MN Advisory Comm Exhibits 1-18 - Minnesota Judicial Branch

MN Advisory Comm Exhibits 1-18 - Minnesota Judicial Branch

MN Advisory Comm Exhibits 1-18 - Minnesota Judicial Branch


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c<br />

Journalism 3-776; Mass <strong>Comm</strong>unication Law 34 Murphy Hall<br />

4 credits -- Gillmor Office hours - open<br />

A. Course Objectives<br />

Only journalists possessing some knowledge of mass comnunication law can<br />

thoughtfully assert their rights and avoid needless infractions of the law.<br />

This course is designed to make journalists expert in recognizing their legal<br />

rSghts to gather, prepare and disseminate news and public informatfon, and to<br />

suggest guidelines for ethical pratice.<br />

An effort will be made to cover the following topics: Anglo-American<br />

antecedents and the historical assumptions of freedom of expression in America;<br />

mass media and the First Amendment; the doctrine of no prior restraint; libel<br />

and the defenses against it; privacy and the press; journalist's "privilege"<br />

to protect the identity of sources and the contents of notes, tapes, outtakes,<br />

etc.; the "right" to gather news and the statutory right of access to informa- -<br />

tion; free press and fair trial, judicial orders restricting publication,<br />

attendance of press and public at judicfal proceedings, and the availability<br />

of judicial records and documents, the judge's contempt power, cameras and<br />

broadcast equipment in the courtroom; the censorship of obscenity; the "right"<br />

of citizens to have access to the channels of cmunication; lotteries; copy-<br />

right; the press and the antitrust laws; the press and the labor laws; and<br />

the regulation of broadcasting, with emphasis on the Equal Time provision of<br />

section 315 of the Cormnunications Act and the Fairness Doctrine. r-<br />

Special sections on the constitutional protection and regulation of<br />

advertising, the photojournalist and the law, and the influencing of the opjnion<br />

process in public relations will be assigned students in those specializatfons.<br />

This course is d necessary first step toward a more comprehensive,<br />

philosophical and research oriented study of freedom of speech, press, assembly<br />

and petjtion in 5-777 and subsequent graduate seminars.<br />

B. Textbook<br />

Gillnor, Donald M.-and Jerome A. Barr-on, Mass <strong>Comm</strong>unication Law: Cases<br />

and <strong>Comm</strong>ent. St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 3d ed., 1979.<br />

Reference<br />

Denniston, Lyle W., The Reporter and the Law: Techniques of Coverinq<br />

the Courts. New York: Hastings House, 1980. Murphy Reserve.

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