Mar 08.qxd - Connection Magazine

Mar 08.qxd - Connection Magazine

Mar 08.qxd - Connection Magazine


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Iraq, the people and their<br />

country are worse off<br />

than they ever were before the<br />

invasion on <strong>Mar</strong>ch 19, 2003.<br />

We present and thank the courageous,<br />

Independent Reporter<br />

Dahr Jamail (who has been in<br />

the Santa Cruz area several<br />

times to report to us all) for his<br />

efforts to be there and to continue<br />

to communicate with the<br />

Iraqi people and US soldiers<br />

about what is really going on. It<br />

is deplorable. It is shocking. It<br />

is awful.<br />

Please spread the word; tell the<br />

truth; get the real picture out<br />

there. Please!<br />

Thank you,<br />

Pattie & Thom<br />

Janine Talty, DO, MPH<br />

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Medicine/Neuromusculoskeletal<br />

Medicine<br />

Reality Is Totally Different<br />

Iraqis on Success and Progress in Their Country<br />

by Dahr Jamail<br />

THIS MARCH 19 will be the fifth anniversary<br />

of the shock-and-awe air assault on Baghdad<br />

that signaled the opening of the invasion of<br />

Iraq, and when it comes to the American occupation<br />

of that country, no end is yet in sight. If Republican<br />

presidential candidate John McCain has anything to<br />

say about it, the occupation may never end. On<br />

January 7th, he assured reporters that he was more<br />

than fine with the idea of the U.S. military remaining<br />

in Iraq for 100 years. "We've been in Japan for 60<br />

years. We've been in South Korea 50 years or so? As<br />

long as Americans are not being injured or harmed<br />

or wounded or killed. That's fine with me."<br />

He said nothing, of course, about Iraqis<br />

"injured or harmed or wounded or killed." In fact,<br />

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amid the flurries of words, accusations, and<br />

