Pocket Program - CROI

Pocket Program - CROI Pocket Program - CROI

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Poster Listings Session 100 CROI 2013 520 Genome-wide Association Study of Atazanavir Daniel Johnson* 1 , C Venuto2 , E Daar3 , G Morse4 , P Sax5 , M Fischl6 , A Collier7 , P McLaren8,9 , M Ritchie10 , D Haas1 , and ACTG 1 2 Vanderbilt Univ Sch of Med, Nashville, TN, US;; Univ of Rochester, NY, US;; 3Los Angeles Biomed Res Inst at Harbor-UCLA Med Ctr, Torrance, CA, US;; 4Univ at Buffalo, SUNY, US;; 5 Boston, MA, US;; 6Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, FL, US;; 7Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 8Broad Inst of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, US;; 9Ecole Polytech Federale de Lausanne, Univ of Lausanne, Switzerland;; and 10 529 Tenofovir Alafenamide Pharmacokinetics in Renal Impairment: Srini Ramanathan* Pennsylvania State Univ, Univ Park, US 1 , J Custodio1 , M Fordyce1 , W Garner1 , M Vimal1 , G Klein2 , K Farbakhsh3 , P Pergola4 , A Cheng1 , and B Kearney1 1 2 3 Gilead Sci, Inc, CA, US;; APEX GmbH, Munich, Germany;; DaVita Clin Res, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US;; and 4Renal Assoc, PA, San Antonio, Texas, US c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 103–Poster Abstracts Compartment Penetration of ARV c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 101–Poster Abstracts ARV Drug Exposure, Safety, and Efficacy 521 Efavirenz Pharmacokinetics Are Independently Associated Adriana Andrade* 1 , G Baheti2 , L Smeaton3 , M Yang3 , N Kumarasamy4 , T Flanigan5 , J Hakim6 , K Klingman7 , T Campbell8 , C Fletcher2 , and ACTG 5175 Team 1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr, Omaha, US;; 3Statistical and Data Analysis Ctr, Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 4YR Gaitonde Ctr for AIDS Res and Ed, Chennai, India;; 5 6 7 Miriam Hosp, Providence, RI, US;; Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare;; NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 8Univ of Colorado Denver, Aurora, US 522 Ritonavir Use—Increase Tenofovir Exposure in a Large Unselected Cohort of HIV + Women S Baxi1 , R Greenblatt1 , P Bacchetti1 , K Anastos2 , C Ponath1 , M Cohen3 , H Minkoff4 , S Gange5 , Monica Gandhi* 1 , and Womens Interagency HIV Study 1 2 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; Albert Einstein Coll of Med, Bronx, NY, US;; 3Stroger Cook County Hosp, Chicago, IL, US;; 4SUNY Downstate Med Ctr, Brooklyn, US;; and 5 530 and Blood Plasma: Applying the Law of Mass Action to Predict Protein-free Drug Concentration Lindsay Avery*, N Sacktor, J McArthur, and C Hendrix Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US 531 Single and Multiple Dose Dolutegravir Pharmacokinetics in the Genital Tract and Colorectum of HIV Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US Men and Women Benjamin Greener* 1 , J Adams1 , K Patterson2 , H Prince2 , C Sykes1 , M Wai1 , J Dumond1 , N Shaheen2 , M Cohen2 , and A Kashuba1,2 1Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Eshelman Sch of Pharmacy, US and 2Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sch of Med, US 532 in HIV Prevention Melanie Nicol* 1 , Y Fedoriw1 , M Mathews1 , J Micheli2 , D Kroetz2 , and A Kashuba1 1 2 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US and Univ of California, San Francisco, US c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 104–Poster Abstracts ARV Drug Interactions 523 and Drug Exposure in HIV + 533 In vitro Induction of Influx and Efflux Transporters and Patients Cristina Gervasoni*, P Meraviglia, S Landonio, S Baldelli, S Fucile, L Castagnoli, E Clementi, M Galli, A Riva, and D Cattaneo Beth Williamson* Luigi Sacco Hosp, Milan, Italy 524 Exposure-safety Relationship following