Pocket Program - CROI

Pocket Program - CROI Pocket Program - CROI

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Poster Listings Session 161 CROI 2013 905 High Rates of Baseline ARV Resistance among HIV + MD Teixeira 1 , E Santos 1 , MI Gouvea 1 , Esau Joao* 1 , N Yeganeh 2 , L Ceci 1 , F Lattanzi 1 , ML Cruz 1 , LC Sidi 1 , and K Nielsen-Saines 2 1 Hosp dos Servidores do Estado, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and 2 David Geffen Sch of Med, Univ of California, Los Angeles, US 907 Is Intrapartum Prophylaxis for MTCT Still Useful in the HAART Era? Nelly Briand* 1 , J Warszawski 1,2 , A Faye 3,4 , J Le Chenadec 1 , C Dollfus 5 , J-P Teglas 1 , R Tubiana 6 , C Rouzioux 7 , L Mandelbrot 1,4,8 , S Blanche 7 , and ANRS EPF Study Group 1 INSERM U1018, CESP, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; 2 Univ Paris-Sud, AP-HP, Hosp Bicetre, Le Kremlin Bicetre, France;; 3 AP-HP, Hosp Robert Debre, Paris, France;; 4 Univ Paris 7, France;; 5 AP-HP, Hosp Trousseau, Paris, France;; 6 AP-HP, Hosp Pitie Salpetriere, INSERM, U943, Paris, France;; 7 AP-HP, Hosp Necker-Enfants Malades, Univ Paris Descartes, Paris, France;; and 8 AP-HP, Hosp Louis Mourier, Colombes, France 60 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 164–Poster Abstracts PMTCT Implementation: Barriers and Program Innovations 914 Barriers to Participation in Early Infant Diagnosis and c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Treatment of HIV: Malawi Elizabeth Cromwell* Session 162–Poster Abstracts ART, Viral Suppression, and MTCT 906 C Townsend, Laura Byrne*, C Thorne, M Cortina-Borja, C Peckham, and P Tookey Univ Coll London Inst of Child Hlth, UK 1 , A Dow1 , Q Dube2 , D Low3 , and A Van Rie1 1 2 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Res Prgm, Queen Elizabeth Central Hosp, Blantyre;; and 3Univ of Washington Sch of Med, Seattle, US 915 Adaptation of Immunization’s Reaching Every District Approach Improves Uptake of and Retention in PMTCT Lynn Kanyuuru* 1 , M Kabue1 , I Malonza1 , L Archer1 , K Curran2 , T Adamu3,4 , and T Jacobs5 1Jhpiego/Maternal and Child Hlth Integrated Prgm, Nairobi, Kenya;; 2 3 Jhpiego, Baltimore, MD, US;; Jhpiego/Maternal and Child Hlth Integrated Prgm, Baltimore, MD, US;; 4Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; and 5USAID, Washington, DC, US 916 Uganda’s Innovative Interventions in PMTCT Produce Dramatic Gains in Linkage and Retention of HIV + Pregnant Women and Their HIV-exposed Children Godfrey Esiru* 1 , J Grosz 2 , L Nabitaka 1 , and V Narayan 2 1 Ministry of Hlth, Kampala, Uganda and 2 Clinton Hlth Access Initiative, Kampala, Uganda + 908 Women on cART and Virologically Suppressed Antenatally Deborah Money* 1,2,3 , J van Schalkwyk1,2,3 , N Pick1,2 , A Alimenti2 , T Chaworth-Musters1 , E Wagner3 , A Albert3 , E Maan2 , M Murray1,2,3 , K Tullock1,2 , and Oak Tree Clin Res Group 1 2 Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada;; Oak Tree Clin, BC Womens Hosp, Vancouver, Canada;; and 3Womens Hlth Res Inst, Vancouver, Canada 909 among Women Conceiving on cART: Western Europe 910 Heather Bailey*, C Townsend, M Cortina-Borja, C Thorne, and European Collaborative Study in EuroCoord Univ Coll London, UK Differential Characteristics of HIV + Martina Badell*, A Kachikis, L Haddad, ML Nguyen, and M Lindsay Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 163–Poster Abstracts ARV Strategies, MTCT, and HIV-free Survival 911 Impact of the WHO’s Option B PMTCT Strategy on Population HIV-free Survival: A Community Survey in Benjamin Chi* 1,2 , N Chintu2 , P Musonda2,3 , M Gartland2 , S Mulenga2 , M Lembalemba4 , M Bweupe5 , E Turnbull2 , E Stringer1,2 , and J Stringer1,2 1 2 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; Ctr for Infectious Disease Res in Zambia, Lusaka;; 3Univ of East Anglia, Norwich, UK;; 4Kafue District Hlth