Pocket Program - CROI

Pocket Program - CROI Pocket Program - CROI

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Poster Listings Session 180 CROI 2013 975a Is Nevirapine Dose Escalation Appropriate in Young African HIV + Children? Quirine Fillekes* 1 , V Mulenga2 , D Kabamba2 , C Kankasa2 , M Thomason3 , A Cook3 , C Chintu2 , D Gibb3 , S Walker3 , and D Burger1 1 2 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, The Netherlands;; Univ Teaching Hosp, Lusaka, Zambia;; and 3MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London, UK 975b + Sabrina Bakeera-Kitaka* 1 , Q Fillekes2 , R Keishanyu3 , N Young4 , A Babirye1 , C Tumusiime3 , L Kendall4 , M Lallemant5 , D Burger2 , and D Gibb4 1Baylor Coll of Med Children’s Fndn Uganda, Mulago Hosp, Kampala;; 2 3 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;; Joint Clinical Res Ctr, Kampala, Uganda;; 4MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London, UK;; and 5 983 Microarray Analysis Reveals Novel Insights into Immunity to H1N1/09 Influenza Vaccine in HIV Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, Geneva, Switzerland + Children and Adolescents in the International Maternal Pediatric Savita Pahwa* 1 , L Trautmann2 , M Cameron2 , C Steel2 , R-P Sekaly2 , A Weinberg3 , C Cunningham4 , P Flynn5 , and IMPAACT P1088 Team 1 2 Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, FL, US;; Vaccine and Gene Therapy Inst Florida, Port St Lucie, US;; 3Univ of Colorado Denver, US;; 4Duke Univ, Durham, NC, US;; and 5 984 Higher Regulatory B and T Cell Rates Are Associated with Decreased Immune Responses to pH1N1 Influenza Vaccine in HIV + Children and Youth Adriana Weinberg* 1 , P Muresan2 , T Fenton2 , K Richardson1 , T Dominguez1 , A Bloom3 , C Cunningham4 , S Spector5 , S Nachman6 , P Flynn7 , and IMPAACT P1088 Study Team 1 2 Univ of Colorado Denver, Aurora, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3Frontier Sci & Tech Res Fndn, Amherst, NY, US;; 4Duke Univ Med Ctr, Durham, NC, US;; 5Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US;; 6Stony Brook Hlth Sci Ctr, NY, US;; and 7 Hosp, Memphis, TN, US 976 Pharmacokinetics of Lopinavir/ritonavir Dosed According to the WHO Pediatric Weight Band Dosing Guidelines: Interim Jorge Pinto* 1 , E Capparelli 2 , M Mirochnick 3 , M Warshaw 4 , B Zimmer 5 , J Roa 6 , B Smith 7 , C Worrell 7 , T Cressey 8 , M Martinez-Tristani 9 , and IMPAACT P1083 Team 1 Univ Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil;; 2 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; 3 Boston Med Ctr, MA, US;; 4 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 5 Frontier Sci & Tech Res Fndn, Buffalo, NY, US;; 6 Social & Scientific Systems, Silver Spring, MD, US;; 7 NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 8 Prgm for HIV Prevention and Treatment, Chiang Mai, Thailand;; and 9 Abbott Labs, Miami, FL, US c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 182–Poster Abstracts Response to Pediatric Vaccines in Children and Youth 981 Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in ARV-treated HIV + Adolescents and Young Adults Induces Strong Human Papillomavirus-specific Cell-mediated Immune Responses Daria Trabattoni* 1 , V Rainone 1 , F Penagini 2 , F Dinello 2 , F Calascibetta 1 , V Giacomet 2 , A Vigano 1,2 , M Clerici 1,3 , and GV Zuccotti 1,2 1 Univ of Milan;; 2 Luigi Sacco Hosp;; and 3 Don G Gnocchi Fndn 64 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 183–Poster Abstracts Preclinical Studies of Topical ARV for Prevention 977 + Children in the Anti- Retroviral Research for Watoto Trial Victor Musiime* 1 , P Kasirye2 , B Naidoo-James3 , P Nahirya-Ntege4 , T Mhute5 , L Mugarura1 , M Munjoma5 , M Spyer3 , M Thomason3 , S Walker3 , and ARROW Trial Team 1 2 Joint Clinical Res Ctr, Kampala, Uganda;; Baylor-Uganda, Paediatric Infectious Diseases Clin, Mulago Hosp, Kampala;; 3MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London, UK;; 4MRC/Uganda Res Unit on AIDS, Uganda Virus Res Inst, Entebbe;; and 5Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare 978 Pharmacokinetics of Darunavir 800 mg with