Pocket Program - CROI

Pocket Program - CROI Pocket Program - CROI

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Poster Listings Session 172 CROI 2013 c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 172–Poster Abstracts ART Initiation and Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome among Infants and Children 942 Low Incidence of TB and Bacille Calmette Guerin Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in South African Children: Results of a Prospective Cohort Study Annelies Van Rie* 1 , S Sawry 2 , A Richardson 1 , S DeLong 1 , N Mahomed 3 , D Murdoch 2 , and H Moultrie 2 1 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 2 Wits Reproductive Hlth and HIV Inst, Johannesburg, South Africa;; and 3 Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa 943 Dermatologic Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome vs Immune Status in Children Receiving Treatment from a Community Outreach Program Anne Bagenda* 1,2 , M Mboowa 1 , and J Mbabazi 3,4 1 Intl Hlth Sci Univ, Kampala, Uganda;; 2 Makerere Coll of Hlth Sci, Kampala, Uganda;; 3 Mulago Natl Referral Hosp, Kampala, Uganda;; and 4 Intl Hosp Kampala, Uganda c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 173–Poster Abstracts ART Strategies and Outcomes among Children 945 Growth among HIV + Children Receiving ART: Dar es Ramadhani Mwiru* 1,2 , D Spiegelman 1 , C Duggan 1,3 , G Seage 1 , H Semu 4 , G Chalamilla 1,2 , R Kisenge 5 , and W Fawzi 1 1 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 2 Mgmt and Devt for Hlth, 62 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 174–Poster Abstracts Cost and Cost-effectiveness of ART and Monitoring Strategies in Children 940 Middle- and High-income Countries D Avila1 , K Patel2 , B Chi3 , K Wools-Kaloustian4 , V Leroy5 , A Sohn6 , C Chimbetete7 , R Hazra8 , Matthias Egger* 1,9 , and M-A Davies9 1 2 Inst of Social and Preventive Med, Univ of Bern, Switzerland;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3Ctr for Infectious Disease Res in Zambia, Lusaka;; 4Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, US;; 5French Natl Inst for Hlth and Med Res, Univ Bordeaux;; 6TREAT Asia, Fndn for AIDS Res, Bangkok, Thailand;; 7Newlands Clin, Harare, Zimbabwe;; 8Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Bethseda, MD, US;; and 9 941 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa Impact of Routine Early Infant Diagnosis and Early ART in HIV + Malawian Infants at Community Health Centers Anna Dow* 1 , Q Dube2 , R Heyderman2 , and A Van Rie1 1Univ of North Carolina Gillings Sch of Global Publ Hlth, Chapel Hill, US and 2 949 Within-trial Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Clinically-driven vs Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Res Prgm, Queen Elizabeth Central Hosp, Blantyre on ART: The AntiRetroviral Research for Watoto Trial Paul Revill* 1 , T Mabugu2 , F Mirimo3 , K Nathoo2 , P Mugyenyi4 , P Musoke5,6 , P Munderi3 , D Gibb7 , S Walker1 , M Sculpher1 , and ARROW Study Team 1 2 3 Univ of York, UK;; Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare;; Uganda Virus Res Inst, Entebbe;; 4Joint Clinical Res Ctr, Kampala, Uganda;; 5Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda;; 6Paediatric Infectious Diseases Clin, Kampala, Uganda;; and 7 950 MRC Clin Trials Unit, London, UK Time in Care and Resource Utilization Prior to ART Hari Iyer* 1 , C Scott1,2 , D Bwalya1 , J Kasimba1 , K McCoy2 , G Meyer-Rath2,3,4 , C Moyo5 , C Bolton-Moore6,7 , B Larson2,8 , and S Rosen2,3,4 1 2 Zambia Ctr for Applied Hlth Res and Devt, Lusaka;; Ctr for Global Hlth and Devt, Boston Univ, MA, US;; 3Hlth Economics and Epidemiology Res Office, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 4Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 5Zambian Ministry of Hlth, Lusaka;; 6Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 7Ctr for Infectious Disease Res in Zambia, Lusaka;; and 8Boston Univ Sch of Publ Hlth, MA, US c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 175–Poster Abstracts HIV Drug Resistance in Children and Youth 951 Pre-treatment Drug Resistance Mutations among HIV + Louise Kuhn* 1 , G Hunt 2 , K Technau 3 , A Coovadia 3 , V Black 3 , L Morris 2 , E Abrams 1 , and Finding Infants with HIV Disease and Evaluating Resistance Study Group 1 Columbia Univ, New York, NY, US;; 2 Natl Inst of Communicable Diseases, Johannesburg, South Africa;; and 3 Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hosp, Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa 944 Mortality and Long-Term Virologic Outcomes in Children Therapy: Panama D Estripeaut1 , Jonathan