Mgmt Team, Zambia;; and 5Ministry of Hlth, Lusaka, Zambia 912 Trial Using Boosted Lopinavir or Lamivudine in Africa Thorkild Tylleskar* 1 , N Nagot2 , C Kankasa3 , N Meda4 , J Tumwine5 , A Aku6 , M Mwiya3 , G Ndeezi5 , R Vallo2 , P Van de Perre2 , and ANRS 12174 Study Group 1 2 Univ of Bergen, Norway;; INSERM U1058 and Univ Montpellier 1, France;; 3Univ Teaching Hosp, Lusaka, Zambia;; 4Univ de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;; 5Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda;; and 6Univ of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa 913 ARV Management of Antenatal and Natal HIV Infection in of Antiretroviral Management of Antenatal and Natal HIV Infection Study Francesco Vairo* 1 , Z Chaula2 917 Antenatal Care in South Africa Andrea Ciaranello* , and AMANI Study Group 1 2 Natl Inst for Infectious Diseases L Spallanzani, Rome, Italy and Dodoma Regional Referral Hosp, Tanzania 1 , L Myer2 , S Christensen1,3 , K Kelly1 , K Daskilewicz2 , K Doherty1 , L-G Bekker4 , T Hou1 , K Freedberg1,5 , and R Walensky1,5,6 1 2 Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston, MA, US;; Univ of Cape Town Sch of Public Health and Family Medicine, Cape Town, South Africa;; 3 4 Amherst College, Amherst, MA, US;; Univ of Cape Town Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, Cape Town, South Africa;; 5Harvard Univ Ctr for AIDS Res, Boston, MA, US;; and 6 c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 165–Poster Abstracts Pregnancy Complications among HIV + Women + 918 and HIV Pregnant Women: Cameroon Jennifer Jao* 1 , J Wisnivesky1 , R Van Dyke2 , M Geffner3 , E Nshom4 , D Palmer4 , P Tih4 , D LeRoith1 , E Abrams5 , and R Sperling1 1 2 Mt Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY, US;; Tulane Univ Hlth Sci Ctr, New Orleans, LA, US;; 3Univ of Southern California Keck Sch of Med, Los Angeles, US;; 4Cameroon Baptist Convention Hlth Svcs, Bamenda;; and 5Intl Ctr for AIDS Care and Treatment Prgm, Columbia Univ, New York, NY, US 920 Vitamin D Inadequacy in HIV + Women on HAART Is Impairment of Uninfected Infants: Botswana Kathleen Powis* 1,2,3 , W Fawzi2 , L Smeaton2 , M Hughes2 , S Lockman2,3,4 , A Ogwu3 , S Moyo3 , J Makhema3 , M Essex2,3 , and R Shapiro5 1 2 Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Boston, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3Botswana-Harvard AIDS Inst Partnership, Gaborone;; 4 5 Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr, Boston, MA, US c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 166–Poster Abstracts PMTCT: Maternal and Child Health Outcomes 921 Post-ARV Outcomes among Women Who Received Triple- ARV Regimens from Pregnancy to Weaning as PMTCT: Timothy Minniear* 1,2 , S Girde3 , F Angira4 , L Mills2,4 , C Zeh2,4 , P Peters2 , R Masaba4 , R Lando4 , T Thomas2 , and A Taylor2 1 2 Epidemic Intelligence Svc, CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; Div of HIV/AIDS Prevention, CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; 3CDC Information Mgmt Svcs, ICF Intl, Atlanta, GA, US;; and 4Kenya Med Res Inst/CDC Res and Publ Hlth Collaboration, Kisumu 922 Maternal ART for the Prevention of Breastfeeding Years after Delivery Marina Giuliano* 1 , M Andreotti1 , G Liotta2,3 , H Jere3 , J-B Sagno3 , R Amici1 , MC Marazzi4 , S Vella1 , L Palombi2,3 , and S Mancinelli2,3 1 2 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy;; Univ of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy;; 3DREAM Prgm, Community of S Egidio, Blantyre, Malawi;; and 4LUMSA Univ, Rome, Italy 923 Birth Outcomes: Data from the ARV Pregnancy Registry Vani Vannappagari* 1,2 , J Albano 3 , H Tilson 2 , C Gee 3 , A Gandhi 2 , N Koram 1 , and C Ryan 3 1 GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, US;; 2 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; and 3 INC Res, Raleigh, NC, US

