Pocket Program - CROI

Pocket Program - CROI Pocket Program - CROI

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Wednesday March 6 Oral Sessions Session 40 CROI 2013 11:15 137 LIM Kinase-mediated Actin Dynamics Modulate Retrovirus Budding Xiaoyun Wen*, L Ding, E Hunter, and P Spearman Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US 11:30 138 Incorporation of LEDGF/p75 in Viral Particles Is Crucial for HIV Infectivity B Desimmie 1 , R Schrijvers 1 , S Vets 1 , J Demeulemeester 1 , P Proost 1 , J De Rijck 1 , N Bannert 2 , F Christ 1 , R Gijsbers 1 , and Zeger Debyser* 1 1 Katholieke Univ Leuven, Belgium and 2 Robert Koch Inst, Berlin, Germany 11:45 139LB Treatment with Sub-optimal Doses of Raltegravir Leads to Aberrant HIV-1 Integrations Janani Varadarajan* 1 , MJ McWilliams 1 , D Hazuda 2 , and S Hughes 1 1 HIV Drug Resistance Prgm, Frederick Natl Lab for Cancer Res, NIH, MD, US and 2 Merck Res Labs, West Point, PA, US k Wednesday, 10-11 am; Ballroom 3-4 Session 41–Oral Abstracts HIV-associated Malignancies Moderators: Kishor Bhatia, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US Margaret Borok-Williams, Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare 10:00 140 Substantial Burden of Non-AIDS Cancers in Persons with HIV: Early Results from a Computerized HIV and Cancer Registry Match in Pune, India Sheela Godbole* 1 , K Nandy 2 , M Gauniyal 1 , S Koyande 3 , P Virgo 4 , K Bhatia 5 , R Paranjape 1 , A Risbud 1 , S Mbulaiteye 5 , and R Mitsuyasu 2 1 Natl AIDS Res Inst-ICMR, Pune India;; 2 Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; 3 Bombay Cancer Registry, Mumbai, India;; 4 Computer Svcs Corp, Rockville, MD, US;; and 5 NCI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US 10:15 141 Timing and Predictors of Cancer Incidence following Initiation of ART: Centers for AIDS Research Network of Integrated Clinical Systems, 1996-2011 Elizabeth Yanik* 1 , S Napravnik 1 , S Cole 1 , C Achenbach 2 , S Gopal 1 , D Dittmer 1 , M Kitahata 3 , M Mugavero 4 , M Saag 4 , J Eron 1 , and Ctr for AIDS Res Network of Integrated Clin Systems 1 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 2 Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL, US;; 3 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; and 4 Univ of Alabama at Birmingham, US 10:30 142 Random Biopsy Increases Diagnostic Rate and Total Anal High-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions Found by High-resolution Anoscopy Richard Silvera*, M Gaisa, and S Goldstone Mt Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY, US 10:45 143 Evaluating Serum microRNA as Potential Biomarkers for Early Detection of Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas in HIV + Individuals Dharma Thapa* 1 , W-C Tran 1 , L Jacobson 2 , J Margolick 2 , J Phair 3 , C Rinaldo 4 , R Detels 1 , and O Martinez-Maza 1 1 David Geffen Sch of Med, Fielding Sch of Publ Hlth, and AIDS Inst Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; 2 Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; 3 Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL, US;; and 4 Univ of Pittsburgh Grad Sch of Publ Hlth, PA, US k Wednesday, 11 am-12:15 pm; Ballroom 3-4 Session 42–Oral Abstracts TB and Cryptococcal Meningitis Moderators: Haileyesus Getahun, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland Graeme Meintjes, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa 11:00 144 ART Initiation within the First 2 Weeks of Cryptococcal Meningitis Is Associated with Higher Mortality: A Multisite Randomized Trial David Boulware* 1 , D Meya 2,3 , C Muzoora 4 , M Rolfes 1 , K Huppler Hullsiek 1 , A Musubire 2,3 , K Taseera 4 , H Nabeta 2,3 , C Schutz 5 , G Meintjes 5 , and Cryptococcal Optimal ART Timing Trial 1 Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US;; 2 Infectious Disease Inst, Kampala, Uganda;; 3 Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda;; 4 Mbarara Univ, Uganda;; and 5 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa 18 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 11:15 145 HAART Does Not Reduce the Incidence of TB in HIV + Infants with Early HIV Disease Enrolled in a Primary TB Prevention Trial Bret Zeldow* 1 , S Kim 2 , G McSherry 3 , M Cotton 4 , S Madhi 5 , A Violari 