Despina Mouzaki

Despina Mouzaki Despina Mouzaki
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Αnkica Juric Tilic Producer’s filmography Ankica Juric Tilic started working in film and television while she was a student. She worked as a production assistant, production co-ordinator and assistant director on numerous television films and series. In 1998 she decided to try her luck as an independent producer and since then has produced numerous documentaries, as well as some of the most critically acclaimed Croatian feature films of recent years. ∏ Ankica Juric Tilic ÍÂΛÓËÛ ÙËÓ Î·ÚȤڷ Ù˘ ÛÙÔÓ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ¿ÊÔ Î·È ÙËÓ ÙËÏÂfiÚ·ÛË ÂÓÒ ‹Ù·Ó ·ÎfiÌË ÊÔÈ- Ù‹ÙÚÈ·. ¢Ô‡Ï„ ˆ˜ ‚ÔËıfi˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜, Û˘ÓÙÔÓ›ÛÙÚÈ· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ Î·È ‚ÔËıfi˜ ÛÎËÓÔı¤ÙË Û appleÔÏ˘¿ÚÈı̘ ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈΤ˜ Ù·Èӛ˜ Î·È ÛÂÈÚ¤˜. ∆Ô 1998 ·appleÔÊ¿ÛÈÛ ӷ ‰ÔÎÈÌ·ÛÙ› Î·È ˆ˜ ·ÓÂÍ¿ÚÙËÙË apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜ Î·È ¤ÎÙÔ- Ù ¤¯ÂÈ apple·Ú¿ÁÂÈ appleÔÏÏ¿ ÓÙÔÎÈÌ·ÓÙ¤Ú Î·È Ù·Èӛ˜ appleÔ˘ ¤Ù˘¯·Ó Ù˘ appleÈÔ ıÂÙÈ΋˜ ˘appleÔ‰Ô¯‹˜ ·applefi ÙÔ˘˜ ÎÚÈÙÈÎÔ‡˜ Ù· ÙÂÏÂ˘Ù·›· ¯ÚfiÓÈ·. Company profile/ ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· Ankica Juric Tilic founded Kinorama in 2002 after having worked for more than ten years as an executive producer of dozen features, a few documentaries and dozen of TV films. Several of them, such as The Drought, directed by Dalibor Matani, were presented and won award at various international film festivals. Since its inception, Kinorama has produced two experimental films and four short films. Although it produces TV commercials, its main goal is to produce both short and feature films. Currently it is in postproduction of a short film and in pre-production of two feature films. ∏ Ankica Juric Tilic ›‰Ú˘Û ÙËÓ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· Kinorama ÙÔ 2002, ¤¯ÔÓÙ·˜ ‹‰Ë ‰ÂηÂÙ‹ ÂÌappleÂÈÚ›· ÛÙËÓ ÔÚÁ¿ÓˆÛË apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ ‰Âο‰ˆÓ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎÒÓ Î·È ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈÎÒÓ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ Î·È ÌÂÚÈÎÒÓ ÓÙÔÎÈÌ·ÓÙ¤Ú. ∫¿appleÔÈ· ·applefi ·˘Ù¿, fiappleˆ˜ ÙÔ The Drought Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Dalibor Matanic, appleÚÔ‚Ï‹ıËÎ·Ó Î·È Î¤Ú‰ÈÛ·Ó ‚Ú·‚›· Û ‰È¿ÊÔ- Ú· ‰ÈÂıÓ‹ ÊÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï. ∞applefi ÙËÓ ›‰Ú˘Û‹ Ù˘, Ë ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· ¤¯ÂÈ apple·Ú¿ÁÂÈ ‰‡Ô appleÂÈÚ·Ì·ÙÈΤ˜ Ù·Èӛ˜ Î·È Ù¤ÛÛÂÚȘ Ù·È- ӛ˜ ÌÈÎÚÔ‡ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜. ∞Ó Î·È ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈÔappleÔÈÂ›Ù·È ÛÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈÎÒÓ ‰È·ÊËÌÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ, Ô Î‡ÚÈÔ˜ ÛÙfi¯Ô˜ Ù˘ Kinorama Â›Ó·È Ë apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ ÌÂÁ¿ÏÔ˘ Î·È ÌÈÎÚÔ‡ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜. ∞˘Ù‹ ÙËÓ appleÂÚ›Ô‰Ô ·Û¯ÔÏÂ›Ù·È Ì ÙÔ post-production ÌÈ·˜ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ ÌÈÎÚÔ‡ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜ Î·È Ì ÙÔ pre-production ‰‡Ô Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ ÌÂÁ¿ÏÔ˘ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜. ºÈÏÌÔÁÚ·Ê›· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÔ‡ Hundred Minutes of Glory, directed by Dalibor Matanic, 2004 Fine Dead Girls, directed by Dalibor Matanic, 2002 A Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside, directed by Dalibor Matanic, 2000 Hundred Minutes of Glory, Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Dalibor Matanic, 2004 Fine Dead Girls, Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Dalibor Matanic, 2002 A Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside, Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Dalibor Matanic, 2000 Festival Prizes / µÚ·‚›· The Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside Best European Debut, Cottbus, Germany, 2000 The Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside µÚ·‚Â›Ô ∫·Ï‡ÙÂÚÔ˘ ∂˘Úˆapple·›Ô˘ ÚˆÙÔÂÌÊ·ÓÈ˙fiÌÂÓÔ˘ ÎËÓÔı¤ÙË, ∫fiÙÌappleÔ˘˜, °ÂÚÌ·Ó›·, 2000 31 Ankica Juric Tilic

