Pocket Program - CROI

Pocket Program - CROI Pocket Program - CROI

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Poster Listings Session 112 CROI 2013 c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 112–Poster Abstracts Detecting and Interpreting HIV Drug Resistance 597 HIV-1 Drug-resistance Mutations Associated with Pre- Exposure Prophylaxis Guoqing Zhang* 1 , H Guo1 , J DeVos1 , I Lorenzana de Rivera2 , I Zulu3 , N Wadonda-Kabondo4 , C Ndongmo3 , J Nkengasong1 , F Gao5 , and C Yang1 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; Natl Autonomous Univ of Honduras, Tegucigalpa;; 3CDC-Zambia, Lusaka;; 4CDC-Malawi, Lilongwe;; and 5Duke Univ Med Ctr, Durham, NC, US 598 Interpretation in Europe Charlotte Charpentier* 1 , R Camacho2 , J Ruelle3 , R Kaiser4 , J Eberle5 , A Pironti6 , M Stuermer7 , F Brun-Vezinet1 , D Descamps1 , and M Obermeier6 1 2 Hosp Bichat-Claude Bernard, Paris, France;; Univ Nova de Lisboa, Portugal;; 3Univ Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium;; 4Univ of Cologne, Germany;; 5Ludwig Maximilian Univ Munich, Germany;; 6Med Labor Dr Berg, Berlin, Germany;; and 7Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univ Hosp, Frankfurt, Germany 599 The Individualized Genetic Barrier Predicts Treatment Response in a Large Cohort of HIV-1 + Patients N Beerenwinkel 1 , H Knotzsch 1 , P Knupfer 1 , V von Wyl2 , S Yerly3 , J Boni4 , T Klimkait 5 , V Aubert 6 , Huldrych Gunthard* 2 , and Swiss HIV Cohort Study 1 2 3 ETH Zurich, Basel, Switzerland;; Univ Hosp Zurich, Switzerland;; Univ Hosp Geneva, Switzerland;; 4Univ of Zurich, Switzerland;; 5Univ of Basel, Switzerland;; and 6Ctr Hosp Univ Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland 600 st Anne Derache* 1 , C Wallis2 , J Bartlett3 , E Aga4 , M Norton5 , K Klingman6 , W Stevens7 , D Katzenstein1 , and ACTG5230 Team 1 2 Stanford Univ, CA, US;; Lancet Labs, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 3 4 Duke Univ Med Ctr, Durham, NC, US;; Statistical Data Analysis Ctr at Harvard Univ, Cambridge, MA, US;; 5Abbott Labs, Abbott Park, IL, US;; 6DAIDS, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 7Univ of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa 601 Low-level HIV Viremia and Drug Resistance Alejandro Gonzalez-Serna* 1 , JE Min1 , C Woods1 , J Li2 , R Harrigan1 , and L Swenson1 1 2 BC Ctr for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver, Canada and Brigham c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 113–Poster Abstracts Innovation in Measuring Viral Nucleic Acids 602 cleared Plasma HIV-1 RNA Assay Platforms for Determination Christina Lalama* 1 , C Jennings2 , V Johnson3,4 , R Coombs5 , J McKinnon6 , J Bremer2 , B Cobb7 , G Cloherty8 , H Ribaudo1 , and J Mellors9 1 2 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago, IL, US;; 3Birmingham VAMC, AL, US;; 4Univ of Alabama at Birmingham Sch of