Ritonavir 100 mg Once Daily in HIV + Adolescents and Young Adults Jennifer King* 1 , R Hazra2 , A Wiznia3 , P Jean-Philipe4 , B Graham5 , P Britto6 , V Carey6 , E Acosta1 , R Yogev7 , and IMPAACT P1058A Team 1 2 Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, US;; Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 3Jacobi Med Ctr, Bronx, NY, US;; 4Henry M Jackson Fndn for the Advancement of Military Med, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 5Frontier Sci & Tech, Amherst, NY, US;; 6Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; and 7Childrens Memorial Hosp, Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL, US 979 Methylphenidate Concentrations and Dose Requirements in HIV + and HIV Brookie Best* 1 , M Farhad2 , S Rossi1 , J Hodge3 , S Kapetanovic4 , E Capparelli1 , P Brouwers4 , G Siberry5 , E Smith6 , M Paul7 , and IMPAACT P1080 1 2 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3Frontier Sci & Tech Res Fndn, Amherst, NY, US;; 4Natl Inst of Mental Hlth, NIH, Rockville, MD, US;; 5Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 6NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 7Baylor Coll of Med, Houston, TX, US c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 181–Poster Abstracts Immune Response to Perinatal HIV 980 Early in HIV + Andrew Prendergast* 1,2,3 , B Chasekwa1 , S Rukobo1 , T Mupfudze1,2 , M Govha1 , K Mutasa1 , and J Humphrey1,2 1 2 Zvitambo Project, Harare, Zimbabwe;; Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; and 3 985 Impact of Depo-Provera and Menstrual Cycle on Vaginal Charles Dobard*, S Sharma, R West, A Martin, N Makarova, A Taylor, J Mitchell, C-P Pau, and W Heneine CDC, Atlanta, GA, US 986 A Novel Intravaginal Ring Design Releasing Tenofovir Vaginal Target Cells in Macaques to Gel Dosing James Smith* Queen Mary Univ of London, UK 1 , R Rastogi2 , R Teller2 , P Srinivasan1 , C-P Pau1 , J McNicholl1 , M Hendry1 , P Mesquita3 , B Herold3 , and P Kiser2 1 2 3 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, US;; and Albert Einstein Coll of Med, Bronx, NY, US 987 Differential Intracellular Retention of Drugs: A Tool for Pedro Mesquita* 1 , M Kay2 , and B Herold1 1 2 Albert Einstein Coll of Med, Bronx, NY, US and Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City, US 988 Implications for HIV Prevention Julie Russo* 1 , L Wang1 , L Rohan1,2 , I McGowan1,2 , and C Dezzutti1,2 1 2 Univ of Pittsbugh, PA, US 989 from HIV-1 Infection Yanille Scott* 1 , K Whaley2 , and C Dezzutti1 1 2 Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US and Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc, San Diego, CA, US 990 Semen Exposure in Women from HIV: Prevention Trials Kerri Penrose* 1 , B Richardson2 , G Besson1 , B Harold3 , C Dezzutti1 , S Abdool Karim4 , J Mellors1 , U Parikh1 , and MTN Biomed Sci Working Group and HPTN 035 Protocol Team 1 2 3 Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Albert Einstein Coll of Med, New York, NY, US;; and 4Ctr for the AIDS Prgm of Res in South Africa, Durban c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 184–Poster Abstracts Non-human Primate Models of STI, PrEP, and Vaccines 991 Co-infection with STI Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis Pigtail Macaques Tara Henning* 1 , K Butler 1 , D Hanson 1 , D Garber 1 , E Secor 1 , J Papp 1 , H Caldwell 2 , G Sturdevant 2 , J McNicholl 1 , and E Kersh 1 1 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and 2 Natl Inst of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Hamilton, MT, US 992 the Prophylactic Efficacy of Truvada in Pigtail Macaques Jessica Radzio* 982 + Pediatric and Adolescent Patients George Varghese*, S Pallikkuth, S Andreansky, I Gonzalez, and S Pahwa Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, FL, US 1 , K Hanley2 , J Mitchell1 , S Bachman1 , F Deyounks1 , W Heneine1 , and G Garcia-Lerma1 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US 993 Prophylactic Efficacy of Oral Truvada against a Tenofovir- M-E Cong, J Mitchell, E Sweeney, S Bachman, D Hanson, W Heneine, and Gerardo Garcia-Lerma* CDC, Atlanta, GA, US