Administration of Srini Ramanathan*, Y-P Liu, H Wang, A Plummer, M Fordyce, L Zhong, F Jin, A Cheng, J Szwarcberg, and B Kearney Gilead Sci, Inc, Foster City, CA, US 1 , K Dooley2 , D Back1 , and A Owen1 1 2 Univ of Liverpool, UK and Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US 534 L Zhu, C Hwang, V Shah, M Hruska, P Hu, B Vakkalagadda, M Furlong, X Xu, G Hanna, and Richard Bertz* Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ, US c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 102–Poster Abstracts ARV Pharmacokinetics: New Assays, Drugs, and Special Populations 40 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 535 Dolutegravir Has No Effect on Pharmacokinetics of Methadone or Oral Contraceptives with Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol I Song 1 , S Mark 1 , J Borland 1 , S Chen 1 , T Wajima 2 , A Peppercorn 1 , and Stephen Piscitelli* 1 1 GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, US and Mississauga, Canada and 2 Shionogi and Co, Ltd, Osaka, Japan 525 Tenofovir Diphosphate in Dried Blood Spots in HIV vs HIV + Individuals Jose Castillo-Mancilla* 1 , J Rower1 , J-H Zheng1 , A Meditz1 , E Gardner2 , K McAllister1 , B Klein1 , J Kiser1 , L Bushman1 , and P Anderson1 1 2 Univ of Colorado-AMC, Aurora, US and Denver Hlth Med Ctr, CO, US 526 Chromatography and Self-reported Adherence in Patients on ART Eva Muro* 1,2 , L George1 , W Dolmans3 , D Burger3,4 , and E Kisanga1,2 1 2 Kilimanjaro Christian Med Univ Coll, Moshi, Tanzania;; Kilimanjaro Clinical Res Inst, Moshi, Tanzania;; 3Inst for Infection, Inflammation and Immunity, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;; and 4Radboud Univ Med Ctr, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 527 Matt Anderson* 1 , J Gilmartin1 , M Robberechts1 , I De Lepeleire1 , L van Bortel2 , M Dockendorf Fallon1 , Y Guo1 , J Wagner1 , and J Butterton1 1 2 Merck Sharp & Dohme, Corp, Whitehouse Station, NJ, US and Drug Res Unit, Ghent, Belgium 528 Pharmacokinetic Study of Raltegravir in HIV + Patients with C Barau1 , J Braun2 , C Vincent2 , S Haim-Boukobza3,4 , J-M Molina5,6 , P Miailhes7,8 , J-P Aboulker2 , J-C Duclos-Vallee3,9 , A-M Taburet1 , Elina Teicher* 1,3 , and ANRS 148 Study Group 1 2 Bicetre Hosp, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; INSERM SC10-US019, Villejuif, France;; 3Paul-Brousse Hosp, Villejuif, France;; 4INSERM U785, Villejuif, France;; 5St Louis Hosp, Paris, France;; 6 536 sparing Regimen Raltegravir plus Nevirapine in HIV-1 Paris VII Univ, France;; 7 8 Croix-Rousse Hosp, Lyon, France;; INSERM U1052, Lyon, France;; and 9CHB UMR-S 785, Villejuif, France + Patients Chiara Montrucchio* 1 , A Calcagno1 , M Lanzafame2 , G Cenderello3 , M Simiele1 , MC Tettoni1 , P Bigliano1 , A D’Avolio1 , G Di Perri1 , and S Bonora1 1 2 3 Univ of Torino, Italy;; GB Rossi Univ Hosp, Verona, Italy;; and San Martino Hosp Genoa, Univ of Genoa, Italy 537 and HIV-1 NNRTI Rilpivirine Elizabeth Rhee*, H-P Feng, F Xuan, W Lin, C Smith, Y Zhu, and J Butterton Merck & Co, Inc, Whitehouse Station, NJ, US 538 Co-administration in Hepatitis C Virus Infected Patients Adriana Andrade* 1 , C Hendrix1 , E Fuchs1 , C Radebaugh1 , M Sulkowski1 , L Bushman2 , M Ray2 , and J Kiser2 1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US and Univ of Colorado Denver, Aurora, US 539 Pharmacokinetics of Two Doses of Raltegravir in H Sauvageon1 , B Grinsztejn2 , V Arnold3 , V Veloso2 , C Vorsatz2 , JH Pilotto4 , C Grondin3 , G Chene3 , Anne-Marie Taburet* 5 , and J-M Molina1,6 1 2 Hosp St Louis, Paris, France;; IPEC, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;; 3 4 INSERM U897, Univ Bordeaux, France;; Hosp Geral de Nova Iguacu, Brazil;; 5Hosp Bicetre, Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; and 6Univ Paris Diderot, Paris, France