Med, US;; 5Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 6Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI, US;; 7Roche Diagnostics, Pleasanton, CA, US;; 8 9 Abbott Molecular, Des Plaines, IL, US;; and Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US 603 John McKinnon* 1 , C Lalama2 , S Riddler3 , R Haubrich4 , M Hughes2 , D Vagrattian3 , and J Mellors3 1 2 Henry Ford Hosp, Detroit, MI, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; and 4 606 Dried Blood Spots for HIV-1 Viral Load and Drug Resistance Monitoring in HAART-treated Patients from Africa and Asia: The Agence de Nationale de Recherche sur le Sida Ahidjo Ayouba* Univ of California, San Diego, US 1 , M Monleau1 , S Eymard-Duvernay1 , A Dagnra2 , D Kania3 , N Ngo-Giang-Huong4 , C Toure-Kane5 , L Truong6 , M-L Chaix7 , A Aghokeng8 , and ANRS 12235 Study Group 1 2 IRD and Univ de Montpellier 1, France;; BIOLIM, FMMP/UL, Lome, Togo;; 3Ctr Muraz, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso;; 4Chiang Mai Univ, Thailand;; 5Hosp Le Dantec, Dakar, Senegal;; 6Inst Pasteur, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam;; 7Hosp Necker, Paris, France;; and 8CREMER/IMPM/IRD, Yaounde, Cameroon 607 Evaluation of Point-of-Care Nucleic Acid Testing for HIV Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnosis in Primary Health Ilesh Jani* 1 , B Meggi1 , A Vubil1 , N Sitoe1 , N Bhatt1 , O Tobaiwa2 , J Quevedo2 , O Loquiha3 , J Lehe2 , and T Peter2 1 2 Inst Nacional de Saude, Maputo, Mozambique;; Clinton Hlth Access Initiative, Maputo, Mozambique;; and 3Univ Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique 608 Carol Metcalf* 1 , E Fajardo1 , P Pannus2 , L Trevino3 , I Panunzi2 , T Ellman1 , R Coulborn2 , A Kamiza4 , R Mbewa5 , and P Chaillet6 1 2 Medecins Sans Frontieres, Cape Town, South Africa;; Medecins Sans Frontieres, Thyolo, Malawi;; 3Medecins Sans Frontieres, Blantyre, Malawi;; 4Malawi Ministry of Hlth, Thyolo;; 5Malawi Ministry of Hlth, Lilongwe;; and 6Medecins Sans Frontieres, Brussels, Belgium 609 Eric Ramos*, M Chang, J Ortega, G Daza, E Goecker, S Harb, J Dragavon, and R Coombs Univ of Washington, Seattle, US 610 Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction Evaluation of Seminal HIV Viral Load Roberto Rodriguez-Diaz* 1 , E Mendez-Hernandez1 , M Flores-Hernandez1 , E Mendoza-Guadarrama1 , L Rojo-Gutierrez2 , C Hernandez-Martinez1 , and L Soto-Ramirez1 1Inst Nacional de Ciencias Med y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City, Mexico and 2Hosp Med Sur, Mexico City, Mexico 611 Korea H Kim1 , NS Ku1 , SB Kim1 , SJ Jeong1 , SH Han1 , JM Kim1 , D Smith2 , and Jun Yong Choi* 1 1 2 AIDS Res Inst, Yonsei Univ Coll of Med, Seoul, Korea and Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US 612 Efficiency of HIV-1 Pooled Viral Load Testing to Reduce the Cost of Monitoring ART in a Resource-limited Setting: Rural Malawi Pieter