Mosser* 2 , M Doherty2 , W Acosta2 , H Shah2 , E Castano1 , K Luciani1 , J Pascale3 , R Bollinger2 , and K Page2 1 2 Hosp del Nino, Panama City, Panama;; Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; and 3 952a 1 Inst Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud, Panama City, Panama st-Line Regimen Kim Steegen* 1 , L Levin2 , I Ketseoglou1 , M Bronze1 , M Papathanasopoulos1 , S Carmona1,3 , and W Stevens1,3 1 2 Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;; Right to Care, Johannesburg, South Africa;; and 3Natl Hlth Lab Svcs, Johannesburg, South Africa 952b Adolescents and Young Adults: New York City Christina Gagliardo* 1 , L Saiman1 , J Birnbaum2 , A Radix3 , M Foca1 , J Nelson1 , M Yin1 , A Brozovich1 , E West1 , and N Neu1 1 2 Columbia Univ Med Ctr, New York, NY, US;; SUNY Downstate Med Ctr, Brooklyn, NY, US;; and 3Callen-Lorde Community Hlth Ctr, New York, NY, US Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;; 3 4 Ministry of Hlth and Social Welfare, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;; and 5 946 Muhimbili Univ of Hlth and Allied Sci, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Weight and Height as Predictors of Clinical Progression and HIV + Children: Asia Azar Kariminia* 1 , N Durier2 , G Jourdain3,4,5 , S Saghayam6 , T Nguyen7 , and D Kumarawati8 1 2 Univ New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;; TREAT Asia/amfAR-Fndn for AIDS Res, Bangkok, Thailand;; 3Chiang Mai Univ, Thailand;; 4Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 5Inst de Recherche pour le Devt UMI 174, Paris, France;; 6YRG CARE, Chennai, India;; 7Childrens Hosp 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam;; and 8Sanglah Hosp, Bali, Indonesia 947 Treatment Simplification in HIV + Children and Adolescents Talia Sainz* 1 , M Santos1 , B Jimenez2 , S Jimenez de Ory1 , J Saavedra1 , D Blazquez Gamero3 , JT Ramos4 , MI de Jose5 , MJ Mellado6 , ML Navarro1 , and Madrid Cohort of HIV-infected Children and Adolescents, Integrated in CORISPE 1 2 Hosp Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain;; Hosp Infanta Sofia, Madrid, Spain;; 3Hosp 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain;; 4Hosp de Getafe, Madrid, Spain;; 5Hosp La Paz, Madrid, Spain;; and 6Hosp Carlos III, Madrid, Spain 948 Perinatally HIV + Children and Adolescents: US Lee Fairlie* 1 , B Karalius2 , K Patel2 , R Van Dyke3 , G Siberry4 , G Seage2 , A Agwu5 , H Mendez6 , R Hazra4 , A Wiznia7 , and PHACS Team and IMPAACT 1Wits Reproductive Hlth Inst, Faculty of Hlth Sci, Univ of the Witwatersrand, South Africa;; 2Ctr for Biostatistics in AIDS Res, Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, US;; 3Tulane Univ Hlth Sci Ctr, New Orleans, LA, US;; 4Pediatric, Adolescent and Maternal AIDS Branch, Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 5Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 6SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn, NY, US;; and 7 c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 176–Poster Abstracts Co-infections among HIV-infected and -exposed Children 953 Early TB Infection among HIV-1-exposed Kenyan Infants Lisa Cranmer* Jacobi Med Ctr/Family Based Svcs, Bronx, NY, US 1,2 , M Kanyugo3 , S Jonnalagada1 , B Lohman-Payne1 , E Maleche-Obimbo3 , D Wamalwa3 , B Richardson1 , B Sorensen1 , and G John-Stewart1 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; and 3Univ of Nairobi, Kenya 954 Incidence of Malaria in HIV + Children on Pediatric ART: A Mounkala Harouna1 , Madelaine Amorissani-Folquet* 2 , T Eboua3 , S Desmonde1 , E Aka4 , K Kouadio5 , B Kouakou5 , P Coffie6 , V Leroy1 , and IeDEA Pediatric West African Study Group 1 2 Univ Bordeaux, ISPED, Ctr INSERM U897, France;; Univ Cocody, Cocody Univ Hosp, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire;; 3Yopougon Univ Hosp, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire;; 4CePReF-Enfant, ACONDA, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire;; 5CIRBA, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire;; and 6Ctr MTCT-plus, Abidjan, Cote dIvoire 955 Hepatitis C in HIV + Patients: Brazil Denise Pacola*, M Della Negra, Y Ching Lian, W Queiroz, and C Roberio Inst Infectologia Emilio Ribas, Sao Paulo, Brazil 956 Dynamics of Epstein-Barr Virus in HIV-1 + Children: Uganda Maria Raffaella Petrara* 1 , M Penazzato1,2 , W Massavon2 , S Nabachwa3 , M Nannyonga3 , A Mazza4 , K Gianesin1 , M Zanchetta5 , C Giaquinto1,2 , and A De Rossi1,5 1 2 3 Univ of Padova, Italy;; Tukula Fenna Project;; Nsambya Home Care, Kampala, Uganda;; 4Hosp of Cles, Italy;; and 5Inst Oncologico Veneto- IRCCS, Padova, Italy