CROI 2013 Session 171 + 924 Women Who Received PMTCT R Masaba1 , C Zeh2 , S Girde3 , C Borkowf4 , R Ndivo1 , I Nyangau1 , K Achola1 , T Thomas2 , and Shirley Lee Lecher* 4 1 2 3 Kenya Med Res Inst, Kisumu;; CDC, Kisumu, Kenya;; ICF Intl, Atlanta, GA, US;; and 4 932 Botswana R Shapiro CDC, Atlanta, GA, US 1,2,3 , S Rossi4 , Anthony Ogwu* 3 , M Moss4 , J Leidner1 , S Lockman1,3,5 , S Moyo3 , J Makhema1,3 , M Essex1,3 , and E Capparelli4 1 2 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr, Boston, MA, US;; 3Botswana-Harvard Partnership, Gaborone;; 4Univ of California, San Diego, US;; and 5 MA, US 925 Pregnancy Outcomes in HIV + Women with Advanced Giuseppina Liuzzi* 1 , C Pinnetti 1 , E Tamburrini 2 , M Ravizza 3 , A Vigano 4 , A degli Antoni 5 , G Guaraldi 6 , A Maccabruni 7 , M Floridia 8 , and Italian Group on Surveillance on ART in Pregnancy 1 Natl Inst for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, Rome, Italy;; 2 Catholic Univ, Rome, Italy;; 3 S Paolo Hosp, Milan, Italy;; 4 Luigi Sacco Hosp, Univ of Milan, Italy;; 5 Azienda Ospedaliera di Parma, Italy;; 6 Univ of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy;; 7 IRCCS S Matteo, Pavia, Italy;; and 8 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 167–Poster Abstracts Breast Feeding and Prevention of Postnatal MTCT 927 Predictors of Early Breastfeeding Cessation among HIV + Anthony Ogwu* 1,2 , S Moyo 1 , D Kitch 2 , J Leidner 2 , K Powis 1,2 , S Lockman 1,2,3 , J Makhema 1,2 , M Pagano 2 , M Essex 1,2 , and R Shapiro 1,2,4 1 Botswana-Harvard AIDS Inst, Gaborone;; 2 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, + 928 Mothers Administering Longterm Nevirapine Syrup to Their Infants at Home: Mulago Joyce Namale Matovu* 1 , Z Namukwaya1 , M Mubiru1 , E Musingye1 , M Kyarimpa1 , A Kakande1 , S Kamya1 , P Musoke1 , M Kamya2 , and MG Fowler1,3 1Makerere UnivJohns Hopkins Univ Res Collaboration, Kampala, Uganda;; 2Mulago Mbarara Teaching Hosp Joint AIDS Prgm, Kampala, Uganda;; and 3Johns Hopkins Med Inst, Baltimore, MD, US c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 168–Poster Abstracts ARV Pharmacokinetics during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding 931 A Comparison of the Pharmacokinetics of Maraviroc during Pregnancy and Postpartum Angela Colbers* 1 , B Best 2 , J Wang 3 , A Stek 4 , C Hidalgo Tenori 5 , D Hawkins 6 , G Taylor 7 , E Capparelli 2 , D Burger 1 , M Mirochnick 8 , on behalf of PANNA Network and IMPAACT P1026 1 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, The Netherlands;; 2 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; 3 Ctr for Biostatistics in AIDS Res, Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 4 Univ of Southern California Keck Sch of Med, Los Angeles, US;; 5 Hosp Univ Virgen de las Nieves Granada, Spain;; 6 Chelsea and Westminster Hosp, London, UK;; 7 Imperial Coll Hlthcare NHS Trust, London, UK;; and 8 Boston Univ Sch of Med, MA, US 933 Exposure of Breastfed Infants to Maternal Efavirenz from Breast Milk Adeniyi Olagunju* 1,2 , A Amara 2 , J Tjia 2 , M Siccardi 2 , J Oyigboja 3 , O Bolaji 1 , S Khoo 2 , and A Owen 2 1 Obafemi Awolowo Univ, Ile-Ife, Nigeria;; 2 Univ of Liverpool, UK;; and 3 Ctr for Clin Res, Nigeria 926 Safety of in Utero and Neonatal ARV Exposure: Effects on Cognitive and Academic Outcomes in Molly Nozyce* 1 , Y Huo2 , P Williams2 , S Kapetanovic3 , R Hazra4 , S Nichols5 , S Hunter6 , K Rich6 , G Seage2 , P Sirois7 , and Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study 1 2 Jacobi Med Ctr, Bronx, NY, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3Natl Inst of Mental Hlth, NIH, Washington, DC, US;; 4Natl Inst of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Washington, DC, US;; 5Univ of California, San Diego, US;; 6Univ of Chicago, IL, US;; and 