CROI 2013 Session 187 994 Protective Truvada Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Prevents SHIV Infection in Macaques Ted Ross* 1 , A Luckay2 , J McNicholl2 , G Garcia-Lerma2 , H Eugene1 , B Pierce1 , L Pereira3 , J Zhang2 , M Hendry2 , and J Smith2 1004 Daily Assessment of Sexual Activity and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Use among Kenyan HIV Serodiscordant Couples Kathryn Curran* 1 2 3 Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; and ICF Intl, Atlanta, GA, US 1 , N Mugo2 , A Kurth3 , K Ngure2,4 , R Heffron1 , C Celum1 , and J Baeten1 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Kenyatta Natl Hosp, Nairobi, Kenya;; 3 4 New York Univ, NY, US;; and Jomo Kenyatta Univ of Agriculture and Tech, Nairobi, Kenya 995 Does the Intravenous Administration of the Primatized Brianne Kallam* 1 , F Villinger1 , A Mayne1 , D Little1 , J McNicholl2 , E Kersh2 , R Aubert2 , J Arthos3 , C Cicala3 , and A Ansari1 1 2 Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US;; CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; and 3 1005 African HIV Lab of Immunoregulation, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 185–Poster Abstracts Oral PrEP and ARV Adherence + Individuals in HIV Serodiscordant Partnerships Andrew Mujugira* 1 , R Heffron1 , C Celum1 , N Mugo1,2 , E Nakku-Joloba3 , and J Baeten1 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Univ of Nairobi, Kenya;; and 3Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda 1006 Measure of ARV Medication Adherence in HIV-1 + Women Amie Meditz* 1 , J Predhomme1 , K Searls1 , P Caraway2 , E Gardner2 , J-H Zheng1 , L Bushman1 , and P Anderson1 1 2 Univ of Colorado, Anschutz Med Campus, Aurora, US and Denver Publ Hlth, CO, US 996 Does Sexual Behavior Influence Adherence to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis? Data from a Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Trial among Young MSM Sybil Hosek* 1 , K Telander 1 , C Balthazar 1 , M Lally 2 , G Siberry 3 , B Kapogiannis 3 , C Wilson 4 , and Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions 1 John Stroger Hosp of Cook County, Chicago, IL, US;; 2 Alpert Med Sch of Brown Univ, Providence, RI, US;; 3 Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 4 Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, US 997 Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Young MSM: Needs and Challenges Linda-Gail Bekker* 1 , D Glidden 2 , S Hosek 3 , B Brown 1 , A Liu 2 , R Amico 4,5 , J Guanira 6 , J Lama 6 , V McMahan 7 , R Grant 2,7 , for iPrEx Study Team 1 Desmond Tutu HIV Ctr, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; 2Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 3 Stroger Hosp of Cook County, Chicago, IL, US;; 4 Ctr for Hlth, Intervention, and Prevention, Univ of Connecticut, Storrs, US;; 5 Applied Hlth Res, Brighton, MI, US;; 6 INMENSA, Lima, Peru;; and 7 Gladstone Inst of Virology and Immunology, San Francisco, CA, US 1001 No Evidence of Sexual Risk Compensation in the iPrEx Trial of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Julia Marcus* 1,2 , K Mayer 3 , J Guanira 4 , M Casapia 5 , O Montoya 6 , S Chariyalertsak 7 , L-G Bekker 8 , V McMahan 1 , D Glidden 9 , R Grant 1,9 , and iPrEx Study Team 1 Gladstone Inst of Virology and Immunology, San Francisco, CA, US;; 2 Univ of California, Berkeley, US;; 3 Fenway Inst, Fenway Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 4 Investigaciones Med en Salud, Lima, Peru;; 5 Assn Civil Selva Amazonica, Iquitos, Peru;; 6 Fndn Ecuatoriana Equidad, Guayaquil- Guayas, Ecuador;; 7 Res Inst for Hlth Sci, Chiang Mai Univ, Thailand;; 8 Desmond Tutu HIV Ctr, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; and 9 Univ of California, San Francisco, US 1002 When to Stop Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: A Prospective Analysis of Discontinuation of Sexual Activity and Initiation of ART among HIV Serodiscordant Couples Jared Baeten* 1 , P Murnane 1 , N Mugo 1,2 , E Katabira 3 , R Heffron 1 , A Mujugira 1 , D Donnell 1,4 , C Celum 1 , and Partners PrEP Study Team 1 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 2 Kenyatta Natl Hosp, Nairobi, Kenya;; 3 Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda;; and 4 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr, Seattle, WA, US 1003 Preferred Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Dosing Regimens and Sex Planning among Kenyan HIV-1 Serodiscordant Couples Renee Heffron* 1 , K Ngure 2 , N Mugo 3 , C Celum 1 , K Curran 1 , A Kurth 4 , and J