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Pocket Program - CROI Pocket Program - CROI

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Poster Listings Session 89 CROI 2013 436 + Cell Count despite Effective ART is Associated with Elevated Monocyte Activation and Poor Neurocognitive Performance Alessandra Bandera* 1 , M Saresella 2 , G Lapadula 1 , A Muscatello 1 , I Marventano 2 , S Limonta 1 , V Pastore 1 , E Cappelletti 1 , M Clerici 3 , and A Gori 1 1 S Gerardo Hosp, Monza, Italy;; 2 Don C Gnocchi Fndn, Milan, Italy;; and 3 Univ of Milan, Italy 437 Levels Inversely Correlate with Processing and Motor Speed in HIV + Cognitive Complaints with and without HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorder Albert Anderson* 1,2 , J Lennox1,2 , D Loring1 , and W Tyor1 1 2 Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US and Grady Hlth System Infectious Diseases Prgm, Atlanta, GA, US 445 HIV and Aging: New Graph Theoretical Models of rs-fcMRI Neuropathophysiology Jewell Thomas*, M Brier, and B Ances Washington Univ in St. Louis 36 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 91–Poster Abstracts NeuroAIDS Clinical Studies 446 Neurological Characterization of HIV Controllers Evelyn Lee* 1 , J Peterson 1 , R Walter 1 , J Javerbaum 1 , S Deeks 1 , R Price 1 , K Robertson 2 , D Meyerhoff 1 , B Shacklett 3 , and S Spudich 4 1 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 2 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 3 Univ of California, Davis, US;; and 4 Yale Univ Sch of Med, New Haven, CT, US 438 in HIV + Very Late-presenters Andrea Calcagno* 1 , C Atzori2 , D Imperiale2 , F Lipani1 , S Audagnotto1 , G Orofino3 , V Ghisetti3 , G Marietti2 , G Di Perri1 , and S Bonora1 1 2 Univ of Torino, Italy;; Ospedale Maria Vittoria, ASLTO2, Torino, Italy;; and 3Ospedale Amedeo di Savoia, ASLTO2, Torino, Italy c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 90–Poster Abstracts (see Session 44 on Wednesday for corresponding Themed Discussion) Aging and Neurocognitive Function in HIV Infection 439 Cohort Study Karl Goodkin* 1 , E Miller2 , C Cox3 , S Reynolds3 , D Ostrow4 , O Selnes5 , E Martin6 , N Sacktor5 , and J Becker7 1 2 AIDS Hlthcare Fndn, Los Angeles, CA, US;; Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; 3Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; 4Univ of Chicago, IL, US;; 5Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 6Univ of Illinois at Chicago, US;; and 7Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US 440 Veterans Aging Cohort Study Index Score Is Associated with Study D Franklin Jr1 , R Heaton1 , S Woods1 , S Letendre1 , A Collier2 , D Clifford3 , B Gelman4 , J McArthur5 , D Simpson6 , Igor Grant* 1 , and CHARTER Group 1 2 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 3 4 Washington Univ, St Louis, MO, US;; Univ of Texas Med Branch, Galveston, US;; 5Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; and 6Mt Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY, US 441 Proteins Characterize Evolving Central Nervous System Julia Peterson* 1 , H Zetterberg2 , L Hagberg2 , S Spudich3 , M Gisslen2 , and R Price1 1 2 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; Sahlgrenska Academy at Univ of Gothenburg, Sweden;; and 3Yale Univ, New Haven, CT, US 442 Profiles in Chronic Middle-aged HIV + Individuals L Cysique1,2 , J Lamoury2 , T Hewitt2,3 , K Taddei4,5,6 , R Martins4,5 , C Chew5 , P Price5 , and Bruce Brew* 1,2 1 2 St Vincents Hosp, Sydney, Australia;; Univ of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;; 3Notre Dame Univ, Sydney, Australia;; 4Edith Cowan Univ, Australia;; 5Univ of Western Australia, Perth;; and 6Hollywood Private Hosp, Nedlands, Australia 443 on Suppressive ART: An Aging Effect of Central Nervous System Infection? Jan Jessen Krut* 1 , T Mellberg1 , R Price2 , L Hagberg1 , D Fuchs3 , L Rosengren1 , S Nilsson4 , H Zetterberg1,5 , and M Gisslen1 1 2 Sahlgrenska Academy, Univ of Gothenburg, Sweden;; Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 3Innsbruck Med Univ, Austria;; 4Chalmers Univ of Tech, Gothenburg, Sweden;; and 5Univ Coll London, Inst of Neurology, UK 444 Longitudinal Association of HIV-associated