Pocket Program - CROI

Pocket Program - CROI Pocket Program - CROI

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Poster Listings Session 192 CROI 2013 1052 Associated with Survival in Treatment-näive Individuals with HIV Infection Hans Hartling* 1 , LW Thorner1 , C Erikstrup2 , R Zinyama3,4 , P Kallestrup5 , EG Gomo4 , S Nielsen1 , and H Ullum1 1 2 Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark;; Aarhus Univ Hosp, Skejby Sygehus, Denmark;; 3Ministry of Hlth and Child Welfare, Harare, Zimbabwe;; 4Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare;; and 5 1062 Randomized Comparison of Universal or Targeted HIV Screening in the Emergency Department Michael Lyons*, C Lindsell, A Ruffner, B Wayne, K Hart, M Sperling, A Trott, and C Fichtenbaum Univ of Cincinnati, OH, US Aarhus Univ, Denmark 1063 Outcomes from a Routine Screening Program for HIV Aggressive Routine Testing Thomas Giordano* 1,2 , S Pasalar2 , M Arya1 , C Flash1 , J Davila1 , N Miertschin2 , K Malone2 , and S Hoxhaj1 1 2 Baylor Coll of Med, Houston, TX, US and Harris County Hosp District, Houston, TX, US c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 193–Poster Abstracts Estimating Incidence 1053 Use of a Multi-assay Algorithm for Cross-sectional HIV Oliver Laeyendecker* 1,2 , L Wang3 , J Hughes4 , V Cummings2 , E Piwowar-Manning2 , D Wheeler5 , S Griffith6 , K Mayer7 , B Koblin8 , S Eshleman2 , and HPTN 061 Study Team 1 2 NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 3Statistical Ctr for HIV/AIDS Res and Prevention, Seattle, WA, US;; 4Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 5Loyola Univ Chicago, IL, US;; 6FHI 360, Research Triangle Park, NC, US;; 7Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA, US;; and 8New York Blood Ctr, NY, US 1054 Andrea Hauser* 1 , S Masciotra2 , S Fiedler1 , C Santos-Hoevener1 , K Meixenberger1 , S Somogyi1 , B Bartmeyer1 , N Bannert1 , M Owen2 , and C Kuecherer1 1064 Replacing Clinic Testing with Home-use Tests May Increase HIV Transmission among Seattle MSM: Evidence from a Mathematical Model David Katz* 1 2 Robert Koch-Inst, Berlin, Germany and CDC, Atlanta, GA, US 1055 Performance of Dried Blood Spots with a Modified Genetic Identifying Recent HIV Infections Silvina Masciotra*, X Wei, W Luo, A Smith, I Miles, C Sionean, G Paz-Bailey, J Johnson, and M Owen CDC, Atlanta, GA, US 1 , S Cassels1 , and J Stekler1,2 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US and Publ Hlth-Seattle & King County, WA, US 1065 Characteristics and Testing Uptake of Heterosexual Couples Referral: South Africa and Uganda Heidi van Rooyen* 1 , R Barnabas2,3 , E Tumwesigye4 , H Humphries1 , H Tumwebaze4 , P Joseph1 , M Krows2 , P Murnane2 , J Baeten2 , and C Celum2,3 1 2 Human Sci Res Council, Sweetwaters, South Africa;; Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 3Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr, Seattle, WA, US;; and 4Integrated Community Based Initiatives, Kabwohe, Uganda 1066 An Integrated Youth Center Model Improves HIV Testing in Samantha Black*, M Wallace, K Middelkoop, D Robbertze, T Bennie, R Wood, and L-G Bekker Desmond Tutu HIV Ctr, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa 1067 F Khalid1 , M Kibona2 , A Khatib1 , A Leidich3 , A Othman1 , Irene Benech* 4 , M Dahoma5 , C Mullen3 , E Kim4 , and G Arthur6 1 2 Zanzibar AIDS Control Prgm, Ministry of Hlth, Tanzania;; CDC, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;; 3Global Hlth Sci, Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 4CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; 5Directorate of Preventive Svcs and Hlth Ed, Ministry of Hlth, Zanzibar, Tanzania;; and 6CTS Global USA assigned to Div of Global HIV/AIDS, CDC, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 1056 The Performance of Candidate Assays to Detect Recent HIV Infection for Cross-sectional Incidence Estimation: An Reshma