Pannus* 1 , E Fajardo1 , C Metcalf1 , L Trivino2 , D Garone2 , R Coulborn2 , H Bygrave1 , T Ellman1 , M Murowa3 , and R Mwenda4 1Medecins Sans Frontieres, South African Med Unit, Cape Town, South Africa;; 2Medecins Sans Frontieres, Thyolo, Malawi;; 3Ministry of Hlth, District Mgmt Office, Thyolo, Malawi;; and 4Ministry of Hlth, DDTSS, Lilongwe, Malawi 613 Testing in Resource-limited Settings Emily Hyle* 1 , I Jani2 , J Lehe3 , R Wood4 , A Su1 , J Quevedo3 , E Losina1,5,6 , I Bassett1,5 , T Peter3 , and R Walensky1,5,6 1 2 Med Practice Evaluation Ctr, Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Boston, US;; Inst Nacional da Saude, Maputo, Mozambique;; 3Clinton Hlth Access Initiative, Maputo, Mozambique;; 4Desmond Tutu HIV Fndn, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; 5Ctr for AIDS Res, Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA, US;; and 6 604 Refining Approaches to Viral Load Monitoring Using Dried Blood Spots Carole Wallis* 1 , E Aga 2 , H Ribaudo 2 , C Chevallier 3 , K Klingman 4 , W Stevens 5 , N Kumarasamy 6 , J Bartlett 7 , D Katzenstein 8 , and A5230 Team 1 Lancet Labs, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 2 Statistical Data Analysis Ctr, Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3 Clinton Hlth Access Initiative, Papua New Guinea;; 4 NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 5 Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 6 YRG Care, Voluntary Hlth Svcs, Chennai, India;; 7 Duke Univ Med Ctr, Durham, NC, US;; and 8 Stanford Univ, CA, US 605 Assessment of Treatment Efficacy with Virological and Pharmacological Evaluations on Capillary Dried Blood Spots in HIV + Patients Enrolled in a West African Cohort M Daou 1,2 , M Le 3 , B Madougou 1,2 , C Delaugerre 4 , T Maillard 4 , G Peytavin 3 , E Adehossi 1 , M Saidou 1 , E Rouveix 2,5 , and Pierre de Truchis* 2,5 1 Hosp Natl, Niamey, Niger;; 2 Gip-ESTHER Niger, France;; 3 Hosp Bichat Claude Bernard APHP, Paris, France;; 4 Hosp St Louis, APHP, Paris, France;; and 5 GH A Pare-R Poincare, Garches, France 44 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 114–Poster Abstracts Transmitted Drug Resistance 614 Origin of Minority Drug-resistant HIV-1 Variants in Primary HIV-1 Infection Karin Metzner*, A Scherrer, B Preiswerk, B Joos, V von Wyl, C Leemann, D Braun, C Grube, H Kuster, H Gunthard, and Swiss HIV Cohort Study Univ Hosp Zurich, Univ of Zurich, Switzerland 615 Trends in Genotypic Resistance Testing Use and Results among ARV-naïve Patients in the HIV Outpatient Study Kate Buchacz* 1 , B Young 2,3 , F Palella 4 , C Armon 5 , J Brooks 1 , and HIV Outpatient Study Investigators 1 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; 2 Apex Family Med and Res, Denver, CO, US;; 3 Intl Assn of Physicians in AIDS Care, Washington, DC, US;; 4 Northwestern Univ Sch of Med, Chicago, IL, US;; and 5 Cerner Corp, Vienna, VA, US