Neurocognitive + Men Bryan Smith* 1 , R Skolasky1 , F Mateen1 , J Becker2 , E Martin3 , E Miller4 , J Margolick5 , O Selnes1 , N Sacktor1 , and Multictr AIDS Cohort Group 1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; Univ of Pittsburgh Sch of Med, PA, US;; 3Univ of Illinois Sch of Med, Chicago, US;; 4David Geffen Sch of Med, Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; and 5 447 Neurovirological Correlation with HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorders and Encephalitis in a HAART-era Cohort Benjamin Gelman* Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD US 1 , J Lisinicchia1 , S Morgello2 , E Masliah3 , D Commins4 , I Grant3 , E Singer5 , S Sherman6 , G Gensler6 , V Soukup1 , and Natl NeuroAIDS Tissue Network 1 2 Univ of Texas Med Branch, Galveston, US;; Mt Sinai Med Ctr, New York, NY, US;; 3Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US;; 4Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles, US;; 5Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; and 6The EMMES Corp, Rockville, MD, US 448 Andrea De Luca* 1,2 , N Ciccarelli1 , P Grima1,3 , M Colafigli1 , M Fabbiani1 , E Baldonero1 , A Borghetti1 , E Tamburrini1 , R Cauda1 , and S Di Giambenedetto1 1 2 Catholic Univ of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy;; Univ of Siena, Italy;; and 3S Caterina Novella Hosp, Galatina, Italy 449 cART Era: Neuradapt Study Matteo Vassallo* 1,2 , B Dunais2 , J Durant2 , V Biscay2 , M Laffont3 , C Lebrun-Frenay3 , J Cottalorda2 , M Ticchioni2 , C Pradier2 , P Dellamonica2 , and Neuradapt Study Group 1 2 Pierre Nouveau Hosp, Cannes, France;; LArchet Hosp, Univ of Nice, France;; and 3Pasteur Hosp, Univ of Nice, France 450 HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorders in a Community Standardized Neuropsychological Assessment Mark Bloch* 1 , A Carberry1 , J Kamminga2 , M Bailey3 , T Vincent1 , D Quan1 , B Brew4,5 , and L Cysique4,5 1 2 Holdsworth House Med Practice, Sydney, Australia;; Macquarie Univ, Sydney, Australia;; 3Monash Univ, Melbourne, Australia;; 4Univ of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;; and 5St Vincents Hosp, Sydney, Australia 451 Trails A Test Improves Performance Characteristics of the International HIV Dementia Scale to Identify Symptomatic HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorder T Chalermchai1 , J Ananworanich1,2,3 , P Sithinamsuwan4 , S Pinyakorn1 , D Clifford5 , R Paul6 , V DeGruttola7 , S Ratto-Kim8 , C Shikuma9 , Victor Valcour* 10 , and SEARCH 007 and 011 Study Groups 1South East Asia Res Collaboration with the Univ of Hawaii, Bangkok, Thailand;; 2Chulalongkorn Univ, Bangkok, Thailand;; 3HIV-NAT Res Collaboration, Bangkok;; 4Phramongkutklao Hosp, Bangkok, Thailand;; 5 6 Washington Univ in St Louis, MO, US;; Univ of Missouri, St Louis, US;; 7 8 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; Walter Reed Army Inst of Res, Silver Spring, MD, US;; 9Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, US;; and 10Univ of California, San Francisco, US 452 High Grade Liver Steatosis and Cognitive Impairment in HIV + Patients Pierfrancesco Grima* 1,2 , M Fabbiani1 , A Mondi1 , A D’Avino1 , S Limiti1 , M Colafigli1 , B Milanini1 , E Baldonero1 , R Cauda1 , and S Di Giambenedetto1 1 2 Catholic Univ of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy and S Caterina Novella Hosp, Galatina, Italy 453 Minimal Cognitive Impairment in UK HIV + Men Who Have Sex with Men;; Comparison with the General Population and across Classification Systems J McDonnell1 , Fiona Lampe* 1 , L Haddow1 , A Phillips1 , L Sherr1 , R Gilson1 , J Harrison2 , A Antinori3 , M Johnson4 , A Rodger1 , and CIPHER Study Group 1 2 3 Univ Coll London, UK;; Imperial Coll London, UK;; Natl Inst for Infectious Diseases, Rome, Italy;; and 4Royal Free Hosp, London, UK 454 455 Progression Rates of Neuro-AIDS and Its Neuropsychological Patterns in the cART Era Gabriele Arendt*, E Orhan, and T Nolting Univ of Dusseldorf, Germany Performance of Screening Tools for the Detection of Neurocognitive Impairment in HIV Patients Andrea Antinori*, P Balestra, P Lorenzini, R Libertone, G Cataldo, L Giancola, C Pinnetti, and V Tozzi INMI L Spallanzani, Rome, Italy