CROI 2013 Session 180 c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 177–Poster Abstracts HIV and ART-related Complications and Treatment in Children and Youth + 959 Children in the Era of cART P Williams1 , M Abzug2 , Denise Jacobson* 1 , J Wang1 , R Van Dyke3 , R Hazra4 , K Patel1 , L DiMeglio5 , J Oleske6 , M Geffner7 , and IMPAACT 219C and Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study Teams 1 2 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; Univ of Colorado Sch of Med, Denver, US;; 3Tulane Univ Sch of Med, New Orleans, LA, US;; 4Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 5Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, US;; 6New Jersey Med Sch, Newark, US;; and 7 960 Incidence of Lipodystrophy Syndrome in a European Cohort of HIV + Children and Adolescents N Alam 1 , M Cortina-Borja 1 , T Goetghebuer 2 , M Marczynska 3 , A Vigano 4 , Claire Thorne* 1 , and European Paediatric HIV and Lipodystrophy Study in EuroCoord 1 Univ Coll London, UK;; 2 Ctr Hosp Univ St Pierre, Brussels, Belgium;; 3 Med Univ of Warsaw, Poland;; and 4 Univ of Milan, Italy + 961 Pediatric and Adolescent Patients: The Use of Speckle Tracking M Alvarez Fuente1 , Talia Sainz* 1 , JT Ramos Amador2 , C Medrano3 , D Blazquez Gamero3 , MI de Jose4 , MJ Mellado5 , ML Navarro1 , P Rojo Conejo1 , and MA Munoz1 1 2 Hosp Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain;; Hosp de Getafe, Madrid, Spain;; 3Hosp 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain;; 4Hosp La Paz, Madrid, Spain;; and 5Hosp Carlos III, Madrid, Spain 962 Hypertension in HIV + Children and Adolescents Sam Chatterton-Kirchmeier* 1 , R Chakraborty 2 , A Camacho-Gonzalez 2 , and D Batisky 2 1 Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US and 2 Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 178–Poster Abstracts Characteristics of Youth with HIV 957 Mortality among HIV + Children with Cancer in South Africa: A Pilot Linkage Study M Maskew1 , Julia Bohlius* 2 , C Stefan3 , A Davidson4 , N Maxwell1 , B Eley4 , H Prozesky5 , M Egger2 , and M-A Davies1 1 2 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; Inst of Social and Preventive Med, Univ of Bern, Switzerland;; 3Univ of Stellenbosch, South Africa;; 4Red 5Tygerberg Hosp, Cape Town, South Africa 958 and Adolescents P Martos1 , E Sanchez2 , A Noguera-Julian1 , J Lledo3 , A Mur3 , and Claudia Fortuny* 1 1 2 Hosp Sant Joan de Deu, Univ de Barcelona, Spain;; Univ Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain;; and 3 966 or More after Perinatal HIV Infection: Agence Nationale de S Blanche Hosp del Mar, Univ Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain 1 , D Scott-Algara2 , J Le Chenadec3 , V Avettand-Fenoel1 , N Bouallag3 , C Rouzioux1 , J-P Viard4 , C Dollfus5 , J Warsawski3,6 , and Florence Buseyne* 2 1 2 Univ Paris Descartes, Hosp Necker, Paris, France;; Inst Pasteur, Paris, France;; 3INSERM U1018, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; 4Hosp de l’Hotel- Dieu, Paris, France;; 5Hosp Trousseau, Paris, France;; and 6Univ Paris Sud, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France + 967 T Cell Diversity Decades after Perinatal HIV-1 Infection Christian Aguilera-Sandoval* 1 , O Yang1 , N Jojic2 , M Belzer3 , J Church3 , and P Krogstad1 1Geffen Sch of Med, Univ of California, Los Angeles Med Ctr, US;; 2 3 Microsoft Inc, US;; and Southern California, Los Angeles, US + 963 Children from Latin Development Initiative Study Cristina Hofer* 1 , R Harris2 , R Oliveira1 , T de Abreu1 , F Kakehasi3 , JH Pilotto4 , N Pavia Ruz5 , M Krauss2 , R Hazra6 , and NISDI Pediatric Study Group 2012 1Inst de Puericultura e Pediatria Martagao Gesteira, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;; 2Westat, Rockville, MD, US;; 3Uviv Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil;; 4Hosp Geral Nova de Iguacu, Brazil;; 5Hosp Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, Mexico City;; and 6Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US 964 Low Bone Mineral Density in Vertically HIV + Adolescents: B Jimenez1 , Talia Sainz* 2 , L Diaz2 , ML Navarro2 , MI Gonzalez-Tome3 , MJ Mellado4 , MI de Jose5 , P Rojo3 , JT Ramos6 , MA Munoz-Fernandez2 , and Madrid Cohort of HIV-infected Children and Adolescents, Integrated in CORISPE 1 2 Hosp Infanta Sofia, Madrid, Spain;; Hosp Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain;; 3Hosp 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain;; 4Hosp Carlos III, Madrid, Spain;; 5Hosp La Paz, Madrid, Spain;; and 6Hosp de Getafe, Madrid, Spain 965 Vitamin D Children and Adults with HIV A Steenhoff1,2,3,4 , J Schall2 , B Seme1 , M Marape5 , I Tsimako1 , M Tolle5 , M Nnyepi4 , L Mazhani4 , Richard Rutstein* 2,3 , and V Stallings2,3 1 2 Botswana-UPenn Partnership, Gaborone;; Philadelphia, PA, US;; 3Perelman Sch of Med at the Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US;; 4Univ of Botswana, Gaborone;; and 5 Session 179–Poster Abstracts (see Session 12 on Monday for corresponding Themed Discussion) Tenofovir in Children 972 + Once-daily HAART Regimen L Aurpibul Botswana-Baylor 1 , T Narkbunnam2 , Virat Sirisanthana* 1 , O Wittawatmongkol2 , W Phongsamart2 , T Sudjaritruk1 , T Cressey1,3,4 , and K Chokephaibulkit2 1 2 Chiang Mai Univ, Thailand;; Mahidol Univ, Bangkok, Thailand;; 3 4 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; and Inst de Recherche pour le Devt, Marseille, France 973 Pharmacokinetics of Tenofovir in Thai Adolescents Using Wasana Prasitsuebsai* 1 , S Kerr1,2 , N Thammajaruk1 , A Colbers3 , S Keadpudsa1 , T Chuanjaroen1 , M Gorowara1 , D Burger3 , A Sohn4 , and J Ananworanich1,5 1HIV-NAT Res Collaboration, Thai Red Cross AIDS Res Ctr, Bangkok;; 2 3 Kirby Inst, Univ of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;; Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, The Netherlands;; 4TREAT Asia/amfAR-Fndn for AIDS Res, Bangkok, Thailand;; and 5SEARCH, Thai Red Cross AIDS Res Ctr, Bangkok c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 180–Poster Abstracts ARV Pharmacokinetics in Children Program 63 Poster Listings 968 Young Adults Infected Perinatally than in Older Patients Nelly Briand* 1 , J-P Viard 2 , C Dollfus 3 , F Boufassa 1 , J Le Chenadec 1 , C Goujard 1,4 , R Seng 1 , S Blanche 5 , L Meyer 1,4,6 , J Warszawski 1,4,6 , and ANRS EPF, COVERTE, PRIMO, SEROCO, COPANA Study Groups 1 INSERM U1018, CESP, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; 2 AP-HP Hotel- Dieu, Paris, France;; 3 AP-HP, Hosp Trousseau, Paris, France;; 4 AP-HP, Hosp Bicetre, Paris, France;; 5 AP-HP Hosp Necker-Enfants Malades, Univ Paris Descartes, Paris, France;; and 6 Univ Paris-Sud, Le Kremlin- Bicetre, France 969 Allison Agwu* 1 , A Neptune 2 , R Rutstein 3 , T Korthuis 4 , K Gebo 1 , for HIV Res Network 1 Johns Hopkins Med Inst, Baltimore, MD, US;; 2 Howard Univ Coll of Med, Washington, DC, US;; 3 Childrens Hosp of Philadelphia, PA, US;; and 4 Oregon Hlth and Sci Univ, Portland, US 970 Behaviorally Acquired HIV Sharon Nichols* 1 , J Bethel 2 , P Garvie 3 , D Patton 4 , S Thornton 2 , B Kapogiannis 5 , W Ren 2 , T Li 2 , H Major-Wilson 6 , S Woods 1 , and Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions 1 Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US;; 2 Westat, Rockville, MD, US;; 3 Independent Consultant, Memphis, TN, US;; 4 Childrens Diagnostic and Treatment Ctr, Inc, Fort Lauderdale, FL, US;; 5 NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 6 Univ of Miami, FL, US 974 Raltegravir Pharmacokinetics and Safety in Neonates Diana Clarke* 1 , E Acosta 2 , M Rizk 3 , Y Bryson 4 , S Spector 5 , L Mofenson 6 , H Teppler 3 , C Welebob 3 , E Handelsman 7 , M Mirochnick 8 , and IMPAACT P1097 Study Team 1 Boston Med Ctr, MA US;; 2 Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, US;; 3 Merck Res Labs, Clin Res, North Wales, PA, US;; 4 Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; 5 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; 6 Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 7 NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 8 Boston Univ, MA, US