5 , R Bobat 6 , C Mitchell 7 , and P1041 Study Team 1 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 2 New Jersey Med Sch, Newark, US;; 3 Pennsylvania State Univ Coll of Med, Hershey, US;; 4 Stellenbosh Univ, Cape Town, South Africa;; 5 Univ of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 6 Univ of KwaZulu- Natal, Durban, South Africa;; and 7 Univ of Miami, FL, US 11:30 146 Comparative Performance of Rapid Urinary Lipoarabinomannan Assays and Xpert MTB/RIF in HIV + TB Suspects: Uganda Maunank Shah* 1 , W Ssengooba 2 , D Armstrong 1 , L Nakiyingi 2 , M Holshouser 1 , J Ellner 3 , M Joloba 2 , Y Manabe 1,4 , and S Dorman 1 1 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 2 Makerere Univ Coll of Hlth Sci, Kampala, Uganda;; 3 Boston Med Ctr, Boston Univ Sch of Med, MA, US;; and 4 Infectious Diseases Inst, Makerere Univ Coll of Hlth Sci, Kampala, Uganda 11:45 147LB A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate High-dose Rifapentine with a Quinolone for Treatment of Pulmonary TB: The RIFAQUIN Trial Amina Jindani* 1 , M Hatherill 2 , S Charalambous 3 , S Mungofa 4 , S Zizhou 5 , J van Dijk 6 , J Shepherd 7 , P Phillips 8 , A Nunn 8 , D Mitchison 1 , and RIFAQUIN Trial Team 1 St Georges, Univ of London, UK;; 2 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; 3 Aurum Inst, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 4 Harare City Hlth Dept, Zimbabwe;; 5 Med Directorate of Mashonaland East, Marondera, Zimbabwe;; 6 Macha Med Mission, Zambia;; 7 CDC/ BOTUSA, Gaborone, Botswana;; and 8 MRC Clin Trials Unit, London, UK 12:00 148LB What Is the Right Dose of Rifampin? Martin Boeree* 1 , A Diacon 2 , R Dawson 3 , A Venter 2 , J du Bois 2 , K Narunsky 3 , M Hoelscher 4 , S Gillespie 5 , P Phillips 6 , R Aarnoutse 1 , and PanACEA Consortium 1 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, The Netherlands;; 2 Univ of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa;; 3 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; 4 Med Ctr of the Univ of Munich, Germany;; 5 Univ of St Andrews, UK;; and 6 MRC Clin Trial Unit, London, UK k Wednesday, 10 am-12:15 pm; Ballroom 1-2 Session 43–Oral Abstracts Advances in ARV and Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Therapy Moderators: Jintanat Ananworanich, HIV-NAT, Bangkok, Thailand Jean-Francois Delfraissy, French Natl Agency for Res on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis, Paris 10:00 149 Trend in Transmitted HIV-1 ARV Drug Resistance-associated Mutations: 10 HIV Surveillance Areas, US, 2007-2010 David Kim* 1 , R Ziebell 1 , N Saduvala 2 , R Kline 1 , C Banez Ocfemia 1 , J Prejean 1 , X Zhang 1 , M Pearson 1 , I Hall 1 , and Variant, Atypical, and Resistant HIV Surveillance Group 1 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and 2 ICF Intl, Atlanta, GA, US 10:15 150 Mortality after Starting ART in Treatment-naïve Adults in 3 Continents: Collaborative Analysis of International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS in Southern Africa and ART Cohort Collaboration Cohorts Andrew Boulle* 1 , M Schomaker 1 , M May 2 , M Egger 3 , J Sterne 2 , and site investigators from IeDEA-SA and ART-CC Collaborations 1 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; 2 Bristol Univ, UK;; and 3 Univ of Bern, Switzerland 10:30 151 Superiority of Routine Viral Load Monitoring in Rural Kenya: the Kericho Clinic-based ART Diagnostic Evaluation (CLADE) Trial Fredrick Sawe* 1,2 , P Yegon 1 , R Langat 1 , E Obiero 3 , J Maswai 1 , M Bii 1 , A Aoko 1 , K Shikuku 1 , N Close 4 , D Shaffer 1,2 , and CLADE Team 1 Kenya Med Res Inst/Walter Reed Project, Kericho;; 2 US Military HIV Res Prgm, Bethesda, MD;; 3 Kenya Ministry of Med Svcs, Kericho;; and 4 EmpiriStat, Mt Airy, MD, US 10:45 152 Renal Insufficiency among Women Treated with Tenofovir/Emtricitabine/Lopinavir/Ritonavir or Tenofovir/Emtricitabine/Nevirapine A Mwafongo 1 , K Nkanaunena 2 , Mina Hosseinipour* 1,3 , S Lockman 4 , M Hughes 4 , J Currier 5 , and ACTG 5208 1 Univ of Northern Carolina Project, Lilongwe, Malawi;; 2 Coll of Med-John Hopkins Univ Res Project, Blantyre, Malawi;; 3 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 4 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; and 5 Univ of California, Los Angeles, US