7 934 Effect of Seven Days Phenytoin on Pharmacokinetics of and Resistance to Single-dose Nevirapine for Perinatal HIV Prevention: A Randomized Pilot Study Catherine Chunda* Tulane Univ Sch of Med, New Orleans, LA, US 1 , Q Fillekes2 , E Muro3 , M Thomason4 , S Aitken5 , E Kisanga3 , C Kankasa1 , D Gibb4 , S Walker4 , and D Burger2 1 2 Univ Teaching Hosp, Lusaka, Zambia;; Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, The Netherlands;; 3Kilimanjaro Christian Med Coll, Moshi, Tanzania;; 4 5 MRC Clin Trials Unit, London, UK;; and Utrecht Univ Med Ctr, The Netherlands c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 169–Poster Abstracts ARV Regimens and Safety during Pregnancy Program 61 Poster Listings 935 and Peripartum Viral Load of Increased Lopinavir/Ritonavir Dose in Pregnancy Simone Bonafe*, J Senise, D Costa, MJ Vaz, A Castelo, and Nucleo de Patologias Infecciosas da Gestacao Federal Univ of Sao Paulo, Brazil Boston, MA, US;; 3 936 Incidence and Management of Adverse Events to Nevirapine in Pregnancy in a Resource-constrained Setting 4 Beth Francesca Bisio* Isreal Deaconess Med Ctr, Boston, MA, US 1 , E Schenone1 , S Grignolo1 , A Calzi1 , M Guaitolini1 , DR Giacobbe1 , G Masini1 , I Bitari2 , B Bruzzone3 , and C Viscoli1,3 1 2 Univ of Genoa, Italy;; Army Hosp, Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo;; and 3IRCSS AOU San Martino-IST, Genoa, Italy 929 for PMTCT: Adherence and Nevirapine Exposure Jim Aizire* 1 , E Capparelli2 , C Herron3 , E Brown3 , A Desmond4 , S Eshleman5 , B Maldonado6 , K Manji7 , MG Fowler5 , M Mirochnick8 , and HPTN 046 Study Team 1Makerere Univ-Johns Hopkins Univ Res Collaboration, Kampala, Uganda;; 2Univ of California, San Diego, US;; 3Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr, Seattle, WA, US;; 4CAPRISA, Nelson R Mandela Sch of Med, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa;; 5Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 6Stanford Univ Sch of Med, CA, US;; 7Muhimbili Univ of Hlth and Allied Sci, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;; and 8Boston Univ Sch of Med, MA, US 930 Role of Intestinal Mucosal Integrity in HIV Transmission Athena Kourtis* 1 , C Ibegbu2 , J Wiener1 , C King1 , G Tegha3 , D Kamwendo3 , V Flax4 , D Kayira3 , C van der Horst4 , D Jamieson1 , and BAN Study Team 1 2 3 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US;; UNC Project, Lilongwe, Malawi;; and 4 c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 170–Poster Abstracts Incidence and Prevention of PMTCT-associated Drug Resistance 937 in Women Treated with Zidovudine Monotherapy for PMTCT Scott Olson* Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US 1 , N Ngo-Giang-Huong2 , I Beck3 , R Hall1 , R Bumgarner1 , W Deng1 , J Mullins1 , R Van Dyke4 , G Jourdain2 , and L Frenkel1,3 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Inst de Recherche pour le Devt UMI 174-PHPT, Chiang-Mai, Thailand;; 3 and 4Tulane Univ Sch of Med, New Orleans, LA, US 938 Effect of Short-course Maternal ARV Regimens after Single-dose Nevirapine on HIV-1 Transmission and Jane Hitti* 1 , E Halvas2 , L Zheng3 , F Taulo4 , J Kabanda5 , H Sprenger6 , K Klingman7 , E Chan3 , D McMahon2 , J Mellors2 , and ACTG A5207 Protocol Team 1 2 3 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 4Queen Elizabeth Central Hosp, Blantyre, Malawi;; 5Joint Clin Res Ctr, Kampala, Uganda;; 6Frontier Sci Tech and Res Fndn, Amherst, NY, US;; and 7Therapeutics Res Prgm, DAIDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 171–Poster Abstracts New HIV Infections among Children in the US 939 Steven Nesheim* 1 , L Linley 1 , S Whitmore 1 , T Kajese 2 , H Shericka 2 , L Fitz Harris 2 , M Lampe 1 , and A Taylor 1 1 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and 2 ICF Intl, Atlanta, GA, US

