34th International Geological Congress (IGC): AUSTRALIA 2012

34th International Geological Congress (IGC): AUSTRALIA 2012

34th International Geological Congress (IGC): AUSTRALIA 2012


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PNG-1 Rabaul Caldera - Historical and Prehistorical Volcanism<br />

(continued)<br />

Day 2 - Sunday 12th August <strong>2012</strong> - Rabaul<br />

After breakfast visit Rapindik hot springs, view and climb Mt Tavurvur. Examine<br />

1994 to 2009 deposits at base of Tavurvur. Take a short, but rough walk (30 mins)<br />

around Rabalanakaia to view structures and intrusives in the caldera wall. After<br />

lunch tour the Observatory followed by a tour of the Submarine Base to have a<br />

view of the submerged Tavui Caldera. Explore war-time tunnels in raised limestone<br />

of the caldera wall. Snorkel if is desired. Return to your hotel with time to freshen<br />

up before dinner.<br />

Overnight: Rabaul Hotel, Rabaul<br />

Meals: B / L / D<br />

Day 3 - Monday 13th August <strong>2012</strong> - Rabaul<br />

After breakfast, travel to Vulcan where you will examine historical eruption deposits<br />

from 1878 to 1994. After lunch, examine deposits from latest caldera forming<br />

eruption at 4 localities on the south and south west of the caldera. Deposits such as<br />

normal ignimbrite, fines depleted ignimbrite, and ignimbrite veneer deposit.<br />

Return to your hotel with time to freshen up before dinner.<br />

Overnight: Rabaul Hotel, Rabaul<br />

Meals: B / L / D<br />

Day 4 - Tuesday 14th August <strong>2012</strong> - Onward travel<br />

Early check out and transfer to the airport. Own arrangements for your onward<br />

flight.<br />

Meals: B<br />

Equipment Required: Select lightweight clothing, a shady hat, and footwear suitable for walking in<br />

creeks. Any unnecessary baggage can be stored in Port Moresby until you return.<br />

Before travelling see your medical practitioner for advice on protection from<br />

malaria; most long-term residents do not take prophylactics but protection may be<br />

recommended for short term visitors. Sun cream and umbrellas will be provided,<br />

and insect repellent if needed.<br />

www.34igc.org 133

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