The Magic Snowman Producer Pavlina Proveska Contacts / ∂appleÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·: Ul. Makedonija Local 1 - Palata Macedonia, FYROM T. + 1 6462404079 32 FYROM / ΠΓ∆Μ Kim (10) and her brother Tommy (12) are ardent skiers. They come by it naturally as their grandfather was not only a ski champion, but in the 50s he built the famous Jenseville Olympic-style ski jump. Now they must save it. Ambitious Serena Queen wants to transform their sleepy town into “America’s St Moritz”. With help from their friends Lumi Ukko, the Magic Snowman, and Gustella, the North wind, they will prove that magic exists and miracles do happen. ∏ Kim (10 ÂÙÒÓ) Î·È Ô ·‰ÂÏÊfi˜ Ù˘ Tommy (12 ÂÙÒÓ) Â›Ó·È ÂÓıÔ˘ÛÈÒ‰ÂȘ ÛÎȤÚ. ∏ ¤ÊÂÛË ÙÔ˘˜ Â›Ó·È Ê˘ÛÈ΋, ·ÊÔ‡ Ô apple·appleappleÔ‡˜ ÙÔ˘˜ ‰ÂÓ ‹Ù·Ó ÌfiÓÔ appleÚˆÙ·ıÏË- Ù‹˜ ÙÔ˘ ÛÎÈ, ·ÏÏ¿ ÛÙ· 1950 ¤¯ÙÈÛÂ Î·È ÙË ÁÓˆÛÙ‹, ÔÏ˘ÌappleÈ·ÎÒÓ ‰È·ÛÙ¿ÛˆÓ, apple›ÛÙ· ¯ÈÔÓÔ‰ÚÔÌÈÔ‡ ¿ÏÌ·ÙÔ˜ Jenseville. ∆ÒÚ· appleÚ¤appleÂÈ Ó· ÙË ÛÒÛÔ˘Ó. ∏ ÊÈÏfi- ‰ÔÍË ‚·Û›ÏÈÛÛ· Serena ı¤ÏÂÈ Ó· ÌÂÙ·ÌÔÚÊÒÛÂÈ ÙËÓ applefiÏË ÙÔ˘˜, appleÔ˘ ¤¯ÂÈ apple¤ÛÂÈ Û ϋı·ÚÁÔ, ÛÙÔ «ÂÓ ªfiÚÈÙ˜ Ù˘ ∞ÌÂÚÈ΋˜». ªÂ ÙË ‚Ô‹ıÂÈ· ÙˆÓ Ê›ÏˆÓ ÙÔ˘˜, ÙÔ˘ Lumi Ukko, ÙÔ˘ ª·ÁÈÎÔ‡ ÃÈÔÓ·ÓıÚÒappleÔ˘ Î·È Ù˘ Gustella, ÙÔ˘ ‚fiÚÂÈÔ˘ ·Ó¤- ÌÔ˘, ı· ·appleԉ›ÍÔ˘Ó fiÙÈ Ë Ì·Á›· ˘apple¿Ú¯ÂÈ Î·È fiÙÈ Ù· ı·‡Ì·Ù· Â›Ó·È ‰˘Ó·Ù¿. Credits / ˘ÓÙÂÏÂÛÙ¤˜: Produced by / ·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜: MAKETA PRODUCTIONS, Director / ÎËÓÔıÂÛ›·: Janko Virant, Scriptwriter / ÂÓ¿ÚÈÔ: Pavlina Proevska, Cinematography / ¢È‡ı˘ÓÛË ºˆÙÔÁÚ·Ê›·˜: Dejan Georgevich Budget / ÚÔ¸appleÔÏÔÁÈÛÌfi˜: $1,600,000 Secured financing / ∂Í·ÛÊ·ÏÈṲ̂ÓË ¯ÚËÌ·ÙÔ‰fiÙËÛË: Yes / ¡·È