CROI 2013 Session 93 456 A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Aging and HIV-1 Infection on Cognitive Performance Becky Haynes* 1 , T Karren 1 , S Casey 2 , J Dunn 1 , F Zelaya 1 , M Pitkanen 1 , R Kulasegaram 3 , G Barker 1 , and M Kopelman 1 1 Kings Coll London, Inst of Psychiatry, UK;; 2 Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, Dublin;; and 3 Guys and St Thomas NHS Fndn Trust, London, UK 457 Genome-wide Association Study of Peripheral Neuropathy Paul Leger* 1 , D Johnson 1 , G Robbins 2 , R Shafer 3 , D Clifford 4 , J Li 1 , P McLaren 5,6 , and D Haas 1 1 Vanderbilt Univ Sch of Med, Nashville, TN, US;; 2 Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Harvard Univ, Boston, US;; 3 Stanford Univ, CA, US;; 4 Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO, US;; 5 Broad Inst of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, US;; and 6 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Univ of Lausanne, Switzerland 461a Moderate Neurocognitive Decline Can Be Detected over a Grace Lu* 1 , L Cysique1,2,3,4 , K Siefried4 , B Draper5 , and B Brew1,3,4 1Univ of New South Wales, St Vincents Hosp Clin Sch, Sydney Australia;; 2 3 Neurosci Res Australia, Sydney;; St Vincents Ctr for Applied Med Res, Sydney, Australia;; 4St Vincents Hosp, Sydney, Australia;; and 5Sch of Psychiatry, Univ of New South Wales, Sydney Australia 463 Matrix Metalloproteinases and Relation to Brain Status in Early HV Infection Ann Ragin* 1 , H Du 2 , Y Gao 1 , S Li 1 , R Mahadevia 1 , C Sammet 1 , Y Wu 2 , and L Epstein 1 1 Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL, US and 2 NorthShore Univ Hlth System, Evanston, IL, US 464 Effects of HIV Clade B and C on Brain Volumetric Measurements Mario Ortega* 1 , J Joska 2 , J Heaps 3 , F Vaida 4 , A Agrawal 1 , R Paul 3 , and B Ances 1 1 Washington Univ, St Louis, MO, US;; 2 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; 3 Univ of Missouri, St Louis, US;; and 4 Univ of California, San Diego, US 466 Effects of Primary and Chronic HIV Infection on White Matter Integrity Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging Patrick Wright* 1 , R Fernandez 2 , D Meyerhoff 3 , R Price 3 , K Robertson 4 , E Lee 3 , J Rutlin 1 , J Shimony 1 , S Spudich 5 , and B Ances 1 1 Washington Univ in St Louis, MO, US;; 2 Univ of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras;; 3 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 4 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; and 5 Yale Univ, New Haven, CT, US 467 Effects of HIV and Hepatitis C Co-infection on White Matter Structural Integrity and White Matter Volumes Jodi Heaps* 1 , P Wright 2 , B Ances 2 , D Clifford 2 , and R Paul 1 1 Univ of Missouri-St Louis, US and 2 Washington Univ Sch of Med, St Louis, MO, US 458 with Asymptomatic Neurocognitive Impairment and Minor A Livelli1,2 , * 1 , L Pia3 , S Carosella1 , M Farenga1 , V Ghisetti1 , A Calcagno1,3 , and P Caramello1 1 2 Amedeo of Savoia Hosp, Turin, Italy;; CRT, G Goria Fndn, Turin, Italy;; and 3Univ of Turin, Italy 459 Jordan Lake* 1 , Q Vo2 , L Jacobson3 , N Sacktor3 , W Post3 , J Becker4 , F Palella5 , A Ragin5 , and T Brown3 1 2 Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; Henry M Jackson Fndn for the Advancement of Military Med, Bethesda, MD, US;; 3Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; 4Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US;; and 5 460 Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL, US Proteinuria Is Associated with Neurocognitive Impairment in HIV + Robert Kalayjian* 1 , K Wu2 , S Evans2 , M Pallaki3 , D Clifford4 , and M Smurzynski2 1 2 MetroHlth Med Ctr, Cleveland, OH, US;; Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3 468 Neuroimaging Correlates of Prior Immunosuppression and Cognitive Status in HIV Christine Fennema-Notestine* Louis Stokes VAMC, Cleveland, OH, US;; and 4Washington Univ, St Louis, MO, US 1 , M Taylor1 , R Notestine1 , T Wolfson2 , A Gamst1,2 , S Archibald1 , R Theilmann1 , R Heaton1 , C Marra3 , I Grant1 , and CHARTER Group 1 2 Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US;; San Diego Supercomputer Ctr, La Jolla, CA, US;; and 3Univ of Washington, Seattle, US 469 Diffusion Tensor Imaging