CROI 2013 Session 45 11:00 153LB Omitting NRTI from ARV Regimens Is Not Inferior to Adding NRTI in Treatment-experienced HIV + Subjects Failing a Protease Inhibitor Regimen: The ACTG OPTIONS Study Karen Tashima* 1 , L Smeaton 2 , A Andrade 3 , J Eron 4 , C Fichtenbaum 5 , R Gandhi 6 , V Johnson 7 , K Klingman 8 , K Hollabaugh 2 , R Haubrich 9 , and A5241 Study Team 1 The Miriam Hosp, Alpert Med Sch of Brown Univ, Providence, RI, US;; 2 Ctr for Biostatistics in AIDS Res, Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 3 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; 4 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 5 Univ of Cincinnati, OH, US;; 6 Massachusetts Gen Hosp and Ragon Inst, Boston, US;; 7 Birmingham VA Med Ctr and Univ of Alabama at Birmingham Sch of Med, US;; 8 HIV Res Branch, TRP, DAIDS, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 9 Univ of California, San Diego, US 11:15 154LB Simeprevir with Pegylated Interferon/Ribavirin in Patients Co-infected with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus and HIV-1: Week-24 Interim Analysis of the TMC435-C212 Study Douglas Dieterich* 1 , J Rockstroh 2 , C Orkin 3 , F Gutierrez 4 , M Klein 5 , J Reynes 6 , W Jessner 7 , O Lenz 7 , M Peeters 7 , and M Beumont-Mauviel 7 1 Mt Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY, US;; 2 Mediz Universittsklinik- Immunologische Ambulanz, Bonn, Germany;; 3 Royal London Hosp, UK;; 4 Hosp Gen de Elche and UMH, Alicante, Spain;; 5 Muhc Montreal Chest Inst, Canada;; 6 Hosp Gui De Chauliac, Montpellier, France;; and 7 Janssen Infectious Diseases BVBA, Beerse, Belgium 11:30 155LB Suppression of Viral Load through 4 Weeks Post-Treatment Results of a Once-daily Regimen of Simeprevir + Sofosbuvir with or without Ribavirin in Hepatitis C Virus GT1 Null Responders Eric Lawitz* 1 , R Ghalib 2 , M Rodriguez-Torres 3 , Z Younossi 4 , A Corregidor 5 , I Jacobson 6 , K Callewaert 7 , W Symonds 8 , G Picchio 9 , and K Lindsay 9 1 Alamo Med Res, San Antonio, TX, US;; 2 The Liver Inst, Dallas, TX, US;; 3 Fndn de Investigacion, San Juan, Puerto Rico;; 4 Inova Fairfax Hosp, Falls Church, VA, US;; 5 Borland-Groover Clin, Jacksonville, FL, US;; 6 Weill Cornell Med Coll, New York, NY, US;; 7 Janssen Res and Devt, Beerse, Belgium;; 8 Gilead Sci, Inc, Foster City, CA, US;; and 9 Janssen Res and Devt LLC, Titusville, FL, US 11:45 156LB Telaprevir for Acute Hepatitis C Virus in HIV + Men both Shortens Treatment and Improves Outcome Daniel Fierer Mt Sinai Sch of Med 12:00 157LB High Efficacy of Sofosbuvir with Weight-based Ribavirin for 24 Weeks in Difficult-to-Treat Patients Anu Osinusi* 1,2 , D Bon 3 , E Herrmann 3 , G Teferi 4 , R Talwani 5 , H Masur 6 , W Symonds 7 , J McHutchison 7 , A Fauci 1 , S Kottilil 1 , and NIAID SPARE Study Team 1 LIR, NIAID, Bethesda, MD, US;; 2 CMRP, SAIC-Frederick, Inc, Frederick Natl Lab for Cancer Res, MD, US;; 3 IBBM, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Univ, Frankfurt;; 4 