CROI 2013 Session 117 616 Immigrant HIV Clinic Rachel Chasan* 1 , K Sigel1 , J Karimjee2 , and C Salama1,2 1 2 Mt Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY, US and Elmhurst Hosp Ctr, New York, NY, US 617 HIV Molecular Epidemiology and Transmitted Drug Resistance Surveillance: Mesoamerican Region Claudia Garcia-Morales* 1 , S Avila-Rios1 , D Tapia-Trejo1 , C Mejia-Villatoro2 , J Pascale3 , G Porras-Cortes4 , R Mendizabal2 , Y Zaldivar3 , B Hernandez4 , G Reyes-Teran1 , and HIV Molecular Epidemiology and TDR Surveillance in the Mesoamerican Region Study Group 1Inst Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Mexico City, Mexico;; 2 3 Hosp Roosevelt, Guatemala;; Inst Conmemorativo Gorgas, Panama;; and 4Hosp Metropolitano, Managua, Nicaragua 618 a Transmitted Reverse Transcriptase Multi-resistant HIV-1 Isabel Viciana* 1 , N Chueca2 , A del Arco3 , F Tellez4 , F Jarilla5 , JD Colmenero6 , F Gardia2 , and J Santos1 1 2 Hosp Virgen de la Victoria, Malaga, Spain;; Hosp San Cecilio, Granada, Spain;; 3Hosp Costa del Sol, Marbella, Spain;; 4Hosp de la Linea, Cadiz, Spain;; 5Hosp de Antequera, Malaga, Spain;; and 6Hosp Carlos Haya, Malaga, Spain 619 Adults S Monge1 , M Alvarez2 , V Guillot2 , P Viciana3 , C Rodriguez4 , S Perez-Elias5 , JL Gomez-Sirvent6 , D Dalmau7 , M Rivero8 , Federico Garcia* 2 , and CORIS Resistance Study Group 1 2 Ctr Nacional de Epidemiologia, CoRIS, Madrid, Spain;; HU San Cecilio, Granada, Spain;; 3HU Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla, Spain;; 4Ctr Sandoval, Madrid, Spain;; 5HU Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, Spain;; 6HU Canarias, Spain;; 7Mutua Terrassa, Spain;; and 8 626 Impact of Experimental Conditions on the Utility of Primer ID Tagging for Next-generation HIV Sequencing Richard Liang* HU Navarra, Spain 1 , T Mo1 , W Dong1 , G Lee1 , L Swenson1 , R McCloskey1 , C Woods1 , C Brumme1 , R Harrigan1,2 , and A Poon1,2 1 2 BC Ctr for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver, Canada and Univ of 627 British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Accurately Identifying Low-frequency Variation in Viral Sampling John Archer* 1 , A Rambaut2,3 , and D Robertson1 1 2 Univ of Manchester, UK;; Inst of Evolutionary Bio, Univ of Edinburgh, UK;; and 3Fogarty Intl Ctr, NIH, US 628 HIV-1 Co-receptor Tropism John Archer* 1 , J Weber2 , K Henry3 , R Gibson3 , L Lee4 , E Paxinos4 , E Arts3 , D Robertson1 , L Mimms5 , and M Quinones-Mateu3,6 1 2 Univ of Manchester, UK;; Inst of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Prague, Czech Republic;; 3Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH, US;; 4Pacific Biosci, Menlo Park, CA, US;; 5Quidel Corp, San Diego, CA, US;; and 6Univ Hosp Translational Lab, Univ Hosp Case Med Ctr, Cleveland, OH, US 629 An Evaluation of Phylogenetic Methods for Reconstructing Transmitted HIV Variants Using Longitudinal Clonal HIV Sequence Data Rosemary McCloskey* 1 , R Liang1 , R Harrigan1 , Z Brumme2 , and A Poon1 1 2 BC Ctr for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver, Canada and Simon Fraser Univ, Burnaby, Canada c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 117–Poster Abstracts Detecting HIV Infection c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 115–Poster Abstracts Drug Resistance Mutational Pathways and Subtype Associations 620 Shigeyoshi Harada* 1 , S Boonchawalit1,2 , T Narumi3 , H Tamamura3 , S Matsushita2 , and K Yoshimura1,2 1 2 Natl Inst of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan;; Kumamoto Univ, Japan;; and 3Tokyo Med and Dental Univ, Japan 621 S Fourati1,2 , C Charpentier3,4 , D Armenia5 , L Morand-Joubert1,6,7 , M Wirden1,2 , A Artese8 , F Ceccherini-Silberstein5 , D Descamps3,4 , V Calvez1,2,6 , and Anne-Genevieve Marcelin* 1,2,6 1 2 INSERM UMR S-943, Paris, France;; Hosp Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France;; 3Hosp Bichat Claude Bernard, Paris, France;; 4Univ Paris Diderot, Paris, France;; 5Univ of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy;; 