Uncovers Specific Brain Microstructural Deficits during Chronic HIV-1 Infection of Humanized Mice Prasanta Dash*, J Knibbe, T Gutti, E Makarov, D Baber, S Gorantla, L Poluektova, H Gendelman, and M Boska Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr, Omaha, US c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 93–Poster Abstracts Human Genomics 470 Genome-Wide Association Study of Phenotypic HIV-1 Co-receptor Usage in Treatment-naïve Patients from the ACTG A5095 Trial Timothy Henrich* 1,2 , P McLaren1,2,3,4 , S Rao5 , N Lin2,6 , F Giguel6 , H Ribaudo2,7 , R Gulick8 , P de Bakker1,2,3 , and D Kuritzkes1,2 1 2 Harvard Med Sch, Boston, MA, US;; 3Broad Inst of Harvard and MIT, Cambridge, MA, US;; 4Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne and Univ of Lausanne, Switzerland;; 5Harvard Univ, Cambridge, MA, US;; 6Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Boston, US;; 7Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; and 8Weill Med Coll of Cornell Univ, New York, NY, US 461b H Predicts HIV-1-related Neurocognitive Impairment and Kumud Singh*, F Vaida, C Fennema-Notestine, R Ellis, S Letendre, D Franklin Jr, D Rosario, R Heaton, I Grant, and CHARTER Group Univ of California San Diego, La Jolla, US c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2 Session 92–Poster Abstracts Neuroimaging Studies 462 Weeks in HIV + Individuals Commencing ART Alan Winston* 1 , R Puls2 , S Kerr2 , C Duncombe3 , P Li4 , J Gill5 , R Ramautarsing5 , S Taylor-Robinson1 , S Emery2 , D Cooper2 , for ALTAIR Study Group 1 2 3 Imperial Coll London, UK;; The Kirby Inst, Sydney, Australia;; HIVNAT, Bangkok;; 4Queen Elizabeth Hosp, Hong Kong, China;; and 5 471 Novel HLA Associations with HIV Control in a Previously Uncharacterized Immunogenetic Context Humberto Valenzuela-Ponce*, S Avila-Rios, M Soto-Nava, D Garrido-Rodriguez, T Garcia-Tellez, V Quiroz-Morales, C Garcia-Morales, R Hernandez-Juan, A Murakami-Ogasawara, G Reyes-Teran, and Mexican HIV Molecular Epidemiology Project Group Natl Inst of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City, Mexico 472 HLA-B*57 C Granier Calgary Hlth, Canada 1 , Emilie Battivelli* 1 , A Venet2 , C Lecouroux2 , O Lambotte3 , C Delaugerre1 , J-M Molina4 , F Clavel1 , and A Hance1 1 2 INSERM U941, Hosp St Louis, Paris, France;; INSERM U1012, Faculte de Med Paris-Sud, France;; 3Hosp de Bicetre, le Kremlin-Bicetre, France;; and 4Hosp St Louis, Paris, France 473 Human MHC Gene Variants and Immune Control of HIV-1 the Immunochip Heather Prentice* 1 , N Pajewski2 , E Brown1 , S Allen3 , E Hunter3 , R Kaslow1 , and J Tang1 1 2 Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, US;; Wake Forest Univ, Winston- Salem, NC, US;; and 3Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US 474 Gene Expression Profiling Identifies Genes with a Mechanistic + Individuals on ART Nadejda Beliakova-Bethell* 1 , S Little1 , P Du2 , S Rought2 , D Richman1,2 , and C Woelk1,2 1 2 Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US and VA San Diego, CA, US 475 HLA Associations with Immunological Recovery and Drug Toxicities in HIV-1 + Adults Jane O’Halloran* 1 , J Crowley 2 , M Fagan 2 , C Hickey 2 , S Stokes 2 , A Kinsella 2 , H Tuite 1 , R Hagan 2 , and C Bergin 1 1 St Jamess Hosp, Dublin, Ireland and 2 Irish Blood Transfusion Svc, Dublin, Ireland 465 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Primary HIV Infection Marie Grill* 1 , J Peterson1 , E Lee1 , R Walter1 , D Fuchs2 , L Hagberg3 , D Meyerhoff1 , R Price1 , and S Spudich4 476 Genes Differentially Expressed in HIV 1 2 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; Innsbruck Med Univ, Austria;; 3 4 Univ of Gothenburg, Sweden;; and Yale Univ, New Haven, CT, US + Individuals following ART Marta Massanella* 1 , A Singhania2 , N Beliakova-Bethell3 , J Perez-Santiago3 , R Pier3 , C White2,3 , J Blanco1 , D Richman2,3 , S Little3 , and C Woelk2,3 1Fndn irsiCaixa-HIVACAT, Inst de Recerca en Ciencies de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol, Hosp Germans Trias, Univ Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain;; 2VA San Diego Hlthcare System, CA, US;; and 3Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US Program 37 Poster Listings