Unity Health Care Inc, Washington, DC, US;; 5 Univ of Maryland Med Ctr, Baltimore, US;; 6 CCMD, CC, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US;; and 7 Gilead Sci, Foster City, CA, US b Wednesday, 1:30-2:30 pm; B402 Session 44–Themed Discussion (see Session 90 on Tuesday for corresponding Poster Abstracts) Aging and Neurocognitive Function in HIV Infection Discussants: Bruce Brew, St Vincent’s Hosp and Univ of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Kevin Robertson, AIDS Dementia Ctr, Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US 439 Older Age and Neurocognitive Function: Multi-center AIDS Cohort Study Karl Goodkin* 1 , E Miller 2 , C Cox 3 , S Reynolds 3 , D Ostrow 4 , O Selnes 5 , E Martin 6 , N Sacktor 5 , and J Becker 7 1 AIDS Hlthcare Fndn, Los Angeles, CA, US;; 2 Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; 3 Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; 4 Univ of Chicago, IL, US;; 5 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 6 Univ of Illinois at Chicago, US;; and 7 Univ of Pittsburgh, PA, US 440 Veterans Aging Cohort Study Index Score Is Associated with Neurocognitive and Functional Impairment: A CHARTER Study D Franklin Jr 1 , R Heaton 1 , S Woods 1 , S Letendre 1 , A Collier 2 , D Clifford 3 , B Gelman 4 , J McArthur 5 , D Simpson 6 , Igor Grant* 1 , and CHARTER Group 1 Univ of California, San Diego, US;; 2 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 3 Washington Univ, St Louis, MO, US;; 4 Univ of Texas Med Branch, Galveston, US;; 5 Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD, US;; and 6 Mt Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY, US 441 Changing Cerebrospinal Fluid Concentrations of Neurofilament Light Chain Protein, Tau, and Amyloid Proteins Characterize Evolving Central Nervous System Injury in HIV-1 Infection Julia Peterson* 1 , H Zetterberg 2 , L Hagberg 2 , S Spudich 3 , M Gisslen 2 , and R Price 1 1 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 2 Sahlgrenska Academy at Univ of Gothenburg, Sweden;; and 3 Yale Univ, New Haven, CT, US 442 Prevalence of Cerebrospinal Fluid Alzheimer’s Disease-like Profiles in Chronic Middle-aged HIV + Individuals L Cysique 1,2 , J Lamoury 2 , T Hewitt 2,3 , K Taddei 4,5,6 , R Martins 4,5 , C Chew 5 , P Price 5 , and Bruce Brew* 1,2 1 St Vincents Hosp, Sydney, Australia;; 2 Univ of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;; 3 Notre Dame Univ, Sydney, Australia;; 4 Edith Cowan Univ, Australia;; 5 Univ of Western Australia, Perth;; and 6 Hollywood Private Hosp, Nedlands, Australia 443 Axonal Disturbance in Neuroasymptomatic Patients off and on Suppressive ART: An Aging Effect of Central Nervous System Infection? Jan Jessen Krut* 1 , T Mellberg 1 , R Price 2 , L Hagberg 1 , D Fuchs 3 , L Rosengren 1 , S Nilsson 4 , H Zetterberg 1,5 , and M Gisslen 1 1 Sahlgrenska Academy, Univ of Gothenburg, Sweden;; 2 Univ of California, San Francisco, US;; 3 Innsbruck Med Univ, Austria;; 4 