Kassanjee* 1,2 , G Murphy 3 , M Busch 4 , C Pilcher 5 , E McKinney 3 , S Keating 4 , S Facente 5 , J MacArthur 4 , and A Welte 2 1 Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 2 South African Ctr for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis, Stellenbosch;; 3 Hlth Protection Agency, London, UK;; 4 Blood Systems Res Inst, San Francisco, CA, US;; and 5 Univ of California, San Francisco, US 1057 Characterization of Immune Response in Ugandan Women Andrew Longosz* 1 , C Morrison2 , P-L Chen2 , E Arts3 , I Nankya3 , R Salata3 , V Franco4 , T Quinn1,4 , S Eshleman4 , and O Laeyendecker1,4 1 2 NIAID, NIH, Baltimore, MD, US;; Clinical Sci, FHI 360, Durham, NC, US;; 3Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH, US;; and 4Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US 1058 Estimating HIV Incidence in Rural Western Kenya: Clement Zeh* 1 , A Kim2 , S Inzaule3 , A Morwabe3 , P Amornkul4 , M Owen4 , L Mills1 , and B Parekh4 1 2 3 CDC, Kisumu, Kenya;; CDC, Nairobi, Kenya;; Kenya Med Res Inst/CDC Res and Publ Hlth Collaboration, Kisumu;; and 4CDC, Atlanta, GA, US c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 194–Poster Abstracts New Testing Strategies 1059 Florence Momplaisir*, B Fetzer, M Harhay, and J Long Univ of Pennsylvania Perelman Sch of Med, Philadelphia, US 1060 HIV with Limited Healthcare Access Silvia Amesty* 1,2 , V Nandi3 , M Sutton4 , L Willis4 , P Weidle4 , and C Fuller2 1Ctr for Family and Community Med, Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Univ, New York, NY, US;; 2Mailman Sch of Publ Hlth, Columbia Univ, New York, NY, US;; 3Lindsley F Kimball Res Inst, New York Blood Ctr, NY, US;; and 4CDC, Atlanta, GA, US 1061 Rapid HIV Testing in a High-volume Jail and a High-volume Anne Spaulding* 1 , L Reid2 , C Bowden1 , B Copeland3 , R Macgowan2 , A Margolis2 , R Shresta2 , G Mustaafaa1 , K Heilpern1 , and B Shah1 1 2 Emory Univ Rollins Sch of Publ Hlth, Atlanta, GA, US;; CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; and 3 1068 Patterns of HIV Retesting among Clients of Voluntary HIV Cari Courtenay-Quirk* Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US 1 , K Grabbe1 , A Baughman1 , G Djomand1 , and B Pederson2 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and Population Svcs Intl, Maseru, Lesotho c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 195–Poster Abstracts Biological and Behavioral Transmission Risks 1069 HIV Transmission Risk Behavior in a Cohort of HIV + Treatment-nïave Men and Women: US Raphael Landovitz* 1 , T Tran2 , S Cohn3 , I Ofotokun4 , J Lennox4 , J Currier1 , and H Ribaudo2 1 2 UCLA Ctr for Clinical AIDS Res and Ed, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL, US;; and 4Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US 1070 Thomas Peterman* 1 , D Newman1 , L Maddox2 , K Schmitt2,3 , and S Shiver2 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; Florida Dept of Hlth, Div of Disease Control and Hlth Protection, Tallahassee, US;; and 3Florida State Univ Coll of Nursing, Tallahassee, US 1071 Correlates of Asymptomatic Gonococcal and Chlamydial Infections among US Military Men Infected with HIV R Carpenter1 , Oliver Refugio* 2 , K O’Brien2 , N Adams1 , M Bavaro1 , M Johnson1 , R Maves1 , J Sklar1 , H Groff1 , and N Crum1,2 1 2 Naval Med Ctr, San Diego, CA, US and San Diego State Univ, CA, US 1072 Incidence of Acute Sexually Transmitted Infections among HIV Diagnosed Individuals Attending Sexual Health Clinics: Sarika Desai*, V Delpech, L Peters, and G Hughes Hlth Protection Agency, London, UK 1073 Sexually Transmitted Infections among HIV + Men Nimish Patel* 1 , M Nasiri1 , S Kwon2 , C Miller2 , L-A McNutt3 , and D Fish2 1 2 Albany Coll of Pharmacy and Hlth Sci, NY, US;; Albany Med Coll, NY, US;; and 3Univ at Albany, State Univ of New York, Sch of Publ Hlth, Rensselaer, US 68 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