Poster Listings<br />

Session 89 <strong>CROI</strong> 2013<br />

436 + Cell Count despite Effective ART is Associated<br />

with Elevated Monocyte Activation<br />

and Poor Neurocognitive Performance<br />

Alessandra Bandera* 1 , M Saresella 2 , G Lapadula 1 , A Muscatello 1 ,<br />

I Marventano 2 , S Limonta 1 , V Pastore 1 , E Cappelletti 1 , M Clerici 3 ,<br />

and A Gori 1<br />

1 S Gerardo Hosp, Monza, Italy;; 2 Don C Gnocchi Fndn, Milan, Italy;;<br />

and 3 Univ of Milan, Italy<br />

437 <br />

Levels Inversely Correlate<br />

with Processing and Motor Speed in HIV + <br />

Cognitive Complaints with and without HIV-associated<br />

Neurocognitive Disorder<br />

Albert Anderson* 1,2 , J Lennox1,2 , D Loring1 , and W Tyor1 1 2 Emory Univ Sch of Med, Atlanta, GA, US and Grady Hlth System<br />

Infectious Diseases Prgm, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

445 HIV and Aging: New Graph Theoretical Models of rs-fcMRI<br />

Neuropathophysiology<br />

Jewell Thomas*, M Brier, and B Ances<br />

Washington Univ in St. Louis<br />

36 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections<br />

c Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 91–Poster Abstracts<br />

NeuroAIDS Clinical Studies<br />

446 Neurological Characterization of HIV Controllers<br />

Evelyn Lee* 1 , J Peterson 1 , R Walter 1 , J Javerbaum 1 , S Deeks 1 ,<br />

R Price 1 , K Robertson 2 , D Meyerhoff 1 , B Shacklett 3 , and S Spudich 4<br />

1 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 2 Univ of North Carolina at<br />

Chapel Hill, US;; 3 Univ of California, Davis, US;; and 4 Yale Univ Sch of<br />

Med, New Haven, CT, US<br />

438 <br />

in HIV + Very Late-presenters<br />

Andrea Calcagno* 1 , C Atzori2 , D Imperiale2 , F Lipani1 , S Audagnotto1 ,<br />

G Orofino3 , V Ghisetti3 , G Marietti2 , G Di Perri1 , and S Bonora1 1 2 Univ of Torino, Italy;; Ospedale Maria Vittoria, ASLTO2, Torino, Italy;;<br />

and 3Ospedale Amedeo di Savoia, ASLTO2, Torino, Italy<br />

c Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm; Hall B2<br />

Session 90–Poster Abstracts<br />

(see Session 44 on Wednesday for corresponding Themed Discussion)<br />

Aging and Neurocognitive Function in HIV Infection<br />

439 <br />

Cohort Study<br />

Karl Goodkin* 1 , E Miller2 , C Cox3 , S Reynolds3 , D Ostrow4 , O Selnes5 ,<br />