Chalmers Univ of Tech, Gothenburg, Sweden;; and 5 Univ Coll London, Inst of Neurology, UK 444 Longitudinal Association of HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorders with Frailty in HIV-1 + Men Bryan Smith* 1 , R Skolasky 1 , F Mateen 1 , J Becker 2 , E Martin 3 , E Miller 4 , J Margolick 5 , O Selnes 1 , N Sacktor 1 , and Multictr AIDS Cohort Group 1 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 2 Univ of Pittsburgh Sch of Med, PA, US;; 3 Univ of Illinois Sch of Med, Chicago, US;; 4 David Geffen Sch of Med, Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; and 5 Johns Hopkins Univ Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD US 445 HIV and Aging: New Graph Theoretical Models of rs-fcMRI Neuropathophysiology Jewell Thomas*, M Brier, and B Ances Washington Univ in St. Louis b Wednesday, 1:30-2:30 pm; B406 Session 45–Themed Discussion (see Session 63 on Tuesday for corresponding Poster Abstracts) Transmitted/Founder Viruses Discussants: Feng Gao, Duke Univ, Durham, NC, US Thomas Hope, Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL, US 244 Recombination Shapes Viral Evolution during Early Infection in Individuals Infected with Multiple Transmitted/Founder HIV-1 Hongshuo Song* 1 , F Cai1 , V Ganusov2 , J Pavlicek1 , B Keele3 , H Li4 , G Shaw4 , B Haynes1 , B Hahn4 , and F Gao1 1 2 Duke Univ Med Ctr, Durham, NC, US;; Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville, US;; 3 4 SAIC-Frederick Inc, MD, US;; and Univ of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US 245 MTCT Is Associated with a Gag-Protease-driven Viral Fitness Bottleneck Vanessa Naidoo* 1 , J Mann1 , J Carlson2 , C Brumme3 , C Thobakgale1 , P Goulder4 , D Heckerman2 , Z Brumme3,5 , M Brockman3,5 , and T Ndung’u1 1HIV Pathogenesis Prgm, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa;; 2 3 Microsoft Res, Los Angeles, CA, US;; BC Ctr for Excellence in HIV/ AIDS, Vancouver, Canada;; 4Univ of Oxford, UK;; and 5Simon Fraser Univ, Burnaby, Canada 246 Subtype C HIV-1 Variants Transmitted by Breastfeeding Have Less Glycosylated V2 Loops and Are More Susceptible to V2-Targeted Antibodies PG9 and PG16 Kyle Nakamura* 1 , C Cerini1 , E Sobrera1 , L Heath2 , M Sinkala3 , C Kankasa4 , D Thea5 , J Mullins2 , L Kuhn6 , and G Aldrovandi1 1 2 Childrens Hosp Los Angeles, CA, US;; Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; 3 4 Lusaka District Hlth Mgmt Team, Zambia;; Univ of Zambia, Lusaka;; 5 6 Boston Univ Sch of Publ Hlth, MA, US;; and Columbia Univ, New York, NY, US 247 Transmitted/Founder and Chronic HIV-1 Env Proteins Differentially Utilize CCR5 Zahra Parker* 1 , S Iyer1 , C Wilen1 , N Parrish1 , R Berro2 , B Lee3 , J Moore2 , G Shaw1 , B Hahn1 , and R Doms1,4 1 2 Univ of Pennsylvania Perelman Sch of Med, Philadelphia, US;; Weill Med Coll of Cornell Univ, New York, NY, US;; 3Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; and 4Childrens Hosp of Philadelphia, PA, US Program 19 Wednesday March 6 Oral Sessions