CROI 2013 Session 197 1074 Alexandra Oster*, M Sternberg, S Nebenzahl, D Broz, F Xu, S Hariri, I Miles, and G Paz-Bailey CDC, Atlanta, GA, US 1075 A Socioenvironmental Exploration of Community-level Social Leigh Willis* 1 , J Opoku2 , R Wiegand1 , A Murray1 , Y Jia2 , K Elmore1 , T West2 , G Pappas2 , and M Sutton1 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and District of Columbia Dept of Hlth, HIV/ AIDS, Hepatitis, STD, and TB Admin, US 1076 risk Transmission Behavior among HIV + Data from CNICS Richard Haubrich* 1 , S Jain1 , C Perez-Heydrich2 , C Hurt2 , S Morris1 , S Sun1 , S Napravnik2 , H Crane3 , M Emch2 , J Eron2 , and CNICS 040 Study Team 1 2 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; and 3Univ of Washington, Seattle, US 1077 prevalence Kenyan Population: Lessons for Intervention Trials and Programmatic Strategies Rennatus Mdodo* 1 , D Gust1 , F Otieno2 , E McLellan-Lemal1 , R Chen1 , C LeBaron1 , F Hardnett1 , C Zeh1,2 , T Samandari1 , and L Mills1,2 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and Kenya Med Res Inst/CDC Res and Publ Hlth Collaboration, Kisumu 1078 Determinants of Couple Sexual Concurrency among Zachary Kwena* 1 , I Mwanzo2 , E Bukusi1 , L Achiro1 , and C Shisanya2 1085 Decline in HIV 1 2 Kenya Med Res Inst, Nairobi and Kenyatta Univ, Nairobi, Kenya + Spana Motsisi* 1 , P Loeto2 , M Boima1 , K Molosiwa1 , L Manthe1 , MG Alwano2 , and A Voetsch2 1Tebelopele Voluntary Counseling and Testing Ctrs, Gaborone, Botswana and 2CDC, Gaborone, Botswana 1086 HIV Control in West Africa: The End of the Tunnel? Zero Isidore Traore* 1 , N Meda1,2 , N Hema1 , I Konate2 , D Drabo1 , F Some1 , R Some1 , P Mayaud3 , P Van De Perre4 , and N Nagot4 1 2 Univ of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;; Ctr Muraz, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso;; 3London Sch of Hygiene and Tropical Med, UK;; and 4Univ of Montpellier 1 and INSERM U1058, France 1087 Risk Reduction Strategies among HIV-1 Serodiscordant Couples: Kenya Kenneth Ngure* 1,2 , R Heffron2 , N Mugo2,3 , C Celum2 , K Curran2 , A Kurth4 , and J Baeten2 1 2 Jomo Kenyatta Univ of Agriculture and Tech, Nairobi, Kenya;; Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 3Kenyatta Natl Hosp, Nairobi, Kenya;; and 4New York Univ, NY, US 1088 Rural Southwestern Uganda Annet Kembabazi* 1 , F Bajunirwe1 , J Martin2 , C Muzoora1 , P Hunt2 , J Haberer3 , D Bangsberg3,4 , and M Siedner3 1 2 Mbarara Univ of Sci and Tech, Uganda;; Univ of California, San Francsico, US;; 3Massachusetts Gen Hosp Ctr for Global Hlth, Boston, US;; and 4Ragon Inst of MGH, MIT, and Harvard, Boston, MA, US c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 197–Poster Abstracts Performance and Innovation in ART Programs in RLS 1079 Shedding of HIV and Human Herpesviruses in the Semen of Effectively Treated HIV + Men Sara Gianella Weibel* 1 , D Smith 1,2 , M Vargas 1 , S Little 1 , D Richman 1,2 , E Daar 3 , M Dube 4 , C Ginocchio 5 , R Haubrich 4 , and S Morris 1 1 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; 2 VA San Diego Hlthcare System, CA, US;; 3 Los Angeles Biomed Res Inst at Harbor-UCLA Med Ctr, Torrance, CA, US;; 4 Univ of Southern California Keck Sch of Med, Los Angeles, US;; and 5 Hofstra North Shore-LIJ Sch of Med, Hempstead, NY, US nd 1080 -line Lopinavir/ritonavir Monotherapy T Bunupuradah1 , C Bowonwattanuwong2 , S Jirajariyavej3 , W Munsakul4 , V Klinbuayaem5 , J Sophonphan1 , A Mahanontharit1 , B Hirschel6 , K Ruxrungtham1,7 , Jintanat Ananworanich* 1,7,8 , and HIV STAR Study 1 2 HIV-NAT, Thai Red Cross AIDS Res Ctr, Bangkok;; Chonburi Hosp, c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 196–Poster Abstracts Reducing Risk 1082 “No one’s at home and they won’t pick up the phone”: Using the Internet and SMS to Enhance Partner Services: North Carolina Lisa Hightow-Weidman* 1 , S Beagle 1 , J Embry 1 , E Pike 1 , J Kuruc 1 , P Leone 1,2 , E Foust 2 , and C Gay 1 1 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US and 2 North Carolina DHHS, Communicable Disease Branch, Raleigh, US 