CROI 2013 Session 106 c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 105–Poster Abstracts New ARV Agents 551 Early Hospitalization and Mortality in Patients Starting ART Eunice Obiero* 1 , P Yegon2 , A Aoko2 , R Langat2 , J Maswai2 , J Tarus2 , M Bii2 , M Omondi3 , F Sawe2,4 , and D Shaffer2,4 1 2 Kenya Ministry of Med Svcs, Kericho;; Kenya Med Res Inst/Walter Reed Project, Kericho;; 3Kenya Med Res Inst/Walter Reed Project, Kisumu;; and 4US Military HIV Res Prgm, Bethesda, MD 552 Association Between Early Virologic Response and Immunologic Outcomes in Raltegravir-treated Patients Christos Tsoukas* 1 , A Rodgers2 , H Teppler2 , R Leavitt2 , B-Y Nguyen2 , and P Sklar2 1 2 McGill Univ, Montreal, Canada and Merck Sharp & Dohme, Corp, Whitehouse Station, NJ, US 553 Andrew Zolopa* 1 , J Rockstroh2 , C Orkin3 , H-J Stellbrink4 , S Walmsley5 , D Cooper6 , L Zhong7 , M Fordyce7 , M Rhee7 , and J Szwarcberg7 1 2 Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA, US;; Univ of Bonn, HIV-Outpatient Clin, Bonn, Germany;; 3Barts and the London NHS Trust, UK;; 4ICH Study Ctr, Hamburg, Germany;; 5Univ Hlth Network, Toronto Gen Hosp, Canada;; 6St Vincents Hosp, Sydney, Australia;; and 7Gilead Sci, Foster City, CA, US 554 + Individuals Cynthia Brinson* 1 , S Walmsley2 , K Arasteh3 , M Gorgolas4 , L Schneider5 , F Raffi6 , C Brennan7 , K Pappa7 , S Almond8 , C Granier9 , and Extended SPRING-2 and SINGLE Study Teams 1 2 Central Texas Clin Res, Austin, US;; Univ Hlth Network, Toronto, Canada;; 3EPIMED/Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum, Berlin, Germany;; 4Fndn Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, Spain;; 5Internistische Praxis, Fuerth, Germany;; 6Univ of Nantes, France;; 7GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, US;; 8GlaxoSmithKline, Mississauga, Canada;; and 9GlaxoSmithKline, Stockley Park, UK 555 Steven van Lelyveld* 1 , J Drylewicz1 , C Richter2 , R Soetekouw3 , J Prins4 , K Brinkman5 , JW Mulder6 , M Nijhuis1 , K Tesselaar1 , A Hoepelman1 , and MIRS Study Group 1 2 Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, The Netherlands;; Rijnstate Hosp, Arnhem, The Netherlands;; 3Kennemer Gasthuis, Haarlem, The Netherlands;; 4Academic Med Ctr, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;; 5Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;; and 6Slotervaart Hosp, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 556 Stefano Bonora* 1 , O Vigano2 , A Calcagno1 , J Cusato1 , M Lanzafame3 , A Trentalange1 , A D’Avolio1 , M Galli2 , S Rusconi2 , and G Di Perri1 1 2 3 Univ of Torino, Italy;; Univ of Milan, Italy;; and GB Rossi Hosp, Verona, Italy 557 Baseline Characteristics and Acceptance of Regimens Karen Tashima* 1 , K Mollan2 , L Na2 , R Gandhi3 , K Klingman4 , C Fichtenbaum5 , A Andrade6 , V Johnson7 , J Eron8 , and R Haubrich9 1 2 Miriam Hosp, Alpert Med Sch of Brown Univ, Providence, RI, US;; Ctr for Biostatistics in AIDS Res, Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3 4 Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Boston, US;; DAIDS, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; 5Univ of Cincinnati, OH, US;; 6Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; 7Birmingham VAMC and Univ of Alabama at Birmingham Sch of Med, US;; 8Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; and 9 540 Rujuta Bam*, S Yant, and T Cihlar Gilead Sci, Foster City, CA, US 541 of Wild-type and Mutant HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Robert Domaoal* Univ of California, San Diego, US 1 , M Detorio1 , C Montero1 , L Bondada1 , S Amiralaei1 , T Nie1 , E Anandarajah1 , S Coats2 , and R Schinazi1 1 2 Emory Univ and VAMC, Decatur, GA, US and RFS Pharma, LLC, Tucker, GA, US 542 David Langley*, R Kimura, P Sivaprakasam, N Zhou, I Dicker, T Wang, J Kadow, N Meanwell, and M Krystal Bristol-Myers Squibb Res and Devt, Wallingford, CT, US 543 Svenja Weiss* 1 , R Duerr1 , M Hust2 , J Este3 , C