Wednesday<br />

March 6 Oral Sessions<br />

Session 40 <strong>CROI</strong> 2013<br />

11:15 137 LIM Kinase-mediated Actin Dynamics Modulate<br />

Retrovirus Budding<br />

Xiaoyun Wen*, L Ding, E Hunter, and P Spearman<br />

Emory Univ, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

11:30 138 Incorporation of LEDGF/p75 in Viral Particles<br />

Is Crucial for HIV Infectivity<br />

B Desimmie 1 , R Schrijvers 1 , S Vets 1 , J Demeulemeester 1 , P Proost 1 ,<br />

J De Rijck 1 , N Bannert 2 , F Christ 1 , R Gijsbers 1 , and Zeger Debyser* 1<br />

1 Katholieke Univ Leuven, Belgium and 2 Robert Koch Inst, Berlin,<br />

Germany<br />

11:45 139LB Treatment with Sub-optimal Doses of Raltegravir<br />

Leads to Aberrant HIV-1 Integrations<br />

Janani Varadarajan* 1 , MJ McWilliams 1 , D Hazuda 2 , and S Hughes 1<br />

1 HIV Drug Resistance Prgm, Frederick Natl Lab for Cancer Res,<br />

NIH, MD, US and 2 Merck Res Labs, West Point, PA, US<br />

k Wednesday, 10-11 am; Ballroom 3-4<br />

Session 41–Oral Abstracts<br />

HIV-associated Malignancies<br />

Moderators:<br />

Kishor Bhatia, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US<br />

Margaret Borok-Williams, Univ of Zimbabwe, Harare<br />

10:00 140 Substantial Burden of Non-AIDS Cancers in<br />

Persons with HIV: Early Results from a<br />

Computerized HIV and Cancer Registry Match<br />

in Pune, India<br />

Sheela Godbole* 1 , K Nandy 2 , M Gauniyal 1 , S Koyande 3 , P Virgo 4 ,<br />

K Bhatia 5 , R Paranjape 1 , A Risbud 1 , S Mbulaiteye 5 , and R Mitsuyasu 2<br />

1 Natl AIDS Res Inst-ICMR, Pune India;; 2 Univ of California, Los<br />

Angeles, US;; 3 Bombay Cancer Registry, Mumbai, India;; 4 Computer<br />

Svcs Corp, Rockville, MD, US;; and 5 NCI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, US<br />

10:15 141 Timing and Predictors of Cancer Incidence<br />

following Initiation of ART: Centers for AIDS<br />

Research Network of Integrated Clinical<br />

Systems, 1996-2011<br />

Elizabeth Yanik* 1 , S Napravnik 1 , S Cole 1 , C Achenbach 2 ,<br />

S Gopal 1 , D Dittmer 1 , M Kitahata 3 , M Mugavero 4 , M Saag 4 , J Eron 1 ,<br />

and Ctr for AIDS Res Network of Integrated Clin Systems<br />

1 Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 2 Northwestern Univ,<br />

