MN Advisory Comm Exhibits 1-18 - Minnesota Judicial Branch

MN Advisory Comm Exhibits 1-18 - Minnesota Judicial Branch

MN Advisory Comm Exhibits 1-18 - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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I’IA(:IN(; A I’OI,I(‘P:MAN on c~ery<br />

cornclr wotlltl go ;i long way in t~liminating<br />

street crime Hut it would have no<br />

effect on white collar crime.<br />

The whitcl collar criminal doesn’t rely<br />

on a wc2pon or f0rc.c to subdue a vicatirn.<br />

Ilis weapon is a ktlcbn brain and the ability<br />

to exploif thr trust of unsuspcc*ting<br />

pcopk.<br />

The white c*ollar criminal commits a<br />

unique lypc of (‘rim(l. And unique cfforts<br />

hy law c~nforc5tmcnt authorities<br />

arc‘ ncc4cd lo &YII with hirn.<br />

Law cnforc~c~tnc~nl agcncics anti the<br />

public have roc*t~ntly become more<br />

aware of ihc hifih CYJSI of whit{% collar<br />

crime. Incroasc>d df’orls have been<br />

made at nearly every level of law enforcement<br />

to cope with the problem. Rut<br />

despite these efforts, white collar crime<br />

promises to increase in the future. especially<br />

in Iktnnepin County.<br />

“White collar crime is now the .in<br />

t,hing’.” said Rcnntr. *~At.torncy Geriet-al<br />

Saxbc was more concerned about<br />

white collar crimca than any attorncsy<br />

general in mc>mory.” According to<br />

Rcnncr. Saxbc issutd directives to all<br />

U.S. Attorneys togivcgrt~ttc~ priority to<br />

white collar carimtt.<br />

In I)(~(*cmhcr. 1!)73. ;I ISusint5s l+V;ittt3<br />

IIivision was c5lablistic~d in the tlt9nrxpin<br />

County Altortic~y’s ol’l’icc~. Its staf’l<br />

has now bo(sii itic,rt-;tscstl lo I’oiir Iawycsrs<br />

and t.~vo Ir;iinc~l tnvc5ttg;itr,rs 10 deal<br />

with economic c*rimc3 lull time.<br />

At thtb s;Itllt~ limo. il spcbc-i;tl (‘ttizc>n<br />

I’rol.c~c~tioti O~‘~KY was also sol rq~ to<br />

handlr brtsincbss ntisconduct tttrougtt<br />

civil proc*c>c4injis. Acbc3rding to (:ottnly<br />

Attorney (tat-y Flakncb, t,ttis n(‘w of’l’ic*rs<br />

performs an IJtTlhUdS~Ilittl and conc~ili;ttion<br />

s(~rvi(.t~ by prt~vcnting and solving<br />

busirt(5s problt~nts ;wtl f4uc*;ilittg ttt(><br />

public. The of’l’ic*c has thus power to go to<br />

court 10 obtain injuncftions ilgilitlSt<br />

busittcssc~s. and will handle about 100<br />

citizen complaints this YCilr.<br />

‘.Wtn h;tvcb pointc~d our activities in the<br />

whole arca of economic crime, which is<br />

probably the most serious crime in the<br />

cbounlrg !IJ~;I,~.” I’l;tknc~ sitid “With<br />

nliltllJOW(‘I’ inc*rr9sc3 in onr Iltisinc~ss<br />

12<br />

l?iiud Division and Cilizcn I’rotcction<br />

Ofl’icc>, vary soon 10 p(‘rcclnt of ttic<br />

county alt.orney’s office will be dealing<br />

exclusively with economic crimes.”<br />

Working clost4y with the county at-<br />

torney is the welfare fraud division 01<br />

th(> I~enncpin County Well’arc Board.<br />

c~stablisheti in 1971. Prior to that year.<br />

only six casts of welfare fraud had been<br />

prosectttcd in Henncpin County since<br />

lh(\ incqtion of wclfarc in the early<br />

1930s. Six investigators last year hand-<br />

led over 700 welfare fraud casts. with a<br />

total dollar loss of’ over $1 million, and<br />

now have a backlog of 1,600 cases still to<br />

br investigated.<br />

Wilh two investigators and a medical<br />

clerk recently added to his staff, Chief<br />

Investigator Richard Rislcy (who is<br />

also president of’ the National Welfare<br />

Fraud Association). believes that he<br />

has one of the leading welfare fraud di-<br />

visions in the country. As well as false<br />

claims by wclf’arc recipients. the fraud<br />

unit, is now beginning for the first time<br />

lo invcstigattt the false claims filed with<br />

1 hc welfare board by professional pctj-<br />

pt(b for supposed scrviccs rendered, and<br />

Ristry has already uncovered substan-<br />

tial I’rilttd in this tl(‘W iltYR.<br />

I%usincssc~s aw also inc-rtlasing th(Gi<br />

cfl’orls to prevent and detect white colar<br />

carimc‘. Some businesses arc cstablishing<br />

thftirown sc~c,urityf’orccsand proloc*tion<br />

systems, such as Idcntiseal. a<br />

check identification system using<br />

ttittnttjprinls.<br />

Ihyton‘s usv‘s ;I mor(t sophisli~atc~d<br />

min-computer authorizing system wilh<br />

;I terminal at r~cry c3sh register. Al’tt,t<br />

lh(L system was installed in 1972. shoppers<br />

c2rd losses dropped from $86.000 in<br />

I!)71 to $:~~~,OMl in 1973.<br />

(:otnp;trc~tJ with st rc(sI csrimtl, vcsry liltic<br />

is known about white collar crime.<br />

IhI the Rnr(~att ol’ C’riminal Apprc~hcnsion<br />

has rclccnlly begun gathering minimal<br />

statistics from arcla police depar(nient<br />

rc\cords on c*crtain white CYJL<br />

lar crimes, f’or the first time providing<br />

some concrete statist its to <strong>Minnesota</strong><br />

IilW c~tll’ot’c~t~ttlc~tll ol’l’ic*i;its. 1’tl(,<br />

(;r,vc,rnor’s f’rtmc> (‘ontnrission also Iws<br />

it\ntativc plans to begin g;tthk>ring IIIfornialion<br />

and figrtrc3 on \vhito (3~li;ir<br />

c*rinic.<br />

Increascld efforts in the field of consutncr<br />

prolc~c~t ion have ;titlcd in brtnging<br />

to tight pottantial wttif(’ c*olt;tr<br />

crimcls. The Minneapolis Consttmcbr AI’-fairs<br />

Division. supc~rviscd bv fGi\\artl<br />

Grabowski. was cstablishcd ‘in March.<br />

1973. to handle complainst Irom (‘ori~<br />

sum(‘rs. Sincac beginning. 1h(a ol’l’i(.o has<br />

handled over 900 complainls. ;~ntl<br />

Grabowski claims tllitt his of’l’iccs has<br />

saved c’otIsIItllcI‘s O\‘c’I‘ $Ri.OOO ill I‘\\-<br />

funds. price adjustments a11d r~~pl;t

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