Αnkica Juric Tilic Producer’s filmography<br />

Ankica Juric Tilic started working in film and television while she was a student. She worked as a production<br />

assistant, production co-ordinator and assistant director on numerous television films and series. In 1998 she<br />

decided to try her luck as an independent producer and since then has produced numerous documentaries,<br />

as well as some of the most critically acclaimed Croatian feature films of recent years.<br />


Ù‹ÙÚÈ·. ¢Ô‡Ï„ ˆ˜ ‚ÔËıfi˜ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜, Û˘ÓÙÔÓ›ÛÙÚÈ· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ Î·È ‚ÔËıfi˜ ÛÎËÓÔı¤ÙË Û appleÔÏ˘¿ÚÈı̘<br />

ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈΤ˜ Ù·Èӛ˜ Î·È ÛÂÈÚ¤˜. ∆Ô 1998 ·appleÔÊ¿ÛÈÛ ӷ ‰ÔÎÈÌ·ÛÙ› Î·È ˆ˜ ·ÓÂÍ¿ÚÙËÙË apple·Ú·ÁˆÁfi˜ Î·È ¤ÎÙÔ-<br />

Ù ¤¯ÂÈ apple·Ú¿ÁÂÈ appleÔÏÏ¿ ÓÙÔÎÈÌ·ÓÙ¤Ú Î·È Ù·Èӛ˜ appleÔ˘ ¤Ù˘¯·Ó Ù˘ appleÈÔ ıÂÙÈ΋˜ ˘appleÔ‰Ô¯‹˜ ·applefi ÙÔ˘˜ ÎÚÈÙÈÎÔ‡˜ Ù·<br />

ÙÂÏÂ˘Ù·›· ¯ÚfiÓÈ·.<br />

Company profile/ ∏ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›·<br />

Ankica Juric Tilic founded Kinorama in 2002 after having worked for more than ten years as an executive producer<br />

of dozen features, a few documentaries and dozen of TV films. Several of them, such as The Drought,<br />

directed by Dalibor Matani, were presented and won award at various international film festivals.<br />

Since its inception, Kinorama has produced two experimental films and four short films. Although it produces<br />