“debates” which have filled the airways and add up<br />

to the primary-season presidential campaign, there<br />

has been a near thunderous silence on Iraq lately-and<br />

especially on Iraqis.<br />

A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll indicated<br />

that 64% of Americans now feel the war in<br />

Iraq was not worth fighting. American opinion on<br />

the war and occupation, in fact, seems remarkably<br />

unaffected by the positive spin all those “success”<br />

stories in the mainstream media of these post-surge<br />

months. The media now tells us that Iraq is going to<br />

be taking a distinct backseat to domestic economic<br />

issues, that Americans are no longer as concerned<br />

about it.<br />

Once again, with rare exceptions, that media<br />

has had a hand in erasing the catastrophe of Iraq<br />

from the American landscape, if not the collective<br />

consciousness of the public. What, it occurred to<br />

me recently, do my friends and acquaintances<br />

back in Iraq (where I covered the occupation for<br />

eight months during the years 2003-2005) think<br />

not just about their lives and the fate of their<br />

country, but about our attitudes toward them?<br />

What do they think about the ”success” and the<br />

silence in America?<br />

On October 6, 2004, George W. Bush proclaimed:<br />

“Iraq is no diversion; it is the place<br />

where civilization is taking a decisive stand<br />

against chaos and terror-and we must not waver.”<br />

Iraqis, of course, continue to witness firsthand<br />

this "decisive stand against chaos and terror.”<br />

In our world, however, they are largely mute<br />

witnesses. Americans may argue among themselves<br />

about just how much “success” or<br />

“progress” there really is in post-surge Iraq, but it<br />

is almost invariably an argument in which Iraqis<br />

are but stick figures or dead bodies. Of late, I<br />

have been asking Iraqis I know by email what<br />

they make of the American version (or versions)<br />

of the unseemly reality that is their country, that<br />

they live and suffer with. What does it mean to<br />

become a “secondary issue” for your occupier?<br />

In response, Professor S. Abdul Majeed<br />

Hassan, an Iraqi university faculty member wrote<br />

me the following:<br />

“The year of 2007 was the bloodiest among<br />

the occupation years, and no matter how successful<br />

the situation looks to Mr. Bush, reality is totally<br />

different. What kind of normal life are he and the<br />

media referring to where four and a half million<br />

highly educated Iraqis are still dislocated or still<br />

being forcefully driven out of their homes for being<br />

anti-occupation? How can the people live a normal<br />

life in a cage of concrete walls [she is referring to<br />

concrete walls being erected by the Americans<br />

around entire Baghdad neighborhoods], guarded by<br />

their kidnappers, killers, and occupation forces?<br />

What kind of normal life can you live where many,<br />

many of your relatives and your beloved ones are<br />

either missing or in jail and you don't even know if<br />

they are still alive or, after being tortured, have<br />

been thrown unidentified in the dumpsters?<br />

“What kind of normal life can you live<br />

when you have to bid farewell to your family each<br />

time you go out to buy bread because you don't<br />

know if you are going to see them again? What is<br />

a normal life to Mr. Bush? If we're lucky, we get a<br />

few hours of electricity a day, barely enough<br />

drinking water, no health care, no jobs to feed our<br />

kids?<br />

“Little teenage girls are given away in marriage<br />

because their families can't protect them<br />

from militias and troops during raids. Women cannot<br />

move unescorted anymore. What kind of educations<br />

are our children getting at universities<br />

where 60% of the prominent faculty members<br />

Page 16 ▲ The <strong>Connection</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ <strong>Mar</strong>ch — April 2, 2008<br />

Dahr Jamail is the<br />

author of “Beyond<br />

the Green Zone:<br />

Dispatches from<br />

an Unembedded<br />

Journalist in<br />

Occupied Iraq.”<br />

have<br />

been<br />

driven out of their jobs-killed or forced to leave the<br />

country by government militias? Is it normal that<br />

areas [on the outskirts of Baghdad] like Saidiya and<br />

Arab Jubour are bombed because the occupation<br />

forces are afraid to enter the areas for fear of the<br />

resistance? It is always easier to control ghost cities.<br />

It becomes very peaceful without the people.”<br />

On January 8th, President Bush held video teleconferences<br />

with General David Petraeus and<br />

Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker, as well as with the<br />

U.S.-backed Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki,<br />

and with members of U.S. Provincial Reconstruction<br />

Teams (PRTs) in Iraq. Afterwards, he told reporters at<br />

a press conference, “It was clear from my discussions<br />

that there's great hope in Iraq, that the Iraqis are<br />

beginning to see political progress that is matching<br />

the dramatic security gains for the past year.”<br />

Members of the PRTs, he claimed, had told him that<br />

“life is returning to normal in communities across<br />

Iraq, with children back in school and shops reopening<br />

and markets bustling with commerce.” Bush<br />

thanked members of those teams for “making 2007,<br />

particularly the end of 2007, become incredibly successful<br />

beyond anybody's expectations.”<br />

Mohammad Mahri'i, an Iraqi journalist, has a<br />

rather different take on the situation: “The problem<br />

with Bush is that his people believe him every time<br />

he lies to them,” he writes me. “His reconstruction<br />

teams are invisible and I wish they could show me<br />

one inch above the ground that they built.”<br />

Maki al-Nazzal, an Iraqi political analyst from<br />

Fallujah who has been forced to live abroad with his<br />

family, thanks to ongoing violence and the lack of<br />

jobs or significant reconstruction activity in his city,<br />

which was three-quarters destroyed in a U.S. assault<br />

in November 2004, offered me his thoughts on the<br />

Western mainstream coverage of Iraq.<br />

“The media should not follow the warlords' and<br />

politicians' propaganda. It is our duty to search for<br />

the truth and not repeat lies like parrots. The U.S.<br />

occupation is bad and no amount of media propaganda<br />

can camouflage the mess inside occupied Iraq.<br />

We are ashamed of the local and Western media [for]<br />

marketing the naked lies told by generals and politicians.<br />

Comparing two halves of 2007 is ridiculous.<br />

“Bush and his heroes, head of the Coalition<br />

Provisional Authority L. Paul Bremer, Secretary of<br />

Defense Donald Rumsfeld and now Petraeus always<br />

lied to their people and the world about Iraq. U.S.<br />

soldiers are getting killed on a daily basis and so are<br />

Iraqi army and police officers. Infrastructure is<br />

destroyed. In a country that used to feed much of the<br />

Arab world, starvation is now the norm. It is ironic<br />

that Iraq was not half as bad during the 12 years of<br />

sanctions. Our liberation has pushed us into a state<br />

of unprecedented corruption.”<br />

General David Petraeus, U.S. surge commander<br />

in Iraq, insists that “we and our Iraqi partners will<br />

continue to look beyond the security realm to help<br />

the Iraqis improve basic services, revitalize local<br />

markets, repair damaged infrastructure and create<br />

conditions that allow displaced families to return to<br />

their homes.”<br />

Iraqis know differently. Al-Nazzal is realistic:<br />

“Petraeus wants us to celebrate the return [to<br />

Baghdad] of 50,000 Iraqis who were starving in<br />

Syria, when five million remain in exile and internally<br />

displaced. What he conveniently forgets to<br />

mention is that those who returned found their houses<br />

either destroyed or occupied by others. He also<br />

wants to be praised for handing over the nation's<br />

security to militias he allowed to form rather than to<br />

academics and technocrats. Iraq has no medicines in<br />

its hospitals, no electricity, no potable water, no real<br />

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