Kuecherer4 , R Schmidt5 , and U Dietrich1 1Georg-Speyer-Haus, Inst for Biomed Res, Frankfurt am Main, Germany;; 2 3 Tech Univ Braunschweig, Germany;; Irsi Caixa, Univ Barcelona, Spain;; 4 5 Robert-Koch Inst, Berlin, Germany;; and Hannover Med Sch, Germany 544 of a High-Throughput Chemical Screen Alon Herschorn* 1 , G Christopher1 , V Misra1 , D Flood2 , and J Sodroski1,3,4 1 2 Dana-Farber Cancer Inst and Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA, US;; Inst of Chemistry and Cell Bio, Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA, US;; 3Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; and 4Ragon Inst of MGH, MIT, and Harvard, Boston, MA, US 545 Throughput Screening for Direct Antagonists of Nef Lori Emert-Sedlak* 1 , P Narute1 , S Shu1 , H Shi1 , N Yanamala1 , JJ Alvarado1 , J Lazo1,2 , J Yeh1 , P Johnston1,3 , and T Smithgall1 1 2 Univ of Pittsburgh Sch of Med, PA, US;; Univ of Virginia, Charlottesville, US;; and 3Univ of Pittsburgh Sch of Pharmacy, PA, US 546 Jerrod Poe*, L Vollmer, A Vogt, and T Smithgall Univ of Pittsburgh Sch of Med, PA, US 547 Virions after Integration E Le Rouzic1 , D Bonnard1 , S Chasset1 , J-M Bruneau1 , F Chevreuil1 , F Le Strat1 , S Emiliani2 , B Ledoussal1 , F Moreau1 , and Richard Benarous* 1 1 2 BIODIM Mutabilis, Romainville, France and INSERM, Paris, France 548 of the HIV Integrase Catalytic Activity with a High Barrier to Resistance Frauke Christ* 1 , B Desimmie1 , J Demeulemeester1 , V Suchaud2 , O Taltynov1 , C Lion2 , F Bailly2 , S Strelkov1 , P Cotelle2 , and Z Debyser1 1 2 Katholieke Univ Leuven, Belgium and Univ of Lille, France c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 106–Poster Abstracts Randomized Trials of ART: A Potpourri 549 A Randomized Trial of Time-limited ART in Acute and Early HIV Infection Joseph Margolick* 1 , L Apuzzo 1 , J Singer 2 , H Wong 2 , T Lee 2 , M Loutfy 3 , A Rachlis 4 , P El-Helou 5 , H Tossonian 6 , and B Conway 7 1 Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; 2 Canadian Trials Network, Vancouver;; 3 Maple Leaf Clin, Toronto, Canada;; 4 Sunnybrook Clin, Toronto, Canada;; 5 McMaster Univ Sch of Med, Hamilton, Canada;; 6 Downtown Infectious Diseases Clin, Vancouver, Canada;; and 7 Univ of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 550 Acceptance of ART in the Delay Arm after Notification of J Batani 1 , T Brum 2 , G Calvet 3 , P Dusara 4 , S Dhayarkar 5 , Theresa Gamble* 6 , X Li 7 , RA Lira 8 , M Maliwichi 9 , M McCauley 10 , and HPTN 052 Study Team 1 Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare;; 2 Hosp Geral de Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;; 3 Inst de Pesquisa Clin Evandro Chagas, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;; 4 Botswana Harvard AIDS Inst, Gaborone;; 5 Natl AIDS Res Inst, Pune, India;; 6 FHI 360, Durham, NC, US;; 7 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr, Seattle, WA, US;; 8 Hosp Nossa Senhora da Conceicao, Porto Alegre, Brazil;; 9 UNC Project, Lilongwe, Malawi;; and 10 FHI 360, Washington, DC, US Program 41 Poster Listings 558 Yu Zheng* 1 , M Hughes 1 , S Lockman 1 , M Hosseinipour 2 , T Campbell 3 , R Salata 4 , R Gulick 5 , E Daar 6 , C Benson 7 , and J Currier 8 1 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 2 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 3 Univ of Colorado Denver, Aurora, US;; 4 Case Western Reserve Univ, Cleveland, OH, US;; 5 Weill Med Coll, Cornell Univ, New York, NY, US;; 6 Los Angeles Biomed Res Inst at Harbor-UCLA Me Ctr, Torrance, CA, US;; 7 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; and 8 Univ of California, Los Angeles, US 559 + Patients in a Resource-Limited Setting Nathan Clumeck* 1 , M Claude2 , K Kabamba1 , S Matanda2 , D Vaira3 , C Necsoi1 , D Kadiebwe2 , C Milolo2 , J Ilunga2 , and L Kapend2 1 2 St-Pierre Univ Hosp Brussels, Belgium;; Lubumbashi Network and PNMLS, Democratic Republic of the Congo;; and 3CHU Liege, Belgium