TV commercials, its main goal is to produce both short and feature films. Currently it is in postproduction of<br />

a short film and in pre-production of two feature films.<br />

∏ Ankica Juric Tilic ›‰Ú˘Û ÙËÓ ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· Kinorama ÙÔ 2002, ¤¯ÔÓÙ·˜ ‹‰Ë ‰ÂηÂÙ‹ ÂÌappleÂÈÚ›· ÛÙËÓ ÔÚÁ¿ÓˆÛË<br />

apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹˜ ‰Âο‰ˆÓ ÎÈÓËÌ·ÙÔÁÚ·ÊÈÎÒÓ Î·È ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈÎÒÓ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ Î·È ÌÂÚÈÎÒÓ ÓÙÔÎÈÌ·ÓÙ¤Ú. ∫¿appleÔÈ· ·applefi<br />

·˘Ù¿, fiappleˆ˜ ÙÔ The Drought Û ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Dalibor Matanic, appleÚÔ‚Ï‹ıËÎ·Ó Î·È Î¤Ú‰ÈÛ·Ó ‚Ú·‚›· Û ‰È¿ÊÔ-<br />

Ú· ‰ÈÂıÓ‹ ÊÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï. ∞applefi ÙËÓ ›‰Ú˘Û‹ Ù˘, Ë ÂÙ·ÈÚ›· ¤¯ÂÈ apple·Ú¿ÁÂÈ ‰‡Ô appleÂÈÚ·Ì·ÙÈΤ˜ Ù·Èӛ˜ Î·È Ù¤ÛÛÂÚȘ Ù·È-<br />

ӛ˜ ÌÈÎÚÔ‡ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜. ∞Ó Î·È ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈÔappleÔÈÂ›Ù·È ÛÙËÓ apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ÙËÏÂÔappleÙÈÎÒÓ ‰È·ÊËÌÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ, Ô Î‡ÚÈÔ˜ ÛÙfi¯Ô˜<br />

Ù˘ Kinorama Â›Ó·È Ë apple·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ ÌÂÁ¿ÏÔ˘ Î·È ÌÈÎÚÔ‡ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜. ∞˘Ù‹ ÙËÓ appleÂÚ›Ô‰Ô ·Û¯ÔÏÂ›Ù·È Ì ÙÔ<br />

post-production ÌÈ·˜ Ù·ÈÓ›·˜ ÌÈÎÚÔ‡ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜ Î·È Ì ÙÔ pre-production ‰‡Ô Ù·ÈÓÈÒÓ ÌÂÁ¿ÏÔ˘ Ì‹ÎÔ˘˜.<br />

ºÈÏÌÔÁÚ·Ê›· apple·Ú·ÁˆÁÔ‡<br />

Hundred Minutes of Glory,<br />

directed by Dalibor Matanic, 2004<br />

Fine Dead Girls, directed by Dalibor Matanic, 2002<br />

A Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside,<br />

directed by Dalibor Matanic, 2000<br />

Hundred Minutes of Glory,<br />

ÛÂ ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Dalibor Matanic, 2004<br />

Fine Dead Girls, ÛÂ ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Dalibor Matanic, 2002<br />

A Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside,<br />

ÛÂ ÛÎËÓÔıÂÛ›· Dalibor Matanic, 2000<br />

Festival Prizes / µÚ·‚›·<br />

The Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside<br />

Best European Debut, Cottbus, Germany, 2000<br />

The Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside<br />

µÚ·‚Â›Ô ∫·Ï‡ÙÂÚÔ˘ ∂˘Úˆapple·›Ô˘ ÚˆÙÔÂÌÊ·ÓÈ˙fiÌÂÓÔ˘<br />

ÎËÓÔı¤ÙË, ∫fiÙÌappleÔ˘˜, °ÂÚÌ·Ó›·, 2000<br />

31<br />

Ankica Juric Tilic

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