E Martin6 , N Sacktor5 , and J Becker7 1 2 AIDS Hlthcare Fndn, Los Angeles, CA, US;; Univ of California,<br />

Los Angeles, US;; 3Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth,<br />

Baltimore, MD, US;; 4Univ of Chicago, IL, US;; 5Johns Hopkins Univ Sch<br />

of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 6Univ of Illinois at Chicago, US;; and 7Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US<br />

440 Veterans Aging Cohort Study Index Score Is Associated with<br />

<br />

Study<br />

D Franklin Jr1 , R Heaton1 , S Woods1 , S Letendre1 , A Collier2 , D Clifford3 ,<br />

B Gelman4 , J McArthur5 , D Simpson6 , Igor Grant* 1 , and CHARTER Group<br />

1 2 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;;<br />

3 4 Washington Univ, St Louis, MO, US;; Univ of Texas Med Branch,<br />

Galveston, US;; 5Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; and 6Mt Sinai<br />

Sch of Med, New York, NY, US<br />

441 <br />

<br />

Proteins Characterize Evolving Central Nervous System<br />

<br />

Julia Peterson* 1 , H Zetterberg2 , L Hagberg2 , S Spudich3 , M Gisslen2 ,<br />

and R Price1 1 2 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; Sahlgrenska Academy at Univ of<br />

Gothenburg, Sweden;; and 3Yale Univ, New Haven, CT, US<br />

442 <br />

Profiles in Chronic Middle-aged HIV + Individuals<br />

L Cysique1,2 , J Lamoury2 , T Hewitt2,3 , K Taddei4,5,6 , R Martins4,5 , C Chew5 ,<br />

P Price5 , and Bruce Brew* 1,2<br />

1 2 St Vincents Hosp, Sydney, Australia;; Univ of New South Wales, Sydney,<br />

Australia;; 3Notre Dame Univ, Sydney, Australia;; 4Edith Cowan Univ,<br />

Australia;; 5Univ of Western Australia, Perth;; and 6Hollywood Private<br />

Hosp, Nedlands, Australia<br />

443 <br />

on Suppressive ART: An Aging Effect of Central Nervous<br />

System Infection?<br />

Jan Jessen Krut* 1 , T Mellberg1 , R Price2 , L Hagberg1 , D Fuchs3 ,<br />

L Rosengren1 , S Nilsson4 , H Zetterberg1,5 , and M Gisslen1 1 2 Sahlgrenska Academy, Univ of Gothenburg, Sweden;; Univ of California,<br />

San Francisco, US;; 3Innsbruck Med Univ, Austria;; 4Chalmers Univ of Tech,<br />

Gothenburg, Sweden;; and 5Univ Coll London, Inst of Neurology, UK<br />

444 Longitudinal Association of HIV-associated Neurocognitive<br />

+ <br />

Men<br />

Bryan Smith* 1 , R Skolasky1 , F Mateen1 , J Becker2 , E Martin3 , E Miller4 ,<br />

J Margolick5 , O Selnes1 , N Sacktor1 , and Multictr AIDS Cohort Group<br />

1 2 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; Univ of Pittsburgh<br />

Sch of Med, PA, US;; 3Univ of Illinois Sch of Med, Chicago, US;; 4David Geffen Sch of Med, Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; and 5 447 Neurovirological Correlation with HIV-associated<br />

Neurocognitive Disorders and Encephalitis in a HAART-era<br />

Cohort<br />

Benjamin Gelman*<br />

Johns<br />

Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD US<br />

1 , J Lisinicchia1 , S Morgello2 , E Masliah3 ,<br />

D Commins4 , I Grant3 , E Singer5 , S Sherman6 , G Gensler6 , V Soukup1 ,<br />

and Natl NeuroAIDS Tissue Network<br />

1 2 Univ of Texas Med Branch, Galveston, US;; Mt Sinai Med Ctr, New<br />

York, NY, US;; 3Univ of California, San Diego, La Jolla, US;; 4Univ of<br />

Southern California, Los Angeles, US;; 5Univ of California, Los Angeles,<br />

US;; and 6The EMMES Corp, Rockville, MD, US<br />

448 <br />

<br />

Andrea De Luca* 1,2 , N Ciccarelli1 , P Grima1,3 , M Colafigli1 , M Fabbiani1 ,<br />