1083 Impact of Language Barriers on HIV Serodisclosure and Risk Behaviors among MSM during International Travel Hong-Ha Truong* 1,2 , T Kellogg 3 , Y-H Chen 3 , M Grasso 3 , T Robertson 3 , A Curotto 1 , W McFarland 1,3 , R Grant 1,2 , O Reznick 1 , and W Steward 1 1 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 2 Gladstone Inst of Virology and Immunology, San Francisco, CA, US;; and 3 San Francisco Dept of Publ Hlth, CA, US 1084 The Effect of HIV Counseling and Testing on HIV Acquisition among South African Youth: A Protective Association Nora Rosenberg* 1,2 , D Westreich 3 , T Barnighausen 2,4 , W Miller 1 , F Behets 1 , S Maman 1 , M-L Newell 2 , and A Pettifor 1 1 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 2 Africa Ctr for Hlth and Population Studies, Mtubatuba, South Africa;; 3 Duke Univ, Durham, NC, US;; and 4 Harvard Univ, Boston, MA, US Program 69 Poster Listings 1089 ART among Asian HIV + Patients Sasisopin Kiertiburanakul* 1 , D Boettiger 2 , M Po Lee 3 , S Omar 4 , J Tanuma 5 , O Tek Ng 6 , N Durier 7 , S Sungkanuparph 1 , and TREAT Asia HIV Observational Databases and TREAT Asia Studies to Evaluate Resistance 1 Faculty of Med Ramathibodi Hosp, Mahidol Univ;; 2 The Kirby Inst, Univ of New South Wales, Australia;; 3 Queen Elizabeth Hosp, Hong Kong, China;; 4 Univ of Malaya, Malaysia;; 5 Natl Ctr for Global Hlth and Med, Japan;; 6 Tan Tock Seng Hosp, Singapore;; and 7 TREAT Asia, amfAR–Fndn for AIDS Res, Thailand Thailand;; 3Taksin Hosp, Bangkok, Thailand;; 4Faculty of Med, Univ of Bangkok Metropolitan Admin, Thailand;; 5Sanpatong Hosp, Chiang Mai, Thailand;; 6Geneva Univ, Switzerland;; 7Faculty of Med, Chulalongkorn Univ, Bangkok, Thailand;; and 8 1090 SEARCH, Thai Red Cross AIDS Res Ctr, Bangkok Eugene Mutimura* 1081 Associated with Semen HIV-1 Shedding Jennifer Hoffman*, D Elashoff, D Anisman-Posner, K Tanner, C Sugar, J Elliott, GC Baldwin, P Anton, O Yang, and R Hoffman UCLA Med Ctr, US 1 , D Addison1 , K Anastos2 , D Hoover3 , JC Dusingize4 , Q Shi5 , D Duggan6 , B Karenzi7 , I Izimukwiye8 , D Nash1 , and Central African Intl Epidemiologic Database to Evaluate AIDS Study Group 1 2 CUNY Sch of Publ Hlth Hunter Coll, US;; Albert Einstein Coll of Med and Montefiore Med Ctr, New York, NY, US;; 3State Univ of New Jersey, New Brunswick, US;; 4Womens Equity in Access to Care and Treatment, Kigali, Rwanda;; 5Sch of Hlth Sci, New York Med Coll, NY, US;; 6Stevens Inst of Tech, Hoboken, NY, US;; 7Rwanda Military Hosp Kigali;; and 8Masaka District Hosp Kigali, Rwanda 1091 Nuala McGrath* 1,2 , R Lessells 1,2 , and M-L Newell 2,3 1 London Sch of Hygiene and Tropical Med, UK;; 2 Africa Ctr for Hlth and Population Studies, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa;; and 3 Inst of Child Hlth, Univ Coll London, UK 1092 The Effect of a Maturing ARV Program on Early Mortality South Africa Kennedy Otwombe*, T Tutu-Gxashe, L Mohapi, G Gray, and F Laher Perinatal HIV Res Unit, Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa 1093 The Survival Benefits of ART: South Africa M April 1,2 , R Wood 3 , B Berkowitz 4 , D Paltiel 5 , X Anglaret 6,7 , E Losina 8,9,10 , K Freedberg 4,8,10,11 , and Rochelle Walensky* 4,9,10 1 San Antonio Uniformed Svcs Hlth Ed Consortium, TX, US;; 2 Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA, US;; 3 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; 4 Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Boston, US;; 5 Yale Sch of Publ Hlth, New Haven, CT, US;; 6 Univ Bordeaux, INSERM U897, France;; 7 Prgm PAC-CI/ANRS Res Site, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire;; 8 Boston Univ, MA, US;; 9 Brigham and Womens Hosp, Boston, MA, US;; 10 Ctr for AIDS Res, Harvard Univ, Boston, MA, US;; and 11 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US 1094 Long-term Outcomes of 1 st Fred Sarfo* 1 , A Kasim 2 , G Bedu-Ado 1 , R Phillips 1 , M Booth 2 , and D Chadwick 3 1 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hosp, Kumasi, Ghana;; 2 Durham Univ, Stockton on Tees, UK;; and 3 James Cook Univ Hosp, Middlesbrough, UK