<strong>CROI</strong> 2013 Session 171<br />

+ 924 <br />

Women Who Received<br />

<br />

PMTCT<br />

R Masaba1 , C Zeh2 , S Girde3 , C Borkowf4 , R Ndivo1 , I Nyangau1 ,<br />

K Achola1 , T Thomas2 , and Shirley Lee Lecher* 4<br />

1 2 3 Kenya Med Res Inst, Kisumu;; CDC, Kisumu, Kenya;; ICF Intl, Atlanta,<br />

GA, US;; and 4 932 <br />

<br />

Botswana<br />

R Shapiro<br />

CDC, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

1,2,3 , S Rossi4 , Anthony Ogwu* 3 , M Moss4 , J Leidner1 ,<br />

S Lockman1,3,5 , S Moyo3 , J Makhema1,3 , M Essex1,3 , and E Capparelli4 1 2 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; Beth Israel Deaconess Med<br />

Ctr, Boston, MA, US;; 3Botswana-Harvard Partnership, Gaborone;; 4Univ of California, San Diego, US;; and 5 MA, US<br />

925 Pregnancy Outcomes in HIV + Women with Advanced<br />

<br />

Giuseppina Liuzzi* 1 , C Pinnetti 1 , E Tamburrini 2 , M Ravizza 3 ,<br />

A Vigano 4 , A degli Antoni 5 , G Guaraldi 6 , A Maccabruni 7 , M Floridia 8 ,<br />

and Italian Group on Surveillance on ART in Pregnancy<br />

1 Natl Inst for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, Rome, Italy;;<br />

2 Catholic Univ, Rome, Italy;; 3 S Paolo Hosp, Milan, Italy;; 4 Luigi Sacco<br />

Hosp, Univ of Milan, Italy;; 5 Azienda Ospedaliera di Parma, Italy;; 6 Univ<br />

of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy;; 7 IRCCS S Matteo, Pavia,<br />

Italy;; and 8 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 167–Poster Abstracts<br />

Breast Feeding and Prevention of Postnatal MTCT<br />

927 Predictors of Early Breastfeeding Cessation among HIV +<br />

<br />

Anthony Ogwu* 1,2 , S Moyo 1 , D Kitch 2 , J Leidner 2 , K Powis 1,2 ,<br />

S Lockman 1,2,3 , J Makhema 1,2 , M Pagano 2 , M Essex 1,2 , and R Shapiro 1,2,4<br />