<strong>CROI</strong> 2013 Session 180<br />

c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 177–Poster Abstracts<br />

HIV and ART-related Complications and Treatment<br />

in Children and Youth<br />

+ 959 <br />

Children in the Era of cART<br />

P Williams1 , M Abzug2 , Denise Jacobson* 1 , J Wang1 , R Van Dyke3 ,<br />

R Hazra4 , K Patel1 , L DiMeglio5 , J Oleske6 , M Geffner7 , and IMPAACT<br />

219C and Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study Teams<br />

1 2 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; Univ of Colorado Sch of<br />

Med, Denver, US;; 3Tulane Univ Sch of Med, New Orleans, LA, US;; 4Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 5Indiana Univ Sch of Med, Indianapolis, US;; 6New Jersey Med Sch, Newark, US;;<br />

and 7 960 Incidence of Lipodystrophy Syndrome in a European Cohort<br />

of HIV + Children and Adolescents<br />

N Alam 1 , M Cortina-Borja 1 , T Goetghebuer 2 , M Marczynska 3 , A Vigano 4 ,<br />

Claire Thorne* 1 , and European Paediatric HIV and Lipodystrophy<br />

Study in EuroCoord<br />

1 Univ Coll London, UK;; 2 Ctr Hosp Univ St Pierre, Brussels, Belgium;;<br />

3 Med Univ of Warsaw, Poland;; and 4 Univ of Milan, Italy<br />

+ 961 <br />

Pediatric and<br />

Adolescent Patients: The Use of Speckle Tracking<br />

M Alvarez Fuente1 , Talia Sainz* 1 , JT Ramos Amador2 , C Medrano3 ,<br />

D Blazquez Gamero3 , MI de Jose4 , MJ Mellado5 , ML Navarro1 ,<br />

P Rojo Conejo1 , and MA Munoz1 1 2 Hosp Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain;; Hosp de Getafe, Madrid,<br />

Spain;; 3Hosp 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain;; 4Hosp La Paz, Madrid,<br />

Spain;; and 5Hosp Carlos III, Madrid, Spain<br />

962 Hypertension in HIV + Children and Adolescents<br />

Sam Chatterton-Kirchmeier* 1 , R Chakraborty 2 , A Camacho-Gonzalez 2 ,<br />

and D Batisky 2<br />

1 Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US and 2 Emory Univ, Atlanta,<br />

GA, US<br />

c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 178–Poster Abstracts<br />