Poster Listings<br />

Session 192 <strong>CROI</strong> 2013<br />

1052 <br />

Associated with Survival in Treatment-näive Individuals with<br />

HIV Infection<br />

Hans Hartling* 1 , LW Thorner1 , C Erikstrup2 , R Zinyama3,4 ,<br />

P Kallestrup5 , EG Gomo4 , S Nielsen1 , and H Ullum1 1 2 Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark;; Aarhus Univ Hosp, Skejby<br />

Sygehus, Denmark;; 3Ministry of Hlth and Child Welfare, Harare,<br />

Zimbabwe;; 4Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare;; and 5 1062 Randomized Comparison of Universal or Targeted HIV<br />

Screening in the Emergency Department<br />

Michael Lyons*, C Lindsell, A Ruffner, B Wayne, K Hart, M Sperling,<br />

A Trott, and C Fichtenbaum<br />

Univ of Cincinnati, OH, US<br />

Aarhus Univ, Denmark<br />

1063 Outcomes from a Routine Screening <strong>Program</strong> for HIV<br />

<br />

Aggressive Routine Testing<br />

Thomas Giordano* 1,2 , S Pasalar2 , M Arya1 , C Flash1 , J Davila1 ,<br />

N Miertschin2 , K Malone2 , and S Hoxhaj1 1 2 Baylor Coll of Med, Houston, TX, US and Harris County Hosp District,<br />

Houston, TX, US<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 193–Poster Abstracts<br />

Estimating Incidence<br />

1053 Use of a Multi-assay Algorithm for Cross-sectional HIV<br />

<br />

<br />

Oliver Laeyendecker* 1,2 , L Wang3 , J Hughes4 , V Cummings2 ,<br />

E Piwowar-Manning2 , D Wheeler5 , S Griffith6 , K Mayer7 , B Koblin8 ,<br />

S Eshleman2 , and HPTN 061 Study Team<br />

1 2 NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med,<br />

Baltimore, MD, US;; 3Statistical Ctr for HIV/AIDS Res and Prevention,<br />

Seattle, WA, US;; 4Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 5Loyola Univ<br />