Baeten 1 1 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 2 Jomo Kenyatta Univ of Agriculture and Tech, Nairobi, Kenya;; 3 Kenyatta Natl Hosp, Nairobi, Kenya;; and 4 New York Univ, NY, US c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 186–Poster Abstracts (see Session 14 on Monday for corresponding Themed Discussion) Implementation and Cost-effectiveness of Male Circumcision Program 65 Poster Listings 1007 a Randomized Controlled Effectiveness Study: Western Uganda Samuel Kanyago* 1,2 , D Riding 1,3 , E Mutakooha 1 , A Lopez 1 , and M Siedner 4 1 Mbarara Univ of Sci and Tech, Uganda;; 2 Good Shepherd Hosp, Siteki, Swaziland;; 3 Northwest Deanery, Manchester, UK;; and 4 Massachusetts Gen Hosp Ctr for Global Hlth, Boston, US 998 iPrEx Marc Solomon* 1 , J Lama2 , K Mulligan1 , A Liu3 , V McMahan4 , J Guanira2 , M Schechter5 , D Burns6 , D Glidden1 , R Grant1,4 , and iPrEx Study Team 1 2 3 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; INMENSA, Lima, Peru;; San Francisco Dept of Publ Hlth, CA, US;; 4Gladstone Inst, San Francisco, CA, US;; 5Praca Onze, Federal Univ of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;; and 6NIH, Bethesda, MD, US 999 exposure Prophylaxis and Prevention of Herpes Simplex Virus Connie Celum* 1 , R Morrow2 , D Donnell1,2 , T Hong1 , K Fife3 , E Nakku-Joloba4 , A Mujugira1 , J Baeten1 , and Partners PrEP Study Team 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr, Seattle, WA, US;; 3Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, US;; and 4Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda 1000 Daily Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Is Highly Effective among Pamela Murnane* 1 , C Celum1 , E Kahle1 , D Donnell1,2 , E Bukusi1,3 , N Mugo1,3 , A Mujugira1 , K Thomas1 , J Baeten1 , and Partners PrEP Study Team 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr, Seattle, WA, US;; and 3 1008 Kipruto Chesang* Univ of Nairobi, Kenya 1 , Z Mwandi1 , S Mwalili1 , P Cherutich2 , A Ochieng2 , P Oyaro3 , G Otieno4 , K Serrem5 , D Odera6 , and A Kim1 1 2 CDC, Ctr for Global Hlth, Nairobi, Kenya;; Natl AIDS and STD Control Prgm, Kenya Ministry of Publ Hlth and Sanitation, Nairobi;; 3Kenya Med Res Inst, Nairobi;; 4Nyanza Reproductive Hlth Society, Kisumu, Kenya;; 5 6 Catholic Med Mission Board, Nairobi, Kenya;; and Impact Res and Devt Org, Kisumu, Kenya 1009 Xiangrong Kong* 1 , A Ndyanabo2 , G Kigozi2 , F Nalugoda2 , D Serwadda3 , M Wawer1 , R Gray1 , and Rakai Hlth Sci Prgm 1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; Rakai Hlth Sci Prgm, Kalisizo, Uganda;; and 3Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda 1010 Costs and Effectiveness of Male Circumcision Scale-up for the Prevention of HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Seema Kacker* 1 , K Frick2 , T Quinn1,3 , R Gray2 , and A Tobian1 1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; and 3NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US 1011 Uptake of Neonatal Male Circumcision as Part of HIV Prevention Efforts in Botswana: Maternal Motivators and Barriers Rebeca Plank* 1,2,3 , K Wirth2,3 , N Ndubuka3 , P Kebaabetswe4 , C Lesetedi5 , J Makhema3 , D Halperin6 , R Shapiro2,3,7 , M Mmalane3 , and S Lockman1,2,3 1 2 3 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth;; Botswana- Harvard Partnership;; 4Univ of Botswana, Sch of Med;; 5Botswana Ministry of Hlth;; 6Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;; and 7Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 187–Poster Abstracts Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision 1012 Male Circumcision Decreases High Risk of Human Aaron Tobian* 1,2 , M-A Davis 1 , M Grabowski 1 , D Serwadda 2,3 , G Kigozi 2 , P Gravitt 1 , F Nalugoda 2 , M Wawer 1,2 , T Quinn 4 , and R Gray 1,2 1 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; 2 Rakai Hlth Sci Prgm, Entebbe, Uganda;; 3 Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda;; and 4 NIH, Bethesda, MD, US 1013 Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Scale-up Expands Access to Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening and Management and HIV Testing: Tanzania Augustino Hellar* 1 , D Boyee 1 , K Curran 2,3 , H Mahler 1 , M Plotkin 1 , TA Ashengo 2,3 , M Machaku 1 , F Hezwa 1 , S Koshuma 4 , and P Luvanda 5 1 Jhpiego, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;; 2 Jhpiego, Baltimore, MD, US;; 3 Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; 4 Iringa Regional Hosp, Tanzania;; and 5 Ministry of Hlth and Social Welfare, Iringa Region, Tanzania