Characteristics of Youth with HIV<br />

957 Mortality among HIV + Children with Cancer in South<br />

Africa: A Pilot Linkage Study<br />

M Maskew1 , Julia Bohlius* 2 , C Stefan3 , A Davidson4 , N Maxwell1 ,<br />

B Eley4 , H Prozesky5 , M Egger2 , and M-A Davies1 1 2 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; Inst of Social and Preventive Med,<br />

Univ of Bern, Switzerland;; 3Univ of Stellenbosch, South Africa;; 4Red <br />

5Tygerberg Hosp, Cape Town, South Africa<br />

958 <br />

and Adolescents<br />

P Martos1 , E Sanchez2 , A Noguera-Julian1 , J Lledo3 , A Mur3 ,<br />

and Claudia Fortuny* 1<br />

1 2 Hosp Sant Joan de Deu, Univ de Barcelona, Spain;; Univ Ramon Llull,<br />

Barcelona, Spain;; and 3 966 <br />

or More after Perinatal HIV Infection: Agence Nationale de<br />

<br />

S Blanche<br />

Hosp del Mar, Univ Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain<br />

1 , D Scott-Algara2 , J Le Chenadec3 , V Avettand-Fenoel1 ,<br />

N Bouallag3 , C Rouzioux1 , J-P Viard4 , C Dollfus5 , J Warsawski3,6 ,<br />

and Florence Buseyne* 2<br />

1 2 Univ Paris Descartes, Hosp Necker, Paris, France;; Inst Pasteur, Paris,<br />

France;; 3INSERM U1018, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; 4Hosp de l’Hotel-<br />

Dieu, Paris, France;; 5Hosp Trousseau, Paris, France;; and 6Univ Paris<br />

Sud, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France<br />

+ 967 <br />

T Cell<br />

Diversity Decades after Perinatal HIV-1 Infection<br />

Christian Aguilera-Sandoval* 1 , O Yang1 , N Jojic2 , M Belzer3 ,<br />

J Church3 , and P Krogstad1 1Geffen Sch of Med, Univ of California, Los Angeles Med Ctr, US;;<br />

2 3 Microsoft Inc, US;; and <br />

Southern California, Los Angeles, US<br />

+ 963 <br />

Children from Latin<br />

<br />

Development Initiative Study<br />

Cristina Hofer* 1 , R Harris2 , R Oliveira1 , T de Abreu1 , F Kakehasi3 ,<br />

JH Pilotto4 , N Pavia Ruz5 , M Krauss2 , R Hazra6 , and NISDI Pediatric<br />

Study Group 2012<br />

1Inst de Puericultura e Pediatria Martagao Gesteira, Rio de Janeiro,<br />

Brazil;; 2Westat, Rockville, MD, US;; 3Uviv Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo<br />

Horizonte, Brazil;; 4Hosp Geral Nova de Iguacu, Brazil;; 5Hosp Infantil de<br />

Mexico Federico Gomez, Mexico City;; and 6Natl Inst of Child Hlth and<br />

Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US<br />

964 Low Bone Mineral Density in Vertically HIV + Adolescents:<br />

<br />

B Jimenez1 , Talia Sainz* 2 , L Diaz2 , ML Navarro2 , MI Gonzalez-Tome3 ,<br />

MJ Mellado4 , MI de Jose5 , P Rojo3 , JT Ramos6 , MA Munoz-Fernandez2 ,<br />

and Madrid Cohort of HIV-infected Children and Adolescents, Integrated<br />

in CORISPE<br />

1 2 Hosp Infanta Sofia, Madrid, Spain;; Hosp Gregorio Maranon, Madrid,<br />

Spain;; 3Hosp 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain;; 4Hosp Carlos III, Madrid,<br />

Spain;; 5Hosp La Paz, Madrid, Spain;; and 6Hosp de Getafe, Madrid, Spain<br />

965 Vitamin D Children and Adults with HIV<br />

A Steenhoff1,2,3,4 , J Schall2 , B Seme1 , M Marape5 , I Tsimako1 , M Tolle5 ,<br />

M Nnyepi4 , L Mazhani4 , Richard Rutstein* 2,3 , and V Stallings2,3 1 2 Botswana-UPenn Partnership, Gaborone;; <br />

Philadelphia, PA, US;; 3Perelman Sch of Med at the Univ of Pennsylvania,<br />

Philadelphia, US;; 4Univ of Botswana, Gaborone;; and 5 Session 179–Poster Abstracts<br />