Chicago, IL, US;; 6FHI 360, Research Triangle Park, NC, US;; 7Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA, US;; and 8New York Blood Ctr, NY, US<br />

1054 <br />

<br />

<br />

Andrea Hauser* 1 , S Masciotra2 , S Fiedler1 , C Santos-Hoevener1 ,<br />

K Meixenberger1 , S Somogyi1 , B Bartmeyer1 , N Bannert1 , M Owen2 ,<br />

and C Kuecherer1 1064 Replacing Clinic Testing with Home-use Tests May Increase<br />

HIV Transmission among Seattle MSM: Evidence from a<br />

Mathematical Model<br />

David Katz*<br />

1 2 Robert Koch-Inst, Berlin, Germany and CDC, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

1055 Performance of Dried Blood Spots with a Modified Genetic<br />

<br />

Identifying Recent HIV Infections<br />

Silvina Masciotra*, X Wei, W Luo, A Smith, I Miles, C Sionean,<br />

G Paz-Bailey, J Johnson, and M Owen<br />

CDC, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

1 , S Cassels1 , and J Stekler1,2 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US and Publ Hlth-Seattle & King County,<br />

WA, US<br />

1065 Characteristics and Testing Uptake of Heterosexual Couples<br />

<br />

Referral: South Africa and Uganda<br />

Heidi van Rooyen* 1 , R Barnabas2,3 , E Tumwesigye4 , H Humphries1 ,<br />

H Tumwebaze4 , P Joseph1 , M Krows2 , P Murnane2 , J Baeten2 , and C Celum2,3 1 2 Human Sci Res Council, Sweetwaters, South Africa;; Univ of<br />

Washington, Seattle, US;; 3Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr, Seattle, WA,<br />

US;; and 4Integrated Community Based Initiatives, Kabwohe, Uganda<br />

1066 An Integrated Youth Center Model Improves HIV Testing in<br />

<br />

Samantha Black*, M Wallace, K Middelkoop, D Robbertze, T Bennie,<br />

R Wood, and L-G Bekker<br />

Desmond Tutu HIV Ctr, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa<br />

1067 <br />

<br />

<br />

F Khalid1 , M Kibona2 , A Khatib1 , A Leidich3 , A Othman1 ,<br />

Irene Benech* 4 , M Dahoma5 , C Mullen3 , E Kim4 , and G Arthur6 1 2 Zanzibar AIDS Control Prgm, Ministry of Hlth, Tanzania;; CDC, Dar es<br />

Salaam, Tanzania;; 3Global Hlth Sci, Univ of California, San Francisco,<br />

US;; 4CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; 5Directorate of Preventive Svcs and Hlth Ed,<br />

Ministry of Hlth, Zanzibar, Tanzania;; and 6CTS Global USA assigned to<br />

Div of Global HIV/AIDS, CDC, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania<br />

1056 The Performance of Candidate Assays to Detect Recent<br />

HIV Infection for Cross-sectional Incidence Estimation: An<br />

<br />

Reshma Kassanjee* 1,2 , G Murphy 3 , M Busch 4 , C Pilcher 5 , E McKinney 3 ,<br />

S Keating 4 , S Facente 5 , J MacArthur 4 , and A Welte 2<br />

1 Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 2 South African<br />

Ctr for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis, Stellenbosch;; 3 Hlth<br />

Protection Agency, London, UK;; 4 Blood Systems Res Inst, San Francisco,<br />

CA, US;; and 5 Univ of California, San Francisco, US<br />

1057 Characterization of Immune Response in Ugandan Women<br />

<br />

<br />

Andrew Longosz* 1 , C Morrison2 , P-L Chen2 , E Arts3 , I Nankya3 ,<br />

R Salata3 , V Franco4 , T Quinn1,4 , S Eshleman4 , and O Laeyendecker1,4 1 2 NIAID, NIH, Baltimore, MD, US;; Clinical Sci, FHI 360, Durham,<br />

NC, US;; 3Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH, US;; and 4Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US<br />