6Univ Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France;; 7 622 Hosp St-Antoine, Paris, France;; and 8Univ Catanzaro Magna Graecia, Italy In vitro Accumulation of Drug Resistance Mutations in Tenofovir and Didanosine Rodrigo Cunha* 1 , C Abreu1 , V Mabombo1 , A Sousa1 , M Nijhuis2 , D de Jong2 , R Brindeiro1 , and A Tanuri1 1 2 Federal Univ of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, The Netherlands 623 Varying Effects of the Integrase G118R-linked Mutations Peter Quashie* 1,2 , T Mesplede1 , Y Han1 , H-T Xu1 , B Spira1 , R Sloan1 , T Veres1 , M Wainberg1,2 , and B Brenner1 1McGill Univ AIDS Ctr, Lady Davis Inst-Jewish Gen Hosp, Montreal, Canada and 2McGill Univ, Montreal, Canada 624 Selected in vitro with Dolutegravir on Integrase Activity and Thibault Mesplede*, P Quashie, N Osman, Y Han, D Singhroy, A Sabbah, M Charabati, B Spira, and M Wainberg McGill Univ AIDS Ctr, Montreal, Canada c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 116–Poster Abstracts Advances in Sequencing and Analysis 625 Rapid Sequencing of HIV-1 Genomes as Single Molecules from Simple and Complex Samples Michael Brown* 1 , Y Guo1 , M Schaefer2 , W Kilembe3 , S Allen2 , E Hunter2 , and E Paxinos1 1 2 Pacific Biosci, Menlo Park, CA, US;; Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US;; and 3 th 630 Generation HIV Mark Manak* Zambia Emory HIV Res Project, Lusaka 1 , LA Eller2 , J Malia3 , M De Souza4 , K Shikuku5 , C Lueer1 , A Taylor6 , N Michael3 , M Robb2 , and S Peel3 1 2 Mbeye Med Res Prgm, Tanzania;; US Military HIV Res Prgm, Henry M Jackson Fndn for the Advancement of Military Med, Rockville, MD;; 3US Military HIV Res Prgm, Walter Reed Inst of Res, Silver Spring, MD;; 4 5 AFRIMS, Bangkok, Thailand;; Walter Reed Project, Keicho, Kenya;; and 6Makerere Univ Walter Reed Project, Kampala, Uganda 631 Detect Acute Infections in a High-prevalence Cross-sectional Population: Swaziland Yen Duong* 1 , Y Mavengere2 , J Manjengwa2 , D Sibandze3 , J Chang1 , LM Emel4 , J Justman2 , R Jason1 , G Bicego5 , B Parekh1 , and SHIMS Study Team 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; Intl Ctr for AIDS Care and Treatment, Columbia Univ, New York, NY, US;; 3Ministry of Hlth, Mbabane, Swaziland;; 4Statistical Ctr for HIV/AIDS Res and Prevention, Seattle, WA, US;; and 5CDC, Mbabane, Swaziland 632 Proportion of Acute HIV Infections and Improves HIV Philip Peters* 1 , E Westheimer2 , N Moss3 , C Gay4,5 , B Tsoi2 , M Pandori3 , L Hightow-Weidman4,5 , L Hall6 , P Patel1 , and STOP Study Group 1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; New York City Dept of Hlth and Mental Hygiene, NY, US;; 3San Francisco Dept of Publ Hlth, CA, US;; 4Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 5North Carolina Dept of Publ Hlth Collaboration, Raleigh, US;; and 6ICF Intl, Atlanta, GA, US 633 Performance: Taiwan Chun-Kai Chang* 1 , P-H Lin1 , S-Y Ho2 , S-Y Chang1,2 , C Kao3 , and J-Y Yang3 1 2 Natl Taiwan Univ Coll of Med, Taipei;; Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Taipei;; and 3Ctr for Disease Control, Taiwan 634 Generation Enzyme Immunoassay Jintanat Ananworanich* 1,2,3,4 , J Fletcher1,2 , S Pinyakorn1,2,3 , FV Griensven2 , T Pankam2 , R Trichaviroj5 , P Phanuphak1,2,3 , N Chomont6 , J Kim1,5,7 , M de Souza5 , and RV254/SEARCH 010 Study Group 1 2 SEARCH, Bangkok, Thailand;; The Thai Red Cross AIDS Res Ctr, Bangkok;; 3HIVNAT, Bangkok, Thailand;; 4Faculty of Med, Chulalongkorn Univ, Bangkok, Thailand;; 5Armed Forces Res Inst of Med Sci, Bangkok, Thailand;; 6Vaccine and Gene Therapy Inst, Port St Lucie, FL, US;; and 7US Military HIV Res Prgm, Rockville, MD 635 Streamlining HIV Testing during Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Use: Lessons from the Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Initiative Trial Juan Guanira* 1 , T Liegler2 , R Hance3 , D Glidden2 , and R Grant2,3 1 2 Investigaciones Med en Salud, Lima, Peru;; Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; and 3Gladstone Inst, San Francisco, CA, US Program 45 Poster Listings