1 Botswana-Harvard AIDS Inst, Gaborone;; 2 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth,<br />

+ 928 <br />

Mothers Administering Longterm<br />

Nevirapine Syrup to Their Infants at Home: Mulago<br />

<br />

Joyce Namale Matovu* 1 , Z Namukwaya1 , M Mubiru1 , E Musingye1 ,<br />

M Kyarimpa1 , A Kakande1 , S Kamya1 , P Musoke1 , M Kamya2 ,<br />

and MG Fowler1,3 1Makerere UnivJohns Hopkins Univ Res Collaboration, Kampala,<br />

Uganda;; 2Mulago Mbarara Teaching Hosp Joint AIDS Prgm, Kampala,<br />

Uganda;; and 3Johns Hopkins Med Inst, Baltimore, MD, US<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 168–Poster Abstracts<br />

ARV Pharmacokinetics during Pregnancy and<br />

Breast Feeding<br />

931 A Comparison of the Pharmacokinetics of Maraviroc during<br />

Pregnancy and Postpartum<br />

Angela Colbers* 1 , B Best 2 , J Wang 3 , A Stek 4 , C Hidalgo Tenori 5 ,<br />

D Hawkins 6 , G Taylor 7 , E Capparelli 2 , D Burger 1 , M Mirochnick 8 ,<br />

on behalf of PANNA Network and IMPAACT P1026<br />

1 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, The Netherlands;; 2 Univ of California,<br />

San Diego, US;; 3 Ctr for Biostatistics in AIDS Res, Harvard Sch of Publ<br />

Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 4 Univ of Southern California Keck Sch of Med, Los<br />

Angeles, US;; 5 Hosp Univ Virgen de las Nieves Granada, Spain;; 6 Chelsea<br />

and Westminster Hosp, London, UK;; 7 Imperial Coll Hlthcare NHS Trust,<br />

London, UK;; and 8 Boston Univ Sch of Med, MA, US<br />

933 Exposure of Breastfed Infants to Maternal Efavirenz from<br />

Breast Milk<br />

Adeniyi Olagunju* 1,2 , A Amara 2 , J Tjia 2 , M Siccardi 2 , J Oyigboja 3 ,<br />

O Bolaji 1 , S Khoo 2 , and A Owen 2<br />

1 Obafemi Awolowo Univ, Ile-Ife, Nigeria;; 2 Univ of Liverpool, UK;;<br />

and 3 Ctr for Clin Res, Nigeria<br />

926 Safety of in Utero and Neonatal ARV Exposure: Effects on<br />

Cognitive and Academic Outcomes in<br />

<br />

Molly Nozyce* 1 , Y Huo2 , P Williams2 , S Kapetanovic3 , R Hazra4 ,<br />

S Nichols5 , S Hunter6 , K Rich6 , G Seage2 , P Sirois7 , and Pediatric<br />

HIV/AIDS Cohort Study<br />

1 2 Jacobi Med Ctr, Bronx, NY, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston,<br />

MA, US;; 3Natl Inst of Mental Hlth, NIH, Washington, DC, US;; 4Natl Inst<br />

of Child Hlth and Human Devt, NIH, Washington, DC, US;; 5Univ of<br />

California, San Diego, US;; 6Univ of Chicago, IL, US;; and 7 934 Effect of Seven Days Phenytoin on Pharmacokinetics of<br />

and Resistance to Single-dose Nevirapine for Perinatal HIV<br />

Prevention: A Randomized Pilot Study<br />

Catherine Chunda*<br />

Tulane Univ<br />

Sch of Med, New Orleans, LA, US<br />

1 , Q Fillekes2 , E Muro3 , M Thomason4 ,<br />

S Aitken5 , E Kisanga3 , C Kankasa1 , D Gibb4 , S Walker4 , and D Burger2 1 2 Univ Teaching Hosp, Lusaka, Zambia;; Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med<br />

Ctr, The Netherlands;; 3Kilimanjaro Christian Med Coll, Moshi, Tanzania;;<br />

4 5 MRC Clin Trials Unit, London, UK;; and Utrecht Univ Med Ctr, The<br />

Netherlands<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 169–Poster Abstracts<br />

