- REBREATHERS - SPORT DIVERS ... - Stingray Divers

- REBREATHERS - SPORT DIVERS ... - Stingray Divers

- REBREATHERS - SPORT DIVERS ... - Stingray Divers


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But, like most threads, the stories<br />

posted are based on opinions and<br />

anecdotal stories with little to no<br />

verifiable evidence or even proper<br />

understanding of this animal’s<br />

history. Others see dollar signs,<br />

calculating how many grouper<br />

sandwiches they could be making<br />

should the moratorium be lifted.<br />

Just as disturbing as those<br />

interested it making a buck through<br />

poaching are those who feel the need<br />

to kill the fish for no other reason than<br />

getting it out of the way. Such thinking<br />

is based on the misconception that<br />

it is the goliaths that are somehow<br />

the cause for the declining numbers<br />

of snapper, groupers and lobsters on<br />

the reefs.<br />

With the attention on goliaths<br />

mounting, some Florida dive<br />

operators like Jupiter Dive Center<br />

owner Gerry Carroll see this as<br />

a good thing. “From a business<br />

standpoint, they’re worth more<br />

to me alive than dead,” he says.<br />

“Nothing says that better than<br />

having a boat load of customers<br />

coming back to the dock jazzed<br />

about seeing these immense fish.”<br />

2<br />

A spawning aggregation assembles off Jupiter, FLorida at a site called the Hole-in-the-Wall.<br />

By the end of August there will typically be between 35 and 45 hefty individuals gathering at<br />

these spawning sites. Some aggregations have been recorded to last as long as two months. Talk<br />

about a long honeymoon.<br />

Interestingly, no one knows when, how often, or even what an actual spawning event looks<br />

like, because nobody has yet been witness to such an occurrence. Unlike their smaller cousin the<br />

Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus), which spawn during the timeframe of a full moon, goliaths<br />

don’t appear to follow a set pattern in regards to the moon.<br />

www.underwaterjournal.com June/July 2007

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