<strong>CROI</strong> 2013 Session 117<br />

616 <br />

Immigrant HIV Clinic<br />

Rachel Chasan* 1 , K Sigel1 , J Karimjee2 , and C Salama1,2 1 2 Mt Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY, US and Elmhurst Hosp Ctr,<br />

New York, NY, US<br />

617 HIV Molecular Epidemiology and Transmitted Drug<br />

Resistance Surveillance: Mesoamerican Region<br />

Claudia Garcia-Morales* 1 , S Avila-Rios1 , D Tapia-Trejo1 ,<br />

C Mejia-Villatoro2 , J Pascale3 , G Porras-Cortes4 , R Mendizabal2 , Y Zaldivar3 ,<br />

B Hernandez4 , G Reyes-Teran1 , and HIV Molecular Epidemiology and TDR<br />

Surveillance in the Mesoamerican Region Study Group<br />

1Inst Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Mexico City, Mexico;;<br />

2 3 Hosp Roosevelt, Guatemala;; Inst Conmemorativo Gorgas, Panama;;<br />

and 4Hosp Metropolitano, Managua, Nicaragua<br />

618 <br />

a Transmitted Reverse Transcriptase Multi-resistant HIV-1<br />

<br />

Isabel Viciana* 1 , N Chueca2 , A del Arco3 , F Tellez4 , F Jarilla5 ,<br />

JD Colmenero6 , F Gardia2 , and J Santos1 1 2 Hosp Virgen de la Victoria, Malaga, Spain;; Hosp San Cecilio, Granada,<br />

Spain;; 3Hosp Costa del Sol, Marbella, Spain;; 4Hosp de la Linea, Cadiz,<br />

Spain;; 5Hosp de Antequera, Malaga, Spain;; and 6Hosp Carlos Haya,<br />

Malaga, Spain<br />

619 <br />

<br />

Adults<br />

S Monge1 , M Alvarez2 , V Guillot2 , P Viciana3 , C Rodriguez4 , S Perez-Elias5 ,<br />

JL Gomez-Sirvent6 , D Dalmau7 , M Rivero8 , Federico Garcia* 2 ,<br />

and CORIS Resistance Study Group<br />

1 2 Ctr Nacional de Epidemiologia, CoRIS, Madrid, Spain;; HU San Cecilio,<br />

Granada, Spain;; 3HU Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla, Spain;; 4Ctr Sandoval,<br />

Madrid, Spain;; 5HU Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, Spain;; 6HU Canarias,<br />

Spain;; 7Mutua Terrassa, Spain;; and 8 626 Impact of Experimental Conditions on the Utility of Primer<br />

ID Tagging for Next-generation HIV Sequencing<br />

Richard Liang*<br />

HU Navarra, Spain<br />

1 , T Mo1 , W Dong1 , G Lee1 , L Swenson1 ,<br />

R McCloskey1 , C Woods1 , C Brumme1 , R Harrigan1,2 , and A Poon1,2 1 2 BC Ctr for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver, Canada and Univ of<br />

627<br />

British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada<br />

Accurately Identifying Low-frequency Variation in Viral<br />

<br />

Sampling<br />

John Archer* 1 , A Rambaut2,3 , and D Robertson1 1 2 Univ of Manchester, UK;; Inst of Evolutionary Bio, Univ of Edinburgh,<br />

UK;; and 3Fogarty Intl Ctr, NIH, US<br />

628 <br />

HIV-1 Co-receptor Tropism<br />

John Archer* 1 , J Weber2 , K Henry3 , R Gibson3 , L Lee4 , E Paxinos4 ,<br />

E Arts3 , D Robertson1 , L Mimms5 , and M Quinones-Mateu3,6 1 2 Univ of Manchester, UK;; Inst of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry,<br />

