌ›ˆÙË Â›Ó·È Ë Û˘ÌÌÂÙÔ¯‹ ÙÔ˘ ÛÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÙÔ˘ Project Millennium, ÂÓfi˜ ÂȉÈÎÔ‡ ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈÎÔ‡ appleÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·ÙÔ˜ Û apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÙÔ˘ George Lucas, ·applefi ÙËÓ Lucas Film.<br />

√ Moma Mrdakovic Â›Ó·È appleÂÚ‹Ê·ÓÔ˜ appleÔ˘ ÊÔ›ÙËÛ ÎÔÓÙ¿ Û ÛËÌ·ÓÙÈÎÔ‡˜ ·ÓıÚÒappleÔ˘˜ ÙÔ˘ ¯ÒÚÔ˘ ·ÓÙ› Û ̛· Û˘Ì‚·ÙÈ΋ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈ΋ Û¯ÔÏ‹.<br />

Company profile / ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›·<br />

The film distribution company, Cinears, was founded in 2004. The first film distributed in Serbia and Montenegro was a romantic comedy Love Actually by Richard Curtis with<br />

Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson. It was soon followed by Spartan (David Mammet), Van Helsing (Stephen Sommeers), Fahrenheit 9/11 (Michael<br />

Moore), Cheese and Jam (Branko Djuric Djura). Cinears is especially proud of their two domestically produced films. The first one was When I Grow Up I’ll Be a Kangaroo by<br />

Rasa Andric and the second is the current blockbuster We Are Not Angels 2 by Srdjan Dragojevic which was seen by half a million viewers in less than a month. Beside the<br />

cinema distribution, Cinears also publishes and distributes videos and DVDs. At this year’s Belgrade International Film Festival, Cinears presented eight films: 9Songs (Michael<br />

Winterbottom), Vera Drake (Mike Leigh), Bad Education (Pedro Almodovar), House of Flying Daggers (Yimou Zhang), World (Zheng KeJia), Bombon El Perro (Carlos Sorin),<br />

Whisky (Juan Pablo Rebella, Pablo Stoll) and Looking for Fidel (Oliver Stone).<br />

∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· ‰È·ÓÔÌ‹˜ Cinears ȉڇıËΠÙÔ 2004 Î·È Ë appleÚÒÙË Ù·ÈÓ›· appleÔ˘ ‰È¤ÓÂÈÌ ÛÙË ÂÚ‚›· Î·È ª·˘ÚÔ‚Ô‡ÓÈÔ ‹Ù·Ó Ë ÚÔÌ·ÓÙÈ΋ Έ̈‰›· Love Actually ÙÔ˘ Richard Curtis ÌÂ<br />

appleÚˆÙ·ÁˆÓÈÛÙ¤˜ ÙÔ˘˜ Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson. ‡ÓÙÔÌ· ·ÎÔÏÔ‡ıËÛ·Ó ÔÈ Ù·Èӛ˜: Spartan (David Mammet), Van Helsing (Stephen Sommeers),<br />

Fahrenheit 9/11 (Michael Moore), Cheese and Jam (Branko Djuric Djura). ∏ Cinears Â›Ó·È È‰È·›ÙÂÚ· appleÂÚ‹Ê·ÓË ÁÈ· ÙË ‰È·ÓÔÌ‹ ‰‡Ô ÂÁ¯ÒÚÈˆÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÒÓ. ÚfiÎÂÈÙ·È ÁÈ· ÙȘ Ù·È-<br />

ӛ˜ When I Grow Up I’ll Be a Kangaroo ÙÔ˘ Rasa Andric Î·È We Are Not Angels 2 ÙÔ˘ Srdjan Dragojevic, ÌÈ· ÂÈÛappleÚ·ÎÙÈ΋ ÂappleÈÙ˘¯›· appleÔ˘ apple·Ú·ÎÔÏÔ‡ıËÛ·Ó ÌÈÛfi ÂηÙÔÌ̇ÚÈÔ ı·-<br />

Ù¤˜ Û ÏÈÁfiÙÂÚÔ ·applefi ¤Ó·Ó Ì‹Ó·. ∂ÎÙfi˜ ·applefi ÙË ‰È·ÓÔÌ‹ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎÒÓ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ, Ë ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· ·Û¯ÔÏÂ›Ù·È Î·È Ì ÙËÓ Î˘ÎÏÔÊÔÚ›· Î·È ‰È·ÓÔÌ‹ ‚›ÓÙÂÔ Î·È DVD. ÙÔ ÊÂÙÈÓfi ¢ÈÂıÓ¤˜<br />

ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙÔ˘ µÂÏÈÁÚ·‰›Ô˘, Ë ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· apple·ÚÔ˘Û›·Û ÔÎÙÒ Ù·Èӛ˜: 9 Songs (Michael Winterbottom), Vera Drake (Mike Leigh), Bad Education (Pedro Almodovar), House of<br />

Flying Daggers (Yimou Zhang), World (Zheng KeJia), Bombon El Perro (Carlos Sorin), Whisky (Juan Pablo Rebella, Pablo Stoll) and Looking for Fidel (Oliver Stone).<br />

35<br />


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