SDI Convergence - Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie - KNAW

SDI Convergence - Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie - KNAW

SDI Convergence - Nederlandse Commissie voor Geodesie - KNAW


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The commonalities between <strong>SDI</strong>s and the objectives Land Administration systems provide<br />

strong grounds for the derivation of shared evaluation and performance indicators.<br />

This article has sought to show how one such model, The RRR Toolbox, could be applied<br />

in the <strong>SDI</strong> context.<br />

In essence, RRRs are a challenge for both <strong>SDI</strong>s and Land Administration: they exhibit<br />

a form of dualism being both spatial and land related entities. The lessons learnt from<br />

research into RRRs offer utility to <strong>SDI</strong> practitioners. It can improve the management of<br />

both RRRs and <strong>SDI</strong> through the use of the broad range of principles and tools. Preliminary<br />

studies show that these principles are highly relevant to <strong>SDI</strong> initiatives; however,<br />

further investigation is needed to test the Toolbox’s full utility within the <strong>SDI</strong> discipline.<br />


The authors acknowledge the assistance of colleagues in the Centre for <strong>SDI</strong>s and<br />

Land Administration, Department of Geomatics, University of Melbourne in the preparation<br />

of this article. We also acknowledge the Department of Sustainability and Environment,<br />

in Victorian Government for their support and also thank Public Sector Mapping<br />

Agency (PSMA) of Australia, The State Government of New South Wales (NSW),<br />

The Government of Western Australia (WA) and Moreland City Council for their guidance<br />

and assistance with data collection during the development of the RRR Toolbox.<br />

The author’s also wish to acknowledge that some parts of this article are extracted<br />

from Bennett (2007); the author’s PhD dissertation.<br />


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Technical Paper No. 465, pp. 81-109.<br />


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