Prague, Czech Republic;; 3Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH,<br />

US;; 4Pacific Biosci, Menlo Park, CA, US;; 5Quidel Corp, San Diego,<br />

CA, US;; and 6Univ Hosp Translational Lab, Univ Hosp Case Med Ctr,<br />

Cleveland, OH, US<br />

629 An Evaluation of Phylogenetic Methods for Reconstructing<br />

Transmitted HIV Variants Using Longitudinal Clonal HIV<br />

Sequence Data<br />

Rosemary McCloskey* 1 , R Liang1 , R Harrigan1 , Z Brumme2 ,<br />

and A Poon1 1 2 BC Ctr for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver, Canada and Simon<br />

Fraser Univ, Burnaby, Canada<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 117–Poster Abstracts<br />

Detecting HIV Infection<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 115–Poster Abstracts<br />

Drug Resistance Mutational Pathways and Subtype<br />

Associations<br />

620 <br />

<br />

Shigeyoshi Harada* 1 , S Boonchawalit1,2 , T Narumi3 , H Tamamura3 ,<br />

S Matsushita2 , and K Yoshimura1,2 1 2 Natl Inst of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan;; Kumamoto Univ, Japan;;<br />

and 3Tokyo Med and Dental Univ, Japan<br />

621 <br />

<br />

S Fourati1,2 , C Charpentier3,4 , D Armenia5 , L Morand-Joubert1,6,7 ,<br />

M Wirden1,2 , A Artese8 , F Ceccherini-Silberstein5 , D Descamps3,4 ,<br />

V Calvez1,2,6 , and Anne-Genevieve Marcelin* 1,2,6<br />

1 2 INSERM UMR S-943, Paris, France;; Hosp Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris,<br />

France;; 3Hosp Bichat Claude Bernard, Paris, France;; 4Univ Paris<br />

Diderot, Paris, France;; 5Univ of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy;; 6Univ Pierre<br />

and Marie Curie, Paris, France;; 7 622<br />

Hosp St-Antoine, Paris, France;; and<br />

8Univ Catanzaro Magna Graecia, Italy<br />

In vitro Accumulation of Drug Resistance Mutations in<br />

<br />

Tenofovir and Didanosine<br />

Rodrigo Cunha* 1 , C Abreu1 , V Mabombo1 , A Sousa1 , M Nijhuis2 ,<br />

D de Jong2 , R Brindeiro1 , and A Tanuri1 1 2 Federal Univ of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Univ Med Ctr Utrecht,<br />

The Netherlands<br />

623 Varying Effects of the Integrase G118R-linked Mutations<br />

<br />

<br />

Peter Quashie* 1,2 , T Mesplede1 , Y Han1 , H-T Xu1 , B Spira1 , R Sloan1 ,<br />

T Veres1 , M Wainberg1,2 , and B Brenner1 1McGill Univ AIDS Ctr, Lady Davis Inst-Jewish Gen Hosp, Montreal,<br />

Canada and 2McGill Univ, Montreal, Canada<br />

624 <br />

Selected in vitro with Dolutegravir on Integrase Activity and<br />

<br />

Thibault Mesplede*, P Quashie, N Osman, Y Han, D Singhroy,<br />

A Sabbah, M Charabati, B Spira, and M Wainberg<br />

McGill Univ AIDS Ctr, Montreal, Canada<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 116–Poster Abstracts<br />

Advances in Sequencing and Analysis<br />

625 Rapid Sequencing of HIV-1 Genomes as Single Molecules<br />

from Simple and Complex Samples<br />

Michael Brown* 1 , Y Guo1 , M Schaefer2 , W Kilembe3 , S Allen2 ,<br />

E Hunter2 , and E Paxinos1 1 2 Pacific Biosci, Menlo Park, CA, US;; Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US;;<br />

and 3 th 630 <br />

Generation HIV<br />

<br />

Mark Manak*<br />

Zambia Emory HIV Res Project, Lusaka<br />

1 , LA Eller2 , J Malia3 , M De Souza4 , K Shikuku5 , C Lueer1 ,<br />

A Taylor6 , N Michael3 , M Robb2 , and S Peel3 1 2 Mbeye Med Res Prgm, Tanzania;; US Military HIV Res Prgm, Henry<br />