Chicago, IL, US;; 3 Univ of Washington, Seattle, US;; and 4 Univ of<br />

Alabama at Birmingham, US<br />

10:30 142 Random Biopsy Increases Diagnostic Rate and<br />

Total Anal High-grade Squamous Intraepithelial<br />

Lesions Found by High-resolution Anoscopy<br />

Richard Silvera*, M Gaisa, and S Goldstone<br />

Mt Sinai Sch of Med, New York, NY, US<br />

10:45 143 Evaluating Serum microRNA as Potential<br />

Biomarkers for Early Detection of Non-Hodgkin<br />

Lymphomas in HIV + Individuals<br />

Dharma Thapa* 1 , W-C Tran 1 , L Jacobson 2 , J Margolick 2 , J Phair 3 ,<br />

C Rinaldo 4 , R Detels 1 , and O Martinez-Maza 1<br />

1 David Geffen Sch of Med, Fielding Sch of Publ Hlth, and AIDS<br />

Inst Univ of California, Los Angeles, US;; 2 Johns Hopkins Univ<br />

Bloomberg Sch of Publ Hlth, Baltimore, MD, US;; 3 Northwestern<br />

Univ Feinberg Sch of Med, Chicago, IL, US;; and 4 Univ of Pittsburgh<br />

Grad Sch of Publ Hlth, PA, US<br />

k Wednesday, 11 am-12:15 pm; Ballroom 3-4<br />

Session 42–Oral Abstracts<br />

TB and Cryptococcal Meningitis<br />

Moderators:<br />

Haileyesus Getahun, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland<br />

Graeme Meintjes, Univ of Cape Town, South Africa<br />

11:00 144 ART Initiation within the First 2 Weeks of<br />

Cryptococcal Meningitis Is Associated with<br />

Higher Mortality: A Multisite Randomized Trial<br />

David Boulware* 1 , D Meya 2,3 , C Muzoora 4 , M Rolfes 1 , K Huppler<br />

Hullsiek 1 , A Musubire 2,3 , K Taseera 4 , H Nabeta 2,3 , C Schutz 5 ,<br />

G Meintjes 5 , and Cryptococcal Optimal ART Timing Trial<br />

1 Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US;; 2 Infectious Disease Inst,<br />

Kampala, Uganda;; 3 Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda;; 4 Mbarara<br />

Univ, Uganda;; and 5 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa<br />

18 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections<br />

11:15 145 HAART Does Not Reduce the Incidence of TB<br />

in HIV + Infants with Early HIV Disease Enrolled<br />

in a Primary TB Prevention Trial<br />

Bret Zeldow* 1 , S Kim 2 , G McSherry 3 , M Cotton 4 , S Madhi 5 ,<br />

A Violari 5 , R Bobat 6 , C Mitchell 7 , and P1041 Study Team<br />

1 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth, Boston, MA, US;; 2 New Jersey Med<br />

Sch, Newark, US;; 3 Pennsylvania State Univ Coll of Med, Hershey,<br />

US;; 4 Stellenbosh Univ, Cape Town, South Africa;; 5 Univ of the<br />

Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 6 Univ of KwaZulu-<br />

Natal, Durban, South Africa;; and 7 Univ of Miami, FL, US<br />

11:30 146 Comparative Performance of Rapid Urinary<br />

Lipoarabinomannan Assays and Xpert<br />

MTB/RIF in HIV + TB Suspects: Uganda<br />

Maunank Shah* 1 , W Ssengooba 2 , D Armstrong 1 , L Nakiyingi 2 ,<br />

M Holshouser 1 , J Ellner 3 , M Joloba 2 , Y Manabe 1,4 , and S Dorman 1<br />

1 Johns Hopkins Univ Sch of Med, Baltimore, MD, US;; 2 Makerere<br />

Univ Coll of Hlth Sci, Kampala, Uganda;; 3 Boston Med Ctr, Boston<br />

Univ Sch of Med, MA, US;; and 4 Infectious Diseases Inst, Makerere<br />

Univ Coll of Hlth Sci, Kampala, Uganda<br />

11:45 147LB A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial<br />

to Evaluate High-dose Rifapentine with a<br />

Quinolone for Treatment of Pulmonary TB:<br />

The RIFAQUIN Trial<br />

Amina Jindani* 1 , M Hatherill 2 , S Charalambous 3 , S Mungofa 4 ,<br />

S Zizhou 5 , J van Dijk 6 , J Shepherd 7 , P Phillips 8 , A Nunn 8 ,<br />

D Mitchison 1 , and RIFAQUIN Trial Team<br />

1 St Georges, Univ of London, UK;; 2 Univ of Cape Town, South<br />

Africa;; 3 Aurum Inst, Johannesburg, South Africa;; 4 Harare City<br />

Hlth Dept, Zimbabwe;; 5 Med Directorate of Mashonaland East,<br />

Marondera, Zimbabwe;; 6 Macha Med Mission, Zambia;; 7 CDC/<br />

BOTUSA, Gaborone, Botswana;; and 8 MRC Clin Trials Unit,<br />

London, UK<br />

12:00 148LB What Is the Right Dose of Rifampin?<br />

Martin Boeree* 1 , A Diacon 2 , R Dawson 3 , A Venter 2 , J du Bois 2 ,<br />

K Narunsky 3 , M Hoelscher 4 , S Gillespie 5 , P Phillips 6 , R Aarnoutse 1 ,<br />

and PanACEA Consortium<br />

1 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, The Netherlands;; 2 Univ of<br />

Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa;; 3 Univ of Cape Town, South<br />

Africa;; 4 Med Ctr of the Univ of Munich, Germany;; 5 Univ of St<br />

Andrews, UK;; and 6 MRC Clin Trial Unit, London, UK<br />

k Wednesday, 10 am-12:15 pm; Ballroom 1-2<br />

Session 43–Oral Abstracts<br />

Advances in ARV and Anti-Hepatitis C<br />

Virus Therapy<br />

Moderators:<br />

Jintanat Ananworanich, HIV-NAT, Bangkok, Thailand<br />

Jean-Francois Delfraissy, French Natl Agency for Res on AIDS and Viral<br />

Hepatitis, Paris<br />

10:00 149 Trend in Transmitted HIV-1 ARV Drug<br />

Resistance-associated Mutations: 10 HIV<br />

Surveillance Areas, US, 2007-2010<br />

David Kim* 1 , R Ziebell 1 , N Saduvala 2 , R Kline 1 , C Banez Ocfemia 1 ,<br />

J Prejean 1 , X Zhang 1 , M Pearson 1 , I Hall 1 , and Variant, Atypical, and<br />

Resistant HIV Surveillance Group<br />

1 CDC, Atlanta, GA, US and 2 ICF Intl, Atlanta, GA, US<br />

10:15 150 Mortality after Starting ART in Treatment-naïve<br />

Adults in 3 Continents: Collaborative Analysis<br />

of International Epidemiologic Databases to<br />

Evaluate AIDS in Southern Africa and ART<br />

Cohort Collaboration Cohorts<br />

Andrew Boulle* 1 , M Schomaker 1 , M May 2 , M Egger 3 , J Sterne 2 ,<br />

and site investigators from IeDEA-SA and ART-CC Collaborations<br />

1 Univ of Cape Town, South Africa;; 2 Bristol Univ, UK;; and 3 Univ of<br />

Bern, Switzerland<br />

10:30 151 Superiority of Routine Viral Load Monitoring<br />

in Rural Kenya: the Kericho Clinic-based ART<br />

Diagnostic Evaluation (CLADE) Trial<br />

Fredrick Sawe* 1,2 , P Yegon 1 , R Langat 1 , E Obiero 3 , J Maswai 1 ,<br />

M Bii 1 , A Aoko 1 , K Shikuku 1 , N Close 4 , D Shaffer 1,2 , and CLADE Team<br />

1 Kenya Med Res Inst/Walter Reed Project, Kericho;; 2 US Military<br />

HIV Res Prgm, Bethesda, MD;; 3 Kenya Ministry of Med Svcs,<br />

Kericho;; and 4 EmpiriStat, Mt Airy, MD, US<br />

10:45 152 Renal Insufficiency among Women Treated with<br />

Tenofovir/Emtricitabine/Lopinavir/Ritonavir or<br />

Tenofovir/Emtricitabine/Nevirapine<br />

A Mwafongo 1 , K Nkanaunena 2 , Mina Hosseinipour* 1,3 ,<br />

S Lockman 4 , M Hughes 4 , J Currier 5 , and ACTG 5208<br />

1 Univ of Northern Carolina Project, Lilongwe, Malawi;; 2 Coll of<br />

Med-John Hopkins Univ Res Project, Blantyre, Malawi;; 3 Univ of<br />

North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US;; 4 Harvard Sch of Publ Hlth,<br />

Boston, MA, US;; and 5 Univ of California, Los Angeles, US

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