E Baldonero1 , A Borghetti1 , E Tamburrini1 , R Cauda1 ,<br />

and S Di Giambenedetto1 1 2 Catholic Univ of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy;; Univ of Siena, Italy;;<br />

and 3S Caterina Novella Hosp, Galatina, Italy<br />

449 <br />

cART Era: Neuradapt Study<br />

Matteo Vassallo* 1,2 , B Dunais2 , J Durant2 , V Biscay2 , M Laffont3 ,<br />

C Lebrun-Frenay3 , J Cottalorda2 , M Ticchioni2 , C Pradier2 ,<br />

P Dellamonica2 , and Neuradapt Study Group<br />

1 2 Pierre Nouveau Hosp, Cannes, France;; LArchet Hosp, Univ of Nice,<br />

France;; and 3Pasteur Hosp, Univ of Nice, France<br />

450 HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorders in a Community<br />

<br />

Standardized Neuropsychological Assessment<br />

Mark Bloch* 1 , A Carberry1 , J Kamminga2 , M Bailey3 , T Vincent1 ,<br />

D Quan1 , B Brew4,5 , and L Cysique4,5 1 2 Holdsworth House Med Practice, Sydney, Australia;; Macquarie Univ,<br />

Sydney, Australia;; 3Monash Univ, Melbourne, Australia;; 4Univ of New<br />

South Wales, Sydney, Australia;; and 5St Vincents Hosp, Sydney, Australia<br />

451 Trails A Test Improves Performance Characteristics of the<br />

International HIV Dementia Scale to Identify Symptomatic<br />

HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorder<br />

T Chalermchai1 , J Ananworanich1,2,3 , P Sithinamsuwan4 , S Pinyakorn1 ,<br />

D Clifford5 , R Paul6 , V DeGruttola7 , S Ratto-Kim8 , C Shikuma9 ,<br />

Victor Valcour* 10 , and SEARCH 007 and 011 Study Groups<br />

1South East Asia Res Collaboration with the Univ of Hawaii, Bangkok,<br />

Thailand;; 2Chulalongkorn Univ, Bangkok, Thailand;; 3HIV-NAT Res<br />

Collaboration, Bangkok;; 4Phramongkutklao Hosp, Bangkok, Thailand;;<br />

5 6 Washington Univ in St Louis, MO, US;; Univ of Missouri, St Louis, US;;<br />

7 8 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; Walter Reed Army Inst of<br />

Res, Silver Spring, MD, US;; 9Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, US;;<br />

and 10Univ of California, San Francisco, US<br />

452 High Grade Liver Steatosis and Cognitive Impairment in<br />

HIV + Patients<br />

Pierfrancesco Grima* 1,2 , M Fabbiani1 , A Mondi1 , A D’Avino1 , S<br />

Limiti1 ,<br />

M Colafigli1 , B Milanini1 , E Baldonero1 , R Cauda1 ,<br />

and S Di Giambenedetto1 1 2 Catholic Univ of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy and S Caterina Novella<br />

Hosp, Galatina, Italy<br />

453 Minimal Cognitive Impairment in UK HIV + Men Who Have<br />

Sex with Men;; Comparison with the General Population and<br />

across Classification Systems<br />

J McDonnell1 , Fiona Lampe* 1 , L Haddow1 , A Phillips1 , L Sherr1 ,<br />

R Gilson1 , J Harrison2 , A Antinori3 , M Johnson4 , A Rodger1 ,<br />

and CIPHER Study Group<br />

1 2 3 Univ Coll London, UK;; Imperial Coll London, UK;; Natl Inst for<br />

Infectious Diseases, Rome, Italy;; and 4Royal Free Hosp, London, UK<br />

454<br />

455<br />

Progression Rates of Neuro-AIDS and Its Neuropsychological<br />

Patterns in the cART Era<br />

Gabriele Arendt*, E Orhan, and T Nolting<br />

Univ of Dusseldorf, Germany<br />

Performance of Screening Tools for the Detection of<br />

Neurocognitive Impairment in HIV Patients<br />

Andrea Antinori*, P Balestra, P Lorenzini, R Libertone, G Cataldo,<br />

L Giancola, C Pinnetti, and V Tozzi<br />

INMI L Spallanzani, Rome, Italy

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