Poster Listings<br />

Session 100 <strong>CROI</strong> 2013<br />

520 Genome-wide Association Study of Atazanavir<br />

<br />

Daniel Johnson* 1 , C Venuto2 , E Daar3 , G Morse4 , P Sax5 , M Fischl6 ,<br />

A Collier7 , P McLaren8,9 , M Ritchie10 , D Haas1 , and ACTG<br />

1 2 Vanderbilt Univ Sch of Med, Nashville, TN, US;; Univ of Rochester, NY,<br />

US;; 3Los Angeles Biomed Res Inst at Harbor-UCLA Med Ctr, Torrance,<br />

CA, US;; 4Univ at Buffalo, SUNY, US;; 5 Boston, MA, US;; 6Univ of Miami Miller Sch of Med, FL, US;; 7Univ of<br />

Washington, Seattle, US;; 8Broad Inst of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge,<br />

MA, US;; 9Ecole Polytech Federale de Lausanne, Univ of Lausanne,<br />

Switzerland;; and 10 529 Tenofovir Alafenamide Pharmacokinetics in Renal Impairment:<br />

<br />

Srini Ramanathan*<br />

Pennsylvania State Univ, Univ Park, US<br />

1 , J Custodio1 , M Fordyce1 , W Garner1 , M Vimal1 ,<br />

G Klein2 , K Farbakhsh3 , P Pergola4 , A Cheng1 , and B Kearney1 1 2 3 Gilead Sci, Inc, CA, US;; APEX GmbH, Munich, Germany;; DaVita Clin Res,<br />

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US;; and 4Renal Assoc, PA, San Antonio, Texas, US<br />

c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 103–Poster Abstracts<br />

Compartment Penetration of ARV<br />

c Monday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 101–Poster Abstracts<br />

ARV Drug Exposure, Safety, and Efficacy<br />

521 Efavirenz Pharmacokinetics Are Independently Associated<br />

<br />

Adriana Andrade* 1 , G Baheti2 , L Smeaton3 , M Yang3 , N Kumarasamy4 ,<br />

T Flanigan5 , J Hakim6 , K Klingman7 , T Campbell8 , C Fletcher2 , and ACTG<br />