ARV Regimens and Safety during Pregnancy<br />

<strong>Program</strong> 61<br />

Poster Listings<br />

935 <br />

and Peripartum Viral Load of Increased Lopinavir/Ritonavir<br />

Dose in Pregnancy<br />

Simone Bonafe*, J Senise, D Costa, MJ Vaz, A Castelo,<br />

and Nucleo de Patologias Infecciosas da Gestacao<br />

Federal Univ of Sao Paulo, Brazil<br />

Boston, MA, US;; 3 936 Incidence and Management of Adverse Events to Nevirapine<br />

in Pregnancy in a Resource-constrained Setting<br />

4 <br />

Beth<br />

Francesca Bisio*<br />

Isreal Deaconess Med Ctr, Boston, MA, US<br />

1 , E Schenone1 , S Grignolo1 , A Calzi1 , M Guaitolini1 ,<br />

DR Giacobbe1 , G Masini1 , I Bitari2 , B Bruzzone3 , and C Viscoli1,3 1 2 Univ of Genoa, Italy;; Army Hosp, Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo;;<br />

and 3IRCSS AOU San Martino-IST, Genoa, Italy<br />

929 <br />

for PMTCT: Adherence and Nevirapine Exposure<br />

Jim Aizire* 1 , E Capparelli2 , C Herron3 , E Brown3 , A Desmond4 ,<br />

S Eshleman5 , B Maldonado6 , K Manji7 , MG Fowler5 , M Mirochnick8 ,<br />

and HPTN 046 Study Team<br />

1Makerere Univ-Johns Hopkins Univ Res Collaboration, Kampala,<br />

Uganda;; 2Univ of California, San Diego, US;; 3Fred Hutchinson Cancer<br />

Res Ctr, Seattle, WA, US;; 4CAPRISA, Nelson R Mandela Sch of Med,<br />

Univ of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa;; 5Johns Hopkins Univ<br />

Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 6Stanford Univ Sch of Med, CA, US;;<br />

7Muhimbili Univ of Hlth and Allied Sci, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania;; and<br />

8Boston Univ Sch of Med, MA, US<br />

930 Role of Intestinal Mucosal Integrity in HIV Transmission<br />

<br />

<br />

Athena Kourtis* 1 , C Ibegbu2 , J Wiener1 , C King1 , G Tegha3 , D Kamwendo3 ,<br />

V Flax4 , D Kayira3 , C van der Horst4 , D Jamieson1 , and BAN Study Team<br />

1 2 3 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US;; UNC Project,<br />

Lilongwe, Malawi;; and 4 c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 170–Poster Abstracts<br />

Incidence and Prevention of PMTCT-associated<br />

Drug Resistance<br />

937 <br />

in Women Treated with Zidovudine Monotherapy for PMTCT<br />

Scott Olson*<br />

Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US<br />

1 , N Ngo-Giang-Huong2 , I Beck3 , R Hall1 , R Bumgarner1 ,<br />

W Deng1 , J Mullins1 , R Van Dyke4 , G Jourdain2 , and L Frenkel1,3 1 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Inst de Recherche pour le Devt UMI<br />

174-PHPT, Chiang-Mai, Thailand;; 3 and 4Tulane Univ Sch of Med, New Orleans, LA, US<br />

938 Effect of Short-course Maternal ARV Regimens<br />

after Single-dose Nevirapine on HIV-1 Transmission and<br />

<br />

Jane Hitti* 1 , E Halvas2 , L Zheng3 , F Taulo4 , J Kabanda5 , H Sprenger6 ,<br />

K Klingman7 , E Chan3 , D McMahon2 , J Mellors2 , and ACTG A5207<br />

Protocol Team<br />

1 2 3 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; Harvard<br />

Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 4Queen Elizabeth Central Hosp,<br />

Blantyre, Malawi;; 5Joint Clin Res Ctr, Kampala, Uganda;; 6Frontier Sci<br />

Tech and Res Fndn, Amherst, NY, US;; and 7Therapeutics Res Prgm,<br />

DAIDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US<br />

c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 171–Poster Abstracts<br />

New HIV Infections among Children in the US<br />

939 <br />

<br />

<br />

Steven Nesheim* 1 , L Linley 1 , S Whitmore 1 , T Kajese 2 , H Shericka 2 ,<br />

L Fitz Harris 2 , M Lampe 1 , and A Taylor 1<br />

1 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and 2 ICF Intl, Atlanta, GA, US

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