<strong>CROI</strong> 2013 Session 187<br />

994 <br />

Protective Truvada Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Prevents SHIV<br />

Infection in Macaques<br />

Ted Ross* 1 , A Luckay2 , J McNicholl2 , G Garcia-Lerma2 , H Eugene1 ,<br />

B Pierce1 , L Pereira3 , J Zhang2 , M Hendry2 , and J Smith2 1004 Daily Assessment of Sexual Activity and Pre-exposure<br />

Prophylaxis Use among Kenyan HIV Serodiscordant Couples<br />

Kathryn Curran*<br />

1 2 3 Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; and ICF Intl,<br />

Atlanta, GA, US<br />

1 , N Mugo2 , A Kurth3 , K Ngure2,4 , R Heffron1 ,<br />

C Celum1 , and J Baeten1 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Kenyatta Natl Hosp, Nairobi, Kenya;;<br />

3 4 New York Univ, NY, US;; and Jomo Kenyatta Univ of Agriculture and<br />

Tech, Nairobi, Kenya<br />

995 Does the Intravenous Administration of the Primatized<br />

<br />

<br />

Brianne Kallam* 1 , F Villinger1 , A Mayne1 , D Little1 , J McNicholl2 ,<br />

E Kersh2 , R Aubert2 , J Arthos3 , C Cicala3 , and A Ansari1 1 2 Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US;; CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;;<br />

and 3 1005 <br />

African HIV<br />

Lab of Immunoregulation, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US<br />

c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 185–Poster Abstracts<br />

Oral PrEP and ARV Adherence<br />

+ Individuals in HIV Serodiscordant Partnerships<br />

Andrew Mujugira* 1 , R Heffron1 , C Celum1 , N Mugo1,2 , E Nakku-Joloba3 ,<br />

and J Baeten1 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Univ of Nairobi, Kenya;;<br />

and 3Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda<br />

1006 <br />

Measure of ARV Medication Adherence in HIV-1 + Women<br />

Amie Meditz* 1 , J Predhomme1 , K Searls1 , P Caraway2 , E Gardner2 ,<br />

J-H Zheng1 , L Bushman1 , and P Anderson1 1 2 Univ of Colorado, Anschutz Med Campus, Aurora, US and Denver Publ<br />

Hlth, CO, US<br />

996 Does Sexual Behavior Influence Adherence to Pre-exposure<br />

Prophylaxis? Data from a Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Trial<br />

among Young MSM<br />

Sybil Hosek* 1 , K Telander 1 , C Balthazar 1 , M Lally 2 , G Siberry 3 ,<br />

B Kapogiannis 3 , C Wilson 4 , and Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS<br />

Interventions<br />

1 John Stroger Hosp of Cook County, Chicago, IL, US;; 2 Alpert Med Sch<br />

of Brown Univ, Providence, RI, US;; 3 Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human<br />

Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 4 Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, US<br />

997 Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Young MSM: Needs and Challenges<br />

Linda-Gail Bekker* 1 , D Glidden 2 , S Hosek 3 , B Brown 1 , A Liu 2 , R Amico 4,5 ,<br />