M Jackson Fndn for the Advancement of Military Med, Rockville, MD;;<br />

3US Military HIV Res Prgm, Walter Reed Inst of Res, Silver Spring, MD;;<br />

4 5 AFRIMS, Bangkok, Thailand;; Walter Reed Project, Keicho, Kenya;; and<br />

6Makerere Univ Walter Reed Project, Kampala, Uganda<br />

631 <br />

Detect Acute Infections in a High-prevalence Cross-sectional<br />

Population: Swaziland<br />

Yen Duong* 1 , Y Mavengere2 , J Manjengwa2 , D Sibandze3 , J Chang1 ,<br />

LM Emel4 , J Justman2 , R Jason1 , G Bicego5 , B Parekh1 , and SHIMS Study<br />

Team<br />

1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; Intl Ctr for AIDS Care and Treatment, Columbia<br />

Univ, New York, NY, US;; 3Ministry of Hlth, Mbabane, Swaziland;;<br />

4Statistical Ctr for HIV/AIDS Res and Prevention, Seattle, WA, US;;<br />

and 5CDC, Mbabane, Swaziland<br />

632 <br />

Proportion of Acute HIV Infections and Improves HIV<br />

<br />

Philip Peters* 1 , E Westheimer2 , N Moss3 , C Gay4,5 , B Tsoi2 , M Pandori3 ,<br />

L Hightow-Weidman4,5 , L Hall6 , P Patel1 , and STOP Study Group<br />

1 2 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US;; New York City Dept of Hlth and Mental<br />

Hygiene, NY, US;; 3San Francisco Dept of Publ Hlth, CA, US;; 4Univ of<br />

North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 5North Carolina Dept of Publ Hlth<br />

Collaboration, Raleigh, US;; and 6ICF Intl, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

633 <br />

Performance: Taiwan<br />

Chun-Kai Chang* 1 , P-H Lin1 , S-Y Ho2 , S-Y Chang1,2 , C Kao3 ,<br />

and J-Y Yang3 1 2 Natl Taiwan Univ Coll of Med, Taipei;; Natl Taiwan Univ Hosp, Taipei;;<br />

and 3Ctr for Disease Control, Taiwan<br />

634 <br />

Generation Enzyme Immunoassay<br />

Jintanat Ananworanich* 1,2,3,4 , J Fletcher1,2 , S Pinyakorn1,2,3 ,<br />

FV Griensven2 , T Pankam2 , R Trichaviroj5 , P Phanuphak1,2,3 , N Chomont6 ,<br />

J Kim1,5,7 , M de Souza5 , and RV254/SEARCH 010 Study Group<br />

1 2 SEARCH, Bangkok, Thailand;; The Thai Red Cross AIDS Res Ctr,<br />

Bangkok;; 3HIVNAT, Bangkok, Thailand;; 4Faculty of Med, Chulalongkorn<br />

Univ, Bangkok, Thailand;; 5Armed Forces Res Inst of Med Sci, Bangkok,<br />

Thailand;; 6Vaccine and Gene Therapy Inst, Port St Lucie, FL, US;; and<br />

7US Military HIV Res Prgm, Rockville, MD<br />

635 Streamlining HIV Testing during Pre-exposure Prophylaxis<br />

Use: Lessons from the Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Initiative<br />

Trial<br />

Juan Guanira* 1 , T Liegler2 , R Hance3 , D Glidden2 , and R Grant2,3 1 2 Investigaciones Med en Salud, Lima, Peru;; Univ of California,<br />

San Francisco, US;; and 3Gladstone Inst, San Francisco, CA, US<br />

<strong>Program</strong> 45<br />

Poster Listings

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