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2010 Regional Excellence in Education Award Winners Celebrated at Regional Conferences Gulf Region accountants, advertising direc- Lynore Levenhagen tors, business owners, store Florida Gamma Gamma managers and teachers. Chapter President In addition, I am proud of I always wanted to be a my work with Florida and nation- teacher. My inspiration was al DECA, the association for stu- my father. He was the greatdents in marketing. As a chapter est teacher I have ever known. advisor I work with my own For 45 years he inspired young students in realizing the goals minds to excel and be the best of DECA — leadership develop- they could be. He was respected ment, vocational understanding, by educators, parents and the social intelligence and civic con- organizations he led. I wanted to sciousness. The students com- be as good and as well respectpete in marketing-related events ed. I wanted to make an impact at the district, state and national not only on my students but also levels. They have won awards at in education. After 30 years in all three levels including a first my own career, I look back and place at nationals. My students review my professional accom- attend leadership conferences in plishments. Florida, Washington, D.C. and More than any other other states in DECA’s Southern achievement, I am most proud Region. They meet other DECA that I have taken a small members and network with 50-member marketing program business professionals. Commu- and expanded it into three nity service is important to my different marketing programs students. This year more than with an enrollment of more than 50 of these students will advance 180. Students can choose from to state competition. In my general marketing, sports and role as state advisor for Florida entertainment marketing and DECA, I am given the reward- fashion marketing. Many of my ing opportunity to impact more students have gone to college than 7,600 marketing students. and chosen a career in market- I provide them with leadership ing. The program has produced opportunities, conferences and classroom resources. DECA members across the state live by this year’s motto: “Live, Learn, Lead.” Working with national DECA in recruiting judges and coordinating the national conference when it comes to Orlando has given me great personal satisfaction. I believe that what is done through DECA influences the leaders of tomorrow. Focused on the purpose of Ann Quinlan, right, reviews course objectives providing our students with a with AP Language/Composition team teachers rich curriculum emphasizing Johnna Graff and Sue Petersen as they plan for the rigor and relevance, Lyman year. Their course is recognized by the Wesleyan Honors Academy, allowing high school juniors the opportunity to earn college credit. High School is able to meet the needs of this millennium. We are working on the redesign of education to meet the needs 32 Educational Excellence in Action of every child. I have had the pleasure and privilege to be the lead teacher for our redesign. I coordinate professional development, teach online courses in lesson development and have become the local expert of teaching in the D Quadrant, where rigor and relevance is key to students’ success. Receiving my National Board Certification is another of my most proud achievements. I am recognized at the county level and called upon to mentor new teachers. It is satisfying to be able to share with and guide these new teachers. I am able to show them what methods I have used to successfully motivate young people to achieve their full potential. I am proud to be called a teacher and proud of my work. I have had the honor to mold students on both an academic and personal level. I have helped homeless students find shelter. I have helped students with emotional issues. I believe that I have made a difference. It is with a smile on my face and a spring in my step that, instead of going to work every day, I still get to go to school! North Central Region Ann Quinlan Nebraska Beta Chapter Even before I started kindergarten I liked the idea of school. Our backyard adjoined the playground of the elementary school and I could watch the children at recess. When I was in first grade I wanted to be a first grade teacher. When I was in fifth grade I wanted to be a fifth grade teacher, but by my senior year of high school I knew that an English classroom was where I belonged. Throughout my career of teaching seventh graders Ø

Jane Callery, right, works with students during a field study on campus through seniors in high school I have continued to be a student myself, seeking out professional development opportunities that broadened my world so that I would have more to offer my students. A graduate class on brain research theory turned into a learning styles unit for my high school freshmen. Traveling as a teacher leader with People to People High School Student Ambassadors brought the King Arthur stories (our high school mascot is a Knight) to life after we toured “Merlin’s Mine.” A study tour to Greece inspired me to have my sophomores write and perform their own Greek tragedies. My involvement in professional organizations has led to leadership roles that also enhanced my teaching ability. Every time I have attended a conference, convention, or workshop I have been able to take away something I needed to know or do to make my classroom, my school, or my English Department a better place to be. But school isn’t only about the classroom. I believe Alpha Delta Kappa’s mission, “. . . dedicated to excellence, altruism and world understanding,” has been a metaphor for my teaching career. I believe in honoring the values of the organizations to which I offer my time and abilities. Thus, when one of my students asked me to become the Students for Peace Club sponsor I agreed. Over the past my garden, thrilled to have just 10 years Students for Peace received a contract for my first has contributed over $15,000 teaching position. I was dream- to world peace initiatives such ing about who my students as UNICEF, Doctors Without would be and what I would do Borders, Seeds of Peace and in the coming year to get them Free the Children (an organiza- to LOVE learning just as much tion that I was introduced to as I do. I received a call from through Alpha Delta Kappa). someone I would learn from and The students plan, organize and know as a most compassionate direct a benefit variety show and teacher, future teammate, ADK art auction. sister and dearest friend. She When I received the United called to welcome me into the States-Eurasia Award for Excel- teaching profession, and as we lence in Teaching and had the made plans to meet and start opportunity to spend a month planning the year, I knew I had in schools in Kazakhstan, it met someone who treasures the was a highlight of my teaching teaching profession as much as career. I learned that students I do. Sixteen years later, we still and teachers all over the world engage in passionate discussions are striving for excellence, and about what is best for kids and that teenage students are pretty what we can do to support new much the same whether they are teachers as they learn how to in Rudny, Kazakhstan or Lincoln, create classrooms that engage Nebraska. children in the joy of discovery When a group of Kazak high and learning. school students asked me “How I faced many obstacles on does it feel to be from the most the road to fulfilling my dream of powerful country in the world?” becoming a teacher, but when I I replied that I had never really was in the classroom surround- thought about that before, but ed by all those wonderful faces I I have come to believe that the knew I had reached heaven and foundation of our nation’s power I wanted to learn even more. is the American educational sys- I led the development of an tem. In our schools we attempt inquiry-based science program to reach and teach every stu- for a new science and technoldent, from the most challenged ogy magnet school, encouraged to the most gifted. parent involvement in monthly Northeast Region field studies with students and Jane Callery annual Super Saturday Family Connecticut Alpha Chapter Science and Math events. Soon I can remember the day late I found myself working in many in June when I was working in classrooms; facilitating Ø Educational Excellence in Action 33