J Guanira 6 , J Lama 6 , V McMahan 7 , R Grant 2,7 , for iPrEx Study Team<br />

1 Desmond Tutu HIV Ctr, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; 2Univ of<br />

California, San Francisco, US;; 3 Stroger Hosp of Cook County, Chicago,<br />

IL, US;; 4 Ctr for Hlth, Intervention, and Prevention, Univ of Connecticut,<br />

Storrs, US;; 5 Applied Hlth Res, Brighton, MI, US;; 6 INMENSA, Lima, Peru;;<br />

and 7 Gladstone Inst of Virology and Immunology, San Francisco, CA, US<br />

1001 No Evidence of Sexual Risk Compensation in the iPrEx Trial<br />

of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis<br />

Julia Marcus* 1,2 , K Mayer 3 , J Guanira 4 , M Casapia 5 , O Montoya 6 ,<br />

S Chariyalertsak 7 , L-G Bekker 8 , V McMahan 1 , D Glidden 9 , R Grant 1,9 ,<br />

and iPrEx Study Team<br />

1 Gladstone Inst of Virology and Immunology, San Francisco, CA, US;;<br />

2 Univ of California, Berkeley, US;; 3 Fenway Inst, Fenway Hlth, Boston,<br />

MA, US;; 4 Investigaciones Med en Salud, Lima, Peru;; 5 Assn Civil Selva<br />

Amazonica, Iquitos, Peru;; 6 Fndn Ecuatoriana Equidad, Guayaquil-<br />

Guayas, Ecuador;; 7 Res Inst for Hlth Sci, Chiang Mai Univ, Thailand;;<br />

8 Desmond Tutu HIV Ctr, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; and 9 Univ of<br />

California, San Francisco, US<br />

1002 When to Stop Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: A Prospective<br />

Analysis of Discontinuation of Sexual Activity and Initiation<br />

of ART among HIV Serodiscordant Couples<br />

Jared Baeten* 1 , P Murnane 1 , N Mugo 1,2 , E Katabira 3 , R Heffron 1 ,<br />

A Mujugira 1 , D Donnell 1,4 , C Celum 1 , and Partners PrEP Study Team<br />

1 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 2 Kenyatta Natl Hosp, Nairobi, Kenya;;<br />

3 Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda;; and 4 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res<br />

Ctr, Seattle, WA, US<br />

1003 Preferred Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Dosing Regimens and<br />

Sex Planning among Kenyan HIV-1 Serodiscordant Couples<br />

Renee Heffron* 1 , K Ngure 2 , N Mugo 3 , C Celum 1 , K Curran 1 ,<br />

A Kurth 4 , and J Baeten 1<br />

1 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 2 Jomo Kenyatta Univ of Agriculture<br />

and Tech, Nairobi, Kenya;; 3 Kenyatta Natl Hosp, Nairobi, Kenya;; and<br />

4 New York Univ, NY, US<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 186–Poster Abstracts<br />

(see Session 14 on Monday for corresponding Themed Discussion)<br />

Implementation and Cost-effectiveness of Male<br />

Circumcision<br />

<strong>Program</strong> 65<br />

Poster Listings<br />

1007 <br />

a Randomized Controlled Effectiveness Study: Western<br />

Uganda<br />

Samuel Kanyago* 1,2 , D Riding 1,3 , E Mutakooha 1 , A Lopez 1 , and M Siedner 4<br />

1 Mbarara Univ of Sci and Tech, Uganda;; 2 Good Shepherd Hosp, Siteki,<br />

Swaziland;; 3 Northwest Deanery, Manchester, UK;; and 4 Massachusetts<br />

Gen Hosp Ctr for Global Hlth, Boston, US<br />

998 <br />

<br />

iPrEx<br />

Marc Solomon* 1 , J Lama2 , K Mulligan1 , A Liu3 , V McMahan4 , J Guanira2 ,<br />

M Schechter5 , D Burns6 , D Glidden1 , R Grant1,4 , and iPrEx Study Team<br />

1 2 3 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; INMENSA, Lima, Peru;; San<br />

Francisco Dept of Publ Hlth, CA, US;; 4Gladstone Inst, San Francisco,<br />

CA, US;; 5Praca Onze, Federal Univ of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;; and 6NIH, Bethesda, MD, US<br />