5175 Team<br />

1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr,<br />

Omaha, US;; 3Statistical and Data Analysis Ctr, Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth,<br />

Boston, MA, US;; 4YR Gaitonde Ctr for AIDS Res and Ed, Chennai, India;;<br />

5 6 7 Miriam Hosp, Providence, RI, US;; Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare;; NIAID,<br />

NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 8Univ of Colorado Denver, Aurora, US<br />

522 <br />

Ritonavir Use—Increase Tenofovir Exposure in a Large<br />

Unselected Cohort of HIV + Women<br />

S Baxi1 , R Greenblatt1 , P Bacchetti1 , K Anastos2 , C Ponath1 , M Cohen3 ,<br />

H Minkoff4 , S Gange5 , Monica Gandhi* 1 , and Womens Interagency<br />

HIV Study<br />

1 2 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; Albert Einstein Coll of Med,<br />

Bronx, NY, US;; 3Stroger Cook County Hosp, Chicago, IL, US;; 4SUNY Downstate Med Ctr, Brooklyn, US;; and 5 530 <br />

and Blood Plasma: Applying the Law of Mass Action to<br />

Predict Protein-free Drug Concentration<br />

Lindsay Avery*, N Sacktor, J McArthur, and C Hendrix<br />

Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US<br />

531 Single and Multiple Dose Dolutegravir Pharmacokinetics in<br />

the Genital Tract and Colorectum of HIV<br />

Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg<br />

Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US<br />

Men and Women<br />

Benjamin Greener* 1 , J Adams1 , K Patterson2 , H Prince2 , C Sykes1 ,<br />

M Wai1 , J Dumond1 , N Shaheen2 , M Cohen2 , and A Kashuba1,2 1Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Eshelman Sch of Pharmacy, US<br />

and 2Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sch of Med, US<br />

532 <br />

<br />

in HIV Prevention<br />

Melanie Nicol* 1 , Y Fedoriw1 , M Mathews1 , J Micheli2 , D Kroetz2 ,<br />

and A Kashuba1 1 2 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US and Univ of California,<br />

San Francisco, US<br />

c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 104–Poster Abstracts<br />

ARV Drug Interactions<br />

523 <br />

and Drug Exposure in HIV + 533 In vitro Induction of Influx and Efflux Transporters and<br />

Patients<br />

<br />

Cristina Gervasoni*, P Meraviglia, S Landonio, S Baldelli, S Fucile,<br />

<br />

L Castagnoli, E Clementi, M Galli, A Riva, and D Cattaneo<br />

Beth Williamson*<br />

Luigi Sacco Hosp, Milan, Italy<br />

524 <br />

Exposure-safety Relationship following Administration of<br />

<br />

Srini Ramanathan*, Y-P Liu, H Wang, A Plummer, M Fordyce,<br />

L Zhong, F Jin, A Cheng, J Szwarcberg, and B Kearney<br />

Gilead Sci, Inc, Foster City, CA, US<br />

1 , K Dooley2 , D Back1 , and A Owen1 1 2 Univ of Liverpool, UK and Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US<br />

534 <br />

<br />

<br />

L Zhu, C Hwang, V Shah, M Hruska, P Hu, B Vakkalagadda, M Furlong,<br />

X Xu, G Hanna, and Richard Bertz*<br />

Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ, US<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 102–Poster Abstracts<br />

ARV Pharmacokinetics: New Assays, Drugs, and<br />

Special Populations<br />

40 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections<br />

535 Dolutegravir Has No Effect on Pharmacokinetics of Methadone<br />

or Oral Contraceptives with Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol<br />

I Song 1 , S Mark 1 , J Borland 1 , S Chen 1 , T Wajima 2 , A Peppercorn 1 ,<br />

and Stephen Piscitelli* 1<br />

1 GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, US and Mississauga,<br />

Canada and 2 Shionogi and Co, Ltd, Osaka, Japan<br />

525 Tenofovir Diphosphate in Dried Blood Spots in HIV vs HIV +<br />

Individuals<br />

Jose Castillo-Mancilla* 1 , J Rower1 , J-H Zheng1 , A Meditz1 , E Gardner2 ,<br />