Jane Callery, right, works with students during a field study on campus<br />

through seniors in high school<br />

I have continued to be a student<br />

myself, seeking out professional<br />

development opportunities that<br />

broadened my world so that I<br />

would have more to offer my students.<br />

A graduate class on brain<br />

research theory turned into a<br />

learning styles unit for my high<br />

school freshmen. Traveling as<br />

a teacher leader with People<br />

to People High School Student<br />

Ambassadors brought the King<br />

Arthur stories (our high school<br />

mascot is a Knight) to life after<br />

we toured “Merlin’s Mine.” A<br />

study tour to Greece inspired me<br />

to have my sophomores write<br />

and perform their own Greek<br />

tragedies.<br />

My involvement in professional<br />

organizations has led<br />

to leadership roles that also<br />

enhanced my teaching ability.<br />

Every time I have attended<br />

a conference, convention, or<br />

workshop I have been able to<br />

take away something I needed to<br />

know or do to make my classroom,<br />

my school, or my English<br />

Department a better place to be.<br />

But school isn’t only about<br />

the classroom. I believe Alpha<br />

Delta Kappa’s mission, “. . .<br />

dedicated to excellence, altruism<br />

and world understanding,” has<br />

been a metaphor for my teaching<br />

career. I believe in honoring<br />

the values of the organizations<br />

to which I offer my time and<br />

abilities. Thus, when one of my<br />

students asked me to become<br />

the Students for Peace Club<br />

sponsor I agreed. Over the past my garden, thrilled to have just<br />

10 years Students for Peace received a contract for my first<br />

has contributed over $15,000 teaching position. I was dream-<br />

to world peace initiatives such ing about who my students<br />

as UNICEF, Doctors Without would be and what I would do<br />

Borders, Seeds of Peace and in the coming year to get them<br />

Free the Children (an organiza- to LOVE learning just as much<br />

tion that I was introduced to as I do. I received a call from<br />

through Alpha Delta Kappa). someone I would learn from and<br />

The students plan, organize and know as a most compassionate<br />

direct a benefit variety show and teacher, future teammate, ADK<br />

art auction.<br />

sister and dearest friend. She<br />

When I received the United called to welcome me into the<br />

States-Eurasia Award for Excel- teaching profession, and as we<br />

lence in Teaching and had the made plans to meet and start<br />

opportunity to spend a month planning the year, I knew I had<br />

in schools in Kazakhstan, it met someone who treasures the<br />

was a highlight of my teaching teaching profession as much as<br />

career. I learned that students I do. Sixteen years later, we still<br />

and teachers all over the world engage in passionate discussions<br />

are striving for excellence, and about what is best for kids and<br />

that teenage students are pretty what we can do to support new<br />

much the same whether they are teachers as they learn how to<br />

in Rudny, Kazakhstan or Lincoln, create classrooms that engage<br />

Nebraska.<br />

children in the joy of discovery<br />

When a group of Kazak high and learning.<br />

school students asked me “How I faced many obstacles on<br />

does it feel to be from the most the road to fulfilling my dream of<br />

powerful country in the world?” becoming a teacher, but when I<br />

I replied that I had never really was in the classroom surround-<br />

thought about that before, but ed by all those wonderful faces I<br />

I have come to believe that the knew I had reached heaven and<br />

foundation of our nation’s power I wanted to learn even more.<br />

is the American educational sys- I led the development of an<br />

tem. In our schools we attempt inquiry-based science program<br />

to reach and teach every stu- for a new science and technoldent,<br />

from the most challenged ogy magnet school, encouraged<br />

to the most gifted.<br />

parent involvement in monthly<br />

Northeast Region field studies with students and<br />

Jane Callery<br />

annual Super Saturday Family<br />

Connecticut Alpha Chapter Science and Math events. Soon<br />

I can remember the day late I found myself working in many<br />

in June when I was working in classrooms; facilitating Ø<br />

Educational Excellence in Action<br />


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