999 <br />

exposure Prophylaxis and Prevention of Herpes Simplex Virus<br />

<br />

Connie Celum* 1 , R Morrow2 , D Donnell1,2 , T Hong1 , K Fife3 ,<br />

E Nakku-Joloba4 , A Mujugira1 , J Baeten1 , and Partners PrEP Study Team<br />

1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr,<br />

Seattle, WA, US;; 3Indiana Univ, Indianapolis, US;; and 4Makerere Univ,<br />

Kampala, Uganda<br />

1000 Daily Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Is Highly Effective among<br />

<br />

Pamela Murnane* 1 , C Celum1 , E Kahle1 , D Donnell1,2 , E Bukusi1,3 ,<br />

N Mugo1,3 , A Mujugira1 , K Thomas1 , J Baeten1 , and Partners PrEP Study<br />

Team<br />

1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr,<br />

Seattle, WA, US;; and 3 1008 <br />

<br />

Kipruto Chesang*<br />

Univ of Nairobi, Kenya<br />

1 , Z Mwandi1 , S Mwalili1 , P Cherutich2 , A Ochieng2 ,<br />

P Oyaro3 , G Otieno4 , K Serrem5 , D Odera6 , and A Kim1 1 2 CDC, Ctr for Global Hlth, Nairobi, Kenya;; Natl AIDS and STD Control<br />

Prgm, Kenya Ministry of Publ Hlth and Sanitation, Nairobi;; 3Kenya Med<br />

Res Inst, Nairobi;; 4Nyanza Reproductive Hlth Society, Kisumu, Kenya;;<br />

5 6 Catholic Med Mission Board, Nairobi, Kenya;; and Impact Res and Devt<br />

Org, Kisumu, Kenya<br />

1009 <br />

Xiangrong Kong* 1 , A Ndyanabo2 , G Kigozi2 , F Nalugoda2 ,<br />

D Serwadda3 , M Wawer1 , R Gray1 , and Rakai Hlth Sci Prgm<br />

1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; Rakai Hlth Sci Prgm, Kalisizo,<br />

Uganda;; and 3Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda<br />

1010 Costs and Effectiveness of Male Circumcision Scale-up for<br />

the Prevention of HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted<br />

<br />

Seema Kacker* 1 , K Frick2 , T Quinn1,3 , R Gray2 , and A Tobian1 1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; Johns Hopkins<br />

Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; and 3NIAID, NIH,<br />

Bethesda, MD, US<br />

1011 Uptake of Neonatal Male Circumcision as Part of HIV<br />

Prevention Efforts in Botswana: Maternal Motivators and<br />

Barriers<br />

Rebeca Plank* 1,2,3 , K Wirth2,3 , N Ndubuka3 , P Kebaabetswe4 , C Lesetedi5 ,<br />

J Makhema3 , D Halperin6 , R Shapiro2,3,7 , M Mmalane3 , and S Lockman1,2,3 1 2 3 <br />

Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth;; Botswana-<br />

Harvard Partnership;; 4Univ of Botswana, Sch of Med;; 5Botswana Ministry of Hlth;; 6Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;; and 7Beth Israel<br />

Deaconess Med Ctr<br />

c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 187–Poster Abstracts<br />

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision<br />

1012 Male Circumcision Decreases High Risk of Human<br />

<br />

<br />

Aaron Tobian* 1,2 , M-A Davis 1 , M Grabowski 1 , D Serwadda 2,3 , G Kigozi 2 ,<br />

P Gravitt 1 , F Nalugoda 2 , M Wawer 1,2 , T Quinn 4 , and R Gray 1,2<br />

1 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; 2 Rakai Hlth Sci Prgm, Entebbe,<br />

Uganda;; 3 Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda;; and 4 NIH, Bethesda, MD, US<br />

1013 Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Scale-up Expands Access<br />

to Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening and Management<br />

and HIV Testing: Tanzania<br />

Augustino Hellar* 1 , D Boyee 1 , K Curran 2,3 , H Mahler 1 , M Plotkin 1 ,<br />

TA Ashengo 2,3 , M Machaku 1 , F Hezwa 1 , S Koshuma 4 , and P Luvanda 5<br />

1 Jhpiego, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;; 2 Jhpiego, Baltimore, MD, US;; 3 Johns<br />

Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; 4 Iringa<br />

Regional Hosp, Tanzania;; and 5 Ministry of Hlth and Social Welfare,<br />

Iringa Region, Tanzania

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