1058 Estimating HIV Incidence in Rural Western Kenya:<br />

<br />

Clement Zeh* 1 , A Kim2 , S Inzaule3 , A Morwabe3 , P Amornkul4 ,<br />

M Owen4 , L Mills1 , and B Parekh4 1 2 3 CDC, Kisumu, Kenya;; CDC, Nairobi, Kenya;; Kenya Med Res Inst/CDC<br />

Res and Publ Hlth Collaboration, Kisumu;; and 4CDC, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 194–Poster Abstracts<br />

New Testing Strategies<br />

1059 <br />

<br />

Florence Momplaisir*, B Fetzer, M Harhay, and J Long<br />

Univ of Pennsylvania Perelman Sch of Med, Philadelphia, US<br />

1060 <br />

HIV with Limited Healthcare Access<br />

Silvia Amesty* 1,2 , V Nandi3 , M Sutton4 , L Willis4 , P Weidle4 , and C Fuller2 1Ctr for Family and Community Med, Coll of Physicians and Surgeons,<br />

Columbia Univ, New York, NY, US;; 2Mailman Sch of Publ Hlth, Columbia<br />

Univ, New York, NY, US;; 3Lindsley F Kimball Res Inst, New York Blood<br />

Ctr, NY, US;; and 4CDC, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

1061 <br />

Rapid HIV Testing in a High-volume Jail and a High-volume<br />

<br />

Anne Spaulding* 1 , L Reid2 , C Bowden1 , B Copeland3 , R Macgowan2 ,<br />

A Margolis2 , R Shresta2 , G Mustaafaa1 , K Heilpern1 , and B Shah1 1 2 Emory Univ Rollins Sch of Publ Hlth, Atlanta, GA, US;; CDC, Atlanta,<br />

GA, US;; and 3 1068 Patterns of HIV Retesting among Clients of Voluntary HIV<br />

<br />

<br />

Cari Courtenay-Quirk*<br />

Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

1 , K Grabbe1 , A Baughman1 , G Djomand1 ,<br />

and B Pederson2 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and Population Svcs Intl, Maseru, Lesotho<br />

c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 195–Poster Abstracts<br />

Biological and Behavioral Transmission Risks<br />

1069 HIV Transmission Risk Behavior in a Cohort of HIV +<br />

Treatment-nïave Men and Women: US<br />

Raphael Landovitz* 1 , T Tran2 , S Cohn3 , I Ofotokun4 , J Lennox4 ,<br />

J Currier1 , and H Ribaudo2 1 2 UCLA Ctr for Clinical AIDS Res and Ed, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth,<br />

Boston, MA, US;; 3Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL,<br />

US;; and 4Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

1070 <br />

<br />

<br />

Thomas Peterman* 1 , D Newman1 , L Maddox2 , K Schmitt2,3 , and S Shiver2 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; Florida Dept of Hlth, Div of Disease Control<br />

and Hlth Protection, Tallahassee, US;; and 3Florida State Univ Coll of<br />

Nursing, Tallahassee, US<br />

1071 Correlates of Asymptomatic Gonococcal and Chlamydial<br />

Infections among US Military Men Infected with HIV<br />

R Carpenter1 , Oliver Refugio* 2 , K O’Brien2 , N Adams1 , M Bavaro1 ,<br />

M Johnson1 , R Maves1 , J Sklar1 , H Groff1 , and N Crum1,2 1 2 Naval Med Ctr, San Diego, CA, US and San Diego State Univ, CA, US<br />

1072 Incidence of Acute Sexually Transmitted Infections among<br />

HIV Diagnosed Individuals Attending Sexual Health Clinics:<br />

<br />

Sarika Desai*, V Delpech, L Peters, and G Hughes<br />

Hlth Protection Agency, London, UK<br />

1073 <br />

Sexually Transmitted Infections among HIV + Men<br />

Nimish Patel* 1 , M Nasiri1 , S Kwon2 , C Miller2 , L-A McNutt3 , and D Fish2 1 2 Albany Coll of Pharmacy and Hlth Sci, NY, US;; Albany Med Coll, NY,<br />

US;; and 3Univ at Albany, State Univ of New York, Sch of Publ Hlth,<br />

Rensselaer, US<br />

68 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

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