(see Session 12 on Monday for corresponding Themed Discussion)<br />

Tenofovir in Children<br />

972 <br />

+ <br />

<br />

Once-daily HAART Regimen<br />

L Aurpibul<br />

Botswana-Baylor<br />

<br />

1 , T Narkbunnam2 , Virat Sirisanthana* 1 , O Wittawatmongkol2 ,<br />

W Phongsamart2 , T Sudjaritruk1 , T Cressey1,3,4 , and K Chokephaibulkit2 1 2 Chiang Mai Univ, Thailand;; Mahidol Univ, Bangkok, Thailand;;<br />

3 4 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; and Inst de Recherche pour<br />

le Devt, Marseille, France<br />

973 Pharmacokinetics of Tenofovir in Thai Adolescents Using<br />

<br />

Wasana Prasitsuebsai* 1 , S Kerr1,2 , N Thammajaruk1 , A Colbers3 ,<br />

S Keadpudsa1 , T Chuanjaroen1 , M Gorowara1 , D Burger3 , A Sohn4 ,<br />

and J Ananworanich1,5 1HIV-NAT Res Collaboration, Thai Red Cross AIDS Res Ctr, Bangkok;;<br />

2 3 Kirby Inst, Univ of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;; Radboud Univ<br />

Nijmegen Med Ctr, The Netherlands;; 4TREAT Asia/amfAR-Fndn for AIDS<br />

Res, Bangkok, Thailand;; and 5SEARCH, Thai Red Cross AIDS Res Ctr,<br />

Bangkok<br />

c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 180–Poster Abstracts<br />

ARV Pharmacokinetics in Children<br />

<strong>Program</strong> 63<br />

Poster Listings<br />

968 <br />

Young Adults Infected Perinatally than in Older Patients<br />

<br />

Nelly Briand* 1 , J-P Viard 2 , C Dollfus 3 , F Boufassa 1 , J Le Chenadec 1 ,<br />

C Goujard 1,4 , R Seng 1 , S Blanche 5 , L Meyer 1,4,6 , J Warszawski 1,4,6 , and<br />


1 INSERM U1018, CESP, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; 2 AP-HP Hotel-<br />

Dieu, Paris, France;; 3 AP-HP, Hosp Trousseau, Paris, France;; 4 AP-HP,<br />

Hosp Bicetre, Paris, France;; 5 AP-HP Hosp Necker-Enfants Malades,<br />

Univ Paris Descartes, Paris, France;; and 6 Univ Paris-Sud, Le Kremlin-<br />

Bicetre, France<br />

969 <br />

<br />

Allison Agwu* 1 , A Neptune 2 , R Rutstein 3 , T Korthuis 4 , K Gebo 1 ,<br />

for HIV Res Network<br />

1 Johns Hopkins Med Inst, Baltimore, MD, US;; 2 Howard Univ Coll of<br />

Med, Washington, DC, US;; 3 Childrens Hosp of Philadelphia, PA, US;;<br />

and 4 Oregon Hlth and Sci Univ, Portland, US<br />

970 <br />

Behaviorally Acquired HIV<br />

Sharon Nichols* 1 , J Bethel 2 , P Garvie 3 , D Patton 4 , S Thornton 2 ,<br />

B Kapogiannis 5 , W Ren 2 , T Li 2 , H Major-Wilson 6 , S Woods 1 ,<br />

and Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions<br />

1 Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US;; 2 Westat, Rockville, MD, US;;<br />

3 Independent Consultant, Memphis, TN, US;; 4 Childrens Diagnostic and<br />

Treatment Ctr, Inc, Fort Lauderdale, FL, US;; 5 NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;;<br />

and 6 Univ of Miami, FL, US<br />

974 Raltegravir Pharmacokinetics and Safety in Neonates<br />

<br />

Diana Clarke* 1 , E Acosta 2 , M Rizk 3 , Y Bryson 4 , S Spector 5 ,<br />

L Mofenson 6 , H Teppler 3 , C Welebob 3 , E Handelsman 7 , M Mirochnick 8 ,<br />

and IMPAACT P1097 Study Team<br />

1 Boston Med Ctr, MA US;; 2 Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, US;; 3 Merck<br />

Res Labs, Clin Res, North Wales, PA, US;; 4 Univ of California, Los<br />

Angeles, US;; 5 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; 6 Natl Inst of Child Hlth<br />

and Human Devt, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 7 NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD,<br />

US;; and 8 Boston Univ, MA, US

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