K McAllister1 , B Klein1 , J Kiser1 , L Bushman1 , and P Anderson1 1 2 Univ of Colorado-AMC, Aurora, US and Denver Hlth Med Ctr, CO, US<br />

526 <br />

Chromatography and Self-reported Adherence in Patients on<br />

ART<br />

Eva Muro* 1,2 , L George1 , W Dolmans3 , D Burger3,4 , and E Kisanga1,2 1 2 Kilimanjaro Christian Med Univ Coll, Moshi, Tanzania;; Kilimanjaro<br />

Clinical Res Inst, Moshi, Tanzania;; 3Inst for Infection, Inflammation and<br />

Immunity, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;; and 4Radboud Univ Med Ctr,<br />

Nijmegen, The Netherlands<br />

527 <br />

<br />

<br />

Matt Anderson* 1 , J Gilmartin1 , M Robberechts1 , I De Lepeleire1 ,<br />

L van Bortel2 , M Dockendorf Fallon1 , Y Guo1 , J Wagner1 , and J Butterton1 1 2 Merck Sharp & Dohme, Corp, Whitehouse Station, NJ, US and Drug<br />

Res Unit, Ghent, Belgium<br />

528 Pharmacokinetic Study of Raltegravir in HIV + Patients with<br />

<br />

C Barau1 , J Braun2 , C Vincent2 , S Haim-Boukobza3,4 , J-M Molina5,6 ,<br />

P Miailhes7,8 , J-P Aboulker2 , J-C Duclos-Vallee3,9 , A-M Taburet1 ,<br />

Elina Teicher* 1,3 , and ANRS 148 Study Group<br />

1 2 Bicetre Hosp, Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; INSERM SC10-US019,<br />

Villejuif, France;; 3Paul-Brousse Hosp, Villejuif, France;; 4INSERM U785,<br />

Villejuif, France;; 5St Louis Hosp, Paris, France;; 6 536 <br />

sparing Regimen Raltegravir plus Nevirapine in HIV-1<br />

Paris VII Univ, France;;<br />

7 8 Croix-Rousse Hosp, Lyon, France;; INSERM U1052, Lyon, France;; and<br />

9CHB UMR-S 785, Villejuif, France<br />

+ Patients<br />

Chiara Montrucchio* 1 , A Calcagno1 , M Lanzafame2 , G Cenderello3 ,<br />

M Simiele1 , MC Tettoni1 , P Bigliano1 , A D’Avolio1 , G Di Perri1 ,<br />

and S Bonora1 1 2 3 Univ of Torino, Italy;; GB Rossi Univ Hosp, Verona, Italy;; and San<br />

Martino Hosp Genoa, Univ of Genoa, Italy<br />

537 <br />

<br />

and HIV-1 NNRTI Rilpivirine<br />

Elizabeth Rhee*, H-P Feng, F Xuan, W Lin, C Smith, Y Zhu,<br />

and J Butterton<br />

Merck & Co, Inc, Whitehouse Station, NJ, US<br />

538 <br />

<br />

Co-administration in Hepatitis C Virus Infected Patients<br />

Adriana Andrade* 1 , C Hendrix1 , E Fuchs1 , C Radebaugh1 ,<br />

M Sulkowski1 , L Bushman2 , M Ray2 , and J Kiser2 1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US and Univ of Colorado Denver,<br />

Aurora, US<br />

539 Pharmacokinetics of Two Doses of Raltegravir in<br />

<br />

<br />

H Sauvageon1 , B Grinsztejn2 , V Arnold3 , V Veloso2 , C Vorsatz2 , JH Pilotto4 ,<br />

C Grondin3 , G Chene3 , Anne-Marie Taburet* 5 , and J-M Molina1,6 1 2 Hosp St Louis, Paris, France;; IPEC, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;;<br />

3 4 INSERM U897, Univ Bordeaux, France;; Hosp Geral de Nova Iguacu,<br />

Brazil;; 5Hosp Bicetre, Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; and 6Univ Paris Diderot,<br />

Paris, France

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